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UNIT: Will and Going to

Nombre Fecha 09 19 Curso 1°____

Puntaje Total Puntaje Obtenido Nota

APRENDIZAJES ESPERADOS To reinforce and increase elemental grammar.

INSTRUCCIONES GENERALES: Read the instructions carefully.
Do not use English dictionaries neither technological devices.

I. Organize sentences in the correct order. They can be affirmative, negative or interrogative
sentences. (12 pts.)
1. in the future / study/ John/ will
2. isn’t / Paula / have / going to/ a baby
3. Tomas / Rebeca / marry / will / ?
4. going to / am / travel / next week / I
5. won’t/ Susan / you/ help
6. ? / rain / will / it

II. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form using WILL (12 pts.)
1. I think it _________ __________ (not rain) tomorrow.
2. _________ you _________ (pass) me the salt?
3. All of you _________ _______ (pass) the exam.
4. Pedro _______ ________ (give) your book back soon.
5. ________ Reachel _________ (do) her best?
6. Pepita ________ _________ (not be) at home today.

III. Complete the sentences with the correct verb form using GOING TO (12 pts.)
1. ________ you _____________________ (watch) the ceremony tomorrow?
2. I ______________________ (paint) my room on Sunday.
3. My dad ___________________________ (not cook) us dinner today.
4. _________ Margarita ______________ (come) with us to the museum?
5. Your friends _______________________________ (not do) your homework for you.
6. My sister ____________________________ (get up) early in the morning.

IV. Choose the correct alternative. (6 pts.)

1. She ________ here next week 2. José _______ you with your 3. ____ María ____ dance on the
a) are going to be homework. show?
b) is going to be a) will helping a) Is - going to
c) will going to be b) is going to helping. b) Are - going to
c) will help c) Will - is

4. I _____ smoking 5. She ______ Spanish today 6. Miriam and I ___ a rest.
a) will stop a) aren’t going to learn a) are going to have
b) am going stop b) don’t going to learn b) is going to have
c) goes to stop c) isn’t going to learn c) are going to not have

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