Sunteți pe pagina 1din 70


Word From The Author 3
Disclaimer 10


Mind Flip 1 12
Robert Kiyosaki 14
Millionaire Mindset 17
The Big Question 20
Your Perfect Day 21
Exploring Freedom 26


Start From Zero 27

Reverse Engineering 30
Mind Flip Part 2 31
Scaling Down 32

Chapter 3 - WHAT TO SELL? 34

Assets 34
3 opportunities 35
The “Before And After” Framework 38
5 Products 39


The Harsh Truth 44

Authority 46
Panic & Solution 47
The Basic Principles 48
The Psychology Behind It 49
Freedom Calculator (Phase 1) 51
Phase 2 – Upscale Your Freedom 52
Where To Find Clients 55


5 Steps 56
7 Action Steps 59
Mindset 67
Warning (Don´t Stop Reading) 67
Last, Future Changing, Words 68

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©2018 – All Rights Reserved – Roy Bonté
Word From The Author
“It´s Time For Something New.
It´s Time To Explore Freedom!”

We as human beings are programmed in a certain way. First you go to school, then you work hard
and when you are retired you can start enjoying your freedom. This programming is done by your
parents, your social circle and school. Which is okay, we don´t blame them, they don´t know any
better, they were programmed the same way.

Furthermore, our instinct says that we shouldn´t take risks. That we should not work against this
programming, against of what we think, how everything should be, because: What if it goes wrong?

Our social circle tells us the as we do...... then everything will be okay.

But what if they are all wrong?

I really don´t think we humans were created to “suffer” all of our whole lives and walk in line like the

What if I want to enjoy life NOW?

Does that make me crazy? Well...if so... then call me crazy!

And so are you, I am sure. Because you picked up this book surely you are attracted to the concept of
exploring your freedom.

That is why I wrote this little book. To show you how you can do what we do. Explore freedom NOW
and scale up your freedom while you´re at it, by building an online consultancy business.

Now you might think...

I am not a consultant, I don´t know how I could help people or I don´t know how to build an online

Don´t worry all will be clear to you. Believe me when I say, there are thousands of people waiting for
you and willing to pay you for your advice!

I understand you are eager to step right into the good stuff, but I ask you to read this part carefully.
It is very important to know who you are receiving this information from. What I am going to explain
to you in this book is what is working for me. And when you copy it, it will work for you!

During our childhood, at school they tell us to first study, and then work hard your whole life and
then when you are retired you can start living your freedom. And you probably don´t know any
better either. That is what we have seen from our teachers, our parents. Those are the people we
copied, and thus we do what they are doing.

I was doing this for 30 years, but at some point I realized that I wasn´t getting any closer to what I
really wanted. That is why I started looking for people who did have what I wanted. I studied their

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every move and I started to copy them. I discovered patterns in how they created their freedom and
I created my own framework. And it worked!

This frame work made it possible for me and my family to create our freedom.

Now freedom has a different meaning for everyone, and we will talk about that in the first chapter.

But for me, for us, freedom means that we, as a family, are no longer depending on a fixed place to
live. That doesn´t mean that we want to wander around the world for the rest of our lives as a bunch
of hippies. It means that if we decide to live in Australia for a few years and after that a few years in
the Maldives that we can. It means that where ever we live, we are able to live a life of quality. But
even more important, that we are able to work where ever and whenever we want.

This doesn´t mean that we don´t have to work anymore. Not at all! We definitely do work! I don´t
believe in a get rich quick mentality. Or people that try to get things for nothing. If you want to get
somewhere in life, you have to work for it. Living in freedom doesn´t have to be expensive, but it
doesn´t come for free! But we work smarter as I like to call it. Not harder. We have found the lifestyle
and a business model we love and enjoy, and we get to share it with our children as we are no longer
part of the rat race.

My name is Roy Bonté, 47 years young and I am from the Netherlands.

(You probably notice that in how I write English) I am married to Laura
and we have 3 kids. Currently our “home-base” is Spain. Life is just nicer
here and it is still close enough to visit our relatives in Holland often. But
it´s time to change “home base” again as we have big plans!

The freedom we have found didn´t come easy. A quick look into my past (I
prefer looking to the future, but I think my past and the decisions I have
made might inspire you to explore your own freedom)

I come from a humble hard working middle class family. My parents owned a car shop and from a
young age I was destined to work with them. And so I did, at the age of 17, after high school, I went
to work with them. After working in the garage for 11 years with a lot of pride, one morning I woke
up and this it? Will I be working in overalls, just like my dad, for the rest of my life?
Panic took over and that same moment I took a DECISION.

That same day I asked for a meeting with my parents and told them that I would not continue their
business when they would retire and that I was going to stop working for them. You can imagine the
disappointment, but within 3 months we managed to sell the business to guarantee a good
retirement for my parents and I was FREE to start a new phase in my life.

Together with Laura, then still my girlfriend, at the age of 28, we took a plane to Spain to look for a
summer job. With 1500$ in our pockets we went hunting for jobs and a place to stay. But the
entrepreneurial blood I received from my parents made it happen that, with a down payment of
1500$, we rented our own little bar for the summer. Without a place to stay and no money left, we
returned to Holland to work there for a few more months until summer started.

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The bar was in a famous Spanish holiday resort and after a rough start I understood the trick how to
make money in a tourist resort. Now I started to duplicate this trick and started to create my small
empire of bars and restaurants. Coming to think of it, that was actually the first time I started to build
my business based on a framework.

After the first few years business became very profitable one and we, Laura (by then my wife), our 3
children and myself, lived a good life….at least that was how it looked from the outside.

A big house, a swimming pool, nice cars, expensive private schools, a cleaning lady, a nanny, a
gardener…pure luxury.

But the truth was that I was working between 16 and 20 hours per day…7 days per week, 10 months
per year.

A few times I ended up in the hospital, with heart problems. But I was lucky enough that it was never
serious. A long story short…my kids grew up without a father for their first 10 years.

Then in 2008, crisis struck Spain heavily.

I started to lose business after business in the next couple of years and when I was left with only one
restaurant, I realized that something needed to change.

So one morning I woke up and made that DECISION. I sold my last restaurant, paid off my debts…and
took a job in construction.

But construction work wasn´t well paid, and there was no way that I could pay my bills at the end of
the month. I had no other choice than to fall behind on my mortgage payments.

This resulted in losing the last thing I owned…my house.

We went from a villa and living a life of luxury, to a small rented place. And I still wasn´t able to pay
the bills. Resulting in various periods of time without the "luxury" of water, heating, or electricity.

We literally went from riches to rags.

Again I needed to make a DECISION to change my life. This couldn´t continue like this. This life was
unworthy to my family!

But what to do?

I bumped into this small little ad on the internet about a young boy making millions online and
thought…that is what I want! Build my business online, work from home so I can recuperate a little of
my lost time with my family.

I have to say, it wasn´t as easy as he made it look, but it did work!

I started to make extra income online and soon enough I was ready to go for the next step. I DECIDED
to let go off my construction job and focus full time on the internet.

Being used by now to live on a “lower level”, we maintained this level of life so I was able to invest
the larger part of my earnings into coaches and mentors. I traveled a lot for seminars all over the
world and have been trained by the best in the industry.

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With Mike Dillard With Shaqir Hussyin Member Frank Kern Inner Circle
( ( (

Applying the knowledge I learned from my mentors in the USA and the UK to the Spanish market,
soon gave me some authority on Spanish speaking internet marketing space.

Now people started to contact me for coaching and mentoring and I realized while I was making my
money in a semi automated way, what I really enjoyed most was helping other people building their

But even though life was good again, one dream never came through. Not because of money…but
again…because of time.

That dream, traveling through the United States for at least 3 months, with our family needed to
become reality…and quick! Quick because our children were growing up fast, and soon wouldn´t
want to travel with their parents anymore.

So again…I needed to make a DECISION!


I needed to step up my business in a smart way. A way that it would give me monthly residual
income while traveling with my family. This doesn´t mean I was planning on “not working” at all. I
can work from everywhere I want as long as I have my laptop and internet. But, the I needed a
framework that gave me the highest possible monthly recurring income, with the lowest amount of
work during the road trip.

I sat down and analyzed all the frameworks I learned from my different mentors. All were good,
some better than others. But none of them gave me a safe enough feeling to take that DECISION to
set a date for our road trip.

I am not going into detail to explain the pros and cons of the various frameworks for residual income
I’ve learned from my mentors now, but I can tell you that all of those frameworks make my mentors
multiple 7 figure income. So technically either one of them would do…..

For them anyway!

And here is the difficulty.

Those frameworks work like a charm for them and to be honest they work fine for people like me,
people who have been doing this for a few years. But still…. The thought of setting a date, based on
the frameworks they taught me was scary.

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Then it struck me!

What if I take the “best” parts from every framework and find a way to combine them to create a
new framework that is especially designed to create residual income that can be upscaled over time
and that can be used by me and copied by others?

What if I could create a framework that is designed to start exploring freedom NOW and build up to
total freedom later. That would give everyone the opportunity to explore their freedom

So I started to combine and test. Tweak and test. Start all over again and test… tweak and test…and
tweak and test some more.

The whole process took me over a year but I found it.

Now it was time to set a date!

But still….I didn´t dare to.

I kept using the framework to keep doing what I have always been doing. For saving up for “later”.
And not for what it was actually meant for….Scaling my freedom up, while exploring freedom NOW!

All those years I have been mentored by fantastic people who taught me everything I know on the
technical side. But mentally I still wasn´t ready. At least I thought so anyway.

But you know the saying…when the student is ready, the mentor will appear.

And he appeared!

One day when I picked up my daughter from school and I saw this old 1920´s car parked along the
roadside. Instantly my mind made a click and I realized that was the car I once saw on television. It
was the car of a spectacular Argentinean family who had been traveling the world for 17 years in
their 1928 Graham Page. Their 4 children all are born on the road during this trip. If you want to
know more about them, you can follow them here:

I didn´t doubt for a moment, turned the car around and parked behind it with the intention to meet
this family. People who are doing what your dream of (even though it was not my plan to travel for
17 years in an old-timer) are people I want to know personally.

I had learned that you should always listen to those who have and do what you want to have or do.
The best advice I ever got and the best advice I can give you.

With Merel (my daughter) and Herman and Candelaria Zapp

There was this immediate click and from that moment on we have become good friends. A friendship
as you will understand, that changed everything for me, for my family and hopefully for you as well.

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One day, when we were celebrating the birthday of Herman Zapp, I sat down with him on the side of
his car and we talked about my dreams and fears. The fear that I might lose my business when I am
not attending it during my trip. The fear of not having enough money to start the trip, for during the
trip and more important….for after the trip. Should I take the risk to give up everything to go for my

His answer was simple….and it changed my life!

“You don´t need a lot of money to start traveling. And don´t ever let your business control your
dreams…let your dreams control your business!”


That simple!

Don´t ever let your business control your dreams…let your dreams control your business!

Wow! And all those years I was doing just the opposite.
11 years working for my parents, I just couldn´t afford traveling because my paycheck controlled my
14 years of working as a self employed bar and restaurant owner, no time to travel because my
businesses controlled my dreams.
5 years working online, and still no time to travel….because the fear of losing my business again
controlled my dreams.

30 YEARS!!!

30 years I have been dreaming of traveling, making my ultimate dream smaller and smaller until
there was only a small dream left of a 3 month road trip in the US!

The master had spoken….

