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2, APRIL 2017

Characterizing Multihop Aerial Networks of

COTS Multirotors
Luis Ramo Pinto, Student Member, IEEE, André Moreira, Student Member, IEEE,
Luis Almeida, Senior Member, IEEE, and Anthony Rowe, Member, IEEE

Abstract—Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) recently en- law enforcement agencies to media production crews, personal
abled a myriad of new applications spanning domains from entertainment and many other. Multirotors, in particular, became
personal entertainment to surveillance and monitoring. In ubiquitous given their manoeuvring and hovering capabilities at
this paper, we focus on using several small UAVs collabo-
ratively to provide extended reach to an online video mon- small scales, together with sensing and communication features.
itoring system for inspection of industrial installations. We These UAVs are also becoming a viable and cheaper option in
make use of 802.11 radios on low-cost commercial-off-the- monitoring and inspection of large industrial sites, either process
shelf UAVs, set up a time-division multiple access overlay control plants or large factories. Instead of labor-intensive local
protocol to avoid mutual interference, and enable high chan- manual inspections, UAVs can easily carry cameras and stream
nel utilization in multihop networks. In particular, we provide
a model for the quality of the UAV-to-UAV link, in terms of live video of high chimneys, electrical poles, large deposits, long
packet delivery ratio as a function of distance, packet size, pipelines, etc., to a remote operation center (ground station)
and orientation, based on an extensive measurement cam- where operators can control the vehicles’ pose to focus on any
paign. We show that this platform is not omnidirectional in feature of interest.
the horizontal plane and that UAV-to-UAV communication
However, building such a UAV-based online video monitor-
ceases around 75 m. Concerning the operation in a multi-
hop mode to allow extending the network, the paper derives ing system entails several challenges, such as establishing a
the optimal number of hops that maximize the end-to-end reliable communication link, potentially multihop, to convey
throughput, as well as the corresponding hop lengths. We the sensing information. In fact, it is well known that the qual-
validate our mathematical model with extensive experimen- ity of wireless communications degrades sharply with distance.
tal measurements transmitting payloads up to 200 m (over Adding relays can improve the reliability between neighboring
802.11 g at 54 MBps).
nodes given the relative shorter distances. On the other hand,
Index Terms—802.11, ad hoc networks, channel models, relays typically share the wireless channel imposing a cost on
relay networks, time-division multiple access (TDMA), un- the overall throughput.
manned aerial vehicle (UAV), wireless communication.
This paper addresses this compromise in a line network com-
prised of a sensor-UAV and a variable number of relay-UAVs
I. INTRODUCTION using the AR Drone 2.0 platform that is representative of this
class of vehicles. We extend a preliminary work reported in
ICRO electromechanical systems, e.g., inertial sensors,
M and low-cost high-speed microcontrollers recently made
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) increasingly smaller and ac-
[1] that investigated the characteristics of the aerial link based
on extensive measurements. In this work, we use those and an
extra set of measurements to introduce an adequate modeling
cessible, boosting new applications in a variety of domains from
approach that allows deducing the packet delivery ratio (PDR)
Manuscript received May 27, 2016; revised October 12, 2016; ac- as a function of link length (first contribution). The work in
cepted December 17, 2016. Date of publication February 13, 2017; [1] also considered an extension of the link model to multihop
date of current version April 18, 2017. This work was supported
in part by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under Grant
communication validated by experimental data. In this paper,
SFRH/BD/51630/2011 and the FCT project UID/EEA/50008/2013. Pre- we provide the formal support to deduce the optimal placement
liminary results of this paper were published in part in the 12th IEEE of the relay nodes that maximizes throughput (second contribu-
World Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS2016).
Paper no. TII-16-0480. (Corresponding author: L. Almeida.)
L. R. Pinto is with the Instituto de Telecomunicações, Faculdade de En- These results are particularly useful for designing networks of
genharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, and also with the Electri- multirotors since in these networks we can control the position
cal and Computer Engineering Department, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA (e-mail:
of the nodes to improve the communication links. This is not
A. Moreira and L. Almeida are with the Instituto de Telecomunicações, possible in typical mobile ad hoc networks, such as networks
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Porto 4200-465, of personal devices or vehicular networks. In other cases, such
Portugal (e-mail:;
A. Rowe is with the Electrical and Computer Engineering Depart-
as networks of ground robots, position control would still be
ment, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA (e-mail: possible, but the propagation characteristics in those cases are rather different due to obstacles, multipath, close range, and near
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at
the floor environment. In this work, we seek to provide novel
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TII.2017.2668439 insight into outdoor aerial networks of commercial-off-the-shelf

