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LOG Teaching
Dates & Time: July 29 – August 2, 2019 (5 DAYS) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER

1.To be able to explain the nature/background of target games and striking/ fielding games.
2.To be able to describes the skills involved in the game
3.Observes safety precaution
A.Skill: 1.Explain the nature/background of target games and striking or fielding games.
2.Describes the skills involved in the game
A. References B.Reference: K-12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide
C.Materials: charts, pictures
B. Other Learning Resources
1. Checking of attendance
2. Conduct warm- up exercise accompany with a lively music.
  Stretching- shoulder stretch,
- leg lift forward and backward, sideward left
and right
A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITY - Toe reach in a long position
- Wall pushing
  Jumping in place
 Arms circling
 Inhale and exhale
(Repeat the routine 2-3 times)
3. Conduct a review of the past lesson / checking of assignments
1. The teacher will present pictures to the class (pictures of Laro ng lahi)
Let the pupils identify the picture of what kind of game, if they can still
remember our Larong Lahi like tamaang tao, sipa ,luksong tinik , luksong baka
,syato ,palo sebo,kadang , sack race, basagang palayok, tumbang preso,tatsing
and etc. (present more pictures if possible)

Traditional Filipino Games or Indigenous games in the Philippines (known as Laro ng

B. DEVELOPMENTAL ACTIVITY: Lahi) are games commonly played by children, usually using native materials or instruments. In
the Philippines, due to limited resources of toys of Filipino children, they usually come up on
inventing games without the need of anything but the players themselves. Their flexibility to
think and act makes their games interesting and challenging.
Base on the pictures presented let the pupils identify games that are belong in
 Target games (tamaang tao ,tatsing, tumbang preso )
Fielding / striking games (syato, basagang palayok) 

Note: infuse the localized games found in the DLHTM

2. After identifying the pictures, based on the responses of the pupils the teacher will
explain the nature/background of the games or the difference of a target games
and striking/fielding games.

ASK: What are Games?

Games or educational games are activities involving one or more people, on

the move with or without an object or implement, playing under mutually agreed upon
set of rules. Games can be used for practice/self-testing skills, cooperative play or
competitive play. There are four basic types of games: invasion/territory, net/wall,
striking/fielding and target.

Note: The teacher will only emphasized the striking / fielding games and the Target games
What is the difference between the target games and the fielding games?

The Target Platform refers to the plug-ins which your workspace will be built
and run against. It describes the platform that you are developing for. The aim of a target game is to
place a projectile near, or in a target in order to have the best possible score." (Forrest, Pearson &
Webb, n.d.) Traditional target games would include games such as tamaang tao ,tatsing, tumbang
In target games, a player either throws, slides, or strikes an object with the
goal of having the object land closest too or in a designated target. Griffin et al. (2006, p. 21) Target
games can be in the form of either a team sport or an individual sport and sub-categorized into being
either unopposed or opposed. The same source also explained that with opposed target games
players can prevent their opposition from scoring by knocking or blocking their opponent's ball or
rock to an unfavorable position in relation to the designated target. This means that when
participating in an unopposed target game, a player focuses solely on their execution in an attempt to
be as close to the target as possible, whereas in opposed target games, the player has to be aware of
their opponent's execution as well as some offensive and defensive strategies. Modified versions of
target games should consider the students physical, cognitive, and social states of development in
order to be successful.

Transferable skills are skills that can be acquired in one game and utilized in other games as
well. In order for these skills to be transferable, the games must be similar to each other. Games can be
grouped into categories or divisions so that students can identify common features such as tactics,
rules, and skills more easily.

Skills that are common to target games are:

1. Players must be able to demonstrate hand-eye, foot-eye accuracy
2. Players aim and shoot/throw/roll/etc. for a goal target
3. Players utilize the synchronization of numerous body parts when releasing the object
used in the game.
4. Both gross and fine motor skills are used to alter the flight/path of the released object


Striking/Fielding Games are activities in which players score points by striking an
object and running to designated playing areas or prevent opponents from scoring by retrieving the
object and returning it to stop the play. By playing these games, participants will learn the key skills
and tactics for games such as Baseball, Cricket and Softball.
Players on the batting team strike an object and attempt to run between two points before the
fielding team can recuperate the object. The teams exchange roles after a certain amount of hits or
after a certain amount of players have been retired from the game. Tactical problems related to
striking and fielding games include striking the object to an open space, reducing space on defense,
scoring points and retiring players from the game. Examples of striking and fielding games include
baseball, cricket, softball and kickball. Traditional games includes syato, basagang palayok

Skills needed in Striking/fielding games

There are three types of skills involved in striking/fielding games: Locomotor, non-locomotor, and
manipulative skills (Guest Editorial, no date).
1. Locomotor skills involve players being able to run, slide, jump, and leap.
2. Non-locomotor skills involve stretching, bending, and reaching for an object.
3. Manipulative Skills involve players being able to send an object (both by throwing and
by striking it), receive (catch) an object, and retain (and run with) an object.

These skills can also transfer over to invasion games such as basketball, where
athletes must be able to pass the ball to their teammates who must catch it.

3. Group Activity: Matching Games

Create 5 groups, each group will select a representative to do the tasks.

