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ISSN 1453 - 7303 No.

3 - 4 / November 2012


HIDRAULICA Magazine HIDRAULICA Magazine HIDRAULICA Magazine is indexed in the international databases HIDRAULICA Magazine
is edited by is published with support of is indexed in the
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics



Dr. Ing. Gabriela MATACHE, Dr. Ing. Corneliu CRISTESCU, Dr. Ing. Cătălin DUMITRESCU,
Asc. Valentin MIROIU




Ioan-Lucian MARCU, Daniel- Vasile BANYAI, Claudia KOZMA, Gabriela MATACHE




Iulian DUȚU, Radu RĂDOI, Corneliu CRISTESCU




Ioana Sfârlea, Daniel Banyai, Lucian Marcu, Liviu Vaida, Dan Opruţa




Radu RADOI, Catalin DUMITRESCU, Iulian DUTU, Gabriela MATACHE


DAVID Ladislau, DINU Ion


Iulian DUŢU, Gabriela MATACHE

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

- PhD. Eng. Petrin DRUMEA - Manager - Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute in
Bucharest, Romania
- PhD.Eng. Gabriela MATACHE - Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute in Bucharest,
- Ana-Maria POPESCU - Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute in Bucharest, Romania
- Valentin MIROIU - Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute in Bucharest, Romania

- PhD. Eng. Heinrich THEISSEN – Scientific Director of Institute for Fluid Power Drives and
Controls IFAS, Aachen - Germany
- Prof. PhD. Eng. Henryk CHROSTOWSKI – Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
- Prof. PhD. Eng. Pavel MACH – Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
- Prof. PhD. Eng. Alexandru MARIN – POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
- Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Constantin RANEA – POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
- Lect. PhD. Eng. Andrei DRUMEA – POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania
- PhD.Eng. Ion PIRNA - General Manager - National Institute Of Research - Development for
Machines and Installations Designed to Agriculture and Food Industry – INMA, Bucharest-
- Prof. PhD.Eng. Gheorghe GHEORGHE - General Manager - National Institute of Research and
Development in Mechatronics and Measurement Technique (INCDMTM), Bucharest, Romania
- PhD.Eng. Gabriela MATACHE - Hydraulics & Pneumatics Research Institute in Bucharest,
- PhD.Eng.Corneliu CRISTESCU - Hydraulics & Pneumatics Research Institute in Bucharest,
- Prof.PhD.Eng. Dan Opruta - Technical University of Cluj Napoca, ROMANIA

Published by:
Hydraulics & Pneumatics Research Institute, Bucharest-Romania
Address: 14 Cuţitul de Argint, district 4, Bucharest, cod 040557, ROMANIA
Phone: +40 21 336 39 90; +40 21 336 39 91 ; Fax:+40 21 337 30 40 ; E-mail:
with support of:
National Professional Association of Hydraulics and Pneumatics in Romania - FLUIDAS

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics


Dr. Ing. Gabriela MATACHE*, Dr. Ing. Corneliu CRISTESCU*, Dr. Ing. Cătălin DUMITRESCU*,
Asc. Valentin MIROIU*

*Asociaţia Naţională Profesională de Hidraulică si Pneumatică „FLUIDAS”, Bucureşti - ROMANIA


1. Introducere

În ultimii ani, hidraulica şi pneumatica au cunoscut o creştere nemaîntâlnită în istorie şi simultan o

dezvoltare calitativă, tehnico-ştiinţifică, greu de asimilat chiar şi de oamenii cu preocupări în
domeniu. Introducerea pe scară largă a electronicii şi informaticii în sistemele hidropneumatice,
diversificarea şi multiplicarea funcţiilor echipamentelor au condus la relansarea discuţiilor privind
pregătirea profesională a lucrătorilor din domeniu. La o analiză atentă şi obiectivă se constată că
numărul specialiştilor cu pregătire superioară şi medie a scazut la limite alarmante. Este interesant
că la nivelul absolvenţilor de invăţământ superior problemele se cantonează în zona calităţii
pregătirii şi a interesului pentru domeniu după absolvire, în timp ce la tehnicieni şi muncitori,
problemele apar încă de la început prin lipsa şcolilor de specialitate sau a unor cursuri de pregătire
specifică de perfecţionare sau de reconversie. În anii 1990-2000 aveam specialişti cu o pregătire
îndelungată în vechile unităţi de producţie sau în unităţile de cercetare-proiectare, specialişti
selectaţi dintre cei peste 30.000 de lucrători din domeniu. Întrucât aceea a fost o perioadă de
cădere a hidraulicii, ca de altfel a întregii industrii, nu s-a mai pus nici o clipă problema creării de
noi specialişti, astfel că în ultimul timp numărul acestora s-a diminuat foarte mult, fie pe căi
naturale (pensionări), fie prin migrarea spre domenii mai interesante financiar. Singura ramură care
s-a dezvoltat în acest timp a fost cea a vânzărilor, dar şi aici au aparut multe probleme legate de
număr şi de nivelul pregătirii. Ideea că nu mai e chiar aşa mare nevoie de tehnicieni, pentru ca
producţia a scăzut la aproximativ o zecime faţă de anul 1989, a fost şi este eronată, fiind posibil să
nu mai fim capabili nici să exploatam echipamentele fabricate de alţii. Să nu uităm că timpul în
care poate fi pregătit un bun specialist în domeniu, indiferent de nivelul tehnico-ştiinţific la care
ajunge, este de ordinul a 2-3 ani în condiţiile în care lucrează în permanenţă în domeniu. Din
păcate, la ora actuală hidraulică şi pneumatică au puţine argumente (evident financiare) prin care
ar putea face un tânăr să intre într-un program intens de pregatire poate în afară de obţinerea unui
certificat care să-i permită angajarea la orice firmă europeană membră a CETOP. Interesant este
ca problemele legate de lipsa specialiştilor în domeniu sunt acut resimţite şi în restul ţărilor
europene, motiv pentru care asociaţia de specialitate CETOP a pornit o acţiune intensă de stabilire
a unor metode de ridicare a nivelului profesional, care să permită celor care trec printr-o anumită
pregatire şi evaluare să capete o recunoaştere valabilă la nivel continental.

2. Corelarea perfecţionării pregătirii profesionale cu cerinţele economiei

Sistemele de acţionare hidraulice sunt folosite pe scară largă într-un număr mare de aplicaţii
datorită posibilitătii de a obţine cupluri şi forţe mari pentru un gabarit redus sau pentru obţinerea
unor parametrii mecanici (pozitii, viteze, acceleraţii, forţe, cupluri, puteri, etc.) în condiţii de precizie
şi dinamică ridicată. Îndeplinirea condiţiilor de precizie şi dinamică ridicată nu este posibilă fără
utilizarea elementelor electronice/informatice şi a conceptului de mecatronică.
O altă gamă de aplicaţii este legată de robotică industrială şi sisteme flexibile de fabricaţie.
Există mai multe necesităţi pentru obţinerea unor specialişti în acest domeniu şi nu numai::

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

- necesitatea perfecţionării profesionale a lucrătorilor din domeniu, pornind de la larga

răspândire a acţionărilor hidropneumatice pe toate utilajele mobile şi pe majoritatea celor fixe, şi de
la creşterea nivelului tehnico-stiinţific al echipamentelor şi sistemelor;
- necesitatea înfiinţării unor centre dotate cu personal şi laboratoare capabile să desfăşoare
o astfel de perfecţionare;
- obligativitatea alinierii pregătirii profesionale a lucrătorilor din ţară în domeniul hidraulicii la
nivelul cerinţelor europene;
- situaţia reală existentă în ţară care face ca să nu se poată trece la o perfecţionare în
domeniul hidraulicii fără o perfecţionare prealabilă în domeniul mecanicii fine.
Echipamentele şi utilajele complexe care includ mişcare, au nevoie de un sistem de acţionare
care, tradiţional, poate fi mecanic, electric, hidraulic sau pneumatic, dar de cele mai multe ori o
combinaţie a acestora. Există o competiţie acerbă între aceste tipuri de sisteme, dar câştigătorul
este dat de performanţă tehnică, de calculul economic şi mai nou şi de performaţa de ecologie-
mediu. Competiţia aceasta suplimentară competiţiei dintre producători a condus la o dezvoltare
interesantă a sistemelor hidropneumatice, cu consecinţe pozitive în nivelul tehnic al utilajelor
complexe. Creşterea nivelului tehnico-ştiinţific s-a realizat mai ales în domeniile pneumaticii şi
sistemelor de ungere centralizată.
Principalele tendinţe, care vor implica modificări structurale în pregătirea lucrătorilor din
domeniu sunt următoarele:
- electronizarea şi informatizarea echipamentelor şi subansamblelor. Aceasta soluţie a fos,t
deja, aplicată în zona pneumaticii şi a echipamentelor de ungere centralizată făcând din acestea o
bază importantă a mecatronicii. Hidraulica deşi a pornit actiunea de mai mult timp încă îşi mai
caută elementele tehnice eficiente economic. Această tendinţă a mărit în România discrepanţa
dintre nivelul tehnic ridicat al echipamentelor şi nivelul profesional scăzut al lucrătorilor din
- utilizarea materialelor noi cu performanţe ridicate în fabricaţia echipamentelor
hidropneumatice. Primele efecte au fost acelea de a putea fi ridicaţi parametri funcţionali de tipul
presiunilor, forţelor şi momentelor pentru echipamente de acelaşi gabarit. Această tendinţă
necesită o abordare nouă mai ales la nivelul protecţiei muncii;
- utilizarea unor tehnologii de fabricaţie moderne. Aceste noutăţi au condus la creşterea
performanţelor de tipul debitelor şi vitezelor, permiţând schimbări şi la nivelul comenzilor.
Modificările de acest tip au mari influenţe asupra pregătirii profesionale a lucrătorilor în privinţa
mentenanţei şi a protecţiei muncii;
- utilizarea unor fluide de lucru biodegradabile sau nepoluante. Schimbarea fluidelor de
lucru asigură o şansă în plus hidraulicii de a scapă de necazul impactului negativ asupra mediului,
dar şi o modificare a gândirii tehnologice a producătorilor şi utilizatorilor de astfel de echipamente.
În ultimii ani, s-a constatat o creştere a deficitului de lucrători specializaţi simultan cu
creşterea nivelului tehnic al echipamentelor hidropneumatice importate direct sau în componenţa
unor utilaje complexe. Urmarea este că de cele mai multe ori după incercări eşuate de mentenanţă
şi reparaţii cu diversi pseudospecialişti, posesorii acestor utilaje şi echipamente au fost obligaţi să
apeleze la specialiştii străini. Cheltuielile cu aceştia au devenit foarte mari conducând la o creştere
artificială şi nedorită a produselor şi serviciilor realizate cu aceste utilaje şi echipamente. Practica a
dovedit că lucrătorii noştri au probleme nu doar cu hidropneumatica ci şi cu mecanica fină şi cu
ansamblurile mecano-hidraulice.
De asemenea, lucrătorii, precum şi conducătorii acestora încă nu au înţeles importanţa
ecologizării activităţii şi necesitatea aplicării unor tehnologii de lucru şi de mentenanţă care să
permită si să asigure evitarea impactului negativ asupra mediului. Toate aceste acţiuni
preconizate trebuie să se desfăsoare cu o mare atenţie privind protecţia muncii, date fiind
noutăţile tehnice şi pericolele implicate asupra personalului de intreţinere.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

3. Experienţa internaţională în perfecţionarea pregătirii specialistilor de intreţinere cu

specializarea în echipamente de acţionare hidraulică şi pneumatică

La nivel European cursurile de perfecţionare în domeniul acţionărilor hidro-pneumatice sunt la

un nivel foarte ridicat. Ţările cu industrie dezvoltată şi-au dat seama de necesitatea instruirii
continue a specialistilor pentru a ţine pasul cu noile descoperiri în domeniu. În Europa, sunt centre
de pregătire în domeniu în ţări ca Germania, Anglia, Italia, Franta, Spania si Polonia, figura 1..
Toate aceste Centre de perfecţionare respectă recomandările Comisiei de educaţie a CETOP.

Fig. 1 Centre de pregătire în domeniu hidraulicii şi pneumaticii

Relaţia dintre pregătirea teoretică şi cea practică la nivel European

Analizând situaţia pregătirii profesionale din domeniul hidraulicii şi pneumaticii s-a constatat la nivel
european o situaţie, de altfel asteptată, în care cei care ştiu teorie nu prea au capacitatea de a
transfera în practică ceea ce ştiu, iar cei cu o indemânare acceptabilă nu au inţelegerea teoretică a
fenomenelor pe care le supraveghează. Pornind de la aceste date, la nivelul CETOP s-a decis că
perfectionarea pregătirii profesionale să fie în aşa fel structurată încât personalul să se transforme
în specialişti numai când există o corelare foarte exactă a cunoştinţelor teoretice necesare cu o
bună îndemanarea şi capacitatea de a le aplica în practică. Aceasta idee arătat faptul ca structura
cursurilor trebuie sa fie adaptata în consecinţă, iar evaluarea să cuprindă în egală măsura ambele
Este de mare interes să ştim că indiferent de nivelul de pregătire ce urmează a fi acreditat, este
implicată o bună cunoastere a structurii echipamentelor şi sistemelor, precum şi capacitatea
intervenţei directe şi calificate. Cursurile de pregătire în domeniu sunt echilibrate ca număr de ore
între teorie şi practică şi se vor finaliza întotdeauna cu o evaluare completă. Orice examen pentru
a fi trecut trebuie să consemneze şi reuşita la teorie şi reuşita la practică. Nu există posibilitatea
acordării unei trepte de specializare, dacă nu sunt indeplinite baremurile la ambele părţi ale
cursului. Acest lucru va obliga pe cei care se ocupă de perfecţionarea pregătirii profesionale să
structureze cursurile în acest sens şi să dispună de facilităţi minime atât pentru partea teoretică dar
şi pentru partea practică.

Propunerea de educare şi formare şi iniţiative de armonizare pentru EUROPA

Odată cu nevoia ridicată din Europa şi din lume pentru o mână de lucru competentă şi bine
educată, capabilă să menţină şi să manevreze sisteme hidraulice, CETOP a preluat initiaţiva de a
lansa o propunere pentru a dezvolta un program de a instrui mâna de lucru pe domeniul respectiv.
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Scopul acestui program consta în realizarea unei structurii agreate şi acceptate de “Baza de
calificare a competenţelor” reflectând nevoile persoanelor care se află în categoriile 1,2 şi 3
acoperite de Nivelul Ocupaţional. Această structură, reflectă nevoile persoanelor angajate sau care
se pregatesc să se angajeze intr-un domeniu particular.
Din punct de vedere istoric, un număr mare de persoane au obţinut o calificare care atestă nivelul
lor academic şi nu evidenţiază abilitatea acelei persoane de a pune în aplicare cunoştinţele
Abilităţile asociate domeniului de Management şi Mentenanţă a sistemelor hidraulice sunt:

Planificarea şi pregătirea; Instalarea; Punerea în funcţiune; Testarea; Mentenanţa; Diagnoza

şi rectificare; Înlocuirea şi modificarea; Demontarea şi asamblarea.

Pentru a realiza aceste activitâţi la diferite niveluri ocupaţionale şi pentru a realiza un nivel de
performanţă şi repetabilitate într-un timp dat, necesită ca acea persoană să fie COMPETENTĂ.
O Calificare pe Bază de Competenţe, va consta dintr-o combinare de cunoştinţe şi aplicarea
cunoştinţelor, susţinute de experienţa practică la locul de muncă sau în domenii simulate.

