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American Journal of Botany 90(1): 72-77. 2003.





Department of Biology, Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania 19085 USA

Leaf tensile properties were compared between the mesic deciduous tree Prunis serrmlata (var. "Kwanzan") and the xeric and
sclerophyllous chaparral evergreen shrub Heteromeles arbutifolia(M. Roem). All values for biomechanical parameters for H. arbutifolia
wete significantly greater than those of P. serruilata. The fracture planes also differed between the two species with P. serrnlata
fracturing along the secondary veins. while H. arbutifolia most often fractured across the leaf irrespective of the vein or mesophyll
position, thus yielding qualitative differences in the stress-strain curves of the two species. Anatomically, P. sermlata exhibits features
typical for a deciduous mesophytic leaf such as a thin cuticle, a single layer of palisade mesophyll, isodiametric spongy mesophyll,
and extensive reticulation of the laminar veins. Heteromeles arbutifolia leaves, however, are typically two- to three-fold thicker with
a 35% higher dry mass/fresh mass ratio. The vascular tissue is restricted to the interface of the palisade and spongy mesophyll near
the center of the leaf. Both epidermal layers have a thick cuticle. The palisade mesophyll is tightly packed and two to three layers
thick. The spongy mesophyll cells are ameboid in shape and tightly interlinked both to other spongy cells as well as to the overlying
palisade layer. We conclude that the qualitative and quantitative biomechanical differences between the leaves of these two species
are likely due to a complex interaction of internal architectural arrangement and the physical/chemical differences in the properties of
their respective cell walls. These studies illustrate the importance that morphological and anatomical correlates play with mechanical
behavior in plant material and ultimately reflect adaptations present in the leaves of chaparral shrubs that are conducive to surviving
in arid environments.

Key words: anatomy: biomechanics: chaparral: Heteromeles: morphology: Prunus.

Sclerophylly is often used to describe the material properties morphic characteristics can be due to a variety of environ-
of evergreen, leaves in certain shrubs and trees growing pri- mental conditions including high light intensity (Smith et al.,
marily in xeric habitats. These include the chaparral of the 1997), salinity (Sordo, Padilla, and Romero, 1982), and
western United States, the macchia of Chile and the Mediter- drought (Esau. 1977; Levitt, 1980), all of which involve the
ranean basin, the fynbos of the western Cape in South Africa, limitation of moisture. Gratani et al. (1989) demonstrate that
and the heath of western Australia. The leaves of sclerophyl- like many mesic species (for examples. see Smith et al., 1997;
lous species are characterized as being thick, tough, and leath- Utrillas and Alegre, 1997), xeric characteristics are also en-
ery, with a high fiber (sclereid) to protein ratio (Loveless, hanced in sclerophyllous shrubs exposed to increasing mois-
1961; Turner, 1994). However, Seddon (1974) states that many ture limitation.
nonxeric species may also have sclerophyllous leaves, an ob- One aspect that is often mentioned and subsequently ne-
servation substantiated by the compendium of Rao (1992). As glected when discussing sclerophylly is that xeric/sclerophyl-
such, there are several concurrent hypotheses as to why scler- lous leaves are strongly correlated with tolerance to dehydra-
ophylly has been a successful adaptation for plants growing in tion. Evergreern chaparral shrubs such as those found in the
Mediterranean climates. Turner (1994) outlines three possibil- genus Ceanothus when fully hydrated exhibit water potentials
ities: water conservation, nutrient conservation, and as a pro- (-1.5 to -2.5 MPa at midday) that would be lethal to most
tection against herbivory. In spite of these competing hypoth- mesophytes (Larcher, 1995). For example. Heteromeles ar-
eses to explain the incidence of sclerophyllous leaves, it is butifolia leaves average below 3.0 MPa near the end of the
generally recognized that the ecosystems where sclerophylly drought season (Davis and Mooney, 1986a. b) and can be ar-
is common typically experience periodic drought. Also, scler- tificially dried to below -5.0 MPa without apparent damage.
ophyllous leaves have more in common with xeric leaves than Indeed, some species of Ceanothus exhibit water potentials
with mesophytic leaves. For example, both sclerophylls and below -10 MPa in the fall dry season with no apparent ill
xeric leaves commonly exhibit reduced surface area-to-volume effect to the leaves or stems (Schlesinger et al., 1982; Davis,
ratios, decreased intercellular airspaces, a more strongly de- Kolb, and Barton, 1998).
veloped palisade mesophyll, and often the presence of a hy- Despite the generally accepted observations that sclerophyll/
podermis (Maximov, 1929; Esau, 1977; Levitt, 1980). Xero- xeric leaves are tougher/stiffer than mesophytic leaves and that
sclerophyllous leaves are most common in habitats where
Manuscript received 9 October 2001: revision accepted 12 July 2002.
moisture is seasonally limiting, there have been few studies
2 Author for correspondence (e-mail:; FAX: that actually attempt to quantify how "tough" sclerophylls re-
610-519-7863). ally are or to illustrate why they are stronger/stiffer. Maximov
3 Current address: Division of Natural Sciences, Pepperdine University, (1929) was probably the first to point out that xerophytic
Malibu, California 90263 USA. leaves can lose 30-40% of their water content before wilting,

