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 Cardinal Sin- EDSA Revolution B.

Social Documents
 Vatican II  Started from Pope Leo XIII- Rerum
 Pope Benedict XVI- dues caritas est. 29 Not Papal Encyclicals
1. Gaudium et Spes (Church in the Modern
 Assembly (NPCCR)- National Pastoral
World) – Vatican II
Consultation on Church Renewal 2. Justitia in Mundo (Justice in the World) –
synod of Bishops
Objectives of Vatican II
Other sources
1. Thorough understanding of yourself
1. Interviews with popes
2. Renewal of the Church
2. Studies of Vatican congregations
3. Enumerical agenda
3. Statements from different national
4. Expanding the horizon
Episcopal conferences
4. Homilies of bishops and priests
Agenda of Vatican II
C. Best kept secrets
1. Moral law
 People are not aware it exists because they
2. Dignity of people
do not accept the hard truths it teaches
3. Teachings of Jesus
 Demand moral behaviours that are
Roles of Church in Society
 People who find CST a tall order tend to look
A. Moral Center
1. CFC 1161
Through CST, the Church:
 Spiritual and moral fiber of the society
1. Connects the scripture to present time
2. Deus Caritas est. 29 (God’s love)
2. Links our individual moral choices to our
 Purification of reason
social life
 Reawakening of moral forces
3. Caters to both our spiritual and bodily
1. Clergy- evangelize and relater gospel
4. Stresses the urgent call to express our
values (Peace, Love, Justice)
faith through deed of justice and love
2. Laity- incorporate and radiate gospel
D. Characteristics
values in all relationships
1. Permanent
B. Church and State Separation/Relation
 Based on gospels, timeless values
1. There is no state religion
 Exemplifies in principles:
2. Freedom of relation
a) Human dignity and solidarity
3. No special privileges
b) Social justice and Christian love
Missions of the Church
c) Active non-violence and peace
1. Right to express yourself in matters of
d) Preferential option for the poor
e) Value of human work
2. Clergy and laity must be involved in
f) Universal destination of all goods of
areas of politics
the earth
3. Spiritual and temporal welfare of human
g) Stewardship and the integrity of
Catholic Social Teachings h) People empowerment
A. Description i) authentic and holistic (integral)
 Body of social teachings containing human development
principles and guidelines in fulfilling social 2. Developing
responsibilities  Steadily growing of Church’s social
 Response to key modern social problems principles
Vision gives:  Adopts to changing situations
1. Moral principles help reflect on social
problems Church is present, alive, and active
2. Guidelines for moral action
3. Criteria for judging our moral decisions
and evaluating social systems
Methods and sources

A. Sacred scripture
 Love- 10 commandments
 Justice- faithfulness to the responsibilities
 True fidelity to Yahweh means serving others
 8 beatitudes
B. Reason
 We have natural powers to give insights of
basic meaning and purpose of life
 Reliable judgements
C. Traditions
 Reflections, discussions, teachings
D. Human Experience
 Signs of time
 Process of arriving at a thorough
understanding of the situation
1. See- observations
2. Judge- discern, accurate assessment
3. Act- action necessary
4. Celebrate- mass
5. Evaluate-prayer

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