“You don´t need a lot of money to start traveling. And don´t ever let your business control your
dreams…let your dreams control your business!”

….and the student had understood the message!

I needed to create a framework to make it possible for my dreams to control my business rather than
the other way around……But then I realized it…..I already had that framework. I just never used it the
right way because I was scared to take that first step. This old program was still running in my brain.
First work and save and then enjoy.

That same day I gathered my family together and we have set a date.
A date to start traveling. Not for 3 months, but for at least 1 year! And after that?....who knows….

I don´t know when you´re reading this book. I don´t know if we are in the last stage of preparation,
traveling around the world, or maybe have already come back….it doesn´t matter.

What matters is that I have put the framework into action for our dreams immediately.
The framework to EXPLORE FREEDOM

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Now this framework is the base of our freedom and of our business. And I want to share it with you!

Don’t think this is a get rich quick thing. It is definitely not. This framework is created so you can
decide what freedom means for you, how much that freedom will cost you and how you can obtain

This is different for every person and every family. But sticking to this framework, you will find your
freedom. It won’t be tomorrow, it won’t be next week. Most probably it will take between 12 and 18
months to build your online business to start exploring your freedom.

But remember what Herman said…. “You don´t need a lot of money to start traveling.”

Neither do you need a lot of money to start exploring freedom. Basically you only need to replace
your current paycheck. It is upscaling your freedom what will cost you the most. But you will realize
that this framework will give you the answer to that.

This framework is what I call the UPSCALE FREEDOM FRAMEWORK. It will build up your freedom in
small steps, so it enables you to start EXPLORING YOUR FREEDOM FAST!

I know you have dreams. Maybe not the same as ours, but you do have them because that is why
you are reading this book. It doesn´t matter what your dreams are. Maybe you just want to escape
the 9 to 5 rat race. Maybe you just want more time with your family. But who knows….maybe we
meet each other somewhere on the road….EXPLORING FREEDOM


I advise you to print out this e-book. You will want to take notes in it!!

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Needless to say that my results are not typical. Don’t expect the same results when you start. I have
been doing this for many years now. I even go further than that. I know for sure that a lot of people
won’t earn a dime with this framework and certainly won’t get a step closer to their freedom.

Most people are just not ready or willing to take the decision to really go for it. It is like going to the
gym. Only buying a 3 month pass won’t get you into the same shape as the guy on the flyer.

This is the same!

This is a framework, not an automated money machine.

This framework has been tested and proven, but you need to do the work.

When you don’t take action, it won’t work.

But I can promise you this….

If you do take action, you will see that Exploring your Freedom will be a true option for you as
well…..and that moment is much closer than you think!

There will be challenges, there will be obstacles. But this framework has been created so that
everyone who is willing to put in the work, can get it going. Even when you are a beginner and you
have zero technical knowledge. All technical challenges (there will be some minor ones) can easily be
outsourced for little money.

It is build in such a way that I even won’t explain the technical things behind it. If you know how to
do them yourself….fine….if you don’t….fine….just have them done for you. That doesn´t have to be
expensive at all. The last thing you want is that technical challenges stand between you and your

The biggest thing I ask from you is your DEDICATION and the DECISION that you want to explore
your freedom within the next 18 months!

Do you think that´s worth it?

You just need to change your mind set.

Change it from having your job or business that controls your freedom….to….let your freedom
control your business.

Mindset! And that is just where we´ll start with in Chapter 1

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- Chapter 1 -


I don’t know you. I don’t know your background, your actual status or your dreams. What I do know
is that your actual life is a result of the decisions you have made in the past.

So ask yourself this…..

Is this the life I want? Is this the kind of life I want my family to have?
If so, congratulations, you don’t need this book. Just sent an email to support and we will return your
money and even let you keep the book for later. (You never know, things can change mighty fast in
today’s economy.)

But if you did come to realize that something needs to change in your life, this book is for you. The
framework I will be explaining will give you the complete manifesto to explore your freedom. But in
order to get that, first YOU need to know what freedom is for you. Not me….YOU need to know it.

But here is the tricky part….what you now think that freedom means for you, will not be what your
real freedom is.


I had a nice and free life, and just had one dream left I wanted to
make come true. Traveling for 3 months with the children in the
USA. Doing route 66.

But was that really my dream? Was that really what freedom meant for me?


My mind played tricks on me!

My conscious mind diminished my real dreams to a minimum. My conscious mind told my

subconscious mind time after time….you can’t live your dreams….you have a business to run…you
have children that need to go to school…

And my subconscious mind accepted that as the truth!

So I made my dreams smaller and smaller and started to accept my life as it was with small dreams.

In the next part you will start digging and get to know what real freedom means for you. Like I said,
you might think you know, and maybe you do. But do you want to run the chance that you build a
plan to reach your freedom, to realize later….that you should have digged deeper?

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Mind Flip 1
There´s always a pattern in the way we think.
Patterns that are created by our background, thoughts, education and experiences.

I don´t want to insult you, but I am going to use an example of someone who makes just under
150.000$ per year. Maybe you are above that, but it is just for the purpose of the example.

Our example (lets name him BOB) comes from a middle class family, went to high school and maybe
university and is making just under 150.000$. You could say he has done well for himself. He is doing
better than his parents and that is what all parents want. So his parents are proud of him, he is proud
of himself and his friends and family look at him as someone who has control over his life. The
pattern he is in, looks like a good one.

But the last couple of years Bob didn´t move. He didn´t go up…or down. He got stuck.
Now he starts to accept that he has reached the top of what he can reach.
Making excuses for himself…well, with my education, experience and background I did well.
Or this one….as long as my family is happy…I am happy…
He starts to adapt his big dreams…making them smaller.

His pattern is created by his background, education, experience and thoughts.

Those patterns we accept as the truth.

But how come that some people have better results than others?

Because of their background?

No, I know plenty of people who come from a much worse background than Bob and made it way

Because of his education or experience?

Partly that is true. Knowledge is power. But never the less, this is not the big limiting factor.

It’s our thoughts!

We make ourselves think that our pattern is the pattern we are destined to follow.

More simplified….we think ourselves smaller!

The conversation you have with yourself is an on going battle between the conscious mind and the
subconscious mind.

Without getting to “Dalai Lama Level” you need to understand the power of your mind and how it
works in order to align your thoughts.

You have to see your conscious mind as your work memory and your subconscious mind as your hard
disk. All information comes in through the work memory and gets stored on the hard disk.

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The good thing is that your hard disc, your subconscious mind, never loses information. It is there
when its needed. Or better said, when your conscious mind asks for it.

But here is the tricky part…

Your conscious mind is incredibly lazy!

Again, I don´t want to insult you, but your conscious mind prefers to run images of stupid beer ads
and football in your mind, in comparison to national geographic like images.

So when your conscious mind is running the beer ad in your head and your subconscious mind wants
to watch national geographic, your conscious mind will do everything to persuade your subconscious
mind that the beer ad is your reality and that you don´t need to watch national geographic.

That is what happens with your dreams as well.

It’s much easier for your conscious mind to tell your subconscious mind that the life you live now, is
just what you wanted. Just what you have dreamed about all the time. It is much easier for your
conscious mind to keep doing what you always have been doing, than making changes.

Your dreams are still there, but as long as your conscious mind doesn´t ask for them….they remain
stored. In some dusty drawer in your mind.

So the only way to open that drawer is when YOU to start telling your conscious mind that you want
more from this life!

You need a mind flip to have your conscious mind asking your subconscious mind, to open that dusty
drawer and let your dreams out!

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Robert Kiyosaki
Before I tell you what the mind flip is and how to do it, I feel the need to give you some background
information. Most probably you know this, but absorbing this again will help you in the next stage of
the mind flip.

Robert Kiyosaki, a #1 bestseller and well respected investor, coach and public speaker, explained how
the money in the world is divided with his cashflow quadrant.

I don’t know if I get in trouble when I use his graphics here, but to explain “the why”, I need to use
them. So for copyright reasons I need to state that this is all knowledge that came from Robert
Kiyosaki and that you should read his books (I mean that by the way! You should!!)

Kiyosaki explained that there are only 4 ways to earn money. That is, in a legal way. Also note I talk
about earning, not holding up your hand for welfare.

4 ways.

1. As an Employee (E)
2. As a Self employed person (S)
3. As an owner of a large Business with a system (think of Mac Donald’s or Shell) (B)
4. As an Investor (I)

He has put those 4 ways in a quadrant like this:

On the left side you see the employees and the self employed. On the right side you see the big
business owners and the investors. He did that on purpose!

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Because when you are on the left side you are where 95% of the people are. And obviously on the
side of the big business owners and investors, the other 5% of the people are situated.

(Like my drawings so far? Can’t be a superstar in everything)

So far, so good. We all know there are more employees and self employed people in the world than
big business owners and investors. Even never knew the difference was this big.

I have been on the left side for the larger part of my life. Remember 11 years as an employee for my
parents and 14 years as a self employed “business man” in Spain. And even now, I would not say that
for the last 5 years I´ve been completely on the other side. I´m still wet from making the plunge to
the other side.

Anyway, no shocking things here.

Until you see the next picture!

I hope this came as a shock to you as it did to me!

Where the most people are, 95% is only 5% of the money in the world.

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And where the other 5% are, is a shocking 95% of the money in the world!

25+ years I have been on the left side. Starting with big dreams.
But they never came true! So I figured if I work harder, maybe I will have enough money to fulfill my
dreams. But the only thing I was doing was trading more time for money. And I would never reach
my dreams!


For 2 simple reasons:

1. I simply don’t have enough time to trade for enough money to live my dreams.
2. And the most shocking one…There is simply not enough money on that side!

And while you trade time for money, your conscious mind starts accepting that your dreams are to
big! And it starts to accept your reality as the truth. Your truth!

As a teenager I was so sure. I would be a millionaire before my 35th birthday. I would be rich and be
FREE! But nobody told me what I just told you, and I didn´t know I would never be able to become a
millionaire on the left side.

So after struggling year after year…I lost my millionaire mindset.

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Millionaire Mindset
So the mind flip is….get that millionaire mindset back.

Easy right?

Well….. no.

As a young kid it is easy to dream about being a millionaire. Now we know it is not that easy at all
and we´ve lost that millionaire mindset. But to make your dreams come true, you need to HAVE that
millionaire mindset.

Having a millionaires mindset is different than being a millionaire. You don´t have to be a millionaire.
But you do NEED a millionaire mindset to recover your real dreams!!!

To get that millionaire mindset we need to think how millionaires think. But luckily there is a lot to
read about that and in general it boils down to this:

On the left side we trade time (yes that is a clock), for money. And we know the two limitations of
that now.

But on the right side they let the money do the heavy lifting. They let money make more money!

And here is how they do that:


They all have assets that make their money grow.

Assets can be money itself or real estate. Bonds, shares, gold…but also… and that is where we will be

Do you think that Mac Donald’s sells hamburgers?

Well you are wrong!

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Mac Donald’s sells a system. A system where every 17 year old student can be part of a well oiled
machine that spits out hamburgers. That system is Mac Donald’s ASSET!

Why do you think that the families of well known deceased artists always fight over the music rights?
Because music rights are one of the biggest ASSETS you can own!

If you go to a bank and you want 100.000$, they will need security for about the same amount these
days. But when you own the rights of Michael Jackson, you don’t need any security….hello Mrs.
Jackson…how much do you want to loan today? 10.000.000$ ?


