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The Internet

Co-created by Vint Cerf and Bob Khan, the

Internet is a revolutionary idea, owned by no
one, but also by every individual that uses it.
ISPs, or Internet Service Providers, are orginizations that allow participation on the Internet.

The Internet uses Binary Information in the form

of 'Bits' which is simply data that a computer

LAN, which stands for local area network, and WAN, which stands for wide area
computers. Where a LAN is used in a small network such as in a school or home,
reads as 'on' or 'off'

network, are two types of networks that allow for interconnectivity between
1 - on 2 - off

WANs are used to network large areas like cities, or even nations.
The Internet sends information through Light, the fastest and most
various channels: efficient method of
transporting bits, is also
the most expensive and
Electricity difficult to work with even
though it does not
degrade the signal.

Radio Light

Radio is another way of

sending bits in a wireless
manner using 'Bit
Sending' Machines.
Although it is totally
Electricity, using Ethernet Wires, mobile, it has a limited
is a cheap and simple
method of sending bits of information,
but often results in signal loss.

The maximum transmission

capacity of a device is know
as Bandwith, which is
measured in Bit Rate.
The number of bits
measured over a given
period of time is known
as Bit Rate. Although
Bit Rate is measured in
seconds, the
difference between the Latency is the time it takes for one bit to
speeds of Bit Rate is travel from one place to another.
measured in Latency.

The Internet
Engineering Task How is the Internet able to
Force (IETF) is an
open organisation
that develops and
methodically transfer so much
Internet Standars. data to the right address?

The Internet is a design

Internet addresses
philosophy built off of a set of are numbers known
rules and standards, used to as IP Addresses,
communicate between machines, ordered in a specific
know as Protocols. The most hierarchy.
important protocol is 'IP' ; The current IP addressing is called IPv4 which
Internet Protocol. uses 32 bits for each unique address, however,
the new IP addressing system, which will be
IPv4 produced 4.3 billion called IPv6, will use 128 bits for the numerous
unique IP addresses, more unique addresses.
whereas IPv6 produces 340
undecillion unique IP
addresses, enough for every
grain of sand in the world! The Domain Name
System or 'DNS'
Associates the name of
Websites, blogs, etc. to
the corresponding IP

DNS Servers are seperated into distributed heirarchy, the specific major zones, such as
'.com', '.org', '.edu' and more.
These were created to be open
public communication systems
for government and educational
purposes, however, it was due
to this that Cyber Threats and
How exactly
DNS Spoofing occured.
*DNS Spoofing is the
is data
process where Website
Domain Names are
redirected to IP addresses
of shady websites.

Packets are simply the data split up into very small

amounts to be sent, rather than one giant blob of data. A Modem is a hardware
device used to convert
Data is transmitted through the Internet
data into a format suitable A wireless router also
in 'packets' of shredded information. for transmission. provides as a wireless
access point.
Routers choose the cheapest path, the one with least
traffic, for each piece of data.
All the Packets reach at a relatively similar time, before being reassembled. IP, DNS, TCP
The Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP, manages
the sending and receiving of all your data as
and Routers
packets. Once all the packets of data are received, are all
TCP does an inventory check and signs only if all the
correct data is present.
Simply by opening a Web Browser,
an app used to access web pages,
How am I and typing in a Uniform Resource
Locator (URL), it is possible to
able to use traverse the Internet.

the Hypertext Transfer Protocol

Internet? (HTTP) communicates between

the web browser and the server,
after which Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML) tells the
browser how the page should
look. Using mainly two types of
requests; 'Get' and 'Post', we
Cookies are
are able to see and publish
websites use various ideas. A 'Get' request
to remember asks a server for the desired set
who you are. od data, unlike the 'Post'
request which pushes it out.

Secure Sockets Layer(SSL)

If a website is secure, its URL
and Transport Layer Security
begins with HTTPS and has a
(TLS) are the layers of security
green lock icon. Furthermore,
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol that are wrapped around your
Digital Certificates given by
(DHCP) is a network management protocol communications.
Certificate Authorities proves
used on IP networks where they are assigned
its security.
an IP address for communication.

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