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NOVEMBER 2002 • VOL. 19, #11

and inspecting
b y J o h n C r a n o r, A S H I M e m b e r

EPDM is installed in one of three ways. It can be

E PDM (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer), or
“rubber roofing,” is one type of single ply roofing.
Since it first appeared in the mid 60s, EPDM has
loose laid and held down with ballast (rounded
rocks); it can be mechanically fastened to the roof
proven to be a reliable and durable roofing system. with bars and buttons; or it can be fully adhered to
The material has the appearance and feel of a tire the deck.
inner tube, and it rebounds when stretched. Although The ballast system is often used over expanded poly-
it is available in white and in black, black is most often styrene insulation, which is lightweight, economical
used, probably due to a slightly better track record on and energy efficient. Because the EPDM adhesives dis-
performance. Neither color requires protection from solve the polystyrene, the membrane is only laid over
ultraviolet rays. the insulation, mechanically attached around the
White membrane is typically used on buildings where perimeters and held down with ballast (rocks). If the
there are concerns about thermal heat transfer or structure cannot support the additional weight of bal-
about sweating under the membrane. Black mem- last, or if EPDM is being installed over existing roof-
brane can be painted white, but only with water- ing material, such as tar and gravel, a mechanical
based acrylic paint. The white paint keeps the surface attached system is a better choice. Reinforced EPDM
cooler to help minimize heat gain, and to help control is recommended for mechanically attached applica-
condensation from forming under the membrane, tions because it is resistant to punctures/tears and
which is sometimes a problem. White membrane, wind fatigue at anchors. The fully adhered system is
whether original or painted, can be as much as 80 the most common, especially on residential buildings.
degrees cooler than black, which can translate to sig- Typically it has fewer problems than the other two
nificant energy savings in an air-conditioned building. applications.
EPDM membrane is available in several thicknesses The two primary manufactures of EPDM are Carlisle
(.045 and .060) and in reinforced versions. Re- and Firestone, but the product is sold under many
inforced EPDM is most often used when there is a brand names. For example, Genflex, Mule-Hide, etc.
reason to be concerned about membrane fatigue or are distributors of EPDM who have re-named either
a higher than usual chance of Carlisle or Firestone made EPDM.
Warranties vary ranging from 5 to 20 years, but sel-
dom are offered for residential applications. The mate-
rial is extremely durable, with little detectable wear in
25 to 30 years. The membrane will by far outlast
asphalt-based products. Failures are typically in laps,
flashing and around roof penetrations. The first EPDM
roof was installed in 1965, and reports indicate it is
still performing today!

Getting the most out of EPDM

EPDM membrane cannot be directly applied or be in
contact with any product containing coal tar pitch,
creosote or penta-based materials. Contaminants such
as petroleum grease, acid, solvents, vegetable or min-
eral oils and animal oils or fats will soften and
degrade the membrane.
This wet spot was a pin hole. Moisture in underlying
Asphalt based roof cements or mastics cannot be used substrate was being drawn out by the sun.
as a patch. Direct steam venting can also cause degra-
dation and should be avoided. Standing water or wet
leaves have no adverse effect on the membrane. In
fact, EPDM has been used for pond liners for years.
Nevertheless, ponding should not be allowed on any
flat roof. In other words, water should not remain on
a roof 48 hours after precipitation. Manu-facturers of
EPDM recommend a positive drainage system (1/4"
per foot). Over time ponding can exceed structural
design weight allowances. Also freezing over seams
can apply stress that may lead to seam failure.

Two common problems

EPDM has outstanding durability, but there have been
some problems. The two most common are shrinkage
and lap failures.
The membrane is prone to shrinkage (1-2 percent). On EPDM flashing at mechanical equipment with separation
a large roof this can add up to several feet of shrink- in membrane – actual leak.
age, which causes bridging and/or failures at flashing
and terminations. Typically, this problem only occurs early uncured neoprene rubber used as flashing mate-
on a large building with a “ballast” system, and gener- rial. Uncured neoprene rubber was used as flashing
ally only if it was not anchored properly at the roof because of its moldable (tacky) characteristics.
perimeters and/or walls. A shrinkage problem is rare Unfortunately it had a short life span, and it was
on a fully adhered system or on a residential property. known to fail after becoming brittle.
The cause of the membrane shrinkage has been link to New technology (uncured) EPDM was then intro-
one or a combination of the following factors: duced. Often called “Peel and Stick,” uncured EPDM
• loss of processing oils, also is a tacky, moldable membrane, but it is known
to be reliable. The most recent recommendation is to
• residual stresses from the manufacturing process, use uncured EPDM for only the most difficult mold-
and/or able type applications, such as corners and penetra-
• failure to allow the membrane to relax prior to tions. Cured EPDM is recommended for all other
installing. applications.

