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Earthquake Catalogs for the USGS National

Seismic Hazard Maps

by Charles S. Mueller
We describe a methodology that has been developed at the U.S. The approach has also been adapted for USGS hazard studies
Geological Survey for making earthquake catalogs for seismic in other regions.
hazard analysis and review the status of the catalogs for the
conterminous United States. A new catalog is assembled from GENERAL CATALOG METHODOLOGY
several pre-existing catalogs. Uniform moment magnitudes and
related parameters for estimating unbiased seismicity rates are To avoid repetition, general procedures are presented here, with
calculated. Duplicates, explosions, mining-related earthquakes, region-specific details to follow in the CEUS Catalogs and
and induced earthquakes are flagged, and the catalog is declus- WUS Catalogs sections. First, moment magnitudes are esti-
tered. Distinct catalogs are made for the central and eastern mated, input catalogs are combined, and duplicate entries are
United States and the western United States. deleted. This involves ranking and choosing among alternative
size measures and overlapping input catalogs, similar in some
aspects to the approach of Grünthal and Wahlström (2003),
who developed catalogs for Europe. Then, in a series of process-
INTRODUCTION ing steps, nontectonic seismic events are identified and flagged,
and declustering is applied to flag aftershocks and foreshocks.
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National Seismic Hazard Flagged records might or might not be used, depending on
Models (NSHMs) consider two kinds of earthquake sources. the objectives of the analysis. Catalogs extend beyond U.S. bor-
Specific faults are modeled when possible, with geometry and ders to include hazards from offshore sources and sources in
recurrence determined from geologic, seismologic, or geodetic Canada and Mexico. It is useful to define 1930 as a simplified
data. When faults cannot be identified or characterized, alter- boundary between preinstrumental and instrumental eras.
native sources, sometimes called background sources, can be
developed from seismicity catalogs. Uniform Magnitudes
We make a uniform earthquake catalog for a region by In seismic hazard analysis, we count earthquakes above speci-
reformatting and merging several pre-existing catalogs. fied magnitude thresholds to estimate seismicity rates. A diffi-
Seismicity statistics and catalog completeness are analyzed to culty is that various input catalogs list disparate magnitude and
develop a recurrence model, usually based on a standard intensity types and values, so we try to develop a uniform treat-
exponential magnitude–frequency distribution and b-value. ment. Moment magnitude is adopted as the target magnitude
Historical earthquakes are counted on a map grid, and the re- for both the CEUS and WUS. Input catalogs do not list
currence model is applied to estimate the rates of future earth- moment magnitude for most earthquakes, so consistent rules
quakes in each grid cell. Finally, the gridded rates are spatially are applied to estimate it from other size measures. Hanks and
smoothed and combined with maximum-magnitude models Kanamori (1979) discuss several relationships between magni-
and ground-motion models to compute seismic hazard. The tude and seismic moment. With original and converted mag-
USGS methodology was developed in the 1990s, and it was nitudes from many diverse sources, we do not try to reconcile
first applied to the 1996 hazard maps for the conterminous the difference between M w and M. Instead, we simply use the
United States (Frankel, 1995; Frankel et al., 1996, 2000). Dis- symbol M w for (nonspecific) moment magnitude.
tinct catalogs and hazard models were developed for the central In addition, computed seismicity rates may be biased if
and eastern United States (CEUS) and the western United magnitudes (1) follow an exponential frequency distribution
States (WUS). and (2) are measured or estimated with uncertainty (Tinti and
The NSHM for the conterminous United States were Mulargia, 1985; Felzer, 2007; Electric Power Research Insti-
updated in 2014 (Petersen et al., 2014; hereafter, 2014 update tute/Department of Energy/Nuclear Regulatory Commission
or 2014 maps). Catalogs for the 2014 maps extended through [EPRI/DOE/NRC], 2012; Musson, 2012; Arabasz et al.,
2012. They have been updated several times since then, pri- 2016). To address this problem, we start with a four-part clas-
marily to keep up with induced seismicity in the CEUS. We sification for M w : (1) For some well-recorded earthquakes, M w
describe the development and current status of these catalogs. is derived from analysis of seismic waveforms (e.g., Herrmann