Teacher prepares picture of the materials needed in each game like picture of a small
and long stick, metal caps, palayok , milk can and a ball. Then it will be match to the name of the
game written in the meta cards .

Target Games (tamaang tao, tatsing, tumbang preso. Striking Game (syato,
basagang palayok)
Based on the responses of the pupils, the teacher will explain the nature of the game
and the skill involves in each sample game in each category or types of games.

The teacher will prepare the Rules of each game in a metacards, then the group will be the one to
interpret the game in each group.
Target Games
Tamaang Tao is a game in which players on two teams try to throw balls at each other
while avoiding being hit by themselves. There are many variations of the game, but generally the
objective of the game is to eliminate the opposing teams by hitting them with a ball, catching a
ball thrown by a member of the opposing team, or forcing them to move outside the court
boundaries when the ball is thrown at them.


Indigenous games, such as Tatsing, are Hispanic in origin. The game was played by the
Tagalogs of Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija. The word Tatsing was loaned from the English word
"touching". Each player located before the toe line will try to hit the bottle caps out of the square
without leaving the pamato inside the square. Player 1 continuously hits the bottle caps until he
loses his turn by leaving his pamato inside the playing area. The player with the most bottle caps
at the end of the game, wins. The players will decide on how big the square would be based on
how many pamato they have. In the pre-game, each player throws his pamato on/near the toe
line. The player whose pamato lands on/nearest the toe line plays first and so on.

Tumbang Preso-
Is a popular Filipino street game,these games promote healthful style .They may also develop
coordination and active outdoor play among children .Furthermore ,they promote patriotism,
Bonding,and sportsmanship. The game needs 3 or more players.Each player is provided with
a large throw away object called “pamato ”t is
usually a slipper or a shoe. Place a semi- flattened
empty tall can in upright position 6 or 8 meters
from the throwing line . The” taya”will guardthe
empty tin.The other player stand at the throwing
line.they take turns their throwing “pamato”at the
empty milk tin ,to knock it down. the After each
throw , the player must recover his or her
“pamato”.When tagged,he or she becomes the
“prisoner”in the next game .Winners of the game
are the players who are not tagged to become the


Variation of the name shatong is a game with two teams and at least two players. It is played in an
open a space, preferably land so that you can dig an elongated hole that you need in order for your
team to score the shatong points. And two pieces of stick about an inch in diameter one long, about a
foot and the other short, about half

feet. Player A becomes the hitter and Player B as

the catcher. It is played outside on the ground
where one digs a small square hole (which is
slanted), where they put the small wood so that
it sticks out. Player A hits the wood with the stick
so that it catches air enough to be hit by the
stick. The further the wood gets hit themore
points one gets (usually counted by the number
of stick length). Player B on the other hand has to
anticipate and catch the small piece of wood to
nullify the points and become his turn or looks
forward to Player A to miss hitting the wood.

Basagang Palayok

Paluan ng Palayok is generally known as Piñata.

According to some scholarly articles, the game
may have originated in China. During Marco
Polo's stay in China, he found Chinese fashioning
of figures of cows and buffaloes covered with
colored paper and adorned with harnesses and
trappings. When the Chinese knocked the figure
with hard sticks, seeds spilled forth. The figure is
then burned and the remains are gathered as a
good luck charm. In the Philippines, Filipinos
used or buy clay pots
and put candies, money and other prizes on it. The pot is then suspended by a string high enough
for the children to reach. The players of the game will then form a line. The smallest player will be
the first one to hit the pot. The player's eyes is covered with handkerchief and then the facilitator
will turn him in his position three times. This is to make the player confused with the location of
the pot. When the player missed the pot the next player will have his turn. When the player hits
the pot, the players will jump and tries to grab as many prizes as they can.
Note: Always remind the pupils the safety precautions while playing the games.
Note: Always remind the pupils the safety precautions while playing the games.

1.Warm up before playing to avoid sprains. Control your body and body parts always.
2.Watch where your opponents are going. Be aware of your surroundings
3.Identify and move into open space before playing.
4.Always observe your personal space while playing.
5.Tag your opponents by using a soft tap .Avoid pushing or hitting while playing the game.
6.Know the rules of the game.
7.Report immediately if there is someone hurt.

4. Generalization:
Teacher Ask: What is a target Games?
What is striking / fielding Games
What are the skills needed in each game? Enumerate
What are some safety precautions while playing the game?

Group Activity: Divide the class into 5 groups, each group leader will pick one Meta cards faced
down on the table written the localized game and then the group will act the game they’ve pick while
the other group will guess what game they are portraying categorized the two basic types of game
which is the target and striking /fielding games.
Green 1: tumbang preso/lata (target games)
Blue 2: tatsing(target games )
C .CULMINATING ACTIVITY/ POST Red 3: basagang palayok (Striking games)
ACTIVITY Yellow 4: tamaang tao (target games)
Orange5: syato (Striking games
Those group who can get the highest score will be the winner
Answer the following by filling up the table, identify if the game a target game or striking
/fielding game then describe the skills involve in the game.
Target games /striking or Describes the skills involved in the game
Name of the Game fielding game (Loco-motor,Non locomotor,manipulative )
2. dart
5.tumbang preso
7.tamaang tao
10.basagang palayok

Bring the following materials

1. clean empty milk can

2. pair of small and long sticks
3. used soft drinks caps
4. small, light ball
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

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