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No Type of Tests
1 Field Test
1.a Standard Penetration Test (SPT)
Vane Shear
Ground water observation
2 Sampling
Disturbed Samples (every 1.5 m)
Undisturbed Samples (every 3 m)
Rock cores
Water Samples
3 Lab Test
3.1 On Disturbed Sample
Visual/ Manual examination
Grain size distribution by sieving
Hydrometer Analysis
Atterberg limits
Specific Gravity
Chemical Analysis of soil/rock
3.2 On Undisturbed Sample
Bulk and Dry Density
Moisture Content
Grain size distribution by sieving
Hydrometer Analysis
Atterberg limits
Freeswell index and shrinkage limit (Only for Swelling soils)
Consolidation test(Odometer)
Direct Shear
Triaxial test- Unconsolidated Undrained
Triaxial test- Consolidated Undrained
Unconfined Compressive Strength Test\
3.3 On Rock Samples
Uniaxial Crushing Strength Test in dry and Saturated cond
Point Load Strength Index test
Specific Gravity
Water Absorption
Bulk and Dry Density
3.4 On Water Samples
Chemical Analysis of Groud Water
Chemical Analysis of Contaminants
Soil Identification and Classification

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