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I awoke to find only half the world was still asleep.

I cast pearls before swine at

my own risk.
The goal of this book is to bring the Glory of the Stars into the Hearts of Men.

-Casondra Starseed













DEDICATION: This book is dedicated to my grandfather, Maurice Daniel Cormier
(Jan 30th 1939 – Apr 14th 2010). The greatest dad I ever knew, or ever could
have asked for. Thank you. You are missed by many, but you’ll always be with

To Thoth, Hermes, the greatest-great, thrice born. I will forever be a student at

your feet.

To Isis, the goddess herself of a thousand names, who women continue to

invoke and personify as.

& Lastly, a special thank you dedication to Todd Drew, a friend and mentor who
has never given up on me, always gave insightful advice and continues to
inspire me. Thank you for "taking the time on a very confused seeker, when
you didn't have to." I will always and forever be thankful and grateful. I hope
your name lives on in the land of the remembered with every copy of this
book. "The best teachers show you where to look, not what to see."

Before my first reiki class, I had lived a life with numerous synchronicities which
all led me to the day of my first reiki class. It was the experience that changed
my life. I remember the whole experience of the 8 week class. I ran home and
began to reiki my cat and plants, husband, kids and myself. I immediately found
I was able to get my plants to grow faster, heal myself and others, and discover
a wealth of knowledge within myself which I am going to share in this book. I
was your average, weird, customer service rep, sitting in a cubicle, filing papers
and asking God, isn't there more to life? What is the secret to success, and
happiness? Underneath it all I knew there was something just wrong with the
accepted world and that I was missing something. I spent the next bunch of
years learning and uncovering a vast treasure of knowledge from books and
classes, documentaries and of course, the divine light inside myself.

This book is going to compile all the knowledge you need to start energy
healing now and put you on the road to become an adept at it. You will have to
perform these exercises, start on yourself and your pets and plants as I did, and
then, when you feel ready, get permission to try it on your friends and family.

This is NOT your average young adult, new age book. Once we run through
basic healing we will get into how to integrate energy healing into your sexual
life, what is commonly known as Tantra. Is something missing in your marriage
or relationship? Tantra is an art which never gets old, and there’s always new
techniques to try and think up.

This book will take you from your average life to the very depths of your soul,
through far reaches of space and time. Yes, this is a book about energy healing,
but you can't perform appropriate healing without knowing certain aspects,
such as symbols, history, and where the chi/prana/energy is coming from inside
your body, as well as how to control it and harness it at will. If you are even
considering this book, you too, have probably led your own life full of
synchronicities, and are ready to journey forward on your soul's quest to return
to source. If you are, this book will help you learn everything you need to know
to be a powerful energy healer, but I recommend you still acquire the
attunements and still take the classes. Free ones are offered on youtube,
however I STRONGLY recommend in finding a master to perform a proper
attunement on you as you progress through the lessons. You will need an
attunement after level 1,2 and 3. A good companion to the attunements, is to
listen to frequency music. There’s a ton of it on youtube, as well as on cd, ect. It
may hurt your head at first, but it is a great tool to raise your frequency, and
open your 3rd eye. In reiki, frequency is very important. You have no business
performing healing on anyone if you are in low frequency, feelings of fear, hate,
anger, depression, etc. The good news is reiki will heal these things in you, and
once you heal yourself, you can then heal others.

I am happy to say, I now understand 'the secret', to success, happiness,

wealth and abundance. It started when I made the decision to take that class,
to learn, and to evolve. I no longer sit in a cubicle of a windowless office, I am a
stay at home mom, who homeschools and runs an online store... and spends
her extra time doing SCA events, tarot, energy work, and research. Being my
own boss is the best thing I ever wanted for myself. I am in charge of my life
and involved in my children's. Everything you need to heal yourself and
understand life better is already inside you. As I love to say to my followers, I
will be giving you the tools, you just need to use them.
I am going to quote from many books, teachers and mentors. The point of
referencing each quote is to have the reader understand these are not just my
opinions; they are other references to study and meant to make the reader
think and research further. To plant seeds in your brains the way they were
planted in mine.



Rei means “universal” and ki means “energy".

As I started out my reiki journey in a small adult ed class, we were told that
Reiki was "discovered" by Sensei Mikao Usui, born on August 15th 1865, in
Kyoto, Japan.

Mikao was a well-rounded man, and had studied martial arts, medicine,
psychology, fortune telling and other arts, before he ever made his way up to
Mount Kurama, the famous place of his 21 day meditation. He opened a reiki
clinic in 1922 in Harajuku, Tokyo. He treated people for free or very cheap, and
students worked off their schooling from him at the monastery. He published
"The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr Mikao Usui."

In 1923 on the 1st of September an earthquake shook Tokyo and Yokohama,

measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale. The epicenter was 50 miles from Tokyo.
Over 140,000 deaths were reported. The majority were killed in the fires
started by the earthquake. It was the greatest natural disaster in Japanese
history. Mikao Usui and his students started to give healing in the area and the
demand and need for Reiki was enormous and as a result of his work he
became even more famous.

Dr Mikao Usui passed away on March 9th 1926 at the age of 62. After his death
his students put a large monument next to his grave, describing his life's work.

"Usui Sensei's teachings were divided into 6 levels, Shoden (4 levels), Okuden
(2 levels) and Shinpi-den. The beginning level student (Shoden) had to work
hard at increasing their own spirituality before being able to move on to the
Okuden (inner teachings) level. Not many students reached the next level of
Shinpi-den - Mystery/secret teachings.

It is reported that he had taught his system of healing to well over 2000
persons, and what we in the West call Reiki Masters (no such title existed in
Japan at the time) to 15 - 17 persons. "

The curious cat in me had a few thoughts on this.

1) Reiki energy healing uses chi/prana/AEthyr energy. Which meant energy
healing must go back prior to Sensei Usui.
2 ) In high school I had read the "Sweep" series, which had provoked me to
begin healing with different color light in high school. This was long before I
had heard the term reiki but I hadn't really pursued it till I took my reiki class.
3) How far back in our past can light-work be traced?

I have always had a big connection with Atlantis. There is A LOT underneath the
depths of our oceans, which used to be above and on land.

I read many classic books on Atlantis, plus some more strange ones by mystery
school authors. I noticed they all had quite a bit in common. From Edgar Cayce,
Aleister Crowley's "The Lost Continent", to Plato and Manly P Hall and on and
on. They all believed we once, at the time of Lemuria and Atlantis, were
extremely, technologically advanced.

I have spent much time studying the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean,
which most assuredly verify the above accounts.


I, THOTH, the Atlantean, master of mysteries,

keeper of records, mighty king, magician,

living from generation to generation,

being about to pass into the halls of Amenti,

set down for the guidance of

those that are to come after,

these records of the mighty wisdom of Great Atlantis.

In the great city of KEOR on the island of UNDAL,

in a time far past, I began this incarnation.

Not as the little men of the present age did

the mighty ones of Atlantis live and die,

but rather from aeon to aeon did they renew

their life in the Halls of Amenti where the river of life

flows eternally onward.

A hundred times ten

have I descended the dark way that led into light,

and as many times have I ascended from the

darkness into the light my strength and power renewed.

Now for a time I descend,

and the men of KHEM (Khem is ancient Egypt)

shall know me no more.

But in a time yet unborn will I rise again,

mighty and potent, requiring an accounting

of those left behind me. "

The tablets go on to talk about the fall of Atlantis. Describing "men overtaken
by darkness" causing the fall of man and the great flood. The fall of man was to
remind man of his divine origins, and the consequence of abusing the divine

They also go on to prophesize a time where again, man has remembered his
divine light, and defeat the darkness forever.

If you pay attention to the tablets, they describe in great detail, how to master
the chakra system, which is the essential basis of all energy work. The Emerald
Tablets are the oldest reference to energy healing, meditation, immortality, and
the truth about man's history I have ever found. Thoth describes watching the
sun rise in the east, then the west, five times. You can read them for free

The tablets have been translated by some very notable men, including Sir Isaac
Newton and were known previously as the Smaragdine Tablets.

The healing traditions of ancient Egypt were sacred. It was known as Seichem/

Sekhem is a sacred art that was only taught to initiates of the preisthood inside
the temples. Sekhem means the Power of Powers and it is connected with our
own empowerment for both healing and spiritual development. In a spiritual
sense, it equates with Chi, Ki and Prana.

Plenty of references to Sekhem can be found in the pyramids and in the

Egyptian Book of the Dead.

I believe Sekhem is a more in depth healing for a few reasons, unless you can
find a reiki master who does do all this.
1) Sekhem works not only on your chakras, but with your aura.
2) Illness is the way that our higher self shows us that something in our lifestyle
is not working, or serving us well, and until we acknowledge that, our body will
not heal. This is why Sekhem practitioners often use some form of counseling
alongside the hands-on-healing, as each process supports the other. In this
way, Sekhem can be a wonderful personal development tool. This aspect of
Sekhem is taken even further if a client wishes to attend a Sekhem course.
People become empowered when they are able to direct subtle energies to
affect their own healing.
3)Sekhem employs 3D symbols, which are linked to the science of the
pyramids. This energy is unconditional love in its pure form. The symbols
include access to inter-dimensional portals. In healing sessions, the practitioner
will places their hands on or near to the body and passes the Sekhem energy to
the recipient. The experience is inspirational, healing and sometimes
profoundly spiritual.
In reiki, a master will also use sacred symbols on you, which are for power,
healing and other things. You can heal well with reiki, but where Sekhem I think
goes a little further is the in depth counseling, because not everyone knows
how to preserve a body well, especially as well as the Egyptians do, in life as
well as death. Balance of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects
of the self are highly important if you wish to avoid the illness coming back in
yourself or anyone else. And I will spend a chapter later on addressing the
YHVH formula, which is the alchemical formula for self-mastery over these
aspects of the self.


In China, the energy was called Chi (Qi).

There are plenty of people who have been successful at moving things with
concentrated chi alone, people who heal with chi, and people who can
concentrate their chi in martial arts to deliver devastating blows.

The Chinese also believe in the mind-body-spirit balance. They believe you can
develop Chi (outdated material suggests we have a finite amount).

"Energy can be increased in a human being. Consequently, the development of

chi can make an ill person robust or a weak person vibrant. More chi can
enhance mental capacity too.
The concept of chi also extends beyond the physical body, to the subtle
energies that activate all human functions, including emotions and thought.
Unbalanced chi causes your emotions to become agitated and distressed.
Balanced chi causes your emotions to become smooth and more satisfying.

From the perspective of thought, when your mental chi becomes more refined
it enhances your creativity at all levels--art, business, relationships, child
rearing, etc.

Spiritual chi makes it more possible for us to personally enter into higher states
of consciousness, which lie at the heart of religious experience.

