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Wicca Spells

A Book on the Practice Of Magic for Wicca,

Witches and Anyone Magical.
Discover the Book of Shadows and Learn
Relationship, Prosperity and Health Spells.
Monica Candle
Copyright © Monica Candle.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under

International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized
reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or
mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What is Wicca
Chapter 2: Glossary of Terms
Chapter 3: History of Wicca
Chapter 4: Becoming a Wiccan
Chapter 5: Gods and Goddesses
Chapter 6: Magical Practices
Chapter 7: Magical Tools
Chapter 8: Meditation
Chapter 9: Candle Magic
Chapter 10: Tarot Cards
Chapter 11: Crystal Magic
Chapter 12: Chakras
Chapter 13: Book of Shadows
Chapter 14: Spells in Action — Relationships
Chapter 15: Spells in Action — Prosperity
Chapter 16: Spells in Action — Health

Congratulations on choosing Wicca Spells: A Book on the Practice Of Magic
for Wicca, Witches, and Anyone Magical. Discover the Book of Shadows and
Learn Relationship, Prosperity and Health Spells and thank you for doing so.
This book will introduce you to a variety of magical practices. In this book,
you will find everything that you need in order to become the witch you want
to be. Inside, you will find interesting and useful information on spell casting
and various other forms of magic. If you are just starting out, you are an
advanced witch, or just curious about Wicca and magic, then this book is for
The following chapters will discuss the Wiccan religion in detail. Chapters
will include the gods and goddesses of Wicca, magical tools, meditation,
crystal magic, candle magic and a Book of Shadows section filled with spells.
There are detailed chapters about how to perform tarot card readings and a
detailed chapter on chakras. This book also has specific information on spells
related to relationships and love, prosperity and heath.
The chapters of this book are laid out so that much of the easier-to-digest
content is located toward the front of the book, while more advanced topics
and the Book of Shadows are further along. This allows the book to grow
your knowledge from beginner to more advanced topics as you read along.
There are plenty of books on this subject on the market, so, thanks again for
choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much
useful information as possible. Please, enjoy!
Chapter 1: What is Wicca
“What is Wicca?” is a large question: is it devil worship, why is there
witchcraft, and what are the basic tenants of the religion? Wicca is a
neopagan religion that thousands of people ascribe to throughout the world.
The question of what is Wicca is a subject unto itself. This chapter will
attempt to define what is Wicca, while also getting rid of a few stereotypes,
dismissing some of the harmful associations attached to the religion.

What is Wicca?
Wicca is a relatively new religion, with its initial conception in 1954;
however, the tenants and practices of the faith are drawn from older religions.
Wicca was created by Gerald Gardner (see Chapter 3) as a means of
practicing neopagan witchcraft. He formed the first coven and wrote down
the rituals and ceremonies. Wicca is a neopagan religion with belief in
witchcraft as a tool for spiritual accomplishment. Wicca is also referred to as
the Craft, a nature-oriented belief system that revolves around the worship of
the Moon Goddess and the Horned God. The Wiccan is a practitioner of
magical and spiritual energies. Wicca is perhaps best described as a spiritual
journey into the mysteries of the witchcraft, which can be practiced either
individually or in groups called covens.

Neopagan Religions
The above description might still be somewhat confusing. What exactly is a
neopagan religion? Neopagan religions are based on older religious practices.
However, to get a real feel of what neopagan is, it is important to understand
what is meant by pagan. The word pagan has its roots in Ancient Rome. As
Christianity was on the rise in the Roman Empire, the word pagan began to
be used to refer to non-Christian, or rather Abrahamic, religious groups. The
term continued to be used throughout history. Neopagan, thus, is a pagan
religion that has resurfaced in modern society.

Basic Tenants
The basic tenants of Wicca revolve around belief in magical practices,
worship of the Horned God and the Moon Goddess, and it is nature oriented.
These three aspects of the practice are the most important and useful in the
world of Wicca. Wicca is generally a peaceful religion. The ethics of Wicca
can be summed up by the Wiccan Rede, which is both a statement and a
poem that supports that statement. The Wiccan Rede is divided into two
different poems. The first is the Short Rede, which states, “An Ye Harm
None, Do What Ye Wilt”, or, “Do what you will, so long as it harms none”,
in Modern English. The Long Rede is a 26-line poem that supports this same
principle with the Short Rede appearing as the last line of the Long Rede.

Witchcraft is central to Wiccan's practice: the spells, rituals and ceremonies
are passed down in secret tomes that Gardner revealed to his first coven.
These teachings were suppressed by Christianity to hundreds of years.
Gardner provided this information to his first coven and it spread across the
English countryside and eventually America and the rest of the world.
Witchcraft is the ability to make changes to reality using magical practices
and tools. These will both be described in later chapters.
One of the most common incorrect beliefs is that witchcraft means Satanism.
However, the Satanic Temple has a very different belief structure and it does
not mix with Wicca. The magic practiced by Satanists is black magic,
demonology and compulsive magic, against the Wiccan Rede.
Law of Threes
Another fundamental of Wicca is the Law of Threes: whatever you put into
the universe returns to you thrice over. For example, if you spread love, you
will receive love back threefold. Likewise, if you put only anger or hate out,
then you will receive only anger and hate back. The Law of Threes is a
universal law that controls many outcomes, be they magical or not.

No Black Magic
This chapter has concentrated on what Wicca is, but an important thing to
understand is that there are two types of magic. They are like two sides of the
same coin. On one side you have white magic. This is the magic of healing,
love and positive thoughts. On the other side, you have black magic. Black
magic is magic that seeks to harm others or to control others. Black witches
summon evil entities and necromancy, or the magic of the dead. Wicca is
only one side of the coin, the positive white magic. Black magic is practiced
by Wiccans as it often causes harm, which is in opposition to the Wiccan
Chapter 2: Glossary of Terms
In the context of Wicca, not all terms mean what they do in plain English. For
example, the word warlock has multiple definitions in different new age
religions, but when discussing Wicca, the term takes on new meanings that
differ from other usages of the word. Below is a glossary of terms and
definitions to make sure of the proper usage before continuing in the book.
These terms will help to keep you on the same page, so to speak, for the rest
of this book.

Astrology: The art of studying the stars for mystical knowledge. This can be
in the form of divination, horoscopes and movement of the planets, which
can affect moods and other emotions.

Black Magic: Magic that is used to hurt someone. It is evil. Black magic is
not practiced by Wiccans.

Book of Shadows: A book, often blank, that you can record your spells and
notes in. You can also buy pre-made Books of Shadows that are already filled
with spells. Chapter 13 of this book is a section of such spells.

Candle Magic: Magic that uses candles either for their fragrance or color.
For instance, red candles are often used in love spells or sex magic. In other
instances, you may need a different color candle, e.g. green candles are used
in prosperity spells.

Chakras: Chakras are points of spiritual power. Seven chakras sit on the
spine and correspond to various organs. These chakras can become blocked,
which disturbs the flow of spiritual power throughout the body.

Coven: A group of witches that gather together to share their magical

knowledge. Covens can range in size from a small group of 3-4 practitioners
to much larger groups that may include multiple covens.

Craft: A shortened version of the word witchcraft. Craft is a common phrase

that also has associations with other witchcraft.

Crystal Magic: Crystal magic is magic that uses crystals as sources and
focuses on mental, magical and spiritual energy. Crystals are often placed at
the head of the bed while sleeping. The term crystal refers to the different
crystal, minerals, gems, or stones.

Divination: The act of seeing or learning about the future through many
different forms of magic. Divination and location magic are also known as

Horned God: The male aspect of the dualistic deities found in Wicca.

Love Spells: Spells that are designed to bring you to love in one of many

Meditation: Meditation is a process of focusing mental energy. There are

several different forms of meditation to insight meditation and other forms.
Meditation is very useful when casting spells as it allows you to open
yourself to the inherent magic found within yourself.

Moon Goddess: The female aspect of the dualistic deities found in Wicca.

Tarot Cards: Tarot card is a pack of cards that are used to judge a situation,
get advice, or divine the future.
The All: The All is the source from which everything flows. It is the highest
form of reality. The All is divided into the male and female aspects of the
dualistic deities of Wicca.

Warlock: A practitioner of black magic. This is a derogatory term when used

by Wiccans. In other neopaganism religions, the term warlock is the male
form of a witch, so be careful not to confuse the terms.

Witchcraft: The practice of performing magic. This includes all spells,

rituals, and ceremonies. It also includes the use of crystal, candle, and chakra

Witch: A practitioner of magic. In Wicca, this refers to both male and female
Chapter 3: History of Wicca
Wicca has a strange history as an emerging religion. Gerald Gardner started
the first Wiccan coven, wrote the first Book of Shadows and created the
religion. Gardner had his vision for Wicca, but the religion has split into sub-
groups that represent different aspects of the same faith, much like
Christianity has both Baptists and Lutherans, with each sub-group being
different from the other sub-groups of Christianity. This chapter will detail
the history of Wicca and it's spread to the United States and around the world.

Gerald Gardner

Gerald Brousseau Gardner was a British civil servant and the progenitor of
Wicca. He was a traditional witch with magical training from his mother.
While a civil servant, Garner was stationed in Asia where he studied Asian
mysticism. Gardner claimed that he was in a pre-Wiccan coven in 1939, and
he did not start Wicca until 1954. In those days, Wicca was practiced in
secret because British law forbad witchcraft since it was considered a form of
Satanism. The false association between Wicca and Satanism persist to this
day. The prejudice is fueled by evangelical Christians who refuse to believe
that Wicca is a peaceful religion that includes the Wiccan Rede to not harm
Gardner based Wicca on many mystical sources including traditional
witchcraft, goddess worship, the Celts and their religion, and other occult and
esoteric sources, like Aleister Crowley. Entering into Gardner’s coven was no
easy task. The initiation and ceremonies were highly ritualized and very
elaborate. Members went through a series of initiations as they grew in the
coven and advanced in magical knowledge and skills. Gardner’s coven
concentrated heavily on goddess worship. During this time, Gardner
assembled the first Book of Shadows. The coven had many high-profile
witches including the well-known high priestesses Doreen Vilente, Patrica
Crowther and Eleanore Bone. These witches provided many of the
foundations of modern Wicca.

The 1960s
In the 1960s, Wicca began to spread across England and spread to the United
States and other English-speaking countries. This led to the religion
becoming much more popular, and from those other covens formed with
other Wiccan leaders. This led to the rise of other Wiccan leaders including
Robert Cochrane, Sybil Leek and Alex Sanders. These leaders often
dismissed Gardner and his coven and instead adapted the religion to their
own needs. There are five major groups of Wicca: Gardnerian, Alexandrian,
Algard, Seax, and Dianic Wicca. Each of these groups practiced a slightly
different version of Wicca. In 1964, the Witchcraft Research Association was
created. The association began to print a magazine on witchcraft called
Pentagram. Alex Sanders created Alexandrian Wicca, which became the
chief rival to Gardnerian Wicca.

The 1970s and Beyond

During the 1970s, there was a rise of Dianic Wicca, which is a feminist-
inspired version of Wicca. Dianic Wicca concentrates on goddess worship,
often to the exclusion of the male divine aspect. Dianic Wicca spread quickly
through the Wicca community. During the 1980s and 1990s, Wicca
continued to expand with a large number of practitioners in the United States.
This is because Wicca was more accepted in the United States, which
displayed witchcraft in many popular mediums, including comic books,
novels, movies and TV shows. These appearances of Wicca and witchcraft in
popular culture changed witchcraft from a negative aspect into a more
accepted and positive view. This is different from the classical negative view
of witchcraft that preceded it. This led to many people becoming
practitioners, without being a part of a coven. The 2000s saw an increase in
the number of books and other resources about witchcraft. Today, there are a
wealth of online resources for covens, solo practitioners, and people who are
just interested in witchcraft.

Doreen Viliente
Doreen Viliente was a British witch and is considered and often called the
Mother of Modern Witchcraft. Viliente began practicing magic when she was
a teen. She later joined Gardner's coven and was even initiated into it by
Gardner himself. During her time in Gardner's coven, Viliente became a high
priestess. After she left Gardner's coven, Viliente started her coven, but the
venture was short-lived. In 1963, Viliente joined the Coven of Atho, which
was Raymond Howard's coven. Viliente wrote many books and articles on
witchcraft and was the first to suggest that practitioners do not need to be
initiated in a coven to call themselves Wiccan. Viliente's books include The
Witches Rune and Charge of the Goddess.

Alex Sanders
Alex Sanders was a British witch that rose to prominence in the 1960s.
Sanders was a hereditary witch who was first taught magic by his mother.
Sanders was initiated into Gardner's coven, however, there were many points
of contention between the two and Sanders went on to form his coven.
Sanders went on to marry Maxine Sanders and the two were called the "King
and Queen of Witches". Alexandrian Wicca grew into a large network of
witches and covens. Alexandrian Wicca differed from Gardnerian Wicca
because it introduced several new aspects, like Qabalah mysticism, Judeo-
Christian iconography and many new ceremonies. Sanders also opened the
door for homosexual men to be included in Wicca due to Sanders being
Chapter 4: Becoming a Wiccan
Becoming a Wiccan can be a daunting task, from structuring your life,
accepting new deities, and practicing magic. Being Wiccan means that there
is a certain level of prejudice against practitioners. This chapter will outline
how to become a Wiccan, the journey and the prejudices that you may face.

Getting Started
You have already taken the first step toward becoming Wiccan by reading
this book. The next and easiest way to begin your journey is to join a coven.
Covens generally have a High Priest or Priestess that can guide you through
learning the ceremonies, rituals and magic of the Wiccan tradition.
Alternately, you can either read other books like this one or do Internet
research to learn more. However, joining a coven is the best way to know that
you are learning the correct information. It is best to get hands-on experience
with a coven because it is easier to learn about Wicca when you have a direct
transmission of the wisdom from a teacher. Some covens require that there is
a period of initiation while the student learns about the traditions, concepts,
esoteric knowledge and other practices.

Organizational Structure
There is no central religious authority in the Wiccan religion. This lack of
hierarchy is useful because each coven can have a specific hierarchy. Some
covens have a very rigid structure, specifically in Gardnerian traditions, with
a clear leader. However, other covens are loosely structured and maybe more
communal in leadership. These organizational structures or lack thereof
makes each coven inherently different. This is part of the reason why it is
easier to learn Wicca under the tutelage of an advanced practitioner. By
learning directly from an advanced practitioner, you learn all of the customs
and culture of the specific coven that you are joining.
Most Wiccan covens are small groups with less than 20 members, but they
may also participate in the larger gathering during the solstice. The term
coven is a generic term used in many neopaganism or witchcraft religions.
The term is used in Wicca to refer to their groups where like-minded witches
worship, practice magic, perform ceremonies and discuss witchcraft in
general and in detail. Some covens require new initiates to go through an
initiation ceremony or process where he or she learns about Wicca from the
various priests and priestesses.

The Journey
One of the best ways to learn about Wicca is to read books like this one,
which will allow you to gain knowledge on religion without fully committing
to joining a religion. You should make sure that Wicca is right for you before
becoming Wiccan. It is important to understand what you are doing before
joining a coven. The good news is that you have already taken the first step
by reading this book. Using this method, you can begin learning about the
various aspects of religion.
Once you have studied and read books like this one and have a good general
understanding of the basic tenets and philosophies, it is time to begin meeting
other Wiccans. Even if you plan to be a solo practitioner, it can be useful to
be part of a network of witches. Such groups can allow you to further
understand the large concepts in Wicca. Networking with other witches also
allows you to find the specific type of Wicca you are looking for. For
instance, you may be looking for an Alexandrian coven. After reading this
book, you will be armed with the information you need to make informed
decisions about the groups you associate with.
The next step is to begin worshiping the Goddess and God of Wicca. You
must begin to worship them to enter the strange and wonderful world of
Wicca. The divine entities of Wicca are two separate beings, one that is a
goddess and the other that is a masculine god. Both the masculine and
feminine gods have had many versions and aspects over human history. For
example, the feminine aspect can be the Triple Goddess, the Moon Goddess,
or a nature goddess. On the other hand, the male aspect is the Horned God or
many other incarnations. There is more on Wiccan divinity in Chapter 5.

