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adjective: bad; comparative adjective: worse; superlative adjective: worst; comparative adjective:
badder; superlative adjective: baddest


of poor quality or a low standard.

"a bad diet"

synonyms: substandard, poor, inferior, second-rate, second-class, unsatisfactory, inadequate,

unacceptable, not up to scratch, not up to par, deficient, imperfect, defective, faulty,
shoddy, amateurish, careless, negligent; More

dreadful, awful, terrible, abominable, frightful, atrocious, disgraceful, deplorable, hopeless,

worthless, laughable, lamentable, miserable, sorry, third-rate, diabolical, execrable;

incompetent, inept, inexpert, ineffectual;

informalcrummy, rotten, pathetic, useless, woeful, bum, lousy, ropy, appalling, abysmal,
pitiful, godawful, dire, poxy, not up to snuff, the pits;

informalduff, chronic, rubbish, pants, a load of pants;

vulgar slangcrap, shit, chickenshit;


"bad workmanship"
antonyms: good, excellent, skilled

(of a person) not able to do a particular thing well.

"I'm so bad at names"

not appropriate in a particular situation.

"morning was a bad time to ask Andy about anything"

synonyms: inauspicious, disadvantageous, adverse, difficult, inopportune, unpropitious, inappropriate,

unsuitable, unfavorable, unfortunate, untoward;


"a recession is a bad time to try and sell a business"

antonyms: good


not such as to be hoped for or desired; unpleasant or unwelcome.

"bad weather"

synonyms: unpleasant, disagreeable, unwelcome, unfortunate, unfavorable, unlucky, adverse, nasty;


terrible, dreadful, awful, grim, distressing, regrettable;


"bad news"

antonyms: good

(of something causing pain, danger, or other unwelcome consequences) severe or serious.

"bad headaches"

synonyms: severe, serious, grave, critical, grievous, acute, dreadful, terrible, awful, ghastly, dire, grim,
frightful, shocking; More


"a bad accident"

antonyms: minor, slight

unfavorable; adverse.

"bad reviews"

having a harmful effect on.

"soap was bad for his face"

synonyms: harmful, damaging, detrimental, undesirable, injurious, hurtful, inimical, dangerous,

destructive, ruinous, deleterious; More

unhealthy, unwholesome

"the alcohol is having a bad effect on her health"

antonyms: good, beneficial


failing to conform to standards of moral virtue or acceptable conduct.

"the bad guys"

synonyms: wicked, sinful, immoral, evil, morally wrong, corrupt, base, black-hearted, reprobate,
depraved, degenerate, dissolute, amoral; More

criminal, villainous, nefarious, iniquitous, dishonest, dishonorable, unscrupulous,


informalcrooked, bent, dirty;


"she had heard about him and his dissolute, bad life"

antonyms: virtuous

(of language) using words generally considered offensive; vulgar.


(of a part of the body) injured, diseased, or painful.

"a bad back"

synonyms: injured, wounded, diseased; More

informalgammy, knackered;



"a bad knee"

(of a person) unwell.

"I tried medication but felt even worse the next morning"

synonyms: ill, unwell, sick, not (very) well, ailing, poorly, sickly, peaky, afflicted, indisposed, infirm,
liverish; More

out of sorts, not oneself, not in good shape, not up to par, under/below par, in a bad way;

bedridden, invalided, on the sick list, valetudinarian;

queasy, nauseous, nauseated;

weak, feeble, frail;

diseased, infected;

off color;

informalunder the weather, not up to snuff, laid up, dicky, funny, peculiar, iffy, crummy,
lousy, rough, groggy, green about the gills, at death's door, like death warmed up;

informalropy, grotty;



vulgar slangcrappy;

datedqueer, seedy

"if you still feel bad, stay in bed"


(of food) decayed; putrid.

"everything in the fridge went bad"

synonyms: rotten, off, decayed, decomposed, decomposing, putrid, putrefied, putrescent, moldy,
moldering; More

sour, rancid, rank, unfit for human consumption;


maggoty, worm-eaten, wormy, flyblown;

rareputrefactive, putrefacient

"the meat's gone bad"

antonyms: fresh

(of the atmosphere) polluted; unhealthy.

"bad air"


regretful, guilty, or ashamed about something.

"she feels bad about ending their engagement"

synonyms: guilty, conscience-stricken, remorseful, guilt-ridden, ashamed, chastened, contrite, sorry,

full of regret, regretful, repentant, penitent, shamefaced, self-reproachful, apologetic

"George always felt bad after shouting at her"

antonyms: unrepentant


worthless; not valid.

