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aedilis curulis

aedilis plebeius

animism Romans, like Greeks and Egyptians, were animists. They were surrounded by
powers. Each is a discrete power. Living things have power. Places have power. Each one of
these powers can be controlled by an intelligent force or spirit (Lat., anima; thus animism). You
are surrounded by spirits which are connected to powers. Power confers ... upon you. So they
try to control these powers by offering prayer and sacrifice.

apotheosis the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax. The
elevation of someone to divine status; deification.

auspices divine or prophetic tokens.

Bacchus Bacchus (Bakhos, Dionysus) also known as Bromius, Eviam, Pater liber. The
iconography is different: in Greece it is ivy; in Italy it is the grapevine. His distinguishing marker
is the thyrsus. His animal is the leopard, sometimes jaguar. His followers are typically women
but men aren’t excluded. The women are called Bacchae or the Maenads. In Italy Bacchus is a
wine god. In Greece he is a fertility god. Know Bacchanalia.

biga two horses at the Circus Maximus.



circus (in ancient Rome) a rounded or oblong arena lined with tiers of seats, used for equestrian
and other sports and games. Roman arena for games, entertainment, etc.

comitia centuriata

comitia tributa

concilium plebis



cursus honorum Your career path as a patrician (“course of honors”). Magistracies change
over time. In the cursus honorum there are two things: (1) tribunus plebeius (tribune of the
plebs): [tribunus--tribe] this position had a powerful role; his person is guaranteed by the
plebs--he can’t be arrested, can’t be put to death. His veto power is absolute. Veto--I forbid. The
plebs can step in at any time and stop a senatus consultum, consul, etc. There is no argument.
It’s the final word. vigintsexvir (twenty-six men): you can start out as a tribune of the soldiers
(tribunus militum). (2) The next step is quaestor (quaero--ask, inquire): possible he was
originally a judge. He eventually becomes involved with finance (secretary of finance).
Cybele (Kubele): Magna Mater (Gr., meter megale, μητηρ μεγαλη). Her temple is the Megalon.
(Afterlife involved?)

damnatio ad bestias condemned to the wild animals.

decimation beating one of the ten (the unit of the decem).


do ut des “I give so that you may give.” In Roman religion things were distant and
unemotional. Then the religions from the east come in. They aren’t threatening at first because
they, too, were animistic. They were appealing since they met some needs: emotional, afterlife,

Epicureanism Epicurus was contemporary with Zeno. Epicurus was building on atomic theory.
There were four atoms: soul atom (subject to gravity and fall through the universe)... The biggest
source of Epicurean thought is a poem by Titus Lucretius Carus, De Rerum Natura (On the
Nature of Things): opening lines -- Aeneadum genetrix, hominum diuumque voluptas alma Venus
... Epicurus’ thought was to minimize pain and increase pleasure (peace of mind).


fasces bundle of rods.

flamen The flamenes: there were 3 major ones and 12 minor ones: Flamen Dialis -- flamen of
Juppiter (takes care of temple of Juppiter; most important priest in Rome). Flamen Martialis --
flamen of Mars. Flamen Quirinalis -- flamen of Quirinus (Quirinus is the assumed Romulus;
extemely important in Roman society). The 12 minor: Ceres, Flora, Volcanus (flamen are
associated with these gods and goddess).






Isis Popular Egyptian goddess. Isis cult claimed afterlife. Isis: gathered up 12 of 13 pieces of
hacked-up Osiris. Isis can bring you back from the dead.

libation a drink poured out as an offering to a deity. Drink-offering in religious

ceremonial context.

lictor carries the fasces (bundle of rods with a bipennis). The rods are for beating you. Military
officers have one rod for the purposes of punishing

lorica breastplate.
Lucretius Big name for Epicureanism. Poet/writer of Epicurean thought and philosophy.
He wrote De Rerum Natura (On the Nature of Things).

ludi training establishment for gladiators.

magister equitum

magister populi

mystery religion


pollice uerso (verso) “With the thumb turned.”



praefectus urbis

praetor peregrinus praetor of the foreigners. // praetor--one who is in front. The praetor is a
sort of judge. When taking office, he declares which laws he enforces and how they will be
enforced. Praetor: each of two ancient Roman magistrates ranking below consul.

praetor urbanus praetor of the city.



quadriga four horses at the Circus Maximus.

quaestor in charge of public revenue. quaestor (quaero--ask, inquire): possible he was

originally a judge. He eventually becomes involved with finance (secretary of finance).

Quirinus Flamen Quirinalis -- flamen of Quirinus (Quirinus is the assumed Romulus;

extemely important in Roman society)

Saturnalia the ancient Roman festival of Saturn in December, which was a period of general
merrymaking and was the predecessor of Christmas.

scutum shield.


Seneca Seneca, Lucius Annaeus(c. 4 bc – ad 65), Roman statesman, philosopher, and playwright;
known as Seneca the Younger. Son of Seneca the Elder, he became tutor to Nero in 49 and was
appointed consul in 57. His Epistulae Morales is a notable Stoic work.

state religion
Stoicism ancient Greek school of philosophy founded at Athens by Zeno of Citium. The
school taught that virtue, the highest good, is based on knowledge, and that the wise live in
harmony with the divine Reason (also identified with Fate and Providence) that governs nature,
and are indifferent to the vicissitudes of fortune and to pleasure and pain.

syncretism mixing/merging of different religious thoughts, ideals, and practices.

Amalgamation of different religions, cultures, or schools of thought.


tribunus militum

tribunus plebeius


uirga (virga)

Vestal virgins the only women who have a religious function. Usually young girls. ***Shelton.

veto “I forbid.”

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