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Geochimim et Cosmochimiecr Acta Vol. 54, pp. 1535-1553
Copyright 8 1990 Pcrgamon PICSYpk. Rintcdin U.S.A.

Complex&ion by natural heterogeneous compounds: Site occupation distribution functions,

a normalized description of metal complexation
‘Dkpartement de Chimie Minkale, Analytique et Appliqute, Universitk. de GenLve,
Sciences II, 30, Quai Ernest Anwmet, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
‘INRS-Eau, Universid du Qu&ec, Complexe Scientifique, CP 7500, Ste Foy, Qu&ec, Canada, GIV 4C7

(Received June 2, 1989; accepted in revisedform March 12, 1990)

Ahatract-This paper presents a new conceptual approach to interpreting titration curves of metal com-
plexation by physically and chemically heterogeneous natural complexants such as humic acids, clays,
complete soils, or sediments. The physico-chemical and analytical difficulties encountered with such
systems are reviewed by comparison with a system containing only a few simple ligands, followed by
discussion of the new approach on the same basis. It is shown that interpretation of heterogeneous
complexant properties necessitates a preliminary transformation of experimental raw data into a function
sufficiently normalized so as to allow comparison of results obtained under different conditions. A nor-
malized function called a Site Occupation Distribution Function (SODF) and its potential usefulness is
described here. The SODF is a readily computable function which relates the complexation buffer intensity
of the system to the differential free energy of the complexation sites present. Its major interest is that it
enables one to obtain both a rigorous mathematical description of the complexant properties (even when
highly heterogeneous) at the macroscopic level and, in certain cases, an estimation of the molecular-scale
behavior of particular site types.
The relationship of the SODF to other distribution functions proposed in the literature is discussed
and applications are exemplified using simulated and real natural systems. In particular, its utility is
discussed in detail for ( 1) discriminating between different site types (major, minor, dominant, back-
ground), (2) evaluating the degree of heterogeneity of an unknown complexant system, (3) estimating
the nature and true thermodvnamic constants of complexes, and (4) yielding a rigorous definition of
“complexation capacity.”


= Degree of occupation of site type i
(= [Mlb,i/CS,i)
CM (mole/l) =
Total metal ion concentration
a = CM/[W
[M] (mole/l) =
Concentration of free metal ion Ki ( l/mole) = Thermodynamic equilibrium constant of
[Mlb (mole/l) =
Total concentration of bound metal ion the complexes formed between M and
[Mlb,, (mole/l) =
Concentration of metal ions bound to site sites of type i
typei K* (l/mole) = Differential intensity parameter = weighted
Cs (mole/l) = Total complexing site concentration arithmetic mean of thermodynamic equi-
Csi (mole/l) = Concentration of site type i librium constants of all complexes (see
ACs (mole/l) = Concentration of sites with K values in a
Eqn. 1)
given interval A log K K,,, (l/mole) = Equilibrium constant of Freundlich iso-
{ S} t (kg/l) = Total mass concentration of complexant therm
(proportional to the total concentration /.I(mole/ kg) = Complexation buffer intensity ( = d( CM/
of all sites)
{S)*)ldlog [MI)
jX = Cumulative mole fraction of all site type o* (mole/kg) = Dependent variable of the SODF
i, for which Ki 2 jK, wherejK = any par-
(= -d([M],/{S},)/dlogK*)
ticular value of K (‘X =c Cs,/ C’s) I = Slope of a linear DEF or SODF (see Fig.
X = Cumulative mole fraction of sites having 4) and exponent of Freundlich isotherm
an equilibrium constant larger than K CC(mol/kg) = complexation capacity
AXi = Mole fraction of site type i (=Cs,i/C,)
AX = Analogous to AXi, but for complexants
having continuous behaviour (=ACs/Cs) I. BACEGROUND
0 = Degree of occupation of all site types
(=[M]b/Cs),where[M]bandCsareex- 1.1. Introduction
pressed in the same units. Conceptually,
A GREAT AMOUNT OF RESEARCH effort has been devoted
0 is equivalent to the experimental pa-
rameter [M]b/{S}, where {S}, is ex- over the last two decades to studying the aqueous solution
pressed in kg/l chemistry of such environmentally important trace metals
as Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Ni. This interest stems largely from
the known low toxic thresholds exhibited by most aquatic
* Corresponding author. organisms to these and similar metallic elements that are
t Present address: 125 me Legendre, 750 17 Paris, France. introduced into the environment in substantial amounts by
1536 J. Buffle et al.

anthropogenic activities. More particularly, a large number Cl ~, amino acids) through groups of complexants made up
of observations and important questions point to the im- of relatively small-sized compounds having similar properties
portance of understanding the speciation of trace metals in and often with several sites per molecule (e.g., fulvic acids,
natural aquatic environments. Examples include peptides) to high molecular weight compounds or particles
having large numbers of sites per physical entity (e.g.. humic
( 1) the demonstration that, in laboratory experiments, bio-
substances, polysaccharides, hydrous metal oxide surfaces,
logical response is often correlated with the free aquo
clays). Prediction of the fraction of total metal complexed
cation activity (e.g., Cu*+. Cd’+, Pb’+), and not with
with each of the different complexant sites present would
total metal concentration;
require complete knowledge of all physico-chemical param-
(2) the need to understand total metal partitioning between
eters controlling metal speciation. Particularly important in
dissolved, colloidal, and particulate phases in order to
such a description are the complexation equilibrium con-
predict metal migration through groundwater and pore- , 1
water systems;
At present, most of the equilibrium constants for metal
(3) questions concerning the relationship between biological
complexes with natural materials (humics, clays, hydrous
uptake and metal association with other compounds or
metal oxides, soils and sediments, etc.) are either unknown
or too empirical to be of predictive use. A procedure for
(4) the dynamics of free aquo ion activity response to changes
determining sound physico-chemical parameters from raw
in total metal loading or pH (i.e., the metal ion buffer
experimental titration data is needed, but this poses many
capacity of the system).
difficulties. Various interpretation models have been proposed
The speciation of a given metal is defined as the partitioning ( SPOSITO, 1986; BUFFLE, 1988) which make assumptions
of the total metal present in a particular system among all concerning the nature of the reactions involved. Although
possible chemical forms through reactions with all available such models yield adjustable reaction parameters, the chem-
complexant sites (Fig. 1). Complexants are considered here ical meaning of these parameters seems questionable when
to be all compounds, particulate or dissolved, organic or in- the complexity of natural systems is considered. Indeed, any
organic, which can combine with the metal cation ( BUFFLE. CIpriori model which takes this complexity into account must
1988). They range from the most simple ligands (e.g., OH -, include so many independent and non-directly measurable


FIG. 1. Metal complexation by_dissolved _ and particulate complexants in natural systems determines metal ion
buffering response, biological uptake, and transport.
Theory of metal complexation 1537

parameters that no curve fitting procedure would be able to Experimental d#culties

