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10, MAY 15, 2018 4053

Fluoride Fiber-Optic SPR Sensor With Graphene

and NaF Layers: Analysis of Accuracy, Sensitivity,
and Specificity in Near Infrared
Anuj K. Sharma and Anumol Dominic

Abstract— Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) based fluoride Ethanol and methanol are two important organic compounds
fiber-optic sensor with graphene and sodium fluoride layers is used for different purposes and their detection has been an
simulated and analyzed in near infrared (NIR) for detection of area of considerable interest for applications in several fields,
alcohols. Through this paper, the fluoride fiber has been employed
for the first time in SPR sensing application. The proposed fiber ranging from environment to food to chemical industries [4].
optic sensor is analyzed under angular interrogation method, The detection of organic compounds (e.g., methanol and
which is based on on-axis launching of monochromatic light ethanol) should be carried out in infrared (IR) because they
into the fiber core at varying angle followed by measuring the have their characteristic absorption bands in IR enabling a
power transmitted through the SPR probe region. The sensor’s label-free and real time sensing procedure [6]. In addition,
specificity towards alcohols plus a significantly increased sensi-
tivity and accuracy are ensured by a polythiophene layer. The several other key benefits are achievable in IR such as
results indicate that longer NIR wavelength (λ) provides superior enhanced sensitivity [7], lower power requirement [8], and
sensing performance. Further, the proposed sensor’s performance deeper penetration depth [7] etc.
can be significantly enhanced by tuning the chemical potential For designing an SPR-based sensor probe in near-IR (NIR),
(μ) of graphene monolayer. In summary, monochromatic light appropriate materials (i.e., glass substrate, metal, and dielectric
of λ = 1550 nm and 0.65 eV < μ < 0.70 eV provides
substantially high performance in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, layers) need to be selected for optimal and stable sensing per-
and figure of merit. The proposed sensor has the capability to formance. Taking this into consideration, heavy metal fluoride
provide significantly better performance than previously-reported glasses have been recognized to provide better performance
SPR sensors. in NIR due to their excellent optical properties such as low
Index Terms— Infrared sensors, optical fiber sensors, organic mean dispersion [9], low Rayleigh scattering [9], smaller
compounds, plasmons, sensitivity and specificity. birefringence [10], lesser thermal dependence of optical prop-
erties [10], low optical non-linearity, and broad transmission
I. I NTRODUCTION window [9]–[11]. It is worth-mentioning that in NIR wave-
length region, fiber materials other than silica are yet to
T HE surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensing technique,
wherein the manipulation of electromagnetic (EM) radi-
ation for the excitation of plasmons and confinement of the
be explored in detail. In particular, fluoride fibers, in view
of above-mentioned exceptional optical properties, should be
field generated to regions below diffraction limit have been exploited in SPR-based chemical- and bio-sensing. However,
utilized for extensive applications in several chemical and the reliability of the fiber chosen also depends on protecting
environmental processes [1], [2] due to its advantage of better it against moisture and reducing the surface crystallization
selectivity, non invasiveness, and higher sensitivity compared effects of the fluoride glass [11]. The solution to these prob-
to other existing techniques such as infrared spectroscopy lems is to select a fluoride glass with high crystallization
etc. [3]. Interestingly, it can be noted that fiber optic sensors stability [9], e.g., ZBLAN glass, as the material for the fiber
provide several features, such as passivity and immunity to EM core and coat it with protective layers to prevent corrosion.
interferences [4], remote sensing applications, multiplexing Further, fluoride fibers exhibit slightly higher thermal expan-
abilities, low-cost probe design, and portability [5] etc. sion characteristics compared to conventional silica fibers [9].
The above-mentioned features of fiber-optic sensor probe However, this issue can be negated by keeping the temperature
are hugely advantageous while sensing different chemical unchanged (preferably near room temperature).
compounds with minimal interference with the environment. Further, among the generally used noble metals, silver (Ag)
exhibits a better performance owing to its superior detection
Manuscript received February 17, 2018; accepted March 14, 2018. Date of accuracy in terms of SPR-based detection. However, Ag gets
publication March 22, 2018; date of current version April 23, 2018. The work
of A. Dominic was supported by MHRD (India) in the form of assistantship. oxidized very rapidly, and therefore, causes chemical instabil-
The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approv- ity [12]. So, a due protection is required in order to use Ag
ing it for publication was Prof. Bhaskar Choubey. (Corresponding author: in SPR-based detection of organic compounds.