1551-3203 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

(COTS) multirotors, especially in characterizing and modeling autonomous mobile robots. For example, the work in [10] inves-
its links. tigates how robots motion can be controlled so to maintain high
The organization of the paper is as follows. Section II de- throughput for streaming data to a base station using a multihop
scribes the state-of-the-art and previous research in this domain. network. They conclude that, instead of transmitting all the way,
In Section III, we expose the problem of communication as a it is better to concentrate transmissions in areas where/when the
function of distance. The link performance of the platform is channel is good, slowing the robot, while moving faster in areas
explained in Section IV, and we model this channel in Section of poor channel characteristics. The focus, however, is on the
V. Section VI describes our concept of multihop network, and robots mobility control and not on the channel characterization.
we prove its properties. Section VII details the experiments and In [11], Henkel and Brown analyze mobile robotic networks
their results carried out to validate the network model. Finally, performance as a function of distance from the base station and
Section VIII provides conclusions, remarks on the use of the required data-rate/delay requested by the users. They also con-
platform, and future work. sider using relay nodes. However, when robots move extremely
far from the base, the authors propose swapping toward a data
mule model that leverages delay-tolerant networking, but which
II. RELATED WORK is not applicable to our case. Moreover, they do not provide any
Several authors have developed numerous UAV test-beds for experimental data on PDR over single or multihop links.
commercial, military, and research purposes. Some of them have The works in [12] and [13] address a similar purpose as ours,
explored using UAVs as flying wireless sensor networks. In [2], in the sense of aiming at establishing a line topology of relays to
Goddemeier et al. describe there are multiple ways to organize support a multimedia connection, but they focus on the specific
UAVs to form a sensor network, whether the sensors can be characteristics of tunnels and pipelines. They explore the fact
disconnected from the base station for sometime, whether sen- that tunnels, under certain circumstances, behave like waveg-
sors are all directly connected to the base station, or if relays uides. This makes the results of these works inapplicable to our
are allowed to be used in order to increase the range of com- scenario of operation in open areas. In [14], Flushing et al. cre-
munication. Links are maintained by measuring the received ate a method to predict link quality based on an offline learning
signal strength indicator (RSSI), and approaching nodes when phase. This predictor provides the robot network with a map of
that value falls below a given threshold. No explicit analysis expected communication quality at any point in space. They do
on multihop networks is done. On the other hand, Asadpour not measure channel performance on a real-world system, and
et al. [3] show how much data a UAV network can transmit therefore our work is likely to be useful to feed real data into
depending on its distance to another UAV. They provide exten- learning phases of tools like this.
sive experimental data for 802.11g UDP throughput, testing for As seen in this brief survey, existing works in the literature
different physical layer (PHY) bit-rates and distances, and rel- address related but different aspects of wireless ad hoc com-
ative velocities. They show that bit-rate can and should be set munication with respect to our work. In fact, to the best of our
manually, disabling automatic adaptation for improved through- knowledge, no analysis on an outdoor multirotor IEEE802.11
put. However, they do not show important network performance channel was done to date, particularly addressing single- and
metrics such as PDR. Furthermore, no information is given on multihop operation, beyond the preliminary work presented in
the effect of packet size on throughput. They also assume an [1], which we now complete.
isotropic medium behavior, which is not always the case, as we
will see, particularly with COTS multirotors. In [4], Asadpour
et al. go further and analyze factors such as relative orientation, III. PROBLEM
PHY rates, and UAV relative speed. Nevertheless, no results on Using a single UAV with sensing capabilities (sensor-UAV)
network throughput with multiple relays are provided, despite that collects information to deliver to a fixed remote point
using one relay to transmit pictures to the base station. (Ground Control Station—GS), what is the network topology
Nevertheless, the issue of PDR has been addressed by several that allows the highest throughput in a relatively wide range of
other works. For example, Zhao and Govindan [5] and Jia et al. distances? Note that assuming an arbitrary distance between the
[6] clearly identified distance as the main factor of PDR, in sensor-UAV and the GS, direct communication may be infeasi-
fixed sensor networks. The work in [7], on the other hand, ble. To overcome this issue, we consider that additional UAVs
shows the impact of packet size on PDR and throughput, in may be deployed to act as relays and help increase individual
underwater networks. Antenna orientation is studied in [8], link quality, forming a line network. However, more nodes in
where IEEE802.15.4 radios are used to test its impact on PDR. the network decreases the available time each node has to trans-
In the field of vehicular networks, one can also find work bear- mit since multiple nodes are sharing the same radio channel.
ing similarities to ours. For example, in [9], Bohm et al. present Therefore, we aim at solving the problem of finding the number
an experimental characterization of the 802.11p channel focus- and optimal placement of relaying COTS multirotors that max-
ing on the effects of relative speed between ground vehicles, imize throughput in a line network, given an arbitrary distance
including the effects of speed on the PDR. Unfortunately, no between the sensor-UAV and the GS.
data is provided on multihop performance. In the following sections, we will solve this problem by
One domain that bears several resemblances to our case is characterizing the communication channel in our system. We
that of robotic networks, despite typically focusing on ground start by studying the link layer, i.e., the node-to-node direct


