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I give my thanks to God, because with his blessings and gifts, I was given the opportunity to work to
complete this paper, where this paper is to fulfill the task of Scientific Work subjects. And do not
forget, I say thank you to my supervisor and also all my friends. This compiled paper will discuss the
Impacts and Effects of Illegal Logging Actions in Indonesia which are very detrimental, the
information provided in this paper is based on my thoughts and also based on existing data. I know that
in this paper there are many shortcomings both from writing errors and other errors. I apologize
because I am practically a beginner in the field of paper making, so that constructive criticism and
advice will be highly expected so that I can correct mistakes and develop better in making papers later.

1.1 Background of the Problem

Indonesia is an agrarian country, which consists of vast land and waters. Indonesia has a lot of islands
separated by oceans. Indonesia has always been known as a fertile area (mainland). There are so many
land areas of our country that are used as agricultural and plantation areas, this is because the land of
Indonesia is known to be fertile so it is good for the development of the sector. But more and more the
situation of our country is changing. Along with the development of industrial technology, many fertile
agricultural lands and plantations are built on top of industrial and urban factories. The development of
the times is also followed by the increasing number of inhabitants who inhabit our beloved country. As
a result, agricultural and plantation land is increasingly narrow, which is due to land clearing to meet
the needs of our food and clothing and shelter. In addition, there is also a large amount of land being
polluted with waste and a high content of chemicals present in our soil. Lots of plantation lands that
used to be still green can be said of existing vegetation that is still sufficient now to be a dry and bare
area. This is all inseparable from the actions of humans themselves who are less responsible. Basically
everything we do will come back to all of us later. From the aforementioned activities, it is definitely
the reason why there are so many natural disasters such as lonsor, floods, etc. Deforestation that does
not follow the selective logging procedure becomes the most fundamental thing which causes our
forest areas which should be dense with trees to become parched. Of these, many feel the impact both
directly and indirectly. Many animals descend into residential areas, this is because they no longer
have a suitable place for themselves. They also lack food, so many of them are attacking our
agriculture. If we are aware, humans are often harmed because of their own actions. Not only animals
are harmed, but here the most disadvantaged is the universe. So do not be surprised if there are so
many floods, landslides, etc. that occur in the area around us.

Humanity is less concerned with the norms of life or replacing the norms that should be with the norms
of creation and its own interests. Modern humans face nature almost without using conscience. Nature
is exploited and polluted without feeling guilty. As a result there has been a drastic decline in the
quality of natural resources such as the disappearance of some species from the face of the earth,
which was also followed by a decline in the quality of nature. Thus the environmental problem is
nothing but a matter of how to develop a philosophy of life that can regulate and develop human
existence in relation to nature. Environmental damage issues present complex ethical issues. Because
although basically nature itself has been recognized as truly having value and value, in reality pollution
and destruction continue to occur. We will realize that our relationship with future generations will not
be reciprocal. Therefore there is a theory of environmental ethics that specifically gives weight to the
interests of future generations in discussing this environmental issue. Whatever we do with nature will
affect them. This statement also gave rise to several views on environmental ethics in its approach to
nature and the environment.

Indonesia is a country that has quite extensive forests. Nearly 90 percent of the world's forests are
collectively owned by Indonesia and 44 other countries. In fact, this country is also referred to as the
lungs of the world. Indonesia's forests have the highest biodiversity in the world, although the land
area is only 1.3 percent of the land area on the surface of the earth. Its biological wealth reaches 11
percent of plant species found on the surface of the earth. In addition, there are 10 percent of mammal
species out of the total earth mammals, and 16 percent of bird species in the world.
In addition, the Government also claimed, up to 2005, Indonesia had 126.8 million hectares of
forest area with various functional divisions. Namely, the function of conservation (23.2 million
hectares), protected areas (32.4 million hectares), limited production forests (21.6 million hectares),
production forests (35.6 million hectares), and conversion production forests (14, 0 million hectares).
But the country's assets were damaged by irresponsible persons through illegal logging. Illegal logging
or the term in English is illegal logging, which is illegal logging, transportation and sale of timber or
not having permission from local authorities.
Illegal Logging according to Law No. 41/1999 on Forestry is an unlawful act carried out by
every person / group of people or legal entity in the field of forestry and trading of forest products in
the form of cutting down or collecting timber forest products (HHK) from forest areas without
permission, receiving or buying HHK that is allegedly illegally collected, and transporting or
possessing HHK that is not equipped with a Certificate of Legality of Forest Products (SKSHH). Over
the last ten years, the rate of forest destruction in Indonesia has reached two million hectares per year.
Illegal logging (illegal logging) is the biggest cause of forest destruction.
According to 2006 data from the Ministry of Forestry, the area of damaged and non-functioning
forests has reached 59.6 million hectares from 120.35 million hectares of forest area in Indonesia, with
deforestation rates in the last five years reaching 2.83 million hectares per year. If this condition is
maintained, where Sumatra and Kalimantan have lost their forests, the forests in Sulawesi and Papua
will experience the same thing. According to World Bank analysis, forests in Sulawesi are expected to
disappear in 2010.