allow discrimination of the most important ones from those
The difficulties involved in measuring classical thermo-
less significant ( CABANISSet al., 1984).
dynamic characteristics of cation complexation in compli-
cated natural complexant systems are daunting. Barring exotic
1.2. Difficulties in Modeling Complex&ion techniques restricted to observing simple systems containing
in Natural Systems unrealistically high cation concentrations vis-a-vis natural
environments, the principal approach available for complex-
The difficulties associated with representing and inter-
ation studies is varying metal to ligand ratio. Laboratory ti-
preting complexation reactions in natural systems are a direct
trations are the most often used, and this paper will be based
consequence of ( 1) their inherent physico-chemical com-
on this experimental approach. For instance, for trace cation
plexity and (2) the limited information content of measurable
complexation, experimental data is often obtained by incre-
experimental data.
mentally increasing total cation concentration, CM, in so-
lutions containing constant complexant mass concentration,
Physico-chemical complexity {S } t. Mass-based as opposed to mole-based concentration
must be used for the complexant because it is the only con-
All important aquatic environments contain significant
centration parameter unambiguously measureable for most
concentrations of macro-molecular, colloidal, or particulate
natural complexants. This constitutes one of the experimental
components which are known to play a major role in trace
difficulties. A titration curve is obtained by measuring the
cation chemistry (GREENLANDand HAYES, 1978; TESSIER
molar concentration (or activity) of the uncomplexed cation,
et al., 1979; SCHINDLER, 1981; LUOMA and BRYAN, 1981;
[M] , for various distinct states of the system expressed by
BALISTRJERI and MURRAY, 1983; SIGG, 1985; etc.). Although
the ratio, C,/ { S} ,. Such titrations are shown in Fig. 2a for
these substances can frequently be differentiated based on
a simple 3 ligand system and in Fig. 2a’ for a hypothetical
physical, chemical, or operational similarities (e.g., humic
natural complexant having a very large number of site types
and fulvic substances, proteins, polysaccharides, specific clay,
(seeSec.III. 1 for details concerning these simulations). These
and hydrous metal oxide fractions) into what can be called
curves can be transformed into the corresponding working
an homologous compound group ( BUFFXE, 1988), each
curves, Fig. 2b, b’, by defining the total complexed metal
group will still exhibit
concentration as [Mlb = Ct,, - [Ml. However, for reasons
( 1) heterogeneous polyfunctionality resulting from possession of precision and instrumental limitations, [M] is only mea-
of many complexing sites of different nature; surable over a restricted range, or analytical “window”( BUF-
(2) polyelectrolytic character due to a large number of dis- FLE, 1988; ALTMANNand BUF!=LE,1988) delimited by the
sociable functional groups per physical entity; lower and upper attainable values of [ M] , [M] lo, and [M] up,
(3) specific properties linked to geometricalfactors resulting respectively (e.g., realistically between [M] lo = lo-” and
from conformational changes, reactions on surfaces or [Ml,, = IO-* M in Fig. 2). This restriction adds a second
within gels, aggregate formation, etc. important difficulty for complexation measurements in nat-
ural systems since the beginning and end of the titration can-
Heterogeneous polyfunctionality results from the inclusion
not be precisely defined.
of many “contaminant” compounds during the natural syn-
thesis of any given homologous compound as well as from
the large number of processes to which they are subjected Interpretation d@culties
(e.g., adsorption, polymerization, crystallization for hydrous
Extraction, from a working curve, of the total concentra-
metal oxides; condensation, oxidation, biological transfor-
tions ( CW, G.2, . . . C’s,“)and equilibrium constants ( Kr , K2,
mation for humics and fulvics) . The final products are mix-
. * . K,,) for each of the sites present in a sample depends on
tures of a large number of similar but non-identical com-
our ability to distinguish the contributions of each site to the
pounds, each product’s structural heterogeneity being ex-
shape of this curve. This has been discussed in detail in pre-
pressed, for example, as physical and chemical defects in
vious papers (BUFFLEand ALTMANN, 1987; ALTMANNand
inorganic complexants and extremely complex organic mol-
BUFFLE, 1988). Without going into detail, the following im-
ecules. Further, a given type of macromolecular or particulate
portant points are worth highlighting:
homologous complexant (e.g., an iron hydrous oxide, a clay,
a humic fraction) is unlikely to exist in a “pure” state in a (1) Only those complexes actually titrated within the “win-
natural environment, but rather to be found associated with dow” of [M] values may be detected by any interpre-
other complexants. Mineral complexant surfaces will adsorb tation method. This means that only those sites with
both inorganic and organic compounds from solution thereby -log [M] lo r log K 2 -log [ Mlup can be measured with
covering or modifying their trace cation complexation sites. accuracy. For the window given in Fig. 2, complexants
The functional groups on organic macromolecules will be can be detected only if they have log K values in the
subject to coordination with other cations present which must approximate range 10 > log K > 2.
be displaced before a given trace metal can be complexed. (2) In order to be distinguished, the “adjacent” K values of
Such associations reinforce the need for studying whole sys- complexant sites must be sufficiently different from one
tems and indicate the difficulties involved in recreating the another. Complexants having log K values separated by
behavior of natural systems using simple mixtures of synthetic less than approximately one log unit will generally be
complexants. difficult to resolve.
1538 J. Buffleet al.


-3og $2 O

-12 -10 -6 -6 -I -2 0
log IMI
-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-..-... .-..-..-..-..-.._

12 10 6 6 4 2 0 12 10 6 6 4 2 0
log Ki log K

l2 lo a10:K4 * ’
FIG. 2. Comparison of various representations of data for simulated discrete and continuous complexant systems.
Discrete system: three ligands having log K, = 4, 6, and 8; mole fractions, Axi = 0.33 for each. Continuous systems:
simulated by 27 “background” sites spaced at 0.5 log K intervals along a Sips’ SADF (r = 0.5; log Km = 1); three
discrctc “dominant” sites are superimposed on the background at log Ki = 4,6, and 8 with CF = 15, 10 and 20 times
that of the background (CF = concentration ratio of the minor dominant site with respect to the background at a
given log K value). (SeeSec.111.1for more details concerning the continuous system and Table of Symbols for

(3) The minimum detectable concentration of site types gest the utility of differentiating the site types present in com-
varies across the analytical window and is a function of plexant systems into those which are amenable to classical
K value spacing; as the spacing decreases, the difference interpretation approaches and those for which another tack
in relative site concentrations should increase; otherwise must be taken. The former are the major sites and the latter
the influence of the site having the lower concentration the minor sites. This site distinction is discussed in greater
is “swamped” by that present in a much higher relative detail in Sec. IV. 1.
concentration ( ALTMANN and BUFFLE,1988 ) .
(4) The experimental error affects the minimum amplitude 1.3. A Proposed Approach
of the structural features in the titration data which can
Since interpretation of complexation by natural hetero-
be detected and, therefore, the sites which can be mea-
geneous complexants cannot be based on any a priori physic
sured and characterized.
chemical model (step 2’ in Fig. 3), a deductive approach
Given the complexity of natural system briefly described must be taken to develop a realistic model based on experi-
above, the difficulties likely to be encountered in interpreting mental observations (steps 2a, 2b in Fig. 3). This implies
their complexation behaviour using classical, discrete site ap- accumulation of a large number of experimental titration
proaches should be apparent. These considerations also sug- curves obtained under a wide range of different conditions
Theory of metal complexation 1539

esis as to the physico-chemical reasons for the shape of the

resulting curve. This paper discusses how such normalized
spectra can be obtained and how they might be employed.



The purpose of any normalized representation of com-

plexation data is to transform conditional experimental data
(only valid under the experimental conditions used) into
representative, non-conditional, physico-chemical parameters
Deduction of 6% to allow making predictions about the complexant behaviour
dominant factors
affectiq complexation under different conditions, or to compare this behaviour to
those of other complexants, in a meaningful fashion. For
heterogeneous complexants, representation of complexation
properties is not based on constants, but rather on the dis-
tribution functions described below: SADF (Site Affinity

(3) Distribution Function), DEF (Differential Equilibrium
Function), SODF ( Site Occupation Distribution Function).
Sec. II. 1. summarizes the relationships between the discrete
(‘) values of classical complexation parameters and these con-
tinuous functions. It also discusses the relative degree of con-
ditionality of the latter, i.e., the extent to which they depend
on experimental data. Sets. II.2 to II.4 describe SADF, DEF,
and SODF. The SADF is the only rigorous distribution func-
tion representative of the complexation properties, but its
direct computation leads to severe artifacts. The SODF is
FIG.3. Approaches for interpreting simple ligand and heteroge-
based on the DEF, and it is a mathematically well-defined
neous complexant titration curves.
surrogate for the SADF.

11.1. Representative Physico-Chemical Parameters

(pH, T, ionic strength, competing metal, etc.) which are then of Simple versus Heterogeneous Complexants
normalized (step 2a) and compared (step 2b) to deduce (step
2c) the most important factors (e.g., polyelectrolytic, site na- The relevant thermodynamic information of a complexant
ture, polyfunctionality) influencing the metal complexation system is
reactions. Deductions can then be made by formulating a ( 1) the total concentration of each complexant, Cs,i;
quantitative model. This approach is similar to that classically (2) the stoichiometry of each complex species of the metal
used in studying “simple” ligands, the difference being that being studied, M,
( 1) the chemical characteristics of simple ligands are generally ( 3) the free energy of formation or the thermodynamic equi-
known beforehand and (2) the number of possible complex librium constant, Ki, for each complex species.
types is small. Consequently, formulation of a priori hy-
potheses in this’case (step 2’ in Fig. 3) is not particularly For heterogeneous natural complexant systems, Cs,i and
difficult. Ki are, respectively, the total molar concentration of site type
For heterogeneous complexants, titration curves are used i and its complexation constant with M. These are the pa-
to obtain information on a large number of complexes for rameters which we are seeking (Fig. 3 ) since they are the
complexants having an unknown physico-chemical structure. only ones which are non-conditional. The corresponding
Step 2b in Fig. 3 is, therefore, critical and must include the measurable parameters which govern the overall behaviour
recording of titration curves over a much larger range of con- of M in the system, however, are (Figs. 1 and 3)
ditions than is needed for interpreting the complexation
( 1) the free metal ion activity, [M] , which is the master vari-
characteristics of simple ligands. Furthermore, the all-im-
able representing the overall metal adsorption or com-
portant step in the comparative approach for heterogeneous
plexation energy of the system:
complexants is the transformation of the experimental data
(2) the overall metal ion buffering intensity, /3, representing
into some normalized format (function, curve, spectra; i.e.,
the capability of the system to fix or release a particular
step 2a). This step is essential in order to ( 1) allow data inter-
increment of M. (/3 is defined as @ = d(CM/{ S},)/
comparison irrespective of the conditions under which they
dlog [Ml.)
were obtained and (2) permit formulation of initial “working”
hypotheses regarding the most important factors affecting Although [Ml and B are dependent variables, [M] may
complexation (site nature, complexation capacity, secondary also be taken as a master variable (STUMMand MORGAN,
influences). It is essential that this transformation be purely 198 1) reflecting global complexation energy (i.e., an intensive
mathematical and not dependent upon any a priori hypoth- variable), while B can be employed as an indicator of com-
1540 J. Buftle et al.