PHY layer 802.11 g, fixed to 54 MBps, Tx power 15 dBm

Wireless mode Ad hoc
Max retry 2 (minimum allowed by the platform)
# of packets 1000 per experiment
Packet type UDP (78 bytes header)
Location Open field with low external interference
Height 3 m above the ground.
Distance 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75 m
Payload size 200, 500, 1000 bytes
Orientation Parallel, Collinear

communication, by performing multiple experiments on COTS

multirotors as well as developing a model for it. Then, we extend
this model to the network layer, i.e., end-to-end communication
using different number of relaying nodes in a line topology. We Fig. 1. Top figure shows typical PDR values of multiple consecutive ex-
periments performed over time, under a given condition of orientation,
then validate our model by performing experiments and mea- distance, and packet size. Its variation and relative occurrence of con-
suring the end-to-end throughput under different conditions. secutive successful/failed packets (coloured bars) follows the same trend
as a pure Bernoulli experiment (white bars). These plots correspond to
the probability mass function (pmf) of geometric random variables.
In this section, we describe the experiments characterizing the
UAV-to-UAV communication, using the AR Drone 2.0 platform
[15], which is a common programmable quad-rotor with on-
board camera and wireless IEEE 802.11 interface, available in
the market.
We used two UAVs at a time, one as the sender, and the other
one as the receiver. In each experiment, the sender transmitted
1000 packets, and the receiver recorded the relevant part of
the received packets’ payload together with the reception time
stamp into a log file. We also carried out experiments with
different configurations of distance, packet size, and relative
vehicle orientation to evaluate how these affected the PDR, and
ultimately the throughput. In particular, we used three distinct
packet sizes as well as two different relative orientations at each
More than 5600 experiments were carried out with the UAVs
at 3 m height, far from interfering sources in the same RF band.
The transmitter was set to send packets as fast as possible. Each
experiment took between 1 and 2 s to complete. In total, the
experiments resulted in more than 950 MB of gathered data
from multiple distances, packet sizes, and vehicle orientations.
Table I summarizes all settings used in the experiments.
The top of Fig. 1 shows the PDR evolution over time, per-
formed for a given orientation, distance, and packet size. Each Fig. 2. Packet delivery ratio in a single link as a function of distance
between the sender and the receiver. Packet size and relative orientation
point represents the average of 1000 packets. Since the varia- of the vehicles affect the ratio. Dots represent experimental data. Solid
tions between consecutive points do not exhibit significant visi- and dashed lines are fitting curves, based on the model developed in
ble correlation, we conjecture that the probability of successful Section V.
delivery of each packet is also independent of each other and
can be characterized by its average p alone, i.e., a Bernoulli histograms with those of the PDR measurements in Fig. 1 (wider
process. To test our conjecture, we analyzed the histograms white bars behind the corresponding colored bars). Given the
of the number of consecutive successfully transmitted packets visibly good match between the histograms, we claim that our
and the number of consecutive failed packets (colored bars in conjecture is true, and that our PDR experiment does follow a
the middle and bottom part of Fig. 1, respectively). Then, we Bernoulli distribution.
generated a synthetic Bernoulli process with trial success proba- The results of the link layer experiments are shown in
bility p and 100 000 trials, and we overlapped the corresponding Fig. 2. Here, we characterize the two relative orientations that