Prior to 1986 EPDM lap splice cements were made

Inspecting EPDM
with a neoprene polymer and laps occasionally failed.
Newer lap splice cements are butyl polymer and are Inspecting an EPDM membrane roof is much like
more reliable. Problems were also reported with the inspecting any flat roof. Identifying the single-ply can

be tricky. It’s easy to confuse EPDM and PVC. PVC
feels slicker and firmer than EPDM, much like a vinyl
pool liner, and the seams are typically welded (heat
melted) together. Of course there are other types of
single ply membranes, but EPDM and PVC are the
two most likely to be confused on a single-family
home. If you are not sure what it is, you may be bet-
ter off calling it a single-ply membrane. Because
EPDM does not age like typical asphalt-based roof-
ing, it can be difficult to report how old it is. Some
manufacturers date EPDM membrane with a stamp,
which takes away the mystery. But most of the time,
it comes down to an estimated guess.

What to look for

Preferably the inspection starts from the attic and/or
under the roof. From this vantage point, you can look Corner reinforcement overlay with edge caulk
for stains and signs of leakage, and if possible, evalu-
ate the sheathing condition prior to walking on the
roof. Be watchful for and report rusty metal decking
on a commercial building.
Most residential applications will have plywood deck-
ing with insulation below the decking. Plywood spac-
ing must be maintained to allow for expansion. The
plywood should be fastened down with screws (heads
flush); use of “H” clips is not advisable. Ordinary
nails will back out and puncture the membrane, and
“H” clips will wear through.
Commercial applications will almost always have
insulation between decking and membrane. Insulation
must have adequate fasteners to deck or curling/lifting
of insulation will occur. On commercial roofs there is
often a double layer of insulation, with the bottom
mechanically fastened and the top stuck to bottom This is an access hole cut into EPDM flashed wall.
with hot asphalt or insulation adhesive. With this Electricians needed to get to wiring in a wall behind a mar-
method, you will not be able to see the imprint of quee sign. White caulk was not a proper fix.
mechanical fasteners. Each EPDM brand has its own
designed button fasteners, which is one way distribu-
tors identify their product after it’s installed, so you
will see several different shapes of fasteners in the

Vents or no vents
There are two schools of thought regarding venting of
the EPDM membrane: some say ventilate, others say
there’s no need to do so. Typically ventilation is always
used on re-roof applications, but rarely seen on resi-
dential systems. The vents are intended to allow any
moisture trapped in the old roof to escape when heated
by the sun. Without this, the membrane will blow up
like a balloon. Generally, when the decking and insu-
lation is dry, venting is not always needed. Many
support the idea (including me) that “it’s better to
EPDM patch

