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Good learning experience:

As for a good learning experience, I'd like to write about my experience while in
training with HCL. The company had given a special focus to it's training
activities. The training was very effective. I was trained on my technical and
communication skills. That being my first job, I was keen to learn and grow.
Trainers paid special attention to almost all the trainees and helped them sharpen
their skills. That is the training that laid the foundation to build my career and
to become the professional that I'm today.

It is indeed important to see learning as a lifetime pratice and not such for any
specific period of time. In that manner of speaking, HCL training offered me
various oppurtunites to develop my skills or to set a platform to be develeoping my
I'm and will always be grateful for my trainers for having taken special care that
has helped me all the way. This expereince that I'm talking about will remain
forever fresh in my memory. Simply for the reason, it is were everything started.

Bad learning experience:
As for a bad learning experience, I'll write about my training at DELL. While DELL
had done everything possible, to provide its trainees with best experience, a few
trainers did spoil the whole point. My trainer in particular did not take much
liking for me and
threw me negativity in every instance he could. I had to endure that for 4 months
before I was moved into a post training scenario. That hurt my learning and has
left a bad taste forever.

Training is supposed to cultivate interests towards learning but this training did
exactly the opposite. There isn't one specific reason as to why I feel the training
was a bad expereince but there are many. Any good training should improve people
but this one impaired them. Hopefully, I will not have to go through one such
traning in the future.
Not just for me but the training must have been a bad experience for everyone that
went through it.

why you would like to take the CELTA course

I have always passionate about learning and teaching English. As a part of my

training activities in my current job, I have been training people mostly on their
technical abilities and to some extent on their English communication. I have found
teaching to be fun. I enjoy my time while involved in teaching. It's satisfying to
see people develop their abilities because of my effort. I would like to gain a
formal qualifaction to teach English and CELTA is my first choice. Recognized all
over the world, I firmly belive CELTA will be of great help to purse my interests
in teaching. More over, CELTA will help me improve my teaching capabilites in a
more formal and systamatic fashion. It has been my important dream to be a teacher
possisng CELTA qualification.

CELTA training provides me with an oppurtnitiy to interact with people that have
the same kind of aspiration to become an English teacher. I also belive being
around such people will my learning.

In my opinion a new language can be learnt in two ways. One is by being passionate
to learn the language and another is being in the necessaity to learn that
language. Passion is what makes learning fun and easy. It's with passion any
foriegn language can be learnt effective. In my own expereience, I learnt Hindi
during my school days but it was merely a neccisatty. That kind of learning has not
helped me well and the lessons I learnt proved to be less effective.

Learning with passion is the most effective way to learn a language for life.
Language learning is fun when done with passion. When learnt with passion, the
language learning doesn't stop at all. Learning a language could mean learning
about people, their culture and so on. In such a way, learning a lanague will
improve you as a person.Gathering knowledge about people, their culture , their
history, their politics, their literature and many more will certainly enhance your
own abilities.


Firstly, I'll try to understand the collegue's motive in attending the sesssion.
Gradually will try to see if he has been able to do what he wanted. As a teacher, I
should have known about the positives and negatives of my students. In that manner
of speaking, my feedback will start by talking about his positives and how much
they have been helpful to purse his objectives. Once sure about his emotional
state, I'll start discussing about his areas of improvement. While do so, I'll very
cautiosly avoid negativity.

I'd would be my task to ensure that the feedback is taken positively. The feedback
should not contain just remarks but provide him with suggestions to recover from
his mistakes. The feedback should make his learning easier and not add to the
complexity. Personally, I'll take this expereince to my own learning. I have always
believed dealing with difficult students shall help my own improvement.


A big No.

Communication in a teacing perspective is most effective when done both ways. A

teacher must keep his students as interactive as possible. It is by questions, we
learn things. In fact, students should be encouraged to ask questions as many as
possible. Not only it helps students but also teachers. Such questions may also
reflect the level of intersts students have towards a particular session. Knowning
which, a teacher can plan the session accordingly.

Another big no is to have students intreact only with teachers. Learning is fun
when done as a team work. A student should be encouraged to be a team player and be
supported when he is one. No good teacher shall prevent his students from being
interactive, be it with the teacher or with the students. Learning is effective
when many viewpoints take place.
A student's learning is not going to end within the class room after all.


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