4. Nivelele ocupaţionale–versus programele de studii pentru a respecta nevoile

ocupaţionale bazate pe cunoştinţe /competenţă

În continuare se prezintă; o exemplificare a diferenţelor dintre cunoştinţele bazate pe nivelurile de

consideraţiune. Ca exemplu este folosită o supapă de siguranţă şi această ANALOGIE
evidenţiază diferenţa de cunoaştere, necesară la diferite niveluri, şi indică clar modul în care
pregătirea şi experienţa fac diferenţa, şi anume:

La nivelul 1 – candidaţii trebuie să ştie ce este o supapă de siguranţă, rolul ei, şi scopul utilizării.
(Funcţiile de Bază)

La nivelul 2 – candidaţii trebuie să ştie în plus faţă de cei de la nivelul 1 şi modul în care
funcţionează. (Funcţii de Bază şi ţionare)

La nivelul 3 – candidaţii trebuie să ştie şi diferitele modalităţi de folosire a valvei de siguranţă

(control proporţional, golire), şi ce erori pot apărea (Noţiuni, Operaţii, Aplicaţii şi Specificaţii

La nivelul 4 – candidaţii trebuie să cunoască toate detaliile de la nivelul 3 si ar putea fii implicaţi şi
în stadiul de proiectare şi selectarea componentelor compabilitate.

La nivelul 5 – candidatul trebuie să aibe toate cunoştinţele celorlalte nivele şi în plus priceperea şi
cunoştinţele care să-i permită să proiecteze sau să restructureze supapa de siguranţă. Folosind
exemplu dat se poate observa faptul că deşi o persoană de nivel 5 trebuie să aibe aceleaşi
cunoştinţe ca o persoană de nivelul 1, există diferenţă de amploare şi profunzime. Nivelul 1
reprezintă o abordare sumară a subiectului, pe când nivelul 5 reprezintă o abordare în profunzime
şi acoperirea unei varietăţi de subiecte adiacente.
Diferenţa dintre nivelul de bază şi nivelul 1, este dată de educaţie şi formare profesională,
activităţile de bază fiind repetitive, urmărind proceduri bine stabilite, experienţa şi cunoştinţe
minime de alte domenii Trecerea de la nivelul 1 la nivelul 2 necesită educare şi formare la un nivel
de competenţe care să intrunească Cerinţele ocupaţionale de nivel 2.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fig. 2 Centre recomandate CETOP Fig. 3 Metode recomandate de evaluare

De la nivelul doi la nivelul 3 este necesar o aprofundare a cunoştinţelor mai mare decât cea
necesară pentru nivelul 2, completate cu alte domenii adiacente hidraulicii. La nivelul 3,
competenţele profesionale ar trebui să reflecte în mod clar un nivel de experienţă, capabil să facă
faţă unei game de activităţi numeroase şi complexe pentru a respecta atribuţiile ocupaţionale al
acestui nivel.
Nivelul 4 şi nivelul 5 necesită cunoştinţe şi pricepere în alte domenii inginereşti şi o cunoaştere
aprofundată a domeniului. Acoperind astfel domenii ca: materiale, calcule de rezistenţă,
matematică, fizică, specificaţii tehnice şi tehnologii
Pentru etapa actuala CETOP a pastrat active doar nivelele 1,2 si 3.

Corelarea pregătirii în România cu modalităţile europene de pregătire

În România este în derulare un proiect pe programul POSDRU în care se dezvoltă o reţea de
Centre de pregătire şi perfecţionare profesională, reţea ce va fi recunoscută de Forurile
competente din Europa. Iniţiativa va permite angajatorilor să identifice nivelele de competenta,
aptitudinile, si cunostinţele unei persoane care deţine un certificat de competente CETOP, şi
furniza o garanţie mărită a asigurării calităţii pe parcursul activităţii.
Calificările CETOP trebuie să devină o referinţă in educarea şi formarea în acţionările
hidraulice din Europa, şi totodată să asigure oportunităţi mărite pentru angajări şi transfer de
aptitudini în interiorul Europei. Responsabilitatea implementării şi managementul armonizarii
programului (odata dezvoltat şi aprobat) va fi a Membrilor Asociaţiei CETOP(asociatiile
profesionale nationale – in Romania, FLUIDAS). Este recomandat că fiecare membru să
colaboreze cu diverse instituţii de invăţământ şi formare din interiorul ţării, ca să se asigure că
toate aspectele de asigurarea calitâţii, validare şi verificarea sunt conforme recomandărilor
Intenţia este ca fiecare membru CETOP să atingă în structura învătământului naţional
punctele dorite, oferiind fiecarei organizaţii flexibilitate şi control total pentru a dezvolta şi
implementa modalităţile necesare pentru atingerea obiectivului
Membrii asociaţiei vor fi, de asemenea, responsabili pentru recomandarea şi avizarea
organizaţiilor de instruire să realizeze propunerea şi să asiste companiile membre în asigurarea
şi suţinerea resurselor necesare.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fiecare membru CETOP va înmâna

certificate individuale care să ateste
nivelul de pregătire dobândit. Acest
certificat va reprezenta o calificare
recunoscută pe plan european. Pe
durata perioadei de studiu şi de
dobândire a competenţelor, toţi
candidaţi vor fi obligaţi să menţină un
raport individul de aptitudini. Acesta
ar trebuii să formeze un portofoliu al
cunoştinţelor şi competenţelor
obtinute, aparţinând nivelului
ocupaţional personal. Toate aceste
rapoarte trebuiesc semnate pentru
autenticitate şi vor deveni bazele
Fig. 4 Model de implementare a calificărilor
dezvoltarii profesionale continue.
Va fi responsabilitatea „Centrelor recomandate” să asigure informare şi indrumare referitor la
nevoile personale, luand în considerare noţiunile şi experienţa precedentă. Aceasta nu înseamnă
că o persoană cu nivel ocupational 3 este capabil să urmeze un program de studiu de nivel 3.
Persoane diferite, vor avea nevoie de pregătire educaţională şi profesională diferită depinzând de:
a – cunoştinţele actuale, aptitudinile, experienţa, şi statutul salarial, şomer sau angajat
b – aşteptările angajatorului în funcţie de incadrarea la locul de muncă sau de aptitudinile doriţela
locul de munca (de exemplu: pentru un absolvent în domeniul electronic este necesară o
cunoştere sumară în domeniul hidraulicii, încat o instruire de nivelul 1 ar putea satisface nevoile
persoanei respective)
Centrele de formare trebuie să asigure oportunităţi egale candidaţilor la toate nivelurile, şi să
asigure diferite metode de instruire, variind de la:
- Cursuri scurte şi module
- Program de învăţământ la distanţă
- Studiu personal
CRESTERII COMPETITIVITATII” POSDRU/81/3.2/S/47649, Asociatia Nationala
Profesionala FLUIDAS, partener in cadrul proiectului, a organizat cursuri de hidraulica si
Prima grupă, pilot,organizata de Fluidas, a susţinut cu succes examenul de absolvire a cursului,
participanţii dovedind o bună întelegere a teoriei precum şi punerea în practică a acesteia, figura 4.

Fig. 4 Instruire practică in laboratoare

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Dupa acest curs pilot, am perfecţionat metodele de predare şi programa astfel încât la cursurile
următoare s-a putut răspunde prompt cerinţelor şi problemelor cursanţilor.
Pe parcursul acestui an, au avut loc şi alte cursuri în următoarele luni: septembrie şi octombrie,
figura 5.

Fig. 5 Cursuri septembrie – octombrie si instruire practică in laboratoare

Aceste cursuri se adresează angajaţilor din domeniile ce utilizează acţionări hidraulice şi

pneumatice. Surpriza avută de organizatori a fost ca la primele cursuri s-au inscris foarte mulţi
angajati cu pregătire superioară, idea fiind marea lipsă a lucrătorilor cu pregătire profesională
medie tehnică in cadrul intreprinderilor. Chiar şi în această situaţie cursul este prezentat la nivel
accesibil tuturor salariaţilor dornici să devină specialişti în domeniul hidraulicii şi pneumaticii.

5. Concluzii
În general, la nivel european, Se admite că, gradul de pregătire profesională asigurat de scoală
nu spune nimic despre capacitatea unei persoane de a aplica în practică toate sau măcar o
parte din cunoştinţele teoretice acumulate. De aici, decurge nevoia de pregătire profesională, de
training specializat, care să contribuie la îmbunătăţirea capacităţii de adaptare a intreprinderilor şi
a angajaţilor la realităţile tehnologice, ca şi la cele economice, spre a-şi găsi locul pe o piaţă a
muncii dinamică şi competitivă, aşa cum este cea actuală.
De asemenea, nici lucrătorii şi nici managerii acestora încă nu au înţeles importanţa ecologizării
activităţii şi necesitatea aplicării unor tehnologii de lucru şi de mentenanţă care să permită şi
să asigure evitarea impactului negativ asupra mediului. Un deziderat în plus al activităţii de
training pentru mentenanţa în domeniul acţionărilor hidraulice, îl constituie aceste noi tendinţe.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Un alt motiv, pentru care e necesar training specializat în domeniu, este acela ca la nivel
national nu a existat şi nu există şcoli pentru lucrătorii din acest mare câmp de activitate şi, ca
urmare, aşa-zişii specialişti sunt proveniţi din personal calificat la locul de muncă.
Universitatile tehnice trebuie sa ia in mod serios structura specialistilor necesari economiei
nationale care acum şi în următorii câţiva ani vor cere cu precadere ingineri specializati în
mentenanţă şi mai puţini specialişti în cercetarea şi proiectarea echipamentelor.
Prin toate cele menţionate, trainingul pentru mentenanţă în FLUID POWER devine tot mai necesar
daca se vrea ca domeniul şi specialiştii săi să se adapteze şi să se dezvolte şi în timp de criză.

1. CETOP education recomandations.. Editor: CETOP Education Commission, 2006.
2. Studiu de analiză – proiect „Pregatirea specialiştilor în domeniile mecanicii, hidraulicii şi
pneumaticii în scopul promovării adaptabilitătii şi creşterii competitivităţii”
3. Petrin DRUMEA – editorial HIDRAULICA nr. 1/2008, ISSN 1403-7303.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics



Technical University of Moldova, 168, Ştefan cel Mare str., Chişinău, 2004, Republic of Moldova

Abstract - An efficient conversion of kinetic energy of river water into mechanical or electrical
energy without building barrages is provided by micro-hydropower stations. Increased efficiency is
achieved by an optimum position of the blades with hydrodynamic profile. The formulation used to
compute the hydrodynamic forces is an inviscid –boundary layer model. Micro-hydropower station
provides kinetic energy conversion of river water into mechanical or electrical energy without
building barrages. Increased efficiency is provided by blades aerodynamic profile and their
optimum position for efficient conversion of water kinetic energy. Two industrial prototypes are
fabricated. The efficiency of the micro-hydro power stations as conversion systems of renewable
energy sources kinetic energy of flowing rivers depends mostly on profiles of the hydrofoils used in
the rotor’s construction for interaction with fluid. The main goal of this paper consists in the
elaboration of the modified hydrofoils, and based on them of the turbines with increased
conversion efficiency. The following objectives were established: Elaboration of the transient
computational models of the hydrodynamic turbine with 3 and 5 hydrofoils for extensive
simulations in the framework of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using software applications
ICEM CFD, CFX, TurboGrid and ANSYS, that will allow a variation of the attack angle for each
individual blade during a full rotor’s revolution.
Expected results: Elaboration of the technical and technological documentations,
manufacturing and testing of the hydrodynamic rotor for the micro-hydro power station.

Key words: water wheel, hydrodynamic profile, micro-hydropower station.


The existence of water on the Earth has

conditioned the emergence and development of
life. From the times immemorial, man has
chosen a place to live near rivers and lakes to
meet their natural needs in water, but also for
carrying out basic irrigation works. Floating or
rowing led human thought by observation, to
use water force and energy. Thus, the
mechanical power of running water can be
considered one of the oldest tools.
The means of water use and exploitation have
evolved from a historical epoch to another, from
one nation to another, in relation to the natural
conditions, depending on the level of production
relationships and forces. Thus, water energy
Figure 1: Conceptual diagram of the water wheel
uses has marked stages of development of the
with rectilinear profile of blades
social systems from the primitive to modern

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

To avoid the construction of dams, the kinetic energy of rivers can be utilised by means of
exploiting water stream turbines. This type of turbines is easily mounted, is simple in operation
and maintenance cost is suitable. The 1m/s current velocity represents an energetic density of
500W/m2 of the crossing section, but only a part of this energy can be drawn off and converted
into useful electrical or mechanical energy. This fact depends on the type of rotor and blades.
Velocity is especially important as a double increase in the water velocity can result in an eight
times rising of energetic density. Prut river has a section equivalent to 60 m2 and an average
velocity in explorable zones of (1 – 1,3) m/s, which is equivalent to an approximate theoretical
energy of (30 – 65) kW. Taking into account the fact that the turbine can occupy only a portion of
the river bed the generated energy might be much smaller. There are various conceptual
solutions, but the issue of increasing the conversion efficiency of water kinetic energy is in the
view of researchers. The analysis of constructive versions of floatable micro-hydro power stations
previously examined did not satisfy at all from the point of view of conversion efficiency of water
kinetic energy. In a classical hydraulic wheel horizontal axle (Fig. 1) [1] the maximum depth at
which one of blades is sunk makes approximately 2/3 of the blade height h. Namely, only this area
participates in the transformation of water kinetic energy into mechanical one. As well, the prior
blade covers approximately 2/3 of the blade surface sunk utmost in the water (h’’≈ 2/3h’). This fact
reduces significantly the water stream pressure on the blade. The blade that comes next to the
blade that sunk maximally into water is covered completely by it and practically does not participate
in the conversion of water kinetic energy. Therefore, the efficiency of such hydraulic wheels is
The insistent searches of authors lead to the elaboration and patenting of some advanced
technical solutions for floatable micro-hydro power stations, based on the hydrodynamic effect,
generated by the hydrodynamic profile of blades, and their orientation at optimum positions
concerning the water streams with account of energy conversion in each phase of the turbine rotor
rotation (Fig. 2) [1,2].

Figure 2: Conceptual diagram of the rotor with hydrodynamic profile of adjustable blades concerning the
water streams.