If you already owned a lot of assets, you most probably wouldn´t be reading this book. Well maybe
you just bought it because you want to travel…well my advice to you is…go for it! Don’t waste any
more TIME! GO!!

So when you are still here, let’s not panic now. The Upscale Freedom Framework will show you
exactly how to create 2 strong assets on the internet that will neither cost you a lot nor will it take a
lot of time…but it will offer you enough to let you walk to the right side of the quadrant.

These assets are intellectual property and systems!

So don´t worry…you WILL have ASSETS!

You don’t need to know how and what at this point yet.

Just start working on that millionaire mindset for now.

You now know why you need a millionaire mindset and you know that you will have assets.
That is good enough to flip your conscious mind to have a millionaire mindset so that the dusty
drawer opens up again to let your dreams out.

But this mind flip won’t be that easy. Remember your conscious mind prefers to be lazy.

You will have to force it. But you can only force it when you have data and believe in it.

Now you do.

You now know that you can create a millionaire mindset when you have assets. And you also know
that you WILL HAVE assets.

You just need to repeat that over and over again. You have to force your conscious mind in accepting

You have to say to yourself, your interior dialog, I have a millionaire mindset and assets and I will
make my dreams come true.

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“I have a millionaire mindset and I have assets

And I will make my dreams come true.”

I purposely don’t say that you will be a millionaire. Some people just don’t want to be a millionaire.
And you don´t have to. So that would work against themselves. But you need to accept that you need

Now start repeating this many times per day. The only way to get your dreams back is slowly but
surely get that message in your conscious mind.

And while you start repeating this over and over again, in the morning, during the day, in the evening
and just before you fall asleep every day, we will start working on retrieving your dream. Because
your real dream, the one you most probably won’t be able to remember completely… your REAL

“I have a millionaire mindset and I have assets.

And I will make my dreams come true.”

“I have a millionaire mindset and I have assets.

And I will make my dreams come true.”

“I have a millionaire mindset and I have assets.

And I will make my dreams come true.”

“I have a millionaire mindset and I have assets.

And I will make my dreams come true.”

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The Big Question
The big question of chapter one is: What is freedom for you?

I cannot decide this for you. Only you can. And again…your mind will try to trick you.

For me freedom means living the life of my dreams without having to worry about money.

Now if you would have asked me 5 years ago what is your dream life Roy? I would probably have
given you an answer like this:

Lying on the deck of my 50 foot sailboat with an ice cool beer close to a sunny Caribbean beach
watching my kids play in the sea. Or driving a 30 foot camper van over the route 66.

The answer we tend to give to that question consciously is the product of the patterns we live by this
point. The answer we give is not really our dream life but what we are looking forward to within that

It’s our small dream.

It is what is left of our real dreams.

What that answer really is, is your dream holiday.

And a dream holiday, how nice that might be, is not your dream life!

Let’s assume that you have 40 years left to live. That is 14.600 days. And no matter you think if that is
little or much, I think you will be bored out off your mind lying on a sunny beach sipping piña coladas
for 14.600 days!

But still, most will give an answer like I just did to the question “how would your dream life look like”.

I believe, to get to know what your real dream life is you need to find out how your perfect day
would be. Not just A perfect day…but… THE perfect day!! A perfect day that you are able to repeat
14.600 times without getting bored of it.

The big question is this ONE question I have learned from one of my mentors, Frank Kern. I didn´t
make this up. It was him who taught me this and because of that one question he changed my life.
And that same question will change your life! Because this one question will be the base of your
dream life.

The one question is:

“If There Were No Limitations Or Consequences,

What Would Your Perfect Average Day Look Like?”

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Maybe you got this book because you want to travel like me. But unless you
want to travel for the rest of your life, that is not your dream life. That is an adventure or an
experience. We will talk that later, but first it is really important you continue with this exercise, and
discover what your perfect day looks like.

Your Perfect Day Exercise

Let’s Get This Right
The exercise to discover your perfect day, which will be the base of your dream life is almost a
complete rundown of the exercise I learned (and did) from my mentor. All credits go to him. But it is
the best exercise and most simple exercise I know to find your real dream life.

You are going to define your average perfect day with it and that day will be the base of your dream
life. This doesn´t mean that you have to live this day EVERY day for the rest of your life. But….and this
is very important…if you would have to live this day for the rest of your life, you would be happy
about it.

A day you could repeat every day, for the rest of your life!

But before we start lets dissect this one question a little so you understand better how to answer it.

“If There Were No Limitations Or Consequences,

What Would Your Perfect Average Day Look Like?”
LIMITATIONS: You can think of everything without any limitations. Limitations like financial,
geographic, health, people you are with etc.

CONSEQUENCES: Wouldn´t it be nice to really do whatever you want whenever you want it without
getting in trouble? But there is a catch…..

AVERAGE: You could live that day without limitations and consequences every day for the rest of
your live. But we are not looking for extremes. Extremes that could get you killed, locked up, sick or
other ways in trouble (the catch ;-). Average day, a day you can live everyday as a well thinking
human being.

Now for sure, some will say…yeah but I like risky things. That’s good. No consequences remember….
But risky is a different thing than stupid. I hope you get the thin line here.

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Experiences Not Things
The next thing you need to understand is that we are NOT looking for a sum up of things you want to
have. We have vision boards for that. Another good exercise, but not for now. We are looking for
experiences. Feelings!

How will the basic things in your live look like. How will they feel.

Let me give you some examples:

Where would you live?

Not just a state or neighborhood but details. How will the surroundings look like, what do you see?
What do you feel when you are there?

What would your house look like?

Build it in your mind. Room by room. What would be in the rooms? How does your house smell? How
is it build? With what kind of materials?

What kind of car, boat, bike or whatever transport things will you have. How do they look, what color
is the outside. What kind of interior. How does it smell inside. Smell it!! How do you feel when you
use them?

The main idea here is to not only sum up what you want to have, but to visualize how they look. To
feel how they feel, to smell how they smell.

We are looking for the experiences of the things….not just things. The more detailed, the better
you are doing it. The stronger the outcome will be.

The Basics
Make a list of all the basics you can think of that you will want to be part of your perfect day. But
don’t just list them, write them down in detail how they look feel and how they make you feel. This
list will be your guideline for your perfect day. Things like:

 Where would you live

 Your house, garden etc
 Your cars, boats etc
 Your personal fulfillment like work, hobbies, exercise, walking the dog….
 The people who are with you (don´t worry, this is only for you. You don’t have to share it
with anybody)
 Your life purpose (that’s a big one, but without purpose there is no perfection)
 Your relationship
 The food you like to eat
 Where would you eat
 Etc…etc.

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These are the building blocks of your perfect day. But don´t worry you can keep adding and removing
things when you start writing down your perfect day. This is no exercise that need to be done in 1
hour. The whole perfect day exercise took me about a week. Not full time but if I would have to
guess it will have taken me at least 20 hours to get it right.

The Real Thing

Now that you have the building blocks, it’s time for the real thing. Writing down your perfect day.

This is not going to be easy. You really have to go for it. Details matter and like I said before, not
details of things itself. But details of how they feel and look when you experience them. Details of
thoughts, feelings and even conversations.

That is why I advice to cut the day in parts and think about what you want to do in the morning,
afternoon and evening in general. And start writing it down, bit by bit.

Please keep in mind that we are writing down a perfect AVERAGE day. So don’t forget the mundane
things as working, bringing the kids to school, walking the dog etc.

Now to give you an idea of HOW to write this down I will give you an example of how I wrote my
perfect day:

“When I open my eyes I see the daylight shining through the curtains. I have a look at my
alarm clock...8:55....another 5 minutes before it sounds. Another day in my life where I didn't
wake up by a sounding alarm.

I turn the alarm off before it sounds and turn my head, Laura (my wife), is still sleeping. I
press the button and the curtains of our spacious bedroom open. As the sun fills the room,
Laura opens her eyes as well. Good morning darling, did you sleep well I ask...a smile on her
face tells me she did.

Shall we have breakfast on the's a beautiful day I say as I get out of bed and put
on my morning coat and I hand Laura’s to her.

I open de large glass front that separates our room from the terrace. I feel the morning sun
heat up the room as I sniff up nature and listen to the birds singing like every morning.

We take a seat at the table watching over the garden and the pool. In the distance I see the
sea and sailing boats passing by.

We should go sailing today as well I say to's a beautiful day.

Before she can answer, we hear the knock on the bedroom door. Come in Laura says.

Good morning she says as the maid walks in the room with her tray filled with freshly grinded
coffee and breakfast.

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Good morning the girl says, today I have coffee, a fresh fruit smooty and croissants with
cheese on the side. Where would you like to have breakfast today?

We will have our breakfast here on the terrace thank you...”

I hope this will give you a clear idea how to write it down. And yes It can be a bit pretentious.
Remember it’s your PERFECT day in your PERFECT life

It can be less...or more long as it comes from your core identity and you really need
to FEEL it when you write it down.

From waking up and fresh yourself up, how does your bathroom look, then continue with the rest of
your morning activities.

Do you work out? Do some business? Relax?

From there you go to lunch, what would you eat, where, with who?

What do you do in the afternoon?


What would your thoughts be during the day?

Like I showed, I wrote down that I wanted to go might not actually do so that day...but
would you think about it?

What are your first words or thoughts, your last?

The more complete you make your story, the better it is!

This exercise took me about a week. I wrote pieces, changed it, added parts, took parts away...until it
was perfect day!

Once you have written down your perfect day, it is really important you start “living” it in your mind.
Read it time after time, VISUALIZE it, FEEL it!

Keep reading it until you literally can dream every word, every sent, every image, every thought,
every feeling....and you have found your dream life!!

And you and your dream life become one!

The next step is very important as well...while you and your dream life become have to
accept it as reality.

Don't allow your o so lazy conscious mind try to trick you into thinking it won't be possible to reach
that dream.

It will try to trick you...I warn you...

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But here is the good news...YOU can also trick your conscious mind. If you keep literally telling
yourself that you will reach your dream, that you will live your perfect day...even if it is the last day of
your will erase those negative thought from your mind.

Really do tell this to yourself...look at yourself in the mirror and repeat it out loud to yourself!

It might feel awkward at first...but I think it is much more awkward to accept that the live you lead
right now will be all you ever have.

I am sure this exercise will help you a lot! Once you know your perfect day, and start “living” it in
your mind. The dusty drawer will open again, and your dreams will be released again.

That said, it brings me to maybe the most important part of this chapter. Living your dreams does not
necessarily mean living your perfect day for the rest of your life. Maybe you just want a break, or
maybe you just want to live some adventures for now, start looking for this perfect plot of land for
your dream house or pay off your doesn´t matter.

So how do we translate this perfect day to EXPLORING FREEDOM?

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Exploring Freedom
If you are anything like me, you love living a good lifestyle. But you also understood before that I was
already living a preferred lifestyle of freedom. And yet I felt “incomplete”. Let me be honest with
you, not everything of my “perfect day” is reality yet. And it doesn´t have to be all reality from the
start.´s an Upscale Freedom Framework. I am closing in on my dreams on a daily basis.

After I created my perfect day on paper and started working on it to reach it, my dreams came alive
again and thus also the dream of travelling with my family. I worked on my perfect day for the last
couple of years and now I decided to take the plunge and go for this other dream.

And that made me think......

Why should everything be perfect first, before you start working on those other dreams?
Why always first build this stable base before we dare to start EXPLORING Freedom?

Remember Herman Zapp´s words?

“You don´t need a lot of money to start traveling. And don´t ever let your business control your
dreams…let your dreams control your business!”