Qigong, tai chi and other form of Taoist martial and healing arts, help you to
develop subtle chi-energy, not as an idea but rather lead you to directly feel
and experience what this is in your body."

The ancient Chinese described it as "life force". They believed qi permeated

everything and linked their surroundings together. They likened it to the flow of
energy around and through the body, forming a cohesive and functioning unit.
By understanding its rhythm and flow they believed they could guide exercises
and treatments to provide stability and longevity.

Although the concept of qi has been important within many Chinese

philosophies, over the centuries the descriptions of qi have varied and have
sometimes been in conflict. Until China came into contact with Western
scientific and philosophical ideas, they had not categorized all things in
terms of matter and energy.Qi and li (理: "pattern") were 'fundamental'
categories similar to matter and energy.

This idea is in line with the hermetic laws:

"For the purpose of convenience of thought and study, the Hermetic

Philosophy considers that the Universe may be divided into three great
classes of phenomena, known as the Three Great Planes, namely:

1. The Great Physical Plane.

2. The Great Mental Plane.

3. The Great Spiritual Plane.

These divisions are more or less artificial and arbitrary, for the truth is
that all of the three divisions are but ascending degrees of the great
scale of Life, the lowest point of which is undifferentiated Matter, and the
highest point that of Spirit. And, moreover, the different Planes shade
into each other, so that no hard and fast division may be made between
the higher phenomena of the Physical and the lower of the Mental; or
between the higher of the Mental and the lower of the Physical.

In short, the Three Great Planes may be regarded as three great groups
of degrees of Life Manifestation. While the purposes of this little book do
not allow us to enter into an extended discussion of, or explanation of,
the subject of these different planes, still we think it well to give a general
description of the same at this point.

At the beginning we may as well consider the question so often asked by

the neophyte, who desires to be informed regarding the meaning of the
word "Plane", which term has been very freely used, and very poorly
explained, in many recent works upon the subject of occultism. The
question is generally about as follows: "Is a Plane a place having
dimensions, or is it merely a condition or state?" We answer: "No, not a
place, nor ordinary dimension of space; and yet more than a state or
condition. It may be considered as a state or condition, and yet the state
or condition is a degree of dimension, in a scale subject to
measurement." Somewhat paradoxical, is it not? But let us examine the
matter. A "dimension," you know, is "a measure in a straight line, relating
to measure," etc. The ordinary dimensions of space are length, breadth,
and height, or perhaps length, breadth, height, thickness or
circumference. But there is another dimension of "created things" or
"measure in a straight line," known to occultists, and to scientists as well,
although the latter have not as yet applied the term "dimension" to it--
and this new dimension, which, by the way, is the much speculated
-about "Fourth Dimension," is the standard used in determining the
degrees or "planes."

This Fourth Dimension may be called "The Dimension of Vibration" It is a

fact well known to modern science, as well as to the Hermetists who
have embodied the truth in their "Third Hermetic Principle," that
"everything is in motion; everything vibrates; nothing is at rest." From the
highest manifestation, to the lowest, everything and all things Vibrate.
Not only do they vibrate at different rates of motion, but as in different
directions and in a different manner. The degrees of the rate of vibrations
constitute the degrees of measurement on the Scale of Vibrations--in
other words the degrees of the Fourth Dimension. And these degrees
form what occultists call "Planes" The higher the degree of rate of
vibration, the higher the plane, and the higher the manifestation of Life
occupying that plane. So that while a plane is not "a place," nor yet "a
state or condition," yet it possesses qualities common to both. We shall
have more to say regarding the subject of the scale of Vibrations in our
next lessons, in which we shall consider the Hermetic Principle of

You will kindly remember, however, that the Three Great Planes are not
actual divisions of the phenomena of the Universe, but merely arbitrary
terms used by the Hermetists in order to aid in the thought and study of
the various degrees and Forms of universal activity and life. The atom of
matter, the unit of force, the mind of man, and the being of the arch
-angel are all but degrees in one scale, and all fundamentally the same,
the difference between solely a matter of degree, and rate of vibration--
all are creations of THE ALL, and have their existence solely within the
Infinite Mind of THE ALL.

The Hermetists sub-divide each of the Three Great Planes into Seven
Minor Planes, and each of these latter are also sub-divided into seven
sub-planes, all divisions being more or less arbitrary, shading into each
other, and adopted merely for convenience of scientific study and

The Great Physical Plane, and its Seven Minor Planes, is that division of
the phenomena of the Universe which includes all that relates to physics,
or material things, forces, and manifestations. It includes all forms of that
which we call Matter, and all forms of that which we call Energy or Force.
But you must remember that the Hermetic Philosophy does not
recognize Matter as a thing in itself, or as having a separate existence
even in the Mind of THE ALL. The Teachings are that Matter is but a
form of Energy--.that is, Energy at a low rate of vibrations of a certain
kind. And accordingly the Hermetists classify Matter under the head of
Energy, and give to it three of the Seven Minor Planes of the Great
Physical Plane.

These Seven Minor Physical Planes are as follows:

1. The Plane of Matter (A)

2. The Plane of Matter (B)

3. The Plane of Matter (C)

4. The Plane of Ethereal Substance

5. The Plane of Energy (A)

6. The Plane of Energy (B)

7. The Plane of Energy (C)

The Plane of Matter (A) comprises the forms of Matter in its form of
solids, liquids, and gases, as generally recognized by the text-books on
physics. The Plane of Matter (B) comprises certain higher and more
subtle forms of Matter of the existence of which modern science is but
now recognizing, the phenomena of Radiant Matter, in its phases of
radium, etc., belonging to the lower sub-division of this Minor Plane. The
Plane of Matter (C) comprises forms of the most subtle and tenuous
Matter, the existence of which is not suspected by ordinary scientists.
The Plane of Ethereal Substance comprises that which science speaks
of as "The Ether", a substance of extreme tenuity and elasticity,
pervading all Universal Space, and acting as a medium for the
transmission of waves of energy, such as light, heat, electricity, etc. This
Ethereal Substance forms a connecting link between Matter (so-called)
and Energy, and partakes of the nature of each. The Hermetic
Teachings, however, instruct that this plane has seven sub-divisions (as
have all of the Minor Planes), and that in fact there are seven ethers,
instead of but one.

Next above the Plane of Ethereal Substance comes the Plane of Energy
(A), which comprises the ordinary forms of Energy known to science, its
seven sub-planes being, respectively, Heat; Light; Magnetism; Electricity,
and Attraction (including Gravitation, Cohesion, Chemical Affinity, etc.)
and several other forms of energy indicated by scientific experiments but
not as yet named or classified. The Plane of Energy (B) comprises
seven subplanes of higher forms of energy not as yet discovered by
science, but which have been called "Nature's Finer Forces" and which
are called into operation in manifestations of certain forms of mental
phenomena, and by which such phenomena becomes possible. The
Plane of Energy (C) comprises seven sub-planes of energy so highly
organized that it bears many of the characteristics of "life," but which is
not recognized by the minds of men on the ordinary plane of
development, being available for the use on beings of the Spiritual Plane
alone--such energy is unthinkable to ordinary man, and may be
considered almost as "the divine power." The beings employing the
same are as "gods" compared even to the highest human types known
to us.

The Great Mental Plane comprises those forms of "living things" known
to us in ordinary life, as well as certain other forms not so well known
except to the occultist. The classification of the Seven Minor Mental
Planes is more or less satisfactory and arbitrary (unless accompanied by
elaborate explanations which are foreign to the purpose of this particular
work), but we may as well mention them. They are as follows:

1. The Plane of Mineral Mind

2. The Plane of Elemental Mind (A)

3. The Plane of Plant Mind

4. The Plane of Elemental Mind (B)

5. The Plane of Animal Mind

6. The Plane of Elemental Mind (C)

7. The Plane of Human Mind

The Plane of Mineral Mind comprises the "states or conditions" of the

units or entities, or groups and combinations of the same, which animate
the forms known to us as "minerals, chemicals, etc." These entities must
not be confounded with the molecules, atoms and corpuscles
themselves, the latter being merely the material bodies or forms of these
entities, just as a man's body is but his material form and not "himself."
These entities may be called "souls" in one sense, and are living beings
of a low degree of development, life, and mind--just a little more than the
units of "living energy" which comprise the higher sub-divisions of the
highest Physical Plane. The average mind does not generally attribute
the possession of mind, soul, or life, to the mineral kingdom, but all
occultists recognize the existence of the same, and modern science is
rapidly moving forward to the point-of-view of the Hermetic, in this
respect. The molecules, atoms and corpuscles have their "loves and
hates"; "likes and dislikes"; "attractions and repulsions". "affinities and
non-affinities," etc., and some of the more daring of modern scientific
minds have expressed the opinion that the desire and will, emotions and
feelings, of the atoms differ only in degree from those of men. We have
no time or space to argue this matter here. All occultists know it to be a
fact, and others are referred to some of the more recent scientific works
for outside corroboration. There are the usual seven sub-divisions to this

The Plane of Elemental Mind (A) comprises the state or condition, and
degree of mental and vital development of a class of entities unknown to
the average man, but recognized to occultists. They are invisible to the
ordinary senses of man, but, nevertheless, exist and play their part of the
Drama of the Universe. Their degree of intelligence is between that of
the mineral and chemical entities on the one hand, and of the entities of
the plant kingdom on the other. There are seven subdivisions to this
plane, also.

The Plane of Plant Mind, in its seven sub-divisions, comprises the states
or conditions of the entities comprising the kingdoms of the Plant World,
the vital and mental phenomena of which is fairly well understood by the
average intelligent person, many new and interesting scientific works
regarding "Mind and Life in Plants" having been published during the last
decade. Plants have life, mind and "souls," as well as have the animals,
man, and super-man.

The Plane of Elemental Mind (B), in its seven sub-divisions, comprises

the states and conditions of a higher form of "elemental" or unseen
entities, playing their part in the general work of the Universe, the mind
and life of which form a part of the scale between the Plane of Plant
Mind and the Plane of Animal Mind, the entities partaking of the nature of

The Plane of Animal Mind, in its seven sub-divisions, comprises the

states and conditions of the entities, beings, or souls, animating the
animal forms of life, familiar to us all. It is not necessary to go into details
regarding this kingdom or plane of life, for the animal world is as familiar
to us as is our own.
The Plane of Elemental Mind (C), in its seven sub-divisions, comprises
those entities or beings, invisible as are all such elemental forms, which
partake of the nature of both animal and human life in a degree and in
certain combinations. The highest forms are semi-human in intelligence.