Therefore it was necessary to perform a large volume of multi-criteria theoretical research

concerning the selection of optimum hydrodynamic profile of the blades and the design of the
orientation mechanism towards the water streams.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics



The results of the carried out research by the authors concerning the water flow rate in the
location selected for the micro-hydro power stations mounting, the geological prospecting of the
river banks in the place of anchoring foundation mounting, the energetic needs of the consuming
potential, represent initial data for the conceptual design of the micro-hydro power stations and its
working element.
Aiming at an increase of the conversion coefficient of the water kinetic energy (Betz coefficient), a
number of structural diagrams of floatable micro-hydro power plants have been designed and
patented [2-7]. They comprise a rotor with pintle and vertical blades, and hydrodynamic profile in
normal section. The blades are interconnected by an orientation mechanism towards the direction
of the water streams. The motion of rotation of the rotor with pintle is multiplied by a mechanical
transmission system and is transmitted to an electrical generator or to a hydraulic pump. The
mentioned knots are fixed on a platform, mounted on floatable bodies. The platform is linked to the
bank by a hinged metallic truss and by straining cables.
A very important aspect in the functional optimization of micro-hydro power plants is the selection
of optimum hydrodynamic profile of the blades which allows increasing the conversion coefficient
(Betz coefficient). Due to the hydrodynamic upward forces the increase in the conversion level is
reached by means of ensuring the optimum position of the blade towards the water streams in
various phases of rotor rotation by utilizing blades orientation mechanism. Thus, practically all
blades (even those which move opposite the water streams) participate simultaneously in the
generation of summary torque moment. The blades which move along the water streams utilize
both hydrodynamic forces and water pressure exercised on blade surfaces for the generation of
the torque moment. The blades which move opposite the water streams utilize only hydrodynamic
upward forces for the generation of the torque moment. Due to the fact that the relative velocity of
the blades toward water streams at their motion opposite water streams is practically twice bigger,
the hydrodynamic upward force is relatively big and the generated torque moment is measurable to
the one generated by the water pressure. This effect forms the basis of all patented technical
The adopted technical solutions have resulted in an ample theoretical and experimental research
carried out at the Centre for Renewable Energy Conversion Systems Design, Department of the
Theory of Mechanisms and Machine Parts. To justify the constructive and functional parameters,
supplementary digital modelling and simulation have been carried out by utilizing ANSYS CFX5.7
software. Subprograms developed by authors for the MathCAD, AutoDesk MotionInventor, etc.
software, have been utilized, namely simulation of the interaction „flow-blade” of the floatable
steadiness and also the optimization of blades hydrodynamic profile, with the purpose to increase
the river water kinetic energy conversion efficiency for different velocities by using 3, 4 and 5 blade
rotors. In the process of micro-hydro power plants design, the experience gained at research-
design-manufacturing of the pilot plant was utilized.
The efficiency of micro-hydro power plant operation by private consumers for special purposes
depend on the right selection of micro-hydro power plant constructive configuration and of the
functional characteristics of the component aggregates participating in the process of flowing water
kinetic energy conversion into useful energy. In order to satisfy the objectives and consumers
demand for micro-hydro power plants, and also for the increase in the flowing water kinetic
potential conversion efficiency in the certain zone of the river, the authors have designed various
constructive and functional concepts based on modular assembling. The mentioned micro-hydro
power plants, conceived as modular ones, allow the modification of destination and functional
characteristics by replacing certain aggregates with other (generator, pump, blades with different
hydrodynamic profile, 3-5 blades rotor).
Micro-hydro power plants have similar resistance structure as constructions calculated from the
point of view of resistance and rigidity at dynamic demands. Floatability and maintenance of the
perpendicularity of micro-hydro power plant rotor spindle for a variable river water level are
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

ensured by technical solutions protected by patents [3-7]. The instant orientation mechanism of
blades for a constant entering angle concerning the direction of the water flow represents Know-
How and it is not described. The main working element on which the quantity of kinetic energy
converted into useful energy depends is the blade with the hydro-dynamic profile NACA 0016,
developed on the basis of the performed digital modelling. Two types of rotors with 3 and 5 blades
have been designed for the mentioned micro-hydro power plants. The installed capacity of micro-
hydro power plants with diameter D = 4 m, water-submersed blade height h = 1,4 m and the length
of the blade cord l = 1,3 m for water flowing velocity V = 1...2 m/s can be within P =2...19 kW.
In micro hydro power plant (Fig. 3) [3] the turbine 1 comprises blades 2, executed with the
hydrodynamic profile and mounted on the axles 3, fixed by their upper part on the extreme ends of
the bars 4, with the possibility to rotate around their axles. The position of the blades 2 at angle α
to the direction of water flow is ensured by the controlling mechanism 5. Platform 6 is consolidated
additionally by a winch 7 fixed on the truss that is mounted unshiftable on the shore pillar 8. The
turbine 1 and the blades 2 are placed in the river water flow. The floating bodies 9 and the hollow
blades 2 themselves control the position of turbine 1 and blades 2 concerning the water level. The
multi-blade rotor is connected cinematically and coaxially to the electric generator 11 by the
multiplier 10. The winch 7 is used for turbine 1 maintenance which fact requires its removal from
the water. The blade 2 is positioned under angle α towards the water flow; it changes depending
on the blade position to the water flow direction.

Figure 3: Floatable micro hydropower plant with blades orientation mechanism

The components of force F, acting on the blade, are determined from the relationships:
ρ ⋅ v2 ,
Fx =Cx ⋅ ⋅S
ρ ⋅ v2
Fy =
Cy ⋅ ⋅S , (1)
where: ρ is water density; v is the water flow linear velocity; s is the blade surface; C x , C y are lift
and drag (resistance) coefficients of the blade profile. Coefficients C x and C y depend on the blade
entering angle α (the angle between the blade and the water flow direction) and on the profile
shape. The angle is determined either experimentally or by numerical calculations. The torque
developed by one blade is described by the equation:
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

d d
M = Fτ ⋅ = (cos γ ⋅ Fy − sin γ ⋅ Fx ) , (2)
2 2
where F τ is the projection of force F on the tangent drawn to the path of motion of the blade axis.
The summary torque includes the general component of the resistance force F h . The torque
moment generated by the turbine consists of the torques generated by each separate blade.
Currently only one blade will not generate positive moment (it will generate a negative moment –
the resistance one). Thus, the torque generated by the proposed turbine will be essentially bigger
than the torque produced by the existing turbines for the same geometrical (blades dimensions)
and kinematical parameters of water. The proposed micro hydro power plant allows the
transformation of the water flow kinetic energy into mechanical or electrical energy with an
increased utilization coefficient of water energy.



The micro-hydro power plant for river water kinetic energy conversion into electrical and
mechanical energy (Fig. 4) [1,2] is poli-functional and can be utilized for street illumination, heating,
water pumping for irrigation by weeping, for drainage of agricultural areas adjacent to rivers. The
assembling of blades 1 with NACA 0016 profile in hydrodynamic rotor 2 and its mounting on the
inlet shaft of the multiplier 3 are done in the same manner as for micro-hydro-power plant. The
kinematics and constructive peculiarities of micro-hydro plant are the following: rotation motion of
hydrodynamic rotor 2 with angular speed ω 1 , by means of multiplier 3 and of belt drive 4 having an
effective multiplying coefficient i = 212,8, is being multiplied up to angular working speed of the
generator with permanent magnets with small rotations 5:
ω 3 =ω 1 ⋅i 1 ⋅ (s-1).
Torque moment T 3 , applied to rotor 5, is:
T1 ⋅η1 ⋅η2η r
T3 = ,( Nm ) ,
where: η 1 is the mechanical efficiency of the multiplier (η 1 = 0,9);
η 2 - mechanical efficiency of the belt drive (η 1 = 0,95);
η r - mechanical efficiency of the hydrodynamic rotor bearings (η 1 = 0,99).
i – effective multiplication coefficient equal to the composition of multiplying ratios of the
planetary multiplier and of the belt drive.

The electric energy produced by the generator with permanent magnets 5 (fig. 4,5) can be utilized
both for private consumer needs of power and for supplying electricity to impeller pump 6 (CH
400), for water pumping into irrigation systems by means of weeping or drainage of agricultural
areas adjacent to the rivers (by relocation of the impeller pump 6).

In the fig. 6 the dependence of the torque moment T 1 at hydrodinamic rotor shaft at one rotation is
presented. In the case of electric energy production, the energy utilization efficiency with account
of mechanical losses in the kinematics chain of the micro-hydro power plant and in the generator
with permanent magnets makes up (at generator terminal):

η∑ =η1η2ηrη g =0,9 ⋅ 0,95 ⋅ 0,99 ⋅ 0,87 =0,736 ,

and in case of water pumping (at the shaft of the pump):
η∑ =η1η2ηrη gηme =0,9 ⋅ 0,95 ⋅ 0,99 ⋅ 0,87 ⋅ 0,91 =0,67,

where: η g is generator efficiency;

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

η me – efficiency of the hydraulic pump of the electric motor.

Figure 4: Micro-hydro power plant with hydrodynamic rotor river water kinetic energy conversion into
electrical and mechanical energy (rotor diameter D = 4m, water-submersed blade height h = 1,4m,
length of the blade cord l =1,3.

Pump CH-400 Planetary

-3 multiplicator i=112
Q=(20...)40m /h



Water flow

Figure 5: Micro-hydro power plant kinematics.

On the basis of the conceptual diagram designed above, technical documentation was developed
industrial prototype of micro-hydro power plant for river water kinetic energy conversion into
electrical and mechanical energy was manufactured (fig. 7). Thus, micro-hydro power plant
provides conversion of up to 73,6% and 67% of useful energy for electricity production and for
water pumping from the energy potential of flowing water entrapped by the hydrodynamic rotor.
Now, the industrial prototype of micro-hydro power plant is tested on the test area on the Prut river,
c. Stoieneşti, Cantemir (fig. 8).

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Figure 6. Torque moment T 1 at hydrodinamic rotor shaft with NACA 0016 profile blades.

Figure 7: Industrial prototype of micro-hydro power Figure 8: Testing of the industrial prototype of
plant for river water kinetic energy conversion micro-hydro power plant on the Prut river.


In conclusion, we state that micro hydropower plants ensures the transformation of 70…86 % of
the flowing water potential energy into useful electrical energy transmitted to the hydrodynamic
rotor. The basic advantages of micro-hydro power stations are as follows:
- small impact on the environment; it is not necessary to carry out civil constructions;
- the river does not change its natural course; the possibility to utilise local knowledge in
order to produce floatable turbines;
- the possibility to mount a series of micro-hydro stations at small distances (approximately
30-50 m) because the influence of turbulence provoked by the adjacent installations can be

[1] Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Sobor Ion, Bostan V., Sochirean A., (2007), Systems for Renewable Energies Conversion: eolian, solar and
hydraulic (in Romanian), Ed.: BonsOffices SRL, 592pp.
[2] Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Bostan V., Ciupercă R. (2009), Anthology of Inventions, vol. 3. Systems for Renewable Energies Conversion
(in Romanian). Ed.: BonsOffices SRL, 458pp.
[3] Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Bostan V., Ciobanu O., Sochireanu A., (2006), Hydro-electric plant. Patent MD Nr. 2991.
[4] Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Sochireanu A., Bostan V., Ciobanu O., Ciobanu R., (2006), Hydro-electric plant. Patent MD Nr. 2992.
[5] Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Bostan V., Sochireanu A., Trifan N., (2006), Hydro turbine. Patent MD Nr. 2993.
[6] Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Bostan V. Sochireanu A., Ciobanu O., Ciobanu R., Dicusară I., (2006), Hydro-electric plant. Patent MD Nr.
[7] Bostan I., Dulgheru V., Bostan V., Sochireanu A., Ciobanu O., Ciobanu R., (2009), Hydro-electric station. Patent MD Nr. 3845.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics


Ioan-Lucian MARCU1, Daniel- Vasile BANYAI2, Claudia KOZMA3, Gabriela MATACHE4
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca,
4 Hydraulics & Pneumatics Research Intsitute, Bucharest – ROMANIA,

Abstract: The presents aspects regarding the theoretical aproach and experimental results on the
the speed of the rotation of an alternating flow driven hydraulic motor having a star interconnection
of the working volumes. The mathematical model is developed considering the alternant flows
function of the generator driving speed, the constructive parameters of the whole system,
considering the elasticity of the phase pipes and the oil column compressibility under pressure.
There are presented diagrams between the curves of the obtained theoretical speeds and the
curves obtained by experimental results interpretation, which are validating the elaborated
mathematical model.
Keywords: alternating flow, three-phase hydraulic motor, rotational speed, star interconnection

1. Introduction

Alternating flow driven systems involves a new approach of the driving systems using pressurized
liquids, because we have here, in the entire system, along the pipes, an energy transmissions
without volumetric flow transportation between the energy converters, hydraulic generator and
hydraulic motor. [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]

Generally, an alternating flow driven hydraulic transmission consists in a alternating flows and
pressures generator and a motor, the connection between them being realized with a number of
pipes equal with the number of phases, the pipes being filled with fluid at a certain (pre-
established) pressure. During the functioning of the system the pressure and the flow within each
pipe varies in a sinusoidal way, around an average value.

Within these systems, the active stroke of the hydraulic motor pistons, is produced by the
pressurized fluid flow from the generator, while, for the retraction stroke there is necessary a
supplementary connection (in a star configuration for example) to a pressure generator, working in
opposite phase with respect to the first one.

2. Theoretical approaches regarding the rotational speed of the hydralic motor

Considering the constructive characteristics of the hydraulic generator and motor, and using the
medium flow formula, we can calculate the rotational speed of the output shaft of the hydraulic
motor as follows. [1], [2]

The medium value of the volumetric flow for a phase of the hydraulic generator, for an active
angle ϕ g = ϕ g 2 − ϕ g 1 , is defined using the equation:

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

ϕg 2
Qimed g =
ϕg2 − ϕ g1 ϕ ∫
⋅ Q i g ⋅ dϕ g 1

The instantaneous volumetric flow is defined as:

Qi = ω g ⋅ ⋅ S g ⋅ sin(ωt + ϕ 0 ) 2

in which x g is the generator piston stroke, Sg is the generator piston surface, and ω g is the angular
frequency of the generator.

The effective volumetric flow Qe is influenced by the capacitive flow QiC , like figure 1 present:

Qe = Qi − QiC 3

Figure 1. Influence of the capacitive flow on the instantaneous flow [5]

If we consider that the capacitive flow is a "negative flow", then the medium value of the volumetric
flow which reaches to the hydraulic motor is:

ϕg 2

⋅ (Qi − Qi C ) ⋅ dϕ g
Qemed =
ϕg2 − ϕ g1 ϕ ∫ 4

Taking into account the constructive characteristics of the flow driven hydraulic generator and
motor, the interconnection pipes, the elasticity of the oil and also of the pipes, the rotational speed
n m of an alternating flow driven three-phase hydraulic motor, with a star interconnections of the
working volumes, can be expressed using the formula:

   d cext 
 
    + 1,5  
 2,5 ⋅ 
n  d2 ⋅l  dc  
3 3

 x g ⋅ S g − cint c ⋅
⋅  int  ⋅p 
nm 5
4π r m ⋅ S m  4  E oil E pipe  
2  a max

 d
  cext  − 1  
   dc   
   int   

in which n g is the rotational speed of the hydraulic generator and pa max is the amplitude of the
pressure along the interconnection pipes.
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

In figure 2 are presented the principles of the star interconnection working volumes for an
alternating flow driven three-phase hydraulic motor.

Figure 2. The principles of the star interconnection of the hydraulic motor working volumes.

Schematically the interconnections of the working volumes are presented in figure 2m in which:
- 1, 2, 3 - phase pipes;
- MHL 1 , MHL 2 , MHL 3 - linear hydraulic motors;
- Q i1 , Q i2 , Q i3 - the instantaneous volumetric flows of the three phases;
- p i1 , p i2 , p i3 - the instantaneous pressures of the three phases.
Each hydraulic linear motor will act individually on the output shaft of the hydraulic motor.

The instantaneous flow of the three-phase hydraulic generator, which provides the active stroke for
a linear hydraulic motor is equal with the instantaneous flow generated by the motor pistons
movement, and which is provide also the retraction stroke for the next two pistons. So, like the
figure 2 shows, we can define the equation:

Qi 1star = Qi 1 = Qi 13 + Qi 12 6

in which Q i13 and Q i12 are the volumetric flows providing the retraction strokes of the MHL 2 and
MHL 3 hydraulic motors.