Anuj K. Sharma.)
A. K. Sharma is with the Department of Applied Sciences, Physics A recent attraction among researchers has been the use
Division, National Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi 110040, India (e-mail: of graphene in design of various electronic and photonic devices [13]. Graphene, with its phenomenal optical and chem-
A. Dominic is with the Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering, National Institute of Technology Delhi, Delhi 110040, India. ical properties such as impermeability, chemical stability, and
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2018.2818197 compatibility [14], [15], possesses an immense capability to
1558-1748 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
4054 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 18, NO. 10, MAY 15, 2018

improve the performance of the SPR sensor. Further, different

graphene properties, e.g., multilayer stacking and chemical
potential, have recently been investigated to improve the SPR
sensor’s performance [14], [16].
In the present work, a fluoride fiber-optic SPR sensor
structure comprising of ‘ZBLAN optical fiber – sodium fluo-
ride (NaF) layer - Ag layer- graphene layer’ for detection of
alcohols (methanol and ethanol) has been simulated and ana-
Fig. 1. Schematic of ‘ZBLAN glass core – NaF layer - Ag layer - graphene
lyzed. It has been studied earlier that polythiophene (PT) films layer’ configuration based fiber-optic SPR sensor. The laser source is fixed on
can be used for interfacing with alcohols to achieve the feature a rotary stage in order to ‘on-axis’ launch the light into the fiber core. The
of specificity [3]. In this context, the influence of using a PT SPR sensing region is the multilayered one with a length ‘L’ while ‘D’ is
the fiber core diameter. The detection mechanism consists of a photodetector
layer on the sensor’s performance has also been examined. connected with the computation system that displays the angular spectrum of
Further, the sensor structure has been analyzed at different NIR power loss occurred in the SPR sensing region. At resonance (i.e., θ = θSPR ),
wavelengths. Furthermore, the effect of graphene’s chemical the power loss spectrum shows a sharp peak, which shifts to some other angle
with a change in analyte RI. The corresponding SPR shift is denoted as δθSPR .
potential on fiber optic sensor probe has been studied at longer
NIR wavelength.
A. Layer 1: ZBLAN Fiber Core
Taking into consideration the properties mentioned ear-
lier, ZBLAN glass (ZrF455.8BaF214.4 LaF25.2 AlF33.8 NaF20.2 )
The SPR condition is achieved at a metal-dielectric interface is considered as fiber core material for the present study. The
when the following equation is satisfied: RI of ZBLAN is calculated using data from an earlier-reported
   work [18].
2π 2π εm εs
n p si nθ S P R = r eal (1)
λ λ εm + εs
B. Layer 2: NaF Film
In eq. (1), np is the refractive index (RI) of the light coupling
substrate, εs and εm , respectively, are the dielectric constants In order to carry out the sensing of as wide range of
of the analyte and metal, λ is the wavelength of incident light, analyte RI values as possible, the range of allowed values
and θSPR is the angle of resonance. of propagating angle (θ ) should be as large as possible.
In a fiber-optic sensor, the analyte property is detected The above  range of θ is decided by the numerical aperture
by measuring the variation in optical power transmitted after (NA = n 2core − n 2out er ), where ncore and nouter are the RI
getting plasmonically modulated. In the present study, a mono- values of fiber core and outer (clad) media, respectively. The
chromatic beam of light is considered for evaluation and the usual clad media have their RI values quite close to core RI,
angle with which the light beam is launched into the fiber is therefore, NA and the corresponding θ -range cannot be very
varied (Fig. 1). Such sort of arrangement is known as selective large. In this view, it is envisaged that the clad is removed from
ray launching. that region and is replaced with a dielectric layer of smaller
In order to obtain the normalized reflection coefficient (R) nouter so that NA is sufficiently large. This can be realized by
for p-polarized incident light, the transfer matrix method using NaF layer atop the fiber core. The typical RI values of
for multilayer system is used [17]. The (normalized) power NaF vary between 1.3229 and 1.3215 for the corresponding
transmitted by the SPR region (of length L) can be calculated NIR wavelength variation between, respectively, 780 nm and
as: 980 nm [19], which leads to a NA in the vicinity of 0.65 with
ZBLAN fiber core. The above estimation leads to an allowed
P(θ ) = R(θ ) Nre f (θ) (2) θ -range of nearly 630 to 900 and the corresponding α-range
In above equation, Nref (θ ) = L/(D tan θ ) is the number of of 00 to 400 . Since, the role of this layer is only to increase the
reflections undergone by the light ray propagating at an angle NA, therefore, an ultrathin layer (5 nm) of NaF will suffice.
