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Joanna Mae L.


Table 1. Test of Relationship between English and Math Score

Pearson “r” Interpretation P – value
English Score .981 Strong Positive Linear .000 Significant
and Math score Relationship Relationship
Scale: 0-± 0.29 = No Linear Relationship

±0.30 - ± 0.40 = Weak Linear Relationship

±0.50 - ±0.69 = Moderate Linear Relationship

±0.70 - ±0.99 = Strong Linear Relationship

±1 = Perfect Linear Relationship

Results of computation of Pearson’s r yielded a computed r of 0.981.This indicates that a very strong
positive linear relationship exists between the test scores in English and Mathematics. A student who scored
high in English also obtained a high score in Math.

Review of Related Literature

The emphasis that has been put on students’ ability to articulate their strategies, discuss ideas and concepts
critically, and communicate mathematical meaning has become a more central focus in mathematics, and
mathematics education. The teaching pedagogies that are required to successfully achieve these purposes
have put pressure on students from any group that does not have English as their first language. The steady
increase in bilingual learners is a reality of New Zealand classrooms, particularly in the Manukau region. In
many of these classrooms there are students with different levels of competency in the language of
instruction, and few—if any—teachers are able to speak to these students in their mother tongue. In
addition, English is not the mother tongue of many of the teachers. The teaching and learning of
mathematics in a language that is neither the teacher’s nor the pupil’s main language places additional and
complex demands on teachers and learners.

Viliami Latu. Language Factors that Affect Mathematics Teaching and Learning of Pasifika Students

Table 2. Test of Significant Difference on Students’ PRE – TEST and POST – TEST

N t – value df p - value
PRE – TEST 10 -2.635 9 .027

*The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level
The table shows that a total of 10 students were given a pre-test and post-test. Notice that the t-value
is negative, which means there is a smaller probability that this difference occurred by chance. In a paired t-
test the value of df will be one less than the number of participants in the study (in this case there are 10
participants, so df =9). The test found this difference to be significant, t (10) =-2.635, p < 0.05.

Review of Related Literature

Pretest-posttest designs are widely used in behavioral research, primarily for the purpose of comparing
groups and/or measuring change resulting from experimental treatments. Dimiter M. Dimitrov and Phillip D.
Rumrill, Jr.507 White Hall, College of Education, Kent State University, Kent, OH 44242-0001, USATel.:
+1 330 672 0582; Fax: +1 330 672 3737; E-mail:

Table 3. Independent t- Test on Control Group and Experimental Group

Variables Mean SD t- value df p – value Remarks

Control GROUP 79.6 11.86217 -.548 18 .591 Not Significant

82.4 10.97674
*The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level

The p-value is greater than 0.05 therefore there is no significant difference between the control group
and the experimental group. In Levene’s test for equality of variances there is an equal variance denoted as
p-value .682 (greater than 0.05 (p>0.05).

Review of Related Literature

While no one is claiming that hot dogs could ever be well-thought-out as a healthy food, their
healthiness percentage has improved since the days when they were satiated with unknown meat. The
Department of Agriculture requires that they be made from real meat (beef, chicken, pork, poultry, or some
combination of those), and they can’t comprise more than 3.5 percent of nonmeat binders or fillers (which
include nonfat dry milk, cereal, or dried whole milk).But even the hot dogs promoted as “healthy” can still
be nutritional landmines since it is high in sodium, fat, and nitrates.

“During summer, hotdogs are on top of the menus in every picnics and trips to the parks and
indulging once in a while is okay,” says Ellen Klosz, a Consumer Reports nutritionist. “But make sure
they’re only an infrequent treat, and bound your consumption to just one.”
Table 4

One –Way ANOVA of SCORE A (beginner), SCORE B (intermediate

), SCORE C (advanced) in English proficiency.

Source of Variation Sum of df Mean Square F- ratio P – value

Between Groups 203.333 2 101.667 22.593 .000
Within Groups 54.000 12 4.500
Total 257.333 14
We can see that the significance value is 0.000 (i.e., p = .000), which is below 0.05. And, therefore,
there is a statistically significant difference in the score of different levels of learning in English proficiency

Multiple Comparisons

Dependent Variable: score

(I) level (J) level Mean Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Difference (I-
J) Lower Bound Upper Bound

intermediate -4.00000* 1.34164 .036 -7.7399 -.2601

advanced -9.00000* 1.34164 .000 -12.7399 -5.2601

beginner 4.00000* 1.34164 .036 .2601 7.7399

Scheffe intermediate
advanced -5.00000* 1.34164 .010 -8.7399 -1.2601

beginner 9.00000* 1.34164 .000 5.2601 12.7399

intermediate 5.00000* 1.34164 .010 1.2601 8.7399
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.

We can see from the table above that there is a statistically significant difference in the score of
beginner and intermediate (p = 0.036), as well as between the beginner course and advanced course (p =
0.000). So as between scores of intermediate & beginner and vice versa .

Review of Related Literature

Foreign language is categorized into three bands based on the competence of a student. The
beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Some research shows that the advancement is not firmly
accumulative, but often requires the same contents until the student assimilates it. With that purpose,
most of the learners are on their ‘intermediate’ stage, which is also the most challenging to teach.
Linguistic is a performance, like sport or music, you don’t only ‘know’ a point of language rules or the
word for a certain object or action, but you can apply it in a setting to carry out a communication or
expression task. This is a very common understanding. Less often understood is this second point.
Each language is a structure, and forms an entirety. Hence, each new component we learn needs to find
its suitable place in the system. Tenses or word order rules, for example, forms a whole, but so does

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