The Plane of Human Mind, in its seven sub-divisions, comprises those

manifestations of life and mentality which are common to Man, in his
various grades, degrees, and divisions. In this connection, we wish to
point out the fact that the average man of today occupies but the fourth
sub-division of the Plane of Human Mind, and only the most intelligent
have crossed the borders of the Fifth Sub-Division. It has taken the race
millions of years to reach this stage, and it will take many more years for
the race to move on to the sixth and seventh sub-divisions, and beyond.
But, remember, that there have been races before us which have passed
through these degrees, and then on to higher planes. Our own race is
the fifth (with stragglers from the fourth) which has set foot upon The
Path. And, then there are a few advanced souls of our own race who
have outstripped the masses, and who have passed on to the sixth and
seventh sub-division, and some few being still further on. The man of the
Sixth Sub-Division will be "The Super-Man"; he of the Seventh will be
"The Over-Man."

In our consideration of the Seven Minor Mental Planes, we have merely

referred to the Three Elementary Planes in a general way. We do not
wish to go into this subject in detail in this work, for it does not belong to
this part of the general philosophy and teachings. But we may say this
much, in order to give you a little clearer idea, of the relations of these
planes to the more familiar ones--the Elementary Planes bear the same
relation to the Planes of Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human Mentality and
Life, that the black keys on the piano do to the white keys. The white
keys are sufficient to produce music, but there are certain scales,
melodies, and harmonies, in which the black keys play their part, and in
which their presence is necessary. They are also necessary as
"connecting links" of soul-condition; entity states, etc., between the
several other planes, certain forms of development being attained
therein--this last fact giving to the reader who can "read between the
lines" a new light upon the processes of Evolution, and a new key to the
secret door of the "leaps of life" between kingdom and kingdom. The
great kingdoms of Elementals are fully recognized by all occultists, and
the esoteric writings are full of mention of them. The readers of Bulwer's
"Sanoni" and similar tales will recognize the entities inhabiting these
planes of life.

Passing on from the Great Mental Plane to the Great Spiritual Plane,
what shall we say? How can we explain these higher states of Being,
Life and Mind, to minds as yet unable to grasp and understand the
higher subdivisions of the Plane of Human Mind? The task is impossible.
We can speak only in the most general terms. How may Light be
described to a man born blind--how sugar, to a man who has never
tasted anything sweet--how harmony, to one born deaf?

All that we can say is that the Seven Minor Planes of the Great Spiritual
Plane (each Minor Plane having its seven sub-divisions) comprise
Beings possessing Life, Mind and Form as far above that of Man of to-
day as the latter is above the earth-worm, mineral or even certain forms
of Energy or Matter. The Life of these Beings so far transcends ours, that
we cannot even think of the details of the same; their minds so far
transcend ours, that to them we scarcely seem to "think," and our mental
processes seem almost akin to material processes; the Matter of which
their forms are composed is of the highest Planes of Matter, nay, some
are even said to be "clothed in Pure Energy." What may be said of such

On the Seven Minor Planes of the Great Spiritual Plane exist Beings of
whom we may speak as Angels; Archangels; Demi-Gods. On the lower
Minor Planes dwell those great souls whom we call Masters and Adepts.
Above them come the Great Hierarchies of the Angelic Hosts,
unthinkable to man; and above those come those who may without
irreverence be called "The Gods," so high in the scale of Being are they,
their being, intelligence and power being akin to those attributed by the
races of men to their conceptions of Deity. These Beings are beyond
even the highest flights of the human imagination, the word "Divine"
being the only one applicable to them. Many of these Beings, as well as
the Angelic Host, take the greatest interest in the affairs of the Universe
and play an important part in its affairs. These Unseen Divinities and
Angelic Helpers extend their influence freely and powerfully, in the
process of Evolution, and Cosmic Progress. Their occasional
intervention and assistance in human affairs have led to the many
legends, beliefs, religions and traditions of the race, past and present.
They have superimposed their knowledge and power upon the world,
again and again, all under the Law of THE ALL, of course.

But, yet, even the highest of these advanced Beings exist merely as
creations of, and in, the Mind of THE ALL, and are subject to the Cosmic
Processes and Universal Laws. They are still Mortal. We may call them
"gods" if we like, but still they are but the Elder Brethren of the Race,--
the advanced souls who have outstripped their brethren, and who have
foregone the ecstasy of Absorption by THE ALL, in order to help the race
on its upward journey along The Path. But, they belong to the Universe,
and are subject to its conditions--they are mortal--and their plane is
below that of Absolute Spirit.

Only the most advanced Hermetists are able to grasp the Inner
Teachings regarding the state of existence, and the powers manifested
on the Spiritual Planes. The phenomena is so much higher than that of
the Mental Planes that a confusion of ideas would surely result from an
attempt to describe the same. Only those whose minds have been
carefully trained along the lines of the Hermetic Philosophy for years--
yes, those who have brought with them from other incarnations the
knowledge acquired previously--can comprehend just what is meant by
the Teaching regarding these Spiritual Planes. And much of these Inner
Teachings is held by the Hermetists as being too sacred, important and
even dangerous for general public dissemination. The intelligent student
may recognize what we mean by this when we state that the meaning of
"Spirit" as used by the Hermetists is akin to "Living Power"; "Animated
Force;" "Inner Essence;" "Essence of Life," etc., which meaning must not
be confounded with that usually and commonly employed in connection
with the term, i.e., "religious; ecclesiastical; spiritual; ethereal; holy," etc.,
etc. To occultists the word "Spirit" is used in the sense of "The Animating
Principle," carrying with it the idea of Power, Living Energy, Mystic Force,
etc. And occultists know that that which is known to them as "Spiritual
Power" may be employed for evil as well as good ends (in accordance
with the Principle of Polarity), a fact which has been recognized by the
majority of religions in their conceptions of Satan, Beelzebub, the Devil,
Lucifer, Fallen Angels, etc. And so the knowledge regarding these
Planes has been kept in the Holy of Holies in all Esoteric Fraternities and
Occult Orders,--in the Secret Chamber of the Temple. But this may be
said here, that those who have attained high spiritual powers and have
misused them, have a terrible fate in store for them, and the swing of the
pendulum of Rhythm will inevitably swing them back to the furthest
extreme of Material existence, from which point they must retrace their
steps Spiritward, along the weary rounds of The Path, but always with
the added torture of having always with them a lingering memory of the
heights from which they fell owing to their evil actions. The legends of
the Fallen Angels have a basis in actual facts, as all advanced occultists
know. The striving for selfish power on the Spiritual Planes inevitably
results in the selfish soul losing its spiritual balance and falling back as
far as it had previously risen. But to even such a soul, the opportunity of
a return is given--and such souls make the return journey, paying the
terrible penalty according to the invariable Law.

In conclusion we would again remind you that according to the Principle

of Correspondence, which embodies the truth: "As Above so Below; as
Below, so Above," all of the Seven Hermetic Principles are in full
operation on all of the many planes, Physical Mental and Spiritual. The
Principle of Mental Substance of course applies to all the planes, for all
are held in the Mind of THE ALL. The Principle of Correspondence
manifests in all, for there is a correspondence, harmony and agreement
between the several planes. The Principle of Vibration manifests on all
planes, in fact the very differences that go to make the "planes" arise
from Vibration, as we have explained. The Principle of Polarity manifests
on each plane, the extremes of the Poles being apparently opposite and
contradictory. The Principle of Rhythm manifests on each Plane, the
movement of the phenomena having its ebb and flow, rise and flow,
incoming and outgoing. The Principle of Cause and Effect manifests on
each Plane, every Effect having its Cause and every Cause having its
effect. The Principle of Gender manifests on each Plane, the Creative
Energy being always manifest, and operating along the lines of its
Masculine and Feminine Aspects.

"As Above so Below; as Below, so Above." This centuries old Hermetic

axiom embodies one of the great Principles of Universal Phenomena. As
we proceed with our consideration of the remaining Principles, we will
see even more clearly the truth of the universal nature of this great
Principle of Correspondence."

-The Kybalion


In India, the energy was regarded as "Prana". Prana (पप्राण, prāṇa) is the
Sanskrit word for "life force" This life energy, prana (पप्राण) has been vividly invoked
and described in Vedas. In Ayurveda, tantra and Tibetan medicine "praṇā vāyu" is the basic
vāyu (wind, air) from which all the other vāyus arise.

In Yoga, the three main channels of praṇā vāyu are the Ida, the Pingala and the
Sushumna. Ida relates to the right side of the brain, and the left side of the
body, terminating at the left nostril and pingala to the left side of the brain and
the right side of the body, terminating at the right nostril. In some practices,
alternate nostril breathing balances the praṇā vāyu that flows within the body.
In most ancient texts, the total number of nadis in the human body is stated to
be 72,000. When praṇā vāyu enters a period of uplifted, intensified activity, the
Yogic tradition refers to it as Pranotthana.

The Vedas (Sanskrit véda ववद, "knowledge") are a large body of texts originating in
ancient India. Composed in Vedic Sanskrit, the texts constitute the oldest layer of Sanskrit
literature and the oldest scriptures of Hinduism.[1][2] Hindus consider the Vedas to be
apauruṣeya ("not of human agency").[3][4][5] They are supposed to have been directly
revealed, and thus are called śruti ("what is heard"),[6][7] distinguishing them from
other religious texts, which are called smṛti ("what is remembered"). In Hindu
tradition, the creation of Vedas is credited to Brahma

The Vedas are among the oldest sacred texts. The Samhitas date to roughly
1500–1000 BCE, and the "circum-Vedic" texts, as well as the redaction of the
Samhitas, date to c. 1000-500 BCE, resulting in a Vedic period, spanning the
mid 2nd to mid 1st millennium BCE, or the Late Bronze Age and the Iron Age


First of all, the original root of the word "Ki" is based on fundamental concept
in Chinese philosophy which is spelled Qi, or sometimes Ch'i or Chi. And a
Chinese character we use in Japanese language corresponding to Qi is
pronounced Ki in Japanese.

Throughout China and Japan, internal martial arts have been used
therapeutically, to reduce blood pressure, improve nerve function, regulate the
digestive system, and treat chronic fatigue. They have also been shown to help
rehabilitate traumatic injury to joints, muscles, and the spine. Chi gung therapy
is a known healing technique. The ba gua healing system uses the eight primary
energies of the I Ching, along with diagnosing the energies of the three
tantiens, to treat what has gone physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually
wrong with the person, sometimes from improperly performed energetic
practices. The taoists came up with the three tantien technique, the buddhists
and medical chi gung practitioners have their own alternative ways of dealing
with these problems.
The eight energy bodies are:
1)the flesh of the physical body
2)the chi that empowers the physical body
3)chi that causes emotions to manifest
4)chi that causes mental thoughts to function
5)chi that causes psychic perceptions to become concrete
6)chi that allows karma to flow
7)chi that allows the body of individuality to form
8)the realization of the tao, or entire universe.