while a loss of only 1-2% causes wilting in delicate shade Precision Science Instruments ([Corvallis, Oregon, USA] plant pressure cham-
ber). Laminas were excised and immediately weighed on an analytical scale
plants. He attributed this discrepancy to differences in the
to obtain fresh masses and numbered 1-25. Samples were then placed in a
physical properties of the cell waEls of leaf cells. Working with 757C oven for 72 h and reweighed to obtain the dry masses.
a variety of species, Turner and associates (Choong et al.,
1992; Turner et al., 1993) concluded that the fracture "tough- Leaf mechanicalproperties-Leaf thickness and maximum leaf width were
ness" (actually the energy of fracture) values of sclerophyllous measured to the nearest 0.01 mm using a Fowler ProMax digital caliper.
species are higher than for "softer" leaves collected from trop- Whole leaves were introduced into pneumatic grips with hard rubber faces
ical rain forests. Recently, Edwards, Read, and Sanson (2000). on an MTS Bionix 100 mechanical testing system (MTS Systems Corporation,
using similar techniques on Australian heath species, attempt- New Prarie, Minnesota, USA). Grips were placed with a starting interval of
ed to define sclerophylly purely by toughness and strength. 10 mm separation. Leaves were positioned such that their long axis (midrib)
Vincent (1982, 1991) and Greenberg et al. (1989) have con- was parallel to the load applied and their maximum width was within the gap
ducted whole-leaf biomechanical studies on several grasses, between the grips. Leaves were stretched at a rate of 20 mm/m/m. Force and
but any extrapolations to deciduous or evergreen dicotyledon- displacement were recorded continuously using the MTS Testworks 4 soft-
ous leaves must be made with caution due to differing vein ware package and subsequently normalized to stress = (v force per cross-
architectures, as grass venation is parallel, while the latter of- sectional area at t = 0), measured in megapascals (MPa), and strain (e =
ten exhibit complex and reticulate venation. Vogel (1989) and increment in length divided by the initial length). Samples were stretched to
Niklas (1992, 1996) have worked extensively on the biome- the break point and failure load (FL, the total force necessary to achieve
chanical parameters of monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous catastrophic failure), failure strain (ef). and tensile strength (cm. the maximum
leaves but as of this date have not looked at sclerophyllous stress sustained prior to failure) were determined. The tensometer was set to
leaves. a test termination sensitivity of 99.5%. thus automatically ending a test when
In this study we report on the biomechanical properties and a drop to or.= 0.5% was detected. The decision to use 0.5% as a cutoff was
leaf anatomy of the leaves of the mesophyte deciduous tree made because in some cases support tissues in the leaves did not fail at a.
and continued to elongate at very low stresses. The modulus of elasticity (E),
Prunus serrulata and compare them to the leaves of the ev-
a measure of material stiffness, was automatically calculated from the slope
ergreen sclerophyllous chaparral shrub Heteromeles arbutifol-
of the linear portion of the stress-strain curve. The total area under the stress-
ia. We chose Prunus and Heteromeles because both species strain curve is the energy (W) required to break a unit volume of material,
have oblong/lanceolate leaves with pinnate venation and are expressed in joules per cubic meters, and is a measure of toughness (Gordon,
roughly the same length and width. In addition, both species 1978).
are in the family Rosaceae and thus presumably share genetic Niklas (1992) has noted that the standard clamping of tissues under uniaxial
traits relating to their gross morphology and anatomy without tension can yield misleadingly high values of E because the deformation of
being so similar that a comparison would not yield useful data. distal structures is prevented or restricted. He suggests that the length of sam-
We elucidate biomechanical properties in detail and test the ples be at least 10 times their width to avoid such problems of end-wall
hypothesis that leaf biomechanical properties are related to the effects. This was not possible or desirable in our study. We were interested
