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10 Steps to

Dream Building


When you are in harmony with your soul’s

purpose, when you are in harmony with
what your are her to be and do, things get

Mary Morrissey
Life Mastery Institute

❖ Planting the Seed

❖ 1. Discovering
❖ 2. Designing
❖ 3. Deserving
❖ Bridging the Gap
❖ 4. Fear
❖ 5. Lack
❖ 6. Perspective
❖ Acceleration
❖ 7. Listening
❖ 8. Harnessing
❖ 9. Stepping
❖ Harvesting your Dream

Planting the Seed

1. Discovering – Longing and Discontent
2. Designing – Give Yourself a Blueprint
3. Deserving – Feeling Worthy

Longings and
❖ Take a look at your discontent? Your
discontent is the launchpad of your
❖ Identify your longing around that
❖ This is the beginning of your dream.
❖ Don’t get stuck in perfection.

Designing Your Dream

❖ Give your life a roadmap.
❖ 4 areas: Relationships, Health &
Wellness, Vocation, Finances.
❖ Write your dream in present tense, I am
so happy now that…

Feeling Deserving
❖ Identify the Thoughts and Beliefs that hold
you back.
❖ What are the limiting beliefs that your dream
is not for you?
❖ Move beyond limiting beliefs.

We limit our creative capacity with our thinking,

understanding, and actions but once we

change our thinking, we hold the power to
create whatever we want.

Mary Morrissey

Life Mastery Institute


Bridging the Gap

4. Befriend Your Fear
5. Get into the Flow
6. Evolve Your Perspective

Befriending Your Fear

❖ Move through your fear.
❖ Re -Viewing your life and turning your past
fear into lessons learned.
❖ Viewing your present fear as a stepping stone
to your new reality.
❖ Everyone who experiences greatness
experiences and manages fear.

Getting Into the Flow

❖ Activating the Law of Circulation

❖ The Law of Receiving vs The Law of Giving.

❖ What comes first? Giving.

❖ You don't get what you want, You get what

you focus on!

❖ Don’t forget your daily gratitudes.


Changing Perception
Forgiveness - We can't go one step further if
we are blaming someone else for our life.
Perspective- We can’t grow a healthy dream
in toxic soil.
Forgiveness is a shift in perception that
removes a block in me to my awareness of
loves presence.

"Forgiveness doesn't mean the wound is

completely gone. It means the pain no
longer controls us or our actions."

Melanie Beckler


7. Listening to Your Still Small Voice – Intuition

8. Harnessing Your Belief – Confidence

9. Using set backs as a Stepping Stone – Learn

and move on

Listening to Your Intuition

❖ The life you are holding in your hand is yours. The
life each one of us holds and experiences is
controlled by what we do and what we choose.
❖ You feel yourself seeking to express a freer, fuller,
more creative and more expanded life. As you say
YES to this life, you get happier and you find more
❖ You will start trusting yourself and listening to that
still small voice to make good choices for you.

Harnessing Your Belief

❖ Build a Bigger Believing
❖ Create a Support System
❖ Mastermind group
❖ Get Coaching
❖ Train your mind to look for and
believe in your dream.

Stepping Stones
❖ Things change and set-backs happen. It’s
how we deal with failure that defines us. If
we let it keep us down we never get to the
life we really want.
❖ Use set-backs as feedback and strength
❖ Get up, dust yourself off, figure out the
lessons you can take from the set-back and
stay in the game.

Harvesting Your
❖ Make a commitment!
❖ Stop living your life by default.
❖ Live Your Life by Design.
❖ Understand you don’t have to do
this alone.

Your Center for Inspiration Dream Building and Change

We coach you to your highest potential! Whether your dream is personal or

business related we can help you open to the possibility and find yourself
living your deepest desire. This is a proven step-by-step path to finding your
purpose and your happiness.

We help you learn how to rely on and believe in your unlimited potential and
power. We already know that you've experienced flashes of intuitive
knowledge and big thinking that has you wondering just how far you could
go if only...

We're here to help you stir up that innate knowing and self-trust already
instilled deep in your soul. We help you forge forward when the “old you”
would rather give up and turn back.

The variety of in-person seminars, workshops, and one-on-one coaching

programs we offer are helping - and affecting - hundreds of thousands of
lives on this planet.

Right now, you're standing at the doorway to your greatest life. It's time to
seek out your destiny. It's time to see and achieve one dream after another
with a clear-headed and confident stride... no matter how big you might think
that dream to be.

All photos courtesy of Paul Moeller

Transforming Your Dreams Into Reality…

As a DreamBuilder Coach, Certified by the Life Mastery

Institute, Carol Wight can help you design and manifest a
life that’s in harmony with your Soul’s purpose.

Carol inspires and empowers all those that are drawn to

her to live their highest vision in the context of love and
joy. Her passion is teaching clients to unlock their true
potential, achieve outrageous success, and live a life they
LOVE living!

Carol is an inspiring speaker, passionate educator, and a highly sought after

transformational coach.

Biography: At 21, Carol opened her first restaurant. By the time she was 30 she
owned three successful restaurants. Utilizing entrepreneurial skills and restaurant
expertise, she became an international consultant in destinations like Abu Dhabi,
and Tokyo. Carol eventually became the CEO of the New Mexico Restaurant
Association, running a 1,100 member trade organization.

Through her work as an entrepreneur and advocate she realized that women
entrepreneurs like her needed a membership organization to support their road
to success. She joined forces with author Katie Snapp to bring her book Skirt
Strategies to life in a supportive membership community, empowering women to
reach their full potential so they can obtain the leadership positions they
deserve. Carol is a certified Dream Builder Coach helping others to identify their
life’s purpose so they can have the life of their dreams.

Now combining this background with the proven DreamBuilder technology, Carol
is helping clients achieve extraordinary results in accelerated time. She is filled
with joy and gratitude as she works with people to transform their lives and close
the gap between the life they were living, and the life they LOVE living.

Carol offers content rich interactive workshops that take participants on a

journey in which they design, define, test, and experience a crystal clear vision
of the life they would love – a life that is in alignment with their highest purpose.
They will have a unique opportunity to “step into” the life they are imagining and
feel a resounding “yes”.
Join me at CenterMyCenter.Com for fresh ideas
and ways to stay in tune with your dream life. You
were put here on earth to have an awesome
experience. Let’s have it together.


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