"he ran up 87 bad checks"

synonyms: invalid, worthless; More

counterfeit, fake, false, spurious, fraudulent;

informalbogus, phoney, dud

"a bad check"

informal•North American

good; excellent.

"they want the baddest, best-looking Corvette there is"


informal•North American

adverb: bad


"he beat her up real bad"


from bad to worse

into an even worse state. "the country's going from bad to worse"

in a bad way
ill or in trouble. "Sammy shivered. He was in a bad way"

my bad
used to acknowledge responsibility for a mistake. "Sorry about the confusion. It's my bad"

not bad
fairly good. "she discovered he wasn't so bad after all"

to the bad
to ruin. "I hate to see you going to the bad"

too bad
used to indicate that something is regrettable but is now beyond retrieval. "too bad, but that's the way
it is"


Middle English: perhaps from Old English bǣddel ‘hermaphrodite, womanish man’.

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Bad | Definition of Bad by Merriam-Webster › dictionary › bad



Definition of bad. (Entry 1 of 3) 1a : failing to reach an acceptable standard : poor a bad repair job. b :
unfavorable make a bad impression. c : not fresh : spoiled bad fish.

BAD | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary › dictionary › english › bad


bad meaning: 1. unpleasant and causing difficulties or harm: 2. fairly good or satisfactory: 3. very good: .
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People also ask

What does being bad mean?

bad, evil, and wicked mean not doing or being what is right. bad is used of anyone or anything that a
person might dislike or find fault with. He had to stay after school for bad behavior. evil is a more
powerful word than bad and is used for something of bad moral character.Jul 20, 2019

Bad | Definition of Bad by Merriam-Webster › dictionary › bad

Search for: What does being bad mean?

What is another word for bad things?

unpleasant, disagreeable, unwelcome, unfortunate, unfavourable, unlucky, adverse, nasty. terrible,

dreadful, awful, grim, distressing, regrettable. archaic, humorous parlous.

bad | Synonyms of bad by Lexico Thesaurus › synonym › bad

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What is the baddest in the dictionary?

When talking about the least desirable outcome, the word you want to use is "worst". Many wouldn't
accept "baddest" as a proper word at all. "Baddest" is common slang though, especially when used in
conjunction with "biggest". Its usage comes from using "Bad" as slang word to mean "Cool" or
"Tough".Aug 22, 2012

grammaticality - Is "baddest" a proper word? - English Language ... › questions › is-baddest-a-proper-word

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What is the definition of a bad kid?

The adjective, petulant, is a disapproving term used to describe a bad-tempered child, an adult behaving
like an angry child or behavior of this type. Angry or annoyed mean the same thing, but if you choose
the word, petulant, you are indicating that it is unreasonable or unjustified.

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bad - Urban Dictionary › define › term=bad


Get a bad mug for your grandma Riley. 2 ... I can't go to the club without a man/woman tellin me how
bad i am. ... Bad meaning you have a great body and it's fit.

Bad definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary › dictionary › english › bad



Bad definition: Something that is bad is unpleasant, harmful, or undesirable . | Meaning, pronunciation,
translations and examples.

Bad | Definition of Bad at › browse › bad


The adjective bad meaning “unpleasant, unattractive, unfavorable, spoiled, etc.,” is the usual form to
follow such copulative verbs as sound, smell, look, and taste: After the rainstorm the water tasted bad.

bad - Dictionary Definition : › dictionary › bad


When something is not good, it's bad. A bad dog goes to the bathroom in the house, and bad milk has
gone sour. Bad has slightly different meanings depending on what it's describing, but the overall idea is
the same: not good. If you get a bad connection on the telephone, there's something wrong with the
line or phone.

Bad - definition of bad by The Free Dictionary › bad


Define bad. bad synonyms, bad pronunciation, bad translation, English dictionary definition of bad. not
good: bad luck; wicked; defective: a bad part; unsound; ...

Bad dictionary definition | bad defined - YourDictionary › bad


bad definition: The definition of bad is something that is wrong in some way, something that is not
working properly, or has negative qualities. (adjective) An ...

What does BAD mean? - BAD Definition - Meaning of BAD ... › BAD-meaning-definition


This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of BAD is. The slang word / acronym /
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What does bad mean? bad Definition. Meaning of bad ... › meaning-definition-of › bad



This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of bad is. The slang word / phrase / acronym
bad means... . Online Slang Dictionary. A list of slang ...

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