θ (as shown in Fig. 1), where D is the fiber core diameter. Ultrathin NaF layer has found applications in other photonic
Further, the power loss (in dB) with reference to maximum devices such as organic LEDs [20].
normalized power(= 1) can be obtained using:
  C. Layer 3: Ag Film
Power Loss(i n d B) = 10log10 (3) A thin layer of Ag (45 nm thickness) is coated over the
P(θ ) NaF layer. The RI of Ag layer at different wavelengths is
At the point where SPR occurs (i.e., θ = θSPR ), the loss calculated using the Lorentz-Drude model that considers both
in transmitted power will be maximum and a change in the interband and intraband effects on the metal dielectric function
analyte RI leads to a shift in θSPR (as shown in fig. 1). This in NIR [21].
concept of angular interrogation (Power loss vs. θ ) employed
in fiber optic sensors can be considered a reliable way of D. Layer 4: Graphene Monolayer
carrying out the analyte detection. According to Kubo formalism, the surface conductivity
In the following sections, the different components of the (σs ) of graphene depends on λ, chemical potential (μ),
proposed SPR sensor are discussed: and temperature (T) [22]. The net surface conductivity is

the sum of two components: interband (σinter ) and intraband

(σintra ) career transition contributions. Further, from time-
harmonic Maxwell equations, the relation between graphene’s
permittivity (ε) and volume conductivity (σv ) can be repre-
sented as:
ε (ω) = εr − i (σ v (ω) /ω) (4)
It should be noted that σv = σs /dGr (where dGr is graphene
monolayer thickness, i.e., 0.34 nm). If conductivity is complex
(i.e., σv = σr + i σi ), the permittivity is given as: Fig. 2. Simulated curves for power loss spectra of ethanol and methanol at
λ = 785 nm corresponding to fiber optic SPR sensor (a) without PT layer,
ε (ω) = εr + (σi (ω) /ω) − i (σr (ω) /ω) (5) and (b) with PT layer. The corresponding values of θSPR , FWHM and FOM
(with ethanol as analyte and methanol as reference) are also indicated. The
The above expression indicates that a negative σi leads
 to dielectric constant of PT layer is taken as 2.25 + 0.03i [3] and its thickness
a negative real part of permittivity when εr + σi ω(ω) < 0, is 7 nm. For a clear comparison, both the figures (a and b) correspond to
same scale on horizontal as well as vertical scales. At λ = 785 nm, δns =
and the graphene layer behaves as a thin metal layer sup- nethanol −nmethanol = 0.0341 RIU. The value of L/D is taken as 25, which can
porting surface plasmon waves (SPW), which are transverse be achieved with any feasible combination of L and D, e.g., L = 1 cm and
magnetic (TM) in nature. In fact, the calculations show D = 400 μm.
that graphene’s volume conductivity has a significantly large
value and due to this reason, εr can be ignored and the
power loss angle. FWHM is the angular width of power
condition for graphene to support SPW is σi (ω) < 0 [22].
loss spectrum. The unit of FOM is RIU−1 from Eq. (6).
