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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3
HOW TO TAKE HERBS? ........................................................................................................ 5
GYMNEMA SYLVESTRE: OUR FIRST ANTI-DIABETIC HERB .................................................. 8
BITTER MELON –THE SECOND HERB OF CHOICE .............................................................. 10
CINNAMON – OUR FOURTH HERB .................................................................................... 18
CAPSAICIN (HOT PEPPERS) – OUR FIFTH ANTI DIABETIC SOLDIER! .................................. 20
MULBERRY LEAF – YOUR SIX POWERFUL ANTI-DIABETIC HERB ....................................... 22
CHIA SEEDS – ANOTHER POWERFUL ANTI-DIABETIC HERB .............................................. 24
CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................... 26
David Corr Copyright © 2015

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David Corr

It is estimated that in the United States itself, around 8% of the total

population is dealing with diabetes. And here is a threatening revelation –
this number is going up by at least 4% a year!

It is known to
be the leading It is a leading
It is a leading cause of cause of new
It elevates the
cause of renal amputation in cases of
diseases and lower blindness in
risk by at least
their extremeties, in youth and
complications a non middle aged
traumatic adults

Now, we are extremely fortunate to live in the world where medical

research is so advanced that insulin injections and other diabetic
medications are readily available. However, with increasing knowledge, a
number of diabetics today are choosing healthier alternatives to medicine.
These include plants and herbs that help us deal with the imbalances in
our bodies and support us in remaining disease free forever.
This book is aimed at arming you with knowledge of such herbs that can
be consumed as healthier alternatives to insulin therapy and that can help
you prevent diabetes for life.

Let us first understand what is meant by herbs and herbalism.

Herbalism is the ancient science of wild plants that produce medicinal
compounds. The real reason why these plants produce medicinal
compounds is to enable them to fight against insects and other stressors
in their environment.
Consuming these herbs orally will lead to physiological changes in your
body. If consumed in the right dose, these changes will translate into good
health and freedom from diseases.
A medicine for one person can serve as poison for the other.
And this is where we talk about herbs – herbs normally do not cause as
much side effects as the chemically synthesized medicines. This is
attributed to the complex chemistry of each herb which utilizes enzymes,
nutrients and natural co-factors to impact fully metabolize the medicines
obtained from herbs.
So, while pharmaceutical medicines are created by isolating the
compounds found in herbs, herbs provide the synergy of complex
chemicals and are considered as whole foods synergistically working
towards the objective of making your body disease free.
This book focusses on herbs specifically used to lower your blood sugar
levels, regenerate the islet cells of pancreas and protect against the effect
of excess blood sugar.
Insulin is considered as an inflammatory hormone. Therefore, it is
important for everyone and just not diabetics to focus on minimizing their
insulin output.
Consumption of these herbs, along with a combination of good diet and
lifestyle will not only prevent you from getting impacted with, but also help
you reverse your diabetes.
Ready to get started on your journey to a healthier, herbal lifestyle?
Well, let’s begin!

The most cost effective way to obtain herbs is through buying whole dried
herbs in bulk quantities. It is extremely important to buy the highest quality
So, what qualifies as high quality?
Well, I would say organic or wild harvested herbs can be termed as high
quality herbs.
Imagine consuming herbs that have been sprayed with pesticides!
It defeats the entire purpose, doesn’t it?
It is important to also remember that all herbs have a shelf life. So, you
must only purchase the amount that you would need – purchasing in
excess would result in their lying in your cupboard for months after their
optimum shelf life.
If you can afford, the best way to consume herbs is herbal extracts.
Extracts are available in three forms:
▪ As capsules
▪ As tinctures
▪ As loose fine powder