Changing Your Life

Once you become a Wiccan, you will almost immediately see changes in
your life. You will find that you are happier and that the illusions of society
begin to fade, so that you can see things clearly without any obstruction. As
you learn more about Wicca, this will increase until you can look at things
without the illusion. As the Goddess and God become a larger part of your
life, you will find a personal relationship with him and/or her. Magic will also
touch your life. You will be amazed at how pervasive magic is. You can use
it at home, in your social life and even at work. The different spells have
different uses and many are so simple that you can do them anywhere.

Prejudices You May Face

As discussed elsewhere in this book, there are some serious efforts to
suppress witchcraft traditions in the United States. The main group that
actively persecutes witches is evangelical Christians. This group sees
witchcraft as a form of Satanism and therefore they take action against
witches. This mostly comes from a lack of understanding of Wicca and its
tenets. This and other groups may attempt to stop you from worshipping the
Goddess and God. No amount of education will sway these people because
they believe that magic is inherently evil. Overcoming this prejudice is one of
the main things you will need to do to fully become a Wiccan. The biggest
group that is persecuted is young women, however, persecution can happen
with your families or at work. Because Wicca and neopagan religions are a
minority, they are persecuted by other much more established religions.
Chapter 5: Gods and Goddesses

Wicca is a pantheistic religion. There are many gods and goddesses that are
associated with Wicca and other ancient religions. This is due to the fact that
many gods and goddesses are paired together in many ancient religions,
ranging from Mesopotamia and Greek mythology. These various deities
stand for the two aspects of the divine. They are the God and the Goddess,
and these various historical gods and goddesses are present in most ancient
religions. This chapter will detail many of these gods and goddesses. After
reading this chapter, you will understand the various aspects of the gods and
goddesses as well as having an understanding of Dryghten who is also
referred to as the Prime Mover.

One important aspect of Wiccan divinity is that, just like many Eastern
religions - such as Hinduism or Buddhism - it has the belief that people are
reincarnated time and time again. This belief is descended from Celtic
religion. The Celts believed that everyone comes back from life to life.

The place to start with Wiccan deities is with Dryghten, and Old English
word that stands for "Lord", the Prime Mover. Some Wiccans believe there is
a supernatural deity that stands behind the god and goddess. This entity is
referred to as Dryghten, but he is also known as the All, the One or the Prime
Mover. This entity is beyond gender and it stands behind and controls the
Horned God and the Moon Goddess. This entity often appears in Gardnerian
Wicca, and it has roots in other mystic religions. For instance, the teachings
of Hermes Trismegistus of the Hermetic Traditions have a similar supreme
being referred to as the ALL.

The Moon Goddess

The female half is the Goddess - a nature entity associated with nature, the
moon and the magic. The Goddess is a powerful entity that has many
different forms. The Goddess appears in many ancient religions and
mythologies, which include Inana, Ishtar and Astarte, among others. The
Goddess has many different forms. They include the moon goddess, the
nature goddess and the three-in-one goddess. Each of these are slightly
different aspects of the same entity. The Goddess represents fertility, birth,
magic and nature. The Goddess is split into three aspects, formerly the Moon
Goddess and the Three-in-One. The Three-in-One, also called the Triple
goddess, has three different forms: the Maiden, Mother and Crone. The three-
forms are represented in the Morrigan with a different goddess representing
the different phases of life. Each aspect represents a different time period in a
woman's life.

The Horned God

The Horned God is the male half. He is known by several names including
Dumuzi and Dagda. The Horned God is often depicted as a man with horns
like an antler or deer extending from his head. Sometimes, he is depicted as
an anthropomorphic beast-man with a goat's head with horns. The third way
that the male god is represented is by the Green Man. The Green Man is a
creature made of vegetation that has its roots in ancient Celtic mythology.
Like the Goddess, the Horned God also has three-forms based on the phases
of life. These include the youth or warrior, the father and the sage. Youth or
warrior represents the early life of a man, where the father is the middle-aged
man and the sage is the elder man. The Horned God is typically a vegetable
or a vegetation god. These gods exist in many different mythologies and
pantheons, from ancient Sumerian mythology to the Roman gods. The
Horned God is also often referred to as the Holly King and the Oak King,
depending on what season you are in. Each year at Solstice, the Holly King
and the Oak King battle and the one whose season it is becomes the victor.

Pagan Gods and Goddesses

The pagan gods and goddesses have gone by many names throughout
mythology and religions. This sequence of a vegetation god and a fertility
goddess goes back to ancient Sumer and before civilization started, when
humankind meant wandering hunter-gatherers. Below are entries for several
goddesses and gods. Each entry details the god or goddesses title, gender,
consort, aspects, origin, the period of worship and a brief description of the
deity. Since many Wiccans have a personal or patron deity, it is easy to start
here. The major gods and goddesses from mythology and religions are listed

Title: Star
Gender: Female
Consort: Baal
Aspects: Fertility, sexuality, and war
Origin: Canaanite (Western Semitic)
Period of Worship: 1500 BC to 200 BC
Astarte is the Canaanite deity of fertility, sex and war. Astarte is also known
as Aštoreth. She represents war and the evening star. Astarte is the consort of
Baal, the Canaanite vegetable god. Astarte is associated with the Inana and
Ishtar linage and with the Greek goddess, Aphrodite.

Title: Lord
Gender: Male
Consort: Astarte
Aspects: Vegetation and national god
Origin: Canaanite (Western Semitic)
Period of Worship: 2000 BC to 200 BC
Baal is the king of the Canaanite gods. He is a god of unrest and disorder, as
well as a god of vegetation. Baal was worshiped in ancient Canaan, which
would later become known as Israel. Baal was the chief entity of the
Canaanite pantheon. Baal’s consort is Astarte - a fertility goddess. Baal is a
vegetable god who looks over the harvest, but began as a rain and storm god
and then evolved into a vegetable god.

Title: Mother Goddess
Gender: Female
Consort: Jupiter
Aspects: Birth, fertility, and vegetation
Origin: Roman
Period of Worship: 400 BC to 400 AD
Ceres is the Roman goddess of birth, fertility and vegetation, and is referred
to as the mother of the gods. Ceres is one of several consorts of Jupiter and is
the mother of Kore, who was abducted by Pluto. She spends half the year in
the underworld with Pluto. Ceres is a goddess of vegetation and nature.

Title: The Good God
Gender: Male
Consort: Morrigan
Aspects: No specific role in the pantheon
Origin: Celtic (Irish)
Period of Worship: Prehistoric to 400 AD
Dagda is a god in the Irish Celtic pantheon. He mates with Morrigan from the
Morrigana once a year to ensure prosperity in the harvest and to the Irish
people. Dagda has no specific role to play in the Irish Celtic pantheon, but he
is associated with the "rising and falling" motif that often appears with the
Horned God. The rising and falling are associated with a god that both spends
time in the mortal and celestial realms, as well as the underworld, with Dagda
being reborn each year.
Title: None
Gender: Male
Consort: Inana
Aspects: Shepard, vegetation, underworld
Origin: Sumerian
Period of Worship: 3500 BC or earlier to 200 BC
Dumuzi is the first in a long line of "dying and rising" gods. This is also
referred to as “rising and falling”. He dies each winter and is reborn in
summer. Dumuzi was the lover of Inana and was popular during the
Sumerian and Mesopotamian times. Dumuzi is a vegetable and nature god.

Title: None
Gender: Female
Consort: Unknown
Aspects: Fertility and spring
Origin: Anglo-Saxon
Period of Worship: Unknown
Eostre is the Anglo-Saxon goddess of fertility. Her name is carried over in
the Christian holiday of Easter. She is in the same mythological lineage as
Ishtar and Inana. She was a goddess of fertility and reproduction. Eggs and
rabbits are holdovers in Easter from her worship, which included both.
Not much is known about her. When the Christians invaded England, they
attempted to completely eradicate the pagan gods that the Anglo-Saxons
worshipped. Because of this, little is known about Eostre or her unnamed
Title: Queen of Heaven
Gender: Female
Consort: Dumuzi
Aspects: Fertility, nature, and war.
Origin: Sumerian
Period of Worship: 3500 BC to 1750 BC
Inana is the Queen of Heaven of the Sumerian pantheon. Like many other of
the mythological goddesses, Inana is a fertility, nature and war goddess.
Inana is likely to be a prehistoric goddess who existed before she was
attributed to the Sumerian pantheon. Inana was worshipped throughout
Sumer, but specifically in her temple, in the city of Ur. Her temple was
populated by priestesses and temple prostitutes.

Title: Star of Heaven
Gender: Female
Consort: Tammuz
Aspects: Fertility and war
Origin: Mesopotamian (Babylonian)
Period of Worship: 2500 BC to 200 AD
Ishtar is perhaps the most recognizable goddess detailed here. She is also
known as Ištar. Ishtar appears in the Mesopotamian and Babylonian
pantheons. She is the Mesopotamian version of Inanaa and the goddess of
war and fertility, and she is often represented by small clay idols. Like many
of the pagan goddesses, Ishtar is a war and fertility goddess. She is the
personification of both sex and birth. Her lover is Tammuz, who is a rising
and falling vegetable god. When she is the war aspect, she carries a weapon
that is part mace and part sword. Worship of the goddess Ishtar spread across
the ancient world. She was worshipped as far away as ancient Egypt, where
she was revered as a healing goddess. Ishtar is so well known because she has
appeared in many comic books and other media, such as movies and
literature. Ishtar entered popular culture and has appeared in such works as
Conan the Barbarian novels and comic books.

Title: Father of the Gods
Gender: Male
Consort: Ceres
Aspects: Bright light and day
Origin: Roman
Period of Worship: 400 BC to 400 AD
Jupiter is the Roman father and king of the gods. Like Baal, Jupiter is chief of
the Roman gods and goddesses and is a storm god. Jupiter is described in
Roman mythology as throwing lightning bolts from his position in the sky.
His aspects include bright light and daytime. Jupiter is a very powerful deity
and he has many lovers. One of those lovers is Ceres, the fertility goddess,
and mother of the gods. Unlike other pagan gods, Jupiter is not a rising or
falling god. He does not die during part of the year and being reborn for part
of the year, instead, he has his form all year long.

Title: Three-in-One, Triple Goddess

Gender: Female
Consort: Dagda
Aspects: War, fertility, and vegetation
Origin: Celtic (Irish)
Period of Worship: Prehistoric to 400 AD
The Three-in-One goddess has three different forms: the Maiden, Mother and
Crone. Each one is a moment in a woman's lifetime. The three are also
represented as the goddesses Morrigan, Nemain, and Badb Catha. Morrigan
is primarily being associated with nature and fertility, while Nemain and
Badb represent more warlike qualities. Morrigan mates with Dagda once a
year to renew prosperity every Samhain, which is a Celtic holiday and is
celebrated in the modern-day as Halloween.
Title: None
Gender: Male
Consort: Ishtar
Aspects: Vegetation and the underworld
Origin: Mesopotamian (Babylonian)
Period of Worship: 2500 BC to 200 AD
Tammuz is the lover of Ishtar and is a vegetation and underworld god. He
was worshipped mainly during the Mesopotamian and Babylonian periods.
Tammuz is a direct descendent of Dumuzi, the Sumerian god that he has
patterned after. Tammuz is a vegetable and the god of the underworld.
Tammuz is the lover of Ishtar, who is the fertility and war goddess of the
Mesopotamian pantheon. Unlike Ishtar, Tammuz does not have an additional
title, but he is one of the rising and falling gods, as he spends time in the
underworld each year and then returns to the world of the gods each summer.
Chapter 6: Magical Practices
There are many different magical practices that Wiccans engage in. These
range from astral travel to understanding chakras. Some of the more
advanced techniques have additional chapters devoted to them. This chapter
will attempt to give a brief overview of the various Wiccan practices. These
practices include various forms of magic and more.

Animal Guide
Animal guides are animals or the spirits of animals that come to you, often in
meditative states or in trances, to guide you. This is similar to the practice of
many Native Americans. Animal guides can range from simple creatures, like
a fish or a cat. Mythological creatures can also be animal guides. For
instance, if you are born in the Chinese Year of the Dragon, you may have a
dragon as your animal guide. Other mythological creatures that can be animal
guides are basilisks, which are reptiles that can freeze people into stone with
their gaze. This is very similar to Medusa, from the Greek mythology.

Astral Travel
Astral travel is when your spirit leaves your body and begins traveling on the
astral plane, to another reality. The astral plane is a place of spirit and the
mind and is a wondrous world filled with many strange things. Living people
who venture into the astral plane are connected to their body by a golden or
white cord. If the cord becomes cut, your spirit’s connection to your body
ends and the physical body will either die or become a brain-dead vegetable.
The inhabitants of the astral plane are generally sprits, ghosts, celestial, and
hellish creatures. The inhabitants generally have no body to return to.
To achieve the state needed for astral travel, you must either meditate or enter
into a trance by another means such as hypnosis. Once in this state, you can
separate your spirit from your body and enter the astral plane. It is a good
habit to have another person watch over your body while you are traveling on
the astral plane. Once you enter the astral plane, you can return to your body
by following the cord back to where you entered the astral plane at.

Astrology is the study of the positions of celestial bodies. These impact our
lives in the form of horoscopes and the zodiac. Using astrology as a practice,
not only can the movements of the stars divine the future, but they can also
predict things about your personality and other information about your life,
based on where and when you were born. Everyone has a unique relationship
with the stars and this is revealed in the form of the zodiac signs. Everyone
has a different sign and many witches can do a full numerological study
based on the time and date that you were born, which is a more in-depth
reading based on the exact position of the stars when you were born.
Alternatively, there are other zodiacs. For instance, in the Chinese zodiac,
each year is associated with an animal, either real or mythological.

Candle Magic
Candle magic is one of the most useful avenues for practicing magic. Candle
magic provides not only a focus for the spell, but the aroma can also have
magical effects. The places where candles are placed is important too: for
instance, in many spells, you have a magical circle. A common practice is to
place a candle in each of the five points of a pentagram. By placing candles in
this matter, you can use them to power your spells. Chapter 9 deals with
candle magic in more detail.

Chakras are points of mental and spiritual power found along the spine of a
person. These seven points are depicted as different circular icons. The
chakras are found on seven spots. Each one corresponds to different mental
states and related organs. For example, the Heart Chakra is centered over the
heart. For more information about Chakras, see Chapter 12.

Crystal Magic
Crystal magic is magic that is done using crystals as mental and magical
focuses. They can be incorporated into spells as well. Different types of
crystals have different uses. Crystal magic and the effects of various crystals
and minerals will be described in more detail in Chapter 9.
Divination is the art of seeing the future. You can do divination in several
different manners. For instance, you can divine the future with rune stones,
tarot cards and dream magic. You can even divine the future by looking at the
tea leaves after you drink tea. Since there are so many different forms of
divination, how you choose to divine is based on your personal preference.
Several methods of divination will be discussed in the following chapters.

Dream Magic
Dream magic is magic that centers around dreams and dream-like states. This
includes entering the dreams of others as well as manipulating your own
dreams. Dream magic can be used for divination of the future. Dream magic
is very powerful, but it can also corrupt those that are not careful.

Many witches are not just spell casters, but they also know something about
the uses of certain herbs and potions. When witches understand herbalism, he
or she can often help people who are ill. Herbalism doesn't just have to do
with healing. Many herbs can be used during spell casting to enhance the
effects. Often witches will brew special potions that have different effects for
different types of spells.

