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ARTAPP Midterms Reviewer  ● FAUVISM - began in France 

  - Henri Matisse 
  - ​Fauvism m ​ eans “wild  
  - used bright colors that  
SUBJECT of art - what the work represents  did not reflect reality 
(person, object, scene or event)  ● DADAISM - d ​ ada ​is French for  
ARTS - have subject  - an art movement that 
● NON-REPRESENTATIONAL ARTS -  doesn’t follow the traditions and 
do not have subject  principles of art 
  ● FUTURISM - began in Italy 
Sources of Subject  - captures the speed and  
● Nature  force of the modern industrial society 
● People  ● SURREALISM - “super realism” 
● History  - began in Paris by  
● Legends  Andre Breton 
● Religion  - emphasized the  
● Mythology  activities of the subconscious mind 
● Dreams and Fantasy  ● EXPRESSIONISM - occurred during 
● Technology  the 20th century in Germany 
  - depicts the 
Ways of Representing the Subject  emotions aroused by objects and 
● NATURALISM - the imagery did not  events 
focus on the specific attributes of an   
individual or object but on the more  THE ARTIST AND HIS MEDIUM 
universal characteristics of the   
human form as is accepted by the  Classifications of Artists 
culture of that time.  ● VISUAL ARTISTS - painters, 
● REALISM - depicts the artist’s  sculptors, architects, filmmakers, 
attempts of portraying the subject as  graphic artists 
it is. It is the most popular way of  ● CREATIVE ARTISTS - more adept at 
presenting a subject.  writing words and arranging musical 
● ABSTRACTION - ​abstract m ​ eans “to  notes to entice the imagination and 
move away or separate from”  evoke emotions 
❖ Distortion  - writers, poets, 
❖ Elongation  playwrights, novelists, composers 
❖ Mangling  ● PERFORMING ARTISTS - expresses 
❖ Cubism  their art through execution in front of 
● SYMBOLISM - a s​ ymbol​ is defined as  the audience 
a visible sign of something invisible  - dancers, 
  singers, stage performers, actors, 
  musicians, choreographers 
MEDIUM (in art) - refers to the materials that  ❖ Sgraffito - applying a thick 
an artist uses to communicate his ideas,  deposit of pastel on the 
feelings, and imagination  support 
  ● Paper - an organic material made 
Classification of Artists base on medium  from wood, grass, and linen rags and 
● VISUAL ARTS - materials that can  is the most common surface used in 
be seen and occupy space  two-dimensional art 
❖ Graphic/Two-dimensional  ● Charcoal 
❖ Plastic/Three-Dimensional  WAYS OF PRESENTING A 
● AUDITORY/TIME ARTS - those that   
the viewer can hear and which are  ● PAINTING - the art of creating 
expressed in time  beautiful effects on a flat surface 
● COMBINES ARTS - those that the  Pigment i​ s the part of the paint that 
viewers can see and hear which  gives the color. 
considers both time and space  Different media used for painting: 
  ❖ WATER COLOR - pigments 
The Process of Art Production  are mixed with water and 
  applied to paper 
↑ The Medium  ❖ GOUACHE - the pigment has 
The Technique  been mixed with water and 
↑ Curation  added a chalk-like material to 
  give it an opaque effect 
The Different Media of Visual Arts  ❖ TEMPERA - pigment is mixed 
Drawing  with egg yolk (sometimes 
● Pencils  with the white as binder) 
● Ink - oldest material  ❖ FRESCO - pigment is mixed 
- used in making beautiful  with water and applied on a 
handwritings produced in calligraphy  portion of the wall with wet 
● Pastel - composed of dry pigment  plaster 
held together by a gum binder and  ❖ OIL PAINTS - oil serves as 
compressed into sticks  binder 
❖ Stippling - using pastel of  ❖ ACRYLIC - modern medium 
different colors to produce  of synthetic paint using 
small marks  acrylic emulsion as binder; 
❖ Scumbling - is like layering  widely used by contemporary 
but using pastel  painter 
❖ Impasto - technique of thickly  ● MOSAIC - wall or floor decorations 
applying the pastel by  made of small tiles or irregularly cut 
pressing it hard on paper  pieces of colored stones or glass 
creating an opaque effect  called t​ esserae 
word c​ oller w
​ hich means “to stick”   
- gluing or pasting on a  ELEMENTS - building blocks or ingredients 
firm support materials or found  of art 
objects  ● LINE - a mark with length and 
● PRINTMAKING - used for making  direction 
reproduction of graphic works  ● COLOR - consists of ​hue (​ another 
Techniques:  word for color), i​ ntensity ​(brightness), 
❖ Relief Printing (raised)  and ​value ​(lightness or darkness) 
❖ Intaglio Printing (depressed)  ● SHAPE - an enclosed area defined 
❖ Surface Printing (flat)  and determined by other art 
  elements; 2-dimensional 
THREE-DIMENSIONAL ART  ● FORM - a 3-dimensional object or 
  something in a 2-dimensional 
SCULPTURE - from the Latin word s​ culpere  artwork that appears to be 
which means “to carve”  3-dimensional 
- art of creating  ● SPACE - distance or area between, 
three-dimensional forms or  around, above, below, or within 
figures  things 
- have length, width, & volume  - foreground, middleground, 
3 Kinds of Sculpture  and background (creates depth) 
1. FREESTANDING - can be viewed  - positive (filled with 
from all sides  something) and negative (empty area 
2. RELIEF - figures project from a  ● TEXTURE - surface quality or “feel” 
background  of an object; smoothness, roughness, 
❖ Low Relief  softness, etc. 
❖ High Relief   
3. KINETIC - sculpture that is capable of  PRINCIPLES - what we use to organize the 
movement by wind, water, or other   elements of art or the tools to make art 
forms of energy  ● BALANCE - the way the elements 
The Process of Creating Sculptures  are arranged to create a feeling of 
1. Subtracting process  stability in a work 
2. Additive process  ❖ SYMMETRICAL - the parts of 
3. Process of substitution (casting)  an image are organized so 
Different Media of Sculpture  that one side mirrors the 
● Stone  other 
● Wood  ❖ ASYMMETRICAL - when one 
● Metal (stainless steel, bronze, brass)  side of a composition does 
● Plaster  not reflect the design of the 
● Terra Cotta (cooked earth)  other 
● Glass  ● EMPHASIS - focal point of an image 
● Plastic  or when one area or thing stand out 
  the most 
● CONTRAST - a large difference 
between two things to create 
interest and tension 
regular repetition of elements to 
produce the look and feel of 
repetition of a design 
● UNITY - when all the elements and 
principles work together to create a 
pleasing image 
● VARIETY - the use of differences and 
change to increase the visual interest 
of the work 
● PROPORTION - the comparative 
relationship of one part to another 
with respect to size, quantity, or 
degree; SCALE 
God bless on your midterms! - N.P. 

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