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Not Qualified (Spoken Word

by JonJorgenson

ARE YOU QUALIFIED TO BE USED BY GOD? Is a sinner can be used by Him?

Well I’m gonna tell you something first. As Christians or a believer of Christ,
we are not perfect. I am not perfect. Everyday most Christians are judged by
the standard of what they think of a Christian is. They think that being a
Christian has to perfect, don’t do sin, don’t cheat always in the church, being
a “saint”, the very nice person you could meet or the righteous one and
other stuff that has to do with being a Christian. And for me, that was hard to
hear Because the hypocritical Christian or the “self-righteous Christian” is
something I fear. To be put in a category like that, I could think of nothing
worse. So maybe there's something we should've said it first. You see, I can't
and won't and don't claim to be perfect. In fact, most times I'm not even
good/right. I'll take responsibility for the mistakes I've made and the hurts
I've caused. For the lies I’ve said and for the words I cursed. And these?
These are one of the things that maybe labeled you through the years. “The
cheater” “The Lier” “not trusted person” “The weirdo” or “the bad boy or the
bad girl”. And I’m sure it made a very big impact in your lives to the point
that you think those sins are like a tattoo on your skin that it is so strong that
you think you cannot win.
Sin shouldn’t be the main base to be judged by people. But mostly today
that’s the reason we were judge by people. It’s like, when you did something
bad, just a little thing or maybe big thing, they will bash your personality,
they will destroy your reputation and it will change you. It will change your
behavior, your actions. And eventually, you will become the person you don’t
want to be in the first place. See Satan he tells us lies he's trying to deceive
us, He tells us to do the things that we think will please us, but don’t be
afraid to say no, don’t listen to them, listen to Him.
Rules are just there to know that we sinned but God don’t look at us on a
matter of who sinned the greatest and who sinned a little. We all are sinners
in the eyes of God but He loves us dearly even though we are flawed. So the
question is would God use that sin against me, making good coming from my
life impossible? Forgives me, but refuses to use me? No. that’s not how He
works. Now you see, many of us are confuse about that. We tend to judge
people by the way they sinned and by the way we look at their religion or
what they believe in. But please understand this first. Religion is not the way
of life neither the way to go to the Father. Religion helps us to grow farther
than we've ever come to know the Father. It’s not about rules that’s why God
accepted you, it’s not about how you do good that’s why He loves you.(but
I’m not saying that doing bad is okay) but Tell me, you’ve been doing bad
lately, did God forgot you? Did God abandon you?
I’m gonna share some short information about the people in the Bible.
Because these people, they were once a SINNER then became a BELIEVER. A
hater became a lover and the worst became the greatest. So let’s start with
Moses. Moses was an orphan and a murderer with a stutter and a price on
his head meaning he’s more into money. Yet God chose this killer to be a
fulfiller; performing miracles, leading the people to the right path, and
making rivers flow red. How about David? King David, was once the shepherd
boy; a shepherd boy who turned into a king, a terrible father and an
adulterer from the start. Yet even with wrongdoings and iniquities, we
remember him as the man after God's own heart. Mary Magdalene was a
prostitute, living a life without direction. Matthew was a tax collector, the
lowest reputation of the low, yet they both walked and talked and witnessed
Christ's perfection. Did God choose the Pharisees, the self-righteous and
pompous full of laws and pretention? Or did He choose cowardly Peter and
persecuting Paul to spread the message of Christ's redemption? All these
heroes in the Bible, not a one of them was likely. Leaning not on themselves,
they leaned on God. So you may think you are the baddest person someone
could meet or the worst person to go with. It’s still not the end to change,
because He is looking into your heart and not on what you’ve done in the
So can God use you? They say that God can use anybody, but is it true? It
could be me, but maybe it could be you. Can He use you? A broken,
steaming mess, and I assume that you don’t see yourself as successful,
cause you’re a flawed, empty, broken vessel. un-equip, unqualified, un-
experience, and definitely not ready. You're thinking "I’m not good enough"
and "I-I-I don’t get enough", but hey, last time I checked God doesn’t make
mistake in any of He created. He actually goes to the file just to say that
you’re a masterpiece that shouldn’t be hated. So can God use him, or her, or
you? I'm here to tell you right now that the answer is YES. God can and will
use anybody even if you only go to church on Christmas. Does He only speak
through the preacher? No! God is in a different business, because believing
in the Lord isn't living a perfect life or always doing the right. It's letting His
light shine from within and letting His Word be your tutor. He'll take your
broken past, helping you step into a more hopeful future. It’s funny how
people would assume that only pastors, or priest or nuns are the only one
who can serve God, but I’m here to tell you that as a student or as a child, as
your boyfriend or your girlfriend, as a person who is known as just someone
they know, or just a person who is just.... YOU... God can use YOU, if YOU let
Him. LET Him guide YOU. You see, God can take the ordinary to make it
extraordinary; He can take the impossible and make it possible; He always
use the most unlikely people to do the most unlikely things.
So if you think that you’re not qualified, it’s alright. Because He wants you to
start being that person. Why? Because it wasn't for perfection that Jesus died
on that cross. It was for the unhealthy, so the sick could serve the sick and
seek to save the lost. Because in the end these words it's not about us. It's
about God. And with God, it's never about who you were, but about who you
will be. It’s God's story for the world, and we're just playing our parts. So if
you're out there feeling not qualified, that's great, because "not qualified" is
where He starts.


I know you have these fears in your head, where you’re afraid of failure;
afraid of losing, afraid of falling, afraid of being wrong, and looking absolutely
stupid because who am I to think that I could ever make a difference? We all
have these fears and thinking that you are not qualified to be use by Him,
but.. you are God's best piece of art. Let that speak into your heart. If you let
God, He could make that heartbreak fade easily; Each wound into someone’s
healing. Each trial into triumph. Each test into testimony. Each mess into
message. So don’t try hard to be the person you think that is perfect, be
yourself and accept it. We all started in to something small, cause no one
could jump from none into greatest of them all. It all starts with a mistake
and soon we’ll know all it takes.

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