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11 Most Common Health Issues That Women

Face Today : Don’t Ignore It

Nowadays, everyone is talking about women empowerment and the equality between the men
and the women. We always talk about the achievements of women’s globally and celebrate
those. But along with it, there are so many women who are not able to get such basic things to
maintain their health. Women are still facing so many troublesome in their life whether it is
about mensural hygiene, pregnancy care or malnutrition, these are the common health issues that
women face today.

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In a developing country like India, there is a big percentage of women who are fighting for their
basic problems, their basic health need. Here we going to explore the most common health issues
that women face today not only in India but all over the world.
Most Common Health Issues That Women Face Today


Breast and cervical cancers are the two of the most common cancers which are affecting women,
it is one of the most common health issues that women face today. Early detection of both these
cancers early is key to keeping women alive and healthy. According to the latest research
of WHO (World Health Organization), show that around half a million women die from cervical
cancer and half a million from breast cancer each year.
2. Reproductive Health:

Reproductive and Sexual health problems are responsible for one-third of health issues that
women are facing today, between the ages of 15 and 44 years. Unsafe sex is a major cause of
such reproductive health problems especially in women and girls in developing countries.
3. Maternal Health:

Many women are now get benefitted from the different schemes in care during pregnancy and
childbirth introduced in the last century. But those benefits do not extend everywhere almost 300
000 women died from complications in pregnancy and childbirth, according to WHO. Most of
these deaths could have been prevented if prevention is taken properly.
4. Sexually Transmitted Infections:

Sexually transmitted infections or STI, are one the most common type of health issues that
women face today. Among them, HIV and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection are the
world’s most common STI. But it is also important to do a better job of preventing and treating
diseases like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.
5. Domestic Violence

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 35% of women are victims
of domestic violence globally. Sadly, the health consequence, do not stop even after the abuse
has stopped. Domestic violence has a prominent risk of taking a woman to a state
of depression that can span a long time.

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6. Mental Health

Women are more prone to mental health problems like experience anxiety, depression, and
somatic complaints than men. Depression is one of the most common mental health problems for
women and suicides are the leading cause of death for women who are aged under 60.
7. Non communicable Diseases

According to a World Health Organization study. In 2012, around 4.7 million women died from
noncommunicable diseases before the age of 70 most of cases are in low- and middle-income
countries. Some Deaths are caused due to road traffic accidents, harmful use of tobacco, abuse of
alcohol, drugs and substances, and obesity.
8. Cardiovascular Disease

People usually think that heart diseases are a man’s problem, but it can be shocking news for you
that it is the number one cause of death among women all over the world. These numbers are
high in low-income countries where women die from heart diseases.
9. Sexual Violence

It itself is a wide term that covers rape, sexual assault, forced marriage and other types of sexual
abuse. Sexual violence is one of the most troubling human rights issues that live in this world.
Though statistics are not cleared due to the unreported cases, a survey conducted by UN where
they discovered that women life end up as victims of sexual violence every year; and most of the
incidences stem from romantic relationships and rape.
10. Malnutrition

Malnutrition, it affects around two billion people all over the world, women are the ones who are
experiencing the impact. Women who are dealing with vitamin deficiencies are more likely to
die while delivering the baby. And the health breaking fact is that half of the pregnant women
who live in developing countries suffer from anemia, malnutrition which causes death each year.
11. Stroke

Stroke is one of the leading cause of disability, and it is also responsible for the deaths of
women. Women are also more prone to stroke as compare to men.


As we are living in a developing country, there are so many health issues that women face today.
We should not ignore any women’s health-related problem and consult a doctor as soon as
possible because early detection can help to cure the problem easily.

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