plexation capacity (i.e., related to complexant concentration, the SADF and on that of the Differential Equilibrium Func-
an extensive variable). The complexation properties of nat- tion (DEF). the characteristics of which are shown in Fig. 4
ural systems will always be represented by functions of ex- and discussed below.
tensive vs. intensive parameters. But a number of different It is important to point out that DEF and SODF are con-
functions can be used, two extremes being the rigorously non- ditional for one or both of the following reasons in addition
conditional one, Cs,i = f( Ki) on the one hand, and the ex- to the “classical” conditionality factors (PH. T. and ionic
perimental data expressed as fl = g( [Ml) on the other. It is strength ) :
obvious that, for these two examples, the second will be more
conditional, i.e., will depend more on experimental conditions ( 1) Since the structure, and often composition, of most nat-
than the first. In particular, Cs,, and K,, in contrast to fl and ural complexants is unknown, the stoichiometry of the
[Ml, are independent of the metal to ligand ratio. The former metal coordinating groups is also unknown. As a con-
will, on the other hand, certainly necessitate mathematical sequence a complexing site can only be defined opera-
deconvolution with the accompanying high risk of artifact tionally as consisting of all functional groups involved
generation. In order to be able to make a valid comparison in the complexation reaction under the conditions ex-
of experimental results, a normalized representation (Fig. 3 ) isting at the titration point of interest ( ALTMANN and
should minimize the number of conditionality factors, which BUFFLE, 1988; BUFFLE, 1988). This definition of “site”
can only be done through comparison of many experimental does not make any reference to the chemical nature of
results obtained under appropriately varied conditions. The the coordinating group, and the corresponding stoichi-
normalization function proposed below, the Site Occupation ometry therefore becomes irrelevant. All metal-site re-
Distribution Function (SODF). has a level of conditionality actions are then treated mathematically on a 1 / 1 basis
somewhere between the log C’s,,vs. log Ki function (called a with no implication being made concerning the actual
Site Affinity Distribution Function; SADF), and the log /l nature of the coordinating groups. The coordinating
vs. log [M] function. The SODF is based on the concept of group nature. as well as the corresponding true stoichi-


-15 -12 -9 -6 -3 0

-12 9 6 12 9 6 3
?og KS0 log K”
I .It_ integration

12 9 6 3 12 9 6 3
log Kp log I!

FIG. 4. (a-c) Steps involved in representing titration data for heterogeneous complexant systems. (d, e) Desired
thermodynamic description of the complexing system in terms of SADF or cumulative SADF ( =CADF). (The con-
tinuous system is the same as in Fig. 2; maximum values of [Ml,/{ S}, and Cs = 1 mole/kg and 1 mole/ 1, respectively.)
Theory of metal complexation 1541

ometry and all other equilibria between the site and the
other components of the system, will have to be deduced
from the changes observed in the above functions with
experimental conditions (step 2c in Fig. 3).
(2) The above definition of complexing sites means that the
corresponding complexation energy or equilibrium
“constant” will not be thermodynamic parameters but
rather an average of the free energies of all sites, weighted
-:12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0
in a fashion dependent on the way in which they are
1% FI
computed. As has been discussed elsewhere ( ALTMANN
and BUFFLE, 1988; BUFFLE, 1988), the intensive param-
eter of the DEF, log K*, is a rigorous and direct means
of obtaining a mathematically well-defined and physico-
chemically meaningful value (see Sec. 11.3) for such a
complexation free energy.

11.2. Site Affinity Distribution Functions


A Site Afinity Distribution Function (HUNSTON, 1975;

SHUMANet al., 1983; FISH et al., 1986; TURNER et al., 1986)
describes the distribution of site number as a function of site
complexation energy with the metal of interest. Site number
is usually expressed in either concentration units, C& (or
ACs) or mole fraction, AXi = Cs,ilCs (or AX = AC’s/Cs).
The corresponding complexation energy is represented either
by AGP (or AG) or an equilibrium constant, log Ki (or log
K) (see Figs. 2d,d’, and 4d). For the mixture of a few simple
ligands, the SADF is a discrete spectrum (log Axi = f(log
Ki); Fig. 2d), whereas for heterogeneous natural systems (Figs.
2d’ and 4d), the concentration, ACs, of each site type be-
comes so small and the number of site types so large that
ACs (or AX) tends toward 0 as does the A log K interval
defining each site type, both becoming effectively continuous 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
variables. The SADF becomes then a continuous function log K* or log K
expressed as log ( dCs/d log K) =f( log K) (or log (dx/d log
K) = f( log K)) , where dCs is the concentration of sites having FIG. 5. Comparison of SODF and SADF for simulated heteroge-
neous complexant systems. Systems calculated as described in fig.
K values within the interval d log K. The complexing prop- 2 except P = 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8. (a) Working curves. (b-d) SODF
erties of a heterogeneous system therefore may be represented (solid lines) and SADF (dotted lines + points).
either as a mixture of a very large number of discrete sites,
or by continuous functions. The two symbolisms will be used
in parallel hereafter to facilitate understanding of the concepts. of log Gc”rn= f( log K), where C’,,, is the cumulative site
This formulation also shows that a continuous SADF concentration, obtained by integrating ACs (or more rigor-
should preferably be considered as a probability density ously the function d&/d log K = f(log K)), as explained
function expressing the probability of finding sites having log above for the parameter X.
K values within a particular interval d log K ( BUFFLE and The continuous SADF function provides the same type of
ALTMANN, 1987). Integration of the area under this curve, description as does a list of the C’s,iand log Ki values for the
between two log K values gives the number of sites which discrete system. Successful thermodynamic interpretation of
possess log K values in this interval. This provides an alter- a given titration working curve therefore ideally involves
native, equally useful, means of representing the complexa- finding the underlying SADF. Unfortunately, mathematical
tion properties: the Cumulative form of the SADF (denoted extraction of affinity distribution functions From titration data
CADF), shown in Fig. 2c for the simple ligand mixture and containing normal amounts of experimental error is subject
in Figs. 2c’ and 4e for continuous distributions. As explained both to severe mathematical artifacts ( THAKUR et al., 1980)
in detail in ALTMANN and BUFFLE ( 1988), a Cumulative and to conceptual limitations ( ALMNN and BUFFLE,1988).
SADF is obtained by computing for each particular value of In most cases, the affinity distributions obtained are therefore
K, j K, the corresponding cumulative mole fraction, J X, de- incorrect and the use of such surrogate functions as the SODF
fined as the sum of the Axi’s (or the integral of dx/d log K is therefore preferable. Despite this practical limitation, the
= f(log K)) for all sites for which K ;1. j K. This is repeated concept that there is always an SADF underlying all titration
for all values of K, the corresponding plot log x = f( log K) data still serves as an extremely useful reference for all that
being the CADF. The CADF can also be expressed as a plot follows.
1541 J. Buffle et al.