generated the strongest differences, only. Namely, the vehicles TABLE II

were positioned in parallel (solid line) or colinearly (dashed) to CONDITIONS, NAMELY PACKET SIZE AND ORIENTATION
each other while transmitting packets. An immediate observa-
tion is that the relative orientation of the vehicles has a striking
Parallel Collinear
impact on the performance of the network.
The observed differences result from the nonomnidirectional- 200 bytes α = 10.6 α = 54.6
ity of the antennas in the plane of flight. We believe this feature R = 64 m R = 22 m
RM SE = 0.0911 RM SE = 0.0232
is common on COTS multirotors, since a good connection with (RM SE σ = 0.0922) (RM SE σ = 0.0232)
ground controls is to be prioritized. Thus, this is an issue to con- 500 bytes α = 21.1 α = 22
sider when using communications between multiple AR Drone R = 53 m R = 56.4 m
2.0. Curiously, the different orientations impact not only the RM SE = 0.0256 RM SE = 0.0276
(RM SE σ = 0.0256) (RM SE σ = 0.0276)
effective length of the link but also the steepness of the PDR
1000 bytes α = 17.1 α = 46.7
reduction with distance. In fact, there is a very narrow region
R = 51 m R = 22 m
(about 3 m) where the link suddenly changes from good to RM SE = 0.0896 RM SE = 0.0105
practically broken. (RM SE σ = 0.0898) (RM SE σ = 0.0105)
PDR depends also on the number of bytes being sent in a
packet. More bytes mean less probability of delivery, as Fig. 2
data show, which is specially visible when we compare the three and 0%. A rather attractive feature of the fitting function pro-
blue plots (parallel orientation). We can see a reasonable range posed in (1) is that it only needs two parameters. Parameter R
difference between 200 and 1000-byte packets. The explanation describes the distance at which packet delivery is 50% (R ∈ R+
is that for the same bit error rate, longer packets have more meters) and the curve steepness depends directly on the param-
bits prone to suffer from errors. Curiously, the difference in eter α ∈ R+ > 1 . The model parameters were estimated using the
PDR between packet sizes of 500B and 1000B is practically MATLAB Fitting Tool and are shown in Table II for different
negligible in both orientations. packet size and relative orientation of the vehicles. This table
Distance is the third dimension that clearly affects the PDR. also shows the root-mean-squared error (RMSE) as an indica-
As other authors have concluded on other platforms (cf. Section tion of the accuracy of our proposed model with respect to the
II), for short distances, the PDR is sustainably high with negli- raw data. We recognize that more data would improve the con-
gible packet losses but, as distance grows, eventually it enters an fidence on our model, nevertheless RMSE values are already
unstable region where PDR drops, in average, almost linearly relatively low, generally below 2.5% with just two cases rising
to zero where the link is considered broken. to near 9%, thus we consider the model accuracy to be enough
The orientation aspect is rather relevant in a line topology as for a set of envisaged applications. We also tried another fit-
the one we are studying here. It is important to keep all vehi- ting model, namely the well-known
 logistic sigmoid function
cles’ heading perpendicular to the network line itself in order to (pl (d) = 1/ 1 + e−k (R −d) ), which has similar basic charac-
maximize the operation range of our network. Currently, we in- teristics. However, it presented similar or slightly higher RMSE
tend to use our bottom-facing camera to sense the environment values, represented as RMSEσ in Table II, particularly in the
(mainly ground monitoring) and so the top-end node (sensor cases of lower accuracy. Thus, we preferred the simple nega-
node) as well as all other nodes can assume this optimal pose. tive exponential curve model [cf. (1)]. Having a model of link’s
However, when the front camera is to be used, the worst-case PDR, we can model the correspondent throughput, by using the
orientation must be assumed (collinear) for safety reasons, and following definition.
so a multi hop network will use shorter links. Definition 1 (Link Throughput). Average number of packets
successfully transmitted between two nodes per second, denoted
Throughput depends directly on two main variables: one re-
Analyzing the dataset collected during the link experiments garding the transmitter, and one regarding the receiver. The
allows to create a mathematical channel model. This model former is the packet transmission speed B, i.e., the number of
is intended to easily predict the likely PDR value given the packets sent from the transmitter per second. The latter is the
distance between two nodes, for each orientation and packet probability of receiving a packet pl (d), i.e., the PDR [cf. (1)].
size scenario. After an analysis of different family functions, Link throughput is typically measured in bits per second (bps),
we selected a negative exponential curve to fit our data whose so we can convert ζl into bps multiplying it by the size of the
generic form is given by (1), where β = − ln(2)/Rα packets being transmitted (in bits), leading to

pl (d) = e− ln(2)·( R ) = eβ d .
d α α
(1) ζl (d) = B × pl (d). (2)
We believe this family of functions is a good fit for PDR data Transmission speed B itself depends on two variables, namely
since it is a nonnegative, strictly nonincreasing function whose the transmitter PHY-layer bitrate and the packet size. It can
range matches that of our data, i.e., [0, 1] ∈ R. This function be set and fixed along the course of a mission. Quite differ-
presents also a zero derivative at d = 0 and at d → +∞, which ently is PDR that is affected by several variables as we have
mimics collected data, namely the two plateaus at PDR = 100% shown. Moreover, B also depends on the maximum number of