Runestones are stones engraved with a different rune from the Futhorc - a
runic alphabet, the precursor of English. Runestones are used as a method for
performing divination: you throw them out and the place where they land
determines the interpretation of the runes. Not only is the location of the
stones important, but also their direction.
Tarot Cards
Tarot cards are pack of cards used for reading. In a typical reading, the witch
shuffles the cards and has the person getting the reading to either choose
cards from the deck. Sometimes, the top card is revealed. Each is laid out
according to various reading techniques. The heart of all things tarot is that
the person getting the reading has a central question. By focusing on these
questions, the cards will align accordingly. There is more information about
tarot cards in Chapter 10.
Chapter 7: Magical Tools
When you are practicing magic, is very useful to have various magical tools
available. These tools make magic easier to do. These tools include many
items ranging from alters and cauldrons to jewelry. Each tool has different
uses in the various forms of magic and spells. The tools are divided into two
groups, major magical items, and minor tools. This chapter will discuss the
various magical tools and their uses. Many tools are used in Wiccan rituals
and ceremonies. This chapter will also give information about how you can
consecrate your tools before you use them, which is an important step as
consecrating them will make the tools more powerful and useful when
casting spells.

Consecrating Magical Tools

Before you begin using your magical tools in your own rituals, ceremonies,
and magic, you need to consecrate them. Consecrating your items makes
them more powerful and enables them to help you in different spells, rituals,
and ceremonies. Consecrating does just prepare the item for use. It can also
allow the witch to bond with the item. This forms a strong connection
between the witch and the tool. Bonding with an item allows you to easily
use it as a focus for your magic. The close connection between you and your
tools makes you more formidable when practicing magic or engaging in
ceremonies. In Gardner’s Book of Shadows, there is an entire chapter on the
subject. Below is a simple way to consecrate your items. Follow the below
steps to consecrate your tools:

1. Create a magic circle (see Chapter 13).

2. Place a paten (see below) in the middle of the circle.
3. Place each tool on the paten.
4. Sprinkle water and salt on the item.
5. Pass the item through some incense.
6. Repeat the following incantation:

Oh, Inana and Dumuzi, I give you this tool to you to bless. Touch it with your
virtue and give it to my hand in glory. Bless this item with your love and

Major Tools
Magical tools are divided into two categories. They are major tools and minor
tools. Major or primary tools are the ones that are most useful in spells and
thus appear more often. Excluding the alter, each of the major tools is
associated with a tarot card suit and the four elements. Below is are
descriptions of all of the major tools.

While technically not a major tool, the alter is an important tool for the witch.
The alter is a spot that is devoted either to all of the pagan gods and
goddesses or if you have a personal or patron deity, then it should be devoted
to that specific deity. Alters are often adorned with clay idols, incense,
candles, and other magical items. Another item that is often found on altars is
pictures of the various pagan deities. Alters can be used to become close to
the Goddess and the God of Wicca. A close relationship with the various
deities will empower your magic.

Cups or Chalice
Element: Water
Cups or chalices are one of the primary or major tools of Wicca. It
corresponds to the tarot suit of Cups and represents the element of water.
Chalices represent several different things including as a metaphor for the
womb of the Goddess as well as water and water’s attributes in terms of
magic. For instance, water can represent intellectualism and the mind.
Chalices that are used in magic and rituals are often filled with wine.
Pentacle or Paten
Element: Earth
A pentacle or paten is a symbol of a five-pointed star. Pentagrams that are
upside form of the star, while pentacles are when the circle is right side up
with the one point at the top of the symbol. Despite popular opinion, a
pentacle is not a strictly a Satanic symbol as it is used in many neopagan
religions including Wicca. The pentacle or paten is a source of protection
from the various spirits and entities you may interact with while performing
magic. You can further add to the power of a pentacle by carving or placing
things at the points of the star. Simple use of the pentagram is to trap such
spirits in magical circles so they cannot attack you. Pentacles not only protect
various magics and spirits, but they are also associated with the element of
earth. Thus, when using a pentacle outdoors, it often gains a touch more
magical energy than it does when indoors. Pentacles are also used for
blessings as well as protection.

Sword or Knife
Element: Fire
Swords or knives are used to represent the element of fire and is used to
direct magical power when making a magic circle or using it to direct energy
in rituals and ceremonies. These ritual tools are often referred to as an athame
or ritual dagger are useful in casting various spells, including love and sex
magic. The most common form of the athame is a knife with a black blade.
This tool is very useful for spellcasting, but it is also a source of conflict
within the Wiccan community. Gardnerian Wicca introduced the ritual item,
but other Wiccans feel it has no place in the community as it can be seen as a
weapon, and according to the Wiccan Rede, the Wiccan should harm no one
so there is no need for a ritual athame. The ritual sword or knife should not be
confused with similar items from other neopagan religions. For example,
Hermetic traditions use a ritual dagger but they have yellow handles.
Hermetic daggers represent air instead of fire, so the basic use of the device is
different and determined by the neopagan group you join.
Element: Air
The last major tool is the wand. Wands represent the element of air and are
used to summon spirits and other entities that the athame is unable to
summon. Wands can be made of most materials including woods and metals.
Many Wiccan wands are adorned with various stones and gems. These items
enhance the power of the wand and make the item far more potent. The gems
should be set into the wand before the consecration process.

Minor Tools
Not only are there major tools available to the witch, but there is also a
wealth of minor items. These minor items are not as powerful as the primary
tools, however, they do have many uses. They include things like cauldrons
and jewelry. Below are descriptions of those various minor items.

Besom: Besoms are ritual brooms that witches use in rituals and ceremonies.
The myth of witches riding broomsticks has its origin in besoms. The besom
is used in handfasting ceremonies and as a phallus used in ritual seasonal
dances. In handfasting ceremonies, which are unions between two neopagans
in a marriage-like relationship, the couple jumps over the besom together.

Boline: Boline are knives with white handles, which are often curved. The
boline is used in common tasks like carving sigils and symbols on candles or
cutting herbs. The boline is used in tasks that are too dirty or messy to use the
athame for.

Cauldron: Cauldrons are large pots, typically made of cast iron, that are used
to brew potions and for use in spells. Cauldrons are used to make mixtures
that can be used for a variety of purposes.
Censer: A censer is used to hold incense.

Cingulum: Cingulum are cords that initiates wear to show their rank in the

Incense: Incense creates very fragrant clouds of gas. Incense has been used
as a method of both holy and magical implications. It is often used as an
offering, and because of the fragrance, can be focusing or calming element
when you are casting spells.

Jewelry: Jewelry that bears certain arcane symbols are often used during
rituals as a way to harness the mystical energy. Jewelry is also worn to show
affiliation to a coven of witches. It can also serve the function of everyday
jewelry if you want a part of magic always with you. However, be aware that
wearing jewelry that marks you as a witch. If revealed as such you may
encounter prejudice.

Smudge Stick: Smudge sticks are sticks of various herbs that are bound
together. Wiccans use smudge sticks to create wards (protections) for their
home or other space. It can also be used to protect and drive off evil spirits.

Stang: A stang is a long wooden staff. The staff either has a natural fork in
the branches or has two antlers attached to it. The stang represents the
Horned God because it has the antlers. The stang can be used as a movable
alter for the Horned God. It also can be used in directing magical energies
and helping with spiritual energies.
Chapter 8: Meditation
Meditation is a practice that is used in many religions worldwide from
Buddhism and Hinduism to Wicca and other neopagan religions. Meditation
is a technique for calming the mind and finding wisdom as well as
accumulating magical energy. Meditation is used to find spiritual peace. This
chapter will describe multiple meditation techniques and how they are used in
Wicca. There is a lot of jargon around meditations, specifically those
techniques taken from Eastern religions such as Buddhism. Instead of
discussing the confusing jargon, this chapter will attempt to describe the
techniques without making them too difficult to understand.

Types of Meditation
There are three general types of meditation. They include calming, insight,
and concentration meditation. Each of these represents a slightly different
type of meditation. All of the methods are linked with certain traits such as
deep breathing. Each of these methods is done for different reasons. For
example, if you want to enter a trance-like state, perhaps for astral travel, then
you can use calming meditation techniques to prepare your mind for the
trance. If you are attempting insight meditation, then the goal is to have a
discovery about yourself and your relationship to magic. Concentration
meditation, on the other hand, requires you to concentrate on something to
the exclusion of other senses. You can concentrate on many things, such as a
magical tool, a spell, or another item. Each of these techniques will be
detailed below.

Deep Breathing
The one constant for every form of meditation is deep breathing. Deep
breathing is when you inhale until your lungs are full of air, and then
breathing the air out. This type of breathing increases the amount of oxygen
that makes it to your brain as well as having a general calming effect.
Many forms of meditation require you to repeat a mantra. The idea is that the
mantra is a powerful and wise phrase that can empower both you and your
spells. Mantras are generally words of wisdom that you can repeat to yourself
so that you gain the wisdom yourself. Mantras often become personal with
you always repeating the same one. The easiest way to get a mantra is to
work with a high priest or priestess. He or she will know which mantra will
work best for you. If you are a solo practitioner or otherwise do not have
access to a high priest or priestess, you can read books on meditation or other
books on Wicca. Once you locate your mantra by whatever means works for
you, you can begin repeating it. When chanting a mantra, you repeat it over
and over again until you have said it enough time. While it is not strictly
speaking a Wiccan tool, you can keep track of how many times you have
repeated the chant, each time moving your hand to the next bead until you
have said it many times.

Calming Meditation
Anyone can do calming meditation at any time. You can do it by simply
closing your eyes and breathing deeply. There are many scripts and guided
meditations for relaxation meditation. Essentially you can meditate while
concentrating on your breath. It is also useful to count your breaths. You can
do this by counting each time you breathe in and out. Different methods have
different breath patterns. For example, one method requires you to breathe in
for four seconds, then exhale for four seconds, and repeating that process.
Another practice taken from Zen Buddhism is to count each breath counting
from 1 to 10. When starting out, you should try a variety of breath techniques
until you find one that works for you. Next, you should imagine yourself
floating away from your body. Each time you have a thought, you should put
it on a leaf and allow it to float away.

Insight Meditation
Insight meditation is when you meditate with the intent of solving a problem
or having a revelation. While it has a lot in common with calming meditation
and also has a calming effect, that is not the intent behind insight meditation.
Instead with insight meditation, you are attempting to learn wisdom by sitting
down. In insight meditation, you are seeking a revelation or wisdom. Unlike
calming meditation, the idea behind insight meditation is to stop thinking so
that you can observe the universe in a singular state. While the practice takes
a lot of work, the method is relatively easy to learn. First, sit in a lotus
position or cross-legged with your back straight. Next, begin to breathe
deeply. Count your breaths from 1 to 10. Whenever you have a thought,
recognize it, and then return to concentrating on the breath. When you
encounter a thought, let it pass and return to concentrating on the breath.
Repeat this process until you have meditated for your desired length of time.
A good starting time length is around five minutes. Also, it is not important
for you to meditate longer as it is to do it for shorter periods more often.
Mantras are often used in conjunction with insight meditation. Practitioners
often chant mantras just before starting to meditate.

Concentration Meditation
The last major form of meditation is concentration meditation where you
concentrate on an object, idea, or spell while you are meditating.
Concentration meditation is good for gathering magical energies, healing
magic, increasing the power of a magical tool, and for casting protection
spells. When doing concentration meditation, you breathe deeply, but instead
of counting breaths, you attempt to hold the idea, spell, or object in your
mind. You can concentrate as deeply you can on the target of your
concentration. Practitioners often combine concentration meditation with
mantras. In this form of meditation, you chant your mantra as you
concentrate on the object of your meditation. This can be done with simple
items like your magical tools or more complex things like spells. While you
meditate for your desired length of time, simply attempt to hold the object in
your mind. If you notice yourself thinking of something else, return your
mind to the object. Using prayer beads can help you keep track of how long
you meditate without having to set a timer with an alarm.
Chapter 9: Candle Magic
Candle magic is a very powerful way to enhance your spells. Candles can be
placed on altars or magic circles. You can even trap energy in a candle that is
released as it burns. This chapter will discuss the process for candle magic,
the meaning of different colors and how to incorporate candle magic into
your life.

Safety First
The first thing to remember about candle magic is to be safe: candles require
being lit to be useful in spells, so, you need to be prepared. Candles can have
a meltdown and also can cause fires. Fire can be very violent and leave
destruction in their wake. Allowing a fire to burn would be against the
Wiccan Rede, as it will cause damage and likely cost someone money.
Because of this, you should always have a fire extinguisher or a source of
water available in case of emergencies.

Steps in Candle Magic

There are a few steps that you need to follow to use candles in your spells.
Like magical tools that have to be consecrated, the candle must be prepared.
This includes rubbing it with oils and - on occasion - carving magical
symbols into the candle or treating it with herbs. Each of these steps is
important in practicing candle magic. The steps are each outlined and
described below.

Steps 1: Determine Your Goal

The first thing that you should start with is to determine what you want the
spell to do. What is the desired outcome? Another thing that you should
remember is, "Is the spell likely to be successful?". This essentially means
that the spell should have a realistic goal. Casting spells for things like
becoming famous or becoming a millionaire will require many spells to be
successful over a period of time that might be quite long. For example, you
may need to cast a series of spells over six or seven years to gain a significant
amount of money or fame.

Steps 2: Design Your Spell

The next thing to do to cast your spell is you have to design your spell. Of
course, if you are using a pre-written spell - like the ones in Book of Shadows
found in Chapter 13 - it has information about how to design and make your
own spells. Reference Chapter 13 when you want to make a new spell.

Steps 3: Collect Your Components

The next thing you need to do is to use candle magic is to collect the
components you will need in order to use the candle. These other components
include but are not limited to the following:
∙ Patchouli Oil - This oil is associated with prosperity and overcoming
∙ Dragon’s Blood - Dragon blood’s resin is associated with giving spells
∙ A new gold candle holder - Gold candle holder represent wealth. The candle
holder can be painted gold, it does not need to be specifically made of the
precious metal of gold.
∙ A new candle - Candles should not already be used before using in spells.
Used candles carry old energies that might conflict with your desired
∙ Ground Cinnamon - Ground cinnamon is associated with gaining wealth.
∙ Ground Ginger - Ground ginger is used to speed up how quickly the spell
has its effects occur.

Steps 4: Choose Which Candle

You can use any types of candle in your spells. The shape does not have a
meaning in the spellcasting, so the candle you choose to use is really up to
personal preference. You might find that tapers are easier for you to use or
you might find shorter fatter candles work best for you.

Steps 5: Choose a Color

The next step is to choose which color you want your candle to be. You
should use a candle that corresponds to the outcome of your spell. Below is a
list of colors of candles and the magical associations with those colors.

Color Color Meanings

The Goddess, purity, virginity, peace, or it can be substituted for any
White other color.
Black Shapeshifting, protection, binding and repels negativity.
Brown Influence friendships.
The Goddess, female energy, clairvoyance, dreams, astral energy
Silver and telepathy.
Third eye, hidden knowledge, spiritual power, psychic ability and
Purple the ability to influence people who are in high places.
Wisdom, elemental water, calm, spiritual inspiration, protection and
Blue good fortune.
Elemental earth, monetary success, growth, tree and plant magic and
Green physic healing.
Pink Romance, caring, affection, planetary goodwill and nurturing.
Elemental Fire, strength, lust, survival, career goals, fast action and
Red blood of the moon.
Orange Legal matters, general success, justice, selling and property deals.
Money goals, professional growth, passion, business fertility and
Copper career maneuvers.
Gold The God, male energy, happiness and to promote winning.
Elemental air, the sun, accelerated learning, memory, intelligence
Yellow and the ability to break mental blocks.

Step 6: Dress the Candle

The next step is to dress the candle, which means that you carve magical
symbols and glyphs into the candle. To dress a candle, follow these
1. The first step is to rub it with oil. You should use an oil that is linked to the
spell you want to cast. There is no specific way to rub the oil on the candle.
You can rub it from the top to the bottom or bottom to top. It is up to personal
preference in how you rub the candle.
2. The next step is to visualize your intent. Concentrate on letting your
magical energy enter the candle. Concentrate on the candle for several
minutes until it is filled with magical energy.
3. Next, let the candle gain more magical energy from you until it is fully
4. Optionally, you can take an additional step to rub the candle with herbs or
carve runes or other sigils to add additional power to your spell.

Step 7: Cast the Spell

Next, you should cast the spell itself. See Chapter 13 for information on how
to cast spells.

Step 8: Let the Candle Burn

Let the candle burn down until it burns out. Depending on the candle, this
may take some time, but you always need to let the candle burn itself out so
that all of the energy is released.