have vents and not need them, than to need them and On a wet membrane, watch for air bubbles, which
not have them.” The placement of vents can vary, but indicate a breech in the membrane. On commercial
typically they are placed about every 20 feet. EPDM buildings, examine the areas around mechanical
manufacturers do not recommend or require vents. equipment and vents. On the roof of a restaurant, the
They do require removing any wet roofing before re- greasy kitchen exhaust will often cause the membrane
covering, and state that doing so eliminates a need for to soften, wrinkle and degrade. Check parapet walls
vents. Manufacturers leave the decision to use a vapor and equipment curbs, looking for possible moisture
barrier and/or vents to the building designer and/or the entry points or lack of caulk. Look closely around
roofing contractor. mechanical fasteners for tearing. If the membrane is
taut at the perimeter it probably has shrunk. Use cau-
The lowdown on laps tion when walking to avoid causing tearing at the
mechanical fasteners.
If it seems soft under foot when you are walking on
the roof, there could be moisture problems in the Small bubbles or wrinkles in the membrane are typi-
decking or insulation. Since laps can be a site of fail- cal. Bubbles form when the membrane is placed too
ure, check them as well as perimeter flashing closely, quickly, that is before the adhesive is ready for place-
looking for separations, wrinkles, or openings. ment. They are often more noticeable on newer roofs,
Manufacturer’s specifications on laps range from 3 and many times disappear as the roof ages. Wrinkles
inches to 8 inches, depending on the type of applica- are easy to get as the membrane is placed, but diffi-
tion and the specific membrane. Recently manufactur- cult to get rid of, so often they’re ignored. Wrinkles
ers are requiring laps to be sealed with a cured EPDM and fish mouthing should have been cut out and
seam tape on 20-year warranty systems. Seam tapes patched, especially in laps. Wrinkles on laps and
make a premium splice and significantly increase flashings for openings should be checked carefully.
installation costs. EPDM laps more typically will have “T” joints in the membrane on a quality application
a (black) splice cement with a required “Lap seal or will have a reinforcing 6-inch patch, and all edges will
edge caulk,” which looks like a rubbery black caulk. be caulked with lap seal. These joints require careful
White splice cement and white caulk are available for scrutiny. Corners should also be reinforced with
use on white membranes. Lap sealants are designed to patches, and all patches should have rounded corners
seal exposed edges on laps. The adhesive used to and be caulked with lap seal/edge caulk.
attach EPDM to decking is yellow, and cannot be
used for laps. Roof systems with insulation require a wood nailer
around the eaves to provide a surface for attaching
Roof penetrations, wall flashing and anchor drip apron or gravel stop flashing. Drip apron/gravel
bars stop flashing must have a minimum 3-inch flange and
be stripped off with a 5-6 inch EPDM membrane.
Roof penetrations may have a “pitch pocket or pan,”
Plumbing pipe collars require a one-piece (target type)
which should be filled with an EPDM filler material
(not roof cement). Wall flashing is usually an EPDM
or a combination of EPDM and metal counter flash-
ing – check for an adequate seal, and check for secure
anchors or anchor bars. Anchor bars are made of
extrude aluminum (1" wide) and come in 10-foot
lengths. They are designed to hold membrane at walls
and perimeters for the ballast system, and are also
used in mechanical attached systems. Anchor bars
should have fasteners every 6 inches on perimeters
and every 12 inches when used as mechanical system

Step by step, examine the roof

Check the entire roof for cuts, punctures and tears.
Look for raindrop-size moisture spots. If you find
one, look closely for a
pinhole. Sometimes if there is enough moisture in sub- This is an expansion joint between EPDM and modified
strate and there is a pinhole in the membrane, the bitumen roofs.
heat of the sun will draw the moisture out of the pin-
hole creating a moisture spot.
EPDM membrane installed around them - 6 inches on defects. Manufacturers recommend semi-annual
all sides. Insulation on fully adhered systems must inspections of an EPDM roof that include looking for
have 16 fasteners per 4 x 8-foot piece, on mechanical all the obvious problems (failing seams or flashing,
systems, six fasteners needed per piece. Fasteners are etc.), checking any roof drains, removing debris from
not required on ballast systems; the ballast holds the roof, examining mechanical equipment for leaking
membrane down. oils, ponding, etc. It would probably be wise for a
home inspector to recommend semi-annual inspec-
And that’s not all tions to the potential buyer."

Report bare spots in the ballast. Watch for shuffled, John Cranor of Homebuyers Inspections, Inc. in Eastern
displaced, deflected or loose insulation. Check for Virginia is a third–generation roofer. He is an ASHI
bonding failure on fully adhered systems. Note any Member and serves on the Technical Advisory
loose mechanical fasteners and anchors, especially on Committee.
mechanical attached systems, and watch for tenting at
underlying fasteners, which indicates it has backed up Copyright© 2002, ASHI. None of the content of this publication
may be reproduced, in any manner, without the prior written con-
or that the insulation is overly compressed due to too sent of the publisher. Inclusion of or specific mention of any propri-
much roof traffic. On commercial buildings with etary product within does not imply endorsement of, nor does
exclusion of any proprietary product imply non-endorsement, by
mechanical equipment, service trades will often acci- the American Society of Home Inspectors, Inc. Opinions or state-
dentally damage the membrane, so you’ll want to ments of authors and advertisers are solely their own, and do not
check around roof-mounted equipment for damage or necessarily represent the opinions or positions of ASHI, its agents,
or editors. See above for information pertaining to submission of
oil spills. articles, advertising and related materials.

One manufacturer claims that 95 percent of EPDM

failures are attributed to roof contractor error, 4.9
percent due to lack of care and maintenance of roof
and only 1 percent attributed to manufacturing

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