automatic retransmissions configured in the network device Theorem 1. Network PDR pn (d, h) is maximized by con-
driver. It is well known that a higher number tends to sig- sidering that the h−1 relays are placed uniformly between the
nificantly increase the communication latency and consumed sensor-UAV and the GS, i.e., all h links have the same length
bandwidth when the channel conditions degrade. This may im- l = d/h.
prove the PDR, but such improvement can be overridden by a Proof: Assume the network has h hops, and end-to-end
degradation of the channel effective bandwidth. To minimize length equal to d. Consider that the first hop has length
this undesired effect we carried out all our study with the lowest l1 = d/h + x1
 , second hop has l2 = d/h + x2 , etc., where
limit for retries allowed in our platforms (cf. Table I). xi = 0 ⇔ li = d. Hence, the PDR product over h hops
is given by
Even in the best conditions, direct communication between a 
e(β (d/h+x i ) )
pl (d = li ) =
sensor-UAV and a ground station (GS) is severely compromised i=1 i=1
above 60 m. To improve this range, we deploy relay-UAVs in h
= e(β i = 1 (d/h+x i ) ) ≡ f (X).
between, on a line formation creating a network. Packets are (4)
routed from sensor to sink, passing through these relays. This
way, each one of the individual links (also named hops) in the To find the maximizers of this function, we use the method of
network is as short as needed to guarantee packets flow through. Lagrange multipliers—a method that allows us to find maxima
However, we want them to be as long as possible to minimize the of f (X) and its maximizers, subject to constraint of the form
total number of UAVs in use, which by consequence affects the g(X) = 0. For our problem
mutual interference between nodes, and the overall end-to-end
throughput. f (X) = f (x1 , . . . , xh ) = e(β i = 1 (d/h+x i ) )
Since we want to continuously stream as much information
from the sensor-UAV as possible, we use a time-division mul-
and constraint function g(X) is
tiple access (TDMA) scheme that guarantees higher utilization
of the medium than a CSMA scheme. This way we avoid mu-
g(X) = g(x1 , . . . , xh ) = x1 + . . . + xh = 0. (6)
tual interference giving each node periodic and dedicated access
to the wireless medium for a different time interval—called a
slot. Furthermore, as we envision the use of global positioning We define the Lagrangian function L(X, λ), s.t
system (GPS)-equipped UAVs, the major concern of TDMA—
synchronization—can be trivially solved by using the global L(X, λ) = f (X) + λ(g(X) − 0)
clock time provided by such system. To simplify slot assign- = f (X) + λ(x1 + x2 + . . . + xh ). (7)
ment, the network creates h distinct TDMA slots, where h is the
total number of transmitter nodes in the network. For the sake Setting its gradient ∇X,λ L(X, λ) = 0, we have
of simplicity, we consider the GS is not transmitting and thus h
will also be the number of hops in the network. All slots have ⎧
⎪ ∂L ∂f (X)
the same width, so the sensor-UAV can transmit at a maximum ⎪
⎪ = +λ=0 (8a)

⎪ ∂x ∂x1
of one-hth of its original rate. In the future, we expect to relax ⎪


this condition and allow some slot reutilization at the expendi- ⎪
⎨... (8b)
ture of a more complex/dynamic TDMA scheme. To minimize

⎪ ∂L ∂f (X)
the transport time of data from the source to sink, time slots are ⎪
⎪ = +λ=0 (8c)

⎪ ∂xh ∂xh
sorted in descending order by distance to the sink. ⎪

Having these considerations, we can model the correspondent ⎩ ∂L = (x1 + x2 + . . . + xh ) = 0. (8d)
network throughput by using the following definition. ∂λ
Definition 2 (Network Throughput). Available end-to-end
throughput of a relay chain, and it depends on the end-to-end The partial derivative of f (X) over xi (i ∈ [1, . . . , h]) is
PDR multiplied by the sender transmitted packets per second, h 
denoted as ζn . ∂f (X) 
Network PDR pn is the product of every hop’s PDR, because = f (X) β (d/h + xi )α
∂xi i=1
a packet is only transmitted successfully if it is successfully
transmitted on all h hops on its way. Note that hops/links are 
considered independent, given the TDMA scheme. If a network =β (d/h + xi )α f (X)
has h hops, and hop-i has length li , then the network’s length i=1
(d), and network PDR (pn (d, h)) are given by = βα (d/h + xi )α −1 f (X). (9)

pn (d, h) = pl (li ) d= li . (3) Solving (8a)–(8c), we see that the value of all partial deriva-
i=1 i=1 tives is the same on the critical point. This means that, for any

two partial derivatives, we have

∂f (X) ∂f (X)
∂xi ∂xj
βα (d/h + xi )α −1 f (X) = βα (d/h + xj )α −1 f (X)
(d/h + xi ) = (d/h + xj )
xi = xj note that d/h + x > 0. (10)