Step 9: Bury the Candle

Finally, take the remnants of the candle and bury them in the earth. This lays
the candle to rest, so that it cannot be used again.
Chapter 10: Tarot Cards
Tarot cards are an important tool in the magician or witch’s arsenal. Tarot
cards allow you to ask questions, though sometimes the answer is vague and
you must meditate on it. Tarot cards also allow you to use divination in order
to get information about the future. Getting hints of your fate so that you can
be prepared for what is to come. You can also use tarot cards to get answers
to a variety of questions. The cards are magically charged by the witch giving
the tarot card reading. The magical energy guides the right cards to be
revealed in the right order. Cards can either be upright or they can be
reversed (upside down). When a card is reversed, the meaning changes and is
generally the opposite of the meaning of an upright card. Where the card
appears in the spread also gives it meaning. This chapter will describe all of
the tarot cards, including both the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. It
will also give you information about the types of spreads and the elemental
connection to the cards.

Major Arcana
Tarot decks are divided into two parts. The first is the Major Arcana. There
are 22 Major Arcana cards found in the tarot deck. The Major Arcana are
more powerful cards than the cards found in the four suits, which is why
there are fewer of them in the deck. Each card of the Major Arcana is specific
and there is only one found in the deck. These cards represent large or
complex ideas. As stated before, Major Arcana cards are extremely powerful.

Minor Arcana
The Minor Arcana are the cards that are found in a suit. Tarot card decks
include 56 Minor Arcana cards. The Minor Arcana are considered less
powerful than the Major Arcana, but most readings will generally have
significantly more Minor Arcana cards than Major Arcana. Hence, while they
are less powerful, the Minor Arcana cards are the heart of every tarot card
reading. Like the Major Arcana, each of the Minor Arcana cards has a
specific meaning. See further in this chapter for information the meaning of
each card in the deck. Each suit has the following cards included: ace, two
through ten, page, knight, queen, and king.

A spread is a way that the cards are laid out on the table. There are many
different spreads, but many of these are variations on the Three Card spread,
depending on the reading. These include, but is not limited to:
∙ Three Card Spread
∙ Celtic Cross
∙ True Love Spread
∙ Success Spread
∙ Spiritual Guidance Spread
∙ Career Path Spread
Typically the witch spreads the cards in front of the person getting the
reading. The person then chooses several cards, whose exact amount depends
on which spread is being used, and the witch keeps track of which card was
picked in which order. The witch then spreads the cards in front of the person
in a certain pattern. Each card is different in each different position. There are
many types of spreads, but this book will only cover two of the most common
spreads. They are the Three Card and the Celtic Cross spreads. Each of these
spreads uses a different number of cards and each position in each spread also
adds to the meaning.

Three Card
The easiest spread is the Three Card spread. With this spread, the person
getting the reading should choose three cards. The cards are laid out face
down in the order in which they were picked. As the witch interprets the
cards, he or she flips the cards each up in the order they were picked. Unlike
other spreads, the specific place of the card does not have a fixed meaning.
Instead, the cards are more fluid. There are several ways to view the Three
Card spread. For instance, each card might represent a time like past, present
and future. Another possible meaning for the spread is you, your partner and
your relationship. When the witch turns the cards up, he or she uses these
fluid spreads to answer a wide range of questions. It is very common to use
the first two as the question and the third card as the resolution of the
One thing to keep in mind is that while the Three Card method only uses
three cards and is the simplest spread, it is also the most dynamic, because
the spread allows more freedom in the interpretation. This is one of the
reasons that the Three Card spread is among the most popular spreads.
Celtic Cross
The Celtic Cross spread uses more cards than the Three Card spread. With
the Celtic Cross spread, the person getting the reading chooses ten cards. The
witch keeps these cards in order and then lays them out in different positions.
With the Celtic Cross, you lay the cards in the following positions:
Card 1: This card is placed in the center of the “cross”.
Card 2: This card is placed horizontally across the first card. This card is
always placed facing left.
Card 3: This card is placed above the first card.
Card 4: This card is placed below the first card.
Card 5: This card is placed to the right of the first card.
Card 6: This card is placed to the left of the first card.
Card 7: This card is placed to the right and down.
Card 8: This card is placed above the 7th card.
Card 9: This card is placed above the 8th card.
Card 10: This card is placed above the 9th card.
Each position in the spread also has a corresponding meaning. Below are
descriptions of what the positions represent.
Card 1: The first card represents the current situation that the person is in.
Depending on the witch, this might represent the person asking the question.
Card 2: This card represents the obstacle or conflict that the person is facing.
This card is always read as upright and never as reversed.
Card 3: This card represents the subconscious influences on the person
getting the reading. The question becomes what does that person truly desire.
Card 4: This card represents the tools that the person getting the reading has
to overcome the obstacles learned about in card 3.
Card 5: This card represents the past of the situation that might be
influencing the current situation.
Card 6: This card represents where the person is heading or what is to come.
Card 7: This card represents the person getting the reading’s attitude toward
the question.
Card 8: This card represents the energy that the person getting the reading
brings in light of the question.
Card 9: This card represents what the person fears or wants.
Card 10: This card represents the final outcome of the reading.

Major Arcana
Below are the 22 Major Arcana cards with the meaning for each card in both
the upright and reversed positions.

The World
Upright: Contemplation, harmony, or fulfillment.
Reversed: Lack of closure or incompletion.

Upright: Reckoning, reflection, or awakening.
Reversed: Doubt, lack of self-awareness, or self-loathing.

The Sun
Upright: Success, positivity, joy, or celebration.
Reversed: Sadness, depression, or negativity.

The Moon
Upright: Illusions, intuition, or unconsciousness.
Reversed: Fear, confusion, or misinterpretation.

The Star
Upright: Rejuvenation, faith or hope.
Reversed: Discouragement, faithlessness, or insecurity.

The Tower
Upright: Upheaval, disaster, or broken pride.
Reversed: Delayed disaster, disaster avoided, or fear of suffering.

The Devil
Upright: Materialism, playfulness, or addiction.
Reversed: Release, restoring control, or freedom.

Upright: Patience, middle path, or finding meaning.
Reversed: Lack of balance, extremes, or excess.

Upright: Beginnings, metamorphosis, change, or end of a cycle.
Reversed: Decay, holding on, fear of change, or stagnation.
The Hanged Man
Upright: Martyrdom, release, or sacrifice.
Reversed: Needless sacrifice, stalling, or fear of sacrifice.

Upright: Truth, clarity, or cause and effect.
Reversed: unaccountability, dishonesty, or unfairness.

The Wheel of Fortune

Upright: Fate, cycles, or change.
Reversed: Bad luck, lack of control, or clinging to control.

The Hermit
Upright: Inner guidance, contemplation, or the search for the truth.
Reversed: Isolation, loneliness, or losing your way.

Upright: Bravery, focus, inner strength, or compassion.
Reversed: Weakness, insecurity, or self-doubt.

The Chariot
Upright: Control, willpower, or direction.
Reversed: Aggression, lack of control, or lack of direction.
The Lovers
Upright: Duality, partnerships, or union.
Reversed: Disharmony, one-sidedness, or loss of balance.

The Hierophant
Upright: Morality, ethics, tradition, or conformity.
Reversed: New approaches, subversiveness, or rebellion.

The Emperor
Upright: Structure, fatherhood, control, or authority.
Reversed: Coldness, rigidity, or tyranny.

The Empress
Upright: Fertility, motherhood, or nature.
Reversed: Emptiness, smothering, dependence, or nosiness.

The High Priestess

Upright: Unconsciousness, inner voice, or intuition.
Reversed: Repressed feelings, lost inner voice, or lack of center.

The Magician
Upright: Creation, intellect, manifestation, desire, or willpower.
Reversed: Illusions, trickery, or out of touch.

The Fool
Upright: New beginnings, innocence, or free spirit.
Reversed: Being taken advantage of, recklessness, or inconsideration.

Just like in a poker or playing card deck, cards are matching the Minor
Arcana. Just like other playing cards, the Minor Arcana is divided into four
suits. They are Cups, Pentacles, Swords and Wands. Each suit has 14 cards.
Each suit has an overarching meaning, as well as each individual card having
a meaning. They include cards from one (ace) through ten plus a page,
knight, queen and king. The four suits are tied to specific elements and other
associations. Below are descriptions of their various associations and
information on each card's specific meaning.


Also known as: Chalices or goblets

Symbolism: Empathy, emotion, and love
Color: Red
Season: Summer
Zodiac: Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer
Element: Water
Realm: Heart
Playing card suit: Hearts
Gender: Female
Direction: West

Ace of Cups
Upright: Spirituality, new feelings, or intuition.
Reversed: Emptiness, blocked creativity, or emotional loss.

Two of Cups
Upright: Connection, unity, or partnership.
Reversed: Tension, imbalance, or broken communication.

Three of Cups
Upright: Happiness, community, and friendship.
Reversed: Gossip, overindulgence, or isolation.

Four of Cups
Upright: Contemplation, apathy, or disconnectedness.
Reversed: Acceptance, sudden awareness, or choosing happiness.

Five of Cups
Upright: Grief, loss, or self-pity.
Reversed: Finding peace, moving on, or acceptance.

Six of Cups
Upright: Happy memories, familiarity, or healing.
Reversed: Independence, leaving home, or moving forward.

Seven of Cups
Upright: Daydreaming, choices, or searching for purpose.
Reversed: Diversion, lack of purpose, or confusion.
Eight of Cups
Upright: Disillusionment, walking away, or leaving something behind.
Reversed: Fear of change, avoidance, or fear of loss.

Nine of Cups
Upright: Emotional stability, satisfaction, or luxury.
Reversed: Smugness, lack of inner joy, or dissatisfaction.

Ten of Cups
Upright: Fulfillment, inner happiness, or dreams coming true.
Reversed: Broken family, shattered dreams, or domestic disharmony.

Page of Cups
Upright: Dreaming, happy surprises, or sensitivity.
Reversed: Insecurity, emotional immaturity, or disappointment.

Knight of Cups
Upright: Idealism, romance, or following the heart.
Reversed: Disappointment or moodiness.

Queen of Cups
Upright: Calm, comfort, or compassion.
Reversed: Dependence, insecurity, or martyrdom.
King of Cups
Upright: Control, compassion, and balance.
Reversed: Bad advice, moodiness, or coldness.


Also known as: Discs or coins

Symbolism: Wealth, health, and physical
Color: Green
Season: Fall
Zodiac: Virgo, Taurus, or Capricorn
Element: Earth
Realm: Home
Playing card suit: Diamonds
Gender: Female
Direction: East

Ace of Pentacles
Upright: Prosperity, opportunity, or a new venture.
Reversed: Missed chances, lost opportunities, or bad investment.

Two of Pentacles
Upright: Priorities, balancing decisions, or adapting to change.
Reversed: Overwhelmed, loss of balance, or disorganized.
Three of Pentacles
Upright: Collaboration, teamwork, or building.
Reversed: Disorganized, lack of teamwork, or group conflict.

Four of Pentacles
Upright: Frugality, conservation, or security.
Reversed: Possessiveness, stinginess, or greediness.

Five of Pentacles
Upright: Insecurity, poverty, or need.
Reversed: Improvement, charity, or recovery.

Six of Pentacles
Upright: Generosity, charity, or sharing.
Reversed: Stinginess, power, domination, or strings attached.

Seven of Pentacles
Upright: Diligence, hard work, or perseverance.
Reversed: Distractions, work without results, or lack of rewards.

Eight of Pentacles
Upright: Passion, apprenticeship, or high standards.
Reversed: lack of passion, no motivation, or being uninspired.
Nine of Pentacles
Upright: Rewards, fruits of labor, or luxury.
Reversed: False success, reckless spending, or living beyond one’s needs.

Ten of Pentacles
Upright: Culmination, legacy, or inheritance.
Reversed: Lack of stability, fleeting success, or lack of resources.

Page of Pentacles
Upright: Desire, ambition, or diligence.
Reversed: laziness, lack of commitment, or greediness.

Knight of Pentacles
Upright: Hard work, efficiency, or responsibility.
Reversed: Work without reward, obsessiveness, or laziness.

Queen of Pentacles
Upright: Perceptiveness, complexity, or clear mindedness.
Reversed: Cruel, cold-hearted, or bitterness.

King of Pentacles
Upright: Security, prosperity, or abundance.
Reversed: Indulgence, greed, or sensuality.

Also known as: Blades or athames

Symbolism: Challenge, thought, or observation
Color: Indigo
Season: Winter
Zodiac: Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini
Element: Air
Realm: Mind
Playing card suit: Spades
Gender: Male
Direction: North

Ace of Swords
Upright: Clarity, breakthrough, or sharp mind.
Reversed: Brutality, confusion, or chaos.

Two of Swords
Upright: Indecision, difficult choices, or stalemate.
Reversed: No right choice, lesser of two evils, or confusion.

Three of Swords
Upright: Suffering, heartbreak, or grief.
Reversed: Forgiveness, recovery, or moving on.

Four of Swords
Upright: Restoration, rest, or contemplation.
Reversed: Burnout, restlessness, or stress.

Five of Swords
Upright: Sneakiness, win at all costs, or unbridled ambition.
Reversed: Desire to reconcile, lingering resentment, or forgiveness.

Six of Swords
Upright: Leaving behind, transition, or moving on.
Reversed: Desire to reconcile, lingering resentment, or forgiveness.

Seven of Swords
Upright: Tactics and strategy, trickery, or deception.
Reversed: Rethinking approach, coming clean, or deception.

Eight of Swords
Upright: Entrapment, imprisonment, or self-victimization.
Reversed: New perspective, acceptance, or freedom.

Nine of Swords
Upright: Hopelessness, anxiety or trauma.
Reversed: Reaching out, hope, or despair.

Ten of Swords
Upright: Collapse, failure, or defeat.
Reversed: Only upwards, things can’t get worse, or inevitable end.
Page of Swords
Upright: Mental energy, restlessness, or curiosity.
Reversed: Manipulation, deception, or all talk.

Knight of Swords
Upright: Impulsiveness, action, or defending beliefs
Reversed: Disregard for consequences, no direction, or unpredictability.

Queen of Swords
Upright: Perceptiveness, complexity, or clear mindedness.
Reversed: Cruel, cold hearted, or bitterness.

King of Swords
Upright: Truth, head over heart, or discipline.
Reversed: Cruelty, manipulative, or weakness.

Also known as: Rods and staves
Symbolism: Action, creativity, and action
Color: Yellow
Season: Spring
Zodiac: Leo, Aries, or Sagittarius
Elements: Fire
Realm: Spirit
Playing card suit: Clubs
Gender: Male
Direction: South

Ace of Wands
Upright: Willpower, desire, creating, or inspiration.
Reversed: Lack of passion, lack of energy, or boredom.

Two of Wands
Upright: Making decisions, planning, or leaving home.
Reversed: Playing Safe, fear of change, or bad planning.

Three of Wands
Upright: Expansion, looking ahead, or rapid growth.
Reversed: Delays, obstacles, or frustration.

Four of Wands
Upright: Home, community, or celebration.
Reversed: Transience, lack of support, or home conflicts.

Five of Wands
Upright: Rivalry, competition, or rivalry.
Reversed: Respecting differences or avoiding conflict.

Six of Wands
Upright: Public reward, success, or victory.
Reversed: Excess pride, punishment, or lack of recognition.

Seven of Wands
Upright: Defensive, preservation, or maintaining control.
Reversed: Destroyed confidence, giving up, or being overwhelmed.

Eight of Wands
Upright: Movement, rapid action, or quick decisions.
Reversed: Waiting, panic, or slowdown.

Nine of Wands
Upright: Last stand, grit, or resilience.
Reversed: Fatigue, exhaustion, or questioning motivations.

Ten of Wands
Upright: Burden, responsibility, or accomplishment.
Reversed: Overstressed, inability to delegate, or being burnt out.

Page of Wands
Upright: Excitement, exploration, or freedom.
Reversed: Procrastination, lack of direction, or creating conflict.