structural organization of the various leaf tissues. Further, we in the comparative mechanical properties of whole leaves rather than single
discuss the importance of biomechanical properties for leaves tissue types. Because of the irregular and species-specific architecture of the
that exhibit dehydration tolerance and how morphology and test samples, it was not prudent to allow a long effective sample length (=
anatomy necessarily correlates with mechanical behavior. initial distance between clamps). Longer effective specimen lengths for whole
leaves generate at least two problems: uncertainty of appropriate sample width
MATERIALS AND METHODS measurement (and hence of calculated stress) due to terminal tapering, and
tendencies toward specimen slippage due to inadequate leaf surface area (and
Plant material-Leaves of Prmnus serrulata var. "Kwanzen" were col- hence friction) within the clamps. Further, in the case of the leaves tested,
lected from mature specimens growing on the Villanova University campus. length-to-width ratios would not have permitted the recommended 10 :1 as-
All tissue processing for microscopic examination and all biomechanical ex- pect ratio under any circumstances. This could only be achieved bytrimming
periments were conducted on location at Villanova University. Heteromeles the specimens down to a uniform width. As we were measuring properties of
arbutifolia (M. Roem) leaves were collected from specimens growing in the the entire organ we considered this unacceptable as such properties may well
hills surrounding Pepperdine University in Malibu. Calfomia, USA. Leaves be altered by the disruption of the leaf's intact edge and/or removal of one
of H.arbutifolia used in leaf tensile measurements were processed as follows: or more support elements. This is especially crucial as our comparisons were
terminal stem segments 30-60 cm were cut under water and immediately interspecific and similar trimming of leaves may have affected each leaf type
placed in perforated plastic bags with moistened laboratory towels on ice. differently. We accept that our measurement of elastic modulus may be arti-
Cuttings were shipped overnight to Villanova University, where they were ficially high but maintain that our test conditions allow for the appropriate
placed in beakers with the cut ends immersed in water and stored at 4°C. relative comparison of mechanical properties between sample leaf popula-
Leaf tensile measurements were conducted within 7 d for all samples. al- tions.
though some samples (data not shown) processed after 14 d did not signifi-
cantiy differ from those reported in this study. Leaf sections for light and Pressure volume curves-Leaf tissue water relations were determined for
scanning electron microscopy were collected and processed on location at both species using a PMS model 1003 plant pressure chamber (PMS Instru-
Pepperdine University. ment, Corvallis, Oregon. USA) and following the protocol established by
Davis and Mooney (1986b).
Leaf morphological measuremnents-Lamina length, width, and thickness
were measured using a Fowler ProMax digital caliper (Newton, Massachu- Scanning electron microscopy-All leaves for scanning electron micros-
setts, USA). Laminar surface area (one sided) was calculated by making leaf copy (SEM) were sliced into quarter pieces and fixed in a solution of 5%
rubbings onto graph paper and adding up the area inside the generated image. glutaraldehyde in 50 mmolVL potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for 24 h
Dry mass/fresh mass ratios were determined as follows: terminal shoots were at 4°C. The pieces were then washed in 50 mmol/L Na-cacodylate buffer (pH
excised from healthy plants by cutting while immersed in water. Shoot sec- 7.0) followed by postfixation in 1% OSO4 in 50 mmolVL Na-cacodylate buffer
tions were then transferred to a beaker of water and covered with a polyeth- (pH 7.0) for 12 h at room temperature. After washing once in 50 mmol/L
ylene bag till fully hydrated (sample lamina measured <0.1 MPa using a Na-cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) the pieces were dehydrated in an acetone series.
TABLE 1. Leaf morphological measurements. N = 25 leaves per species. P < 0.001 indicated as 8** surface area is for one side of leaf only.
DM/FM ratio = dry mass to fresh mass ratio.