Martial arts in China and Japan are highly recommended for energetic healers.
Chi gung and taoist meditations are great for healers. Tai-chi, hsing-i, and ba
gua are derived from chi-gung. They can be referred to as tui na, or chi gung tui
na. Tui means to push, na means to pull or grab.

It's common for high level taoists to be trained in martial arts such as tai-chi,
hsing-i and ba gua. All of these teach how to to cultivate the ability to project
chi, for healing and harming. Chi gung is very helpful for reversing energetic
fatigue and exhaustion of the body's nervous system and energy channels.

The I Ching is widely considered to be the bible of Taoism. In english, the word
tao means the way of doing things or the path a person is on. Tao also refers to
the ancient Chinese philosophy and spiritual religion developed many
thousands of years ago, which is still a living tradition today.

A Zendo is a Japanese meditation hall devoted to zen meditation and

ceremonial purposes.

I highly recommend the book "The Power of Internal Martial Arts and Chi" by
Bruce Frantzis, for more information on how martial arts can benefit your
healing abilities.

My husband is a brown belt in Okinawa Kenpo martial arts, which he did for
seven years. He started training me in high school, and as well as being fun, it is
good fitness, and you need to focus to perform the kadas correctly. In my
experience, martial arts are great for not only self defense, but to learn to focus
the mind and promote a heathy, just, and mature individual at a young age.

Specific Healings recorded in the Old Testament

There are twelve occurrences of individual healings and three corporate

healings recorded in the Old Testament.

1. Gen 20:1-18

‘Then Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife and his
slave girls so they could have children again, for the Lord had closed up every
womb in Abimelech's household because of Abraham's wife Sarah.’ Gen 20:17-

2. Num 12:1-15

God inflicted Miriam with leprosy and Moses interceded for her saying, ‘O God,
please heal her!’ Though there is no record of her healing it must be assumed
that the Lord exchanged this act of judgment with the lesser penalty of seven
days of disgrace outside the camp. There is no further mention of her having

3. 1 Sam 1:9-20

Hannah received healing from barreness in response to her personal prayers

and Eli, the priest’s declaration.

4. 1 Kings 13:4-6
King Jeroboam pointed his hand in judgement at an unnamed prophet and it
‘shrivelled up.’ The prophet interceded for Jeroboam and his hand was restored
to health.

elijah raises widows son

Elijah raises a widows son from death

5. 1 Kings 17:17-24

Elijah raised a widow’s son from death.

6. 2 Kings 4:8-17

Elisha granted a child to the formerly barren Shunnamite woman.

7. 2 Kings 4:18-37

The Shunamite’s son dies and Elisha raised him from the dead.

8. 2 Kings 5:1-14

Naaman, commander of the King of Aram’s army, was healed of leprosy after
following Elisha’s counsel.

9. 2 Kings 13:21

A dead man was thrown into Elisha’s tomb and contact with Elisha’s bones
raised the man to life.

10. 2 Kings 20:1-7, 2 Chron 32:24-26, Isa 38:1-8

Hezekiah contracted a terminal illness and prayed for healing. Isaiah received a
word from God that he would live for a further 15 years. Hezekiah was healed
after applying a poultice of figs to the offending ‘boil.’

11. Job 42:10-17

After what some scholars believe to be nine months of serious sickness and
loss, the patient and trusting Job prayed for his critical friends and was
personally healed.

12. Daniel 4:34, 36

Nebuchadnezzar ‘looked to heaven’ and was healed of insanity.

In addition to these incidences of individual healing there are three

occurrences of corporate healing in response to prayer:

1. Numbers 16:46-50

Aaron stopped the plague which had killed 14, 700 people by offering incense
and making atonement for the people.

2. Numbers 21:4-9

The Lord sent venomous snakes among rebellious Israel. Moses prayed for
them, made a bronze snake and anyone who looked at it lived.

3. 2 Samuel 24:10-25
David sinned by counting his troops and the Lord sent a plague upon Israel
which took 70,000 lives. David built an altar, sacrificed burnt and fellowship
offerings and prayed to the Lord. He answered and stopped the plague.

Finally, there were other healings from barrenness by sovereign acts of God.

1. Sarah - Genesis 18:10,14, 21:1-3. Isaac was born.

2. Manoah’s wife – Judges 13:5-25. She bore Sampson.

3. Hannah – 1 Samuel 1:19-20. The result was Samuel.

The above lists are all the references to specific healing in the Old Testament.


Evidence from cave art, daring back at least 30,000 years, suggests caves were
used for magical ritual purposes. In certain cases it must have been necessary
to crawl for hours through the caves in order to reach the locale of the artwork
and related artifacts. It may be that solitude inside such a cavern was an
initiation technique used to explore the inner realms of being. Markings on
antlers and bones indicate that people made notations of the phases of the
moon as long as 30,000 years ago and suggest that the cave rituals and other
cultural practices had a seasonal or periodical orientation. It has been
suggested that prehistoric people may have been sensitive to different phases
in the lunar cycle as special times for meditation. The monumental
Stonehenge, built in prehistoric England, is oriented towards equinoxes,
solstices and lunar eclipses during the equinox and suggests similar usage.

The Maya people of Guatemala, Belize, and southern Mexico practice a highly
sophisticated form of shamanism based upon astrology and a form of
divination known as "the blood speaking", in which the shaman is guided in
divination and healing by pulses in the veins of his arms and legs.

Mircea Eliade writes, "A first definition of this complex phenomenon, and
perhaps the least hazardous, will be: shamanism = 'technique of religious
ecstasy'. Shamanism encompasses the premise that shamans are
intermediaries or messengers between the human world and the spirit worlds.
Shamans are said to treat ailments/illness by mending the soul. Alleviating
traumas affecting the soul/spirit restores the physical body of the individual to
balance and wholeness. The shaman also enters supernatural realms or
dimensions to obtain solutions to problems afflicting the community. Shamans
may visit other worlds/dimensions to bring guidance to misguided souls and to
ameliorate illnesses of the human soul caused by foreign elements. The
shaman operates primarily within the spiritual world, which in turn affects the
human world. The restoration of balance results in the elimination of the

As far as I can tell, shamanism has been practiced all over the world; the
Americas, Australia, Russia, Southeast Asia, Africa and so on.

Shamans are normally "called" by dreams or signs which require lengthy

training. However, shamanic powers may be "inherited".

Turner and colleagues mention a phenomenon called shamanistic initiatory

crisis, a rite of passage for shamans-to-be, commonly involving physical illness
and/or psychological crisis. The significant role of initiatory illnesses in the
calling of a shaman can be found in the detailed case history of Chuonnasuan,
the last master shaman among the Tungus peoples in Northeast China.

The wounded healer is an archetype for a shamanic trail and journey. This
process is important to the young shaman. S/he undergoes a type of sickness
that pushes her or him to the brink of death. This happens for two reasons:
The shaman crosses over to the underworld. This happens so the shaman can
venture to its depths to bring back vital information for the sick, and the tribe.

The shaman must become sick to understand sickness. When the shaman
overcomes his or her own sickness s/he will hold the cure to heal all that suffer.
This is the uncanny mark of the wounded healer

This is the same archetype Joseph Campbell refers to in the Hero's


If you look into history, it's filled with stories of real people going through
the Hero's Journey, even in our modern day. Pleiadian healer Christine
Day was diagnosed terminal with lupus and had an intense pleiadian
healing experience, she has been channeling and writing books ever

The functions of a shaman may include either guiding to their proper

abode the souls of the dead (which may be guided either one-at-a-time
or in a cumulative group, depending on culture), and/or curing (healing)
of ailments. The ailments may be either purely physical afflictions—such
as disease, which may be cured by gifting, flattering, threatening, or
wrestling the disease-spirit (sometimes trying all these, sequentially),
and which may be completed by displaying a supposedly extracted
token of the disease-spirit (displaying this, even if "fraudulent", is
supposed to impress the disease-spirit that it has been, or is in the
process of being, defeated, so that it will retreat and stay out of the
patient's body), or else mental (including psychosomatic) afflictions—
such as persistent terror (on account of a frightening experience), which
may be likewise cured by similar methods. Usually in most languages a
different term other than the one translated "shaman" is applied to a
religious official leading sacrificial rites ("priest"), or to a raconteur
("sage") of traditional lore; there may be more of an overlap in functions
(with that of a shaman), however, in the case of an interpreter of omens
or of dreams.

As you can see now, energy work has been used since man basically
first walked the earth, in every part of it. Every corner of the globe had
spiritual healers in their societies; be it priests, priestesses, through
sacred mystery schools, initiates, and bloodlines, the healing traditions
have been passed down and still survive to this day, for anyone with
eyes open to see and ears open to hear.



Before you begin to do energy work, it makes a HUGE difference to

activate your energy body.
The process I teach can be likened to the story of Isis, putting Osiris
back together. The story goes like this (depending on the version you are
used to.)

Nut the Sky Goddess bore four children. Their names were Osiris, Isis,
Set & Nephyths.

Osiris grew up, married Isis and became King of Egypt and his brother
Set married Nephyths. Osiris was a good king, he brought civilization to
Egypt and instituted farming. Both Osiris and Isis were loved by all the
people, whereas Set seemed to be the bad guy, thus bring polarity and
duality or good .v. evil to the world.

Nephyths, unable to bear a child, made love with Osiris and they had a
son – the god Anubis. Now you can imagine how Set was enraged
when he discovered what Osiris had done! He decided to kill Osiris and
take Isis for himself. So Set planned a big celebration and had a
magnificent box made. He promised the box would be a gift to the first
person who fitted into it exactly. He had the box made to the specific
body measurements of Osiris. In the height of the frivolities he had
some friends try out the box, but these were all friends who were too
long or too short for the box.

Set eventually persuaded Osiris to get into the box and immediately he
and his friends slipped the cover on the box and sealed it with lead. They
threw the box into the Nile and Set declared himself King. Set was the
opposite of Osiris, he ruled Egypt like a tyrant and life was bad for the
people of Egypt.

Isis was devastated when she heard of the terrible trick that had been
played on Osiris and set out to find the box. It had travelled far across
the waters and become wedged in a tree. By the time Isis found the box
Osiris was dead and a cedar tree had grown up around the box. Set
heard that Isis had found the box, tracked her down and took the body of
Osiris from her. To make sure Isis could do nothing to bring Osiris back
to life Set had the body cut up into 14 pieces and ordered that the pieces
be buried at different locations around Egypt – all except the penis which
he threw into the Nile where it was immediately swallowed by a fish.

