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Tutankhamun ruled during the 18th Dynasty, becoming pharaoh at the age of 9. He
was pharaoh between 1332 and 1323 BC. He moved the capital to Thebes and
returned Egyptian religion to a focus on Amun, a previously worshiped God, instead
of Aten. His short rule left a very small impact on Egypt. Today, he is famous for the
treasures found in his tomb during the 1920’s. His tomb is also said to be cursed;
dozens of people have died after coming into contact with it.

2. Cleopatra VII
Cleopatra VII is one of the most well-known of the ancient Egyptian rulers. She has
been depicted in movies, plays, and books. She inherited her position after the
death of her father, King Ptolemy XII. She did not, however, rule alone. Because of
the laws prohibiting women from ruling the kingdom, she was forced to share her
position first with her younger brother and later with her son. She claimed to be the
Egyptian goddess Isis and later the Greek goddess Aphrodite, thus paying tribute to
her Greek heritage. She came into rule during a time when the Roman Empire had
control over the Egyptian Kingdom and demanded payment. In order to secure an
alliance with the Roman Empire, Cleopatra VII formed relationships with Caesar and
Mark Antony. She ruled until her death on August 12, 30 BC.

3. Ramses II
Ramses II is considered one of the most powerful kings of Egypt of the New
Kingdom. He ruled during the 19th Dynasty from 1279 until 1213 BC. Some of his
greatest accomplishments while in power were the great monuments he had built. In
fact, during his reign, more structures were built than during any other pharaoh’s
time. Ramses II is also famous for his military achievements which allowed him to
recapture Egyptian territory that had been previously lost under Akhenaten. He was
celebrated by the public and made into a god. He made it his mission to return
Egypt to the religion it had practiced before becoming monotheistic.

4. Djoser
Djoser was an Old Kingdom pharaoh during the 3rd Dynasty. He led the kingdom
through great architectural and agricultural advances as well as improving trade
relationships. His reign is surrounded by legend, however. Stories claim that Egypt
suffered a 7-year famine and Djoser built a temple to honor Khnum, the god that
controlled the flow of the Nile River. Happy with his dedication, Khnum returned the
water to the river, and the famine ended.

5. Khufu
King Khufu ruled during the Old Kingdom, the second Pharaoh of the Fourth
Dynasty. His reign lasted from 2589 to 2566 BC. Perhaps his most well-known
contribution to Egypt was the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, a
monument that is still standing today. Researchers continue to speculate about how
such a massive structure could have been built during that time. It incorporates 2.3
million stones, each weighing between 2 and 15 tons. He left such an impact on the
society, that approximately 2,000 years after his death some Egyptians created a
cult to worship him as a god.

6. Hatshepsut
Another Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, Hatshepsut, became the ruler when her
husband and half-brother, Thutmose II died. His son, by a different wife, was too
young to assume the position at the time and Hatshepsut first became his regent.
She insisted it was her right to rule based on her bloodline and wore the symbols of
a king. Her rule lasted for nearly 20 years. During this time, she ordered various
building projects and sent tradesmen into Punt to bring back foreign goods. During
her time, it was nearly impossible for a woman to rule Egypt and even more rare to
serve as Pharaoh.

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