Similarly the relations defining the flows for the next two phases, when those are actives,
can be written as::

Qi 2star = Qi 2 = Qi 21 + Qi 23 7

Qi 3star = Qi 3 = Qi 31 + Qi 32 8

This type of interconnection of the hydraulic motor working volumes is characterized by a null sum
of the instantaneous three-phase volumetric flow in the connection point:

i =0 9

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

In figure 3 is presented the alternating flow driven hydraulic motor with a star interconnection
working volumes.

Figure 3. The star interconnection of the hydraulic motor working volumes. [1]

3. Experimental results

The designed version of the three-phase alternating flow driven hydraulic motor included in the
experimental strand is schematically presented in figure 4.

Figure 4. The schematic representation of the experimental stand, having a star

interconnection for the motor working volumes. [1]

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

The components of the hydraulic system presented in figure 4 are:

1 - continuous current electric motor; 9 - manometer;

2 - axial pistons flow generator; 10 - braking device;
3 - auxiliary oil tank; 11 - proximity sensors;
4 - manual screw pump; 12 - pressure sensors;
5 - vanes; 13 - displacement sensor;
6 - capillary hydraulic resistances; 14 - phase pipes;
7 - hydraulic accumulator; 15 - interconnection pipes;
8 - alternating flow drive hydraulic motor; 16 - secondary hydraulic ramification

In order to acquire the experimental data during the testing process we had to precisely control the
mechanical and hydraulic parameters using proximity sensors mounted on the rotation shafts,
pressure sensors mounted on the representative points of the hydraulic pipes and displacement
sensors mounted on the motor cylinder pistons, figure 4.

The monitoring protocol of the entire system was established using an input/output parameters
diagram. The preliminary experimental data, representing the functional parameters, were obtained
considering the monitoring protocol, the sensors disposition and using a data acquisition board.
The large amount of information was reviewed and processed afterwards, taking into consideration
each particularly mechanical configuration and input adjustments.

In figure 5 and figure 6 are presented some comparative diagrams obtained using the experimental
data and the numerical simulation application developed by using the mathematical model.

The mathematical model was developed considering the two energy converters, hydraulic
generator and hydraulic motor, the compressibility of the oil column and also the elasticity of the
connections pipes. Another condition was that the volumetric flow provided by the generator is
totally used by the hydraulic motor
Motor rotational speed [rpm]


0 200 400 600 800 1000
Generator rotational speed [rpm]

Real speed Theoretical speed

Figure 5. Motor rotational speed evolution: star interconnection schema, generator piston
stroke 8 mm and initial static pressure 25 bar.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Motor rotational speed[rpm]


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Generator rotational speed [rpm]

Real speed Theoretical speed

Figure 6. Motor rotational speed evolution: star interconnection schema, generator piston
stroke 12 mm and initial static pressure 25 bar.

4. Conclusions

The objective of this research was a new approach of the hydraulic drives, in which the pressure
and flow is not continuously transmitted between the energy converters (pumps and motors). The
paper describes the constructive principles of the alternating flow driven hydraulic systems, and
also its main components.

The experimental results, combined with the developed mathematical model of this system,
demonstrates the possibility to adjust, during the functioning, several input parameters (like the
initial static pressure and the generator angular speed), in order to obtain the anticipated output
values of some parameters, or if the system load is modifying.


[1] Marcu, I. L., "Researches and contributions regarding the functional improvements of the alternating flow
driven hydraulic systems", PhD Thesis, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, 2004.
[2] Marcu, I.L., Pop, I. “Interconnection possibilities for the working volumes of the alternating hydraulic
motors” Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Hydraulic Machinery and Hydrodynamics -
HMH2004 in Trans. of Mechanics, Tom 49 (63), Timisoara, October 2004, ISSN 1224-6077, pp. 365-370.
[3] Pop, I., Marcu, I.L., Khader, M., Denes Pop, I., "Conventional Hydraulics", Ed. U.T.PRES, Cluj-Napoca,
[4] Pop, I., "Sonic Theory Treatise", Ed. Performantica, Iasi, 2006.
[5] Pop, I. et al, "Sonics Applications. Experimental Results", Ed. Performantica, Iasi, 2007.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics



INOE 2000 - IHP e-mail address:

Abstract: The paper presents the simulation of static and dynamic behavior of system capacity
control radial piston pumps using the program AMESim.
Keywords: simulation, pumps, rung signal, sinusoidal signal

1. Introduction

To analyze the static and dynamic behavior of the control system capacity of radial piston pumps,
was used a powerful and performant graphical program, AMES / Imagine. For the composition of
the simulation models were used standardized symbols specific hydraulic elements existing in the
library program.
AMESim is a simulation environment built on multiport considerations. The exchange of
information between the components is bidirectional and thus made fewer lines of communication.
At the same time the simulation environment shapes almost exactly real models of the dynamic
systems simulated. Another important feature of the program is the automatic choice of the method
of integration of the systems of equations that can be adapted during simulation according to the
characteristics of equations.
From the user point of view, the program is a suggestive graphical interface that displays the
evolution of the whole system during the simulation process.

2. Structure for simulation of servo

In fig. 1 is shown the structure for simulation of servo positioning. It is then specified the
correspondence between the components of the simulation model and the physical model
elements [1]. The analyzed system is the real mechatronic control system eccentricity / flow, which
is composed of:
- Electro-hydraulic proportional distributor 4/3 with center closed - Item 8;
- Supply group with oil under pressure - Item 3, 4 and 2;
- Tank - Item 1;
- Position transducer - Item 13;
- Compensator - Item 16;
- Linear hydraulic motor + inertial load + viscous frictions - Item 14, 15, 11, 10 and 12;
- Signal generator - Item 7.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fig.1 The network for simulation of the servo control of radial piston pump capacity

Their correspondence with the real control system eccentricity is shown in Fig. 2. For an easy
identification it was complied the numbering of positions from Fig. 1.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fig. 2. Physical structure of the positioning system for adjusting the eccentricity

In these pictures are distinguished in the following:

1. tank; 9. small piston chamber;
2. pressure limiting valve; 10. small piston spring;
3. Volumetric pump 11. piston with small area;
4. electric motor; 12. inertial mass (sliding ring);
5. electromechanical converter; 13. inductive position transducer;
6. electronic compensator; 14. piston with large area;
7. the command prescription channel; 15. piston spring with large area;
8. proportional distributor body; 16. large piston chamber.

3. Static and dynamic characteristics of the system

To determine the static and dynamic characteristics of the system, it was controlled by triangular
electrical signals voltage step and sinusoidal type in the field (0 ... 10) V DC. Frequency signal,
type ramp was chosen small enough to generate a quasi-static regime.The were obtained features
from simulation which are presented in Fig. 3....7, the monitored parameter at the (output of the)
system output being eccentricity, whose values, when used as an experimental model pump is:

e = (ϕ ...5)mm.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics


Reply obtained by simulation, e

Command prescribed Uc

Fig. 3. System response to the ramp signal, frequency 0.1 Hz

Reply obtained by simulation, e
Command prescribed Uc

Fig. 4. System response to sinusoidal signal, frequency 0.1 Hz

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Reply obtained by simulation, e

Command prescribed Uc

Fig. 5. Static characteristic, frequency of 0.05 Hz

Reply obtained by simulation, e

Command prescribed Uc


Fig. 6. Response to the signal rung

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

The amplitude characteristic

obtained by simulation
Amplification (db)

Phase shift (grd)

The phase shift characteristic
obtained by simulation

Fig. 7. Bode diagram

4. Conclusions

All features obtained using AMESim program, have very small deviations between the command
and simulation which means that the obtained results simulate with a very good accuracy
functioning of the control eccentricity system.
Considered the reference, the results obtained by numerical simulation will be validated
experimentally. Experimental research results and comparison with the simulated results will be
presented in another article.


[1] I. Lepădatu, “Theoretical and applied research on mechatronic systems adjusting the flow of hydraulic
rotary generators by eccentricity”, U.P.B. Doctoral Thesis, 2010.
[2] M. Blejan, B.Lupu, I.Dutu, D.Rotaru, T.C.Popescu - ELECTRONIC OSCILLATOR FOR A HYDRAULIC
FLOW DIVIDER - 32 International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE 2009 BRNO, CZECH

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics



Iulian DUȚU1, Radu RĂDOI2, Gabriela MATACHE3

Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute, Servo and Electronics Compartment, Bucharest Romania,
Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute, Servo and Electronics Compartment, Bucharest Romania,
Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute, Special Equipments Compartment, Bucharest Romania,

Abstract: Classic hydraulic systems offer a sum of advantages such as robustness and easy
adaptability to some variations of the working environment, being capable of realizing high force
and torque values at relatively low costs of implementation and maintenance. The global evolution
of electronics and informatics fields had influenced positively hydraulic researches on developing
new types of equipment, tending to facilitate an easy integration with digital controllers of computer
controlled systems. It has been imposed the concept of intelligent hydraulic equipment, which
include in their structure digital electronic modules (with self-diagnosis, auto-adjustment and bus
communication features) and specific transducers. These improvements had a positive effect on
the dynamic characteristics of electro-hydraulic equipment, some of them being known in technical
literature as intelligent electro-hydraulic equipment.

Keywords: electro-hydraulics, digital PID, driving systems

1. Introduction
Electro-hydraulic systems are widely used nowadays, being the most suitable solution for power
transmission over a certain distance, control and flexibility because of the technological
developments in high precision industrial systems such as robotics, multi-axis control and 3D
positioning applications. Classical approaches to a certain problem are still used in industry, but
there are some applications that need digital electronics control along with IT solutions. Mainly, the
architecture of electro-hydraulic driving systems include software components and IT technologies,
digital and analog electronic modules and, of course, the electro-hydraulic equipment themselves.
This kind of approach facilitates the measurement and acquisition of system’s working parameters,
trying to correlate the output control signal with program reference signal and environmental
factors (such as temperature, vibrations, perturbations and so on) thus obtaining a low error and
high positioning accuracy. Also, the flexibility of the electro-hydraulic drive is one important factor
because the control system itself can adapt to new requirements not needing, in most cases, a
hardware reconfiguration – which is expensive.

2. Why choosing electro-hydraulic systems

Choosing the best drive system for an industrial application is not an easy task - the system’s
engineer must take into consideration various technical, functional, environmental or reliability
criteria [1]. Basically, hydraulic drives can be classified into two major categories: hydrostatic and
hydrodynamic power systems.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Hydrodynamic systems’ functioning is based on increasing the kinetic energy of the working fluid,
usually mineral oil, having a high power-weight ratio, improved controllability but there are mostly
limited to rotary motion.
Hydrostatic systems transmit power by increasing the pressure of the working fluid, being the most
used type of drive system in industry, aviation equipment or heavy machinery control. Main
benefits of hydrostatic drive systems are protection against overloading, energy storage
capabilities (accumulators), high power/weight ratio, increased stiffness of cylinders and lubrication
through working fluid.
The need for accurate positioning systems based on electronics and hydraulics
equipment/modules, leaded to the establishment of electro-hydraulics field using proportional and
servo devices. These kinds of systems put together the advantages of hydraulic drive systems and
electronic modules: accuracy, precision, controllability, high power/weight ratio and stiffness.
Mainly, electro-hydraulic equipment is dived into: digital valves, servovalves, proportional valves
and ON/OFF valves. Electro-hydraulic equipment has high static and dynamic performances, thus
offering optimal solutions for certain industrial applications and sometimes being the only available
solution for complex drive and control issues[5]. Current trends in improvement of electro-hydraulic
equipment imply continuous increasing of static and dynamic performances along with lowering
manufacturing and running costs. These all can be realized by putting together various technical
fields such as mechanics, electronics, control engineering and IT. Various manufacturers of
electro-hydraulic equipment tend to offer fully integrated solutions made of transducers, controllers,
displays and the electro-hydraulic equipment itself.

3. A few considerations on digital PID controllers

Electro-hydraulic drives can be regarded as mechanical transmission systems from a power
source towards actuators, using a pressurized fluid as transmission mean, and can be classified
into three major categories, as follows:
- electro-hydraulic control systems;
- command systems for external high power equipment;
- driving system, having the sole role to transmit mechanical energy without having control
over the quantity and parameters of working fluid.
By including electro-hydraulic equipment into a drive, the system’s engineer obtains high static and
dynamic performances using only an electrical control current that ranges between 200…800 [mA]
for proportional equipment and between -80…80 [mA] for servovalves[4]. Widespread of computer
technologies and digital electronic control systems along with high-integration of electronic
components, allowed the manufacturers to develop new types of electronic modules that can be
included into the structure of electro-hydraulic equipment.
PID (Proportional-Integrative-Derivative) control algorithm [2,3] has the following analog
mathematical expression:
Using the finite difference approximations on the PID equation given above (1), we will obtain the
digital equivalent:



ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

The equations given above in (2) and (3) can be used for obtaining the positioning form of digital
PID control by substituting equations (2) and (3) into equation (1), thus obtaining:


Next, equation (4) can be written as Z-transform and let be defined as deviation variable (5).

The Z-transform translation theorem:
Considering the above, the Z-transform of equation (4) is written as:
Equation (9) can be simplified because the integral term given for large values of n
approaches a limit of and therefore the equation (9) can be written as:

Considering the above, digital PID transfer function is given by equation (11), also referred as
the positional form al the digital PID algorithm because it gives directly the output of the controller:
The digital PID algorithm can be implemented on 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers because of
its reduced number of operations per every sample of one acquired signal and low RAM
requirements for storing variables.

4. Open loop vs. closed loop

Electro-hydraulic drive systems allow control of mechanical parameters such as speed or force
through hydraulic parameters: pressure and flow. Mainly, the operator must define a setpoint for
each interest parameter and depending of the type of control selected – open or closed loop – the
digital controller will correct the errors [6]. When choosing open loop (Figure 1) the interest
parameter has a start value that can be modified manually by the operator if there are signaled
errors, during the functioning or stationary phases of the electro-hydraulic system. When dealing
with open loop systems the operator must have solid previous experience or good calculus
methodology for determining the necessary value of the command current in order to obtain certain
hydraulic parameters.


Adjustable Electro- Variable

setpoint hydraulic output signal
Electronic Hydraulic
control module adjustment actuator

Figure 1 – Open loop electro-hydraulic system (example)

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Closed loop control (Figure 2) represents a system where the interest parameter is measured
permanently by using a transducer and automatically adjusted by the electronic controller in order
to equal the output and setpoint signals. The transducer’s signal is usually called feedback,
allowing permanent automatic adjustment of the output signal in order to obtain prescribed
hydraulic parameters.
Main elements of modernization were made combining electronic digital modules and hydraulics,
allowing varying mechanical parameters such as speed, force or torque through electronic control
of hydraulic parameters in the electro-hydraulic system. Hydraulic control through electronic
modules has changed ON/OFF electro-hydraulic valves into proportional and servo equipment.
Furthermore, by combining hydraulics, electronics, sensors and informatics it was obtained new
and more accurate driving systems based on mechatronics concepts.