Surface area
Taxon Length (mm) Width (mm) Thickness (mm) (mrf) DM/FM ratio
Prunus serrulata 70.62 ± 5.9 34.44 ± 3.1 0.210 ± 0.02 1345.0 ± 208 0.343 ± 0.02
Heteromeles arbutifolia 76.52 ± 9.4 30.85 ± 4.0 0.513 + 0.05*** 1595.8 ± 399 0.519 ± 0.03***

Pieces were then fractured under liquid nitrogen perpendicular to the midrib leaves near the shoot tips and only in the spring months (S.
using new razor blades revealing sample fractures in cross sections. Pieces D. Davis and R. A. Balsamo, personal observations). The epi-
were then critically point dried (Polaron Jumbo Critical Point model E3100,
dermal tissues of mature leaves of H. arbutifolia were glabrous
London, UK) and gold sputter coated (Polaron SC7640). Fractured samples
were viewed and photographed using an Hitachi S-570 SEM (Tokyo, Japan).
and devoid of trichomes or glands.

Lighit microscopy-All leaves for light microscopy were sliced with a new
Leaf biomechanoical properties-There are commonly four
razor blade into 1-3 mm 2 samples from the middle of the lamina and im-
stress-strain profiles that correspond to the behavior of mate-
mediately fixed in a solution of 5% glutaraldehyde in 50 mmol/L potassium
phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) for 12 h at 4°C. Samples were then washed in 50
rials differing in the degree of elastic and plastic deformations
mmollL Na-cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) followed by postfixation in I% OsO, when subjected to a tensile force (Niklas, 1992). When leaves
in 50 mmol/L Na-cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) for 2 h at room temperature. of P. serrulata and H. arbutifolia were subjected to tensile
After washing once in 50 mmol/L Na-cacodylate buffer (pH 7.0) samples forces the stress-strain curve produced was consistently of the
were then subjected to a dehydration series of acetone followed by infiltration elastic-plastic type (Fig. 1), but curves give no clear relative
in Spurr's (1969) resin. Polymerization occurred at 60°C over 48 h. Sections plastic break points. However, leaves of the two species dif-
were cut using a LKB Bronmma 2088 Ultrotome V thermal advance ultrami- fered markedly. in their response to tensile force and their in-
crotome (kindly on loan from Michael Wisniewski, USDA Appalachian Fruit herent biomechanical properties (Fig. 1, Table 2). For all pa-
Research Station, Kearneysville, West Virginia, USA). Sections were placed rameters measured, H. arbutifolia leaves had consistently
on glass slides and stained with a solution of 1% crystal violet followed by higher mechanical values than P. serrulata (P < 0.001). Fail-
a solution of 1% safranin 0. Photographs were obtained using an Olympus ure load was over six-fold higher in H. arbutifolia, while ten-
SC35 SLR 35 mm camera mounted to an Olympus BX60 microscope with
sile strength (Cm) was almost four-fold higher. The toughness
UplanApo color-corrected objective lenses. Cuticle thickness was measured
from photomicrqgraphs in cross section and corrected for enlargement. Five (W and modulus of elasticity (E) values were approximately
leaf cross sections were measured per species. five-fold higher in H. arbutifolia, which also had 25% higher
values for the failure strain (ef).
RESULTS Stress-strain curves for P. serrulata leaves differed quali-
tatively from H. arbutifolialeaves (Fig. 1). Break patterns fol-
Leaf morphology-Both species had oblong/lanceolate lowing catastrophic failure indicated that in H. arbutifolia the
leaves with pinnate venation and were roughly the same length leaf broke consistently and uniformly. In contrast to this, the
and width. The deciduous leaves of P. serrulata were thinner leaves of P. serrulata exhibited ragged breakage patterns in-
than H. arbutifolia and had less dry matter (fiber), but other- dicating tissues within the leaf with differing resistance to ten-
wise both species were similar in their gross morphology (Ta- sile stress and hence mechanical properties. The most common
ble 1). Both adaxial and abaxial epidermal layers of P. ser- scenario was that the leaves initially separated along the sec-
rulata leaves had numerous hair-like trichomes while in H. ondary veins followed by the midvein, which often snapped
arbutifolia trichomes were only observed in young, expanding long after the mesophyll.had separated.