We showed that all variables have the same value, and ac-
cording to (8d), it comes that x1 = x2 = . . . = xh = 0. Thus,
Fig. 3. Maximum network throughput as function of distance ζmax (d).
the PDR is maximum when xi = 0, ∀i ∈ [1, h], which means Each color represents a different number of hops in use in the network,
that links have all the same size: li = d/h + 0.  described by a different section of (16). Number of hops h ∈ [1, . . . , 5],
Regarding transmission, the multihop network has h trans- and updated at certain distances given by (17). Link PDR assumes
α = 10.6.
mitter nodes, so the overall sensor node sends packets at a rate
of B/h, due to the aforementioned TDMA constraints. TABLE III
Joining all the previous assumptions, network throughput as EXPERIMENT SETUP FOR THE AR DRONE 2.0 VEHICLES ON THE MULTIHOP
a function of distance and the number of hops (ζnet (d, h)) can
now be computed: Payload size 200 bytes
Orientation Parallel
B B TX Slot time 100 ms
ζn (d, h) = · pn (d, h) = · [pl (d/h)]h . (11) Number of hops a) 1 , b) 2 , c) 3
h h Number of slots a) 1 , b) 2 , c) 3
Guard interval 50 ms (0 ms for one hop)
For notation simplicity, we will use ζh (d) to refer to ζn (d, h) Round period: a) 100 ms, b) 300 ms, c) 450 ms
End-to-end distance a) 0, 5, 10, 15, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75 m
in the remainder of the paper. For any given distance d, different b) 70, 90, 110, 130, 150 m
throughput values can be achieved depending on the chosen c) 105,135,165,195 m
number of hops h. Choosing h appropriately, one can maximize
throughput and define it solely as a function of distance. s.t.
obtained using (17) (proof in the Appendix)
ζmax (d) = max (ζh (d)). (12)
h ⎧

⎪ ζ1 (d) if d ∈ [0, d12 )

This comes from link-throughput function ζh (d) intrinsic ⎨ ζ2 (d) if d ∈ [d12 , d23 )
properties, namely ζmax (d) = (16)

⎪ ···

ζh o (d) if d ∈ [dh o −1,h o , dh o ,h o +1 )
∃1 dxy = dy x : ζx (dxy ) = ζy (dxy ) (13)
x < y < z ⇒ dxy < dxz < dy z (14) ln
dxy = α  (1−α ) x (1−α )  , ∀x, y ∈ N, x = y.
⎧ β x −y
⎨ ζx (dxy ) = ζy (dxy )
⎪ (15a)
x < y ⇒ ζx (d) > ζy (d), ∀d ∈ [0, dxy ) (15b) (17)

ζx (d) < ζy (d), ∀d ∈ (dxy , +∞) (15c) Fig. 3 shows the maximum network throughput function
ζmax (d), using a different color for each section with a defined
∀x, y, z ∈ N, ∀d, dxy , dxz , dy x ∈ R+
0 . number of hops (h ∈ [1, . . . , 5]). PDR function used in the fig-
ure is defined by α = 10.6. As this example shows, a network
These three properties indicate the following. with a single hop would not be able to communicate when its
1) (13) Any two link throughput distance curves using A length is around 1.5R or above. If hop count is incremented,
and B hops (ζA (d) and ζB (d), respectively), intersect throughput is maximized and communications are improved
only once at dA B . (≈ 0.5B).
2) (14) As the number of hops increases, intersection dis-
tance increases, too.
3) (15) If A < B, then ζA (d) is higher than ζB (d) for all VII. NETWORK LAYER EXPERIMENTS
distances lower than dA B , and vice versa. We conducted several experiments to prove the multihop net-
The proof of these properties is in the Appendix. These prop- work concept. For this, we fixed some parameters across all
erties are enough to show that maximum throughput function experiments, while others such as number of relay nodes, the
ζmax (d) can be defined by (16), solely as a function of d. Us- number of slots used in each TDMA round, and end-to-end
ing (1) and (11) to describe ζh (d), frontier distances (dxy ) are distance were modified (cf. Table III).