Adjustable Electro- Constant

setpoint hydraulic output value
Electronic Hydraulic
control module adjustment actuator
- equipment


Figure 2 – Closed loop electro-hydraulic system (example)

Main components of any closed loop hydraulic control system are the electronic controller and
electro-hydraulic adjustment equipments that have improved over time having two structural and
functional directions: servo and proportional equipment. In servos the electro-mechanic convertor
is generally a torque motor, capable to work at relatively high frequency. In proportional equipment,
the electro-mechanic convertor is a proportional electromagnet capable to work at medium
frequencies. These differences in functional performances have an influence on purchase and
maintenance costs.
Usually, automated electro-hydraulic control systems are based on translation unit architecture
using an electric signal as command input. Their controller uses the difference –usually called error
- between the setpoint and feedback signals, the structure being represented by a block diagram
resulted from a set of differential equations or from the transfer function equation (when it is
needed to perform the transient and stationary analysis of the output signal for small variations of
the setpoint).

5. Conclusions
Digital control of electro-hydraulic equipment is considered to be a complex technical field, which
involves mechanics, hydraulics, electronics and informatics. When choosing a digital control
system for a specific industrial application, system’s engineer must analyze thoroughly existing
solutions and define correctly interest parameters and their way of variation and must take into
consideration practical aspects along with manufacturing and maintenance costs.
Digital electronics and informatics technologies combined simplify implementation and
reconfiguration of industrial electro-hydraulic systems, by using specific sensors and transducers,
data acquisition boards, virtual instrumentation and so on.
Future developments on digital electro-hydraulic field include an even more miniaturization of
equipments, due to advanced researches on materials and electronics fields (such as using high
integration SMD components).

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

6. References
[1] Duminică, D., Avram, A., Alexandrescu, N., Stadiul actual în domeniul acţionărilor hidronice, Simpozionul
„Relansarea şi creşterea competitivităţii sectoarelor economice din industria prelucrătoare”, Bucureşti,
23-24 septembrie 2004, în volumul conferinţei.
[2] Flaus, J. M., La régulation industrielle. Régulateurs PID, prédictifs et flous, Editions Hermès, Paris, 1994.
[3] Guillon, M., Commande et asservissement hydrauliques et electrohydrauliques, Editions Lavoisier, Paris,
[4] M. Comes, A. Drumea, Tehnologie de realizare a modulului electronic PID pentru distribuitoare hidraulice
proporţionale cu electronică integrată, Prima Conferinţă a Hidroenergeticienilor din România, 26-27 Mai
2000, Bucureşti, România, ISBN 973-652-144-3, pp. 611-614.
[5] D. Ion Guță, I. Lepadatu, C. Dumitrescu, G. Matache, Using real time simulation for off - line testing of
electro - hydraulic control systems, COMEFIM’10 - The 10-th International Conference on Mechatronics and
Precision Engineering, Bucharest 19-21 May 2011, http://, MCT 2/2011 -
Mecatronica Review No. 2/2011.
[6] Dragoș Ion GUȚĂ, Cătălin DUMITRESCU, Ioan LEPADĂTU, Corneliu CRISTESCU, Experimental
identification of electrohydraulic servomechanisms with virtual instruments technique, HIDRAULICA review,
No. 3, October 2010, pp.49-56.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics


Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucureşti, e-mail address:

INOE 2000 – IHP, e-mail address:

Abstract: Efficient management of energy production from biomass with thermal generators and
generators TLUD requires continuous measurements of biomass consumption correlated with
input parameters which is air flow for gasification. As an alternative to electronic measuring
systems, which in the exploitation conditions for gasogen are more expensive than the usual ones,
it is analyzed the use of pneumatic force sensors at which the measured pressure is not sensitive
to temperature variations.
Measurement of biomass is performed online with a pneumatic force transducer working under
sampled measurements. Measurement structure presented has very low energy consumption,
specific to the technical systems with energy independence and low cost automation. The
measurement system is connected to PLC for automatic driving of thermal system. Adjusting
performances of the thermal generator operating mode and energy consumption for force
transducer were determined by simulation experiments conducted with a simulation model and a
numerical simulation program, developed in the simulation environment MEDSIMFP10. Simulation
experiments confirmed low pneumatic energy consumption and a better measurement accuracy.
Keywords: pneumatic transducer, power, biomass, TLUD, energy consumption, low cost

1. Introduction

The production of energy from biomass is an ecological and economical method which is in
competition with other sources: solar thermal and photovoltaic, wind energy, hydro or geothermal.
The main advantage of biomass is that it can be produced energy with it when, where and in the
necessary amounts.
At present, in parallel with up-draft and down-draft gasification systems, are developed
systems based on the TLUD process that is easy to use and stable in operation; the system has
the advantage of being cheap and recently revealed that produces an unconverted carbon quota
called biochar, which if is introduced in soil represents a great soil amendment and contributes to
the increase of land fertility and through carbon sequestration in soil relatively large periods of time
contributes directly to the reduction of the CO 2 in the atmosphere. A TLUD thermal generator
consists of a generator with TLUD process of micro-gasification of biomass which produces fuel
gas which is combusted in a burner directly coupled to the generator. [2,8,9]. The automatic
management of thermal power generation process requires the measurement of biomass C bm
consumption (kg. bm /s) and air flow D ag for gasification (kg. aer /s). TLUD thermal modules require
very little electricity to operate, maximum 0.3% of rated thermal power, TLUD being the thermal
energy source suitable for installations with energy independence used in agriculture and isolated
areas. [1,3,7,8]
This paper presents and analyzes the operation and performances of a measurement
scheme online for the weight of a TLUD generator that uses a pneumatic force transducer working
under sampled mode. The solution presented is characterized by very low energy consumption,
low price and a measurement error ≤ 2%. The measurement system is connected to the PLC
dedicated to automatic management of thermal system.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

2. Thermal generator with TLUD gasogen

An ecological and economical alternative for biomass gasification is the process of micro-
gasification TLUD (Top-Lit Up-Draft), designed by Thomas Reed in 1985. In this TLUD process
biomass layer is fixed in the reactor and the oxidation and pyrolysis front continuously descends
consuming biomass, features that ensure safe operation and controllers. Operation is in batches
with acceptable variation thermal load from 50 to 100%. In Figure 1 is a functional schematic
diagram for a thermal module TLUD and in Figure 2 a thermal module GAZMER FORTE-30. [8]

Fig. 1 Schematic functional of a thermal module Fig. 2 Thermal module TLUD by 30 kW

G MGB weight thermal module is the weight of the generator and burner G G and the weight of
the biomass and biochar G bm from reactor:
GM G B= GG + Gb m = g ⋅ ( M G + M b m) ( 1)
CG G center of gravity is fixed as position but the
center of gravity CG bm volume of biomass is
offset horizontally by ± e bm (figure 3); therefore
the center of gravity position CG MGB thermal
module is between CG G and CG bm shifted
horizontally by ± e MGB (m). It follows that there is
an eccentricity between CG G and horizontal
positions CG bm . Calibration of the weighing
system is done with G G value which is known.
When biomass is loaded, thermal module center
of gravity moves in CG MGB which is offset from
the CG G with e MGB that will have a value of:
Gb m
eM G B = eb m (2)
GG + Gb m
Fig. 3 Diagram of positions for centers of gravity value decreases during operation due to. This
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

biomass consumption and weight reduction G bm function will affect measurement accuracy.

3. Pneumatic force transducer

Applying the concepts of minimizing energy consumption, energy independence and low
cost automation system, there was designed an unconventional pneumatic transducer which don’t
need a special source of compressed air, consumption being extremely low, which simplifies
construction, so the cost of the transducer and total energy consumption is very low. [4,5,6].
It has been chosen pneumatic version because the pressure signal, that is proportional to
the measured weight, is not influenced by the environment temperature, measurement accuracy
being high. The main element of transducer is the pneumatic load cell that converts the measured
force F mas in a pressure p mas that is proportional to the force.
In figure 4 is presented the functional diagram of the pneumatic load cell designed for
drying processes that can be used at processes at which variation of the measured force is
produced slowly and in a single direction. F mas (t) measured force is applied to the head of a rod 4
fixed to the rigid center 3 of a goffered flexible membrane 2 with effective diameter D ef and
constant effective surface S ef , mounted in the body 1. On the rod 4 is fixed a nozzle 5, with
diameter d d , which rests on a ball 6, with diameter d b , closing the air access from measurement
chamber to the outside through holes in the membrane, rigid center and rod. The measuring
chamber can be connected in parallel with a pneumatic capacity V ad . The supply of pneumatic
circuit is made by a pneumatic variable resistance RP and a distributor DP type 2/2. The pressure
source should have p al ≥ 1.5 p mas max . The measured pressure p mas (t) is applied to a converter
p/U, which has at the output a voltage Y F ∈ [1,3] Vcc.

Fig. 4 Functional diagram of the pneumatic force transducer

To measure a force with a variation in a single direction, specific for the gasification
processes in the fixed layer of biomass, when the weight of the gasogen decreases continuously,
is necessary a single compressed air supply after operation reactor charging with batch biomass.
During thermal energy generation F mas decreases continuously, p mas decreases continuously and
amount of excess air is discharged outside through the space between the nozzle and the ball to
keep the balance of power. This measurement method uses a very small amount of compressed
air, therefore very little pneumatic energy. Pneumatic output signal p mas from measuring chamber
is converted into electric unified signal with a converter p/U. [5,6].

Fig. 5. Functional diagram for a gasogen weighting system

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

4. Measurement algorithm

For reducing pneumatic and electric energy consumption was designed a management
algorithm for transducer operation in regime sampled with a period T es ∈(10...20) s only at the start
of the gasification process, about 3 -10 min, after that the pneumatic sensor doesn’t be need to
supplied with compressed air. Reading the transducer output voltage y G is realized in PLC with a
frequency ≥ 10 Hz.
For measurement of biomass consumption, the gasogen 1 is positioned on a support 2
which is leaned on two ball bearings 3 and on another support 4 type knife-wedge, on the lever of
weighing 5 which has one end resting on base and the other end resting on the pneumatic force
transducer 6 which is connected to the interface block 7 through which the compressed air supply
to pressure p al and measuring signal exits Y G . Vertical center of gravity CG MGB is at the distance L1
from supports 3. The distance between 3 and 4 supports is L2. The measured force F mas applied to
the transducer has the value:
L3 ⋅ L1
Fm a s = (GG + Gb m) ⋅ = ( M G + M b m) ⋅ K F = Fm a s G+ Fm a s b m (3)
L4 ⋅ L2
where: M G and M bm – weight of gasogen and biomass (kg);
K F - transfer factor of the weighing machine (s/m2);
F masG – the component due to gasogen (N);
F masbm – the component due to biomass (N);
Biomass consumption dM bm / dt (kg/s) in the variant of sampled reading with ∆t will be:
∆M b m 1 ∆Fm a s
= ⋅ (4)
∆t KF ∆t
Electrical output interface has the value y G (V):
yG = Fm a s⋅ KT R (5)
Where: K TR is transfer factor of force transducer (V/N).
The measured biomass consumption C bm mass (kg/s) is calculated using:
∆M b m 1 ∆y
Cb m m a s = = ⋅ G (6)
∆t K F ⋅ KT R ∆t
At calibration:
w h e:n G b m = 0 r e s u l tLs1 = L1i n i = c o n .s
Because there is an eccentricity ± e MBG between CG G and horizontal positions CG MGB , in
this case transfer factor K Fbm for biomass will have a value of:
L3 L ⋅L
K F b m = ( L1in i ± eM G B) ⋅ = (1 ± ε M G B) ⋅ 1in i 3 = K F ⋅ (1 ± ε M G B) (8)
L4 ⋅ L2 L4 ⋅ L2
where ε MGB is the relative eccentricity:
eM G B eb m Gb m
ε M G B= = (9)
L1in i L1in i GG + Gb m
Considering that e bm /L 1ini ≤ 0.1 and G BM ≤ 0.25 G G it results:
0.2 5GG
ε M G B ≤ 0.1 ⋅ = 0,0 2 = 2% (10)
GG + 0.2 5Gb m
Measured biomass consumption C bm mas is:

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

∆M b mm a s 1 ∆y 1 1 ∆y 1
Cb m m a s = = ⋅ G = ⋅ G = Cb m (11)
∆t K F b m ⋅ KT R ∆t (1 ± ε M G B) K F ⋅ KT R ∆t (1 ± ε M G B)
It follows that the actual consumption of biomass C bm is:
Cb m = Cb mm a s⋅ (1 ± ε M G )B (12)
Considering that at the start of the gasification process, the maximum value for ε MGB ≤ 0.02,
or 2%, and decreases continuously at the end of the process, it can be accepted that it is possible
to use efficiently for calculating primary energy consumption and optimal management of thermal
generator. An important index in generator TLUD is the ratio of air flow D ag and mass flow of
gasified biomass C bm ; this report is noted with A/F and has an average value of 1.5. A/F will be
estimated in the field (1.428; 1.579) as acceptable because the stoichiometric air flow that is
specific real gasified biomass varies in the exploitation by ± 10%, much more than the
measurement error of biomass consumption. To validate the proposed solution was made a
simulation program for thermal generator GAZMER FORTE - 30 with weight M G = 85 kg and a
maximum load of pellets M bm0 = 40 kg. It used a pneumatic force transducer with nominal size
measurement F masn = 50 N and K TR = 0.06 (V/N). That mechanical balance factor transfer value
must K F > 24.50 and was chosen constructive K F = 25.00. To ensure the best possible
measurement accuracy has been chosen a pneumatic capacity V ad = 500 cm3, leading to mitigate
errors due to imperfections valve-ball settlement.

5. The results of simulated experiments

From the simulation it results that the maximum acceleration lifting the nozzle is only 97.5
mm/s and maximum lift h max = 0.272 mm. It appears that the movement period of the nozzle is up
to 4 s, and then measuring chamber pressure remains constant and proportional to the force
measured F mas (t). The relocation of nozzle on the ball is made dampered at a zero speed virtually,
which doesn’t produce shocks in operation and deformation in the contact area nozzle-ball,
ensuring high durability for the transducer. Distributor DP is open only 2 s and it is consumed in the
startup sequence measuring only 2.257 Ncm3 air.

Fig. 7 Experiment measuring the consumption of biomass dM bm (t)/ dt <0

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

In Figure 6 is presented a simulated experiment when the weight of biomass decreases

continuously and slowly.
Assuming that between two commands for opening distributor DP, pressure can greatly
decrease due to leaks and wear, air consumption per hour would be up to 135.42 Ncm3/h, which is
a very small volume. For example, in continuous operation for 24 hours would consume 3.25 Ndm3
air, which would require a tank by 2 dm3 which is loaded once a day at 3 bar.
6. Conclusions

It was designed a measuring biomass consumption device for gasogen TLUD in which has
been used a pneumatic force transducer designed especially for processes with slow variation
measured force, something typical for biomass consumption in TLUD.
To simplify and cheapen constructive solution it was used a single force transducer; the
software calibration makes all calibration operations on each recharge of batches of biomass,
which provides a maximum error of 2%.
It results from simulation experiments that a transducer with full scale 50 N can operate
continuously 24 hours supplied from a 2 liter reservoir loaded to 3 bar once a day.
The measurement system presented operates with very low pneumatic energy
consumption, is simple, cheap, durable, and lightweight gauge.