It must be noted that CADF and SADF are complementary uncomplexed (i.e., having K, < 1/[M] and Hi+ 0).
functions. The DEF and SODF functions described below It may be shown (BUF’FLE et al., 1990) that this
are surrogates for the CADF and SADF, respectively. Most weighting factor causes K* to be controlled mainly
of the concepts presented in Sec. II are illustrated in Figs. 4 by the small fraction of sites which are near half-sat-
and 5 which show the above four functions calculated from uration at a given titration point. Nevertheless, because
a simulated titration data set. The ligand mixture used (see it always incorporates some influence from all sites
legend of Fig. 2a’-d’ and Sec. III. 1) was chosen ( 1) to simulate present, the K* value calculated at any given point in
characteristics of real natural materials and (2) to exhibit a titration obviously cannot be associated with only
several inflections or peaks. Although this is not frequently a single site’s K< value.
the case with natural systems, this situation was deliberately
chosen to exemplify the properties of these functions and (2) A significant advantage of K* is its direct and simple
computation from a continuous function fit of experi-
their potential for finding the properties of unknown systems.
mental data without requiring knowledge of the total
molar site concentration, Cs. Indeed, K* can be written
11.3. Differential Equilibrium Function (DEF) ( BUFFLE, 1984)

The problems associated with interpreting actual titration l __(a- l)dln{S),

data for highly polyfunctional natural complexant substances K.=_$ dln (Y
are partially addressed in the description of the D@rentiaI M , + lN _ ,: din (Cd{SjJ 1
Equilibrium Function, DEF, log ( [M] b/ { S} t) = f( log K* ) L- ‘-- -’ dln (Y J
(Fig. 4b) originally defined by GAMBLE ( 1970). The deri-
vation of and supporting reasoning for this function have where (Y= CM/[M] and { S} f can be expressed in any
been discussed in many publications (GAMBLE and units having a fixed relationship to total site concentra-
SCHNITZER,1973; GAMBLEet al., 1980; Bu~E, 1984, 1988; tion (e.g., grams of complexant per 1, surface area per
SPOSITO, 1986) and will not be repeated here. The most im- 1). This property is important, since Cs is rarely mea-
portant qualities and characteristics, taken from the above surable for natural complexants (Sec. V). The K* func-
works and from ALTMANNand BUFFLE( 1988), are the fol- tion, despite its limitations, represents the best rigorous,
lowing: normalized, pseudothermodynamic parameter directly
calculable from experimental data obtained on highly
(1) The DEF is based on the D@erential Intensity Parameter, polyfunctional systems. As such it is also the best sur-
K*. This variable has been recently shown (ALTMANN rogate for identifying sites in terms of their complexation
and BuF~%E, 1988 ) to be a weighted arithmetic mean of intensity for a particular cation.
the conditional equilibrium constants, Ki, for all sites i
(3) Finally, the extensive parameter of the DEF, [Ml,,/ {S} r,
present in a given system: is analogous, although not equal, to that of the CADF,
CScum.Indeed, during the course of a titration, the stron-
i Ki*Bi*( 1 - Bi)*AX, gest binding sites are those first occupied by M so one
K* = ‘=I can consider, as a first approximation, that [ Mlb is an
i$ Bi. ( 1 - Si) * AX~ experimental integration of the strongest sites analogous
to the mathematical integration necessary to get C,,,
where Bi is the fractional degree of occupation by M of site (Sec. 11.2). The close relationships between C&, and
type i. K* varies continuously with changes in the state of a [M]b/{S},, on the one hand, and K* and K, on the
system, most frequently because of changes in the normal&d other hand, therefore suggest, as mentioned in Sec. 11.2,
total complexed metal concentration, log ( [Ml,,/ { S} t) as thatDEF(log([M]b/{S},)=f(logK*))mayserveas
shown in Fig. 4b. The value of K* at any given point in a an analogue of CADF (log C,,, = f(log K)) (Fig.
titration can be seen to depend on (Eqn. 1) 4b, e).

(i) the complexing site composition (i.e., the form of the 11.4. The Site Occupation Distribution Function (SODF)
SADF) through the Ki, AXi terms. Sites having larger
K values or present in larger proportions have a stronger Any method of representing and interpreting titration data
influence than weaker complexing sites or those present of natural system cation complexation must be judged by its
in lower concentrations; capacity in answering the environmental questions raised in
(ii) the degree of occupation of each site type i, i.e., the the first part of this paper. These concerns can be grouped
factors 0i* ( 1 - 0i) in Eqn. ( 1). These terms vary con- depending on whether they deal with system behaviour at
tinuously during a titration, each one having a max- the microscopic or macroscopic level. The former category
imum value at and being symmetrical about the point of questions concerns true reaction stoichiometry and free
log [M] = -log Ki and falling off steeply for log [Ml energy while the latter, as mentioned previously, includes the
greater or less than -log Ki. This means that those overall cation buffer capacity of the system and its Bee metal
sites being actively titrated at a given point in a titmtion ion activity. What we would like to point out is that a well-
(e.g., with 0.05 5 0i I 0.95) will have a greater weight conceived normalized representation of the complexation
than those which are already near saturation (i.e., properties of a system (even if tied to specified conditions)
having Ki $ 1/[M] and t$ -, 1) or which are nearly provides a powerful means of addmssing both types of con-
Theory of metal complexation 1543

terns. First, it can be expected to allow prediction of the polyfunctional complexants giving titration responses char-
partitioning and buffering behaviour in a particular environ- acteristic of natural complexants, B’/( CM/ { S} ,) is usually
ment; in addition, observation of changes in the form of the close to 0.5 (BUFFLE et al., 1990) in which case log K* is
normalized representation can be correlated with variations approximately equal to -log [M] at any point in the titration.
in experimental conditions (e.g., pH, competing metal con- Under these conditions there is clearly a close analogy be-
centrations, ionic strength), providing valuable insight when tween
searching for and testing hypotheses concerning the nature
of complexation reactions. Given the above-mentioned dif- d(CMI{S}t) t=8) and _ d([Mlb/{S)t) (_*)

a’log[Ml d log K*
ficulty of extracting the true SADF from experimental data,
we propose here a function based on K*, therefore directly or between the functions
calculable from titration data, which mimics the form of the
SADF. This function is called the Site Occupation Distri- p =f(log [MI) and w* = g(log K*).
bution Function, SODF. This parallel is important given the central roles played by j3
As for all complexation representation functions, the Site and [M] in defining the behaviour of A4 in any system
Occupation Distribution Function (SODF) expresses a con- (Fig. 1).
centration (extensive variable) as a function of an identi@ing
intensity parameter. The intensity variable employed is
log K* for the reasons presented in the foregoing sections. III. CALCULATION OF SODF FROM SIMULATED
The concentration parameter, since it must also be directly
calculable from titration data, is taken as the differential The utility of Site Occupation Distribution Functions will
change in total complexed metal concentration (normalized be exemplified in this section using both simulated and real
in terms of total complexant quantity, { S} ,) associated with data sets. The simulated data is used to demonstrate ( 1) the
a differential change in log K*. The dependent variable of similarity existing between the SODF and the actual SADF
an SODF is then defined as for a range of complexant systems and (2) that SODF struc-
ture (i.e., peaks) may greatly aid in elucidating the nature of
w,, = _ dt[Mlb/{S>t)
(3) the sites.
dlogK* ’
Examples in this section are restricted to conditions most
In the following we shall represent the SODF as often encountered in natural waters, i.e., 0 5 0.1, where 0
= [M]b/CS is the degree of site saturation. As explained in
log w* = f( log K* ).
Sec. IV (Fig. 8)) under these conditions complexant properties
The usefulwss of an !3ODF at the microscopic level derives are dominated by those of the minor sites. These sites can
from the mathematical analogy existing between the depen- be divided into ( 1) a large number of background site types,
dent variable of the SODF, w*, and that of the SADF. The whose concentration increases in a continuous manner in-
latter is rigourously defined as dCs/d log K (Sec. 11.2) which versely to their log K value, and (2) a few dominant sites,
clearly shows the analogy with o* (Eqn. 3). It has been shown whose concentrations are significantly larger than those of
(Sec. 11.2) that the dependent variable of SADF represents the background sites having similar K values. The former are
the concentration of sites having log K values in a particular responsible for the globally linear shape of the DEF and SODF
d log K interval. Similarly, o* is the concentration of metal of most natural complexants ( SFQSITO,1980; ALTMANNand
actually complexed to produce a small change, d log K*, in BUFFLE, 1988) (Fig. 7). The latter are responsible for the
the system. The important point is that, since K* is closely small deviations from linearity sometimes observed on these
related to K, it may be expected that SODF (log w* = f( log curves (Fig. 4b, c).
K*)) may be used as a good estimate of SADF (log (dCs/d
log K) = f(log K)) (Fig. 4c, d). Indeed, as we shall see in 111.1. Simulated Data
the next section, the SODF calculated from titration data
closely reflects the shape of the underlying SADF. III. 1.1. Simulating background and dominant sites
The usefulness of an SODF at the macroscopic level derives
from the analogy between w* and the overall metal buffer The behaviour of the background minor sites is simulated
intensity of the system, j3, defined as by considering that it is well represented, over a wide range
of log K, by a linear DEF, i.e.,
B = dtCd{st)) (4)
d log [MI log ([M]b/(S}t) = r-log K; - r-log K* (6)
(by analogy with the acid-base buffer intensity, &, = -dCH/ where I’ and Kz are constants. For conditions realistic for
d( pH) where dCH is the change in total acid concentration). trace metal complexation, the slope, r, generally falls near
Furthermore, under conditions where [M] < CM and there- the middle of the range 0.2 5 r 5 0.8. Conversion of DEF
fore CM - [M]b, it can be shown (see Appendix A) that showing this logarithmically linear behaviour into the cor-
responding SODF also results in a linear function
K* = 1 - w’/(cM/{s)t)l
(5) logo* = log[-d([M]b/{S},)/dlogK*]
[Ml *M’/(Gd~s),)l
where 8’ = 812.303. It can be demonstrated that for highly = log [2.303’r’[M]b/{S}t] (h)
I544 J. Buflle et al.