The ideal way to consume a herb is through an open capsule directly over
your tongue or through tincture. This way you experience the taste of the
herb and your tongue communicates with your brain, making the herb
more effective and increasing it absorption capacity.
Growing your own herbs or foraging locally is another great way to
supplement your supply of herbs. They can be eaten fresh or dried, and if
you wish you could also convert them into tinctures or teas.
It is also important to space your herbs and supplements. Since herbs
have a relatively shorter half-life, it is recommended that you take them at
least four times in a day (in divided doses), rather than a single dose, once
a day.
The unfortunate part here is that most people give up herbal usage much
before the herb has had a chance to act on the body. You must remember
that these things take time and it is important to be consistent with your
approach to diet, lifestyle and herbs.
If you would like to maximize the absorption of herbs, try and consume
some vitamin C every day. I recommend acerola cherry powder as your
everyday vitamin C supplement. I believe food sources for nutrients are
always utilized better than the chemical nutrients born in a laboratory.
I would also recommend including herbs as a part of your diet.
You love your cinnamon oatmeal cookies, correct?
Nobody would have experimented with cinnamon in oatmeal or oatmeal
cookies, had they not known what cinnamon tasted like – and that would
have happened when someone would have tried tasting the cinnamon
An herb mixing well and adding flavor to your food is called a spice.
Now, I am not asking you to go and begin tasting all the plants and plant
barks that you see!
I recommend that you begin using the herbs mentioned in this book for the
purpose of flavoring your foods – you can start with the ones that taste
nice. In the process, be ready to be amazed by the manner in which your
taste buds enhance. Eventually, you will start appreciating all flavors –
spicy, sweet, sour, bitter…
This process will alter the taste of your food and you will notice a subtle
transformation – from the typical Western sweet and salty diet to a diet full
of flavors – especially the bitter flavors. There is a reason why most
pharmaceutical medicines taste bitter!
Cooking with herbs is one of the best ways to incorporate herbs in your
How about blending some herbal extract into your smoothies or shakes?
Or let’s say making herbal teas from a tincture?
In the following pages, you will not only get an insight on the various herbs
used for diabetes, but also get to read about the best practices to use

Please also check out our website for diabetes support…..

This is known as one of the most powerful anti-diabetic herbs on earth that
has been used to help with diabetic symptoms for around 2000 years now
and this is why it is first on our list.
It is a woody shrub native to Africa and India. The Hindi name for
Gymnema is ‘gur mar.’ This implies – ‘destroyer of sugar.’
It works by diminishing the absorption of sugar from the intestines.
It is extremely powerful owing to its multi-prong hypoglycemic matrix of
It curbs sugar and salt cravings by interfering with the glucose receptors
present in your mouth. A pinch of Gymnema powder in your mouth can
numb the sweet tasting sensation of your taste buds – the only reason for
this is the action of gymnemic acid on your leaves.
Another mechanism of action is that the powder inhibits intestinal
absorption of glucose by interacting with the same receptors that it blocks
in the mouth. The gymnemic acids from the leaves coats the lining of the
small intestines, which curbs the uptake of sugar in the body.
Another way Gymnema supports diabetic patients is by helping in creation
of new islet cells in the pancreas along with boosting the insulin production
from the existing cells. It also enhances the excretion of insulin in the beta
What if I am already taking insulin?
Well, my advice to you here is to consult with your doctor before beginning
consumption of Gymnema, since the combination of Insulin and
Gymnema is really powerful.
Gymnema can be consumed as tea, capsules, or powdered extracts.
I would advise to take it through capsules since tea or powdered extracts
can numb the sensations in your mouth.
Consistency is the key here. Gymnema may take several months to
demonstrate a positive action. However, the good thing here is that the
benefits are much more than simply ‘destruction of sugar or lowering of
blood sugar.’
If you are planning to heal yourself through herbs, the best thing is to
experiment with Gymnema for at least 6-8 months – you have to allow it to
let it work its magic on your mouth, intestine and the blood stream.

