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We use our understanding of proportion to accurately measure the size of objects the are observing. Utilizing basic
principles of geometry students learn to effectively translate that which is observed into a graphic image that is true to
form at any scale, whether drawn on a piece of paper or a large wall. Knowledge of laws of measurement, simple
equations to consider, allow the visual artist to convincingly draw what they see.

Hi Funcia,
For dance, I use BEST, an acronym that stands for Body, Energy, Space and Time. Body refers to the body parts that you
move, Energy is where you can consider the tension on your body as well as how you move your body, Space refers to
the space you take up with your movement, including a varieties of levels and Time refers to your tempo or speed of

S- using biology so the students can learn the anatomy of the body as it refers to dance. The anatomy of the larynx,
pharynx, and diaphragm as it refers to voice and how to properly project the voice and sing, and the psychological
component of the brain and how people think and react to things as it refers to acting.
T & E- technical theatre. Costume construction. Costume design.
M- Measurements for set building & costume design, costume construction

Science- we have studied the anatomy of the organs that produce voice as well as looked at what the body does when

Technology- I make use of the Promethean board to carry out parts of lessons, show demonstrations, and use music
software. I have also used phones to assess students’ understandings using online surveys and quiz tools.

Engineering- we didn’t have maracas for a piece so my non magnet students made maracas out of cups, beans, and

Arts- aside from music making, we relate our music to the same art history periods. I have also asked students to draw
covers for possible future programs

Math- we use math every day when we count and subdivide beats in theory and when we sightsing during chorus

Orsini Shakher use of STEAM

Still Life

Use of measurement and observation . Plum lines ,angles from observation of 3 dimensional objects to place them
through use of observation converting the 3D to 2d . Then through use of value and technique to recreate the 3 d reality
through observation and mathematics.

One and Two Point Perspective (some 3-5 point ) Activity

Covers use of perspective.

Teacher through demonstration and Samples teaches student

One and Two Point Perspective.

Student creates an interior or exterior environment.

Select students who have mastered one and two point perspective learn 3,4,and 5 point perspective.

Portraiture and the grid

through laws of measurement

And scales of proportions, ie 1:2.

Mathematically the student recreates the image chosen to a larger scale by method of the grid system.

Endangered species / Mythological creature/ Fantasy Creature/ Mask project

The students use design principles. Students develop drawings of a Chosen creature using Measurement and accuracy
are of importance.

All elevation drawings front , back and side view line up mathematically by use of measurement. Through this the
student can make a proportionate enlarges to scale 3 d maquette that later transforms to a 3 d enlarged to scale card
board armature . Then by stuffing and wrapping the quadrants are filled to create a 3 dimensional form from original

During construction students are using cardboard, wire , wire cutters newspapers for a strong free standing sculpture.

Cardboard in unstable areas are cut to right angles to support joints and intersections to assist in stability and strength
of are piece .

Friday’s Scholastic Art

Friday’s we read Scholastic Art and I question them according to Description, Analysis , Interpretation and Judgement .

Home Work

Lately in this Project I ask for 2 paragraphs asking them to describe their art piece steps taken to achieve and express
their likes and dislikes .

Kaleidoscope (Video)

Crop and manipulate a photograph to explore rotation, reflections, and translation. Have students explain all of the
transformations in the art they produce.

Layered Photos

Photographs can be enhanced, modified, or combined to artistically demonstrate STEM learning. Imagine showing the
structure beneath a building or the skeletal system inside of an animal.

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