Isn´t that what EXPLORING is all about?

Do things out of the ordinary!

Fact is that writing down my perfect day opened that dusty drawer where all those things I wanted to
explore were hidden. So I am glad I did that first. But why wait to explore freedom?

That is why this Upscale Framework To Freedom is so powerful.

You can use it either way.

You can first build on your perfect day (or parts of it) and then start exploring...

Or you can start exploring and build on your perfect day during that period!

This upscale framework, as you will realize later in the book, will give you the chance to upscale in
small steps, using it to start exploring, even when you keep working at your current job or business
and scale up later. Or go full in and use the full potential of the framework to build your perfect
dream life.

It’s up to you!

Are you looking for exploring freedom first and total freedom later, or do you prefer total freedom
maybe mixed with exploring some adventures later. You decide! It’s YOUR FREEDOM!

But let me give you a piece of advice. If you want total freedom from the start, it will take longer to
reach it. And again, you are losing the most valuable asset you have....time!

That is why I call it EXPLORE FREEDOM. You can start exploring freedom, and during that period
continue up scaling to your complete freedom!

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In this book I will show you how to EXPLORE freedom. And while exploring freedom, you can create
full freedom with the full potential of the upscale freedom framework. The path what we will follow
in this book is the path of scaling up.

 First you determine your perfect day.

 Then you decide what you want to do in your first year (Exploring Freedom)
 And then you start scaling up to total freedom.

This will be the timeline:

How would it feel if you could take the decision one of these coming days that one year later you will
start exploring your freedom? Would you be excited? Keep on reading, because that day is closer
than you think!

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- Chapter 2 -


Start From Zero

We learned from the last chapter that when we use the upscale freedom framework, we will start
building our freedom up. Our normal mindset tells us to have EVERYTHING in place first before you
can start living your freedom. That´s totally ok. That is just how we have been educated.

In my intro I explained that, ever since our childhood, at school they tell us to first study, then work
hard your whole life and then when you are retired you can start living your freedom.

But I discovered that the upscale freedom framework gives you so much assets that you don’t have
to worry anymore “to have everything in place” before you start exploring freedom.

Just set the framework in action and I promise you that within 12 to 18 months you can start living
the first phase of your dream life….exploring freedom!

So let’s recap quick.

We created our perfect day, which will be the base of our total freedom. Following this framework
you will be able to reach this. But you are not going to wait until you reach that level. You are going
to start exploring freedom right after the preparation phase.

Then during this first part of your exploration for freedom, you will continue building your assets and
you will be putting them in place to create your dream life.

Look at me, I do want this dream house. Actually I want several in different parts of the world. But
my first exploration is the year trip with my family through the Americas, not staying at home until
I´ve got enough for my dream house.

The power of the Upscale Freedom Framework is that you start generating money for that dream
house or better said, dream life, while you are exploring freedom.

Again, I don´t know when you read this. Maybe we are still in the last part of the preparation stage,
traveling the world or already back somewhere. (Later I will tell you exactly where you can follow us.)

Now you might think….what??? Did he write this book when he was still in the preparation stage?
How will I be certain that the freedom framework will work?

Here is why…..

I have tried and tested the framework over and over again on a smaller scale. And every time it
brought me to the goal I had planned. First it was creating a full time internet income. Then it was
creating more income spending less time on it and live in freedom. All goals were reached, but my

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mindset was still “wrong”. I was still working to reach total freedom first before I would start
exploring. But then I spoke to Herman Zapp, and he made me see that I should start exploring first!

It would have been easy for me to continue using the upscale freedom framework to reach that goal
as well and show you the results. But when I enthusiastically shared my framework and progress with
my students, they all said the same…..yeah….but you already have a big data base of clients and
followers….for you it’s easy.

Now you have to know that my database (list) was all Spanish. I never built an English list.

So I decided to start from zero in English, to show them … and you, that anyone can do this. Start
from zero…just like you need to do it. To show you it really works!

You will understand further on in the book that I will also give you the opportunity to look over my
shoulder to see how I did it and what the results are. So can see with actual data that this framework
works! Even when you start from zero like I did.

Now let’s get into numbers.

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Reverse Engineering
Here is another thing that goes completely against what we have learned. If you build a traditional
business, you look at what you are going to sell, estimate the market and set a sales goal. Based on
that income goal you can plan your next investments.

With the upscale freedom framework we work completely opposite. We are going to look how much
we need to start exploring, and reverse engineer to see how much we need to sell. (And again…don´t
worry if you still have nothing to sell. All will be clear later. Remember…you WILL have assets!)

Now don´t get carried away here. Don’t think you need millions to explore your freedom. You might
need millions to live your dream life, but we are going to build that up. Now we are going to EXPLORE
freedom first.

And also, as said before, this will be different for everyone, but let’s assume some things:

Let’s say that you want to travel for a year like me. Obviously if you don’t want to do the same you
simply use the main idea and adjust it to your own plan. But it needs to be pretty detailed

The first thing you have to do is set out a plan. Our goal wasn´t high. It didn´t mean living in 5 star
hotels for a year. We wanted to wander with a campervan through the US and Latin America. That
also meant that we would not need a huge RV. Just a modest second hand RV.

We calculated to buy a secondhand RV and drive about 25.000 miles that year with an average of 10
mile on the gallon. Also we calculated to only spent 4.000$ per month during the trip.

This is what it looked like:

RV (second hand) 10.000$

Adapting to our own needs 5.000$
Savings for repairs on the way 5.000$
Gasoline 6.500$
Spending per year during trip 48.000$
Preparation costs (flights/visas etc) 10.000$
Other costs (storage, insurance etc) 6.000$

Total 90.500$

That is what our dream trip cost.

Now this can be less for you or it can be more for you.
Either way I don´t want you to be scared of the high or low number.
It is just for the purpose of the example

90.500 Dollar is what we need to explore freedom. Most people would look to that number and
think…you see…that is why I can’t do this. I can’t spend a whooping 90K on a vacation.

But this is your lazy conscious mind talking to you. We are programmed to only spend the “spare”
money we have, on a holiday.

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Mind Flip Part 2
This is how I used to think before as well. Obviously that was one of the main reasons why I brought
my dream back to only 3 months of touring the route 66.

But again, you need to stop thinking this in way for 2 reasons!

1. This is not a vacation! It’s living a preferred LIFESTYLE from your actual ( generated by assets)
income. Just like you do now. But now you trade the most valuable asset you have, time, to
generate income. Be honest with yourself…is that really a preferred lifestyle?
2. You WILL create assets with the Upscale Freedom Framework that will generate a higher
income every time for you, even when you are not working for it anymore!! So that you can
afford to spend 90k on your preferred lifestyle, because of the vision to UPSCALE your
income to 150k…and then 200k….and then…….

Worst case scenario is that during your exploration year you didn´t scale up properly. And that the
next year you will have to “manage” to live another year with the same income. But isn´t that what
you are doing now as well? Or do you already have a plan to double your current income over the
next coming years?

It is so very important that you understand this!

And even more important is that you realize that you CAN do this!

Think of this famous Henry Ford quote:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

If only you could see that the upscale freedom framework will make this possible for you.
Much simpler framework generated much more than that.
People are making millions with just parts of the upscale freedom frame work.

Remember that I told you that this upscale freedom framework is a combination of the different
frameworks I learned from different mentors. Those people are all 7 or 8 figure earners.

I just took the parts I needed of those frameworks from them and combined them to make a
framework that fitted my needs. A framework that gave me the opportunity to start exploring
freedom TODAY, instead of waiting until my ship has come in and then start exploring freedom. I
KNOW it works from my own experience. I did it once in Spanish, and again in English.

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Scaling Down
No, we are not going to give in to our fears and try to explore a cheaper freedom. We are going to
split up the costs. Split them up between what we need to generate to prepare and what we need
for when we are actually exploring freedom.

These are the costs we have calculated:

RV (second hand) 10.000$

Adapting to own needs 5.000$
Savings for repairs on the way 5.000$
Gasoline 6.500$
Spendings per year during trip 48.000$
Preparation costs (flights/visas) 10.000$
Other costs (storage, insurance, etc) 6.000$

In Yellow we have the costs for the preparation period, in green costs for when we are exploring

30.000$ for preparation.

60.500$ for the trip

Preparation Costs

Again, we don´t need all this money now. So let’s put it in a time line. (In this example I will use a 12
month preparation timeline, but you can use an 18 month or longer preparation period if that makes
you feel more comfortable)

As you can see, you don´t need all that money in the beginning. You need it at the end of the
preparation year. Later in the book more details will be made clear, but to continue calculating I need
to tell you that in your preparation year you will have about 3 months of creation and after that you
will start generating income. So basically you have about 9 months to generate this money.

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So here is the reality….

In average, in this example, you need to generate 3.333$ per month, in those 9 months, before you
start Exploring Freedom! You can do this while you hang on to your job or other business.

Travel Costs

We also know we have a total spent of 60.500$ during the trip.

Dividing that by 12 months, during the trip we need to generate 5042$ per month.

This might sound much or this might sound little for you. I don’t know. I don´t know you. What I do
know that 60k are 60.000 reasons for most people, NOT to explore freedom! But later in the book we
are going to reverse engineer a plan to generate that….and you will see it is less difficult than you
think. Even if exploring freedom for you means that this number needs to be higher.

But to make money, little or much, we need to sell something. Something we create once and that,
as a real asset, will let us keep generating more and more income in the future.

But what are we going to sell? Basically there are only a few things. And I will explain them in the
next chapter.

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- Chapter 3 -


I know, you are probably still very skeptical about it all. But believe me, the further we come in the
book, the skepticism will make place for joy. You will ask yourself by then why you have not figured
this out before…. But it is never too late to Explore freedom

Basically you can sell anything online. Physical products and obviously digital products. But we are
looking to create assets. Something you create once and that will keep generating income for you.

Physical products do not fit in that category. They need to be created time after time and next to
that, distributing them will bring extra costs.

So we focus on digital products. Something that is created ONCE and that you can keep selling time
after time.

Most probably you don’t have a digital product. So right now there are 2 options.

1. Sell a third party digital product.

2. Create and sell your own digital product.

Selling a third party digital product sounds easy and wise…who wants to create a product when you
can sell someone else’s product? (btw, that is called Affiliate Marketing)

But here is the problem. When you sell a third party product you get a commission. Typically this
commission is between 20% and 50%. Really nice….but I prefer 100%.

Remember we are looking for assets. Something you invest in once (that could be time and/or
money) and after that you can keep selling it and keep the whole 100% for yourself. That is an asset!!

So third party products is also a “no go”.

That leaves….your own digital product!

Now don’t stress out here if you don’t have one. The Upscale Freedom Framework will show you
how this will actually be a piece of cake. But before we go there we need to take a look at the
different types of products that work best.

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3 Opportunities
Let’s be direct here. The best digital product type for those who are not able to write computer code
to create a software or application, are info products.

Info products are typically multimedia products like e-books, pdf files, videos etc. that give valuable
information to the buyer. Believe it or not but the digital info product business is a multibillion dollar
market. And within this market I have isolated 3 huge opportunities for you!

E-learning is nothing more than selling info products for professional advancement. Meaning selling
info product to businesses and business owners. A huge and growing market!

According to Forbes it was a 107 Billion Dollar market in 2015.