[1]. Adams S., Meyer G., Fitzgerald J.,,2008. Biomass Heating in the Commercial Greenhouse.
University of Nebraska, Biological Sciences Engineering, 2008
[2]. Mukunda H. s., ş.a, 2010. Gasifier stoves – science, technology and field outreach, CURRENT
SCIENCE, vol. 98, no. 5, 10 march 2010
[3]. Murad E., Chercheş T., Traductoare pneumatice neconvenţionale cu consum redus de energie
pentru măsurarea forţelor din instalaţii agricole şi în industria alimentară, HERVEX 2008,
Călimăneşti 15-17 noiembrie 2008
[4]. Murad E.,Maican E., Marin A., Dumitrescu C., Dinamica traductoarelor pneumatice cu consum redus
de energie pentru măsurarea forţelor în procese lente, HERVEX 2008, Călimăneşti 18-20 noiembrie
[5]. Murad E., Dumitrescu C., Haraga G., Dumitrescu L., Pneumatic metering systems for amount of
water extracted in convectiv drying processes, International Scientific Conference Conference -
DTMM, Iaşi, 14 -16 mai 2010
[6]. Murad E., Dumitrescu C., Haraga G., Dumitrescu L., Traductoare pneumatice pentru masurarea
vitezei de uscare a materialelor ceramice, SINUC 2010, Al XVI-a Simpozion National de Utilaje
pentru Construcţii, Bucureşti, 16-17 decembrie 2010
[7]. Murad E., Maican E., Biriş S.S., Vlăduţ V., Heating greenhouses with TLUD biomass energy
modules, 3 International Conference „Research People and Actual Tasks on Multidisciplinary
Sciences” 8–10 June 2011, Lozenec, Bulgaria
[8]. Murad E., Dragomir F., Generatoare termice cu gazogen TLUD pentru producerea din biomasă a
energiei cu un bilanţ negativ de CO 2 , HERVEX 2012, Călimăneşti 7-9 noiembrie 2012
[9]. Varunkunar S., (2012) Packed bed gasification-combustion in biomass domestic stove and
combustion systems, Teza de doctorat, Department of Aerospace Engineering Indian Institute of
Science, Bangalore, India, feb. 2012
[10]. PhD.Eng. P. Drumea, PhD.Eng. M. Blejan, Eng. L. Dumitrescu, PhD.Eng. M. Comes,
PhD.Eng. I. Dutu, Phd.Stud.Eng. I. ILIE Mechatronic system for air pressure control – ISSE 2006
[11]. Phd.Stud.Eng. Ioana ILIE, PhD.Eng. Iulian DUTU, Ph.D.Eng.Gabriela MATACHE - Piezoelectric
pneumatic pressure regulator. experimental research over the driving stage- Revista HIDRAULICA
nr 1-2/2006, ISSN 1453-7303

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics


PhD St.Ioana Sfârlea, PhD. Eng. Daniel Banyai, PhD. Eng. Lucian Marcu, PhD. Eng. Liviu Vaida,
PhD. Eng. Dan Opruţa

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, ROMÂNIA

Abstract: The present paper deals with an oscillatory analysis on pumps with axial pistons. A
vibrations analysis strategy is described. An oscillatory analysis on a pump with wear bearings was
undertaken and the diagrams of the displacement amplitude spectra. After oscillatory analysis on a
pump with worn pistons.

Keywords: oscillatory process, vibration, piston pumps, diagnosis.


The key issue for the development of a faults and wear diagnose system, is the difficulty of
choosing, from the set of data that results from such an analysis, those that allow direct
assessment of the technical condition of pump components. Regarding this, there are a number of
technical possibilities to exploit such information to be correlated with defects causing changes in
the pump’s body wave. [4,5]
One possibility is that the pump is monitored, permanently aiming the evolution of body vibration or
noise. Their main change is to be interpreted as being caused by abnormal growth of states (for
example wear). [4,5]
Experimental investigations have confirmed that the body vibrations are more intense as the
energy source that produces them is stronger.
The increasing complexity of products, as well as the large number of components, which
generally, are technically designed to have the same lifetime, are arguments justifying the
possibility of increased number of accidental falls of the facility in which the product is part.
Basically hydraulic parts have a durability limit imposed by the moment of exceeding permissible
states of wear. The wearing of different product components, leads to the situation where system
performance requirements are not provided anymore and, therefore it cannot be used. This wear,
which does not involve a fundamental change in functional parameters, occurs gradually over time
and leads, from a certain limit, to irreversible damage to the facility.[1,2,3]


Pump vibration behavior analysis is an increasingly common method due to high informational
content that it provides. Limits on the possible use of this method are determined by the high costs
of systems required to collect measurement values.[4]
The performed oscillatory analysis is structured in three main steps:
- Observation - which aims temporal monitoring of the wear indicators (anomalies);
- Status control - that evaluates the machine’ state by analyzing wear indicators
- Wear diagnosis (anomalies) - component that locates and describes defects by
analyzing observation indicators.
Figure 1 shows the general strategy of body wave analysis in order to determine the defects:

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Culegerea semnalului de Conversia semnalului Conversia semnal-timp in

masura pe masina mecanic in semnal electric semnal-frecventa
senzor de vibratie

t f [Hz]

Afisarea starii (pe componente) a pompei Asociere - cu cauze

si compararea cu starea limita mecanice functionale

f [Hz]

Fig. 1 Wave analysis model strategy for establishing the causes of defects
With the help of a contact sensor on the pump are collected and recorded oscillations in the
housing and then turned into temporal electrical signals. These signals contain information that can
be recovered by using a frequency analyzer.
The next important step is to determine the evolution of the amplitude peaks in the frequency
spectrum, in order to pair them with the mechanical causes which led to these peaks.[3,4]
The machine status results from a qualitative interpretation of measurements by comparison with
the frequency spectrum determined on a new pump without abnormal wear and without functional
In this paper, vibration reading on a pump was done by using either a piezoelectric acceleration
sensor or an acoustic emission one. Further signal processing involves using a power amplifier
and a computer with which the signal’s frequency analysis was made.
The three components of analysis that need to be made are shown in schematic representation in
figure 2.


Emisie acustica sau

unda corporala

Valoarea efectiva Spectru

Supraveghere Control de stare Diagnoza uzurilor

-planificare inlocuirii -plan de interventie -limitarea stricaciunilor

-limitare nivel uzura -control de calitate in (depistare)
executie -plan de reparatii

a a La

timp [t] presiune p frecventa f

Fig. 2 Representation of the body wave analysis for pump

Pump operation control should be carried out in relation to a reference value, which if changed
outside preset limits shall be interpreted as a necessity of intervention to prevent expansion of the
anomaly that caused the change of this value.
Root - mean - square (RMS) is the cheapest and most commonly used mathematical method for
assessing the average level of a oscillating signal.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

This is calculated by the formula:

∫ u (t )dt

U RMS = 0
. (1)
As interpretation, it reflects the level of constant signal that produces the same effect as the
original signal under the same conditions.
When analyzing U RMS reported to a functional parameter (id pressure) judgments can be made on
the pump’ state at a certain time.
Such analyzing systems can be introduced for pumps’ quality control to the manufacturer. This
prevents measurement of working parameters, raising curves and other operations that require a
large amount of work and instrumentation.
The "oscillation" behavior of the pump related to the pressure load, which then compared with the
shape obtained on a reference pump, allows feedback on the state tested pump.
Using this method for checking the quality of the pump, test costs decrease. The method is very
good, being able to provide product warranty.
If body wave analysis is limited to the above, it leads to an appreciation of "good / bad". If the
verdict is "bad" further diagnosis is required to determine the exact fault for which the verdict was
Additional diagnosis aims at exploiting the information included in frequential representation of the
u(t) function or AE that describes the wavy process.
Once highlighted in the frequency spectrum of u(t) function an abnormal operation, diagnose
system must allow, based on previously established methods, the exact determination of
abnormality’s characteristic from the pump’s mechanical structure.
Based on this information a decision is taken on when to intervene for repairs (replacement of
comonents or compensate for wear or irregularity of form).
The diagnose method must therefore allow to show information about the further evolution of
the fault, namely those concerning the measures that need to be taken to their slowdown.
The difficulty of using this method is that from all the information it provides, the essential
information must be discerned in a simple manner.
In respect to this, the most efficient solution is to provide a database that contains the frequency
spectra for progressive developments of the anomaly.
To create the "database" a program was developed, outlining the frequency spectra for defects or
wear of pump that can occur during operation.
The condition for a practical use of this method is related to the existence of a database as
complete as possible, containing the manifestation of every possible abnormalities.


For this experiment a train bearing (36 rolls) with tread wear to the allowable limit was used, with
an estimated 3000 hours of operation.
The displacement amplitude spectra for the pump with bearing wear are shown in Figures 4 and 5.
In defect rolling bearing case, irregular vibration levels occur with the following frequencies of
- For defects (wear) on the outer surface of the paths
n  dB 
f1 = ⋅ f r 1 − ⋅ cos β (2)
2  dm 
- For defects (wear) on the inner surface of the paths
n  dB 
f2 = ⋅ f r 1 + ⋅ cos β (3)
2  dm 
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

- For defects (wear) of balls or rollers

d  d 
f 3 = m ⋅ f r 1 − B  ⋅ cos 2 β (4)
dB  dm 
the following notations were used:
n - number of balls or rolers
f r - relative motion corresponding frequency between the outer and inner rings,
β - contact angle,
d B - diameterof one ball or roller,
d m - medium diameter of the bearing.
For the case of the bearings in the pump frequencies f 1 , f 2 and f 3 are calculated with the numerical
values: n = 36 , f r = 25 Hz , β = 180 , d B = 16 mm , d m = 70 mm .
For these values of working parameters we obtain the following numerical values for f 1 , f 2 and f 3:
f1 = 18 ⋅ 25 ⋅ 0,77 = 346,7 Hz
f 2 = 18 ⋅ 25 ⋅1,23 = 553,5 Hz
f 3 = 4,38 ⋅ 25 ⋅ 0,77 2 = 64,92 Hz
Also amplitudes of the fundamental frequency increase in value when compared with the new
In large frequencies up to 6000 Hz, there is an explosive growth of a field frequency in 3000 ÷
4000 Hz range, with maximum amplitude around the frequency value of 3400 Hz.
If we analyze the RMS level in the two situations (new pump and pump with bearings worn - Figure
3) there is an increase of this indicator by about 15 dB. Average slope variation of the RMS level
with the pressure parameter is about the same.

Fig. 3. RMS level for new pump and pump with worn bearings
Although experimental research has not allowed for reasons of time, continuous monitoring of the
change in the RMS (Root Mean Square) during pump operation (3000 hours) there is a
proportionality RMS level in dB.
Therefore, that increased RMS level is directly proportional to the degree of wear of the bearings.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Worn bearing in 100-500 Hz range

Worn bearing in 500-1500 Hz range

Fig. 4 Displacement amplitude spectra for pump with bearings worn in the range 0 ÷ 1500 Hz

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Worn bearing in 1500-3000 Hz range

Worn bearing in 3000-6000 Hz range

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fig. 5 Displacement amplitude spectra for pump with bearings worn in the range 1500 ÷ 6000 Hz


For this test, the pump was equipped with a set of worn pistons with the clearance against the bore
cylinders about 0.1 mm. Wear spectra caused in this case are shown in Figure 7.
The following features are highlighted:
- - Subharmonics of the fundamental frequency of 175 Hz appear in the low frequency area;
- - At pressures above 100 bar displacement amplitude is doubled in value;
- - Flow pulsation frequency (525 Hz) is dominant;
- - The frequency field enhance around 750 Hz;
- - In the high frequencies an explosive growth is observed in the frequency field 3500 ÷
5000 Hz with maximum amplitude peaks around 4000 Hz. These fields are very intense at
high pressures (100 ÷ 200 bar) their appearance being due to leakage losses.
If we analyze the RMS level of the worn piston pump with the new pump (Figure 6) related to
pressure, an increase of about 20 dB is observed. the pressure variation curve has a steep slope
for small values (up to 50 bar) and then is kept at the same value as that of the new pumps.

Fig. 6. RMS level for pump with worn pistons and new pump

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Worn pistons 1500-3000 Hz range

Worn pistons 3000-6000 Hz range

Fig. 5 Displacement amplitude spectra for pump with pistonss worn in the range 1500 ÷ 6000 Hz

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Based on information and associations commented on the two types of wear presented, data
is obtained by interpreting the frequency spectrum for all types of wear or abnormalities that may
occur during pump operation; this information is stored in a database.
The database allows a diagnose of wear and anomalies on pumps.
Interpretation of frequency spectra and the decision regarding the evolution of the state
indicators is performed by computer.
The obtained results by diagnosis confirm the fact that such a process may be practical.

1. Harald O., Experimental and analytical vibration analysis in fluid power systems. International
Journal of Solids and Structures, 2005, pp. 5821-5830.
2. Chen H.X., Patrick S. K., Dynamic vibration analysis of swash-plate type water hydraulic motor.
Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2005, pp. 487-504.
3. Deacu L., Pop I., Vibratii la masini unelte. Lito. I.P.C.-N., Cluj-Napoca, 1983.
4. Potolea, A. – Posibilitati si realizari in diagnoza pompelor cu pistoane axiale, Cluj-Napoca, 2002
5. Potolea, A., Deacu, L., Vaida, L. – Some considerations about reducing the noise of axial piston
pumps, Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii Politehnica Timisoara, Vol. I, Timisoara, 2000
6. Potolea, A. – Zgomotul si emisia acustica – mijloc de diagnoza a masinilor hidraulice cu pistoane
axiale, Cluj-Napoca, 1997

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This paper was supported by the project "Improvement of the doctoral studies
quality in engineering science for development of the knowledge based society-QDOC” contract no.
POSDRU/107/1.5/S/78534, project co-funded by the European Social Fund through the Sectorial
Operational Program Human Resources 2007-2013.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics


Andrei DRUMEA1
”Politehnica” University Bucharest, 313 Spl. Independentei, 060042 Bucharest,

Abstract: An important topic in electronics education is the design and development of electronic
modules with emphasis on embedded systems, complex activity that combines hardware and
software design. Hardware development chain consists of analog and digital design, schematics
capture and circuit simulation, printed circuit board design and generation of manufacturing
information. Software development requires tools like code editor, compiler and debugger, usually
grouped together in an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Some key aspects of
educational software are accessibility, simplicity, quality of documentation and lower cost for a
working licence. Unfortunately, typical commercial software is expensive and too complex so, for
educational purposes, free and/or open source software can be a better option. Present paper
analyses some free and open source software tools for electronic modules development: gEDA,
Eagle Light edition and KiCad for schematics capture and printed circuit design, LTSpiceIV and
Ngspice for circuit simulation, and Code::Blocks and Eclipse for software development for
embedded systems.
Keywords: electronic modules, CAD, education, open source

1. Introduction

Education in the field of mechatronics includes mechanics courses, informatic courses and
electronics courses, usually related to embedded systems development. The typical mechatronic
systems maybe found in the articles of the specialists in hydraulics [3], [4]. This topic covers many
important areas like software development, analog and digital circuits design and simulation,
CAD/CAM activities like printed circuit board design and preparing for manufacturing; all these
activities require software tools coupled in a chain (fig.1).

Fig.1 Typical hardware development tool chain

CAD/CAM software can be proprietary, with higher or lower license costs, or free/open source
software, usually developed by academia or enthusiasts/hobbyists. In last years, a lot of
proprietary software for electronics evolved into complex packages, hard to manage and too
complicated to use in education environment where focus is on solving simple problems and
explain principles. Free and open source software, on the other side, is developed with these
aspects in mind, and in last years it reached a performance level almost similar with commercial
software. Free software is released as binary (already compiled code, ready for run) and as source
code (that must be compiled first by the user) and this means that source code is always available
for improvements for free and open source software. A quote from GNU General Public License,
version 3, 29 June 2007, developed by Free Software Foundation Inc., describes the essence of
free software ([5]): “When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our
General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies
of free software (and charge for them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs, and that you
know you can do these things.”