or. with Eqn. (6). MINEQL). In Figs. 2, 4-6, 8, and 9, this simulated titration
curve is used, in turn. to compute the corresponding DEF
logw* =log(2.303.T.(K;)“)- r.logK*. (7b) and SODF from Eqns. ( 2 ) and ( 3 ), to allow comparison of
It has been discussed elsewhere (ALTMANN and BUFFLE, these functions with the underlying CADF (Eqn. Bl 1 ) and
1988) that this type of behaviour implies that the corre- SADF ( Eqn. 9 ).
sponding SADF. i.e.. the function p(log K) = L/X/~ log K
(Sec. Il.?), follows a Sips distribution (SIPS, 1950).$ The III. 1.2. Comparison cfsimulated SADFs and SODFs
complete Sips distribution is a complicated mathematical
function which corresponds to the generalized Freundlich Figure 5a shows the working curves for three complexing
isotherm systems having different values for the parameter, r, deter-
e= (G*[W)’ mining the spread ofthe Sips contribution to the SADF. The
corresponding SODFs are shown on Fig. 5b, c, d ( solid lines)
1 + (K,,*[Ml)’
and can be compared with the SADF distributions (dotted
where K,,, and r are empirical parameters. The shape of the lines) used to generate the titration data. The total concen-
complete Sips distribution is similar to that of a gaussian trations of three sites (with log K, values of 4, 6. and 8) were
distribution, K,,, being the value of K at the distribution max- increased to simulate three dominant sites (see legend of Fig.
imum ( ALTMANN and BUFFLE, 1988). However, under the 5). Also shown is a hypothetical analytical window serving
restricting condition 0 5 0.1, valid for the background minor to indicate that only a portion ofthe complete system response
sites, Eqn. (8a) simplifies into the classical Freundlich iso- will be observable for any given measurement technique.
therm The principal point to be noted in Fig. 5b, c. d is that the
shape of the SODF emulates closely that of the SADF. In
0 = (K,,,.[nci])“. (8b) particular
The corresponding part of the Sips distribution is given ( 1) the slopes, I’. of both functions are the same;
mathematically by the simple expression (Appendix B) ( 2 ) the peaks allowing detection of the dominant sites are
log @(log K))= log =logO-I’.logK (9) (3) the values of log K* of the dominant site maxima are
close to the corresponding “true” values (the chosen log
where 0 is a constant related to Kt and r (Appendix B). K,‘s ) . Furthermore the distances between these maxima
From Eqn. (9), any value of AX corresponding to a par-
ticular A log K interval (e.g., between log K, and log Kb)is
easily computed, by using the chosen values of K,*and r,
and the expression

Ax =
s l0g.q’

,ogK p(log K) * d log k’.


In this way, the whole of the background sites is simulated

by a large number of ( AX,, log K,)couples, where log K,is
the centre of the A log K interval corresponding to AX,. The pH=7 .--- -
curve log (AX,/ A log K) = f(log K,)is close to the true Sips 1-12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0
distribution provided A log K 5 0.1.
log MI
The additional contributions of the dominant minor sites
are mimicked by superimposing classical discrete sites, with
particular values of AX, and log K,.over the SADF of back-
ground sites computed as explained above. In practice, the
values of AX,, computed by the Sips distribution and cor-
responding to the chosen K, values of the dominant sites,
were multiplied by a concentration factor CF (e.g., see legend
of Fig. 2).
pH=5 ___
The resulting ensemble of couples (AX,, log K,)can then
be treated as a mixture of classical complexants to find the pH=7 -- --
curve 0 = f( log [MI) (e.g., using a computer program like 12 10 6 6 4 2 0
log K*
* Note: It should be stressed that the Sips equation is chosen only FIG. 6. Variation in SODF with pH for simulated heterogeneous
because it allows ready comparison of the behaviour of a simple complexant incorporating dominant sites with and without acid-base
ligand (Le.. r = 1) with that of complexants having wider distributions properties. System: Sips’ SADF ( r = 0.5, log K,,, = 1) with 2 dominant
in log K (i.e., 0 < r < I ). We certainly do not wish to imply that sites of CF = 20. log KM = 9 and 10; the log KM = 10 site has an
fitting of data with the Sips isotherm or any other mathematical acidityconstantoflogKH=5.(K~=[MS]/[M].[S];KH=[HS]/
model necessarily vindicates any particular conceptualization con- [H] . [S]; S = site) (a) Working curves for pH = 3, 5, 7. (b) SODF
cerning the actual chemistry of the system. for pH = 3, 5, 7.
Theory of metal complexation 1545

examples corresponding to important aquatic compounds.

Since all measurements were made under the same experi-
mental conditions, the differences observed between the
SODF for the various substances may be attributed to vari-
ations in the nature of the complexing sites, i.e., in the struc-
ture of their thermodynamic SADF. Note that well-defined
maximum are rare. This is a result of the significant peak
broadening due to polyelectrolytic, polyfunctional, and con-
formational effects, the relative contributions of which can
only be determined by the approach represented in Fig. 3.

IO 9 a 7 6 5 4 3
The DEF and SODF functions were derived to aid in mak-
ing rigorous interpretations of the complexation behaviour
Jog IK’ / I .mole-jl

FIG. 7. SODF functions describing Cu2+complexation by several

natural heterogeneous complexants at pH = 6. ( 1) Humic acid, (2)
Onmi Soil, ( 3) Hanford Soil, (4) Montmorillonite. (SeeALTMANN (4
and BUFFLE, 1988 for the corresponding working curves).


(in log K* units) equals those between the corresponding

log Ki. c_minor-++-maj

The interest in the SODF lies in this mimicry of the shape I 9 8 7 6 51 4 3 2 1 0 -1

log K
of the SADF since the SADF’s form reflects the relativether-
modynamic structure of a complexant site system. The actual (b)
values of an SADF, i.e., its correct positioning along the AX /
A log K and the log K axes, represent the true structure. The
shape of the SODF is useful in and of itself since any changes
in shape with experimental conditions (pH, ionic strength,
etc.) can aid in qualitatively deducing the complexant nature.
The SODF, therefore, can be used for representing complex-
ants based on their relative thermodynamic structure and 10 9 8 7 6 $ 4 3 2 1 0 -1
should permit comparison and interpretation of systems on log K’
this basis. It will be. seen in Sec. IV, that for major and minor
dominant sites, an SODF is also useful for finding the cor-
responding true log Ki values.
The fact that variations in the shape of an SODF with
changes in titration conditions (e.g., pH, ionic strength) can
aid in determining the nature of complexation reactions (e.g.,
proton competition, charge effects) is exemplified in Fig. 6a,
b for an heterogeneous complexant having the same Sips
background site distribution as in Figs. 2, 4 (i.e., r = 0,5,
log K,,, = 1) , but with two dominant sites having concentra-
tions 20 times that of the corresponding Sips’ site. The site
having a peak at log K* = 9 has no acid-base properties and .,,., (d)
a metal complexation constant, log KM = 9 (log KM = log
([M.S]/[M]-IS]). The second site has a log KM = 10 but
also acid-base characteristics (log KH = log ( [ HS] / [ H] * [S] )
= 9). Figure 6a shows the metal titration working curves for
this complexant at pH = 3, 5, and 7. The corresponding ‘5 -4
SODF are shown in Fig. 6b. The shifting of the right-hand $ -5
peak as a function of pH, i.e., A log K* = f( ApH ) , indicates
log K or log P
the acid-base character of this site and the proton exchange
stoichiometry. FIG. 8. Conceptual distinction of major and minor site types for
heterogeneous systems, (a) Sips SADF (I = 0.5, log K,,, = 2 witb
dominant sites added at log K = 6, 1.5, and 9 and CF of 5, 20, and
111.2. Natural Complexant SODF 50, respectively). (b, c) Linear and log DEFs for above system. (d)
SODF (solid line) and SADF (dotted line) for above system. To
Although the purpose of this paper is not to study the allow direct comparison of o* and AX/A log K, the maximum values
SODF of natural complexants in detail, Fig. 7 gives a few [MJb/{S},havebeentakenasl,asthoseofXandO.
1546 J.Huffleet al.