And according to, 44% of all businesses intent to purchase online learning
products. 44% might not sound as a lot to you, but keep in mind that maybe even just 5 years ago,
when we offered an e-learning product to a business, 99.9% called security to kick you out of the
building. Now… 44% intent to purchase e-learning products on line….BIG opportunity!

Niche Info Products

Also known as “How To” products for consumers.
How to lose weight. How to train your dog. How to build a website. How to grow a green garden.

Products that give a fast solution to a problem or a desire consumers might have in a specific niche.

I started in this niche and have made my first serious money online in this niche when I started to
promote my own products.

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This niche market is somewhat more difficult to get total net sales figures because it is not a real
organized market. Millions of niche marketers like me are making large amounts of money, but there
is no umbrella organization that keeps track of it.

But we were able to get some data from one of the bigger info niche products sales platforms.
Clickbank. Maybe you have heard of it but if you haven’t, it’s basically a payment processor for info
niche products.

In 2015, Clickbank did $485.000.000 turn over according to a company called Privco.

485 million dollars might not sound as a lot in comparison to the 107 billion dollars in the e-learning
niche. But you have to realize that Clickbank is only one of the many info niche products payment

There are many other platforms like JV Zoo and let’s not forget Pay Pal.
Pay Pal is most probably one of the biggest…but as they process a lot of other payments as well,
there are no exact data about it.

But if we take a closer look at Clickbank, according to Privco, Clickbank has an annual growth of 37%!

That means that every 3 years their turn over is doubled! Meaning that in 2018 their turnover will be
almost A BILLION! Just from one company!

A huge opportunity as people are getting more and more familiar with buying online.

Personal coaching or life coaching is booming! Now off course, not all personal coaching is online.
But on the other hand, not all coaching is personal. To take myself as an example, I generate the
most income from coaching small business owners. And those data are not included in the life
coaching numbers I am going to share with you now.

According to the life coaching institute, personal coaching is the second fastest growing industry in
the world! And with a turnover of 2 billion dollar per year, according to, you can
imagine the potential of the industry when you include (small) business coaching to this!

So here you have 3 opportunities in a fast growing multibillion dollar industry. An industry where
you don’t need an office, where you don’t need physical products, where you don’t need a
distribution centre….

The only thing you need is to turn your knowledge into a digital info product.

Now, before you start freaking out…..

I will give you the answer to the doubts that have come to mind right now…..

The answer is:

Yes, you do have enough knowledge to help others!

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You have to make another mind flip!

I don´t know you so I can’t say a 100% for sure what kind of knowledge you have.
But I am sure enough to tell you that you do have enough knowledge to help others!

Here is the truth!

When you know more about one particular thing than the average person, you are considered an

I am sure, that there is at least one thing in a certain niche where you know more about than

Please keep this in mind: When you are passionate about something, that something is like your first
language. We tent to take our knowledge for granted, think that everyone knows it. But you know
much more about “your first language” than someone who has another first language but is eager to
learn yours!

Maybe you don´t know everything about that niche yet. But that is not necessary! Remember it´s a
UPSCALE framework. You can and should ALWAYS continue improving yourself. But when you know
more than average about a certain niche right now… that means you are an authority!

And authorities earn a lot of money in the info product niche!

But I don’t want you to worry about that now, all will be clear!

I want you to focus on the rest what I am going to tell you. There is no rush to decide what you are
going to sell now. The 1 year preparation stage starts from the moment you have decided that.

Remember…maybe yesterday you didn´t even think about exploring your freedom, and already
today you might already worry about what product to sell.

Follow the upscale freedom framework and everything will be clear to you.

You now know the opportunities, it’s time to put them into a product. Basically there are only 5
product types. But before we go into those 5 products, I want to show you something really cool!

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The “Before And After” Framework
We will use this framework throughout the whole book. We will use it to create our Upscale
Freedom Framework and we will use it to create our products.

In my business, if I was to teach someone to build a lead generating system, that system would
consist out of various parts. To determine these parts I use the “Before And After” framework

In the case of a simple lead generating system it would look like this:

The before moment is where your market or niche is right now. They are not happy because they
have a problem or a desire that needs to be solved. As an authority I have the solution in the form of
knowledge and experience. My job is to bring the client from Before (unhappy) to After (happy).

In this example the problem for this market is that they need more clients and for that they need a
simple lead generation system that works for them 24/7. But they don´t know how. So I investigate
what they need as an solution to this problem and put it in the framework as simple steps.

In this case the first step could be Determine The Market.

Next they need a Lead Magnet (something they offer for free in return for the leads email or
telephone number)
Then they need a Landing Page where they can opt in to download the lead magnet.
To automate the download he needs to Set Up An Autoresponder. That is a service that sends
personalized emails to those who leave their email.
And last he needs to write some Follow Up Emails sent by the autoresponder, with the
downloadable lead magnet and other information they like to share.

This is a simple before and after framework that I would use to create my products. But I ALWAYS
use it.

You don´t need to memorize the steps in this example, you just need to understand the idea of this

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5 Products
In this part I will show you 5 products that work very well in the info product niche. Obviously you
don’t have to choose either from them, you can sell whatever you want. I am just showing what is
working NOW and what is working for me and many others.

Low Ticket Liquidator (LTL)

These are simple fast selling low priced info products like an e-book, a training video(s) or a paid

On average they sell between $5,- and $49,-

They all have in common that they address a quick solution to a problem your niche could have.

In my niche, internet marketing, I have written LTL´s about marketing funnels, Facebook ads, lead
generation etc. And until this day they keep selling. Once created they are an asset forever!

In the LTL we only give general information. Things that can be put to action directly, but without
going into deep.

As an example, within this B&A framework, step 2 is Create A Lead Magnet. So a good basic
information e-book could be “What is a lead magnet” or “ Why you need a lead magnet to generate
leads”. It’s a solution to a small part of the complete B&A framework.

But this is important!!!

You need to give value that they can put into action immediately!
This is really important. And you will understand why later. But in general you want a happy client
who can implement what he has learned directly.


When writing isn´t your strong point there are ways to write a book without actually writing it.
More about that later…..

The Low Ticket Liquidator. A product that will sell fast because of its low price point.

High Ticket Liquidator (HTL)

When you offer a general explanation to a common problem with a LTL, with the HTL we give more
profound solutions to the same or a different problem our niche could have.

An example of a HTL is an e-course, “How To Create A Lead Magnet That Works”. You see that this a
solution to a larger part of the B&A framework (in comparison to the LTL).

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Now to create a HTL, I would make a series of short videos (5-15 minutes) “et voila” you have a
complete online course about “How To Create A Lead Magnet That Works”. But preferably I try to
keep the videos shorter than 15 minutes.

Courses like this normally sell between $49,- and $500,-

The price point obviously depends on the content and the market.

Modulated Course (MC)

The next step is the modulated course. Again, to step up, you will need to give more value. When a
HTL course is sold as one pack of videos to watch in a backoffice or to download, the modulated
course is typically a 4 to 6 week course where every week new content is released to avoid

Let’s get the general “before and after framework” again and lets create a modulated course about
this and call it “ How To Create A Lead generation System That Attracts Leads 24/7 For Your Business
In 5 Simple Steps ”

We know the 5 steps, because we determined them in our framework. So this could be a 5 week
modulated course.

Every week, we release a module with a series of videos of one of the five steps. This can be in a
backoffice but there are also services that can do this for you like

And yes….exactly….every module is to be made exactly as we did in the HTL. The only difference
between a MC and a HTL is that instead we address one step of the B&A framework…we address all

So we make a series of videos for every main step (Determine market, Create Lead magnet, Create
Landing Page, Set Up Autoresponder and Create Follow Ups). We will get into more detail how to do
this exactly later in the book.

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This obviously is a high value product and they typically sell between $249,- up to thousands of
dollars. Again…everything depends on the value you share and the market you are in.

Continuity Program (CP)

One of my favorite products is the continuity program.
I love residual income, and that is just what this offers you.

It is a continual teaching program.

A product where they continue paying a monthly membership to get all the knowledge you have to

Now before you panic and think you can´t create a program like this because you think you don´t
have enough knowledge in your niche to continually feed them with new stuff, I need to say STOP!

Stop doubting yourself. Remember what I said about your first language. When you have a program
like this making you money, you will have enough time to obtain new knowledge to share. It is not
just a continual learning program for your clients….but also for you! And remember, you will choose
a niche of which you have basic knowledge. So that niche most probably is a field of interest anyway.
How nice is it to be paid for obtaining more and more knowledge in your own field of interest!

The format that works best for me is sending a weekly digital newsletter in combination with a
Facebook community and two weekly Q&A webinars.

Let me give you some ideas of the things you can offer. You can offer them as single continuity
products or you can stack a few together to give a higher valued continuity program.

 Digital Newsletter
 Printed Newsletter
 Facebook Group (Community)
 Facebook Group (For Facebook Live Trainings)
 Training webinars
 Q&A Webinars

Just a few ideas you can use for a CP product. Pick one or stack them to create what works for you.

This is the best product if you want to create a residual income. Pack it with value for you
community, your tribe and continue growing it.

Typically, Continuity programs cost between $29,- and $395,- per month.

High Level Coaching (HLC)

I have coaches that offer coaching programs of $50.000,- for one year. And that basically boils down
to one live event and about 10 one on one coaching calls per year.

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Obviously they can ask that because their market value is that high.
They have things to share others simply don’t have.

HLC programs can be onetime payments or continuity programs, but obviously more expensive than
the normal CP.

You can offer a monthly coaching program or a yearly one. That doesn´t matter.

There are also 2 kind of coaching programs I would like to high light.

1 on 1, which is pretty self explanatory.

And group coaching. Most people don’t realize that group coaching can be a HLC. But if you don’t
make the groups bigger than 10, this is a very lucrative business. The group is not too big so you
won’t lose personal contact with your individual clients. That way you can keep the value high. And it
generates more income than coaching them 1 on 1.

Obviously I am talking about coaching online. Remember we are in the e business.

Without going too deep into how to create a HLC program, I want to tell you that HLC group
coaching is sold between $500,- and $1500,- per person per month.

Typically that is one coaching call per week. Let’s say with preparation and “after care”, you most
probably can do one in 2 or 3 hours.

So it’s easy to do 2 per day without stretching yourself.

That is 10 per week ….10 clients per group…á $500,- per month….you do the math!
It might still be a little far fet ched for you, but you see, it´s worth it to specialize yourself in your

But to ease your mind a little, the HLC program is not a part of the Upscale Freedom Framework we
need to EXPLORE freedom. Actually, you might not use it at all. I just show it to you as an option to
upscale later to complete freedom. But again, some use it, some don’t.

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- Chapter 4 -


You know now what freedom means to you because you were able to (re)create your millionaire
mindset, create your perfect day and determine how you want to start exploring your freedom.

You know now what your preparation year and first year of exploring freedom will cost you.

And you know the 3 big online opportunities and 5 products that are working online now.

So it’s time to start melting these things together and start creating your upscale freedom framework
that will generate enough income for your preparation year and your exploration year.

But the Upscale Freedom Framework is a never ending framework and so it will also be the
framework to continue your journey and give you the income you will need to live your dream!

This is how it looks like:

First we are going to talk about the first two steps. The preparation period and the “Explore
Freedom” year.

As calculated before and taking my trip as the example, that we need a certain amount for
preparation and a certain amount for the actual trip. This is what it came down to:

30.000$ for preparation.

60.500$ for the trip

You probably also remember that the first year of preparation was divided into 3 months of
preparing the product(s) and 9 months of generating money.