F A 1.0 B 4


0.5 2


Strain (%)
Fig. 1. Stress-strain curves from leaf tension tests. (A) Sample curve illustrating the various physical properties. The slope of the line from B to M is used
to calculate the modulus of elasticity. The point of catastrophic failure (F) is used to determine tensile strength. The area under the curve is the work of fracture
(toughness), and the point where the stress curve falls below 10% of F is recorded as the failure straih. (B) Typical stress-strain curve resulting from a tensile
experiment on leaves of Prunus serrulata: note ragged appearance of descending curve. (C) Typical stress-strain curve resulting from a tensile experiment
leaves of H. arbutifolia; note smooth descending curve. Also note difference in scale of the y-axes for B and C.

TABLE 2. Leaf tensile properties. N = 25 leaves per species, all values differ significantly (P < 0.001) between the two species, FL = failure
load, (T. = tensile strength, W = toughness, E = modulus of elasticity, e, = failure strain. Units for each set of parameters are indicated.
Taxon FL (N) (T. (MPa) W (J/m ) E (MPa) E

Prunus serrulata 7.44 t 1.4 0.88 ± 0.2 0.107 ± 0.03 8.52 ± 2.5 18.59 ± 2.8
Heteromeles arbutifolia 46.73 ± 7.3 3.28 ± 0.5 0.555 ± 0.16 40.87 ± 6.94 24.62 ± 4.0