of natural heterogeneous complexants. The theoretical rea- 0

sons for employing functions based on K* as the normalized 0.2

complexation intensity parameter. as opposed to other pos-
i 0.5
sible parameters (e.g., [MI) has been given above. This section -4
presents the practical uses of these titration data represen-
-6 0.8
-~ -a
10 9 a 7 6
IV.1. Discrimination of Site Types
log K’
The SODF can aid in subdividing the sites present in a
given complexing system into various categories according
to their location within the SODF or their effect on this func-
tion. The first partitioning is into what we shall term major
and minor sites while the second discriminates between the
dominant and background minor sites (Fig. 8 ).
Major site types are those present in large proportions in
a given complexant system, perhaps accounting for -90%
of the total sites present, and which are, consequently, few
in number. Major sites can be considered to be chemically
homogeneous, including only one rype of functional group;
because of this characteristic, their overall measurable net
free energy change, AGO (or more commonly, log K), for
formation of complexes with a particular metal cation will
be distributed over a relatively narrow range. Having a single
chemical structure, the variation in AGO will be subject only
to variations in physical factors. Typical physical influences
on net AGO include those due to changes in particle net charge
density or in macromolecule conformation (e.g., hydration o 12 3 4 5 6
induced changes in the swelling ofgels. coiling and extension logK,- logK,
of macromolecules). In most cases such effects produce net
AGo variations not exceeding the equivalent of l-2 log K FIG. 9. Relationship between log K* and actual log K, log K,, ,
units ( TANFORD. 196 1). Examples of major sites include the for a single discrete dominant minor site superimposed on SADFs
for Sips distribution functions having I’ = 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 and
carboxylate and phenolate functional groups of humic and log Km value of 2. (a) SODF variation as a function of r, for a minor,
fulvic compounds, the carboxylate groups of polysaccharides dominant discrete site with log K,,, = 8 and CF = 20. (b) Peak shift
and proteins, and the =Fe - OH surface groups of iron ox- as function of r for three concentration factors CF; log K,, = 8. (c)
yhydroxides. Effect of location of dominant site log K,,, relative to log K,,, on the
shift of log K* at the peak maximum, CF = 20.
Minor sites are those present in trace amounts (corre-
sponding approximately to 0 < 0. I. Fig. 8b ), but whose
chemical diversity may be very large. Since this diversity de-
pends not only on chemical composition but also on physical minor sites are of considerable importance in controlling trace
structure, it is often effectively infinite (e.g.. humic com- metal complexation.
pounds). This however is not required by the definition of The form of the SODF function in the minor site region
minor sites (e.g., natural metal oxides may include only a can be employed to distinguish two categories of sites (Fig.
limited number of minor site types). Examples of minor sites 8). These are the dominant minor sites which show peaks
are the N and S complexing functional groups of fulvic/ in the SODF and the background minor sites which include
humic compounds, the -SH groups of proteins, or the all sites other than the dominants and which produce the
=Mn -OH groups of an iron oxyhydroxide containing Mn roughly linear continuum. To be “visible” in an SODF,
impurities. The exact chemical nature ofthe functional groups dominant sites must present many of the characteristics of
making up the minor sites is most often unknown and highly major sites. In particular, they must be chemically homo-
variable as a result of the diverse formation processes men- geneous (i.e., having a narrow AGO distribution) and be pres-
tioned previously. This forces us to treat all of these sites as ent at a relatively elevated concentration vis-&vis the un-
a whole which, owing to its chemical heterogeneity, may ex- derlying background site continuum. It is this clear grouping
hibit a broader distribution in the AGO for cation complex- of sites around a particular identifying log K value which
ation [e.g., at least several log K units (Fig. Sa)] than that of defines a dominant site.
a typical major site. This distribution broadening may even Discrimination between major, dominant, and background
be accentuated by the physical contributions mentioned sites is important because different interpretation modes
above for the major sites. The fact that for fl I 0.1 (Fig. 7 ), should be used in each case. In particular, it is often possible
natural complexants exhibit log K* variations over many to interpret the complexation properties of samples containing
orders of magnitude suggests, as stated previously, that the only one or two major site types, using an appropriate classical
Theory of metal complexation 1547

discrete model based on a priori physico-chemical assump- CADF) can be estimated (Sec. IV.3.2) and incorporated into
tions (step 2’ in Fig. 3). Good examples of this approach equilibrium calculation models (Sec. IV.3.1.).
include the interpretation of metal complexation by the car-
boxylate and phenolate groups of fulvic compounds (MAR- IV.3.1. Usefulness of linear representations:Incorporation
INSKYet al., 1980, 1982) or by the =Me-OH groups of in predictive models based on Langmuir isotherms
silicon, iron, and aluminum oxyhydroxides ( SCHINDLERet
al., 1976; SCHINDLER,198 1; DAVISand LECKIE, 1978; HOHL Before discussing how the SADF and CADF of background
and STUMM, 1976; STUMM et al., 1980) synthesized under sites can be estimated from their complexation properties
laboratory conditions (thereby minimizing the contribution represented by linear DEF (Eqn. 6), the advantages of this
of chemical impurities and physical non-homogeneities). linear representation must be discussed and compared to the
Obviously, use of such models is not possible for the back- global parameters given by classical interpretations based on
ground continuum in the minor sites due to their low con- the empirical fitting of data by combinations of Langmuir-
centrations and close log K spacing. type isotherms. Such empirical parameters have been widely
used, the most popular ones being sets of a few ( 1 to 3)
coupled values for the global site concentration and equilib-
IV.2. Findllg the Nature and Thermodynamic K Values
rium “constants” for “pseudo-sites” as determined, for in-
of Dominant Minor Sites
stance, by a Scatchard plot (FISH et al., 1986). The use of
Classical interpretations of titration curves do not allow such parameters should be avoided for two reasons:
the thermodynamic K values of minor sites to be obtained, ( 1) It has been shown ( BUFFLE, 1984) that these global pa-
even if they are dominant, owing to a lack of significant in- rameters have no physico-chemical meaning and that
flections in titration curves (Fig. 8b). Observation of peaks the corresponding “pseudo-sites” have no relationship
on an SODF (Fig. 8d), on the other hand, enables estimation to real sites. The use of these empirical parameters pre-
of the nature and log K values of the corresponding dominant sented in the same form as the theoretical ones both in
sites as indicated below. the symbols used and in their mathematical application,
It should first be noted that the position of the peak of a can only confuse those workers entering the field and as
dominant site along the log K* axis depends only slightly on yet unaware of its difficulties.
the value of I, i.e., the characteristic of the background sites (2) Such a representation of complexation properties cor-
located in the same log K* range (Fig. 9a, b). Secondly, in responds to a summation of 1 to 3 Langmuir-type iso-
all cases, the log K* value is very near that of the thermo- therms. Since it is known that each isotherm can rep
dynamic K, K,,, of the dominant site (Fig. 9b), in the “nor- resent complexation properties over a maximum of 2
mal” range of I’ (0.2-0.8). Finally, the difference between decades of [M] at least 3 sets of couples (i.e., 6 param-
log K* and log K,,, is nearly independent of the position of eters) are necessary to cover the large complexation range
log K* with respect to the K value of the major sites, K, exhibited by natural heterogeneous complexants (e.g.,
(Fig. 9c). These characteristics show that normalization of lo-’ < [M] < low3 M, i.e., 6 orders of magnitude of
an experimental titration curve into an SODF allows a good
estimation of Km, from the value of log K* at the peak max-
imum (by using the curves in Fig. 9b, c to make the necessary On the other hand, the metal binding qualities of a com-
corrections based on the value of l? given by the slope of the plexant displaying a roughly linear DEF function (Eqn. 6)
background sites below the peak). can be summarized equally well using only the two param-
The Ktllleobtained as described above is obviously subject eters necessary to fit this DEF with a straight line. Such a
to the same conditionalities as the SODF. By varying the fitting yields the slope, I, and the intercept on the log K*
experimental conditions to generate various SODF functions axis, log K,* , corresponding to log ([Ml b/ { $} 1) = 0 (Fig.
followed by plotting the corresponding log K,,,,, as a function 11) . These two parameters provide an operational yet ratio-
of the varying parameter should allow one to obtain a non- nally normalized, twodimensional summary of the metal
conditional constant in the classical way. This may aid in binding behaviour of heterogeneous complexants over the
deducing the nature of the site based upon its value and its entire range of log [M] for which linear behaviour is observed.
change with pH or other parameters. In addition, log Kz and r are of direct practical utility. Kz
may be used to compare the complexing strength of different
IV.3. Finding the Parameters of Background Minor Sites complexants at equivalent values of [Mlb/ { S}, or of the
same complexant under different conditions. I can be shown
The sites comprising the background minor site continuum (BUFFLE et al. 1990) to be simply related to w* (Eqn. 3):
generally observed for natural complexants are especially
important since they ( 1) represent most of the minor sites (lla)
and (2) serve to maintain the metal buffering action over r = [WLJ{~jt
many orders of magnitude of log [M] ( BUFFLEet al., 1990). and for minor sites, to the buffering intensity of the com-
This section describes a succinct overall representation of the plexant @(Eqn. 4):
complexant properties in the range dominated by the back-
ground site characteristics (Sec. IV.3.1). It also shows how B
( 1lb)
the true theromodynamic representation of these sites ( SADF, r = CM,/{S>, .
1548 J. Buffle et al.