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et al., 2011). Sometimes called observed M w , it is termed M wo in which β is defined for equation (1). To illustrate the range of
in this article. (2) For many earthquakes in the CEUS, M w is numbers, for b  1:0, N  varies from 1.03 for σ m  0:1, to
derived by converting instrumental magnitude, felt area (FA), 1.27 for σ m  0:3, and to 1.94 for σ m  0:5. In hazard prac-
or maximum intensity (I 0 ). EPRI/DOE/NRC (2012) devel- tice, the modern, smaller-σ m parts of catalogs tend to domi-
oped empirical conversion relations using M wo data and least- nate, so overall rate adjustments are typically smaller than
squares regression methods (also Arabasz et al., 2016). The about 15%–20%. For M wu, Musson (2012) cautions that a bias
conversion result is the expected value of M w , termed M we . adjustment may be erroneous if the magnitude history is
(3) For many earthquakes in the WUS, M w is set equal to an uncertain or complex. In this small number of cases, we simply
instrumental magnitude such as mb or M L. Considered quasi- set M we  M wu and N   1:0. We currently do not consider
equivalent to M wo for computing rates (see discussions in rounding uncertainties due to limited magnitude resolution
Felzer, 2007; Arabasz et al., 2016), it is termed M wq . (4) A (Felzer, 2007; EPRI/DOE/NRC, 2012).
small number of remaining earthquakes generally fall into three
groups: (a) magnitude type is unknown; (b) magnitude history
is uncertain or complex; or (c) M w cannot be classified as M wo , Step 1: Reformat and Merge Input Catalogs; Get M w
M we , or M wq. In these cases, M w is simply set equal to the listed and Rate Parameters
magnitude and termed M wu . As an example of (c), Musson Pre-existing catalogs, found online or in the literature, are
(2012) noted a study by Bakun and Wentworth (1997) in collected and combined. A catalog that we maintain is also
which M w was estimated from macroseismic data using a included, which has two main functions: (1) add information
methodology more complex than simple regression. from special studies and (2) override known false events or
EPRI/DOE/NRC (2012) developed a procedure for cal- mistakes in other catalogs. Each entry is reformatted to a stan-
culating unbiased seismicity rates. We adopt their approach dard record that lists basic information (M w , hypocenter, ori-
and choose M we as a uniform rate-consistent magnitude. M wo , gin time); σ m , M we , and N  for computing rates; and a
M wq , and M wu are adjusted to M we . (Strictly speaking, comment field. The M w is the most natural or widely accepted
adjusted M we is a magnitude that is calculated to be equivalent value in our judgment, which may be M wo , M we , M wq , or M wu.
to true M we for rates. Having noted this distinction, we will If M w is based on another size measure, the original measure is
simply call them both M we .) For each earthquake, a counting listed in the comment field. If a catalog lists more than one size
factor is also computed, N  , that is a function of the magnitude measure for an earthquake, a hierarchy based on our judgment
uncertainty and the b-value in the recurrence distribution. is used to select a favorite. Directly observed magnitudes are
When earthquakes with M we greater than or equal to some generally preferred over conversions, and the procedure recog-
threshold mc are counted by N  (instead of unity), one gets nizes that certain size measures are considered authoritative
the unbiased rate of mc  earthquakes (see EPRI/DOE/NRC, within specific eras, regions, or magnitude ranges (e.g., mbLg
2012, for details). in the instrumental era in the CEUS). An alternative approach
Magnitude uncertainty is specified by σ m, the standard might try to use all available size measures with uncertainty-
deviation of the magnitude error, taken from published sources based weights for each earthquake (Electric Power Research
or estimated based on the magnitude type and the era of the Institute/Department of Energy/Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
earthquake (Felzer, 2007; EPRI/DOE/NRC, 2012; Arabasz sion [EPRI/DOI/NRC], 2012). Our current scheme is similar
et al., 2016). M wo and M wq are adjusted to M we using the to that of Grünthal and Wahlström (2003); it is simpler for
following equation (this is equation 3.3.1-5 in EPRI/DOE/ catalogs that are frequently updated, and it has the advantage
NRC, 2012): that the provenance of M w is clear in the comment field.

Records for three CEUS earthquakes illustrate the format:

4:63 −78:000 45:000 0 1871 05 21 01 30 0: 0:333 4:63 1:342 NCEjfa;12:6
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;;40;226 4:55 −65:630 49:440 15 1967 09 30 22 39 48: 0:240 4:55 1:165 NCEjmn;4:7
5:65 −77:930 37:940 6 2011 08 23 17 51 05: 0:100 5:63 1:027 SLUjwo;5:65

EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;df1;40;155 M we  M wo ; M wq  − β × σ 2m ; 1 Field 1 lists M w , fields 2 and 3 list longitude (°E) and lat-
itude (°N), and field 4 lists depth (km). Fields 5–10 list origin
in which β  b × ln10, and b is the b-value. N  is defined in time (year, month, day, hour, minute, second; UTC). Fields
the following equation (this is equation 3.3.1-12 in EPRI/ 11–13 list σ m , M we , and N  . The comment field begins in
DOE/NRC, 2012): column 66. For the 1871 earthquake, the natural logarithm of
FA in km2 (“fa,12.6”) is converted to M w  M we  4:63. For
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;df2;40;94 N   expβ2 × σ 2m =2; 2 the 1967 earthquake, M N (“mn,4.7”) is converted to

