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Life flows; it is not a location but a journey with a chosen destiny. It’s in moments of decisions
taken by human being that how he shapes his destiny. Now this ability of taking decisions is
humans’ free will, the capacity that is unique to human that allows them to steer their life. So we
can that freedom of will relates to freedom of action. Now generally there are three believes
about it that is Determinism, Compatibilism and Libertarianism.

Determinism says that all of reality is already in a sense pre-determined that is every event
without any exception is determined by prior events. Human by thoughts, choices and action are
just only events that took place as a result of prior events. Libertarianism says that man operates
independently and is not controlled by others or pre-determined situations. Lastly Compatibilism
also known as soft determinism says that that causal determinism is true, but we still act as free,
morally responsible agents when, in the absence of external constraints, our actions are caused
by our desires.

Now I personally believe in the theory of libertarianism, that my freedom of will steer my
actions. Liberaltarianism claims three things firstly ,we are not determined .Secondly we do have
freedom of the will and lastly we have the capacity to be morally responsible for our
actions.While shaping our destiny we have different pathways which will lead us to different
outcomes. What human do is that we calculate the outcome how bad and good they can be for
us? Now after the introspection of all the alternatives we have, the one who will have the most
to offer us will compels us most towards it. Now we see the every different path has the different
outcome and destiny is not a fixed thing it all about how shape it. So, we will deliberately take
the decision which would be best for him. Now every human being on this earth has some moral
and ethical responsibility towards others, determinist says that event, behavior and action is pre-
determined whether they are moral or not but morality is basic feature of humanity. Now here
what determinist are saying conflicts with the mother of nature. I personally that is not right
what determinist says. I more support the point of view that libertarianism presents that behavior
I freely initiated and executed on the basis of rational deliberation and value outcome.

As agency theory of libertarianism supports the idea that free action are brought by human or
agents on the basis of their will with the external factors in control. Libertarians doesn’t asserts
that all the action taken are undecided and free, but it say under unusual conditions where
External factors are not in control a person’s behavior can’t be free. It claims that our decision
can be the outcome of number of factors but is not pre-determined by out past. Now terminology
of being and nothingness is also discussed in libertarianism that promotes the idea of radical
freedom for example a human birth cannot be changed but what he or she do is what matters.
There are some features of human that can’t be change or undo for example if someone is born
as a male or female. It’s all about how we choose and act with it circumstances. Then there is
another feature of human transcendence that gives him the freedom to define his ways and
choices. But if we deny our freedom and our responsibility that what determinist do we have a
bad faith. Agency theory also say that a prior event necessarily causes a subsequent event for
example when a human drink a cup of coffee, his blood pressure rises in reaction. Now this
process is action and its reaction are known as event-causation. Any event that is brought about
through the free action of an agent is the result of agent causation. Now further Sartre’s radical
view of freedom that there are some features in past or future that we are not free to choose that
characteristic of human is known as facility. But without external force as a hinderance we can
still make better choice from our free will



(The search for ultimate reality) page no 138,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147

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