In contrast to the empirical parameters obtained by the of the equilibrium constant, and such that the overall be-
above mentioned classical approaches, 1 has, therefore, the haviour of the system follows Eqn. ( 13). A mathematical
advantage of being linked to a well-defined property of the expression for the corresponding p( log K) function has been
system. In addition, K: and T allow realistic predictions of derived by SIPS ( 1950) and discussed by SPOSITO ( 1980 ).
complexation behaviour to be made outside the tested ex- Simpler derivations of this SADF and the corresponding
perimental range. This is an additional advantage over the CADF are given in Appendix B.
global empirical parameters discussed above, which have a In particular the CADF is expressed by
poor predictive capacity because they cannot adequately
i0gx = i0g(o/2.303.r) - r.i0gK (15)
simulate the fact that complexation properties of natural sys-
tems are buffered over wide ranges of log K values. which shows that CADF and DEF (Eqn. 6) are parallel
An often-mentioned limitation of representing complexant straight lines, thus justifying, as previously mentioned, the
properties by distribution functions is that they cannot be fact that the DEF is a good analogue for the CADF. The
readily incorporated into classical computer programs for vertical difference between the two lines is obtained by sub-
the calculation of a species distribution at equilibrium because tracting Eqn. (6) from Eqn. ( 15), for log K = log K*. By
these programs require site concentration/equilibrium con- making use of Eqns. ( 14) and (BS), one gets
stant couples as input data. This limitation however is not
applicable to linear DEF since the mathematical expressions
of the corresponding CADF and SADF are known (Sec.
IV.3.2: Appendix B). In particular, numerical values of the
function p( log K) = dx/d log K representing the SADF are
easily computed (Sec. IV.3.2) from the values of Kz and T
obtained from the DEF. As explained in Sec. III. 1, the p( log
K) function can then be split into small discrete A log K The interesting feature of Eqn. ( 16) is that it depends only
intervals which enable one to compute the corresponding on l’ and, in particular, is not dependent on K. This implies
mole fraction of sites AX (Eqn. 10). The (AX, log K) couples that it is independent not only of the nature of the chemical
can then be fed into classical predictive computer models, system, but also of the units used for the distributions, pro-
like MINEQL, for computing species distribution. viding, of course, that the DEF and CADF are expressed in
the same units. Indeed, in this case {S}, = Cs and the last
term of the right-hand side of Eqn. ( 16) is zero.
IV.3.2. Finding CADF and SADFfrom linear DEF Another important feature of the function represented by
Eqn. ( 16) is that it is only slightly dependant on I’, as is
For the linear DEF profiles often observed for background shown in Fig. 10. Thanks to this characteristic, it is easy to
sites, [Mlb/ { S}, is related to K* by Eqn. (6): estimate the theoretically meaningful CADF corresponding
to the experimentally obtained linear DEF: the two distri-
log ([M]J{S)J = I’slog K; - Telog K*. (6)
butions are parallel lines separated by the value given in Fig.
Furthermore, it has been shown that, for [M] 4 [M] b, K* 10. This value is most often close to -0.17 since, in the vast
can be expressed by Eqn. (5). By taking into account the majority of cases, 0.2 < T < 0.8. Note that in practice Cs is
definition of 0 (Eqn. 4) and the fact that, for linear DEF, I? generally not measurable. In this case, only the CADF ex-
=@/(2.303~C~/{S},)(BUm~etal.. 1990),Eqn.(5)can pressed by the cumulative concentration of sites per mass of
be rewritten as complexant (x * C’s/ { S} *) can be obtained from Eqn. ( 16 ).
K*=[M].r. ( 12)

Combining Eqns. (6) and ( 12) yields It has been shown in the previous sections that DEF and
SODF are good estimates of the rigorous thermodynamic
(13) functions (CADF and SADF) representing the complexing
properties of natural systems, and that they may aid in finding
the characteristics of both dominant and background sites.
with 0 < r < 1. Equation ( 13) is the description of the
They are more informative and preferable, for predictive
Freundlich isotherm (Eqn. fib) where 0 ( = [M]L,/CS) is re-
purposes, than the global empirical parameters classically
placed by [Mlb/ { S} t. Equations (8b) and ( 13) are related
used. However, since these latter are widely used, their re-
by the proportionality constant {S} JCs, which depends only
lationships to DEF and SQDF are worth addressing. The two
on the units chosen for ( S} t (e.g., g/l). Consequently, the
types of global parameters used most frequently for charac-
parameter K,,, in Eqn. (8b) is related to Kt and I’ by
terizing natural complexants are ( 1) some sort of average
K = fc*r {SJt “I- complexation “constant” (or distribution coefficient) and (2)
l-rcs. ( 1 (14) a single complexation capacity. Such single global average
values are most often meaningless since the K* of the SODF
The SADF (p( log K) = d x / d log K) corresponding to the for the above mentioned complexants extends over several
isotherm represented by Eqn. ( 13) is the probability distri- decades ( BUFIXE, 1988). A need exists, however, for a suc-
bution function for finding sites with any particular value K cinct means of classifying such complexants; we propose re-
Theory of metal complexation 1549

curves tend only gradually towards the limiting value of

-0.2 [ I%&,,~/ { S} f (Fig. 1 la). For most trace metals the up
per cutoff in [Mlup is in the range 10-4-10-3 A4 which
means that all sites having log K < 3 are not saturated.
ha -0.15 These sites may include a large portion of the major
2 sites. It effectively means that we cannot measure the
I CC, for natural complexants.
3 -0.: (2) One could simply employ [ Mlup as the intensity param-
eter of reference for the measured value of CC, CCM.
CCM is then defined as the value of [Mlb/ { S}, corre-
sponding to this reference value (Fig. 1la). This is an
acceptable approach both from a practical standpoint
and in terms of providing a valid normalization of [ M],,-
based CC values. Conceptually, however, it is often pre-
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.a 1.0 ferred that CC values be referenced to an intensity pa-

rameter more closely related to a normalized complex-
ation energy of the sites.
FIG. 10. Variation with r in the difference between the ordinate (3) A preferable alternative for this reference complexation
values of linear DEF (expressed by log 0) , and of the corresponding intensity parameter would be to employ K* and use the
linear CADF (log x), at K = K*. (See Sec. IV.3.2. and Eqn. 16 for concept of the SODF for defining a K$,-based CC, CC*.
details). Note that, for comparison with Eqn. ( 16), the ordinate is Considering the definition of w* given in Eqn. (3) and
equal to log x - (log [MlbI{S)t - log{S)JCd.
the schematic representation of Fig. 11b, CC* can be
defined by
placement of these global, mathematically ill-defined param- CC* = . a*- dlogK*. (17)
eters, by more meaningful ones based on K*. s b&Cl,.
This integration is done automatically in the calculation
V.l. Complexation Capacity
of the DEF curve from the titration working curve as
In the following discussion we are excluding site concen- shown in Fig. 4a, b. Any log K* on a DEF curve (log
tration estimates made from acid-base titrations, functional ([M]J { S} ,) vs. log K*; Fig. 1 lc) therefore could be
group analyses, tritium exchange, etc. We consider only CC taken as a specification for a particular value of CC*.
values measured by titrating the complexant by the metal of The advantages of using CC * rest in ( 1) its direct cal-
interest and defined as the total metal bound per unit mass culation from titration data, (2) its use of a normalized
of complexant as measured under some set of selected ex- binding intensity parameter, K*, as a reference, and (3)
perimental conditions. The purpose of measuring CCs is to the fact that the choice of the value of K$n to be used
allow inter-comparison of complexants based on their total for CC* can be made based on the shape of the SODF
complexing site concentrations. As discussed below (Fig. curve. This latter point is important since SODF enables
11b), this comparison has significance only if one of the fol- us to discriminate between different types of complexing
lowing two criteria is met: sites of the system (Sec. IV. 1).