Knight of Wands
Upright: Adventure, action, and fearlessness.
Reversed: Impulsiveness, anger, or recklessness.
Queen of Wands
Upright: Joy, determination, or courage.
Reversed: Jealousy, selfishness, or insecurity.

King of Wands
Upright: Leader, the big picture, or overcoming challenges.
Reversed: Overbearing, impulsive, or unachievable expectations.
Chapter 11: Crystal Magic
Crystal magic is when you use crystals and minerals in your spells and
magic. Crystals and stones are a very powerful addition to many types of
spells. Crystals can carry magical energy and represent many magical uses.
This chapter will detail how to use crystals in your spells, including a chart
with the magical uses are associated with many stones.

What Are Crystals?

What is meant by crystals is all manner of stones, crystals and minerals.
These items are lumped together as crystal magic, but the technique does not
just use literal crystals. Minerals and stones have atomic patterns that give
them their unique shapes, size and power. Thus, there are many different
stones, minerals, and crystals that you can use to enhance your spells.

Powerful Common Crystals

Below is a list of various gemstones, crystals and minerals. Each entry lists
the crystal’s color(s) and magical uses. Only the major uses are listed in the
entries. See the chart below this section for more uses of various crystals,
gems and stones.


Color: There are many types of agates and their color ranges from red,
yellow and green.
Planet: Mercury.
Elemental Associations: None.
Associated Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra, and Taurus.
Uses: Agate is used to preventing the spread of diseases, promote eloquence,
calm storms, etc.

Color: Yellow, brown, or orange.

Planet: The sun.
Elemental Associations: Fire.
Associated Zodiac: Aquarius and Leo.
Uses: Amber is used in healing magics and for protection magic. It absorbs
negative energy.


Color: Purple.
Planet: None.
Elemental Associations: None.
Associated Zodiac: Aquarius, Aries and Pisces.
Uses: Amethyst is used to help with meditation and as a scrying (divination)
tool. It is also useful for breaking addictions or to be used as the head of a
magical stall or wand.
Color: Light Blue.
Planet: None.
Elemental Associations: Water.
Associated Zodiac: Aries, Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.
Uses: Aquamarine is good for increasing your intuition, healing energies,
increased psychic abilities and protection when traveling.


Color: Green with flecks of red or yellow.

Planet: Mars.
Elemental Associations: Fire.
Associated Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio and Pisces.
Uses: Bloodstone is used for removing blockages, increasing the circulation
of energy, healing halting excessive bleeding, easing the pain of childbirth
and preventing hemorrhaging.


Color: Colorless or it can appear with a yellowish, pinkish, brownish, or

bluish tint.
Planet: Mars and the Sun.
Elemental Associations: Fire.
Associated Zodiac: Leo, Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.
Uses: Diamonds are used for protection from unreasonable fear and insanity.
It is also used for poison, resolving marital disputes, protection in battle and it
can bring luck.

Color: Green.
Planet: Venus.
Elemental Associations: Earth.
Associated Zodiac: Taurus.
Uses: Emeralds are used to calm storms, bring good luck, getting the truth
and healing magic.


Color: Green, red and burgundy.

Planet: Mars.
Elemental Associations: Fire.
Associated Zodiac: Aries and Capricorn.
Uses: Garnets are used to keep demons and evil spirits away, increasing
fertility, clearing negative energy in your chakras and balancing the yin/yang.

Color: Green, yellow, or white.
Planet: Mercury.
Elemental Associations: Earth.
Associated Zodiac: Aries, Libra, Gemini, or Taurus.
Uses: Jade is used for fertility, luck, bringing harmony, longevity, increasing
wisdom and healing.


Color: Dark brown or black.

Planet: Saturn.
Elemental Associations: Earth.
Associated Zodiac: Capricorn.
Uses: Jet is used to protect against anxiety, ghost, demons and spirits. It
balances mood swings. Place outside your home or work against negative

Lapis Lazuli

Color: Blue with white veins.

Planet: Venus.
Elemental Associations: Air and water.
Associated Zodiac: Capricorn or Sagittarius.
Uses: Lapis Lazuli is used to attract love, boost intuition, relieve headaches
and migraines, and reducing swelling.


Color: Black.
Planet: Saturn or Pluto.
Elemental Associations: Earth and Fire.
Associated Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Uses: Obsidian is good for removing blockages between your conscious and
unconscious mind and protection from negativity from an area, person, or


Color: Clear or white bands of almost any color except for purple or blue.
Planet: Mars or Saturn.
Elemental Associations: Earth.
Associated Zodiac: Capricorn.
Uses: Onyx is used to improve focus, self-confidence, discipline, or attention;
it helps recovering from grief and stress and improving strength and energy.


Color: Orange, red, yellow, dark blue and more. There are many varieties of
Planet: The Moon.
Elemental Associations: All elements.
Associated Zodiac: Scorpio.
Uses: Opal has several uses, including increasing empathy, foresight and
confidence. Used in scrying. It helps protect from injuries caused by natural

Quartz Crystal
Color: White or clear.
Planet: The moon or the sun.
Elemental Associations: Fire and water.
Associated Zodiac: Leo and Cancer.
Uses: Quartz crystal is used to call on rain, to heal or absorb life energy that
you can focus on your spells.


Color: Red.
Planet: The Sun or Mars.
Elemental Associations: Fire.
Associated Zodiac: Cancer, Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio and Virgo.
Uses: Rubies are used to increase energy, wealth, health, courage and
leadership. It improves sleep and circulation and drives away nightmares.


Color: Blue, yellow, green, orange, brown, pink, or gray.

Planet: Saturn or Jupiter.
Elemental Associations: Water.
Associated Zodiac: Taurus.
Uses: The sapphire is used to increase success, protect against gossip or
slander, aids in prophecy. It protects from the evil eye or hexes.

Crystals By Use
Below is a chart that lists the various magical uses of many different stones,
including many crystals, minerals, or gems that are not listed above. Instead
of listing each stone and its uses like above, the chart is organized so that you
can find the desired outcome or the magical effect you are looking for. Then,
it lists the associated stones, crystals and minerals. This chapter will also
highlight some of the more powerful gems, stones and minerals. These
include quartz, jade, obsidian and rubies. Each of these gems has specific
powers and are associated with many different properties for use in spells.
Below is a chart of general magical uses for crystals.

Magical Use Crystals

Moss Agate, Quartz, Carnelian, Lodestone, Zircon and
Astral Travel Sapphire.
Amethyst, Emerald, Agate, Calcite, Jade, Lodestone, Tiger's
Eye, Opal, Onyx, Obsidian, Kunzite, Topaz, Quartz,
Balance Carnelian, Moonstone and Turquoise.
Beauty Chalcedony and Alabaster.
Beryl, Agate, Bloodstone, Black Obsidian, Emerald, Coral,
Binding Jet, Hemetitie, Malachite and Onyx.
Removing Calcite, Kunzite, Aventurine, Jasper, Quartz Crystal, Ruby,
Blockages Malachite, Obsidian, Sapphire and Sodalite.
Quartz Crystal, Opal, Obsidian, Malachite, Garnet, Jade,
Business Serpentine, or Tourmaline.
Lapis Lazuli, Peridot, Opal, Quartz Crystal, Azurite and
Cleansing Selenite.
Control Hawk's Eye, Onyx, Jet, Garnet, Sapphire and Thulite.
Courage Hematite, Ruby, Jade, Diamond, Agate, or Serpentine.
Enemies Aquamarine.
Goldstone, Beryl, Agate, Quartz Crystal, Jasper, Rhodonite
Energy and Andalusite.
Problems Sard and Carnelian.
Fertility Rose quartz, Dioptase and Lapis Lazuli.

Friendship Gode, Agate, Ruby, Sard, Gode, Zircon and Lapis Lazuli.
Luck Lodestone and Aventurine.
Grounding Obsidian, Zircon, Fluorite, Serpentine, Smoke Quartz and
Tiger's Eye.
Marble, Ruby, Marble, Garnet, Sard, Sapphire, Moss Agate
Happiness and Zircon.
Amber, Amazonite, Amethyst, Beryl, Aquamarine,
Bloodstone, Emerald, Jasper, Garnet, Carnelian, Flint, Lapis
Lazuli, Moss Agate, Sapphire, Ruby, Malachite, Turquoise
Healing and Tourmaline.
Job/Career Obsidian, Lapis Lazuli, Carnelian and Scapolite.
Justice Jade, Amethyst and Serpentine.
Calcite, Shell, Quartz Crystal, Serpentine, Jet, Citrine, Jade,
Karma Onnx, Tiger's Eye and Topaz
Azurite, Amethyst, Aventurine, Aquamarine, Bloodstone,
Citrine, Chalcedony, Moonstone, Carnelian, Hematite,
Malachite, Lapis Lazuli, Garnet, Fluorite, Tiger's Eye, Sard,
Luck Pyrite, Moonstone, Sapphire and Topaz
Pink Diamond, Agate, Calcite, Amazonite, Alexandrite,
Aventurine, Calcite, Diopside, Malachite, Pink Sapphire,
Sard, Zoisite, Sugilite, Sapphire, Emerald, Turquoize,
Love Tsavorite and Tanzanite.
Dioptase, Beryl, Amber, Clear Quartz, Zircon, Topaz, Rose
Attract Love Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Morganite and Moonstone.
Self-Love Danburite, Aquamarine and Rhodonite.
Love Kunzite and Jade.
Someone to
Love Labradorite, Apatite, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Pink Clear
Quartz, Opal, Ruby, Tourmaline, Kunzite and Jade.
Sexuality Opal, Sunstone, Sodalite and Obsidian.
Marriage Sard and Aquamarine.
Bloodstone, Amber, Agate, Calcite, Lodestone, Obsidian,
Money Zircon, Opal, Tourmaline and Spinel.
Agate, Opal, Jasper, Cinnabar, Obsidian, Quartz Crystal,
Power Ruby and Plasma.
Aquamarine, Amber, Garnet, Emerald, Cat's Eye, Green
Prosperity Tourmaline, Sapphire, Malachite, Citrine, Green Zircon,
Blood Stone, Opal, Turquoise and Jade.
Eye Agate, Aventurine, Blood Stone, Epidote, Obsidian,
Tiger's Eye, Jet, Jasper, Holey Stones, Epidote, Flint, Beryl,
Protection Amethyst, Sunstone and Sapphire.
Abilities and Agate, Emerald, Cat's Eye, Amethyst, Jet, Moonstone, Mica,
Divination Quartz Crystal, Mica, Fluorite and Tourmaline.
Purification Quartz Crystal, Tourmaline and Aquamarine.
Repelling Holey Stones, Amethyst, Sapphire, Topaz, Onyx and
Black Magic Obsidian.
Speed Up
Results Quartz Crystal and Carnelian.
Spirituality Amber, Diamond, Amethyst and Sapphire.
Success Obsidian, Andalusite and Sard.
Willpower Pyrite and Hematite.

Consecrating Magical Stones

Before you use your magical stones, crystals and minerals, you need to
consecrate them, just like you do with your other magical tools. The process
of consecrating crystals is slightly different from other magical tools. When
you are consecrating your crystals, follow these instructions:
1. Make a magic circle.
2. Place a pentacle in the middle of the circle or draw a pentacle inside the
circle with a piece of chalk.
3. Place green candles at each point of the pentacle on the circle.
4. Place the stone or stones you want to consecrate in the middle of the
5. Light the candles while using the following invocation:
Hear me, Morrigana, Goddess of Three Faces!
Hear me, Dagda, God of Horns and Tusks!
Come and bless these stones in thy name!
Grant them your magic touch!
6. Pass the stones through incense.
7. Place the stone, gem, or crystal on your altar so that it can absorb the
mystically divine energy from the Triple Goddess and Horned God.

Crystals and Rituals

Crystals are very useful in various rituals and ceremonies. Crystals can be
used as focuses, stores of magical energy and to unlock psychic powers.
Crystals have been used in rituals since Gardner first formed Wicca. He took
the practice from older neopagan religions. Below are some various rituals
and how you can use crystals in those rituals.

Stones, gems, minerals and crystals can be very powerful when combined
with a fertility ritual. To do this, you need to use the correct stone. Using the
correct gemstone will empower the spell. In these rituals, the stone should be
placed on the navel of a woman or the nipples of a man. Next, you should
have the subject of the spell meditate while you let candles burn out. You can
use several different stones in fertility rituals. Four stones align with the
various elements. You should use the stone that matches the subject's primary
element. You can also use the element that is associated with the subject's
zodiac or tarot card. Four useful stones with their elemental associations are:
Garnet: Fire.
Jade: Earth.
Lapis Lazuli: Air and Water.
Rose Quartz: Fire and Water.

Banishing Evil Spirits

Another ritual that magical stones can be used in these rituals to banish evil
spirits. Use the following instructions to banish evil spirits, ghosts and
1. Make a magic circle and draw a pentacle with white chalk in the middle
with the points of the star touching the circle.
2. Place a green candle at each point of the pentacle and then light them.
3. Place a jet stone in the middle of the circle.
4. Intone the following invocation:
Bless this stone with the power to banish dark ghosts!
Farewell, evil spirits!
Goddess and God, banish this demon from my door!

Love Ritual
There are many gemstones, crystals, minerals and gems that are associated
with love rituals. The following stones are good for love spells: lapis lazuli,
pink diamond and jade. Use these or one of the other gemstones that are
associated with love spells in the chart and descriptions above. A sample love
ritual can be found in Chapter 14.
Chapter 12: Chakras
According to ancient Vedic traditions of Hinduism, chakras are the centers of
life energy, mental energy and physic powers. Each chakra is placed at a
different position along the spine, and each one is close to different organs
that are affected by the chakras. Hence, if chakras are blocked or unbalanced,
they need to be cleansed and realigned. This chapter will discuss chakras in
detail and will present the associations with various magical tools including
crystals, herbs and essential oils.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are spots that channel energy through the human body. Each spot is
denoted by a circle or wheel. Each chakra is a link on the energy network of
your body. Each disk is situated over a different spot along (or over and
under) the spine of a person. These disks are linkages in the network of the
body. Each chakra represents a different center for psychic energies is
associated with characteristics like herbs, essential oils, colors and gems.
Each of these magical tools can be used in conjunction with chakras. Below
is a list of chakras and their various associations.
Chakras were first identified in ancient India. The Vedas, which are Hindu
teachings, first illustrated the yogi and Brahman practicing chakra meditation.
Since then there has been a lot of research into chakras and the concept
moved from the Asian sub-continent to the West where it was incorporated
into Wicca. In traditional Veda teachings, there are seven chakras. Each one
located along the spine of a human. Some traditions extended the network to
include the Earth Star chakra and the Soul Star chakra, each of which is not
found on the body itself but instead below and above the top and bottom
chakras in either the earth or above the crown of the head. When these
additional chakras are used, the number of chakras is brought up to nine.

The Chakras
This chapter details nine chakras, including the additional chakras, so the
total number in this chapter is nine chakras. Each chakra has a different
power and is associated with different things from the others. The main way
that you can use the chakras is in meditation. Chakras activate when the
practitioner is meditating. In this state, the practitioner can unlock the physic
and magical powers locked in each one. Each chakra is important in its own
way, and because the chakras work like a network: if one chakra is out of
balance or blocked, it can have a significant impact on a person and their
daily life. For this reason, the chakras should always be aligned and
unblocked. Each chakra is detailed below, along with their various

The Earth Star Chakra

Also known as: Vasundhara.
Color: Brown, black and deep red.
Located: 12-18 inches under your feet.
Gems: Jet, onyx, and black tourmaline.
Herbs: Red clover, tobacco and frankincense.
Essential Oils: Black peppercorn, myrrh and white sage.
Organs: None
The Earth Star Chakra is the one located below your feet. This chakra is one
of the chakras that is located outside of the body. This chakra is good for
grounding your body. Having a properly grounded Earth Star Chakra allows
you to align with the Earth's magnetic field.