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M w  M we  4:55. For the 2011 (Mineral, Virginia) earth- catalogs offer event-by-type search options, and some events
quake, M wo  5:65 is estimated from analysis of waveforms, are described in the literature, but resources are limited,
and adjusted (equation 1) to M we  5:63. Two characters after and we acknowledge that the results of this analysis are
“j” in the comment field denote the treatment of the original incomplete.
size measure. (Most of these should be clear from their context; The catalog from step 2 lists natural earthquakes and
“jdu” or “jwu” denotes the treatment when the magnitude his- induced earthquakes, without duplicates.
tory is uncertain or complex; “jmg” is shorthand for mbLg ;
“jmi” denotes probable M L ). Region-specific details are pro- Step 3: Flag Aftershocks and Foreshocks
vided below. A declustering algorithm is applied to flag aftershocks and fore-
Some input catalogs list explosions and other nontectonic shocks. Declustering is a topic of ongoing research and debate
seismic events. Those caused by mining or underground fluid —both the rationale and the methodology (e.g., EPRI/DOE/
injection/extraction are called mining-related or induced earth- NRC, 2012), but many hazard codes (including the NSHM
quakes in this article. They generally require special hazard treat- codes) assume that input catalogs are free of statistically
ment, and we will be challenged to try to distinguish them from dependent events. We currently use the distance- and time-
natural earthquakes in subsequent processing steps. windowing scheme of Gardner and Knopoff (1974), which
The catalog from step 1 lists all records from all sources, is based on an analysis of California data. This algorithm (here-
including duplicates, with a common format. All natural earth- after, GK74) has the advantage of simplicity, and a comparison
quakes and nontectonic events are included. Because it with other declustering methods has shown good performance
contains duplicates, this catalog is not very useful for applica- in the EPRI/DOE/NRC (2012) seismic hazard study.
tions. We also note that certain characters listed in some com- In our implementation, each earthquake is considered a
ment fields are used in the next processing step and then potential mainshock, and GK74 searches for other records
discarded. Examples include “−” (nontectonic or false event) within a specified distance from its epicenter and time after its
or “*” (explosion) in column 66, and “MwO,” “MwE,” or origin. The windows depend on magnitude; they are specified
“MwU” codes. at half-magnitude values and interpolated in between, ranging,
for example, from 19.5 km and 6 days for magnitude 2.5, to
Step 2: Delete Duplicates, Explosions, and Mining- 40 km and 155 days for magnitude 5.0, and to 94 km and 985
Related Seismicity days for magnitude 8.0. A smaller earthquake found within a
Duplicate entries are identified within simple time and dis- window is an aftershock. If a larger earthquake is found, the
tance windows that we have developed by trial and error. The first earthquake is a foreshock of the larger one. The algorithm
windows reflect the era dependence of catalog accuracy and finds aftershocks of aftershocks, so the tested catalog set can
completeness, but they are not meant to fix errors. For exam- grow beyond the initial windows for a large earthquake. (Or
ple, errors caused by mistranscribing UTC and local time or custom windows can be developed.)
mistranscribing a.m. and p.m. occur for some old earthquakes, The catalog from step 3 is declustered, listing natural
but time windows large enough to catch these also catch non- earthquakes and induced earthquakes with M w greater than
duplicates by mistake. The current time windows are 10 s for or equal to 2.5.
1990–present, 20 s before 1990, 60 s before 1960, 10 min
before 1930, and 30 min before 1880. The time window (re- Step 4: Flag Suspected Induced Earthquakes
gardless of era) expands if part of the origin time is unknown. Seismicity in parts of the CEUS has increased sharply since
For example, if minute and second are both listed as blank or 0 about 2008; in many cases, times and locations suggest links to
in the input catalog, we assume that the minute is unknown underground fluid injection (Ellsworth, 2013; Andrews and
and add 60 min to the time window (nearest-hour resolution). Holland, 2015; Weingarten et al., 2015). Some induced earth-
The current distance windows (radii) are 20 km 1990–present, quakes were identified in previous versions of the NSHM
50 km before 1990, 100 km before 1960, 250 km before 1930, (Petersen et al., 2008). Then we justified deleting them because
and 500 km before 1880. These windows seem satisfactory for their causative process was defunct or because they were tran-
the NSHM, where magnitude thresholds are fairly high, but sitory or not considered large enough to be a concern for haz-
they might be too coarse for other applications. A hierarchy, ard. Treatment of the newer seismicity is more complicated;
based on our judgment of input-catalog preference, is used to there are many more earthquakes, some are large, and some
select one favorite from among duplicate entries. For example, sequences are very intense.
a catalog from a special study might be considered authorita- The primary NSHM underpin long-term engineering and
tive, or an original, single-institution catalog might be preferred public-policy guidelines such as building codes. For these ap-
over a compilation. Catalogs that list M w directly generally get plications, it is undesirable for the hazard to be conditional on
higher priority. human activity that can start or stop abruptly for commercial
Explosions and mining-related earthquakes large enough or policy reasons, so we continue to delete induced events. Sep-
to cause shaking damage are rare and often transitory, and arate catalogs are developed for special studies and alternative
they do not fit standard recurrence models. These are usually maps (e.g., Petersen et al., 2017). It is beyond our scope to
deleted from catalogs for hazard analysis. Some online discuss the geophysics of induced earthquakes and the details