Pressure volume curves-Pressurevolume curves revealed DISCUSSION

significant differences (P < 0.05) in the turgor loss point (tlp),
osmotic potential (T,J, and bulk modulus of elasticity (s0 ) This study demonstrates that there are both quantitative and
between the two species. Heteromneles arbutifolia exhibited qualitative differences in biomechanical properties between the
higher values for all parameters derived from the curves (Table mesophytic leaves of P. serrulata and the sclerophyllous
3). Typically, leaves of H. arbutifolia would remain rigid well leaves of H. arbutifolia. Previous studies investigating the me-
below the turgor loss point to approximately 50% relative wa- chanical properties of leaves have either used simple systems
ter content, below which they would show structural damage like grasses (Vincent, 1982, 1991; Greenberg et al., 1989) or
from the force exerted by the pressure chamber and no further have restricted measurements to mesophyll tissue and minor
measurements could be obtained. In contrast, the leaves of P. veins by using punch or shear type of techniques (Choong et
serrulata became flaccid even before reaching the turgor loss al., 1992; Edwards, Read, and Sanson, 2000). Our interests in
point and typically were damaged by the pressure chamber this experiment focused on the mechanical behavior of whole
before reaching 75% relative water content (data not shown). leaves with complex venation and internal architecture. Tis-
sues in dicotyledonous leaves can vary widely in their me-
Leaf anatomy-Leaves of P. serrulata and H. arbutifolia chanical properties (Vincent, 1990; Niklas, 1992). For exam-
differed markedly in their cell and tissue anatomy. Cross sec- ple, although properties such as leaf thickness and shape may
tions of P. serrulata(Fig. 2) revealed a thin cuticle on a small affect absolute values for punch, shear, or tensile strength mea-
unilayered adaxial epidermis with numerous epidermal hairs surements, more often specific components such as vascular
that were also present on the abaxial epidermis. These tri- bundles or the epidermis (Niklas, 1990, 1999) are responsible
chomes were embedded in columns of collenchyma cells (ep- for bearing the bulk of the stresses due to leaf positioning,
ithem) that branched off from the secondary veins to both the gravity, and wind effects and, thus, have correspondingly high-
abaxial and adaxial epidemal layers (not shown). A single lay- er mechanical values than other tissues such as the mesophyll.
er of palisade mesophyll cells was observed, and spongy me- This can be illustrated by observing a wilting tomato leaf or
sophyll appeared isodiametric and loosely packed. In contrast, that of a deciduous tree such as maple or cherry where the
cross sections of H. arbutifolia (Fig. 3) revealed a prominent lamina remains upright solely due to the stability of the midrib
cuticle on the adaxial epidermis devoid of hairs or trichomes, and major veins. Pressure volume curves on H. arbutifolia
but like P. serrulataleaves have columns of epithem cells that leaves sampled in the fall revealed that this species exhibits
spanned from the secondary veins to both epidermal layers. osmotic potentials below 3 MPa and turgor loss points of 85%
There were two to three layers of densely packed palisade relative water content (Table 3) that may also depend upon the
mesophyll cells, and spongy mesophyll that were also closely age of the leaf and the season (Davis and Mooney, 1986a).
packed and appearing tightly interconnected. However, leaves of this species do not wilt even if dried to
Paradermal sections of the abaxial half of the leaves of P. substantially below the turgor loss point (R. A. Balsamo, per-
serrulata revealed a loose assemblage of spongy mesophyll sonal observation). In contrast, mature leaves of P. serrulata
cells and a much higher incidence of reticulation and closer in the fall have osmotic potentials and turgor loss points of
spacing of veins, most likely due to its occurrence in more about 1.5 MPa and 93%, respectively (Table 3), and show
mesic habitats (Fig. 4). In contrast, the paradermal sections of signs of wilting even earlier (R. A. Balsamo, personal obser-
H. arbutifolia clarified the tight, interconnected nature of the vation). This discrepancy in the mechanical properties of di-
spongy mesophyll cells (Fig. 5). In addition, spongy meso- cotyledonous leaves and the consequent complexity in inter-
phyll cells were much larger in H. arbutifolia and were irreg- pretations is probably one reason why there are so few studies
ular to ameboid rather than isodiametric in shape. In cross reported (Vincent, 1990; Edwards, Read, and Sanson, 2000).
section, the adaxial cuticle of P. serrulata was 2.40 t 0.4 «Lm However, the differences in leaf morphological behavior dur-
and the abaxial cuticle was 0.88 t 0.1 p1m. In H. arbutifolia ing water loss is precisely the reason why the studies outlined
the adaxial cuticle was 26.50 ± 2.9 lim and the abaxial cuticle in this manuscript were undertaken on whole leaves and not
was 11.50 t 2.9 pm (N = 10 different leaf cross sections per isolated tissue fragments.
species). Tensile strength experiments on whole leaves can be eval-
uated with respect to the absolute values obtained as well as
TABLE 3. Pressure volume curve parameters. N = 6 leaves per species,
to the interaction of various components by analysis of the
all values differ significantly (P < 0.05) between the two species, resultant stress-strain curves. Although the sclerophyllous
tlp = turgor loss point, RWC = relative water content, ,, = os- leaves of H. arbutifolia were roughly 2.5-fold thicker and had
motic potential, e, = bulk modulus of elasticity. Units for each set a 35% higher dry mass/fresh mass ratio (Table 1), with the
of parameters are indicated. exception of the failure strain (for which there was a 25%
Taxon tip (%RWC) .,(MPa) E, (MPa)
difference), the sclerophyllous leaves had biomechanical val-
ues that were four- to six-fold higher than the mesophyte
Prunis serrulata 93.13 ± 0.01 1.54 ± 0.10 16.93 + 2.83 leaves (Table 2). This suggests that more than just leaf mor-
Heteromneles arbutifolia 84.83 ± 0.04 3.15 ± 0.48 21.83 ± 3.76
phology may be involved in the determination of structural