The Root Chakra

Also known as: Muladhara.
Color: Red.
Located: At the base of the spine.
Gems: Red jasper, onyx and red aventurine.
Herbs: Cayenne, rosemary and burdock.
Essential Oils: Angelica, cedarwood and vetiver.
Organs: Male reproductive organs, adrenals, kidneys, rectum and the lower
The Root Chakra is found along the base of the spine. This chakra is
associated with stability, security and being grounded. If you are
experiencing an unwillingness to accept the change or too stuck in your own
ways, your Root Chakra might be out of alignment. To bring it back into
alignment imaging a spinning red disk or wheel over the chakra and meditate
on that. You can also use a hip-opening yoga pose.

The Sacral Chakra

Also known as: Svadhisthana.
Color: Orange.
Located: At the pelvic area between the hips.
Gems: Imperial topaz, goldstone and carnelian.
Herbs: Coriander, cinnamon and fennel.
Essential Oils: Blood orange, vanilla and ginger.
Organs: Female reproductive system, bladder, kidneys and large intestine.
The Sacral Chakra is located between the hips in the pelvic area. This chakra
is associated with passion, emotion, creativity and sensuality. If you get too
emotionally attached in relationships or if you are hyper-sexual, this chakra
may be out of alignment, overactive, or blocked. You should meditate on this
chakra if you are apathetic, uncreative, or closed off to sexual intimacy. To
open the Sacral Chakra imagine an orange disk or wheel over the chakra and
allow it to spin. As it spins, give yourself permission to yourself to be
creative, feel pleasure, and express yourself sexually.

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Also known as: Manipura.
Color: Gold or yellow.
Located: Above the belly button.
Gems: Amber, copal and citrine.
Herbs: Celery, anise and turmeric.
Essential Oils: Tea tree, neroli and grapefruit.
Organs: Upper spine, liver, stomach, gallbladder, pancreas and small
The Solar Plexus Chakra is found just above your belly button. This is your
"core" when you are exercising. The Solar Plexus Chakra is filled with
vitality, self-confidence, courage, personal power, and the force of will.
Meditate on this chakra if you are feeling timid or powerless. If you are
experiencing having aggressive behavior or are domineering, your Solar
Plexus Chakra is out of alignment or is blocked. To unblock this chakra try
deep breathing and see a golden ray of light flowing into this chakra and your
chakra system.

The Heart Chakra

Also known as: Anahata.
Color: Pink and green.
Located: Along the spine near the heart.
Gems: Mangano calcite, pink tourmaline and rose quartz.
Herbs: Thyme, rose and parsley.
Essential Oils: Lavender, jasmine and bergamot.
Organs: Lungs, heart and thymus.
The Heart Chakra is located along the spine near the heart. The Heart Chakra
is the love and compassion chakra. If you are feeling cold, disconnected, or
are not able to have a capacity for self-compassion, this chakra might be
blocked. The Heart Chakra is very powerful and fills you with truth and
kindness. To meditate on the Heart Chakra, visualize a ray of green light that
expands with each inhale, allow you to accept the energy and focus it on
matters of love, kindness and truth.

The Throat Chakra

Also known as: Vishuddha.
Color: Blue.
Located: The center of the throat.
Gems: Turquoise, angelite and amazonite.
Herbs: Common sage, chamomile and elderberry.
Essential Oils: Peru balsam, lemongrass and eucalyptus.
Organs: Thyroid, mouth, jaw, neck, upper lungs and throat.
The Throat Chakra is located in the center of the throat. This chakra is
responsible for language, both written and spoken and positive
communication. The Throat Chakra is blocked or out of alignment if you are
having trouble speaking the truth for you are feeling withdrawn. To meditate
on the Throat Chakra, imagine a blue ray of energy entering your body at the
throat. You can strengthen this association by speaking the truth.

The Third Eye Chakra

Also known as: Ajna.
Color: Indigo.
Located: On the head between the eyes.
Gems: Lapis Lazuli, azurite and labradorite.
Herbs: Mandrake root, blue lotus and mugwort.
Essential Oils: Yarrow, betel and leaf.
Organs: Brain, eyes, hormones and pituitary gland.
The Third Eye Chakra is located on the head between the eyes. This chakra is
responsible for gaining advanced forms of perception. If you are having
difficulty with your instincts, tend to overthink routine things, and you are
feeling paranoid, your Third Eye Chakra may be out of balance. To meditate
on the Third Eye Chakra, first silence your mind, then see an indigo light
coming from the center of your head. Next, listen to the answers or messages
that you receive. The Third Eye Chakra is the center of many psychic abilities
like telepathy.

The Crown Chakra

Also known as: Sahasrara.
Color: Purple.
Located: At the top of the head.
Gems: Lepidolite, selenite and amethyst.
Herbs: St. john’s wort, pink lotus, gotu kola.
Essential Oils: Frangipani, palo santo and lavender.
Organs: Spinal cord, brain stem, pineal gland and sleep.
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. This chakra is associated
with being in harmony with the universe, wisdom and connections to the
higher realms of consciousness. If you are experiencing loss of faith in
humanity, you have lost your faith, or you cannot concentrate and you are
constantly daydreaming, your Crown Chakra might be blocked or out of
alignment. To meditate on the Crown Chakra, write a mantra that is a prayer
or invocation. Concentrate on bliss, love, and ask for help from the ancient
masters, animal, or spirit guides.

The Soul Star Chakra

Also known as: Sutara.
Color: Mauve.
Located: 6 to 12 inches above the crown chakra.
Gems: Rainbow mushroom, scolecite and optical calcite.
Herbs: Davana, anise and basil.
Essential Oils: Gardenia and white lotus.
Organs: None.
The Soul Star Chakra is located about 6 to 12 inches above the Crown
Chakra. This chakra is the one that a soul enters the body at birth and is
associated with the higher states of consciousness like the Crown Chakra.
The Soul Star Chakra is the doorway to the body. To meditate on the Soul
Star Chakra, visualize a white light pouring into the Soul Star Chakra and
breathe deeply into that spot.
Chapter 13: Book of Shadows
Every witch needs a Book of Shadows. Books of Shadows are the most
important of the magical tools because they are either filled with spells that
are prewritten by another witch or you can get one that is blank. With blank
books, you can add all of your own spells in it or spells copied from another
source. There are many different Books of Shadows that you can purchase,
and you can get ones that match the form of Wicca you plan to practice. This
chapter will detail the creation of magic circles, how to create your own
spells and many spells that you can use in your own practice.

Making Magic Circles

The first thing that you need to do to cast spells is to make a magic circle.
Magic circles are powerful barriers that allow you to generate your magical
energy, also used as a form of protection against spirits, ghosts and demons
that you summon with your spells (see the summoning spell below). You can
either have the circle marked or you can leave it unmarked. It is believed by
many that the circle is stronger if you mark it. Magic circles can be marked
with chalk, salt, or a ritual cord. You can either enter the circle or you can be
outside the circle depending on your intent. If you are summoning a creature
you should be outside the circle where it is trapped, otherwise, you should be
inside the circle where you have protection from outside the circle. The
average size of a Wiccan magical circle is around nine feet in diameter.
Stepping on or out of the circle "breaks" the circle. If you break the circle you
destroy the protection or the magical energy or summoned creature, however,
you can exit the circle without breaking it by making a doorway in the circle.
To make a doorway, you can trace a stop on the circle where you trace it with
a magical tool like a wand or athame. This opens the circle so that you can
either enter or exit it. Once you have either entered or exited the circle, trace
that spot with your tools again to close the circle.
To make a magical circle, you need to be in a room or outdoors in a place
where you will not be disturbed and you should follow these instructions:
1. Locate a place, either indoors or outdoors, that is flat and has enough space
for the circle.
2. Draw a circle on the ground with salt or chalk. Alternately, you can draw a
circle with an athame, wand, or staff. Note that these tools must be
consecrated before use.
3. You can optionally draw a pentacle in the circle. You can draw this either
with your magical tools or also with salt or chalk. Depending on the spell,
you may need to use colored chalk.
4. Find the four directions using a compass.
5. Optionally you can place a candle that corresponds to the color of the
direction and place them at the four quarters of the circle. The color,
elemental and direction associations are:
North: Green, Elemental Earth
South: Red, Elemental Fire
East: Yellow, Elemental Air
West: Blue, Elemental Water
6. Light the candles and concentrate on the outcome you desire.
7. Cast the spell.
8. Let the candle burn out, which dissipates the magical energy back into the
9. Bury the candles outside.

Create Your Own Spells

Not only are there Books of Shadows with various pre-written spells in them,
but you can also create your own spells. Making your own spells tends to
make them rather powerful because you are channeling your latent magical
energy that naturally fills your body. The first thing you should do when
making new spells is to ask yourself what outcome you are looking for so
that you can make sure your associations are the right ones to use. The key to
making your own spells is to use various associations and correspondences
with the magical tools that you use. Use the charts and chapters to research
such associations so that you can use them in your own spells. Use the spells
in this chapter as a reference for making your own spells. A good starting
point for your spells is to make a magic circle to channel and empower your
magical energies. Remember that some spells are simple and you do not have
to make the most elaborate spells you can.

Below are spells that include stopping addiction, banishing, and house
protection to name just a few. There are below are divided into three sections.
The sections are general information about the spell, the magical tools
required to cast the spell and the steps in the spell. Each entry includes all
three sections. To read the spells below you can either read them in order or if
you are looking for a specific effect, then browse the spells until you find the
one you are looking for. However, this Book of Shadows is not all-inclusive
and you may need to also read spells from other sources.

The first spell that is discussed in this chapter is to stop having an addiction.
Note that you can be addicted to most things but the most common use of this
spell is to stop drinking alcohol or marijuana. The addiction spell is a type of
banishment spell where you are banishing the substance or object's addictive
qualities. While this spell is very powerful, you may need to cast it multiple
times over some time. A good time to use the spell is if you are suffering
from ab obsession with the substance or object.

Magical Tools
∙ An empty bottle of your favorite alcohol or another object that is a symbol
of the addiction
∙ A glass of water
∙ A piece of parchment or paper
Casting the Spell
1. Make a magic circle and enter it by opening a door in the circle.
2. Draw a pentacle in the circle with chalk or with one of your magical tools.
3. Place the empty bottle in the middle of the circle.
4. Write the name of the addiction and the incantation on the piece of paper.
5. Place the paper inside the bottle while concentrating on the target of the
spell being free of the addiction.
6. Pour the glass of water into the bottle while reciting the incantation. The
incantation is:

Oh, Horned God! Oh, Goddess of the Moon! Bring your energy to my body
and bless it with your holy words. Let your energy fill me and force this
addiction from [target of the spell’s name]!

7. Make a door and exit the circle.

8. Once the circle dissipates and is gone, take the bottle and bury it outside,
preferably among the roots of a tree.

Banishing spells are very useful. You can use a banishing spell to dispel a
hex, curse, or black magic. It can also be used to banish evil spirits, ghosts,
demons or succubus. This spell is very powerful and can be used as a
protective spell.

Magical Tools
∙ Cauldron
∙ One black candle
∙ Censer
∙ Parchment or paper and a pen or pencil
∙ Table salt or green chalk
∙ Wand (optional)

Casting the Spell

1. Create a magic circle by using salt or green chalk to draw the circle. Salt is
a powerful substance when it comes to banishments, hence, if it's available,
you should use it, but if it is not available, then, green chalk will work.
Optionally, you can use a wand to draw the circle.
2. Draw a doorway and enter the circle. Close the circle behind you.
3. Place a black candle in the center of the circle.
4. Light the candle while repeating a mantra.
5. Write down the target of the banishment on the paper while visualizing the
target of the spell leaving or dissipating into nothing.
6. Burn the paper using the black candle.
7. Place the burning paper in a censer.
8. Allow the candle to burn out.
9. Take the ashes of the paper and the candle and bury them outside.

Birthday Blessing
Birthday blessing are spells that bless a person on their birthday. A successful
blessing brings joy, love, and good fortune to the target of the spell. The
blessing doesn’t just apply to the birthday itself, but the spell will continue to
be in effect for the entire year.

Magical Tools
∙ One White Candle

Casting the Spell

1. Place your hands on the target of the spell’s shoulders. Note that you can
use a magic circle for this spell, but it is not required.
2. Light the white candle while envisioning the target of the spell being
happy and joyful.
3. Recite the incantation.
Goddess and God, I call on you to bless this person for the year to come.
Grant [target’s name] the grace of your hands. Let my hands bring joy and
love to [target’s name].
4. Have the target of the spell blow out the candle.
5. Bury the candle outside, preferably in an open field.
Sometimes situations require you to cleanse yourself, someone else, an
object, or your home. Cleansing is very important because it can clean your
home, an object, or another person. This can be very useful when you need to
clean your magical tools. Cleansing also has the effect that it drives away evil
spirits, ghosts and demons. A cleansing spell can also remove hexes or black
magic. Cleansing also removes negative or evil energy.

Magical Tools
∙ Blessing oils
∙ Smudge stick of herbs

Casting the Spell

1. Begin this spell by meditating until you are calm.
2. Clean your house, the object, or the person that is the target of the spell. If
the target is a person, have them either bathe or take a shower before you
3. Sweep any dirt out your door. This step is symbolic of the cleansing so you
do it even if the target is a person.
4. Visualize a spiderweb being caught in the wind.
5. Recite the incantation:

With oil and herbs I call on the Goddess and God to cleanse this [target of
the spell]. Bring your blessing to this place, this time, this person.

6. Use a smudge stick in all the rooms of the house or the air surrounding the
target of the spell.
7. Sprinkle oil in the main doorway to the building you are in. If you are
outside, sprinkle the oil on a nearby tree or other plants.

Another useful spell is one that generates confidence in you or the subject of
the spell, which in this case is just people who are the target, because how
can a crystal ball have confidence. Hence, it the subject of the spell is always

Magical Tools
∙ Frankincense based oil
∙ A yellow or gold candle
∙ One tiger’s eye crystal

Casting the Spell

1. Dress a candle with a rune, sigil, or glyph. If you are talented enough, this
spell works well with ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics. Make sure to con.
2. Make a magic circle.
3. Draw a pentacle in the circle.
4. Open a door and enter the circle.
5. Place the candle in the middle of the circle.
6. Put three drops of the oil on the candle.
7. Light the candle.
8. Visualize yourself or the spell’s target to be a shining white entity made
purely of energy.
9. Say the following incantation:

I call upon the water and the air. Bring me confidence and self-worth!

10. Exit the circle using a doorway and reseal it after you are outside it.
11. Allow the candle to burn out.
12. Dismiss or allow the circle to fade away.
13. Take the candle and bury it outside.

A counterspell is a spell that you cast in order to dispel a hex, curse, or
negative energy. This is one of the most important tools in a Wiccan's hands
against black magic. Counterspells are very powerful protective spells.
Counterspells are also useful if you need to break your own spells. The
counterspell serves both functions. It is important to always cast counterspells
when you are in a magic circle. You will need the protection of the circle to
make sure you are not attacked by the entity that is trying to hex or curse you
and you may also need protection from the energy that is released when the
spell is broken.

Magical Tools
∙ Cauldron
∙ Blue chalk or table salt
∙ Glass of water
∙ One black candle
∙ Wand
Casting the Spell
1. Dress the black candle. Carve a rune, glyph, or sigil in the candle. A useful
rune for counterspells is the nȳd. The rune means: “Water, sea and flood”. It
is a vertical line with a diagonal line that crosses the first line. The left side of
the rune is higher than the right side. It is extremely important to use a
consecrated candle, candleholder, and cauldron. Because of the energy
involved, you need all of your tools at the height of their potency.
2. Make a magic circle with blue chalk or salt.
3. Make a door and enter the magic circle. Close the door behind yourself.
4. Using the salt or chalk draw the symbol of elemental water. This is a
triangle with a line through it that is located near the bottom of the triangle.
5. Place the cauldron in the middle of the circle.
6. Place the candle in the cauldron.
7. Pour the water into the cauldron. The water should be about an inch below
the top of the candle.
8. Light the candle while you speak the invocation:
Lord of Light and Water!
Lady of Shadows and Fire!
I summon you to undo this magic.
Undo this [name the thing you are removing].
9. Let the candle burn out then dissipate the circle.
10. Take the remnants of the candle and bury it outside.