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This means we need to generate an average of $3.333,- per month in those 9 months. Let’s say
$3.500 per month.

During the trip we spend $60.500 throughout the year. That comes down to $5.042,- per month. Lets
round that up to $5.000,- for the sake of the example.

The Harsh Truth

Let’s have a look at the price points of our products:

Low Ticket Liquidator between $5,- and $49,-

High Ticket Liquidator between $49,- and $500,-

Modulated Course between $249,- and $999,- (sometimes even higher)

Continuity Program between $29,- and $395,- per month

High Level Coaching between $500,- and $1500,- per month

Let’s put these data in a spreadsheet to calculate the amount of clients we need per month to
generate enough for the preparation year and the Explore Freedom year.

PREPARATION YEAR $3.500,- per month (9)

Product Low price Clients High price Clients

LTL $5,00 700,0 $49,00 71,4
HTL $49,00 71,4 $500,00 7,0
MC $249,00 14,1 $999,00 3,5
CP $29,00 120,7 $395,00 8,9
HLC $500,00 7,0 $1.500,00 2,3

As you can see here, there are big differences. But before you get scared or carried away by these
numbers, let’s do the same for the Explore Freedom year.

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month (12)

Product Low price Clients High price Clients

LTL $5,00 1000,0 $49,00 102,0
HTL $49,00 102,0 $500,00 10,0
MC $249,00 20,1 $999,00 5,0
CP $29,00 172,4 $395,00 12,7
HLC $500,00 10,0 $1.500,00 3,3

These are serious numbers, and without demotivating you I need to say that none of these numbers
are easy to obtain for a beginning internet business.

You need a lot of sales when you offer something at a low price point, which won’t be easy….nore is
it easy to sell something at a high price point when you are a beginning internet business with no
authority yet.

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This is where most beginning businesses go wrong!

They might have a spectacular product at a high price point, but won’t sell anything.
The most common reason for that is because they don’t have authority on the net.
Nobody knows them!

When you don’t have a list of followers or any authority in your field, chances are you´ll be able to
sell a high price point product on the internet are next to zero.

You will have to work on your personal brand and create a following, a tribe of people who like you
and what you have to offer.

People buy for two reasons, and for two reasons only!

To eliminate a problem or to obtain pleasure.

You will notice that eliminating problems is the biggest niche of those two
So the best way to gain authority is to create your personal brand and that brand needs to be based
on eliminating problems in your niche.

But don´t get desperate here now…

There is a proven way to gain authority fast!

When you help people eliminating their problems for free or at a low price point, you WILL create
your authority and you WILL create a following.

The easiest way to do this is to create your brand on Social Media (because believe me, some future
clients will check you out on social media before buying), offer free value and offer them a Low ticket
liquidator product with a lot of value for a low price.

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Panic & Solution
Let’s say you create an LTL, an e-book that helps people in your market at a price point of $5,60

When you need to generate $3.500 per month in the preparation stage. At that price point, that
means you will have to sell 625 books per month. That is even a tough cookie for the best internet
marketers ….

But here is the solution:

“Once A Buyer, Always A Buyer”

This is one of the most impacting advices I have ever received.
Once a buyer always a buyer.

It is very hard to sell someone a High ticket product when we have no base of confidence with them.

But it is very easy to sell them a higher priced product once they bought something from us before.
Obviously only when that product helped them to either eliminate a problem or gave them pleasure.

Once a buyer, always a buyer!

And when they have bought a higher priced product, it is even easier to sell them a even higher
priced one….and a higher priced one…..

This is where the Upscale Freedom Framework comes in!

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The Basic Principles
We are not only going to upscale our business and thus our freedom. We are also going to upscale
the buying process for our clients.

The Upscale Freedom Framework is build on the principle that we are going to offer our clients
various products from the 5 products we have talked about before. Preferably all five of them. But 4
will do the trick.

Try to put yourself in the position of your future client. You have a problem or a desire and you are
looking on the internet for a solution. You find this little e-book for $5,60 and you decide to buy it
because it is such a low price point….what is there to lose? You read the book and the content is
satisfying for you. It has some immediate applicable things in it that will help you and there is some
general information that makes you more curious.

After you bought the book you keep receiving emails from the author with nice tips and tricks about
the same topic. You really start to appreciate the author even though you never heard about this
person before.

Then about a week later, you start to receive emails about an offer by the same author. He offers you
a short video course about the same or related topic. You have read his e-book and you know that
the value you received from him helped you before.

He asks $69,- for a compact video course about one of the points he mentioned in the book, but
didn´t explain everything into depth yet.

Your curiosity is high and you decide to buy the course. More so because there is a 30 day money
back guarantee. What is there to lose?

This course perfectly addresses a part of the problem or the desire you have and everything you
learn, you can put into action directly.

And again, while you are going through the course, you keep receiving interesting emails from the
creator of the course. Small tips and tricks that you can use to make the results you have from the
course even better.

Honestly, you are happy!

Everything you understood from the e-book, what you received from the emails and what you have
learned from the course gives you immediate solutions to your problem or lets you fulfill a desire.

You experience a big breakthrough in parts of your problem or desire, but not everything is
addressed yet….

Then, two weeks later, you receive an offer from the same person for a complete course that offers
you a complete solution. This course costs $395,- …….. but it looks very promising and everything you
have received from this person so far, helped you a lot. Do you think you will buy it when you think it
resolves your problem or lets you reach what you desire?

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The Psychology Behind It
This is how the Upscale Freedom Framework works. It is a proven method.

And it is working because human instinct works that way.

“Once A Buyer, Always A Buyer”

Human instinct is there to protect us. To protect us from danger but also from pain.

And I am not just talking about physical pain like breaking a leg. I am talking about emotional pain

One of the things that withholds people from buying a high ticket product, even when they think it
will help them is because of this instinct of protecting you from emotional pain.

What if it doesn´t work? What if I lose my money? What will others say when they will find out I
bought a product online that doesn´t work?

This last question might even be one of the biggest issues in holding you back. What will others

The human need for social acceptance is a powerful instinct that influences us a lot. It is nice to be
with people that accept you or even look up to you. It gives you a good feeling. That’s ok, it’s human

But it also limits us!

We are programmed to follow the masses. From a young age we learn to sit in lines at school. Later
we work by a clock. And when we do things wrong, we are punished and the rest of the group looks
down at us.

Most of us don´t want to be that black sheep, we want to be part of the group. That is human
instinct. And we certainly don’t want to take decisions that are not accepted by the group. At least
no large decisions.

That is why, most won´t risk buying a $395,- program on the internet when we don´t know the
maker. What will my social circle say when it doesn´t work….they will laugh at me…..that will hurt my
feelings…..and I will go down in status.

But buying a $5,60 e-book won’t give those doubts.

Who cares….what is there to lose?

And then the $69,- course was no big deal either.

The book was good, the price was right.
And when it is not what you hoped for, you have an EXCUSE!!

Because that is what you need if things go wrong, you need an excuse to keep your social status
standing when things go wrong.

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You can say to your social circle….yeah, to bad….the book was really good so I expected this course to
be good as well. You basically blame the creator for not delivering the same value. That way, you are
“blame free”.

We also defend our decision by not looking at the real price, but by looking at the upscale in price we
have made.

Now our mind is not arguing over a $69,- investment, which is almost a $70,- investment, but over
“about” a $60,- investment (69 -/- 5,60 = “about” $60,-).

This “trick” we use a lot in marketing. Prices online are not just prices…they are well thought of. In
this case your mind goes from, almost $70,- to $60,-……but reality is that your mind doesn´t even
read $60,-………but “about” $50,- Really powerful stuff.

What we do with this Upscale Freedom Framework is create a base of trust with the client by giving
them value for their money and we give them an EXCUSE to finally buy what they are really looking

Let me ask you this:

What do you think is the main reason that people stick to a car brand mostly?

Think about it…

The most logical reason is because they like it and trust it and that is why they decide to stay with it.
But it isn´t! It is instinct! The instinct to protect us from pain. That instinct prevents us humans to go
for something that is different or new. We don’t want to get hurt. We don’t want to get laughed at.
We don’t want to be rejected or ridiculed by our social circle.

It is instinct that is holding us back!

I can talk about this for hours more, but I just wanted to give you a little insight. I hope you
understand now why we upscale our sales.

But having the knowledge now that your instinct is holding you back …..

This knowledge also might help you to take the decision to go and explore your freedom for real.

I know you have those doubts. That is ok, that is human nature. But now you know that your instinct
is not only protecting you. It is limiting you as well. You really don’t want to continue living the life
you have because of the fears what your social circle might say or think. Believe me!

Fight that part and start making your dreams come true…whatever others say about it!

You´ve made a small 5,60$ step by buying this book. Now it’s up to you to take the next step!

“It´s Time For Something New.

It´s Time To Explore Freedom!”

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Freedom Calculator (Phase 1)
Now you know that even though you start with a $5,60 e-book, you´re not only going to sell that
book. This means that you don´t have to sell 625 books per month to generate $3500,- in the
preparation stage or 893 in the adventure stage.

You are going to have other products as well that will help you reach that goal much faster.

Don´t worry, you might now think...but then I will have to create 3 or 4 products. But actually, if you
have understood the “Before And After Framework” you will make just the end product. And the
other 2 products are extracts of that product. And even when you don´t see yourself writing a book
or creating guessed it...... I have frameworks to do that, that will make it easy for you or
even have someone else do it for you.

It will be your content, but others can create it for you even when you are on a tight budget.

Anyway, let’s get into some statistics.

(I love numbers, they show me how real it is to Explore Freedom)

Not everyone who will buy your Low Ticket Liquidator will upgrade to your High Ticket Liquidator.
And certainly not everyone who will buy your High Ticket Liquidator will upgrade to your Modulated

The reality is that about 30% might upgrade from the LTL to the HTL.
And from that 30% only about 10% will upgrade to the MC (That is 3% of your book buyers)

This is how that works out:

PREPERATION YEAR $3,500,- per month (9)

Product Price Clients Conversion Sales

LTL $5,60 90 30% $504,00

HTL $69,00 27 10% $1.863,00

MC $395,00 2,7 $1.066,50

TOTAL $3.433,50

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ADVENTURE YEAR $5.000,- per month (12)

Product Price Clients Conversion Sales

LTL $5,60 132 30% $739,20

HTL $69,00 39,6 10% $2.732,40

MC $395,00 3,96 $1.564,20

TOTAL $5.035,80


Do you now understand the power of the Upscale Freedom framework!!

With this framework to generate $3.500,- you need to find 90 people who want to buy a $5,60 e
book instead of 625.

And to generate $5.000,- you only need 132 clients instead of 893!!

This is the power of the UPSCALE FREEDOM FRAMEWORK!!

Phase 2 – Upscale Your Freedom

You see how close you get to your dreams this way!

But we are not ready yet. This was just Phase 1, the preparation year and the Explore Freedom year.
It is time to scale up to make your dreams come true. To have you live your perfect day.

As you understood by now, we continue scaling up.

To go from $5.000,- per month to $10.000,- per month, you could simply try to double the amount of
books sales per month. And I know plenty of people who do it like that. They continue working with
the same 3 products we have been talking about and they make tons of money.

But what if we simply add a product like a continuity program.....

Let me give you a little secret that works fine for me.

To make sure that most of your Modulated Course clients purchase your Continuity Program, you
simply give it to them for free the first 2 months when they buy your Modulated Course ;-)

Your only job now is to make sure that you offer enough value every month that they would be crazy
to let it go after those 2 months.