V.2. Buffer Intensity

(1) that the conditions used for determining the CC assure
measurement of the true total complexant site concen- The nearly linear behaviour in the minor site-dominated
tration, CC, or SODF and DEF curves of most natural heterogeneous com-
(2) that the reported CC is coupled with a particular value plexants reflects a particular metal ion buffering action which
of an intensity parameter, which may be any of the three plays an important role in the biogeochemistry of natural
already mentioned above (i.e., K, K*, or [MI) and serves media, as well as on the signal of certain analytical methods
to specify the cutoff point for the sites included in the such as voltammetry (FILELLA et al., 1990). As mentioned
CC value (see below, Fig. 11b) . above, the slope I of the DEF is related to the buffer intensity
/3 by I = p/( CM/ { S}t). A constant value of I’ therefore
Obviously, titration of the complexant by the metal of in-
implies that for natural complexants, fl = constant CM; i.e.,
terest can be done only up to some maximum value of [ M] ,
the buffering action gradually increases with CM, over several
[M],, (Fig. 1la). This value is generally limited by the oc-
order of magnitude. This behaviour is in stark contrast with
currence of undesirable secondary reactions such as metal
that exhibited by systems where only one or two simple li-
precipitation, complexant coagulation, etc. This being the
gands account for the majority of the total metal complex-
case, the following points can be made:
ation capacity. Here, as illustrated in Fig. 2a, the slope and
( 1) Since we are limited in the safely usable value of [M],,r , therefore the buffer intensity vary dramatically. By contrast,
we obviously cannot measure the true total complexation natural complexants show smooth, constant slopes, thanks
capacity, CC, = [Ml,,,,& { S} t (Fig. 1la), of heteroge- to the cooperative action of the background sites having
neous complexants. This is because these complexants closely spaced K values. This means that there is always a
have a wide range of log K and consequently their DEF suite of sites actively complexing the metal, some beginning
1550 J. Buffle et al.

FIG. 11. Comparison of different definitions of complex&on capacities: CC, (true total completing site concentration),
CC& (the complexing site ~oncen~~on corresponding to a particular value of [Ml, [Ml,; Fig. 1la) and CC* (the
complexing site concentration obtained for a particuhrr log K* value, log K& ; Fig. 11b). (a) Comparison of CC, and
CCM in a working curve. (b) Comparison of CC* with CC,. (c) Significance of CC,, CC,, Kz and r in a DEF.

to be occupied, some near their half&ration point, and some tration jumps are observed). This property of the background
close. to saturation. The composite behaviour yields both the sites is important ecologically since it helps living organisms
slope smoothness and the average value of I’ close to 0.5 as to adapt to chemical changes in their environment.
it is described in detail in BUFFLE et al. ( 1990). As a con-
sequence of this property, the complexant is able to “absorb” V-3. Heterogeneity Limits
the metal over a large concentration range (several orders of
m~itude) with only a gradual increase in the biologicahy The simulation used to compute the DEF and SODF
critical free metal ion concentration (i.e., no sharp concen- curves in this paper (in particular, Fii. 4b) assumes that there
Theory of metal complexation 1551

large _

log K*

c :8 -’
-3 -2

-5 -4

F -7 -6
-a -9 -10 -11 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5

FIG. 12. General shapes of log ( [Mlb/ { S},) = f(log K* ) curves. (a) Schematic curves for various degrees of
heterogeneity. Since each analytical method has a limited analytical “window,” only a portion of the overall curve will
be “seen.” (b) Cd adsorption on amorphous Fe oxyhydroxide (BENJAMIN and LECKIE,1981). (c) Cd, Cu, and Zn
adsorption on goethite in seawater medium ( BALESTRIERI
and MURRAY,1983)

is no upper limit in the log K* values for sites present in a entirely free. For highly heterogeneous complexants this
system. For real chemical systems, however, even extremely zone tends to be roughly linear with a slope in the vicinity
heterogeneous ones, there must exist some site with the max- of 0.5 ( BUF~E et al., 1990).
imum log K* value. If this is so then the leftmost portion of
the DEF curve must tend towards a vertical line (i.e., constant For most natural systems only one or two of the above
K* ) , One can, therefore, expect the shape of DEF curves for DEF zones may be observed because the analytical window
heterogeneous complexants to be as schematically shown in (Figs. 2, 12) is not sufficiently wide to allow determination
Fig. 12a. Three regions of these idealized curves can be iden- of the entire curve. This representation is of course largely
tified as conceptual, but one may note that curves having similar
shapes (Fig. 12b, c) have been observed in a few cases for
( 1) one which is asymptotically horizontal ([Ml,,/ { S} r + metal complexation with metal ozides (BENJAMIN and
Cc) corresponding to the region where complexation is LECKIE, 198 1; BALISTRIERIand MURRAY, 1983 ) .
controlled by major sites (minor sites being fully satu-
(2) one which is asymptotically vertical corresponding to VI. CONCLUSION
the state where even the strongest sites are largely free;
(3) an intermediate zone where the minor sites are partially This paper shows that DEF and SODF have useful poten-
occupied by the metal and the major ones are almost tialities for representing complexation characteristics of nat-
1552 J. Buffle et al.

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Cosmochim. Acta SO.289-297.
An SADF ( = d x / d log K) is the probability, p( log K) , of finding
sites with any particular value, K, of the equilibrium constant.
GLOSSARY p( log K) also expresses the mole fraction, dx, of the sites whose K
valuesare within the interval d log K. The relation between 0 ( = [A&,/
Cs) and p( log K) is given by ( ALTMANNand BUFFLE, 1988)
COMPLEXANT: Any compound, organic or inorganic, dissolved,
colloidal, or particulate, containing one to several complexing sites.
HETEROGENEOUS COMPOUND: A compound presenting
physical and/or chemical heterogeneity (note: our use of “hetero-
s m K.[M]
-.z, I + K.[M]
.p(logK).dlogK (Bl)

which may also be written
geneous” is broader than in normal usage, i.e., systems containing
more than one distinct phase. Here an heterogeneous compound K.[M]
may be truly dissolved if it includes only chemical heterogeneity, 8= .p’(K).dK W)
-m I + K.[M]
e.g., fulvic compounds).
MAJOR SITES: One (or possibly a few) group(s) of sites which is/
are chemically homogeneous and which account for the large majority p’(K) = p(log K)/2.303. K. (B3)
of the sites of the complexant of interest.
Furthermore, mathematical tables (SPIEGEL, 1968 ) give
MINOR SITES All sites other than the major site type(s). For
heterogeneous complexants, this group accounts for most of the
chemical heterogeneity. sm
-m 1 + x”Ja”
m~ x”Ja” X(m-n). &
s-- 1 + x”/a”
*. a(m+l-n)
Background minor sites: The whole of the minor sites which, taken
together, produce a gradual change in the complexation parameter = sin [(m + 1)*/n]
(K, [M] ) without any predominant single site type.
whichisvalidforO<(m+ l)<n.Byreplacingn= l,x=K,and
Dominant minor site(s): A minor site present in a concentration [M] = I /a, in Eqn. (B4), and comparing the resulting right- and
much greater than neighboring sites, which dominates the com- left-hand sides of this equation with the right-hand sides of Bqns.
plexation properties of the system over a given restricted range of (8b) and ( B2), respectively, one obtains
log K(or log [Ml).
m=-F (B5)
SADF: Site Affinity Distribution Function (see Sec. II.2 and Figs. 2,
4). and
CADF: Cumulative Site Affinity Distribution Function (see Sec. II.2
and Figs. 2, 4). p’(K)=bsin[(l -r).*].(K,)r.K-(“r). (B6)

DEF: Differential Equilibrium Function (see Sec. II.3 and Fig. 4). Combining Bqns. (B6) and (B3) gives the SADF
SODF: Site Occupation Distribution Function (see Sec. II.4 and Fig. dx
4). -=p(logK)=O.K-r
= 0.exp( -2.303. Felog K) (B7)
For systems where the complexant is titrated by M, i.e., the com-
plexant concentration is constant, d In {S},/d In (Y= 0, d lnCk( = d 8 = 2.303 - sin [ ( I - r). ST]
(Kn)“. (J38)
In C,/ { S},, and Eqn. (2) can be transformed into k

1 The CADF is a plot of the cumulative mole fraction, ix

KG-2 = C AX,-(summation on all sites for which log K B log ‘K), as a
Ckl[l +(a-l)-dlnCH/dlncu]’ function of log jK. It is therefore obtained by integrating Bqn. (B7)
with respect to log K, from log K = co to log K = 1ogjK:
By taking into account the definition of OL
(=C,/[m), the derivative
in the denominator can be expressed in the form
ix= m p( log K) +d log K;
dlnCD( 1 I og]K
dln 01 1 -dln[M]/dlnC, i.e.,

1 ‘x = & (‘K)-r (BlO)

= 1 -dln[~U]/dln(C~/{S}~)’
or, for any value of j,
Combining Eqns. (Al ) and (A2) and taking into account that
(din [Mlldln (CM/{S)~) = 2.303~(Cd{SIt)/8) (Eqn. 4)gives log x = log (O/2.303. P) - I’. log K. (Bll)

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