Divination is the art of looking into the future and is the realm of prophecy.
The divination spell included in this book is a complex spell. It should also be
noted that time does not always flow the way that we choose and the situation
may have other powers applied to it. There are other spells for divination, but
this one is a good example of a scrying spell.

Magical Tools
∙ Mirror
∙ White chalk or salt
∙ One diamond gemstone
∙ Golden candleholder
∙ One white candle

Casting the Spell

1. Dress the candle by carving a rune, sigil, or glyph on the candle.
2. Make a magic circle.
3. Draw a pentacle in the circle with white chalk or salt.
4. Place the mirror in the center of the circle.
5. Place the white candle in the gold candleholder next to the mirror.
6. Hold the diamond and cast your mind out.
7. Recite the following incantation:

Oh Horned God! Oh Moon Goddess! I call on thee to open the doorway of

my mind. Bless my eyes with prophecy.

8. Gaze into the mirror to see what the future holds.

9. Make a doorway and exit the circle.
10. All the candle to burn out.
11. Break the circle and allow its energy to dissipate.
12. Take the remnants of the candle and bury it outside, preferably in a forest
or wooded area.
Fertility magic is one of the cornerstones of Wicca. There are two spells
below, one for women and a different one for men. This is because the two
genders have different sexual energies and the appropriate time to join them
together is when practicing sex magic. Below are the two different rituals for

Female Fertility
The first ritual that is the feminine fertility spell. The target does not need to
be naked, but the woman’s belly button must be exposed for this spell. If the
target of the spell is comfortable, performing this spell naked will add
additional magic. However, do not forget the Wiccan Rede. Forcing someone
to do the ritual naked, the spell would become black magic.

Magical Tools
∙ Alter or stang
∙ Sprig of Basil
∙ Bed
∙ Jade gemstone

Casting the Spell

1. Place the altar in the room. Place the piece of jade and the sprig of basil on
the alter. If you cannot move your alter use can use a stang as a movable
2. Optionally, you can use a magic circle to focus your magic energy, but it is
not required for this spell.
3. Have the subject of the spell lay down on the bed.
4. Place the piece of jade in the woman’s belly button.
5. Intone the following incantation:
Oh Goddess of the Moon!
Oh Goddess of Vegetables!
Oh Goddess, Star of Heaven!
Bless [name of the spell’s target] with a child!
6. Take the sprig of basil and place it across the woman’s belly. The sprig
should cover the piece of jade.
7. Visualize copper energy flowing from you to the target of the spell.
Concentrate your energy on the piece of jade.
8. Finish the spell by taking the sprig of basil and the piece of jade and place
them back on the stang or alter. If you made a magic circle, break the circle
and allow the energy inside to dissipate.

Male Fertility
While the two spells have much in common, the male version of the fertility
spell involves a sacrifice to the Horned God.

Magical Tools
∙ Stang or alter
∙ Sprig of basil
∙ One green candle
∙ Bed
∙ An offering for the Horned God. You can include many different things in
your offering. Each offering should be a unique combination of things
including grains, acorns, beer, wine, or a harder alcoholic drink. You should
always make an offering that is biodegradable and impermanent objects.

Casting the Spell

1. Dress the candle by carving a rune, sigil, or glyph into it. A useful rune for
this is the man rune. This rune is two vertical lines connected by an X at the
top of the lines. This rune represents the male gender and empowers male
fertility spells.
2. Like the feminine spell, you optionally can use a magic circle if you want
to further empower your spell, but this it is not pessary for the spell.
3. Place the sprig of basil, green candle, and the offering on the stang or alter.
If possible it’s always a good idea to use a stang with this spell because of its
association with the Horned God.
4. Have the target of the spell lay down on the bed.
5. Place the sprig of basil over the target’s belly.
6. Intone the following invocation:
Oh Horned God, I summon thee!
Come for this offering!
Come from the field and forest!
Grant [target of the spell] virility and many children!

7. Take the stang and touch the offering.

8. Light the candle, which should no longer be on the stang.
9. Imaging emerald energy flowing from you to the target of the spell.
10. Allow the candle to burn out.
11. If you used the optional magical circle, break the circle and let the energy
12. Take the remnants of the spell outside and bury it.

Like fertility spells, healing spells are one of the hallmarks of the Wiccan
magical practice. This healing spell is very powerful, but it is for general
healing. There are many magical healing spells with many being very
focused on a certain condition. Not all healing spells affect the human body.
Some target the mind and mental illness.

Magical Tools
∙ Six green candles
∙ A strand of hair from the target of the spell
∙ Sapphire crystal gemstone.
∙ Salt or white chalk

Casting the Spell

1. Dress the candle with runes, sigils, or glyphs.
Cast a magic circle with the salt or white chalk.
2. Draw a pentacle with the salt or white chalk.
3. Place a candle at the five points of the pentacle.
4. Place the remaining candle in the middle of the circle.
5. Hold the sapphire in your right hand.
6. Light the candles while speaking the following incantation:

Goddess and Queen of Heaven,

I call on thee. Bless [name of the spell’s target]!
Bring forth your magic touch and heal the wounds of
[target of the spell]!

6. Burn the strand of hair with the candle that is in the middle of the circle.
7. Visualize green energy flowing from you into the place on the body that
has the injury or illness.
8. Allow the candle to burn out.
9. Break the circle and allow the magical energy to dissipate.
10. Take the remnants of the candle and bury them outside. If you can, place
the candle near a garden.

House Protection
One thing a witch must do is protect their own home from the various ghosts,
spirits and demons, as well as black magic. Protection spells ensure that you
are safe in your home and can live without fear of dark presences. Alternately
you can also do house protection in your workplace, though you might need
to do it stealthily.
Magical Tools
∙ Fern leaves
∙ One smudge stick
∙ A flat stone with a pentacle or protection rune, glyph, or sigil marked on it
∙ Wand

Casting the Spell

1. Take a smudge stick and burn it around each doorway and room in your
2. Put the dried fern leaves on the floor in front of your front door.
3. Use the wand to trace a pentacle on the front door. This can be done either
on the inside or the outside of the door. It is really up to personal preference
which side of the door you mark.
4. Intone the following incantation:

Goddess and God,

Bless this house!
Protect this home from dark magics!
Seal the barriers around my doors!
Drive away evil spirits!

5. Place the stone with the pentacle or rune near your front lawn.

What invisibility spells do is make it so that you or the target of the spell go
unnoticed. This can be useful if you need to slip in and out of somewhere
without anyone who is there seeing you. However, remember that if you use
the spell to sneak in and steal from someone that it becomes black magic. The
Wiccan Rede is clear that causing harm is in opposition from it.

Magical Tools
∙ Five silver candles
∙ Table salt or white chalk
∙ A mirror

Casting the Spell

1. Cast a magic circle with white chalk or table salt.
2. Make a door and enter the circle. Make sure to close it behind you.
3. Place or draw a pentacle inside the circle.
4. Place the mirror in the middle of the circle.
5. Place a silver candle at each point of the pentacle.
6. Light the candles.
7. Meditate and concentrate on the mirror.
8. Exit the circle and close the door behind you.
9. Break the circle and allow the magical energy to dissipate.
10. Collect the mirror and carry it in your pocket to be invisible.
11. Place the mirror under your pillow and sleep on it to break the spell,
otherwise, the spell will end in 24 hours.

Remove Hate
Removing hate is a very important spell for every witch. At some point or
another most Wiccans experience prejudice for their beliefs. When you
experience hate, it is often better to cast a removing hate spell instead of
confronting the person. Balancing hate with love like this is upholding the
Wiccan Rede. Keep in mind that this spell should not be used to dominate or
outright change the mind of the person as that is against the Rede.

Magical Tools
∙ Sandalwood incense
∙ White chalk or table salt
∙ Censer
∙ Rose quartz crystal

Casting the Spell

1. Make a magic circle with the white chalk or salt.
2. Enter the circle by means of a doorway.
3. Place the censer in the middle of the circle.
4. Light the incense.
5. Hold the rose quartz crystal in your right hand.
6. Sit down cross-legged or in a lotus position.
7. Visualize the hateful person or prejudice against you.
8. Visualize white energy flowing from your Heart Chakra into the hateful
9. Exit the circle by means of a doorway.
10 Allow the incense to burn for approximately 30 minutes.
11. Break the magic circle and allow the energy to dissipate.
12. Take what remains of the incense and bury it outside.

Sleep spells are very useful, especially if you or the target are feeling
exhausted. This is a very useful spell if you are having a lot of anxiety or bad
dreams. This spell will ease your nighttime stress, relax you and it will help
drive off negative energy that might be keeping you up. It is best to do this
ritual just before you plan to go to sleep.

Magical Tools
∙ Dream pillow
∙ Bed
∙ One sapphire

Casting the Spell

1. Place the sapphire under the dream pillow.
2. Lay down on the bed.
3. Repeat the following incantation:

Oh Triple Goddess!
Bless this bed!
Rip the negative from my heart
and leave me pleasant dreams!

4. Lay down on the bed and go to sleep. You will have pleasant dreams.

Like banishment, summoning is an important skill for every witch need to
know. Summoning means that you call your ancestor or spirits, demons, and
ghosts. You may do this to ask the entity questions or to trap it in a magical
prison. You might do this if the entity keeps bothering you or someone you
know and you need to imprison them. As an example, this entry will include
trapping a demon, spirit, or ghost. Also, note that you need to use salt for this
spell. Using chalk might not be enough of a barrier to trap the entity.

Magical Tools
∙ Empty bottle
∙ Five black candles.
∙ Table salt
∙ Pentacle
∙ Alter or stang
∙ Incense
∙ Picture of the entity or your ancestor

Casting the Spell

Dress the six black candles by carving pentacles on them.
1. Draw a magical circle with the table salt.
2. Place the empty bottle in the middle of the circle.
3. Either place a pentacle in the circle or draw a pentacle with the table salt.
4. Exit the circle by means of a door and close it behind you.
5. Place a black candle at the five points of the pentacle.
6. Place the picture on the alter.
7. Light the candles and say the following invocation:

Come! Come! Come!

[name of entity] I summon thee!
Enter this circle and reveal yourself to me!
Come! Come! Come!
I summon thee!

8. Allow the entity to form inside the circle.

9. Ask the ancestor, spirit guide, ghost or demons the questions you want to
10 If you want to trap the entity, follow the instructions below:
I. Once the entity has answered any questions you have asked it, say the
following invocation.

Oh Moon Goddess, Oh Horned God!

Help me trap [name of the entity]!

II. Visualize the entity being sucked into the bottle.

III. Once the entity is trapped in the bottle, open the circle.
IV. Pick up and put a stopper or cap on the bottle.
V. Put the bottle somewhere safe.

Truth spells are another useful spell. With a truth spell, you can make the
target of the spell speak the truth without any falsehood. Truth spells are very
useful if you or someone else suspects a person of a lie. This spell will force
the person to answer your questions to the best of their abilities. Note that
some black witches will cast spells protecting the target of the spell. If this
occurs, your casting may not work unless you cast a counterspell to break the
black witch’s spell.

Magical Tools
∙ Cauldron
∙ White chalk or salt
∙ Pentacle
∙ Sprig of mint
∙ A glass of water
∙ Piece of jade

Casting the Spell

1. Draw a magic circle with either salt or white chalk.
2. Place a pentacle in the circle or draw one with the salt or white chalk.
3. Place the cauldron in the middle of the circle.
4. Pour the glass of water into the cauldron.
5. Place the mint in the cauldron.
6. Hold the piece of jade in your left hand.
7. Visualize the target of the spell.
8. Visualize white energy flowing from your Throat Chakra to the target’s
Throat Chakra.
9. Pick up the cauldron.
10. Exit the circle by opening a door in the magic circle.
11. Close the circle behind you.
12. Pour the mint water into a chalice.
13. Make sure that the target drinks the mint water.
14. The spell is cast and the target will now speak the truth.

Wards are like house protection and they serve much of the same function as
a house protection spell, but wards can warn you that magic, spirits, demons
and ghosts are trying to either affect the house or enter it. The process for
wards is very similar to the ritual for house protection. It is important to link
the stone that is kept outside the doorways.

Magical Tools
∙ Flat stone with a pentacle or other protection rune, sigil, or glyph drawn on
∙ Smudge stick
∙ Table salt
∙ Wand
Casting the Spell
1. Light the smudge stick and use it in each room and every doorway.
2. Envision that yellow energy is flowing from your Third Eye Chakra into
the stone(s).
2. Take the stone and place it before your doorway. You can also place one
on your backdoor if you want additional protection.
3. Use the wand to draw a protection rune, sigil, or glyph on your front door.
4. Say the following invocation:

Oh Horned God!
Oh Triple Goddess!
Watch this house,
Guard it safe!
Warn me of danger!

5. Take the salt and pour a line of salt across each the front and back doors.
Chapter 14: Spells in Action — Relationships
Sometimes you may need to cast more than one spell in order to get your
desired effect. An example of this is love spells. Love spells do not last
forever, so to make sure that your relationship is always healthy, you might
want to cast many love spells throughout your relationship. This chapter will
describe several different rituals and spells that you can cast to ensure your
love life stays fresh and exciting.

Compulsion Magic
One thing that you must beware of before casting any love spells is that
compelling another person into a relationship they don't want is against the
Wiccan Rede. Using magic to dominate another person is black magic.
Willingness to cast domination spells is a red flag for any practitioner of
magic, so beware, witches, that cast compulsion and domination spells. If you
are not careful, you might be the target of their next domination spell.

Call Your True Love

The first spell for anyone interested in love magic is a spell that will summon
or call the true love of the caster or target of the spell. Summoning a true love
is healthier than attempting to affect a specific person that you are not
engaged in a relationship with. For example, casting a spell that a certain
celebrity will fall for you is a very unfocused spell and is unlikely to give you
the outcome you desire.
The first thing you need to do in order to cast this spell is to collect and
prepare your magical tools. This includes candles, crystals and other tools.
Next, cast the spell. Finally, take the stumps of candles and bury them while
placing the gemstone under your pillow or near your head when you sleep.

Magic Tools
∙ Five pink candles
∙ Clear quartz gemstone
∙ Table salt
∙ Wand
Casting the Spell
Follow the steps below to cast the love spell:
1. Make a magical circle.
2. Place a pentacle in the circle.
3. Place the clear quartz gemstone in the middle of the pentacle.
4. Use the wand to trace the circle and pentacle while chanting:

Lo! come forth Goddess who is love!

Lo! Bless this person!
Bring forth a union of man and woman!
Bring the soul of the loved forward!
Unite them in a breath of time!

5. Trace the circle with salt and let the candles burn out.
6. Bury the remnants of the pink candles.
7. Take the gemstone and place it at the head of your bed so that it can be
near your head when you sleep.

Ritual for Getting Your Ex Back

Another love spell that many find love is to cast a spell to get your ex-lover
back. This spell is very powerful and should not be used to force your ex into
doing something that he or she doesn't want to do. In fact, if the target of the
spell is also a Wiccan or witch, they may have cast protection on themselves
to prevent such manipulation. However, if your former partner is still
interested, this is a useful spell to get things going with that person. This spell
can rekindle lost loves and bring people close together again.
Magical Tools
∙ Lavender Incense
∙ Pink diamond gemstone. This gemstone can be a part of jewelry or a stone
that is not set in jewelry
∙ Picture of your ex
∙ Censer
∙ Three red candles

Casting the Spell

Next comes the casting of the spell. Follow these instructions to cast the
1. Light the incense and candles and place them on your altar.
2. Place the pink diamond gemstone on the altar.
3. Sit cross-legged in front of the altar and visualize the person you want to
connect with.
4. Intone a prayer to the Triple Goddess. One that will work is:

Bright lady, come and lead me to a [lord or lady].

Earthen lady, stir from your sleep in the roots of the Horned God.
Blossom Goddess, bring forth love with [insert the target of the spell’s

5. Go to your altar and use the candle to burn the picture of the target of the
spell. Place the burning photo on the censer and let it and the candle burn out.
6. Take the remnants of the candle and the ashes of the photo and bury them
7. Put the gemstone on or carry it and don’t take it off until you have been
reunited with the target of the spell.