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Table 1
Central and Eastern United States (CEUS) Input Catalogs
Catalog Rank Magnitude Type Code Time Note*
NSHM + nontectonic catalogs 1 Mixed SHM 1700–present 1
St. Louis University 2a M wo SLU 1962–present 2
Global CMT Project 2b M wo CMT 1978–present 3
Johnston (1996) 2c M wo J96 1925–1994 4
Johnston (1994) 2d M wo J94 1925–1990 5
CEUS-SSC 2e M wo SSC 1925–2008 6
CEUS-SSC 3 M we SSC 1938–2002 7
Bakun and Hopper (2004a) 4a M wu BHa 1811–1886 8
Bakun et al. (2003) 4b M wu BJH 1755–1895 9
Bakun and Hopper (2004b) 4c M wu BHb 1811–1952 10
Johnston (1996) 5a M wu J96 1980–1986 11
Johnston (1994) 5b M wu J94 1700–1988 12
National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research 6 Mixed NCE 1700–1985 13
Stover and Coffman 7 Mixed USH 1700–1989 14
Stover, Reagor, and Algermissen 8 Mixed SRA 1700–1986 15
USGS PDEa 9 Mixed PDE 1973–2012 16
USGS PDEb 10 Mixed PDE 2013–present 17
Geological Survey of Canada 11 Mixed GSC 1985–present 18
Oklahoma Geological Survey 12 Mixed OGS 2005–present 19
CEUS-SSC 13 M we SSC 1700–2008 20
*1, file maintained by National Seismic Hazard Modeling (NSHM) project (see the Step 1: Reformat and Merge Input Catalogs;
Get Mw and Rate Parameters section), + nontectonic catalog from Electric Power Research Institute/Department of Energy/
Nuclear Regulatory Commission (EPRI/DOE/NRC, 2012; see Data and Resources), + nontectonic catalog from U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS, see Data and Resources), + nontectonic catalog from Geological Survey of Canada (GSC, see Data and
Resources); 2, St. Louis University (SLU, see Data and Resources; Herrmann et al., 2011); 3, Global Centroid Moment Tensor
(CMT, see Data and Resources; Dziewonski et al., 1981; Ekström et al., 2012); 4, J96 (Johnston, 1996, tables B1 and B2); 5,
J94 (Johnston, 1994, table 3–3 [volume 1] and table C–1 [appendix C]); 6, CEUS Seismic Source Characterization (CEUS-SSC)
Project (see Data and Resources; EPRI/DOE/NRC, 2012, table B–2); 7, SSC (see Data and Resources; EPRI/DOE/NRC, 2012,
table B–3); 8, BHa (Bakun and Hopper, 2004a, table 1); 9, BJH (Bakun et al., 2003, table 2); 10, BHb (Bakun and Hopper,
2004b, tables 1 and 2); 11, J96 (Johnston, 1996, table 2); 12, J94 (Johnston, 1994, table 3–3 [volume 1] and table C–1
[appendix C]); 13, National Center for Earthquake Engineering Research (NCE, see Data and Resources; Seeber and
Armbruster, 1991); 14, USH (see Data and Resources; Stover and Coffman, 1993); 15, Stover, Reagor, and Algermissen (SRA,
see Data and Resources; Stover et al., 1984); 16 and 17, USGS Preliminary Determination of Epicenters (PDE, see Data and
Resources); 18, GSC (see Data and Resources); 19, Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS, see Data and Resources); 20, SSC
(see Data and Resources; EPRI/DOE/NRC, 2012, their table B–1).

of individual sequences. We identify them using information the hierarchy for choosing from among duplicates. Catalogs
from the literature and local expertise, and we estimate their from tables B–3 and B–1 in EPRI/DOE/NRC (2012) list
extents by looking for suspicious activity within local subcata- M we directly (ranks 3 and 13). The other catalogs list M wo
logs. Sequences are parameterized by simple time windows and (rank 2), M wu (ranks 4 and 5), or mixed size measures. “Code”
spatial (map) polygons. is listed in the comment field of each record to identify the data
In step 4, the CEUS catalogs from steps 2 and 3 are each source. A b-value of 1.0 from Petersen et al. (2014) is used in
divided into two parts: (1) a catalog of suspected induced earth- the CEUS calculations.
quakes and (2) a complementary catalog of natural earthquakes.

M w and Rate Parameters

CEUS CATALOGS Original M wo and M wu are adjusted to M we , as described in the
General Catalog Methodology section. For most CEUS earth-
The input catalogs that are reformatted and combined to make quakes, a preferred instrumental magnitude, FA, or I 0 is con-
up the current CEUS catalogs are listed in Table 1. “Rank” lists verted to M we using equations from EPRI/DOE/NRC (2012).