Bitter melon contains three active substances that can help in reduction of
blood sugar.
No one can decide if is a vegetable or a fruit – and is therefore classified
into both families. It grows in tropical countries such as Africa, Asia, South
America, Australia and the Caribbean. The scientific name for bitter melon
is Momordicacharantia. It is also known as bitter gourd, bitter melon,
karela, bitter squash and goya.
It is known to grow off the vine as a green, oblong-shaped vegetable (or
fruit) with a distinctive warty exterior. Although the texture, size and
bitterness vary between the various regions in which it grows.
Polypeptide P, present in bitter melon, is known to help in transport of
glucose into the cells. This enzyme is also activated by exercise and is
often referred to as AMPK.
Apart from serving as an amazing addition to the list of herbs that fight
insulin dependent diabetes, bitter melon is a powerful cancer fighter and
has even managed to grab a position in a number of pharmaceutical drugs
that fight cancer.
You can purchase dehydrated biller melon slices in bulk and use them in
veggies of choice.
It is a one of the most commonly used ingredients in Chinese stews.
It is also available in the form of powders, tinctures or capsules. You can
also prepare a bitter melon tea and drink it twice or thrice every day.
The greater the frequency of consumption, the better the results.

A glass of Apple Cider Vinegar just before a meal can significantly lower
your blood sugar level. It can even improve your insulin sensitivity – even
with a high carb meal.
The ultimate winning formula however is a combination of apple cider
vinegar and low carb meals.
ACV inhibits a carbohydrate digesting enzyme thus slowing down the
release of glucose into the bloodstream. This sugar then gets consumed
by gut flora, and eventually gets slowly absorbed into the body – as
opposed to the quick mode of absorption.
This action, combined with improving insulin sensitivity, demonstrates a
compound impact and helps in lowering blood sugar levels.
When you consume ACV, you must ensure that you swish it back without
touching your teeth as it can ruin tooth enamel.
It is great if you can make your own apple cider vinegar at home.
Before we look at the actual process of manufacturing ACV at home, let
us look at some useful points that you must keep in mind:

▪ You must try and make your Apple Cider Vinegar with the winter and
fall varieties of apples, primarily because of the ample sugar content in
these varieties.
▪ During the process and once made, always store your Apple Cider
Vinegar in glass, ceramic or other non-traditional containers that are
marked as food grade and are sterile. Never let it ferment in metallic
▪ Never use baker’s yeast to hasten the process of fermentation. Only
certain specialized kinds of yeast that are available at biological labs
and wine making shops must be used.
▪ During the process of preparation, do ensure that the temperature of
the baking solution is within sixty to eighty degrees Fahrenheit.
▪ One gallon of Apple Cider Vinegar can be produced by 25lbs. of
apples. Remember this to estimate the measurements depending upon
the quantity that you require. You don’t need a lot although it will not go
bad even if it is stored for a longer period of time.
▪ Strain the vinegar using a cheesecloth. In case a cheesecloth is not
available, a fine kitchen sieve can be used.
And now, here are the three different methods in which you can prepare
your very own Apple Cider Vinegar at home:

Method one: Make your Apple Cider Vinegar using apple scraps
This method is suited for you if you intend to eat your apples and produce
vinegar from them too. It is a relatively faster process that takes
approximately two months to complete.
▪ A wide mouthed jar
▪ Apple scraps (these are the peels and the cores from organic apples)
▪ A piece of cheesecloth

Take the apple scraps and put them out in the air.
Oh….they are turning brown are they?
No problem – because that is what you really want. Now, put these
scraps into your wide mouthed jar and fill it with water. Don’t top up your
jar with water, leave some room for the scraps too! You do want to add
some more during the next few days, don’t you? Place your jar full of
scraps in a dark and warm place after covering it with cheesecloth. The
best place to store these is the cupboard. Let it stay there undisturbed for
a few days. You will notice that the contents of your jar thicken after a few
days and a greyish colored scum is formed on the top. This indicates that
no more scraps should be added now. Let your apple scraps ferment for a
month at least and then begin the mechanism of taste-testing. You want it
stronger, right? Let the jar stay where it is and taste-test every other day. If
the mixture is really strong, just filter the apple scraps and bottle the
vinegar. Do not get worried about the cloudiness in the mixture. This is the
sediment from the apples and is called ‘the mother’. You can even strain
the mixture through a paper coffee filter if you do not like the cloudiness!
Method two: Make your Apple Cider Vinegar using whole apples
You should use this method only if you have a lot of time at your hand.
This does take time – around six to seven months to ferment so just
warning you!
▪ Two glass bowls (small and large)
▪ Twelve whole apples (organically grown)
▪ A piece of cheesecloth to cover the bowls