Spell to Increase Attraction

Another powerful love spell that you can cast is a spell to increase the
attraction between yourself and the target of the spell. This can be used to
cause a sexual encounter or to maintain a healthy longstanding relationship.
This spell can help you to rekindle a fire that is burning out or increase
intimacy in new relationships. Either way, it is a very effective spell that can
raise your passions to a wild frenzy. You can use this potion with any number
of people.

Magical Tools
∙ 3 Red candles
∙ Lapis Lazuli gemstone
∙ Cauldron
∙ Two chalices
∙ Herbs (thyme, rosemary, and sage)

Brew the Potion

The first step in this spell is to brew the potion that you and your partner will
be drinking. To do this, follow these instructions:
1. Put 2 cups of water in your cauldron.
2. Boil the water until it reaches a rolling boil.
3. Add the thyme, rosemary, and sage into the cauldron. After you add each
herb say:

The human form is holy. Bring me love”

4. Boil the water for two minutes while concentrating on the person you want
to be attracted to.
5. Place the lapis lazuli in the cauldron with the herbs.
5. After two minutes, take the cauldron off the fire to cool.
6. Dip two chalices into the water.
7. Each person in the spell must drink the potion.
8. Let the candles burn out.
9. Drain and remove the crystal from the cauldron.
10. Bury the remnants of the candles.

Candles and Roses Ritual

Another spell that you can cast during a relationship to keep it going is to use
the Candles and Roses ritual. This ritual will keep the fire burning and
increase intimacy between you and your partner. This ritual is used to
maintain a healthy relationship and to make sure that things do not fall into a
rut. You can cast this spell multiple times over the years to make sure that
your love life remains vigorous.

Magical Tools
∙ 1 pink candle
∙ 3 pink or red roses
∙ Sandalwood Incense
∙ Pentacle
∙ Tarot card representing your partner ù

Casting the Spell

1. Make a magical circle.
2. Place a pentacle in the circle. You can use chalk to draw it if you want.
3. Light the incense.
4. Place the tarot card representing your lover in the circle. This can be any
card that represents him or her or you can the Knight, Queen, or King of
Cups. Cups is the tarot suit that is associated with the playing card suit of
5. Sit cross-legged or in a lotus position.
6. Begin to breathe deeply and meditate. In this instance, you want to
concentrate on your partner and visualize his or her body.
7. Repeat your personal mantra or if you do not have one chant:
Bring me love
8. Pick up one of the roses and pull off the petals, repeating your mantra each
time you pull off the petals.
9. When the rose petals are all pulled off the roses, visualize pink energy
entering your Heart Chakra.
10. Let the candle burn out.
11. Bury the remnants of the candle.

Knot Magic Love Spell

The final love spell is a knot magic spell. To cast this spell, you will make
knots in a silk string. This spell is good for connecting with your lover and
increasing intimacy. Like the spell that increases attraction, the knot love
spell can be done at any point in a relationship. Using it early in the
relationship helps to cement the relationship together, bonding you with your
lover. Later in the relationship, you can use this spell to keep your love life

Magical Tools
∙ Length of silk string
∙ Sandalwood incense

Casting the Spell

1. The first step is to light the incense. The incense can be placed in a holder
or censer that you have consecrated for that purpose.
2. Visualize the person that you want to bond with.
3. Take the length of string and begin to tie knots in the string.
4. Each time that you make a knot you should repeat the name of the person
you want to be bonded to. Tie seven knots in the string.
5. Tie the string around your wrist or ankle and keep it there until you find
your love or cement an existing relationship.
Chapter 15: Spells in Action — Prosperity
A very powerful magical practice is to ensure your prosperity and wealth
through the use of various spells. This chapter will detail several spells that
help to make sure that you enjoy prosperity at home, at work or a business
you own. Making sure that you prosper does not necessarily mean getting
rich, but you can prosper in your job or on the stock market and these spells
will help make sure that your endeavors are successful. The spells found in
this chapter will be useful in maintaining job security and it can even control
excessive spending. The spells below will help you to maintain and excel in
matters of money.

Job Security
The first spell in this chapter is for job security. This spell helps to ensure that
you are fulfilling your functions at work, which will lead you to get
promotions and better jobs. The spell below helps to make sure that you don't
have problems when you are at work. This spell helps to make sure that you
have a healthy work situation.

Magical Tools
∙ Boline
∙ Copper candle
∙ Green candleholder
∙ Green chalk
∙ King or Queen of Pentacles tarot card
∙ Pentacle

Casting the Spell

1. Use the boline to carve glyphs, sigils, and runes into the copper candle.
You can use a variety of sigils, but a powerful rune for this is feoh, a Futhorc
rune meaning money and cattle. The feoh is a vertical line with two diagonal
lines coming from the top side of the rune. Other money-related runes and
sigils also work.
2. Draw a magical circle with the green chalk.
3. Draw a pentacle in the magic circle with the green chalk.
4. Place the candle and holder in the middle of the pentacle.
5. Light the candle while envisioning your work situation.
6. Place the tarot card in the middle of the pentacle. You should use the King
or Queen of Pentacles depending on your gender.
7. Repeat the following incantation:
Oh Horned God, bring me security.
Oh Tammuz, bless my job!
Oh Dumuzi, grant me your favor!

8. Allow the candle to burn down while you concentrate on your job and
what you want to change about it.
9. Bury the candle outside, preferably in an open field or forest.

Control Your Spending

Another spell that you can cast to ensure your prosperity is a spell to control
your spending. Depending on how much you typically spend, this spell can
save you a great deal of money. This spending spell will help you to curtail
those extra purchases that you do not need. By controlling your spending it
can help you to become closer to your magic since you are not letting
unnecessary monetary purchases to cloud your judgment.

Magical Tools
∙ Five obsidian crystals
∙ Green chalk
∙ One copper candle
∙ Pentacle
∙ One quarter

Casting the Spell

1. Draw a magic circle with the green chalk.
2. Place a pentacle inside the circle.
3. Place the five obsidian crystals at each point of the pentacle.
4. Place the copper candle in the middle of the pentacle.
5. Light the candle while concentrating on keeping your wealth.
6. Place the quarter in the magic circle and say the following incantation:

Goddess, I give you this coin as an offering!

Goddess, blind my eyes from shiny things!
Goddess, bless my purse strings!

7. Allow the candle to burn out.

8. Bury the remnants of the candle outside.

Increase Wealth
Unlike the previous spell, this one is meant to bring you more wealth and
riches. This is the spell that will bring more money to your life. This spell is
very useful if you find yourself in situations where you do not have the
wealth you desire. This spell will help to keep your pockets filled with cash
or allows your investments to do well. One thing to keep in mind about this
spell, however, is that this spell is not designed to make you filthy rich.
Remember that spells should be realistic and getting rich off of a spell can be
seen as black magic. Instead, this spell is useful in bringing you relief if you
are low on money or giving you an influx of wealth when you need it. While
it will work to bring you wealth no matter what, you might not get as much
from repeatedly casting this spell.

Magical Tools
∙ Boline
∙ Green Chalk
∙ 1 green candle
∙ 1 golden candleholder
∙ 1 quarter

Casting the Spell

1. Use the boline knife to carve runes, sigils, or glyphs on the green candle.
Use your personal mantra while you are carving the candle to empower the
magical device. The same rune from the first spell of this chapter is very
useful in this case as well.
2. Draw a magical circle with the green chalk.
3. Place a pentacle in the circle or draw one with the green chalk.
4. Place the candle in the middle of the circle and light it while envisioning
you receiving money or another form of wealth.
5. Place the quarter in the circle next to the green candle.
6. Sit cross-legged in front of the circle.
7. Envision green energy entering your Throat Chakra.
8. Continue sitting and see the energy entering your chakra until the candle
burns out.
9. Once the candle burns out, take the remnants of the candle outside and
bury it.
Chapter 16: Spells in Action — Health
The final section on spells is health spells. Health spells help you to recover
from injuries and wounds and manage chronic conditions. This chapter will
concentrate on maintaining your health or dealing with injuries and chronic
conditions. The spells in this chapter can help you to deal with health issues
like constant pain or minor injuries. These spells are also useful if you have a
chronic condition like a heart, spleen or spine injury that impacts you every
day. These spells are the right ones for resolving such conditions and
extending your lifetime, and insuring your health stays good. Among the
spells are ones for chronic pain, heart issues, and mental issues.

Chronic Pain Condition

The first spell in this chapter is one to use if you are having chronic pain
issues or have liver or kidney issues. This spell incorporates yoga and chakra
magic so make sure that you are aware of the yoga pose and have worked
with a yoga instructor before casting this spell. This spell also requires that
you light candles on your altar and visualize the issue going away. Like with
prosperity spells, health spells also utilize the color green, but the color
symbolizes different things in the different categories of spells. Hence, in one
spell green symbolizes wealth while in heath spells it represents removing
medical obstacles, so do not be confused by green being used in two very
different spells with different intents.

Magical Tools
∙ Green chalk
∙ Five green candles
∙ Yoga mat

Casting the Spell

1. Draw a magic circle using the green chalk.
2. Place a pentacle inside the circle.
3. Place the yoga mat on the floor at the top of the pentacle.
4. Place a green candle at each point on the pentacle.
5. Light the green candles while concentrating on whichever thing is causing
you distress including your back, spleen, or kidneys.
6. Sit down on the mat and begin stretching.
7. Do the Half Lord of the Fishes yoga pose. This is also known as Ardha
Matsyendrasana in Sanskrit. This pose is good for back issues in general and
when combined with a spell it is a powerful way to resolve your issues. As
stated above, do not attempt this pose unless you have worked with a yoga
instructor. You can find information about how to do this pose or where you
can work with an instructor on the internet. Hold the pose the length of time
that you have worked out with the yoga instructor so that you do not hurt
8. While doing the Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, envision that your issues are
being relieved. You should visualize yourself having no problems and being
9. Allow the candles to burn out.
10. Bury the candles outside the house, preferably in a forest.

Heart Conditions
Another powerful spell you can cast is one for heart conditions. This spell is
used to make sure that you or the target of the spell heart is good and strong.
This is useful if the person with the issue is experiencing heart problems. It is
also useful if you are recovering from a heart issue. This spell is designed to
enhance your natural healing process and encourage your body to heal
quickly. This spell will ensure that the target of the spell’s heart stays healthy
for years to come.

Magical Tools
∙ Alter
∙ Boline
∙ Red candle
∙ Turquoise crystal

Casting the Spell

1. Carve a rune, sigil, or glyph on the red candle with the boline knife. There
are many sigils and runes that will work well, but the Futhorc rune gifu,
which means “sacrifice or gift”. This rune looks like a large X. The rune is
useful when making sacrifices for the greater good.
2. Make a magic circle.
3. Place the turquoise crystal in the middle of the circle.
4. Light the red candle and place it in the middle of the circle with the crystal.
As you light the candle envision a healthy heart that is beating properly.
5. Repeat the following incantation:

Oh Ishtar, Star of Heaven, let me call on thee1

Protect this heart and give it strength!
Keep the beat strong and sure!
Oh Ishtar, grant me this blessing!

6. Let the candle burn out.

7. Bury the candle outside, preferably in an open field.

Mental Conditions
It is always important to make sure that you are maintaining positive mental
states as well as making sure that your cognitive functioning is at full
capacity. To achieve this, the spell below is designed to make sure you are
moving at your fullest speed with your highest cognitive functioning. This
spell will help you keep a clear mind as you age. This is a spell that you can
cast several times over the years, and each time you cast it, it will enhance
your mind and memory each time. You can also use this spell when there is a
chronic mental condition like mental illness or other mental conditions like
bipolar or ADHD.

Magical Tools
∙ 3 lapis lazuli crystals
∙ Green chalk
∙ 1 green candle
∙ Yoga mat

Casting the Spell

1. Make a magic circle.
2. Draw a triangle in the circle with the green chalk.
3. Draw an eye in the middle of the triangle.
4. Place the lapis lazuli stones at each of the points on the triangle.
5. Place a yoga mat at head of the magic circle with a point of the triangle
near you.
6. Light the green candle and place it in the middle of the circle.
7. Sit cross-legged or in a lotus position on the yoga mat.
8. Envision a blue light entering your head at the Crown Chakra.
9. Let the candle burn out.
10. Bury the candle outside, preferably in a forest.
Thank for making it through to the end of Wicca Spells: A Book on the
Practice Of Magic for Wicca, Witches, and Anyone Magical. Discover the
Book of Shadows and Learn Relationship, Prosperity and Health Spells. We
hope it was informative and able to provide you with all the tools you need to
achieve your goals, whatever they may be. Let’s hope that this book included
everything you need to get started as a solo witch or are prepared to join or
even start a coven one of your own. Now that you have finished reading this
book, you can take your new skills and use them to the fullest.
The next step is to begin practicing the magic you have read about in this
book. This includes the various types of magic including candle magic,
chakras, crystal magic, tarot cards and meditation. Try out the various
techniques in this book to find the right ones for you or combine the various
techniques into your own spells. Let’s hope that you found everything you
need in order to begin casting your own spells or to grow into a more
powerful witch.
The other thing you can do is keep reading. There are many books on this
subject and your skills and magic will only grow the more you read. One
thing that other books will give you is access to more spells and more
magical techniques. Reading more can only improve your various magical
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Monica’s Bookshelf
Wicca Herbal Magic: A Book On Herbalism, Teas, Magic Kitchen And Flowers
Ever wondered how herbs can be used alongside Wicca? Maybe you’re curious about medicinal and

culinary herbs and how they can enhance your witchcraft? Perhaps you are looking for the next best

tradition to explore or for a new magical application?

Now you can easily explore the uses, benefits and basic applications of Herbal Magic!

Learn how vast and varied herbs are in magic. Discover how to incorporate Herbal Magic into rituals
you already use for Wicca. You’ll even get access to unique recipes and spells to get started with your
new herbal magic practices.

The natural magic in herbs and flowers can completely change and enhance the energy of any spell or
ritual, and even open the door to casting all kinds of new spells.

More than that, Herbal Magic and Green Wicca allow you as the practitioner to explore other potential
hobbies, activities and lifestyle changes that expand your world as a Wiccan.

You will read about:

• The adventurous magic world of incorporating herbal magic into cooking and eating

• Using magical and medicinal herbs for teas

• Starting your very own herb garden, so to have all the plants for your magical desires, right at your

• Different ways of preserving your own herbs and building up a magical apothecary or spice rack

• Substituting different herbs in different spells

• Learning how to meditate with Herbs

• Properties and features of the most famous Herbal Oils and Baths

• The ultimate relation between Herbs and Candle Magic

So, if you are looking to expand your Wiccan studies and you want to know more about herbs and
natural magic, - to make it a wonderful addition to your lifestyle and to your home - then this is the
book for YOU!

Start turning the pages and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of herbs and their magic.

Take a glance at these common herbs:

• Apple Blossom
• Basil
• Cinnamon
• Chamomile
• Dandelion
• Goldenseal
• Holly
• Hyssop
• Lavender
• Lilac
• Mandrake
• Mistletoe
• Mugwort
• Patchouli
• Peppermint
• Rosemary
• Rue
• Sage
• Valerian
• Yarrow

Get a sneak peek into these commonly used Wiccan herbs and learn their most useful properties, to
start a new Wiccan lifestyle. Try out some of the herbal spells to get a feel for the natural magic.

Check out recipes and spells for:

• Herbal Oil Blends
• Herb Bath Blends
• Magical Meals
• Charms and Sachets
• Herbal Blessings
• Herbal Charms

What are you waiting for? Jump right into this book of Herbal Magic and Green Wicca!



About Monica Candle

Monica Candle is a freelancer writer with a great passion for the Pagan
Witchcraft and all that is magic in this movement. When she was young she
travelled a lot between the USA and the UK and she had the chance to
interview great experts on this Contemporary Pagan new religious
So she started practicing for years becoming an experienced practitioner in
rituals, magic candles and spells.
Now she has decided to donate all her knowledge to show a clear and
objective view of Wicca.
When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her family and her cats
and dogs. And sometimes have a beer.
She hopes to join you for a virtual pint very soon!

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