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MOMENTS | Issue 1, JUNE 2018 6

Is Your Child Writing Wrong Spellings?

Don’t Worry. We have a cure. - Rajesh Barasara

Does your child spells words

wrongly? And you are worried. You
have reason rightly to be so because
inability to spell words correctly can
send your child’s career prospects
down the drain.

Nevertheless, take it kindly to your

child because blame is on him/her
just in part only. To a greater extent,
for the wrong spellings, culprit is the This phenomenon has enriched the done extensive research on it and we
English Language itself. English English language but has also have built a SPECIALIZED SPELLING
language is actually not an ‘English’ messed around with it. There was no PROGRAMME (SSP) drawing on its
language. consensus on spellings or their
pronunciation and moreover the
sounds changed over time. To Our SSP is built upon the
English spellings and pronunciation
illustrate, ‘gh’ is a pure enigma for research done by
is ‘an awesome mess’, ‘irrational’ and
students in cough, through and Cambridge University.
even ínhuman’, says Mario Pei in his
ghost. In addition, there are too
many sounds for too
few letters. One
sound may have as
many as 14 different
spellings, as does the
sound, ‘sh’ in station,
special, and charades.
Besides, your child research pool. Very soon, we are
needs to master a initiating this SSP. It will give fillip to
large number of your child’s misspellings. Their
language processing spellings will sparkle substantially.
skills to spell Just wait and watch and get
book ‘The Story of English’. From accurately. All this creates spellbound!
400 BC till The Middle Ages, dozens cumbersome days and even nights
of different European tribes invaded Do you know there are several
for the children and their parents. organizations asking the
Britain and settled permanently.
governments to simplify English
Each had brought their own However, all is not lost. With the spellings?
language with them, the sum total of right method pupils’ spellings can be
which became English. We wish governments accept their
improved. Cambridge University has pleas but until then make do with
our SSP.
Author is a teacher, trainer and educator.
You can reach him at and visit him at

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