2. Tools for hardware design of electronic modules

CAD software for electronic modules design consists, at least, in schematic capture program and
printed circuit board (PCB) layout editor. Extra modules, like circuit simulator and Gerber viewer
program for preparing manufacturing files, can be available.

Commercial software for electronic design is represented by tools like Mentor Graphics, Cadence
with Orcad ([1]) and Allegro suites, Altium Designer or EAGLE.

Among these programs, an interesting option is freeware version of EAGLE (Easily Applicable
Graphical Layout Editor) ([8]), that combines all features of commercial version (same simplicity
and productivity, access to all component libraries and ability to run ULPs- user language
programs to automate some tasks) . The limits of freeware version are acceptable for education –
schematic must fit on one A4 page, printed circuit board design with no more than 2 layers and
80x100mm board size, but student projects usually fit in these limits. A GPS module board ([2])
was easy developed within these constrains.

Fig.2 Schematic capture and layout design in EAGLE framework

Unfortunately EAGLE package offers no circuit simulation tool. An excellent option is to use
another free program, LTSpiceIV, from semiconductor vendor Linear Technology. The program
has a powerful SPICE engine (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis, de facto
standard in electronic circuit simulation) and offers modern device models; it is obviously biased on
Linear Technology components but extra devices can be added into the libraries. Other
advantages are frequent updates and releases and a large and internet-active user base. Its
installation is small and the program is able to use multi-core processors for faster simulations. In

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

some simple examples of circuits, the program performs much better and reaches convergence
without any tweaks compared to commercial Spice implementations. In figure 3 is shown the
simulation of an astable circuit with LTSpiceIV program.

Fig.3 Simulation of a simple circuit using LTSpiceIV

Another software tool for electronics design is KiCad. It consists of Eeschema schematic editor
(fig.4), PCBnew board editor, Gerber viewer (fig.5) and library management tools. It is open source
program, so free to use and all sources available (Eagle and LTSpiceIV sources are not available).
Its interface is not as efficient as Eagle, but is intuitive and easy to learn.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fig.4 Schematic capture in KiCad framework

The board editor can process boards with maximum 16 electrical layers and 12 technical layers
(like solder mask, silkscreen) and has a large component database.

Fig.5 Layout editor and Gerber viewer in KiCad framework

Another powerful CAD suite for electronics is gEDA (GPL EDA), also open source and with large
user database ([6]). It consists of gschem schematic capture, pcb board editor, Gerber viewer and
integrates also other open source tools like spice. gEDA suite is developed especially for
GNU/Linux open source operating systems. In figure 6 is shown a simple connector design with
gschem and gerbv performed by Peter Clifton ([5]).

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fig.6 Schematics capture and Gerber viewer in gEDA framework

Board editor is also very powerful and with large component libraries. Lots of electronics projects
on Internet are developed using gEDA tools. In fig. 7 is shown such a project, a lightning detector
board developed by Kai-Martin Knaak ([5]).

Fig.7 Layout editor in gEDA framework

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

3. Free and open source tools for software development for embedded systems

Embedded systems development usually requires C code editor, compiler, debugger and
programmer. The large availability of open source GNU C Compiler for almost all existing
processors made it a good choice in embedded system design. Its only disadvantage is the lack of
a user friendly integrated development environment (IDE). Fortunately, in the last years 2 solutions
occurred – Eclipse framework, a Java based IDE, very complex and powerful, but hard to manage
and with large resource requirements, and Code::Blocks.

Code:Blocks is an open source IDE designed to be very extensible and fully configurable that runs
on slow machines and has a consistent look, feel and operation across platforms ([5]). It can be
extended with plugins so any extra functions can be implemented using another plugin. For
instance, compiling and debugging for different processors or microcontrollers like Intel MCS51,
Atmel AVR, Texas Instruments MSP430, ARM, MIPS, PowerPC processors or even Windows,
Mac OS X or Android applications.

For a complete embedded systems development framework, user must provide for Code::Blocks
the required (cross) compiler and debugger and to make some small configurations. After these
steps, development process runs smoothly and can be more productive than commercial solutions.
For example, for MSP430 microcontrollers, Code::Blocks IDE, mspgcc C compiler and mspdebug
debugger offer an open source alternative more productive than chip manufacturer solutions and
without any limitations in code size.

In figure 8 is shown a small C program for MSP430 microcontroller edited and compiled using
Code::Blocks framework.

Fig.8 Code::Blocks editor with C program for MSP430 microcontroller

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

4. Conclusions

Education in electronics, especially in embedded system design, can be performed using only free
and open source software tools. The quality of these products greatly improved in the last years
and reached almost the same level with commercial software, but their inherent


[1] K. Mitzner, “Complete PCB design using OrCad capture and layout“, Newnes, Burlington MA, USA, 2007
[2] A.Drumea, N.Irimie, R.Bunea and Al.Vasile, “Communication Module for Laser Rangefinder with
Integrated Positioning System”, SIITME-2009, Gyula, Hungary; 17-20 September, 2009, ISBN: 978-1-
4244-5132-6; pp.301-304
[3] Dragos Ion GUTA, Catalin DUMITRESCU, Ioan LEPADATU, Corneliu CRISTESCU -“Experimental
identification of electrohydraulic servomechanisms with virtual instruments technique”, HIDRAULICA
Magazine, No.3/2010, ISSN 1453-7303, pp.49 – 56
[4] Gabriela MATACHE,Ionel NITA, Alexandra VISAN, Adrian PANTIRU- “High bearing mechanical \
structures made of thin wall steel profile using innovative solutions in the field of hydraulics and resistance
calculation methodology”, HIDRAULICA Magazine, No.3-4/2011, ISSN 1453-7303, pp.75-80

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics


Radu RADOI1, Catalin DUMITRESCU1 , Iulian DUT U1, Gabriela MATACHE1
INOE 2000 - IHP,, , ,

The various mobile or in dustrial applications with hydraulic drives require hydraulic supply sources
which to provide hydraulic oil to them with a given flow and pressure. These sources may be
classified according to the nature of their construction, circuit or drive motor of the pump. For
different destinations, depending on the required power, are used various types of pumps (pumps
with tooth wheels, with axial pistons, with pallets or with screw. In the article are presented the
range of parameters generally used (pressures, geometric volumes and speeds) and basic
diagrams in use for sources with continuous flow, with flow steps, with constant flow, with
adjustable pressure and servodrive in close circuit.
Keywords: hydraulic sources, continuous adjustment, flow steps, constant flow.

1. Introduction

Power supplies with hydraulic oil for operating various mobile or industrial machines are always
related to the existence of a primary motor so that the hydrostatic energy is actually produced by
the engine pumps in which the primary motor is electric, thermal and rarely pneumatic. The
association pump – motor open a new perspective to the arrangement of the two parts, so that the
flow range obtained to be wider at a given pressure.

2. The classification of the hydraulic sources

The classification depends on the type of pump and on the operating circuits or on the drive motor.
– after the nature of the construction the source may be with continuous variable flow or in steps
and with constant flow at constant speed.
– after the nature of the circuit the source may be in open, closed or half closed circuit
- after the type of primary motor
With fast, thermal motor
• With triple phase asynchronous electric motor with constant or variable speed
• With electric motor with variable speed supplied in direct current
- types of pumps on destinations

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

• With tooth wheels with evolvent simple double triple tooth, with auxiliary devices
incorporated (pressure valve or flow regulator)or without – for the auxiliary bottoms and low
power drives (< 10 kW)
• With axial pistons with inclined block simple or double – for average power drives in open
• With axial pistons with inclined disk – for drives in closed cicuit especially for average and
high power drives but also in open circuit for average power drives
• With screw – for low pressure circuits (< 1,6 MPa) on which are not admitted flow
pulsations higher than 5‰
• With simple or double pallets – for low or average power drives.

- General technical characteristics

• Compact modular structure encapsulated with filtering system for tank and cooling system
• With hybrid drive microelectronics incorporated
• With modular components allowing operative maintenance
• Low level of noise and vibrations (< 50 dB)
• Changeable weight adjusting at various emplacements.

3. Operational parameters used

- Drive pressure 6,3 16,0 21,0 32,0 42,0 (MPa)
- Auxiliary pressures 0,8 2,5 6,3 25 (MPa)
- Geometrical volumes pumps
• Auxiliary circuits 1 ... 20
• Operational circuits 1 ... 20 25 ... 63 80 ... 125 (cm3/rot)
- Nominal drive speeds of the
primary motor
• Thermal 600...1000 1800...2600 (rot/min)
• Electric 750 1000...1500 3000 (rot/min)

4. Ordinary principle diagrams

Fig. 1 represents source with continuous variable flow proportionally regulated with signal
given by the discriminator D which receives the regulation signal x i (regulation current) and the
effective flow value measured by the flow transducer (T).The variable pump has in tandem a pump
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

with constant flow which supplies with drive pressure. The adjustment device DA ) may be
pressure regulator (a) pressure and power regulator (b) or servodrive (C).

Fig. 1

Fig. 2 represents a source which may give three flow steps, having a double wheeled
pump by commuting the electromagnets S1, S2, S3A, S3B at prompt X; associated to signal. Due
to the fact that the flow relation of the two pumps is two are obtained max.flows Q, 2Q, 3Q as is
specified in table 1.

Table 1
flow S1 S2 S3A S3B
Q + +
2Q + +
3Q + +

S1, S2 the electromagnets of the pressure connecting valves

S3A, S3B electromagnets of the circuits selecting distributor
The operational mode may be the following: with the pump Q active it is varied speed of motor(M)
from n min until n max at which the flow transducer (T q ) commands that only pump 2Q to be active
and the regulated speeed by means of the speed transducer (T n ) regulates motor (M)
asynchronous variable at speed n 1 then it varies it up to n max at which (T q ) commands the drive of
both pumps and brings the speed of (M) at (n 2 ) after which varies speed up to n max .

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fig. 2

Fig. 3 represents a source based on a pump with constant flow driven by a variable c.c.
motor which has two modalities for adjusting flow:
• At constant current for the electromagnet of the flow regulator (R q ) varying the motor speed
• At constant speed of (M) varying the electromagnet current (R q ).
The operational mode may be described as follows: varying the speed of (M) until it reaches flow
Q max . The flow may be adjusted varying the current from (R q ) until a Q 0 < Q max. Sthe flow may be
varied decreasingly to Q 1 < Q 0 after which is adjusted at a new step. The two possibilities of
changing flow by conjugated variation and regulation may lead to an accurate programming of
each flow from the triangle ABC.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fig. 3
Fig. 4 represents a source based on an electropump M) + (P) with constant flow with
asynchronous motor (M) whose pressure may be adjusted by means of the proportional valve (SP)
externally driven by signal x i .
In derivation the pump (P) supplies the accumulator (A) when the electric distributor (DE) it is found
in the preferential position.
The system works in 4 ways as shown in table 2

Table 2
Nr. Phase
Xi TP S1A S1B S2 M
1 Charging
+/- +/- +
2 Varying pressure on
+ + + (+)
circuit R
3 Compensation
+/- + + +/- (+)
pressure leap
4 Circuit supply C + +/- + +/- (+)

+/- indifferent

+ driven – supplied

(+) maintain supply

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Fig. 4

Fig. 5 represents the source based on variable pump (PP) in closed circuit regulated by means of
the regulation device (DR) with servocommand type proportional drive which has incorporated the
auxiliary pump (P) which discharges through the priority valve(VP) flow at drive pressure (below
6,3 MPa) and which serves primarily the compensation circuit of the closed circuit. (M)
asynchronous motor, (TQ 1 ) şi (TQ 2 ) flow transducers.

Fig. 5
All the integrated systems are assumingly having sensorics – flow, presure, speed transducers and
hybrid microelectronics incorporated, cause the source systems are assumed to be integrated to
some complex automation systems.


[1] C. Turcanu, N. Ganea “Displacement pumps for fluids“, Technical Publishing House, Bucharest, 1987
[2] Guillon, M., Commande et asservissement hydrauliques et electrohydrauliques, Editions Lavoisier, Paris,

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics



Prof. PhD.Eng. DAVID Ladislau*, Prof. PhD.Eng. DINU Ion*

*University „Politehnica” of Bucharest - Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering,

In this paper is presented the press room of the MAC – 3 machines endowed with two pressing
mechanisms, while also showing the advantages of the new system. Also is presented the diagram
of the tow pressing mechanisms is also given, while equations are established for determining the
speed distribution by using the independent cycle method.

Keywords: MAC – 3 machine, pressing room, pressing mechanism

MAC – 3 machines works in aggregate with U – 650M tractor and is destinated to harvest the
stems of corn, sunflower, drying hay put in furrow, creeping stalk of beans, pea etc [1]. The
machine works on the ground plane or on the flank with inclination until 100 [2]. The material that
was added is press and unloads like a hayrick at the extremities of the plots.
MAC – 3 machines had a mechanism for feeding the pressing room, a mechanism with gear
quadrant [4]. In place of this mechanism are introduced a new mechanism formed by articulated
beams, replaced the gear quadrants of the vehicle mechanism.

Paper data

In figure 1 is presented the scheme of the pressing mechanism vehicle who is formed from nine
mobile elements (the 3 and 4 elements had tow semi crows cogged with contact in point N), 12
superior kinematics couples:
• inferior couples i = A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L, K, M, R, P
• superior couples s = N, G.
i = 12 – inferior couples;
s = 2 – superior couples;
m = 9 – mobile elements.
The mobility degree of the mechanism is calculated with the relation (1):
M = 3m − 2i − s (1)

Therefore: M = 3 ⋅ 9 − 2 ⋅ 12 − 2 = 1

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

7 H

4 6
5 3

8 2

7 R


Fig. 1. Scheme on the pressing room vehicle

The old mechanism of pressing have a single degree of freedom therefore is a desmodram
In figure 2 is presented the scheme at the new pressing mechanism, in his composition intervene
the 4’ and 7’ elements, also N’, GCR rotation couples and G (t ) translation couple.
At the new mechanism we have a number of 11 mobile elements and 16 inferior kinematics

i = A, B, C, D, E, F, G (t ) , G(' R ) , H, L, K, M, N, N’, P, R

The mobility degree of the new mechanism is:

G(t) - 7' – G'(R) – 7 – H – 6 – L – 3 – K.

Are observed that the new mechanism have the mobility degree equal to one, just like the old
mechanism, therefore and this mechanism is a dismodram mechanism.
The graph associated at the new mechanism is presented in figure 3. Are observed that is a planar
graph with five independent cycles.
Is considerate like bases of independent cycles the outlines of the disjoint interior domains of the
graph, therefore we have:
• cycle I: P – 1 – R – 2 – M – 3 – K;
• cycle II: P – 1 – R – 2 – M – 3 – N - 4' - N' – 4 – D;
• cycle III: D – 4 – C – 8 – B – 9 – A;
• cycle IV: A – 9 – B – 8 – C – 4 – E – 5 – F – 7 – G'(R) - 7' – G(t);
• cycle V: G(t) - 7' – G'(R) – 7 – H – 6 – L – 3 – K.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

7 H
4’ N
5 6
4 3
D 2

E 1 R L
α x

Fig. 2. Scheme of the new pressing mechanism

2 M
N' 4' N
4 L 6 V
5 H
8 I 7
II B G'(R)
9 7'

Fig.3. The graph associated at the new pressing mechanism

Considering an axis system x0y in the plane mechanism, with the origin in P, and knowing the x
and y coordinates of the kinematics couples is obtained the equations system (2).

