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A: “First of all, let me properly introduce myself. I am the Finance Department Manager.

As you know there is an open position in my department, and I need to fill this position
as soon as possible.”

B: “Please, tell me a little bit about the position.”

A: “It is an entry-level position. The new employee will have to work closely with the
Accounting department. He will also have to deal with the bank on a daily basis.”

B: “What type of qualifications do you require?”

A: “I require a four-year college degree in Finance. Some working experience would be


B: “What kind of experience are you looking for?”

A: “Doing office work is good. However, since this is an entry-level position, I do not
require a lot of experience. I am willing to train the new person.”

B: “That is great!”

A: “John, tell me a little bit about yourself.”

B: “I was a student at West Coast University, and I just graduated with a Bachelor
degree in Finance. I have been working part-time as a payroll clerk the last two years.”

A: “What are you looking for in a job?”

B: “The job should help me see what Finance is all about. I have learned a lot of
Finance theories at school, and now it is time for me to put them into practice.”

A: “Anything else?”

B: “I also hope that it will help me grow in my field.”

A: “What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?”

B: “I am a hard-working person and a fast learner. I am very eager to learn, and I get
along fine with people.”

A: “Ok. Now, let me ask you a few quick questions. You do not mind working long
hours, do you?”

B: “No, I don’t mind.”

A: “Can you handle pressure?”

B: “Yes, I can. When I was going to school, I took quite a few courses each semester
while working at least twenty hours every week. And, I handled that situation very well.”

A: “Do you still have any questions for me?”

B: “No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the job. I believe that I can handle it
with ease, and I hope to have the opportunity to work with you.”

A: “John, nice meeting you. Thank you for coming.”

B: “Nice meeting you too. Thank you for seeing me.”

A: “Will let you know about the result later.”

B: “Waiting for good news from you.”

Contoh Percakapan Interview Kerja Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya –
Di bawah ini, terdapat contoh percakapan interview kerja yang semoga
bisa memberikan referensi berlebih kepada Anda.

Afika: Excuse me Sir. May I come in?

(Permisi Pak. Boleh saya masuk?)

Dudit: Yes please, have a seat.

Your name is Afika, isn’t it?
(Silakan masuk, Silahkan duduk)
(Namamu Afika kan?)

Afika: Yes Sir. I was called by phone yesterday in order to have

interview today.
(iya Pak. Saya mendapat telepon kemarin untuk melakukan tes
wawancara hari ini)

Dudit: Yes. I have read your application and your curriculum vitae and
the owner of this company aks me to call you and have you in an
interview. First I want to know you. Please tell me about yourself.
(Ya. Saya sudah membaca surat lamaran kerja dan riwayat hidupmu dan
pemilik perusahaan ini meminta saya untuk mewawancarai mu. Pertama
saya ingin mengenalmu. Ceritakan tentang dirimu.)

Baca Juga: Daftar Kata Bahasa Inggris Gaul (Slang) & Artinya

Afika: Of course Sir. My complete name is Mariana Afika. I am 24

years old. I was graduated from a state University in Jakarta. I took
Financial Accounting as my major and graduated with 3.57 GPA. I was
graduated 3 monts ago Sir.
(Tentu Pak. Nama lengkap saya adalah Mariana Afika. Umur saya 24
tahun. Saya lulusan sebuah Universitas Negeri di Jakarta. Saya adalah
sarjana Akuntansi Keuangan dan lulus dengan IPK 3.57. Saya baru lulus
3 bulan lalu Pak.)
Dudit: And you apply for the vice of Chief Financial Division. What
make you sure you can work as the vice of Chief Financial Division,
since you are a fresh graduated. You don’t have working experience.
(Dan kamu melamar untuk posisi wakil kepala bagian keuangan. Apa
yang membuat kamu yakin kamu bisa bekerja sebagai wakil kepala
bagian keuangan karena kamu sendiri baru lulus. kamu tidak
mempunyai pengalaman)

Baca Juga: Pedoman Menulis Referensi Menggunakan Oxford Style

Afika: I think this is the perfect job for me Sir. I have learnt about
financial for four years, I hve done my apprentice in a big company and
pass with A grade. I can work individually or in team.
(Saya merasa bahwa ini adalah posisi yang bagus untuk saya Pak. Saya
sudah belajar tentang keuangan selama 4 tahun, saya magang disebuah
perusahaan dan lulus dengan nilai A. Saya juga dapat bekerja secara
individu atau kelompok)

Dudit: Yes, I see. I have read it in your application. I think you are good
enough for this position. I also want to know your weakness also.
( Ya, saya sudah membacanya di Surat lamaran mu. Saya juga berpikir
bahwa kamu cukup baik untuk posisi ini. Saya ingin mengetahui
kelemahan mu.)

Afika: Honestly I am afraid of height.

(Sejujurnya saya takut ketinggian Pak.)

Dudit: Hahaha, you’re so funny. It doesn’t have any relation with

financial tasks. Well, financial deal with money. This is a big company
which means with big money. This job require a honest, full of
responsibility, carefull, and full of agility. Can you do all of them?
(Hahaha, kamu lucu sekali. Itu tidak ada hubungannya dengan tugas-
tugas keuangan. Baiklah, saya jelaskan, keuangan berkaitan dengan
uang. perusahaan besar berarti berkaitan dengan uang yang banyak pula.
pekerjaan ini menuntut kejujuran, tanggungjawab, ketelitian, dan
kecekatan. Apa kamu bisa melakukan nya?)

Baca Juga: 8 Contoh Surat Undangan Pesta dalam Bahasa Inggris

Afika: I will do my best Sir.

(Saya akan melakukan yang terbaik Pak)

Dudit: Ok. I have finished. We will call you back if you were accepted.
(Ok. Saya sudah selesai. Kami akan menghubungi mu jika kamu

Afika: Thank you very much Sir. I have a big dream that I can work
here. Good Morning Sir
(Terimakasih banyak Pak. Saya bermimpi bisa bekerja disini. Selamat
pagi Pak)

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