considering also different end-to-end distances. Transmission

rate was set to B ≈ 800 pkts/s. No recovery, retransmissions,
or redundancy mechanisms were added to the network traffic,
beyond the minimum number of automatic retransmissions as
referred before (see Table I). All the experiments considered
200-byte long packets with all UAVs parallel to each other. This
can be converted to a (maximum) throughput of 160 KB/s, when
PDR is 100%. Blue dots are one hop data, i.e., a single link. It
comes from the link-PDR data showed at the top of Fig. 2. In
Fig. 4. Experiment with a line network with three hops, transporting red and yellow, we see the multihop throughput. The network
data 100 m away, at a rate of ≈ 200 KB/s. Each color identifies packets maintains its throughput above 200 pkts/s until 110 m, which
sent from a different UAV. Round is 450 ms long, and transmission slot
is 100 ms. These packet traces were captured by a monitor node, using is infeasible with a single hop. With an extra hop, the network
Wireshark. continues to communicate to ≈ 170 m, at ≈ 100 pkts/s. This rep-
resents around one-eighth of the maximum speed (at 1 m). The
red and yellow curves from Fig. 2, regarding two and three hops,
are generated using the model equations derived in the previous
section. The experimental data and the model visibly match.
Due to the large guarding windows used in the TDMA round,
these equations consider a reduction in the available throughput.
Besides the simple division by the number of slots h, we had
to account for the actual time available for communications per
slot. In our case that means 100 ms every 150 ms, i.e., a factor
of 2/3, leading to a combined reduction of 1/h × 2/3 at every
hop section (h > 1).
Multirotor UAVs are becoming a common place across many
Fig. 5. Measured throughput at different end-to-end network lengths,
domains. However, several challenges persist such as when us-
using distinct number of hops. Inside their slots, nodes transmit 200-byte ing them for inspection and monitoring of industrial sites. In
packets at a rate of B ≈ 800 pkts/s. UAVs are all oriented parallel to each these cases, their range of operation may need to be as long as
possible. In this work, we focused on this challenge creating
a chain network of UAVs. In particular, we characterized the
In order to carry out multihop experiments we needed to communications of COTS UAVs, namely the AR Drone 2.0,
implement the TDMA framework described before, over the using their native wireless IEEE802.11 interface. We started
IEEE802.11 standard currently installed. However, just for the by analyzing the PDR on a UAV-to-UAV link and we reached
sake of simplicity, and since each experiment lasted for only a to two main conclusions, namely that 1) our platform is not
few seconds, we decided to do a simplified synchronization at omnidirectional in the flight plane and 2) the vehicles achieve
this point and leave the actual operational TDMA scheme for a maximum direct range of communication of 75 m, if they
future implementation. Thus, in this work, at the beginning of are oriented in parallel to each other and transmitting relatively
each experiment, each receiver node synchronizes its clock with short packets. PDR is reduced significantly if the link length is
the upstream routing node. The upstream node sends ten packets any longer. We proposed increasing the range of the network
containing its current clock time in the payload. The receiver with a TDMA-based multihop topology using other UAVs as
node measures the difference between the time when the packet relays. The performance of such model was studied and the
was received and the time stamp included in the packet. The optimal number of relays that provide maximum throughput
receiver computes the average difference between time stamps, was deduced. Finally we validated these results with extensive
and updates its clock to be the same as the transmitter. This is experimental campaigns.
done once per experiment. However, this synchronization incurs This work is a first step toward setting up an extendible mul-
in an extra error that depends essentially on jitter affecting the timedia streaming system for inspection of difficult to access
time of flight of each packet, from end-to-end application layer, assets, particularly in large process control plants. In the next
which is not very precise. Consequently, we used large guarding steps, we will take advantage of the GPS receivers to achieve
windows between TDMA slots. This is orthogonal to our goal precise clock synchronization to achieve the desired high net-
of increasing relative throughput altering the network topology. work utilization. We will also use error control mechanisms to
Fig. 4 shows two TDMA rounds where the guarding windows enhance reliability, probably based on using rateless codes. Fi-
are rather visible, during which there is no communication ac- nally, we will also deploy an actual dynamic role assignment
tivity. policy that switches UAVs between sensors and relays, provid-
Each dot in Fig. 5 shows the throughput obtained during ing a compromise between the area of coverage and its distance
the experimental campaigns using different number of relays from the GS.

APPENDIX Proof of (15c). y-hops leads to higher throughput than

Proof of (16): The ζmax (d) function, described in (16) can x-hops, if d > dxy (x < y): As a consequence of (15a), in
be derived from the intrinsic properties of ζh (d), namely (13)– the interval d ∈ (D, +∞), ζx (d) and ζy (d) never intersect each
(15). By using (15b) and (14), we show that if the network uses other (as long x = y). Since ζh (d) is continuous, we can prove
x-hops, the throughput is greater than using any higher number (15c), showing that the derivative of ζy (x) is lower than ζx (d)
of hops (x + n), as long as the distance is lower than dx,x+1 : at d = D, i.e.
⎧ ⎧1
⎨ ζx (d) > ζx+1 (d)
⎪ if d ∈ [0, dx,x+1 ) ⎨∃ D : ζx (D) = ζy (D)

ζx (d) > ζx+n (d) if d ∈ [0, dx,x+n ) (18) ⎪ ∂ζx (d)  ∂ζy (d)  ⇒ ζx (d) < ζy (d)∀d ∈ (D, +∞).
⎪ ⎩ <

dx,x+1 < dx,x+n ∀n ∈ N> x . ∂d d=D ∂d d=D
By using (15c) and (14), we show that if the network uses First, we derive the throughput derivative function ( ∂ ζ∂h d(d) ):
x-hops, the throughput is greater than using any lower number  
of hops (x − m), as long as the distance is higher than dx,x−1 : ∂ζh (d) ∂ B β ( hd )α h
= e
⎧ ∂d ∂d h
⎨ ζx (d) > ζx−1 (d)
⎪ if d ∈ (dx−1,x , +∞)  
ζx (d) > ζx−m (d) if d ∈ (dx−m ,x , +∞) (19) = ζh (d) β α dα