2.1 Definition of Illegal Logging

Indonesia is a country that has quite extensive forests. Nearly 90 percent of the world's forests are
collectively owned by Indonesia and 44 other countries. In fact, this country is also referred to as the
lungs of the world. Indonesia's forests have the highest biodiversity in the world, although the land
area is only 1.3 percent of the land area on the surface of the earth. Its biological wealth reaches 11
percent of plant species found on the surface of the earth. In addition, there are 10 percent of mammal
species out of the total earth mammals, and 16 percent of bird species in the world.
In addition, the Government also claimed, up to 2005, Indonesia had 126.8 million hectares of
forest area with various functional divisions. Namely, the function of conservation (23.2 million
hectares), protected areas (32.4 million hectares), limited production forests (21.6 million hectares),
production forests (35.6 million hectares), and conversion production forests (14, 0 million hectares).
But the country's assets were damaged by irresponsible persons through illegal logging. Illegal logging
or the term in English is illegal logging, which is illegal logging, transportation and sale of timber or
not having permission from local authorities.
Illegal Logging according to Law No. 41/1999 on Forestry is an unlawful act carried out by
every person / group of people or legal entity in the field of forestry and trading of forest products in
the form of cutting down or collecting timber forest products (HHK) from forest areas without
permission, receiving or buying HHK that is allegedly illegally collected, and transporting or
possessing HHK that is not equipped with a Certificate of Legality of Forest Products (SKSHH). Over
the last ten years, the rate of forest destruction in Indonesia has reached two million hectares per year.
Illegal logging (illegal logging) is the biggest cause of forest destruction.

According to 2006 data from the Ministry of Forestry, the area of damaged and non-functioning
forests has reached 59.6 million hectares from 120.35 million hectares of forest area in Indonesia, with
deforestation rates in the last five years reaching 2.83 million hectares per year. If this condition is
maintained, where Sumatra and Kalimantan have lost their forests, the forests in Sulawesi and Papua
will experience the same thing. According to World Bank analysis, forests in Sulawesi are expected to
disappear in 2010.

2.2 Factors that Cause Illegal Logging

The factors causing illegal logging are logging to obtain wood and land conversion for other
uses, such as plantations, agriculture and settlements. As time goes by the population increase from
day to day more rapidly, causing pressure on the need for shelter, trees are cut down to be used as a
residence or used as agricultural land. Another factor is poverty and employment factors. Generally
this happens to people who live near or in the forest. In the midst of the difficult competition in the
world of work and the crush of the economy, people inevitably work as illegal loggers and from here
the community can sustain their lives. This is what sometimes the barons like to use to exploit forest
products without permission from the authorities. However, if you see the wage, it is nothing
compared to the consequences that will be felt later.
In addition, also regarding aspects of the performance of the apparatus on the ground, forest
sustainability is a shared responsibility. One way is to form an apparatus whose job is not only to guard
but also oversee the misuse of forest functions. But in reality the performance of the apparatus in this
field is still not going well due to the imbalance of the number of personnel of the supervisors with the
total area of forests in Indonesia so that this illegal logging action may be possible because it escapes
the officers' supervision. Not infrequently there are also supervisory officers who still make a
"compromise" with illegal logging perpetrators so that it will further aggravate the existing conditions.
Rapid technological development so that the ability of people to exploit forests, especially for illegal
logging is increasingly easy to do. With the development of technology to cut down trees, it takes a
long time, because the tools are increasingly sophisticated. Wood is still the belle of Regional Original
Revenue. Commercial production includes wood and its processed production, palm oil production,
and other plantations.

