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7 Point Manifesting Checklist: By Jeannette Maw

How easy is it to manifest what you want?

Super easy! At least, that’s how the system is designed to work. Creating what you
want can be fast, fun, and simple!

At least, when we’re on our best LOA game, that’s how it works. You’ve likely
experienced easy success before, so you know just how well it can unfold when
we’re nicely lined up with what we want.

But sometimes we slow the process up in ways we aren’t consciously aware of.

This checklist is designed to help you remove any of those obstacles and put you
on track for swift manifesting success.

While not every list item is required for effective manifesting, the more you can
check off the better.

Read each item and check off the ones that are true for you. For the items that aren’t
in place yet, that’s where your opportunity lies to enhance your alignment and allow
your favorite dreams to manifest in swift order!

For more support in filling in any of the alignment gaps this checklist helps you
identify, see the resource list below.

7 Point Manifesting Checklist

1. I am clear about what I want.

I can name this desire and give a good description of it. I know specific details aren’t
required (like job title, savings amount, or dream home address), but I am at least
clear about the general idea of it whether it’s a thing, an experience or a feeling
(“perfect home,” “dream job” or “financial freedom.”)

2. I know what it would feel like to have it.

I am familiar enough with the idea of this manifested desire that I can identify how it
would feel when I’m living the success of it, i.e. “satisfied,” “accomplished,” “free,”
“peaceful,” etc.

For More Training:

7 Point Manifesting Checklist: By Jeannette Maw

3. I practice that feeling daily.

Whether through an alignment process like visualizing, affirming, pray rain

journaling, acting as if, etc., I make a point of feeling that way at least once – even if
just for one or two minutes - every day.

4. I put gremlin thoughts in check.

When I notice myself entertaining thoughts that contradict the results I want, I find a
thought that feels better. Fears, doubts, worries, and even naysayers don’t get much
airtime with me.

5. I honor the calls of inspiration.

I recognize when joy is calling, and I know what inspiration feels like. When I hear
this call from within, I act on it. I follow my joy and honor what feels best, knowing
this is my inner guidance showing me the optimal way to what I want.

6. I am relaxed about the how.

I am open to different ways my desire could manifest. I am not fixated on one

particular avenue of delivery. Instead I am relaxed about the how, as well as “when”
and even “whether.”

7. I am enjoying the now.

I am not waiting for my desire to manifest before I have a good time. I know how to
appreciate enjoy life as it is now. While I look forward to seeing my desire manifest, I
am not attached to it and my happiness is not conditional on it.

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7 Point 

1. I am clear about what I want

2. I know what it would feel like to have it

3. I practice that feeling daily

4. I put gremlin thoughts in check

5. I honor the calls of inspiration

6. I am relaxed about the how 

7. I am enjoying the now

7 Point Manifesting Checklist: By Jeannette Maw

Resource List

Read more for whichever items you hadn’t checked off:

1. For getting clear about your desire

2. For knowing how it will feel

3. For practicing that feeling regularly

4. For putting gremlin thoughts in check

5. For taking inspired action

6. For releasing the “hows”

7. For enjoying the present

For more manifesting support, join us at Good Vibe

University where you will learn the methods and
best processes that make the difference in your
conscious creation practice.

Thanks for reading, and happy manifesting!

Love & Miracles –

Jeannette Maw
Good Vibe Coach

For More Training:

7 Point Manifesting Checklist: By Jeannette Maw

About Jeannette
Jeannette Maw is the official manifesting geek and founder
of Good Vibe University, designed to inspire you to embrace
your true manifesting power.

She lives in the mountains of Utah with a menagerie of

rescued animals and volunteers as a foster mom for local
rescue groups.

Find more LOA support at her blog & podcast

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