Isis set out once again with her sister (wife of Set) Nephythys. They
found all the pieces and put Osiris back together – except for the penis.
Isis fashioned a penis from gold and through magic breathed life into the
body of Osiris, simultaneously transforming herself into a bird which
came down on the erect penis and this was the miraculous conception of

Isis fled to the Island of Philae in Aswan and stayed there, hidden from
Set until her son, Horus became a man.

This time, instead of putting the physical body back together, we are
putting your energy body back together.


Get comfortable. Take off loose clothing and uncomfortable jewelry, let
your hair down. I prefer to do the exercise laying down, but being seated
in the chair is also acceptable.

Practice the basic meditation skill of relaxing your whole body.

You begin with your feet. Relax every muscle in your toes.
Relax every muscle in your foot.
Relax every muscle in your ankles.
Relax every muscle in your calves.
Relax every muscle in your knees.
Relax ever muscle in your thighs.
Relax every muscle in your hips and butt.
Relax every muscle in your ribs.
Relax every muscle in your core.
Relax every muscle in your chest.
Relax all your fingers.
Relax all your hand muscles.
Relax your wrists.
Relax your lower arms.
Relax your elbows.
Relax your upper arms.
Relax your shoulders.
Relax your neck.
Relax your mouth and jaws.
Relax your facial muscles.
Relax your eyes.
Empty your head.

Now, scratch your big toe on your left side.

Concentrate on the feeling, the very sensation.

Scratch it again.

Scratch your toe until you can feel the sensation of the scratch without
touching it. Til you can feel your hand, feel the scratching, even though
you are only about to.

Congratulations! You have just activated your big toe!

Now, continue with the exercise, and active the rest of your left toes.
Activate your left foot.
Activate your left ankle.
Activate your left leg.
Activate your left fingers.
Activate your left wrist.
Activate your left arm.

Now, Switch over to the right side.

Activate your right big toe.

Activate the rest of your right toes.
Activate your right foot.
Activate your right ankle.
Activate your right leg.
Activate your right fingers.
Activate your right wrist
Activate your right arm.

Now, activate your hips and lower mid-section.

Activate your core
Activate your chest.
Activate your neck.
Activate your head and face.

You have successfully completed activating your whole energy body.

Great job!

What can you do with this new energy body?

It will assist you in healing, but you can do so much more with your
energy body.

Have you ever heard of O.B.E's? It's an out of body experience. Once
you are in this relaxed state, feel free to walk around, fly, travel, check up
on loved ones, etc. If you are still in your body, sit up and leave it. If you
are already out of it, just think yourself where you want to go. Once in
this state you are using the astral realm and everything is possible.

Have you ever had a lucid dream? A lucid dream is where you realize
you are dreaming, and begin to take control of it. Activating your energy
body makes lucid dreaming much easier because you have already
consciously reconnected your energy to your physical body. What you
do and believe in the physical reflects in your astral.
Beginner lucid dreaming exercises tell you to repeat over and over until
you fall asleep "I will remember my dreams, I will wake up after I have a
dream and write it down." Why is that the standard exercise? Because
it's your physical will, willing yourself to remember, to wake up, and write
it down. And healing, magick, and all other exercises work because of
WILL. It is the reason you will have much resistance healing a non-

"The Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE ALL."--The Kybalion.

Your thoughts, intent, and words have more bearing then you can
imagine, if you look at Dr. Emoto's research from Japan.

Dr. Emoto began studying the effects of thoughts and words on water,
ice, and fermenting food.

From Dr. Emoto's website:

It was 1994 when the idea to freeze water and observe it with
microscope came upon me. With this method, I was convinced that I
should be able to see something like snow crystals.

After two months of trial and error, this idea bore fruit. The beautifully
shining hexagonal crystals were created from the invisible world. My
staff at the laboratory and I were absorbed in it and began to do many
At first, we strenuously observed crystals of tap water, river water, and
lake water. From the tap water we could not get any beautiful crystals.
We could not get any beautiful ones from rivers and lakes near big cities,
either. However, from the water from rivers and lakes where water is
kept pristine from development, we could observe beautiful crystals with
each one having its own uniqueness.

The observation was done in various ways:

Observe the crystal of frozen water after showing

letters to water

Showing pictures to water

Playing music to water

Praying to water

In all of these experiments, distilled water for hospital usage produced by

the same company was used. Since it is distilled twice, it can be said
that it is pure water.

The result was that we always observed beautiful crystals after giving
good words, playing good music, and showing, playing, or offering pure
prayer to water. On the other hand, we observed disfigured crystals in
the opposite situation. Moreover, we never observed identical crystals.

I published these results as photograph collections: “Messages from

Water 1” (1999), “Messages from Water 2” (2002), “Messages from
Water 3” (2004), and “Messages from Water 4” (2008). (All of them are
published from Hado Kyoiku-Sha.)

Then in November 2001, “Water Knows the Answer” (Sunmark

Publishing) was published not as a photograph collection but as
explanatory book. Many of you may know that these books have
become bestseller not only in Japan but also rather in overseas.
It is “beauty” if I were asked about the selection criteria of crystals.

This world is filled with wonders and mysteries that get more
incomprehensible if we try to think of a reason. In a familiar situation, for
example, why do dogs exist and why do cats exist? Why do mice exist
and why do snakes exist? Why are there cherry blossom trees and why
are there willow trees? What is a human being in the first place? As
such, there are so many incomprehensible things that we cannot
understand at all.

Thus, except for some of truly basic things, no one disagrees that there
are still so many unknowns. Probably we understand 3%. in other words,
I think 97% is unknown. The reason why the number is 3% is that the
research of geneticists revealed the level of our DNA activation is 3%.

I believe the original idea of creation by the creator of this universe was
“the pursuit of beauty.” Everything is combination of energetic vibration.
As vibration resonates, it makes some tangible objects.

Combination of non-resonating vibration can result in destructive energy,

and nothing can be created out of it. When some vibration and the other
resonate each other, it always creates beautiful design. Thus, most of
the Earth is covered with beautiful nature.

That is why scientists, philosophers, and religionists pursue for unknown

facts. Is it presumptuous to suggest them taking paths with “the pursuit
of beauty” in mind as a means to confirm their right paths?

There are approximately 7 billion people exist on this Earth now. I think
there is one common standard we share although our skin colors,
languages, religious beliefs may be different. I think that is the standard
of “beauty”.
However, the deep pursuit of beauty is slightly different depending on
experience, age, and personality. That is why many types of wonderful
artists who pursue the secrets of beauty always appear in the human
history one after another.

Therefore, the photograph of crystals is neither science nor religion. I

hope it is enjoyed as a new type of art. Nevertheless, the world it shows
is truth, and there is no doubt that many messages essential to our lives
are hidden in it.

Masaru Emoto

The very knowledge of this research is highly important. It shows that

our words omit a frequency and bring physicality to one’s will. The
symbols, letters, words we write all have a frequency, and the reason
symbols in energy work are important, is because when you use one you
are communicating what you WILL to the universe. It's the first step in
understanding how to use "the secret" or the law of attraction to attain
everything you desire.

If you hate war, become pro peace (not anti-war)

If you need to get out of debt, focus on getting money and checks (and
making it) not the debts.
If you are depressed, focus on happy things.
If you are afraid, focus on being brave.

This is also in line with the hermetic laws:

"Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted,

from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition;

pole to pole; vibration to vibration. True Hermetic Transmutation

is a Mental Art.

Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything

has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same;

opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree;

extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes

may be reconciled

The student who is familiar with the processes by which the various
schools of Mental Science, etc., produce changes in the mental states of
those following their teachings, may not readily understand the principle
underlying many of these changes. When, however, the Principle of
Polarity is once grasped, and it is seen that the mental changes are
occasioned by a change of polarity-a sliding along the same scale-the
hatter is readily understood. The change is not in the nature of a
transmutation of one thing into another thing entirely different-but is
merely a change of degree in the same things, a vastly important
difference. For instance, borrowing an analogy from the Physical Plane,
it is impossible to change Heat into Sharpness, Loudness, Highness,
etc., but Heat may readily be transmuted into Cold, simply by lowering
the vibrations. In the same way Hate and Love are mutually
transmutable; so are Fear and Courage. But Fear cannot be transformed
into Love, nor can Courage be transmuted into Hate. The mental states
belong to innumerable classes, each class of which has its opposite
poles, along which transmutation is possible."

-The Kybalion


“When you are in service to yourself and committed to personally evolving and
changing, you uplift everyone around you. That is service. Service is not going
around martyring yourself and saying, ‘Im going to save you.’ Service is doing
the work yourself and living in such a way that everyone you touch is affected
by your journey.” —Barbara Marciniak

Before you love anyone else, you must love yourself. Before you heal anyone
else, you must heal yourself.

‫יהוה‬, or yod he vav he means MANY different things to many different

people. Here, I am going to explain it as a formula, the way I use it, plus
a little history. Note: hebrew is read from right to left. You do not need to
memorize this to do the energy work, but I intend for you to know the
origins of this knowledge.
Depending on if you are Christian or Jewish you may recognize this as
the tetragrammaton, YHVH or YHWH. Yahweh, or Jehovah. In the
modern bible ADNI (Adonai) or the word "Lord" is used instead. I am not
here to argue the "correct" name of God according to any one such
religion, but I am going to show you how ‫ יהוה‬has been used as a
formula throughout the ages for spiritual transmutation or alchemy.

The tetragrammaton itself, through geomancy and kabbalistic formulas,

reveals the truth about sacred geometry, the sacred names of God, and
the importance of the tree of life.

Another parallel is drawn between the four letters of the Tetragrammaton

and the Four Worlds: the ‫ י‬is associated with Atziluth, the first ‫ ה‬with
Beri'ah, the ‫ ו‬with Yetzirah, and final ‫ ה‬with Assiah.

A tetractys of the letters of the Tetragrammaton adds up to 72 by


There are some who believe that the Tetractys and its mysteries
influenced the early kabbalists. A Hebrew Tetractys in a similar way has
the letters of the Tetragrammaton (the four lettered name of God in
Hebrew scripture) inscribed on the ten positions of the tetractys, from
right to left. It has been argued that the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, with its
ten spheres of emanation, is in some way connected to the tetractys, but
its form is not that of a triangle. The occult writer Dion Fortune says:

"The point is assigned to Kether;

the line to Chokmah;

the two-dimensional plane to Binah;

consequently the three-dimensional solid naturally falls to Chesed."

(The first three-dimensional solid is the tetrahedron.)

The relationship between geometrical shapes and the first four Sephirot
is analogous to the geometrical correlations in Tetraktys, shown above
under Pythagorean Symbol, and unveils the relevance of the Tree of Life
with the Tetraktys.

There are a few people you have probably heard of who were able to perform
"miracles" by learning the truth behind the tetragrammaton.