Certainly, at a constant T (e.g., room temperature), the above
Importantly, the FOM is a product of two individual perfor-
condition depends on the combination of λ and μ as per
mance parameters, i.e., detection sensitivity (SD = δθδnS Ps R ) and
Kubo formula. For instance, as per conductivity calculations
detection accuracy (AD = 1/FWHM). From eq. (6), the FOM,
in view of above condition (σi (ω) < 0), the value of μ
SD , and AD should be as large as possible for reliable sensing.
needs to be greater than 0.5 eV for SPW to exist at graphene
surface at λ = 1550 nm [22], [23]. With any variation in λ,
different values of μ will support SPW in graphene leading III. R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSION
to field enhancement at metal-graphene interface [22], [23]. A. Role of PT Layer
Additionally, graphene layer acts as a protective coating atop
Figure 2 depicts the simulated power loss spectra at λ =
the Ag layer to prevent oxidation issues [14]. The wavelength
785 nm for ethanol (RI = 1.3575) and methanol (RI = 1.3234)
dependent RI of graphene can be calculated using the data
nm obtained with the fiber optic SPR sensor design for (a)
reported earlier [26], [27].
without PT layer, and (b) with PT layer. A couple of points
can be readily observed from the above plots and the corre-
E. Layer 5: Analyte-Specific Buffer Layer sponding tables therein. First, there is a certain improvement in
In order to enhance the selectivity/specificity of the sensor, the sensor’s performance due to introduction of PT layer. The
an ultrathin buffer layer may be deposited on top of the value of δθSPR increases from 4.4300 to 4.5200, i.e., the value
graphene layer because this buffer layer remains in the direct of SD increases from 129.9240/RIU to 132.5640/RIU when PT
contact of analyte. For the present study, the RI of the PT layer is employed. Moreover, PT layer causes the FWHM of
layer (e.g., 7 nm thick), which is ethanol/methanol specific analyte’s power loss curve to decrease from 0.8890 to 0.8390
and yields greater variation in RI when brought in contact with leading to an increase in AD value from 1.125/0 to 1.191/0.
different alcohols, has been adopted from an earlier work [3]. A possible reason is that the real part of PT layer’s RI assists in
bringing greater shift in resonance condition (as the effective
index of the multilayered structure increases), which leads to
F. Layer 6: Analyte
increase in δθSPR and, hence, in SD . Further, its imaginary part
For the present analysis, the analyte samples are considered increases the damping of surface plasmons by the multilayered
to be pure methanol and ethanol at room temperatures. Their structure, which is apparent in figure 2(b) that the power loss is
concerned dispersions in a broad spectral region can be taken significantly greater for both ethanol and methanol compared
into account by considering their RI variation [28], [29]. with the counterparts shown in figure 2(a).
The above two effects are evident in greater values of
G. Sensor Performance Evaluation SD and AD , as mentioned above. Certainly, FOM (which is
For the present study, the performance parameter employed a product of SD and AD ) is also larger for the case when
is figure of merit (FOM), which can be calculated using: PT layer is employed. As denoted in the tables incorporated
in figure 2, the FOM increases from 146.146 RIU−1 to 158.002
δθ S P R 1
FOM = x (6) RIU−1 . The above analysis concludes that the utilization of PT
δn s FW H M layer effectively brings a significant improvement in all the
Here, δns is the difference between RI of methanol and performance parameters, in addition to its specificity, of the
ethanol samples and δθSPR is the corresponding shift in peak proposed fiber optic SPR sensor.
4056 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 18, NO. 10, MAY 15, 2018

Fig. 3. Simulated variation of FOM with wavelength of light source. The Fig. 4. Simulated variation of FOM with chemical potential (μ) of graphene
points (+) indicate the wavelength of some commercially available laser monolayer (0.34 nm thick) at λ = 1550 nm. The right inset shows the
diodes. The inset shows the corresponding variations of detection sensitivity corresponding simulated variation of sensitivity and accuracy with chemical
and detection accuracy with wavelength. potential at λ = 1550 nm. The left inset shows the simulated variation of
FOM with chemical potential at λ = 1550 nm for ZBLAN prism based
sensor probe.