And here is the best part of it all....

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It´s called a continuity program because they keep paying it on a monthly basis.

Let’s assume 30% of your modulated course clients keep paying the Continuity Program of $129,-
after their first 2 free months.

The stats would look like this in the first month:


Product Price Clients Conversion Sales

LTL $5,60 132 30% $739,20 $5.035,80

Will stay the same

HTL $69,00 39,6 10% $2.732,40
every month.

MC $395,00 3,96 30% $1.564,20

CP $129,00 1,18 $152,22

TOTAL $5.188,02

Hmmm....not really spectacular right....only a $152,22 increase......

But here is the power!

This is a continuity program!

This will increase with $152,22 EVERY SINGLE MONTH!!

Every month 1.2 new clients in this example will start paying for your Continuity Program while the
others KEEP PAYING! That is the power of a continuity plan. And the best part is, to have your income
increase every single month, you don´t need to find extra clients, you just have to give your existing
clients enough value so they keep paying you.

This is how your first year of Phase 2 would look like:

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6
MC $5.035,80 $5.035,80 $5.035,80 $5.035,80 $5.035,80 $5.035,80
CP $152,22 $304,44 $456,66 $608,88 $761,10 $913,32
TOTAL $5.188,02 $5.340,24 $5.492,46 $5.644,68 $5.796,90 $5.949,12

Month 7 8 9 10 11 12
MC $5.035,80 $5.035,80 $5.035,80 $5.035,80 $5.035,80 $5.035,80
CP $1065,54 $1217,76 $1369,98 $1522,20 $1674,42 $1826,64
TOTAL $6.101,34 $6.253,56 $6.405,78 $6.558,00 $6.710.22 $6.862,44

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Maybe you are still not impressed, but remember, this was just an example with low price point
products. I don't know what niche you are in, but let’s look at an example with higher price points.

Product Price Clients Conversion Sales

LTL $24,95 132 30% $3.293,40 $17.109,84

HTL $149,00 39,6 10% $5.900,40 Will stay the same

every month.
MC $1.999,00 3,96 30% $7.916,04

CP $395,00 1,18 $466.10

TOTAL $18.048,36

These are price points you see in the market all the time. depends on your nice and the value
you can share. But believe me that these price points are pretty normal in my niche (Internet

Watch what happens with the stats, with these new price points, in the next year (and also note that
we are still talking about the same amount of book sales)

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6
MC $17.109,84 $17.109,84 $17.109,84 $17.109,84 $17.109,84 $17.109,84
CP $466,10 $932,20 $1.398,30 $1.864,40 $2.330,50 $2.796,60
TOTAL $17.575,94 $18.042,04 $18.508,14 $18.974,24 $19.440,34 $19.906,44

Month 7 8 9 10 11 12
MC $17.109,84 $17.109,84 $17.109,84 $17.109,84 $17.109,84 $17.109,84
CP $3.262,70 $3.728,80 $4.194,90 $4.661,00 $5.127,10 $5.593,20
TOTAL $20.372,54 $20.838,64 $21.304,74 $21.770,84 $22.236,94 $22.703,04

Would this bring you any closer to your dreams?

Maybe you don´t like all these numbers, but I needed to show you the power of this because we are
not programmed to think like this. I am sure your main concern was that it all sounded good...but is it
enough to EXPLORE FREEDOM? Well....this is the power of UPSCALING and CONTINUITY. I hope the
message was clear.

Now your next concern might’s all nice, but still.... I have to sell 132 e-books per month. That
sounds like a lot. And yes, it is a lot, but this is the internet!

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Where To Find Clients

Facebook Ads to be more precise.

You might think...I don´t have that many Facebook friends. But you don´t have to!

The Facebook Ads platform is a great tool to find people in your niche...whether they are your friends
or followers...or not.

Let’s assume your niche is dogs. And want to share your knowledge of dog training and you want to
sell this $5,60 e-book to people so they can use your knowledge to train their own dog.

We have to keep in mind that we also want to upsell them on the HTL, the MC and the CP. So we
need to find future clients who are willing and able to invest a little.

So let’s say we are talking about a profile of people who live in the USA, earn at least $100.000 per
year and like dogs.

Let’s have a look how many people with that profile are on Facebook....

There are a whooping 17.000.000 people in ONLY the United States who earn more than $100.000,-
per year and love dogs.

In blue you can see your potential reach with your ad per day. Between 17.000 and 54.000 people.
Do you think you can reach 4 of them who would be interested in your e-book?

The power is in your just have to grab it and start EXPORING FREEDOM!

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- Chapter 5 -


It is time to look at the whole picture.

5 Steps
In the end, the whole framework in action is nothing more than 5 steps.

1) First you send traffic to your Low Ticket Liquidator.

2) Then you redirect them to your High Ticket Liquidator.
3) The next step is your Modulated Course.
4) The fourth step is your Continuity Program.
5) To finalize it with the 5th step, continuing UPSCALING YOUR FREEDOM.

Let’s have a quick overview what we need to do with for those 5 steps.
I won’t go into detail on HOW to do it now. But after explaining the 5 steps I will give you an action

Step 1
We´ve talked about sending traffic. Facebook ads is in my opinion the best platform to do this. There
is no other platform where you can target as specific in your niche as Facebook ads.

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The Low Ticket Liquidator is a tiny part of your complete Modulated Course. This is the first part of
your Upscale Freedom Framework and needs to be cheap enough to sell a lot, and have enough
value to make them hungry for more

Step 2
Redirect them to your High Ticket Liquidator is something we didn´t go into deep in yet.
When I talk about redirecting this can mean 2 things in this case.

A. Direct Up Sell (or One Click Up Sell)

B. Indirect Up Sell

A – Direct Up Sell
Most probably when you have bought anything online, after payment, you were redirected
directly to a page where you were offered some other product. This is called a direct up sell. A
product offered as a direct up sell always is in direct connection with the just acquired product.
This can be your HTL or an extra product with a value in between your LTL and HTL.

B – Indirect Up Sell

The indirect up sell is you HTL. This product is offered by email follow up. When you offered your
HTL as a direct up sell, you can still offer your HTL as an indirect up sell to those who didn´t buy it
as a one click up sell.

For the email follow up we use an autoresponder- or email marketing service. That is a service
that sends pre scripted emails on certain moments. For example, directly after the sale, a day
after and a series of mails during a certain time span.

Those emails are personalized as if it was sent especially by you to this client. So they state the
name of the client and if needed extra personalized information. All with the intention to resell
them on the HTL.

Step 3
In the same way as the indirect up sale, you offer your clients your Modulated Course. Even if they
didn´t buy the HTL after “insisting” for a while, they will start receiving emails from the
autoresponder or email marketing service where you offer your Modulated Course in or where you
offer something for free, like a webinar, that eventually sells them on the modulated course.

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Step 4
My experience is that offering the Continuity Program for free during the modulated course works
like a charm. Most modulated courses are about 6 weeks, so by offering them 2 months of the
Continuity Program for free with the Modulated Course, most will continue paying the Continuity
Program after they finished the Modulated Course.

But there is another big advantage when you do it like this….

Offering the first 2 months of your Continuity Program for free as a bonus with your Modulated
Course, is a great bonus to increase the sales of your MC!

Step 5
Continue Up Scaling Your Freedom.
There is no end for this framework. You can add Up sales, down sales, coaching programs as many as
you like. As long as they are in the same niche, you can add whatever you want en in whatever part
of the frame work.

It is absolutely okay to have two up sales after your LTL and if they don’t buy them, you can offer a
down sale. A down sale is a product just a bit cheaper than your up sale.

But you can also add up sales and down sales after your HTL and MC and even after your CP.

Basically there is no limit.

But another way to continue up scaling your freedom is to create an Upscale freedom framework in
another niche. You can create as many as you like! But where to begin?.......

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7 Action Steps
I boiled the framework down to 7 action steps. So it is easy for you to understand and put into

You will notice we will do some reverse engineering again, but I need to say something really
important first.

These 7 action steps are your guide to start a Upscale freedom framework in any niche. You can
repeat it as many times as you like. In the same niche or in different niches. But the most important
action step of all is not mentioned within these 7 action steps….

Simply because you don’t have to repeat it every time you create a new Upscale Freedom
framework. You only need to do that once!

Can you guess what that step is?

Right… Write down your perfect day and determine and calculate what will be your Explore Freedom

You have to believe me that this step is the most important step of all! I really can´t emphasize it
enough that you need to start with that. I even want to take it further…. I really think when you don´t
do the perfect day exercise and you don´t have a clear vision about your Explore Freedom year and
you have no clue what it will cost you…. The framework won’t help you! If you have no clear and
detailed goals….you won’t reach them!

It’s like saying to your GPS that you need to go to France, while you mean Paris. It won’t get you to
Paris that way!!

So please don´t skip this step!

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Action Step 1 - Niche
The first thing you need to have clear for yourself is what niche you are going to focus on. You might
think that the whole world is your market, but believe me it’s not.

To determine your niche, the easiest way is look at your own knowledge. What do you know? Where
lies your authority?

But even when you want to work outside your own niche, the Upscale Freedom Framework will
work, but it will need some extra attention in your preparation.

Why is determining your niche so important? Because you need to know as well as you can what
your niche wants and what problems they have!

Only this way you can make a good before and after framework.

Maybe you know a lot about your niche, but I advise you to read blog posts, search on Google,
become a member in Facebook groups…. Where ever you can find information about your market.
Your niche and your knowledge about it is important for the success of your Upscale Freedom

You need to know what problems they have and what desires. Take a good look at what others offer
to solve those problems or to reach those desires. What prices do they charge?

You might think that you would want to enter in a niche with little to no competition, and indeed,
when your product is unique, you might score big. But from experience I can say that it is much
easier to enter a niche with more competition….simply because that means that people BUY in that

But the most important thing is to make a list with pains or desires of your niche. That way you can
accurately determine a solution. Because this pain (or desire) and solution is what we need for the
next step.

Action Step 2 – Before & After Framework

Now that you know the pain or desire and the solution of your niche, you simply get a piece of paper
and draw a line (smiley faces are optional). At the beginning of the line you write down the pain or
desire. At the end the solution.

Now you need your knowledge or research from step 1. Between those two points you start writing
smaller steps. Steps your niche need to take to go from pain or desire to solution. Steps you
know…but they obviously don´t!

Keep that in mind!

They are still in pain or still have this desire…because they either don´t know that there exists a
solution, or they don´t know the steps to take. You do! And that makes you the authority!!

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I made a somewhat more professional B&A Framework.
(I would have drawn it, but this is so important that I decided to give it some extra attention)

For the purpose of the example, there are only 4 steps, but it doesn´t matter how many steps there
actually are. I´d like to bring it back to 6 steps if I can, simply because I prefer my Modulated courses
to be 6 weeks. One step per week. But in this example there are only 4. Let’s call them A – D. These
are the modules in your modulated Course. One module per week.


Once you Have the first steps, you make a B&A Framework for every step and you start thinking
about the sub steps to realize step A to D

As an example, in the Affiliate Marketing niche, if I was to make a Modulated Course about that:

A – could be “Grow your list”.

B – “Find good affiliate products”.
C- “Give value”.
And D- “Pitch offer”

For this example, I only use 3 sub steps (1-3), per main step.