Kabbalaists believe it was Moses, not God, who parted the red sea, and that he
did this by invoking the sacred name of God .This is dervied from the exodus
verses. writing the first verse right to left, the second left to right and the third
right to left and then grouping each vertical group of three Hebrew letters.

Verses of Exodus 14:19-21

ֶ‫שנָרנאל ו עינהלךֶ נמאֵחַחנריההםֶ ו עימעסע עעמַוּדּ ההנָענָנןָ ממפִפנניההם‬

ִ‫ו עימעסע עמפִלעאךֶ נָהאָאלֱמהיםֶ עהה הַנלךֶ מלפִפנני עמחַחננה י מ פ‬
‫מדּ נמאֵחַחנריההםֶ׃‬ ַ‫ו עיעחַע ה‬

"And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed
and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their
face, and stood behind them"

ַ‫שךֶ ו עינָהאר האתֶ־עהנָלי פִנָלה פִולֱא־נָקערב‬

‫שנָרנאל ו עי פִמהי ההנָענָנןָ ו פִעהח הַ ה‬
ִ‫בַא נביןָ ׀ עמחַחננה ממפִצערמיםֶ וּנבַיןָ עמחַחננה י מ פ‬
ַ‫ו עינָ ה‬
‫הזה האל־הזה נָכל־עהנָלי פִנָלה׃‬

"And it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel;
and it was a cloud and darkness, but it gave light by night: so that the
one came not near the other all the night."
ֶ‫שם‬ ‫דּו עעל־עהנָיםֶ ו עהַיוהלךֶ פִיהנָוה ׀ האתֶ־עהנָיםֶ פִברוּעח נָקמדּיםֶ עענָזה נָכל־עהעלי פִנָלה ו עינָ ה‬ ‫ו עניטֵּ מ הַ ה‬
ַ‫שה האתֶ־י נָ ה‬
‫האתֶ־עהנָיםֶ הלנָחנָרנָבַה ו עימנָבפִקעוּ עהנָמַמיםֶ׃‬

"And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused
the sea to go by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry
and the waters were divided."

It can be referred to as Shem HaMephorash (‫)שםֶ המפורש‬, or the 72 letter

groupings that make a 216 letter name.

Each name is represented on the chart with a governing angel and demon.
These correspond to the Goetia/ keys of Solomon.
An interesting theory I would like to bring up, is one I recently found out was
explored by Carl Young. In fact, according to the meyers-briggs personality test,
I am an INFJ, and the briggs-meyers test is based off Jungian psychology, which
is also divided up into earthy, airy, watery or firey people. Or another way of
seeing it - sensates, intuits, thinkers and emotionals. He also noted that these
elemental traits worked with the elements of nature. In other words, those
high in intuition (fire) often were not grounded enough (earth), and those high
in thinking (air), were lacking in emotion (water) - and vice versa.
In a Golden Dawn initiation, I heard a preceding adept say "Be these
demons real, or imaginary the experience stands" in context to the great work.
A few images pieced together in my head about unity consciousness, and Carl
Young's ideas of mastery over the brain, as well as the balance of the left and
right hemisphere and the balance of the angels and demons in accordance to
the chart.

Could it be that, these inner demons people have, are merely aspects
of our brains? Is it possible that when a demon "possesses" someone, they
have lost control over their mental/emotional self or inner demons? Carl Young
seemed to have thought that these demons linked to parts of our brain.

I began to think about these things after watching a handful of my

friends and relatives go insane, literally. Most of them lost their minds after
beginning to discover that the world wasn't as rosey on the outside as it
seemed originally. I began to despair, and I stopped trying to "wake the
sheeple" so hard, because I watched so many people seriously not be able to
handle it. It is for that reason, I am writing this book. Anyone who reads this
book, will have the keys to avoiding these tragedies.

You do not need to memorize hebrew, the names, or any of this

mentioned. I explain it so that you understand where the traditions for what
we could call "ascension" come from. The tree of life is an important key which
we will talk terms of in this chapter, to explain how the ‫ יהוה‬formula works,
and I will explain techniques in the chapter devoted to chakras. It is for more
advanced students who want to learn kabbalah to memorize the hebrew and
planetary/zodiacal correspondences.
The teachings I mention have always been there all along, for those
who sought them. They HAD to be sought, because of the NAMELESS martyrs
and good people who were crucified throughout history for even studying,
much less preaching this information.

"So, finally, students all, grasp the advantage of Mentalism, and learn
to know, use and apply the laws resulting therefrom. But do not yield to the
temptation which, as The Kybalion states, overcomes the half-wise and which
causes them to be hypnotized by the apparent unreality of things, the
consequence being that they wander about like dream-people dwelling in a
world of dreams, ignoring the practical work and life of man, the end being that
"they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements, by reason
of their folly." Rather follow the example of the wise, which the same authority
states, "use Law against Laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of
Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and
thus triumph." Following the authority, let us avoid the half-wisdom (which is
folly) which ignores the truth that: "Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams,
visions, and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against
the lower — escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher."
Remember always, student, that "Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is
the weapon of the Master." The above quotations are from The Kybalion, and
are worthy of being committed to memory by the student."

- The Kybalion

‫ יהוה‬relates to the four elements, and the tarot. The REAL taro. The
characters also relate to the aspects of the self. It looks like this:

‫ י‬Yod - Spiritual self | Element - fire | Tarot suit - wands

‫ ה‬He - Emotional self | Element - water | Tarot suit - cups
‫ ו‬Vav - Mental self | Element - air | tarot suit - swords
‫ ה‬He- Physical self | Element - earth | Tarot suit - pentacles/disks.

I am going to explain in backwards order, because to use the formula

you should master it in reverse before you can effectively use it for
spiritual alchemy.

He (final) - The plane of matter.

In various esoteric books it is mentioned of how a body can last a
VERY long time, hundreds of years, if properly cared for. The book
"Ascension" by Susan Shumsky talk in depth about various people and
techniques throughout history.

Diet is incredibly important. I am NOT here to say one diet will

work for everyone. I am here to leave tips, and say that different blood
types require different diets. "Eat Right for Your Blood Type" talks all
about how the different blood types need different metals and vitamins,
etc. There are diet tips I would recommend for everyone though.

1)Stay away from genetically modified food and frozen preserved

2)Avoid artificial sweetener and high fructose corn syrup, stay
away from soda.
3)Grow your own food!
4)Buy organic as much as possible. Shop at Farmer's Markets.
5)It was noted that certain saints would either avoid alcohol
entirely, or only partake in wine. I personally, stick to wine.
6)Eat less meat. I eat vegetarian 95% of the time. I have meats
on occasion. Between diseases, parasites, worms, anti-biotic resistance
and the inhumane way commercial meat is raised, I avoid it most of the
7)I regret to say this: stay away from seafood. After Fukushima in
2011, and the ongoing radiation leak spilling into the oceans, and then
being spread around by the water cycle on the planet, let's just say Fish
Chowder just went from my favorite food to one I don't eat anymore.
8)Don't smoke... cigarettes. You have no idea what it does to you
or your aura, so much worse then cancer.
9)Drink water. Say "thank you" before drinking it, and drink lots of
10)Drink tea instead of coffee.

11)Stay away from fluoridated products.

Diet is only one part of caring for your body; regular physical
activity keeps all your muscles, joints and systems healthy. Some people
do well at the gym, where others like myself prefer to work out alone. My
favorite ways to stay active are doing the sun salute in the morning and
the moon salute at night, with bikram yoga or pilates. For men, tai chi
and martial arts can be very enjoyable and rewarding no matter what
age you are. In our dojo we had a sensei in there who was in his 70's
and still kicking butt! One way or another, find a way to get physical
activity into your daily life.
This letter also corresponds to the element of earth, and the taro suit of
pentacles/disks. The plane of matter, as demonstrated in the tarot, is
also about your finances. Getting your "house" or finances in order is
important in life. You must be able to effectively take care of yourself,
your bills, your family, etc. If you cannot do this, you won't be able to
invest in extra curricular things like classes and where ever your journey
takes you.

I don't look at "money" as evil. I understand it's value. We see

exactly what happens to people who abuse the system we have, living
off the state, and their "free" life, paid for by the government doesn't
make them half as happy as the person who works hard five days a
week to provide for themself and/or their family. When you work for
things, you value them. When you don't, you don't. I think we should
"stimulate" the economy by ending the fed, impeaching Obama, revoking
Obamacare and going back to the gold standard, ending centralized
banking and the federal government and reverting back to individual
states rights. But that's just my opinion.

I am also not trying to make anyone who receives disability for an

actual problem feel bad about assistance. I think social programs are a
great thing, but I have seen plenty of people from my generation onward
who abuse the system. You know them too, kids in their 20's getting
disability for things like "social anxiety" yet, you see them at the store
buying beer and cigarettes with food stamps and tanf money, and at the
bars later on. They are not disabled, they just don't want to work, and
thus, will never appreciate the value of working. And I don't mean to say
a person can't live without working for the man, not at all. I spent several
years of my life as a customer service assistant, and administrative
assistant. I was in a windowless cubicle pretty much 8 hours a day. The
one thing I told myself every day was that I COULD NOT waste my
entire life like some people in my office had. I had the 401k, the
vacations, full time, paper pushing, boring life. I could not imagine
wasting my whole life, to (usually) be somehow jipped out of retirement,
or just be too old to enjoy it. My dream became to have my own online
business and be my own boss. I wanted to go to the beach when it was
sunny, sleep in (whenever possible with children), spend time with them,
homeschool them, wear what I wanted, and enjoy my life. Since then,
my journey, and dreams have expanded, but it was ALL from working
hard. You reap benefits from working hard, not doing nothing about your

I opened my etsy store in 2008, while working at my cubicle job. I

came home exhausted, cooked dinner, and started making inventory for
my store, and getting it listed on etsy. It was two years before I got laid
off (again, 2nd time), and focused all my extra time on making inventory,
while getting unemployment. I was granted unemployment for two years,
and by the end of it my husband and I decided I was doing well enough
on etsy that it outweighed having to pay for daycare, for our now, two

What I am trying to say is that the unemployment program gave

me the opportunity to do with my life what I had dreamed of. I had to
dream it, and do it. I did it.