Cut the apples into quarters after washing them clean. Make sure that you
are using organically grown healthy whole apples. You may want to core
and peel them. The cores and the peels can get you another bottle of
Apple Cider Vinegar by the apple scrap method. It is fine if you don’t want
to do so! Wash the apples. Let the apples be exposed to air and get
brown. Place them in the smaller glass bowl once you notice a change in
color. Cover them with water and then cover the glass bowl with
cheesecloth. Let this covered bowl stay in a warm, dark place for around
six months. In around six to seven months, you will notice the formation of
a greyish scum on the surface of the liquid. This is an indication that you
should strain the mixture into a larger glass bowl. Cover it with
cheesecloth once again and let it stay there for some more time. Your
Apple Cider Vinegar will be ready for use in around five to six weeks. You
may want to transfer it into smaller containers.
Method three: Make your Apple Cider Vinegar using cider
This process can be broken down further into four main steps:
▪ You should first make clean cider from organically grown apples
▪ Now, you should convert the fruit sugar into alcohol through the
process of fermentation by yeast
▪ Next, you should deploy the process of acetic acid fermentation to
convert this alcohol into acetic acid.
▪ Finally, you must clarify this acetic acid so that you can prevent it from
further decomposition and fermentation.

▪ Glass containers
▪ Especially cultivated yeast
▪ Apples
▪ Cheesecloth

Gather the apples available in the fall and winter season and wash them
really well. They should now be crushed to make apple pulp. The juice
should then be filtered into sterilized glass containers. The containers
should only fill up to 3/4th capacity and must be left uncovered. Now, the
specially cultivated yeast should be added to the cider. This will hasten the
process of fermentation. The containers must be placed in a warm and dry
place away from direct sunlight and the mixture should be stirred every
day. In around five weeks, this mixture will get completely fermented. You
may want to begin the process of taste-testing starting the fourth week.
You will know when your mixture is completely fermented. When you feel
that you have achieved the consistency you desire, filter it through a
number of layers of cheesecloth. This will remove the ‘mother’ of the
vinegar which will prevent further fermentation. You can now store this in
small, capped containers. You may even want to pasteurize it in order to
increase the shelf life. Did you know you can even flavor your vinegar by
placing the flavoring agent in the cheesecloth and then keeping this
cheesecloth suspended in the vinegar? In around four days from the day
you placed your flavoring agent in the vinegar, you can get ready to taste
your flavored vinegar. Isn’t that so awesome?
Let this darling of modern day medicine work it’s magic on your diabetes.
Consume it before every meal to experience phenomenal results in
around 2-3 months.
If you feel this is too much work then the best Organic Cider Vinegar
without a doubt is from the legendary late Paul Bragg.

Cinnamon is one of the main herbs used in lowering blood sugar. This tree
bark boasts of large numbers of polyphenols which have been known to
act directly and beneficially on the metabolism of sugar.
Studies prove that cinnamon enhances the metabolism of sugar by at
least 20 times.
And how about cassia bark?
Well, that is much more powerful than sweet cinnamon because the
quantity of volatile oils in cassia bark is twice the quantity of oils in sweet
cinnamon. The catch here is that cassia bark contains a liver toxin, which
is fat soluble.
The fat soluble nature of cassia bark is actually advantageous to diabetics.
They can brew the cassia bark tea, extract the medicinal extract into water
and leave the toxins in the bark itself!
A number of good cassia-cinnamon extracts are available in the market.
The key is to ensure that these are safe water extractions.
If you would like to consume cinnamon in isolation, feel free to consume
the whole powder. Let your tongue feel the taste of this spice and
incorporate it into your recipes. You can also drink the heavenly cinnamon
twice a day. Just let the bark or powder boil into water for five minutes,
add a bit of stevia and …..take a sip to experience the most incredible tea
you have ever tasted.

