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Sample MBA Syllabus

Sample MBA Syllabus

Single semester 3-credit class

Most MBA students are motivated to work on their own (and many prefer it, given their job
responsibilities, travel needs, and family commitments). Since class time is at a premium, don’t
try to “cover” every topic in your lectures. Omit topics that don’t meet the “bottom line” test of
practical application (MBA students pay higher tuition and will be thinking about this). Make it
clear which topics will not be covered in class (but will be on the exam) and which topics will not
be on the exam (they will appreciate that). Use class time to work problems or give examples.
Emphasize that the textbook is their lifelong learning resource (even if you don’t “cover”
everything). Remind them that they may need to look something up next year or five years from
now, and that an MBA education is supposed to provide the basis for self-education in the future.
You selected this comprehensive textbook that covers what they are likely to need in the future
after this class is over. Point out also that LearningStatshas data, demonstrations, and PowerPoint
shows (matched to each chapter) that they can load onto their laptops and take “on the road”
when they travel on business. PowerPoint slides on the textbook CD also give solid coverage of
each chapter. These resources relieve you of having to “lecture” on every topic.
For mature learners, why not try less reliance on exams, more on projects (e.g., 50-50)?
SeeSuggested Team Projects for ideas that have been successfully tested in MBA classes. MBAs
appreciate lab time for them to get started on team projects (even just an hour). This is best done
at the end of the class. They are then able to collaborate outside of class to finish the project.
This syllabus shown below supposes one meeting per week. Allow only two team oral
reports per class (and make them adhere to the 5-10 minute rule). Use Visual Statistics and
LearningStats for class demos as time permits. Note that trend forecasting is taught before
regression because it is easy using Excel and MBAs can see its relevance in business. No final
exam, just regression project reports. This puts the focus on getting report-writing, not

Week Topic Learning Resources

1 Sampling, data types, visual data displays, describing data DS 3, 4
with Excel, MegaStat, and/or MINITAB LS 3, 4
2 Probability, independence, contingency tables, E(X), V(X), DS 5, 6
binomial model, P-1 team project lab LS 5, 6
3 P-1 team reports, binomial and Poisson models, P~B DS 7
approximation, normal, N~B and N~P approximation LS 7
4 Uniform, triangular, what-if modeling, simulation basics, DS 18
demonstration of spreadsheet models, P-2 team project lab LS 18
5 P-2 team reports, exponential model, MTBF, waiting time, ----
catch-up, review
6 EXAM #1 ----

Key: DS = Doane/Seward, LS = LearningStats

Sample MBA Syllabus

Week Topic Learning Resources

7 Time series trends and forecasting, Excel trends with DS 14
displayed equation and forecasts, P-3 team project lab
8 P-3 team reports, confidence intervals for  and sample DS 8, 9
size, hypothesis tests, Type I and II error, power LS 8, 9
9 One-sample tests for  = 0 and  = 0, two-sample tests for DS 10
1 = 2, tests for 12 = 22 LS 10
10 1-factor ANOVA, Tukey tests , 2-factor ANOVA, interaction DS 11
plots, Hartley test for variances, P-4 lab VS 11
11 P-4 team reports, paired sample t tests, tests for 1 = 2, ----
catch-up, review
12 EXAM #2

13 Regression model formulation, assessing fit, predictor DS 12

significance, report formats, leverage, residuals LS 12
14 DS 13
Residual tests, predictor significance, report formats,
LS 13
leverage, residuals, residual tests, P-5 lab
15 P-5 team oral reports (no final exam)

Key: DS = Doane/Seward, LS = LearningStats

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