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Table 2
CEUS Magnitude Conversions (This Is Table 3.3-1 in EPRI/DOE/NRC, 2012)
Original Size Measure Conversion Equation σm *
Body-wave magnitude (m b , m bLg , M N ) M we  m b − 0:316 − 0:118Z NE − 0:192Z 1997GSC  0:280Z 1982NE , in 0.24
which Z NE  1 for earthquakes in the northeast†, and 0 otherwise;
Z 1997GSC  1 for earthquakes after 1997 recorded by GSC, and 0
otherwise; Z 1982NE  1 for earthquakes in the northeast† before
1982 recorded by other than GSC, and 0 otherwise
M L from GSC Compute m b  M L − 0:21, and use m b conversion 0.42
MS M we  2:654  0:334M s  0:040M 2s 0.20
M L , M D , M c in northeast (non-GSC) M we  0:633  0:806M L ; M D ; M c  0.27
M L , M D , M C in midcontinent, east of −100° M we  0:869  0:762M L ; M D ; M c  0.25
M L , M D , M c in midcontinent west of −100° Use m b conversion 0.24
Felt area (FA, km2 ) M we  1:41  0:218 × lnFA  0:00087 × FA0:5 0.22
I 0 (maximum intensity) M we  0:017  0:666 × I 0 0.50
*Magnitude uncertainty from the data analysis.

The northeast zone boundary is mapped in Figure 1.

The datasets and regression analyses are described there in sec- the early part of the CEUS catalog suggested that roughly dou-
tion 3.3.2 and table 3.3-1; the table is reproduced here as Table 2. bling the GK74 distance windows helped solve the South
Magnitude uncertainty is taken from one of four sources: Carolina problem without deleting too many earthquakes
(1) σ m listed in an input catalog, if available; (2) era-based σ m elsewhere. We apply this modified version everywhere in the
for M w from section in EPRI/DOE/NRC (2012); CEUS before 1900 and the original GK74 algorithm
(3) σ m for converted instrumental magnitude, FA, or I 0 from after 1900.
EPRI/DOE/NRC (2012; Table 2); or (4) estimated era-based Trimmed emm.c3 lists about 7770 records. For 1700–
σ m . To illustrate the range of numbers, σ m varies from 0.1 to 1929, there are about 1250 records: 39% and 30% are M we
0.3 for M w and from 0.2 to 0.5 for conversions. N  is calcu- converted from I 0 and FA, respectively; 22% are M we from
lated using equation (2). the rank 13 catalog; and 8% are various M wu . For 1930–
2016, there are about 6520 records: 5% are M wo from the
CEUS Catalog Summary rank 2 catalogs, 5% are M we from the rank 3 catalog, 18%
The catalog assembled in step 1, called emm.c1, lists about are M we from the rank 13 catalog, and 1% are various M wu .
95,000 records through 2016. About 19,000 explosions and For the rest of the 6520, M we is converted from another size
mining-related earthquakes are contributed from the nontec- measure.
tonic catalogs. A few hundred more are identified within zones Suspected induced earthquakes in the CEUS are identified
of known mining activity in Utah and Colorado (Wong et al., using case studies from the literature, local expertise, and
1989; see also Arabasz et al., 2016). These records and about assessments of subcatalogs. Map polygons and time windows
23,000 duplicates are deleted from emm.c1 to make emm.c2 are used to divide emm.c2 and emm.c3 into natural parts
(step 2), and emm.c2 is then declustered to make emm.c3 (emm_pn.c2 and emm_pn.c3) and induced parts (emm_pi.c2
(step 3). To enable consistent summaries and comparisons, and emm_pi.c3). Petersen et al. (2017) identified 21 induced se-
emm.c2 and emm.c3 are trimmed to 1700–2016, M we  2:5, quences and developed models to compute the hazard from both
and the NSHM CEUS catalog region shown in Figure 1. natural and induced earthquakes. Sequences and parameters are
Trimmed emm.c2 lists about 23,010 records. For 1700– evolving, and any details presented here might quickly become
1929, there are about 1650 records: 36% and 30% are M we con- obsolete. We refer readers to Petersen et al. (2017) and the
verted from I 0 and FA, respectively, 25% are M we from the rank NSHM website (see Data and Resources). The natural and in-
13 catalog, and 8% are various M wu . For 1930–2016, there are duced parts of trimmed emm.c3 are mapped in Figures 1 and 2.
about 21,360 records: 4% are M wo from the rank 2 catalogs, 2% In trimmed emm.c2, 1930–2016, 70% of the 21,360
are M we from the rank 3 catalog, 7% are M we from the rank 13 earthquakes are induced, with 93% of these occurring in north-
catalog, and 0.4% are various M wu . For the rest of the 21,360, central Oklahoma or southern Kansas since 2009. For 92% of
M we is converted from another size measure. the Oklahoma and Kansas earthquakes, M we is converted from
The initial declustered catalog listed many earthquakes in M L . In trimmed emm.c3, 1930–2016, only 18% of the 6520
and near South Carolina after the 1886 Charleston mainshock; earthquakes are induced, indicating strong declustering of these
Marrone and Tavakoli (2013) also noticed these. We assume events. The other 82% of the 6520 are natural earthquakes;
most are aftershocks, poorly located, and therefore missed by 93% of these lie east of longitude −105°, and their breakdown
GK74 (which was developed using modern data). Tests with by input catalog and magnitude type is presented in Table 3.