It is often said that if you wish to master any one herb in your life, it should
be cayenne pepper – this single herb can be more beneficial than all
Capsaicin is a compound found in cayenne and other peppers that makes
them taste hot.
This amazing substance boosts blood flow much better than any other
herb, and this is what allows cayenne pepper to enhance the impact of
everything else that you consume.
Let me ask you a simple question here – if the blood flow to your pancreas
is weakened due to whatever reason, how can the other herbs that you
consume make it to your pancreas?
This blood flow boost is provided by cayenne pepper or capsaicin.
The best way to consume it is to stir a pinch of capsaicin powder in a
glass full of warm water and drink it. If your sugar levels is extremely high,
you can drink this every hour or so. It will not only nourish your blood
vessels, but also ensure that your nerves and other organs are protected
from high blood sugar.
Along with the blood vessels, capsaicin provides nourishment to the
nerves which lowers the inflammation in your pancreas, helping them
function more effectively.
The medicinal impact of the herb is more effective when the mouth tastes
the herb before it reaches the stomach – your digestive juices begin to
flow the moment capsaicin is detected by your taste buds. This is why
consuming capsaicin in capsule form is not too effective.
You may begin with a little dose and gradually work your way up. The
more, the merrier!

If it were a perfect world, God would plant a mulberry tree in the backyard
of any diabetic’s home.
The mulberry leaf has been extensively studied for its anti-diabetic
properties. The main compound in the leaf is DNJ or 1-deoxynojirimicin.
On ingestion, DNJ works by inhibiting the function of intestinal enzyme
called alpha glucosidase. This is the enzyme responsible for breakdown of
starches into simple glucose. The result is immensely slowed
carbohydrate absorption which can elevate your insulin efficiency in a
massive manner. This even allows your gut flora to work on metabolizing
a portion of carbohydrates even before they are absorbed.
Wouldn’t this take the burden off your system and help you better
metabolize the sugar?
DNJ also enhances the activity of enzymes in the liver. These enzymes
help in metabolism of glucose in a much efficient manner. Liver has a
large role to play in sugar metabolism and mulberry leaves ensure that it
acts at its peak capacity.
The leaf also has an anti-oxidant impact preventing your bloodstream
against the damaging effect of sugar.
You can get pure mulberry leaf extract as a supplement.

Chia seeds possess an extremely high fiber content which soothes the
stomach. They gel up as they pass through your digestive tract, which
provides a soothing effect on your stomach and time releases your
This time releasing of carbohydrates allows small amount of insulin to do
the same amount of work over a period of time as a larger amount of
insulin would have to do in terms of tackling a big, sugary meal in one go.
The abundance of anti-oxidants in chia seeds make them a much
healthier and nutritious alternative to other off-the-shelf supplements.
Chia seeds also help in balancing your omega 6 to omega 3 ratio which in
turn has a powerful anti-inflammatory impact on your body. This in turn
has a powerful anti-diabetic effect.
The best way to consume chia seeds is by covering the seeds in spring
water. You must ensure that the weight of water is ten times the weight of
chia seeds. Add some stevia too and let this mixture stay for around ten
minutes. In ten minutes, you will observe that chia seeds have converted
into a gel like substance, which you can consume before meals to time-
release the blood sugar absorption. Feel free to add this gel in your
smoothies, puddings and stews.
The best anti-diabetic impact of the herb can be experienced when it is
taken right before meals.
It is best to buy 100% Organic Chia seeds that are Non GMO.

Anti-diabetic herbs offer a plethora of health benefits. Some of these are:

▪ They lower your blood sugar levels
▪ They provide a regenerative impact
▪ They protect your body by strengthening your immune system
▪ They help in reduction of stress

The pharmaceutical drugs isolate one single compound from the plant and
act more like ‘pre-packaged processed food’ that will only increase
dependency and harm the system over time by depleting your body of vital
I sincerely hope that you are able to treat your diabetes the natural way,
using all the herbs mentioned in this book. You can begin with one herb
and gradually progress to include more in your diet. Remember,
commitment is the key here.
To achieve extra-ordinary health, one must demonstrate extra-ordinary
commitment to consume extra-ordinary herbs and diet along with
incorporating some extra-ordinary lifestyle changes.
Simply doing this will ensure that you will be much healthier than other
individuals around you – including your non diabetic friends!

Take care and I wish you all the best.

David Corr

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