.11 . ! 'r . 11
f__ , I" -
,-- li,-t-
': , i::_14:5 f .14
Fis.23 ScnIng -eai b picture p h
Figs. 2-3. Scanning electron micrograph of PHeteros serreslataleaf cross section. Top picture photographed at 500x, bottom picture photographed at 130X.
Bar = 50Bam. 3. Scanning electon micrograph of Heteromeles arbutifolia leaf cross section, Top picture photographed at 40.X, bottom picture photograpbed
at 80x. Bar = 50 l.Lm.

integrity. Leaves of H. arbutifolia are tougher and stiffer, but vealed ameboid cells with large areas of direct cell contact and
also have a higher failure strain (hence they are more stretchy) an overall interconnected or "netlike" appearance. These cells
than the leaves of P. serrulata. These results may suggest one were also much larger than the spongy mesophyll of P. ser-
reason why leaves of sclerophylls are more tolerant of dehy- rulata. These results suggest that the qualitative differences
dration than their more mesic counterparts and why they do seen in the stress-strain curves of these two species may have
not wilt nor. are they visibly damaged even when severely been influenced by the differences in internal anatomy of the
water stressed. two leaf types. It is also possible that there may be differences
Analysis df the stress-strain curves of individual leaf pulls in the chemical compositions of the cell walls that may also
reveal qualitative differences between the leaves of the two help to explain these qualitative differences (Vicre et al.,
species studied. particularly the descending curve following 11999). Further studies in this area are warranted.
catastrophic failure of the lamina. In P. serrulata,these curves In conclusion, these studies have demonstrated that despite
are typically ragged with several smaller descending peaks a similar gross morphology, the sclerophyllous leaves of H.
corresponding to snags of stiffer and stronger material that first arbictifolia differ in their mechanical properties compared to
resist then ultimately fail (Fig. 1). Observation during exper- mesic leaves of P. serrulata and that the differences are likely
imentation reveals these "holdout" structures to be the pri- due to a complex interaction of leaf architecture, internal anat-
mary and secondary vascular bundles. In contrast, descending omy, and possibly cell wall chemistry. The wilting of mesic
curves for H, arbutifolia were linear and smooth, suggesting leaves such as those of P. serrulatamay be due primarily to
a more isotropic material that snaps rather than tears (Fig. 1). their internal design and the anisotropic nature of their vas-
It was the difference in the stress-strain curves of these species cular and ground tissues. The fact that sclerophyllous leaves
that prompted the examination of the leaf intemal anatomy. like H. arbutifolia do not wilt even under severe water stress
Examination of the leaf architecture of both species revealed may be an important factor in their ability to survive episodes
significant differences in mesophyll cell size, shape, and po- of dehydration without mechanical damage. These studies sug-
sitions within the lamina. Mesophyll cells of P. serrulatawere gest that leaf anatomy, i.e., the specific interaction of meso-
much smaller and both palisade and spongy layers appeared phyll cells with each other may play a larger role in tolerance
loosely packed when compared to H. arbutifolia (Figs. 2, 3). to dehydration than has generally been acknowledged. A me-
In P. serrulata, the spongy mesophyll cells were isodiametric chanically tougher and stiffer leaf could translate into an abil-
in shape and in both SEM (Fig. 2) and light microscopy sec- ity to survive water potentials and relative water contents that
tions (Fig. 4) showed only small regions of adjacent cells that fall below the turgor loss point of the tissues. Further, bio-
were in direct physical contact. Conversely, cross sections mechanical techniques may prove to be a useful predictive tool
(Fig. 3) and paradermal sections (Fig. 5) of H. arbutifolia re- in determining the behavior of leaves during drought. These

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TITLE: Leaf Biomechanics, Morphology, and Anatomy of the

Deciduous Mesophyte Prunus serrulata (Rosaceae) and
the Evergreen Sclerophyllous Shrub Heteromeles
arbutifolia (Rosaceae)
SOURCE: Am J Bot 90 no1 Ja 2003
WN: 0300104652008

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