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Name : Dea Azza C.I.F.

Reg. Number : 20160302123


TAHUN 2016

Food is our main needs every day even every time. Food can give energy for
our body so that we can do many things. An adequate and sufficient energy would
only be obtained from foods that are healthy and nutritious. Then, to get a healthy
body we also have to implement a lifestyle with balanced nutrition. Balanced
nutrition is composition of the daily diet that contains the nutrients in quantities and
types to suit the needs of the body, by taking into account all kinds of food, physical
activity, healthy lifestyle and maintain a normal weight.
Principle of balanced nutrition is not just about the food and how many it
should be eaten. Balanced nutrition has the principle in regulating all related to a
healthy lifestyle and balanced. Therefore, a balanced nutrition is a guideline that aims
to provide guidelines for healthy eating and behaving for the whole society based on
the principles of balanced nutrition.
Balanced nutrition guidelines that have been implemented is the replacement
of “Four-Healthy Five-Perfectly” slogan that has been known since long time ago and
strong inherent in public until now, because the slogan is no longer relevant with the
development of nutrition and various nutritional problems that exist. As was
mentioned before, the principle of balanced nutrition has Four Pillars of Balanced
Nutrition which is basically a series of efforts to balance out nutrients and intake of
nutrients that enter the body by monitoring weight regularly.
The four pillars of balanced nutrition have four important principles in
regulating a healthy lifestyle. The first principle is to consume a variety of foods
consisting of carbohydrates such as rice, protein sources such as side dishes, vitamin
and mineral sources such as vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, the second principle
is to familiarize the behavior of clean and healthy living. The third principle is to do
physical activities include all sorts of body activities, and the last principle is to
maintain a normal weight.
Beside these basic principles, the principle of the four pillars of balanced
nutrition can be described in the description of the messages referred to “Ten
Messages of Balanced Nutrition”. The first and foremost message is thankful and
enjoys various kinds of food. The second message is to increase consumption of
vegetables and fruits. Then, the third message is to make a habit to consume the side
dishes that contain high protein. The fourth is to make a habit to consume a variety of
staple foods (not just rice). Next, the fifth is to limit sugary, salty and fatty foods.
Hereafter, the sixth message is the suggestion to familiarize breakfast. Then, the
important thing but often forgotten is make a habit to drink sufficient and safe water.
The eighth message starts taking us on behavior other than food intake, i.e. reading
the labels on food packaging. Reading labels is one of very important thing and often
overlooked. Labels on food packaging that must be considered include the contents,
types, nutrient composition and expiration date. The ninth message is to always wash
hands with soap with clean running water. The time required to wash hands is before
and after handling food, after defecation and cleaning a baby or child, before
breastfeeding and after gardening. There are six steps of hand washing, the first is wet
our hands and then rub hands with soap, then rub the back of his hand, rub also the
palms and between your fingers, then rub fingers inside with the hands interlocked,
rub mother fingertips of both hands, after that rotate the fingertips on the palms
alternately, the last rinse again with clean running water. The following is a picture of
the six steps in the hand washing:

The last message is to do the physical activity and maintain a normal weight by doing
activities such as sports or other physical activities then weigh regularly.

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