However, the above analysis is carried out only for a single
NIR wavelength (λ = 785 nm), and it is imperative to analyze
between SD and AD , it may not be possible to clearly get
the influence of NIR wavelength on the sensor’s performance.
an optimized value of wavelength. Nevertheless, a practical
solution can be found by setting a performance criterion
B. Effect of NIR Wavelength related to minimum requisite values of SD and AD leading
to an appropriate selection of wavelength. In this context,
Figure 3 represents the variation of proposed sensor’s FOM
it is important to mention that in addition to significantly
with λ corresponding to the NIR spectral range in which
better overall sensing performance (i.e., FOM), longer NIR
a number of monochromatic laser diodes are commercially
wavelength also provides superior suitability for biosample
detection due to much smaller photodamage [7], [31] and
The above plot shows that the FOM improves signifi-
reduced Rayleigh scattering (∝ 1/λ4 ). Thus, it can be con-
cantly with an increase in wavelength. Numerically, the FOM
cluded that longer NIR wavelength source should be used in
improves from 144.310 RIU−1 to 325.011 RIU−1 when λ
the proposed fiber optic SPR sensor probe for detection of
is increased from 780 nm to 980 nm. It indicates towards
organic compounds. Here, it should also be noted that above
nearly 125% enhancement in FOM for a corresponding
spectral variation of FOM (as shown in figure 3) has been
increase of 200 nm in light wavelength. The above out-
simulated without PT layer (due to lack of dispersion data
come corroborates another previously reported work regard-
for PT at several wavelengths). However, it is expected from
ing enhanced plasmonic sensing performance at longer NIR
figure 2 and the related discussion that employing the PT will
wavelength [30].
further increase the FOM at longer wavelengths.
At this point, it is important to analyze how the light
wavelength individually affects the sensitivity and accuracy
of the proposed sensor. The above variation of SD and AD C. Effect of Graphene’s Chemical Potential at Longer
with λ is shown in the inset of figure 3, which clearly NIR Wavelength
indicates a trade-off between SD and AD . The sensitivity Following the above observation regarding using longer NIR
decreases whereas accuracy increases for longer wavelength. wavelength, the proposed fiber optic SPR sensor is further
Numerically, SD decays from 130.6010/RIU for λ = 780 nm simulated at λ = 1550 nm and the corresponding FOM is
to 113.6440/RIU for λ = 980 nm, which amounts to nearly obtained as 443.163 RIU−1 . It means that there is nearly 240%
13% decrease in SD for a corresponding change of 200 nm increase in FOM at λ = 1550 nm compared with the FOM at
in λ. On the other hand, AD increases from 1.105/0 for λ = 780 nm. However, the wavelength cannot be increased
λ = 780 nm to 2.786/0 for λ = 980 nm, i.e., nearly 152% beyond a certain level because of corresponding decay in
increase in AD for a corresponding change of 200 nm in sensitivity (as discussed in previous section). At this point, it
λ. Main reason behind this effect is that at shorter wave- becomes essential to explore the role of graphene properties in
lengths, the multilayered plasmonic structure becomes highly order to further enhance the sensor’s performance. Variation
lossy (due to much greater imaginary part of its effective in graphene’s chemical potential (μ) is a crucial parameter
index) mainly owing to increased lossy behavior of metal that affects its complex RI due to corresponding variations in
layer [30]. Since, the magnitude of increase in AD is much charge career concentrations [32]. Recently, the influence of
larger than the decay in SD , therefore, the combined effect of graphene’s chemical potential on fluoride prism-based SPR
the above opposite spectral variations of SD and AD results sensor probe’s performance has been studied in NIR [16].
in nearly 125% increase in FOM within the above λ-range Fig. 4 depicts the variation of FOM of proposed fiber-optic
(i.e., 780-980 nm). SPR sensor probe with μ at λ = 1550 nm.
