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- Came from the Latin word “Re-velare” which means “to lift the veil/to disclose”
- God’s communication of himself to the human being

He revealed His IMMANENCE and TRANSENDENCE characteristics.

Faithful All powerful
Loving Omnipotent
Forgiving Omniscient
Gracious Jealous (Monotheism)

Immanence refers to the idea of 'the divine' being present in the world we all
inhabit. Transcendence refers to an idea of divinity that is wholly separate from our
universe and our universal laws.

- So that in the end, we will not have a reason to tell God that we didn’t know
because he has revealed himself.
- Creation gave birth to RELIGION from Latin word RELIGARE which means
“Relationship between God and human being”

A. Experience and Revelation
a. Ordinary Experience – concerned with the invisible imperishable of
objects out there (secular world)
b. Death Experience e – brings us into the invisible but real world
medicated by meaning experience of truth, beauty, and love.
c. Religious Experience- moment of life when we perceive the world of
meaning as grounded in the transcended and immanent reality in life.

B. Faith and Revelation –

a. Ability to “see beyond” the merely human.
b. Faith is also grace & gift from God.
Freely Given
Used & Shared – the receiver should become an instrument of
God by using his gift to serve him.
- 5 Avenues of God’s Revelation

1. CREATION - At the very heart of God’s creation are God’s goodness and God’s self-gift
2. HISTORY – Jewish people understood their history as meaningful, as giving evidence of a
divine plan with a promise for the future.
To make the people a light to the world
Or “Salt to the World” (to give flavor to the life – Jesus’ version
3. PROPHECY – from the Greek word PRO which means “FOR IN BEHALF” & PHETES which
means “SPEAKER”
- Prophets prophesying are people speaking in behalf of God. They are God’s messenger
which means they can’t choose what they are going to say but only what God has exactly
4. JESUS CHRIST – by becoming a man like us, He revealed everything we need to know
about God, using a language we can understand and can relate to.
- He is the fullness of God’s revelation

 Goal: He is the key, the center, and the purpose of the whole of man’s history in whose
image we are all conformed.
 Content: He is the content of God’s revelation, the Revealed One.
 Agent of Revelation: Christ is the revealer; through His part in creation, through His
becoming a man, through His hidden and public life, and especially through His passion,
death, and resurrection. After His resurrection, the risen Christ continues His revelation
by sending us the Holy Spirit, which is the spirit of God.

5. CHURCH – God speaks through church, from the Priest’s preaching to the lives of the
people who serves as an example to all.

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