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

v Rx 21 + v Mx 32 − ω1 ( y R − y P ) − ω 2 ( y M − y R ) − ω 3 ( y K − y M ) = 0
 y
v R 21 + v M 32 + ω1 (x R − x P ) + ω 2 (x M − x R ) + ω 3 (x K − x M ) = 0

v x + v x + v x + v x − ω ( y − y ) − ω ( y − y ) − ω ( y − y ) −
 R 21 M 32 N 4′3 N ′ 44 ′ 1 R P 2 M R 3 N M

− ω 4 ′ ( y N ′ − y N ) − ω 4 ( y D − y N ′ ) = 0
 y
v R 21 + v M 32 + v N 4′3 + v N ′ 44′ + ω1 ( x R − x P ) + ω 2 ( x M − x R ) + ω 3 ( x N − x M ) −
y y y

− ω ( x − x ) − ω ( x − x ) = 0
 4′ N ′ N 4 D N′

v C 84 + v B 98 − ω 4 ( y C − y D ) − ω 8 ( y B − y C ) − ω 9 ( y A − y B ) = 0
x x

 y
v C 84 + v B 98 + ω 4 ( x C − x D ) + ω 8 ( x B − x C ) + ω 9 ( x A − x B ) = 0

 x (2)
v B89 + v C 48 + v E 54 + v F 7′5 + v G ′7′7 − ω 9 ( y B − y A ) − ω 8 ( y C − y B ) − ω 4 ( y E − y C ) −
x x x x

− ω ( y − y ) − ω ( y − y ) = 0
 5 F E 7′ G G′

v B89 + v C 48 + v E 54 + v F 7′5 + v Gy ′7′7 + ω 9 (x B − x A ) + ω 8 (x C − x B ) + ω 4 (x E − x C ) +

y y y y

+ ω 5 ( x F − x E ) − ω 7 ′ ( x G − x G ′ ) = 0
v x + v x + v x + v x − ω ( y − y ) − ω ( y − y ) − ω ( y − y ) −
 G 7′0 G ′77′ H 67 L 36 7′ G′ G 7 H G′ 6 L H

− ω 3 ( y K − y L ) = 0
 y
v G 7′0 + v G ′77′ + v H 67 + v L 36 + ω 7′ (x G ′ − x G ) + ω 7 (x H − x G ′ ) + ω 6 (x L − x H ) +
y y y

ω (x − x ) = 0
 3 K L

The kinematics conditions from bundles are presented in form (3)

v Ry 21
= −tgα v Ex 54 = v Ey 54 = 0
v Rx 21
v Fx 75 = v75y = 0
v x
M 32 =v y
M 32 =0
vGx 77′ = vGy 77′ = 0
v x
N 4′3 =v y
N 4′3 =0 (3)
vGx 7′0 = 0
v Nx ′ 44′ = v Ny ′ 44′ = 0
v Hx 67 = v Hy 67 = 0
v x
C 48 =v y
C 48 =0
v Lx 36 = v Ly36 = 0
v x
B 98 =v y
B 98 =0

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Introducing the conditions (3) in equations system (2) is obtained the equations system (4).

v Rx 21 − ω1 ( y R − y p ) − ω1 ( y M − y R ) − ω 3 ( y K − y M ) = 0

− v R 21tgα + ω1 ( x R − x P ) + ω1 ( x M − x R ) + ω 3 ( x K − x M ) = 0

 x
v R 21 − ω1 ( y R − y P ) − ω1 ( y M − y R ) − ω 3 ( y N − y M ) − ω 4′ ( y N ′ − y N ) −
− ω 4 ( y D − y N ′ ) = 0

− v R 21tgα + ω1 ( x R − x P ) + ω1 ( x M − x R ) + ω 3 ( x N − x M ) + ω 4′ ( x N ′ − x N ) +

+ ω 4 ( x D − x N ′ ) = 0
− ω 4 ( y C − y D ) − ω 8 ( y B − y C ) − ω 9 ( y A − y B ) = 0
 (4)
ω 4 ( xC − x D ) + ω 8 ( x B − xC ) + ω 9 ( x A − x B ) = 0

− ω 9 ( y B − y A ) − ω 8 ( y C − y B ) − ω 4 ( y E − y C ) − ω 5 ( y F − y E ) = 0
ω 9 ( x B − x A ) + ω 8 ( xC − x B ) + ω 4 ( x E − xC ) + ω 5 ( x F − x E ) = 0

− ω 7 ( y H − y G ′ ) − ω 6 ( y L − y H ) − ω 3 ( y K − y L ) = 0
ω ( x − x ) + ω ( x − x ) + ω ( x − x ) = 0
 7 H 6 L H 3 K L

ω ( )
− 6 L − H − 3 K − L =
y y ω ( y y ) 0
ω ( x − x ) + ω ( x − x ) = 0
 6 L H 3 K L

The constructive conditions are:

ω1 = ω 2 = ............
ω 7′ = 0 (5)
ω 7 = ω 41 = 0

Introducing in system (4), the constructive conditions is obtained the equation system (6).

v Rx 21 − ω1 ( y M − y p ) − ω 3 ( y K − y M ) = 0
 x
− v R 21tgα + ω1 (x M − x P ) + ω 3 (x K − x M ) = 0
 x
v R 21 − ω1 ( y M − y P ) − ω 3 ( y N − y M ) − ω 4 ( y D − y N ′ ) = 0
− ω 4 ( y C − y D ) − ω 8 ( y B − y c ) − ω 9 ( y A − y B ) = 0
 (6)
ω 4 (xC − x D ) + ω8 (x B − xC ) + ω 9 (x A − x B ) = 0
− ω ( y − y ) − ω ( y − y ) − ω ( y − y ) − ω ( y − y ) = 0
 9 B A 8 C B 4 E C 5 F E

ω 9 ( x B − x A ) + ω8 ( xC − x B ) + ω 4 ( x E − xC ) + ω 5 (x F − x E ) = 0

ω 6 (x L − x H ) + ω 3 (x K − x L ) = 0

The equations system (6) is a homogeneous szstem of eight kinematic unknowns who can be

The kinemaric unknowns are: v Rx 21 , ω1 , ω 3 , ω 4 , ω 5 , ω 6 , ω 8 , ω 9 . These unknowns can be determinate

from the equations system (6) who is a homogeneous system.

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Having angular speeds and translation speeds of the mechanism with the help of the fundamentals
of the apparent speed be determinate the maximum value of the pressing force.


Replacing of the old mechanism of the machine, lead at a better working, from removing the
frictions and vibrations from gear quadrants to a metal economy and at a constructive achievement
more simple.


[1]. Tutunaru D., Mecanisme plane, Editor Tehnica, 1969.

[2]. Voinea R., Atanasiu M., Metode analitice noi în teoria mecanismelor, Editor Tehnica, 1964.
[3]. Dinu I., Mecanică teoretică, Editor Printech, 1999.
[4]. Voinea R., Voiculescu D., Simion F.P., Mecanica Solidului, Editor Academiei, 1989.
[5]. Duţu (David) Mihaela Florentina, Voicu Gh., David L., Rusănescu C.O., Experimental Analysis
Considered of Mobiles Agricultural Aggregates, Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and \
Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Series Agriculture, Vol.66, Iss.1, ISSN 1843-5246
[6]. Rusănescu C.O., Gruia A., Duţu (David) Mihaela Florentina, Stoica D., Solar power installation hot water
to housinh family type, Proceedings of 2012 International Conferences of Hydraulics and Pneumatics
HERVEX, Ediţia a XX-a, Călimăneşti-Căciulata, ISSN 1454-8003, pp.430-433, 7-9 noiembrie 2012
[7]. Blejan M.; Duţu I.; Ilie I.; Drumea P.; Comes M. Electronic intelligent module for a hydraulic briquetting
press., DOI: 10.1109/ISSE.2008.5276664, Electronics Technology, 2008. ISSE '08. 31st International
Spring Seminar on. 7-11 May, 2008, Budapest, Hungary pp.340-342.
[8]. Ion Guta, D. D., Popescu, T. C., Dumitrescu, C., Optimization of hydrostatic transmissions by means of
virtual instrumentation technique, OPTIROB 2010.
[9]. Comes, M., Drumea, A., Mirea, A., Matache, G., - Intelligent servohydraulic device for the control of the
motion – 24 International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology ISSE 2001

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics


Iulian DUŢU1, Gabriela MATACHE2

Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute, Servo and Electronics Compartment, Bucharest,
Hydraulics and Pneumatics Research Institute, Special Equipment Compartment, Bucharest,

Widespread of electro-hydraulic drive systems and equipments along with their integration into
industrial manufacturing processes requires the usage of computer systems or dedicated digital or
analog control modules. The integration of new measurement and processing technologies into
hydraulic equipment allow us to measure and connect them to informatics manufacturing systems
thus improving command and control performances. Overall development of microcontroller based
smart systems along with the development of new types of sensors enabled the development and
integration of mechatronic measuring technologies in modern driving systems, even at equipment

Keywords: electro-hydraulic, test stand, software

One of the significant directions of development in servo hydraulics field is represented by the
integration of electronic modules into the structure of hydraulic equipments. The technical
advances in the analog and digital electronics fields had a positive impact on the design of new
electro-hydraulic equipment especially on servo and proportional types thus improving response
times, dynamic characteristics and overall reliability. A significant trend in the development of new
servo hydraulic equipment is reducing manufacturing and maintenance costs by modularization
and usage of new materials. Mechatronics is not just a technical field which, basically, includes
mechanics, electronics and informatics in its structure, but a way of integrating modern ideas and
concepts into the structure of hydraulic equipment. Informatics technologies are used much more
nowadays because of the practical facilities it offers regarding easy reconfiguration and
recalibration when dealing with some changes in the structure of a certain stand. The usage of
data-acquisition cards or digital microcontroller boards has improved overall reliability of electro-
hydraulic systems.

2. Stand description
The authors have configured an experimental research stand equipped with high precision
electronic, hydraulic, measurement and data acquisition equipment. It was used a 16-bit data
acquisition board type USB-6218 manufactured by National Instruments.
Testing stand hydraulic diagram is given in Figure 1, having the following structural blocks:
a. testing servovalve supply block, made by a variable flow pump (1); its maximum pressure it
is done by using driving the pressure electro-valve (6);
b. circuit selection block for the servovalve input, made by four release electro-valves that can
generate the following states:
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

• connecting pressure circuit 4 with P circuit through (8.1) valve or with T through
(8.2) as well as blocking it;
• connecting circuit (T) with circuit 6 (no pressure) through valve (8.3) or with circuit 7
(with pressure) through valve (8.4) and hydraulic resistance (13). In absence of
electric driving signals, both ways are blocked. In both cases hydraulic flow passes
through flow-meter D 2 ;

Figure 1 - Testing stand hydraulic diagram

c. output circuit selection block, which can have the following states:
• flow from A to B without any load by switching the directional valve (14);
• static load on A circuit by controlled valve opening (8.6), A-10 circuit; flow through
check valve (9.3), 11-12 hydraulic circuit, flow through proportional pressure valve
(10), circuit 12-13, flow-meter (D1) circuit 13-14, flow through check valve (9.2)
circuit 13-11, spontaneous pass through unlockable valve (8.7) circuit 11-13;
• static load on circuit B;
• dynamic load on circuit A by controlled opening of unlockable valve (8.5), circuit A-
8, hydraulic cylinder (19) supply, hydraulic cylinder (19) discharge by spontaneous
flow through unlockable valve (8.8), circuit 9-13;
ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

• dynamic load on circuit B which is made on symmetrical circuit sequence.

Also, in these functional states it is done measuring acceleration with (TA) transducer, speed
with transducer (TV) and flow with transducer (TD).
d. auxiliary functions:
• select commands of allowed flow paths during a test are realized with electric driven
directional valves 3/4, marked with (15.1), (15.2), (15.3) and (15.4) in Figure 1,
supplied by circuits 3 and 23 by the constant flow pump (2) – its working pressure
adjusted by electro-valve (7);
• working fluid conditioning realized with an electro-pump made of asynchronous
motor (5), low pressure and constant flow pump (3), filter (18.2), heat exchanger
(20) and electro-valve (16).
On circuit (17) there is mounted a return filter.
e. control and measurement system:
• pressure transducers TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4 and TP5 are mounted on the
servovalve’s circuits
• manometers M2 and M2 installed on circuits of pumps 2 and 3;
• flow measurement for load circuit is made with (D1);
• flow measurement for servovalve’s tank is made with (D2);
• temperature measurement – (TT) thermometric gauge;
• acceleration transducer (TA);
• speed transducer (TV);
• filter clogging indicators.

Figure 3 – Electronic control and data

Figure 2 - Computerized electro-hydraulic stand
acquisition block

Figure 4 – Example of a servovalve mounted on the computerized stand

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

The computerized stand has a data acquisition structure that comprises the following:
• electronic transducers for specific interest process parameters, such as flow, force,
pressure or temperature;
• measurement amplifiers for conditioning the output signal of the transducers;
• the data acquisition board itself;
• software application – virtual instrument – for data conditioning, processing, storage and
graphical display;
• power source and electrical noise filters.
The data acquisition structure must be capable of meeting the following criteria:
• data acquisition of all interest parameters that run during tests on the computer assisted
electro-hydraulic stand;
• processing of acquired data;
• storage of acquired and processed data during tests;
• graphical screen display of parameter variation, characteristic curves and diagrams.

Being based on a classical structure of simultaneous data acquisition, the schematic diagram
of the computer assisted stand includes also electronic driving modules for hydraulic control
equipments. The data acquisition board type is USB-6218, with the following main features:
• 32 single-ended or 16 differential analog inputs;
• 16-bit resolution;
• sampling rate of 260kS/s;
• input voltage range: -10…10V;
• on-board sample memory: 4095 samples;
• 2 16-bit analog outputs;
• 8 TTL input channels;
• 8 TTL output channels;
• digital trigger.

The computer assisted electro-hydraulic test stand allows performing various specific static
and dynamic tests on servovalves, from which the most significant ones are step response and
dynamic response at sinusoidal driving signal input.
Looking at the software component of the testing stand, there has been elaborated a virtual
instrument using TestPoint environment, because of its easy integration with industrial
measurement and driving processes. In Figure 5 it is shown the main panel of the virtual

ISSN 1453 - 7303
“HIDRAULICA” (No. 3-4/2012)
Magazine of Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Tribology, Ecology, Sensorics, Mechatronics

Figure 5 - Main panel of the virtual instrument

The virtual instrument is able to perform both static and dynamic tests, having a minimum
need of user-intervention. In the starting part of the virtual instrument there are initialized the
environmental variables, the data acquisition channels and other auxiliary tasks. The experimental
data are acquired continuously after the user selects one type of test and presses the Start button.
Data is displayed on a graphic control, the values being stored in comma separated .DAT files.
This type of data storage gives later access for processing and easy integration with familiar
spreadsheet processing software.

Electro-hydraulics field has developed a lot past years because of the technological advances
in materials science, electronics and informatics. Nowadays, a reliable and precise hydraulic
system includes digital or analog electronic control realized with computer assisted systems or
dedicates solutions using PLCs or microcontroller based modules. Transducers technology
developed new solutions providing in the same casing the measurement part itself along with self-
calibration, auto-diagnosis or bus communication modules. Data acquisition and virtual
instrumentation widespread has enabled the development of new software measurement, data
processing, data storage or plotting various graphical diagrams.


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