In above context, it is worth-mentioning that even though It is clear from Fig. 4 that the sensor’s FOM varies signif-
shorter wavelength provides larger sensitivity of a plasmonic icantly with chemical potential. FOM is 443.163 RIU−1 at
sensor, it is equally important to ensure greater accuracy μ = 0 eV and it increases steadily until it becomes
(i.e., as small measurement error as possible) that is achievable 470.345 RIU−1 at μ = 0.41 eV. Thereafter, it decreases
with longer wavelength (as discussed above). Due to trade-off sharply until it encounters a minimum value of 345.460 RIU−1

at μ = 0.49 eV. For μ > 0.49 eV, the FOM keeps on TABLE I
increasing until it reaches its peak value of 510.994 RIU−1 C OMPARISON OF SPR S ENSING P ERFORMANCE
at μ = 1.0 eV. It clearly indicates that tuning the chemical
potential to adequate levels can bring desirable enhancement
in the sensor’s FOM. The chemical potential of graphene can
be tuned mainly either by external gate voltage or by chemical
doping methods [33]. For the present study, we consider
that the chemical potential of graphene layer is not being
actively tuned. Since, chemical doping can permanently tune
graphene for long-term device application assuming that once
graphene is chemically prepared and doped (typical value of μ
around 0.6 eV), it is isolated from the environment [22], [23],
therefore, we have considered that different chemically doped
graphene monolayers are being individually used for sensor
simulation. However, it becomes more complicated to achieve
greater values of μ (e.g., 1 eV). This difficulty may be
significantly avoided by choosing the value of μ around
0.65 - 0.70 eV that provides a significantly large FOM of
nearly 500 - 504 RIU−1 , which is extremely close to the
peak FOM (i.e., 510.994 RIU−1 corresponding to μ = 1 eV)
at λ = 1550 nm. In view of above discussion about the
permanent tuning of μ through chemical doping, it is expected
that the above range of μ (i.e., 0.65 - 0.70 eV) may be achieved
by chemical doping. Nevertheless, as suggested by a previous
study that if graphene is sufficiently doped to support SPW
near λ = 1550 nm, the external electric and magnetic fields
can still be used for dynamic (active) tuning [24], which is
an important point if further higher values of μ are required.
Combining two or more doping methods (e.g., external gate
voltage and chemical/molecular doping) may also be explored, and, therefore, greater FOM than prism-based probe. The
if needed. above comparison further strengthens the utility of proposed
The right inset of figure 4 shows the corresponding variation fiber-optic SPR sensor probe over the prism-based one.
of SD and AD with μ at λ = 1550 nm. As is visible, there Going further, the following table I shows the comparison
is hardly any variation in SD with μ but the AD component of the proposed sensor’s FOM with a few important works on
shows a significant variation, which effectively commands the SPR sensor [35]–[41].
whole variation of FOM with μ. It signifies that the above The above table indicates that the proposed fiber optic SPR
range of μ (i.e., 0.65 - 0.70 eV) is able to provide nearly sensor for alcohol detection has the capability of providing
constant sensitivity (around 1000/RIU, which is sufficiently greater FOM compared with other plasmonic sensor designs.
large in view of the angular resolution of 0.0010 available
with present instruments [34]), high accuracy (around 5 /0 ), IV. C ONCLUSION
as well as large FOM (around 500 RIU−1 ) extremely close to ZBLAN fluoride fiber optic SPR sensor with graphene
maximum possible FOM. and NaF layers has been studied in NIR for detection of
alcohols. The simulation results indicate that the fiber-optic
probe provides much better sensing performance compared
D. Sensing Performance Comparison with its prism-based counterpart. The introduction of alcohol-
The left inset of figure 4 shows the simulated variation specific PT layer leads not only to enhanced sensing perfor-
of FOM with μ at λ = 1550 nm for ZBLAN prism based mance but also adds to the specificity of the sensor. It is
SPR sensor probe with Ag layer (45 nm) and graphene found that laser sources of longer NIR wavelength should be
monolayer (0.34 nm). The corresponding SPR curve consists used as they lead to greater FOM of the sensor. However,
of the variation of reflection coefficient (R) with θ , while the sensitivity may be slightly smaller for longer wavelength
FOM is defined as same as in Eq. (6). The objective of but the same can be compensated with much greater accuracy.
showing this variation is to appreciate the comparison between The chemical potential (μ) of graphene can be exploited as
prism-based and the proposed fiber-optic SPR sensor probes. a crucial parameter to improve the sensor’s performance at
Clearly, the FOM achievable with the fiber-optic probe is longer NIR wavelength. At λ = 1550 nm, an exceptionally
much better (nearly 2.5 times greater) compared with the balanced set of performance parameters (sensitivity, accuracy,
prism-based probe. The main reason is that due to multiple and FOM) can be achieved for 0.65 eV < μ < 0.7 eV.
reflections, the fiber-optic probe is able to cause more change The proposed sensor has the capability to provide significantly
in output signal (i.e., power loss) leading to smaller FWHM better performance than previously-reported SPR sensors.
4058 IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 18, NO. 10, MAY 15, 2018

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