⎩ h
dx−m ,x < dx−1,x ∀m ∈ N< x .  
According to (14), dx,x+1 is greater than dx,x−1 . So = ζh (d) β α αdα −1 . (24)
From (18): ζx (d) > ζx+n (d) if d ∈ [0, dx,x+1 ) ⇒
Analyzing (24), we conclude the throughput function has a
ζx (d) > ζx+n (d) if d ∈ (dx,x−1 , dx,x+1 ) strictly negative derivative since β ∈ R− and ζh (d), d, α, ∈ R+.
From (19): ζx (d) > ζx−m (d) if d ∈ (dx−1,x , +∞) ⇒ So, proving that the inequality of derivatives (23) is true, is
ζx (d) > ζx−m (d) if d ∈ (dx,x−1 , dx,x+1 ) equivalent to show that
Yielding: ζx (d) > ζy (d) if d ∈ (dx−1,x , dx,x+1 ) ∂ ζ x (d) 

 >1 (25)
∀x, y ∈ N, x = y. (20) ∂ ζ y (d) 

We proved that ζx (d) is optimal in the interval    
∂ ζ x (d) 
(dx−1,x , dx,x+1 ) regarding any other number of hops in use.  ζx (D) β xα
xα Dα −1  y α −1
Proof of (15a) and (17): There is a unique intersection  =   = > 1.
∂ ζ y (d) x
point {D, Θ} ∈ R2 , where Θ = ζx (D) = ζy (D) ∂d
 ζy (D) βyα
yα Dα −1
ζx (D) = ζy (D) (26)
B (β ( Dx )α x )
= e(β ( y ) y )
D α
Proof of (14). ζx (d) intersects ζy (d) at a lower distance
x y than ζx (d) intersects ζz (d), if x < y < z: To prove that
dxy < dxz if y < z, we can show that dxy < dxw , ∀w > y,
eβ ( x ) x
D α
= i.e., we convert solution dxw , from (17), into a function of w,
β ( Dy ) y
e y and prove that dxw is a strictly increasing function of w ∈ N> x ,
ln x
Dα =  . (21) ∂(dxw ) ln wx
β x(1−α ) − y (1−α ) =  
∂w β x(1−α ) − w(1−α )
We see now that (21) has a unique positive real solution.
Both the numerator and denominator are strictly negative due k · wk · ln (x/w) + (wk − xk )
to β < 0, y > x, and α > 1. This shows that inside the domain = 2 , (k = 1 − α).
βw(xk − wk )
interval R+ 0 , those two functions intersect only once at dA B . (27)
Proof of (15b). x-hops leads to higher throughput than
y-hops, if d < dxy (x < y): As a consequence of (15a), in Since kwk ln (x/w), (wk − xk ) and βw(wk − xk ) are all
the domain interval d ∈ [0, do ), ζx (d) and ζy (d) never intersect negative, the proof is complete.
each other (as long x = y). Since ζh (d) is a continuous function,
Bolzano’s intermediate value theorem is applicable. So, (15b) is REFERENCES
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[9] A. Bohm, K. Lidstrom, M. Jonsson, and T. Larsson, “Evaluating CALM Luis Almeida (SM’86) received the Graduate
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[10] M. Lindhe and K. Johansson, “Using robot mobility to exploit multipath versity of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal.
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tunnel-like fading environments,” Int. J. Robot. Res., vol. 32, no. 12, tems (2008–2013) and Factory Automation (2007–2009, since 2014),
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Accessed on: Jan. 21, 2016

Anthony Rowe (M’07) received the Ph.D. de-

Luis Ramos Pinto (S’16) received the M.Sc. gree in electrical and computer engineering
degree in electrical and computer engineering (ECE) from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU),
from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA, in 2010.
Porto (FEUP), Porto, Portugal, in 2011. During He is an Associate Professor in the ECE De-
the course, he has been distinguished with the partment, CMU. His research interests include
Incentive Award from the University of Porto. He networked real-time embedded systems with a
is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree at focus on wireless communication. His most re-
Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), Pittsburgh, cent projects have related to large-scale sensing
PA, USA, under the supervision of Prof. Luis for critical infrastructure monitoring, indoor local-
Almeida and Prof. Anthony Rowe, funded by a ization, building energy-efficiency and technolo-
doctoral scholarship awarded by the Portuguese gies for microgrids. His past work has led to dozens of hardware and
Foundation for Science and Technology. software systems, four best paper awards and several widely adopted
In July 2010, he joined the Instituto de Telecomunicações where he open-source research platforms.
has been conducting his research work. In 2011, he enrolled in the Dr. Rowe received the Lutron Joel and Ruth Spira Excellence in Teach-
CMU|Portugal Doctoral Program in electrical and computer engineering ing Award in 2013, the CMU CIT Early Career Fellowship, the Steven
(ECE) jointly at CMU and FEUP. His research interests include wireless Ferves Award for Systems Research in 2015, and the Dr. William D. and
networks and embedded systems. Nancy W. Strecker Early Career chair in 2016.

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