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emm_pn.c3 (Mwe = 2.5+,1700–2016, declustered)




30° M=5


Induced zone
Mining zone

–110° –100° –90° –80° –70° –60°

▴ Figure 1. Natural earthquakes in catalog emm.c3 (1700–2016, M we  2:5). Explosions and mining-related events are deleted, the
catalog is declustered, and suspected induced earthquakes are deleted in 21 zones (solid lines). The dashed line shows the boundary of
the National Seismic Hazard Model (NSHM) central and eastern United States catalog region. The dotted line shows the boundary of the
northeast zone from Table 2.

Trimmed emm.c3, 1930–2016, west of −105° is dominated by outside the UCERF3 zone in the final catalog, so it does not
M L and M D . include the UCERF3 catalog. Explosions, mining-related
events, and duplicates are deleted from each catalog in step 2.
WUS CATALOGS After step 2, earthquakes outside the UCERF3 zone are deleted
from A, earthquakes inside the UCERF3 zone are deleted from
Two distinct WUS catalogs are developed in steps 1 and 2, B, and the two catalogs are merged. Columns in Tables 4 and 5
before making one merged catalog. The purpose of the two are defined as for Table 1. A b-value of 0.8 from Frankel et al.
catalogs is to facilitate integrating California seismicity with (1996) is used in the WUS calculations.
the rest of the WUS. The input catalogs that are reformatted
and combined are listed in Tables 4 and 5. For the 2014 up- M w and Rate Parameters
date, the third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Fore- Original M wo and M wu are adjusted to M we , as described in the
cast (UCERF3) project developed a catalog for a region General Catalog Methodology section. For a few earthquakes,
extending about 100 km beyond the California border (Felzer, I 0 and FA are converted to M wu following Toppozada (1975).
2013; Field et al., 2013; Powers and Field, 2013), covering For most WUS earthquakes, an instrumental magnitude is set
1769–2012. Catalog A (Table 4) is constructed for the whole equal to M wq , which is adjusted to M we . Moment magnitude
WUS with the intention of using only its part inside the was originally defined to be consistent with magnitudes such as
UCERF3 zone in the final catalog, so it gives high rank to M L or mb for crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regions
the UCERF3 catalog. Catalog B (Table 5) is constructed (Hanks and Kanamori, 1979). Relationships between various
for the whole WUS with the intention of using only its part instrumental magnitudes and M w are discussed by Utsu (2002)

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emm_pi.c3 (Mwe = 2.5+,1700–2016, declustered)



Rky Mtn Arsenal


Raton Sun City


El Dorado
Dagger Draw

Alice Induced zone M=5

–110° –100° –90° –80°

▴ Figure 2. Suspected induced earthquakes in catalog emm.c3 (1700–2016, M we  2:5).

and Sipkin (2003). The WUS catalog is dominated by M L, mb , match M L (Stover and Coffman, 1993; Pechmann et al.,
duration magnitude M D , and coda magnitude M c . Regional 2007). For the largest earthquakes, we make simple, first-order
M D and M c were developed as convenient magnitude scales adjustments for magnitude saturation. For example, M wq is set
for smaller earthquakes, and they are usually calibrated to equal to mb for mb ≤ 5:26 and equal to 1:46 × mb − 2:42, for

Table 3
Contributions (%) to Trimmed emm_pn.c3, 1930–2016, East of Longitude −105°
M wo M we mb m bLg MN ML Mc MD I0 FA
Rank 2 3.9
SSC rank 3 6.6
SSC rank 13 23.0
NCE 5.6 3.9 3.2 5.5 0.5 1.6 4.7
USH 0.1
SRA 0.1 2.1 1.3 2.7
PDE 0.1 1.3 9.8 1.4 16.9
GSC 3.7 0.1
OGS 0.4 0.3
Total 4.0 29.6 7.1 13.7 9.0 8.7 0.5 19.9 1.6 4.7
Empty cell indicates contribution smaller than 0.1%; various M wu contribute about 1%, not tabulated.