This is the part where I also admit, the success is not mine alone
to claim. I started etsy metalworking and sewing. My husband, who's a
blacksmith, spent time teaching me how to do all the things I wanted to
do, he helped me find GOOD tools, he bought me things I needed when
I didn't have money. My husband supported me in what I wanted, and
had my back on everything I needed and wanted to do (and that
continues). Working together, we had a bigger budget. Without him, I
wouldn't be writing this today. So this is me, saying thank you to my
wonderful husband, for seeing the divine light in me, even when I didnt,
and helping me reach my potential. The greatest gift you can ask for in a
partner and husband is someone who will always have your back, be
loyal, love you unconditionally, and complete your soul physically,
mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Justin was loyal to me even in times
I regrettably failed. Justin makes me aspire to be a better person and
helped me learn to love myself. I was a damn fool to ever let him go, a
mistake I will never make again. I have loved Justin for ten years and
we've had our terrible times, but the beautiful ones outweigh the bad. He
is my best friend and soul mate in a the purest sense of the word and I
am never going to take for granted the rarest love most people only
spend their lives wishing for.
Vav/Vau - The mental self.

The realm of your thoughts.

Many an adept has given up at this level. This is also the level many go
insane at. Fair Warning.

What if I told you the universe was like a grand genie, and your
thoughts were being absorbed like wishes?

So, a person thinking bad thoughts will be "attracting" more, and

a person thinking about how crappy their day is would only be
"attracting" more.

Given that a person is made almost entirely of water, and Dr.

Emoto's studies have PROVEN that thoughts have definite impact on
water, what do you think a person's thoughts do to them?

I just want to say right now, I am not perfect at this, I've been
trying for years and I really try to be, but it is difficult. I will say it gets
easier as you go.

Learning to manage the mental self is what I began making

videos about on youtube in my "get activated" series. You dismiss
anything negative that comes across your mind that feels negative or
bad. Unless it's a bad vibe about something specific, you should always
listen to your gut instincts.

I am simply trying to say that modern "illnesses" treated with

expensive drugs that have side effects, for which you need more drugs,
such as PTSD (I was diagnosed with severe ptsd and depression at 15
but have been self-managed spiritually since) and depression, anxiety
disorders, "mental illnesses" in general can be managed mentally, if the
person is willing to help themself. This is the hardest part of energy work
I want you to understand right now: NOT everyone wants to help
themself. You will want to help family members and friends, but you can't
force someone who doesn't want the responsibility over their thoughts
and actions. If you try to force someone to become responsible for all
their thoughts and actions when they aren't ready, the results can be
disastrous. Almost 3/4 of our population in America is medicated.
Spirituality is for those who want to help themself, pills and therapy are
for people who can't. I am not trying to insult you if you currently take an
anti-depressant or otherwise, but as stated; you should not heal anyone
else until you heal yourself. To heal yourself I recommend mastering this
technique of the mind.

When bad memories or thoughts plague you, focus the mind on

its opposite. Think of wonderful times, think of love, transmute the
negative into something good. You must learn to focus the mind, that's
where meditation, yoga and internal martial arts really help. You will be
using meditation techniques we will go over in the chakra section to heal.
Focusing the mind is very important. I do 1/2-1 hour sessions on people,
which means, my mind is focused on projecting certain colored healing
light and sensing their chakra imbalances and fixing them. It takes
concentration the whole time. You should spend time practicing for at
least a half hour at a time. If your ptsd is dream related, I spent years
mastering lucid dreaming and it has been very rewarding. All you have to
do is want to. Pretty soon you'll be slaying those inner demons that
plague your nightmares. Banish negative, violent, angry, depressing or
other thoughts which do not serve you. DO NOT focus on them or
entertain them. If you understand the phenomena of targeted individuals,
this is their primary way of affecting a targeted individual. If you are in
control of your mind, you can simply banish these unwanted frequencies.
We have all seen what happens when a person becomes consumed,
being targeted by EMFs; the effects can be anywhere from extreme
fatigue, sickness and insomnia to going "rambo" on people like the DC
Navy Yard Shooting and other false flag shootings.

Aaron Alexis, the shooter, claimed "On August 7, 2013, while

staying in a hotel in Newport, Rhode Island, Alexis reported an incident
to the police. He told the responding officer that he believed that three
people were following him and keeping him awake “by talking to him and
sending vibrations into his body.”[v] Alexis first heard the voices while
staying at the Residence Inn in Middletown. Trying to escape, Alexis
moved to a hotel on the Navy base, but “heard the same voices talking
to him through the walls, floor and ceiling.” - Veteran's Today News

There were also reports the voices in his head sometimes

sounded like Obama talking to him. Not to say it was actually Obama,
just that the targeting can be anyone or anything including your own
voice. Aaron was also on medications, and played up to 18 hours of Call
of Duty a day. I believe taking anti-psychotics and anti-depressants keep
people in very low, very "impressionable" states of vibration. If you look
into the shooters, medications are always found (usually anti
psychotics). The mind altering pharmaceutical drugs create the perfect
environment for EMF's to work against you at max capacity.

Just remember, you don't need ANY pill to control what your brain
thinks about. You just have to want to control your thoughts. When you
have negative ones, let them go, banish them, or transmute them into
better ones. I really recommend reading the Kybalion in full to master
this plane.

"Every thought, emotion or mental state has its corresponding

rate and mode of vibration. And by an effort of the will of the person, or
of other persons, these mental states may be reproduced, just as a
musical tone may be reproduced by causing an instrument to vibrate at a
certain rate--just as color may be reproduced in the same may. By a
knowledge of the Principle of Vibration, as applied to Mental
Phenomena, one may polarize his mind at any degree he wishes, thus
gaining a perfect control over his mental states, moods, etc. In the same
way he may affect the minds of others, producing the desired mental
states in them. In short, he may be able to produce on the Mental Plane
that which science produces on the Physical Plane--namely, "Vibrations
at Will." This power of course may be acquired only by the proper
instruction, exercises, practice, etc., the science being that of Mental
Transmutation, one of the branches of the Hermetic Art.

A little reflection on what we have said will show the student that the
Principle of Vibration underlies the wonderful phenomena of the power
manifested by the Masters and Adepts, who are able to apparently set
aside the Laws of Nature, but who, in reality, are simply using one law
against another; one principle against others; and who accomplish their
results by changing the vibrations of material objects, or forms of energy,
and thus perform what are commonly called "miracles." "

- The Kybalion

So really, to use the law of attraction to your best potential,

having mental control is key. Don't be anti-war, be pro-peace!

Keeping yourself in high vibration is key but be aware of energy

vampires. These are people who are obsessed with and feed off drama.
They are constantly involved in control dramas, and though these people
may be your family members, it helps to keep your distance. Typically,
they are co-dependent, they don't want to help themself and they want to
suck others into their dramas. Helping someone who wants to help
themself is one thing but enabling a person is entirely another. In
extreme situations, you may need to entirely end the relationship with
the person if you feel they are having a negative effect on your daily
personal life.

This character is associated with the element of air and the taro
suit of swords.
‫ ה‬He - Emotional self | Element - water | Tarot suit – cups

So far we have covered how to care for your physical body, as

well as the mental self. Now, we are going to talk about your emotions;
your feelings.

Your thoughts come from your emotions (aka, how you are feeling).

Therefore. keeping your emotions in check is very important.

Take for instance, my last book. You can tell from reading it, my angry
emotions filled my thoughts, and while I wrote the book loaded with
information, there was a fair bit of rage and bitterness which was
channeled into writing about my journey and the situations I had just
made it out of. I feel regret from letting the situations get the best of me
and take me to such an incredibly low vibration.

I am going to admit something very personal about the

experiences which took me from a peak in my ability to heal, to the very
opposite. I woke up after it all, at rock bottom. I had blocks in almost all
my chakras, and felt like I couldn’t heal myself or others, could not feel
energy in my hands and was just not myself.

I was depressed, I suppose. I had no want to create anything,

and my energy healing seemed gone.

The situation was this. I had fucked up really bad. My husband

was damaged from what I had done to our relationship and I was too. As
explained in my last book, The Starseed Conspiracy, we had been doing
a multi generation house, in Justin's family's home, which we did for
almost 10 years until it just wasn't working anymore. I wanted to move
out, my husband wasn't ready, and so I moved out and in with someone
else, in all my frustration. And we both had to heal from the
repercussions when we got back together.

I punished myself and took away my own powers to heal. I literally had
no ability to heal or work on anyone. At first I thought that the universe
was punishing me and had taken my powers away, but after connecting
and communing with my higher self I was made aware that I had only
punished myself and taken them away, feeling that I did not deserve

I had to rebuild my entire material plane and up. I had to start over from
rock bottom, learn to feel my chakras AGAIN, learn to move the energy
AGAIN, and learn to heal myself again. It was only after months of
healing myself I was able to finally begin to touch Justin with the same
feeling in my hands that I had lost. I was finally able to begin to heal him
too. I was able to unlock my powers again when I believed I deserved
them again.

Yoga also made a huge transformation happen in my life. It

affected my mind, body and spirit. Since I was 15 I used to do advanced
pilates and yoga. After my second child, I felt like I didn't have time to
focus on me as much, and I wanted my tight body back. I discovered
Bikram yoga, which incorporated pilates and yoga. It is known as "hot
yoga" because the studios are like torture chambers. They are heated to
104 F and go for 70-90 minutes. I started scheduling myself 30 minutes
every single night where I would do bikram yoga on my mat, in my room
around midnight. I wanted to get up in morning again, I wanted to work
out everyday, watching my body transform, and I felt better overall.

Think of your thoughts as products of your emotions. In dreams

with water, it is easy to see the emotional state of the person. Are you in
the ocean with roaring waves in a boat that’s sinking or on a calm serene
beach? Water that is not calm represents a chaotic emotional state, and
water that is calm represents emotions at peace.

Emotions can be controlled using the same steps as in the

mental part, with mental transmutation. By learning to focus on positive
emotions instead of negative ones you can override the emotional swing
of ups and downs.
This plane is most important in terms of learning to act NOT
react. This plane affects your daily life more then you know.

Example 1: You wake up late, you think “oh crap, I’m going to be
late for work.” You stub your toe getting out of bed and throw on clothes.
You are feeling stressed and frustrated. You can’t find your keys, you
think “it’s just going to be one of those days.” People are driving
incredibly slow and you develop road rage feeling anxious. Trying to
pass someone unsafely to get to work, you total your car. “I knew it was
going to be one of those days,” you say to yourself and it’s a self-fulfilling

What if instead of focusing on being late and trying to get there

on time, you had accepted it, called work to say you’d be 20 minutes late
(you naughty employee) and had taken your time, arrived at work and
turned your day around focusing on feeling hopeful instead of playing
into the morning’s bad events?

Example 2: There’s a member of your family who is a control-

drama magnet. They always seem to be involved in drama, and they are
always sucking others in too. They constantly need your help and your
energy is being drained daily from the person. You feel bad for them, and
you want to help them. It is important to realize when a person is a
energy vampire, and when YOU are being negatively affected by another
person. You can continue to let them drain you, playing into it,
ceaselessly trying to help them and sacrificing your time, energy and
well being or you can firmly step back and keep them at arms reach in
your life; or entirely end the relationship with the person if necessary.