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In the affiliate marketing example, where A- is “grow your list”

A1- could be “Facebook ads”
A2 - “Lead magnet”
A3- “Capture page”

And obviously I would repeat this for all main steps. The sub steps are sub modules. Sometimes it
might not be necessary to have those sub modules. Sometimes 1 main step, one module, has enough
to explain for itself. But I like to “over deliver” value. That why I split the Main Framework into Sub
Modules. I always follow this framework with sub modules.

Now you have a solid guide line for creating content.

And your B&A Framework is ready!!

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Action Step 3 – Modulated Course
With these last Sub B&A Frameworks , you now have all the videos or classes on paper, you need to
create is an info product of VALUE that will take your clients from BEFORE to AFTER in the main

And again, there don´t have to be so many steps and sub steps. But always keep in mind…it’s better
to over deliver! Also keep in mind, we are not talking about videos of an hour. These are videos, as I
prefer, of maximum 15 minutes. So the 3 videos in step A1- I would probably create within 1 hour.


This whole “making videos” might scare you a bit. But it is much easier than you can imagine. We are
not talking about live videos where you have to talk for 15 minutes!

I prefer videos where I simply talk over PowerPoint slides or where I share my screen and record what
I do. But if you like to do it live, with a whiteboard or so….fantastic!!

This step, step 3, is actually all the heavy lifting you have to do! Creating the Modulated Course.

Yes I know it is the last or second last product in your Upscale Freedom Framework. But it will all be
clear why we start here.

Because with the B&A framework, everything is reduced in easy bites. It should not take you that
long. Even when you are talking about 60 videos or so, you can do this in 1 or 2 weeks.

Anyway…there is nothing more to it than TO START!

Action Step 4 – High Ticket Liquidator

Now you will start understanding why we took off with the content of the Modulated Course first.

Remember this example:

When in our Affiliate Marketing example,

step A- was “Grow your list”.
And sub step A1- was “Facebook ads”

The videos un that substep, our classes, could be:

a- “Targeting”
b- “Copy writing”
c- “Images”

You simple grab those videos and you have a HTL.

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Do you think that for someone who is taking their first steps in Affiliate Marketing a course titled:
“How To Grow Your List With Facebook Ads In 3 Simple Steps” where they would learn about
targeting, copywriting that converts and images that attract attention, would be worth $69,- ?

For sure…and here is the good part….the whole course is ready because you already created it for
your complete modulated course.

I like making life easy! And it works!

Don´t worry about the fact that you will be offering the same content twice. It is done all the time
and like I said…it works!

Not everyone will up sell and those who do…really don’t mind as you will be offering so much more
value in the Modulated course.


High Ticket Liquidator Finished!

Action Step 5 – Low Ticket Liquidator

The Low Ticket Liquidator. Maybe the most important part of you Upscale Freedom Framework. This
is the product where your clients start to know you. Where they decide to “test” your knowledge,
test your authority for a small price.

This is the product to set your clients up for the real deal. For the up sells. So this must be a product
that you have to put some time and attention in!


Within the example of the beginning Affiliate Marketer….

Do you think that a little book with the title “How To Select Affiliate products That Will Explode
Your Bank Account” be interesting for this person? Would they pay $5,60 for that? I am pretty sure

Again we go back to our B&A framework:

These are the steps in the main B&A Framework

A – “Grow your list”.

B – “Find good affiliate products”.
C- “Give value”.
D- “Pitch offer”

For our HTL we have used step A, how to grow your list, so let’s use Step B for our Low Ticket
Liquidator. I would not advice to use the same content again in this case.

Lets imagine that step B also consists of 3 steps in the sub frame, B1 until B3

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Those could be these:

B1- Affiliate platforms

B2- Set Up An Account
B3- How To Select Best Sellers

In every of those sub modules, you have some videos created. Let’s say 3 videos in every sub module.

But Like I explained before, the best selling LTL´s are e-books.
So here is the trick….beware…this is really hard work….

In our example we get the videos from sub module B3 – How to select Best Sellers.
Lets say this part consists of 2 videos. Those 2 videos we sent to a transcription service. You can have
that done for about $8,- per minute.
Lets say you have 30 minutes of video material. That will cost you a $240,-. For that money you will
have the base of your book.

Now you have your video in text. My advice…don´t read it!!

Your speech to text document is always written the way you talk. Believe me…you don’t want to read

Now you go to a website called and you look for a book editor. They put your video text
into readable text. And it is really cheap.

Kabooom…You have your book and you didn’t write a word yourself!

How easy can life be with the Upscale Freedom Framework.

Action Step 6 – Continuity Program

This is your big residual income fish. Here we need to invest some time.

Wrong again!!

Actually in preparation this is the easiest part. Do you have Facebook?

I am sure you do. You simply create a closed group (if you don´t know how that works, watch some
videos on Youtube) and you are all set to go!

It is really as simple as that. When people subscribe for your Continuity Program, they automatically
get on your newsletter list. The only thing you need to tell them is that they give you their Facebook
as well.

Now you can send them your weekly newsletter and you can invite them into your closed group.
Easy as that.

Ok…you will have to write your weekly news letter and engage in the group. But once your LTL, HTL
and MC are finished and set up, that is all you have to do.

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The Continuity Program is the easiest to set up but will generate the most residual income in the long
run, and in my case…I love writing those newsletters and engage to the community!

Action Step 7 – Install Everything On The Internet

Ok, I am not going to lie to you. If you are not techy, this will be a bit of a challenge. I started out
doing everything myself, I had no choice. But I was able to learn it all even though when I started, I
didn´t even have Facebook. So when I can learn it, you can as well! And I have to say, I still enjoy
doing it. I like creating these technical thingies (yes….a technical term)….


In these days, there are simple solutions for all those technical challenges. There are services for your
landing and sales pages. Email and email marketing services, payment processors. And membership
services for your modulated courses. You only have to set them up. And even when you don´t feel
like doing that yourself either…you just go back to and you find someone who will do it for

Don´t ever allow tech challenges to withhold you from Exploring Freedom!

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These 7 action steps, the 7 action steps I ALWAYS use, are set up for my own mindset. But I am sure
they will help you as well. I am a person who gets overwhelmed fairly quickly when I start a project.
There is so much to do. Where to start?

That is why I follow these action steps. And I advise you to do so as well.

Because what is most probably your biggest fear…that you can’t do the technical part.
Off course, creating your first modulated course will be a challenge, but when you have all the little
steps written out in the before & after frameworks, it is just one step at the time.

That is why I have put the technical part as the last step. You have to force your mind NOT to think
about that until it is time for action step 7. And you know what….when you have done all other
action steps….you have your head clear, your products are ready…. you WILL find solutions! No
matter if you do them yourself, use the services available or you outsource it all! It is a mindset
change. You have to change your mindset from, I don´t know how….to I will find a solution!

Warning (Don´t Stop Reading)

Before we wrap this up, I need to give you a warning…two actually…

1) The knowledge shared in this book is here to make you understand the power of the Upscale
Freedom Framework. It is a grand overview. Unless you have prior experience, this overview
is not sufficient to build your own framework with success. You will need more knowledge
and/or help.

2) Enough with the official legal warnings. The second warning is this….
When you do understand the power of the Upscale Freedom Framework, you have to take
action TODAY! Don´t start stressing over your products, niche and authority now. START
TODAY! Because you can start today! I would re-read the first chapter and start writing down
my perfect day.

And when you have your perfect day on paper, start thinking what you want to do first. How
would your Explore Freedom year look like?

Then, and only then, I would start thinking what niche could be based on my interests and
knowledge. Remember…. You might think you are not an authority, but you most probably
are. (I know a lot about internet marketing, but I know nothing about traveling in an RV for a
year….how many books do you think I have already bought of people who did just that?
There is a market for everything!)

You have to start dreaming and you have to start today! Because every day you postpone,
you postpone exploring your freedom!

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Don’t worry about the details, you can learn that while you start your preparation. Build that
plane while you fly! That is what the Upscale Freedom Framework is all about. Understand
that it is possible, and START!

Last, Future Changing Words

I hope you have found this information helpful. But more importantly is that you have
understood that there is a way to start exploring freedom TODAY. That you don’t have to work
and safe first. To save and save until there is no time left for Exploring your Freedom.

I hope you understand that the Upscale Freedom Framework gives you the real possibility to
change something in your life TODAY and because we scale up, you can start your adventure,
your new life between 12 and 18 months from now.

I´m sure you will still have a lot of questions but you will want to take action NOW, so you can
give yourself and your loved ones a new future TODAY!

But you still have those doubts….. can I do it….?

This little book gives you all the basics. A grand overview. But there is so much more I can share
with you.

Remember I use the Upscale Freedom Framework, the Before & After Framework, the 3
Opportunities, the 5 Product Types and the Freedom Calculator for myself. I need the framework
to stay focused, to eliminate the overwhelm and be productive.

I am no different then you! And you are no different than me!

And honestly…that is the secret of my success. I don’t make things up, I follow the framework.

And when you do the same, The Upscale Freedom Framework will be the secret to your success
as well.

Now you can do 2 things, make that decision and go for it or start trying out. Because we both
know, doing nothing is not an option!

When you decide to try it out, you could start with your perfect day and search for your niche.
Maybe even start with the Before And After Framework. You probably won’t set a date yet. You
want to see how things go for you and decide to take action later.

But here is reality, when simply try it out, without a date, without that determination, without
taking that decision that your freedom is the most important thing in your life… will
probably fail!

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This little book only scratched the surface. There is so much more to learn to make this happen
for you. Things like:

 Landing pages
 Opt-in pages
 Sales pages
 Up sell Pages
 Down sell Pages
 Thank You pages
 Membership pages
 Ad copy
 Sales letter copy
 Video sales letter copy
 Webinars
 Sales Funnels
 Continuity Programs
 Group Coaching programs
 And many, many more things….

But I´ve got you covered!

So if you liked what you have learned so far, and you understand the power of the Upscale Freedom
framework and you want to take action even though you still have those doubts….

Then you will be happy to know that I have created a webpage where you will understand how you
can more or less look over my shoulder and watch how I created my Upscale Freedom Framework.

An option where you can see how I did it. Step by Step.

I will show you everything.

I’ve created over 50 videos where I take you by the hand and show you everything!

 How to create your millionaire mindset.

 How to create your perfect day.
 How to find your niche.
 How to create the mainframe.
 The sub frames.
 And something I haven’t talked about yet, the video frames.
 How to create the videos for your Modulated Course
 What software and hardware do you need for that.
 How to create the book without writing.
 Do you wonder how to drive traffic to your LTL (book)?
 How to set up a good coaching program
 A continuity Program
 Landing pages
 Opt-in pages
 Sales pages

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 Up sell Pages
 Down sell Pages
 Thank You pages
 Membership pages
 Ad copy
 Sales letter copy
 Video sales letter copy
 Webinars
 Sales Funnels
 The services and programs I use to make my life easy.
 Everything!

But More Important….How NOT To Create All Those Things Yourself!

 Yes! I will show you how to do it yourself, or if you don´t feel like it, have someone else do
the work for you. 

In those videos I will take you by the hand so you can start building on your Freedom today! Step by
step, video by video.

You will understand that the only way to learn better how I do it, is to spend a few months with me
in my office. But I will most probably be on the road by then Exploring My Freedom. So it will be a bit
difficult to keep up with me….lol

And the only way to make it even easier for you to have your own Upscale Freedom Framework is to
let me do it for you.

But those are two very expensive options.

So if you decided to EXPLORE FREEDOM and create your own Upscale Freedom Framework, you will
love what I have for you here:
Here´s To Your Freedom!

Roy Bonté

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