2.3 Impact of Illegal Logging

Ø Extinction of various biological varieties

Illegal logging that is increasingly rife will certainly destroy or even eliminate the original habitat of
various flora and fauna. With the destruction of their habitat, they will be in trouble
to carry on their lives, such as difficulty in finding food due to their food source being cut down, there
is no place to breed and so on. A concrete example is the population of forest people who are
threatened with extinction, especially on Kalimantan Island due to illegal logging and the conversion
of forest functions into oil palm plantations. In addition, Sumatran elephant populations are also
threatened with extinction due to logging.
Ø Cause Natural Disasters
Trees are cut down so that the number is increasingly decreasing causing the forest to no longer be
able to absorb rainwater that drops in large quantities, so that water cannot seep into the ground. Of
course, this can cause flooding.
Ø Depletion of Water Reserves
As we know, one of the functions of forests is a place for water reserves. With more and more
The rise of illegal logging will reduce the existence of forests, so clean water reserves will also be
reduced. That is why, in Indonesia water drought often occurs especially in the dry season.
Ø Damaging the Soil Layer
When the existence of a forest decreases, the forest will not be optimal to carry out its function of
protecting the soil layer so that it will increase the probability of erosion that will later cause the soil
layer to disappear and be damaged.
Ø Causes of Global Warming
Global warming has an impact in the form of natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia, such as
whirlwinds, frequent high waves, and the difficulty of predicting the weather which causes farmers
who are the majority of the population in Indonesia often experience crop failure. Global warming also
results in increasingly high world temperatures, so that the polar ice caps melt which causes the islands
of the world to be increasingly lost and the higher the sea water volume. Global warming occurs by the
greenhouse effect and lack of CO2 absorption areas like forests. Indonesia's forests, which are the
lungs of the world, have been destroyed by the actions of illegal loggers.

Ø Decreasing State Revenue

From an economic perspective illegal logging activities have reduced the country's foreign exchange
revenues and state revenues. Various sources state that the state losses caused by illegal logging reach
Rp 30 trillion per year.
Ø Viewed from the social aspect,
Illegal logging causes various conflicts over forest rights, conflicts over authority to manage forests
between the central government and regional governments and local indigenous peoples.
Ø Viewed from the cultural aspect
Illegal logging can trigger community dependence on forests which in turn will be able to change the
perspective and behavior of local indigenous people towards the forest.

2.4 Solution to deal with Illegal Logging

1. Reforestation or replanting of bare forests.
2. Implement a selective cutting system in felling trees.
3. Environmental manipulation and pest and disease control can also be done to restore forests in
4. Intensive forest planting is the best choice because it can be predicted. Thus, the need for wood can
be calculated without having to damage the natural forest habitat that is still good
5. Impose severe sanctions for those who violate the provisions on forest management. For example,
with surveillance and enforcement efforts carried out at the crime scene (the scene of the case), namely
in the location of the forest area where illegal timber is developed. Considering the existing forest area
is quite extensive and not proportional to the number of existing officers, so this effort is difficult to be
reliable, except for establishing cooperation with local communities. This will also be difficult if the
community members actually benefit materially from illegal logging.
6. Another effort that can also be done is to optimize the posts where retribution withdrawals are
mostly found on the edges of the road outside the city. The retribution post clerk only does the work of
pulling money from trucks carrying wood, that's all. In addition to withdrawing the levies, it should
also simultaneously check documents that legalize the transportation of wood. With checking measures
like this, psychologically it is expected to be used as an effort to shock therapy for truck drivers and
financiers. Besides that, routine patrols in the watershed should also be used as a transport path for
timber to get to the final terminal, the log yard
7. The third attempt is to trace the terminal / final destination of illegal timber transportation, and
usually that goal is a company or industry that requires raw materials from wood. This effort is
considered effective enough to tackle illegal logging. Companies or industries like this can be accused
of carrying out "detention". The act of accommodating illegal wood by companies, which in
conventional legal language the Criminal Code is referred to as such detention, can be categorized as
corporate crime.

Illegal logging is one of the cases in the Indonesian forestry sector that cannot
underestimated, given the negative impacts that occur both directly and indirectly are quite significant
in everyday people's lives. Illegal logging is a symptom that arises due to various complex problems
involving many parties from various layers. Plus, if this practice is still carried out with high intensity,
it will threaten
the lives of our children and grandchildren in the future. Therefore, there needs to be intensive
attention and solid cooperation between parties.

With regard to illegal logging, it is better for all parties to work together in minimizing this practice,
because without the cooperation between the government and the community, then the practice of
illegal logging will be difficult to minimize the presentation. In addition, the eradication of illegal
logging is not the responsibility of a single group, but the whole society without exception. The
government should carry out its functions properly and properly as an apparatus that oversees and
enforces applicable laws, not to become violators (perpetrators) of the rules that have been was made.
In addition, the government also needs to establish or establish partnerships with the community. With
this partnership, between parties it will be easier to communicate and work together. On the other
hand, the community should be able to be sensitive control over the performance of the government in
exercising its functions and actively participate in combating illegal logging, not just being able to
blame and corner the government without doing anything that will make the atmosphere worse without
a clear solution.

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