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Reyes, Marco

Tourism Policy – Policy refers to an overall, high-level plan that includes goals and

procedures. Policies are generally found in formal statements such as laws and official

documents and statements. Tourism Policy is generally considered to be an area of a nation’s

overall economic policy. It is a public policy designed to achieve specific objectives relevant to

tourism established at the municipal, state or federal level.

More generally, tourism policy should reflect the overall development policy of the

country or region so that tourism is well integrated with it. Policy also evolves from the survey

and analysis of present tourism development patterns and infrastructure, tourist attractions and

activities, and the tourist market.

Tourism Planning - is the process of considering the needs of people planning a trip and

using those factors to determine the best resources, programs and activities for their

trip. Tourism planning is intended for local residents and businesses of the location, as well

as tourists who travel there.

Dimensions of Tourism – is loaded with valuable facts and ideas for hospitality

professionals who want to develop their property or community as a tourist

destination. Dimensions of Tourism helps the reader plan services, offers innovative marketing

strategies, and provides ideas for shaping tourism policies.

 Level

 International

 National

 Regional

 Sub- Regional.

 Time Frame

 Short Term ( 2 Yrs or Less)

 Medium Term (2 – 5 Yrs )

 Long Term ( 5 Yrs Up)

 Scope

 Comprehensive “Master Plan”

 One Aspect

 Spatial Units

 Tourist site

 Tourist Dev. Area

 Tourism Cluster

 Tourism Corridor

 Tourism Circuits

Tourism site – area that contains 1 or more tourist attractions.

4 Categories of attractions:

1. Geo-Physical ( Land Scape)

2. Ecological ( Biological)

3. Cultural ( Historical )
4. Recreational

Tourism Dev. Area

 Area designated for possessing and important site or groups of tourist site.

 Any town or city that has one or more tourist sites considered as TDA.

Tourism Cluster

 Composed of two or more TDA (consist of towns located in different provinces.)

Tourism Circuit

 Route involving at least three major tourist destinations in which are located in different


Tourist Attraction - a place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its inherent or an

exhibited natural or cultural value, historical significance, natural or built beauty, offering leisure

and amusement.

Types of Tourist Attraction:

 Traditional Tourist Attraction

 Beaches

 Island resorts

 National Parks

 Mountains

 Deserts

 Forest
 Cultural Tourist Attractions

 Historical Places

 Monuments

 Ancient Temples

 Zoos

 Museums

 Art Galleries

 Botanical Gardens

 Castles

 Libraries

 Skyscrapers

 Factory Tours

 Industrial Heritage

 Creative art and crafts workshops

Tourism Supply & Demand

Supply – The supply of all assets, services and goods to be enjoyed or bought by visitors and

occasioned by the journeys of visitors, it is also consist of an amalgamation or mix of attractions.

Tourism supply shapes the demand for tourism in a country.

Demand – The total number of persons who travel or wish to travel and use tourist facilities and

services at places away from their places of work or residence.

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