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Table 4
Input Catalogs for Western United States (WUS) Catalog A
Catalog Rank Magnitude Type Code Time Note*
NSHM + nontectonic catalogs 1 Mixed SHM 1882–present 1
Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast 2 Mixed UC3 1769–2012 2
St. Louis University 3a M wo SLU 1962–present 3
Global CMT Project 3b M wo CMT 1976–present 4
CEUS-SSC Project 3c M wo SSC 1967–2008 5
Stover and Coffman 4 Mixed USH 1769–1989 6
Stover, Reagor, and Algermissen 5 Mixed SRA 1857–1986 7
USGS PDEa 6 Mixed PDE 1960–2006 8
USGS PDEb 7 Mixed PDE 2007–present 9
Centennial catalog 8 Mixed EVC 1900–2002 10
*1, file maintained by NSHM project (see the Step 1: Reformat and Merge Input Catalogs; Get Mw and Rate Parameters section), +
nontectonic catalog from USGS (see Data and Resources), + nontectonic catalog from GSC (see Data and Resources); 2, UC3 (see
Data and Resources; Felzer, 2013; Field et al., 2013); 3, SLU (see Data and Resources; Herrmann et al., 2011); 4, CMT (see Data and
Resources; Dziewonski et al., 1981; Ekström et al., 2012); 5, SSC (see Data and Resources; EPRI/DOE/NRC, 2012, table B–2); 6, USH
(see Data and Resources; Stover and Coffman, 1993); 7, SRA (see Data and Resources; Stover et al., 1984); 8 and 9, PDE (see Data
and Resources); 10, EVC (see Data and Resources; Engdahl and Villaseñor, 2002).

Table 5
Input Catalogs for WUS Catalog B
Catalog Rank Magnitude Type Code Time Note*
NSHM + nontectonic catalogs 1 Mixed SHM 1882–present 1
St. Louis University 2a M wo SLU 1962–present 2
Global CMT Project 2b M wo CMT 1976–present 3
CEUS-SSC Project 2c M wo SSC 1967–2008 4
Stover and Coffman 3 Mixed USH 1769–1989 5
Stover, Reagor, and Algermissen 4 Mixed SRA 1857–1986 6
USGS PDEa 5 Mixed PDE 1960–2006 7
USGS PDEb 6 Mixed PDE 2013–present 8
GSC 7 Mixed GSC 1985–present 9
Centennial catalog 8 Mixed EVC 1900–2002 10
Basin and Range catalog 9 M wu PCH 1855–1999 11
California Geological Survey 10 Mixed CGS 1872–2006 12
*1, file maintained by NSHM project (see the Step 1: Reformat and Merge Input Catalogs; Get Mw and Rate Parameters section), +
nontectonic catalog from USGS (see Data and Resources), + nontectonic catalog from GSC (see Data and Resources); 2, St. Louis
University (SLU, see Data and Resources; Herrmann et al., 2011); 3, CMT (see Data and Resources; Dziewonski et al., 1981; Ekström
et al., 2012); 4, SSC (see Data and Resources; EPRI/DOE/NRC, 2012, table B–2); 5, USH (see Data and Resources; Stover and
Coffman, 1993); 6, SRA (see Data and Resources; Stover et al., 1984); 7 and 8, PDE (see Data and Resources); 9, GSC (see Data and
Resources); 10, EVC (see Data and Resources; Engdahl and Villaseñor, 2002); 11, PCH (see Data and Resources; Pancha et al.,
2006); 12, California Geological Survey (CGS, see Data and Resources; Felzer and Cao, 2007).

mb > 5:26 (Sipkin, 2003). Adjustments are made for M L and WUS Catalog Summary
M S based on relationships plotted in Utsu (2002). M D and M c Catalog A from step 1, wmm_wg.c1, lists about 148,000
are assumed to be unsaturated. records through 2016. About 2200 explosions (including Ne-
Magnitude uncertainty is taken from one of two sources: vada Test Site) and mining-related earthquakes are contributed
(1) σ m listed in an input catalog, if available or (2) estimated from the nontectonic catalogs, and a few hundred more are
era-based σ m . N  is calculated using equation (2). identified within mining zones. These records and about

258 Seismological Research Letters Volume 90, Number 1 January/February 2019

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wmm.c3 (Mwe3.5+,1850–2016) 1930–2016, there are about 5170 records: 6% are M wo from
the rank 2 catalogs in Table 5, 3% are other M wo, 3% are vari-
ous M wu , and 0.3% other. For the rest, about 88% of the 5170,
M wq is converted from another size measure: 50% M L , 10%
probable (but uncertain) M L , 21% mb , 4% M D , 1% M S , 1%
converted I 0 or FA, and 1% other.
Trimmed wmm.c3 inside the UCERF zone lists about
4030 records, 250 for 1850–1929 and 3780 for 1930–2016.
Trimmed wmm.c3 outside the UCERF zone lists about 2530
records, 100 for 1850–1929 and 2430 for 1930–2016. Relative
contributions by input catalog and magnitude type are similar
to wmm.c2. Trimmed wmm.c3 is mapped in Figure 3.

We provide a snapshot of the earthquake catalogs for the
USGS NSHM. The methodology has been developed with
updates in mind, and it is adaptable for other hazard studies.
30° The development process is ongoing, and here we discuss some
known issues, continuing needs, and improvements that are
being considered.
In any catalog-building effort, there is a natural tendency
to try to include smaller earthquakes. Considering the CEUS,
Mining zone
we estimate M w with conversions developed from empirical
analysis of magnitude and intensity data (EPRI/DOE/NRC,
–120° –110° –100°
2012). M w is not generally available for small earthquakes, and
it is unclear if the current relationships are suitable for them.
▴ Figure 3. Catalog wmm.c3 (1850–2016, M we  3:5). Explo- On a national scale, it is debatable whether small earthquakes
sions and mining-related events are deleted, and the catalog are needed to define patterns and rates for hazard analysis. If
is declustered. The dashed line shows the boundary of the NSHM thresholds are lowered in the future, better M w treatments will
western United States catalog region. The dotted line shows the be required. Even with the current thresholds, improved M w
boundary of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast estimates based on new research would be welcome for any
catalog zone. region.
Working at a national scale, some simplifications in the
methodology are justified, but when the data support it, more
49,000 duplicates are deleted in step 2. Catalog B from step 1, complexity could be introduced. For example, updated proce-
wmm_rw.c1, lists about 96,000 records. About 4000 explosions dures for computing M w or for identifying duplicates might
and mining-related earthquakes and 27,000 duplicates are de- use more refined classifications of the input data by era, region,
leted in step 2. After step 2, the catalogs are trimmed inside (A) magnitude range, or source catalog. Innovations might include
and outside (B) the UCERF boundary and merged to make new treatments for old earthquakes, for earthquakes in the
wmm.c2. Then wmm.c2 is declustered to make wmm.c3 using CEUS east and west of longitude −105°, for induced earth-
GK74 as published. To enable consistent summaries and com- quakes, or for data from specific seismic networks. If other
parisons, wmm.c2 and wmm.c3 are trimmed to 1850–2016, methods for estimating M w are introduced (e.g., orthogonal
M we  3:5, and the NSHM WUS catalog region shown regression), the M w classification should be updated
in Figure 3. accordingly.
Trimmed wmm.c2 inside the UCERF zone lists about In recent updates, the USGS Preliminary Determination
11,510 records. For 1850–1929, there are about 340 records, of Epicenters (PDE) catalogs (see Data and Resources) have
mostly M wu. For 1930–2016, there are about 11,170 records: made increasingly larger contributions. PDE is authoritative
1% are M wo from the rank 3 catalogs in Table 4, 8% are other for modern coverage, and it also continues to incorporate older
M wo , and 7% are various M wu . For the rest, about 84% of the earthquakes. It might come to replace some of our legacy cata-
11,170, M wq is converted from another size measure: 75% M L , logs, potentially simplifying the update process. PDE now also
1% mb , 5% M D , and 3% M c . lists some USGS-determined M w values, and we will consider
Trimmed wmm.c2 outside the UCERF zone lists about including these with high rank.
5300 records. For 1850–1929, there are about 130 records: Declustering has been mentioned as a controversial topic.
25% and 14% are M wq converted from I 0 and FA, respectively; Research into earthquake clustering behavior might lead to
6% are various M wo ; 50% are various M wu ; and 5% other. For better methods. Within the established windowing approach,

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improvements might come from better parameterizations The author is grateful for help and encouragement from U.S.
based on modern data, especially for induced seismicity in Geological Survey (USGS) colleagues, including Art Frankel,
the CEUS. Susan Hoover, Allison Shumway, Karen Felzer, Morgan Mo-
A known weakness of the current analysis is the identifi- schetti, Oliver Boyd, Mark Petersen, Harley Benz, Paul Earle,
cation of nontectonic earthquakes. Although most mining- Jim Dewey, Margaret Hopper, and Rus Wheeler. The author
related earthquakes in the U.S. Intermountain West fall below was fortunate to attend some of the central eastern United
our magnitude thresholds, we nevertheless hope to improve States–Seismic Source Characterization (CEUS-SSC) work-
this part of the catalog. We are also working to stay abreast of shops, where he learned about catalogs from Bob Youngs,
developments in induced seismicity in the CEUS, and we want Gabriel Toro, and Walter Arabasz. Input along the way from
to extend these efforts to the WUS. Bob Herrmann, Stephen Halchuk, Martin Chapman, Jon Ake,
Vince Matthews, and Chris Cramer is appreciated. Walter Ara-
DATA AND RESOURCES basz and Martin Chapman reviewed an early draft and made
many valuable suggestions. Later versions were reviewed by
The earthquake catalogs compiled in this analysis are available at Morgan Moschetti, Jill McCarthy, Janet Slate, and two anony-
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) ScienceBase (Mueller, 2018; mous reviewers at SRL. Ken Rukstales developed the Science-
doi: 10.5066/F7P26X4R). Central and eastern United States Base structure and integrated the files; this material was
(CEUS) catalogs emm.c1, emm*.c2, and emm*.c3 are described reviewed by Greg Smoczyk and Susan Hoover.
in the CEUS Catalog Summary section. An individual input
catalog (reformatted) can be extracted from emm.c1 by search-
ing for its three-character code; see Table 1. WUS catalogs REFERENCES
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