What I am trying to point out is that every situation you react to is

done emotionally. You feel a certain way, then based on the emotion you
do what you think is the correct response, and the physical body follows.
You feel angry and yell, you feel sad and cry.

Before you just react to a situation, check your emotions. Are you
reacting in anger? Sadness? Despair? Jealousy? Revenge? These are
the emotions that lead us to think bad thoughts, and physically do things
we regret.
This is also the plane where you can learn to “feel things out” and
trust your vibes. Take for instance, example 2, when you are around that
person you don’t feel good. If the person calls it causes you anxiety.
They take you from high to low vibration. Ask yourself? “Is this feeling
mine? Or are these bad vibes theirs?” The answer is that person has
possible energy vampirism problems and has bad vibes, which you feel,
take in through your ajna center, and it affects you, if you let it. Energy
vampires want to get the reaction out of you they are looking for. They
feed off the negative emotions and negative attention. They want you to
freak out, yell, act crazy and lose your shit, or suck you into their current
drama. These people don’t want to help themselves, and they are not
good for you. Remember, you cannot help a person who is unwilling to
help themselves. Do not let them drag you down. ACT not react. Don’t
let people push your buttons.

Now, you do not want to suppress your emotions, that is not what
I am saying here. Taking a moment to meditate on why you feel a certain
way, then transmuting it mentally, is what I consider to be the key. Being
the master over your emotions, NOT being ruled by them.

You would do well to learn to feel your gut and heart feelings. If
you get a feeling in your gut about something, you should listen to it.
When you meet a new person, do you have a good feeling in your heart
about them, or a bad feeling in your gut about them? Listen to those,
those are your instincts.

The pendulum swings back and forth, bad things are outweighed
by good. Always find the silver lining or lesson. There always is one. I try
to keep this in mind:


The Hermetic Masters long since discovered that while the Principle of Rhythm
was invariable, and ever in evidence in mental phenomena, still there were two
planes of its manifestation so far as mental phenomena are concerned. They
discovered that there were two general planes of Consciousness, the Lower
and the Higher, the understanding of which fact enabled them to rise to the
higher plane and thus escape the swing of the Rhythmic pendulum which
manifested on the lower plane. In other words, the swing of the pendulum
occurred on the Unconscious Plane, and the Consciousness was not affected.
This they call the Law of Neutralization. Its operations consist in the raising of
the Ego above the vibrations of the Unconscious Plane of mental activity, so
that the negative-swing of the pendulum is not manifested in consciousness,
and therefore they are not affected. It is akin to rising above a thing and letting
it pass beneath you. The Hermetic Master, or advanced student, polarizes
himself at the desired pole, and by a process akin to "refusing" to participate in
the backward swing or, if you prefer, a "denial" of its influence over him, he
stands firm in his polarized position, and allows the mental pendulum to swing
back along the unconscious plane. All individuals who have attained any degree
of self- mastery, accomplish this, more or less unknowingly, and by refusing to
allow their moods and negative mental states to affect them, they apply the
Law of Neutralization. The Master, however, carries this to a much higher
degree of proficiency, and by the use of his Will he attains a degree of Poise
and Mental Firmness almost impossible of belief on the part of those who
allow themselves to be swung backward and forward by the mental pendulum
of moods and feelings.

"Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides;

all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests
in everything; the measure of the swing to the right,
is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm
compensates"--The Kybalion.

‫ י‬Yod - Spiritual self | Element - fire | Tarot suit – wands

This plane is also considered the plane of will. So far we have our
physical bodies, which react to our thoughts, which react to our
emotions. Now, the plane of will represents the spirit’s will, your will. Your
will becomes a feeling, which becomes a thought, which manifests
physically. This is the divine formula. This is the yhvh formula for spiritual
alchemy, your spirit, working through your emotions, thoughts and
physical body. Solid, liquid, gaseous, and plasma states of matter for
the left side thinkers. The name for this energy you are channeling with
the formula is kundelini energy, or chi, prana, rei ki, and the other names
for it that have been established. This is how to consciously, use that
energy to best do your own will.

On that note, you should probably close the book right now if you
have no intentions of becoming responsible for your own physical
actions, thoughts, emotions and wants. This book is only for people who
want to help themselves, and others. The formula by default, to master
the planes, forces you to hold yourself responsible for your actions,
thoughts, emotions and desires. This is for the person who wants to love
themselves, and others, it’s for wanting to become more then the basic
organism, reacting to it’s environment. It’s for enlightenment.

David Icke once said “There’s the freedom everyone thinks they
have, but they are not really free. They are in a cage, they just can’t see
the bars.” If you want to escape the cage of the matrix this is a start on
getting ahold of yourself so you can experience the truth beyond the
limited perception of the cell phone, video game, television addicted
masses of society.

We can all be masters of our own actions, thoughts, emotions

and will; if we wish to.

This energy is the backbone behind the “as above, so below” theory. The
leylines in the earth and all the sacred monuments on them are
breathing, acupuncture like places on the Earth, such as Stonehenge
and the Great pyramids. Massive amounts of energy can be culminated
in these places and used in rituals, meditations and ceremonies and
have been throughout the ages.

What is your will? Well, asked another way, what do you love?
What do you love to do?
The best exercise for this is to create a sort of art journal. Fill it with
your dreams. When I started I would cut out greenhouse photos from Mother
Earth News and tape them into my book and write about How I was going to
have a greenhouse. I was going to fill it with food to grow. Fruit trees, potatoes,
tomatoes, kale, lettuce, etc. A few years later, I have a poly tunnel greenhouse
with all the above. I made it my goal in my book and worked toward it.

In addition to writing the things you desire, you should also make one
full page, in the beginning of all the things you are thankful for. When you are
feeling out of sorts, you can use it to remind yourself of how wonderful your
life is.

Fill it with places you want to travel. As you go these places, add your
photos so your book can become a reminder of how you are manifesting what
you want in your life.

If you want to lose weight, fill it with inspiration of clothes you want to
wear and things that inspire you to be more fit. Take a picture of yourself every
week to watch the transformation. If you don’t want to print them, make a
folder in your computer and label them Day 1… and so on.

Now that we have discussed the Tetragrammaton, let’s go one further

and talk about the Pentagrammaton. The Pentagrammaton uses the hebrew
letter shin to make ‫יהשוה‬. In spiritual alchemy, we use this as the formula for
Earth, Air, Fire, Water & Spirit. Spirit also referred to as chi/prana/ki/ AEthyr
energy. The English translation is Yahshuah, or a Hebrew form of Jesus. I like
this formula because I agree with many other occultists that the AEthyr should
be more understood as the glue the holds the universe together. Influencing
the will, which influences the emotions, which influence the thoughts which
manifest physically. The pentagrammaton is the formula for the 5 th element,
spirit/consciousness/AEthyr. It is representative of the dance of life, balance in
the four elements and spirit working through them all. It is also representative
of unity consciousness and polarities balanced, such as masculine and feminine
and sun and moon. When this balance is achieved, access into the cosmic
consciousness is experienced. It can also be referred to as communication with
the holy guardian angel in Thelema. I have seen debate about whether to use
YHVH or ‫יהשוה‬. The argument revolves around how the latter is the son of
God, the former is the word for God. I think that ‫ יהשוה‬is more associated
with work pertaining to the third level of consciousness, known as Christ
consciousness. With the evolution of Christ consciousness it becomes
unveiled that Christ himself is not returning, it is Christ consciousness
returning in man. Even Leonardo DaVinci figured it out!
My tattoo backpiece <3
CHAPTER 4 : Grounding,
energy exchange hands.
Now, a very basic, very important lesson in energy work is grounding. It’s
important to ground yourself and ground your clients after a session. What
does it mean to ground?

Well, first let’s break down Israel. The very word Israel breaks down into a
formula. Is-Ra-El. Moon, Sun, Earth. Isis, Ra, El. I consider these the three
starting anchors in grounding. When I began my pleiadian practices, I was
mainly connecting with the sun and pleiades. It was energizing, warm and
wonderful, but I was too energized and in need of grounding. I then began
grounding in the Earth (and the moon), and I learned how amazing it can be for
energy work.

I prefer to do this exercise laying down on the ground in the sun, or

under the moon.

Lay down on the ground.

Use this chart on the next page to visualize your chakras on your body.
Now, we begin with the root chakra. Visualize a red, double sided vortex, one
side grounding into the Earth and the other end connecting to the sun (or
moon). Where they meet in the middle is your root chakra. Each side of the
vortex spins clockwise. You do this until you can really feel the kundelini energy
concentrated in this chakra.
Once you can feel it you move it up to the sacral chakra by concentrating the
same technique here. You visualize a orange double sided vortex coming from
your sacral chakra, spinning counter clockwise. Feel the kundelini here,
grounding into the Earth and connecting to the sun (or moon).

When you are ready, move the energy up to the next chakra, the solar plexus.
Focus the energy in the solar plexus, a yellow double sided vortex, spinning
counter clockwise on each end, connecting to the sun (or moon) and grounding
into the Earth.

Next, move the energy up to the heart chakra, visualize the vortex, green this
time, grounding into the Earth and connecting to the sun (or moon).

Next, move it up to the throat chakra. Envision the double sided vortex, blue
this time. Ground into the Earth and connecting up the the sun or moon.

Then next, move it up to the third eye chakra. Visualize a purple double sided
vortex coming from your third eye. Grounding into the Earth and connecting to
the sun or moon.

Then, finally move it up to your crown chakra. This time, imagine your crown, a
vortex of light which is grounded out the back of your head, but also releasing
straight through your crown to connect with the sun or moon.

This effectively, grounds you, while charging you, and cycles your kundelini
energy as you release it through your crown.

Grounding is helpful when you have taken in too much energy. And too much
energy can manifest as insomnia, or make you physically nauseous.

When you ground yourself, you release energy into the Earth when you do it,
you are, in effect, discharging the extra energy. You can ground yourself
anytime you feel you have an excess of energy, such as when you are doing
energy work on others.

Now, one secret to energy work that some teach and others don’t, is that you
have a push hand and a pull hand. When you begin to feel your energy in your
hands you will notice this. One seems to pull and one seems to push.
Establishing yours hands can lead to better results in energy work and chi work
in general. To move something with chi, you use your push and pull hands to
move the object. (More on this in the technique chapter).

When you work on yourself, begin grounded. When you work on another
person, at the end of the session, ground your client. Too much energy can give
you the “spins” or make you feel high, and you can do this to your clients,
which though it may feel nice, you don’t want your clients driving to be
impaired. At the end of each session, kneel in front of your client and take one
hand to each of their feet and ground the energy into the Earth.

Now, a little on getting started, once grounded.

Although I understand that in Disney movies, they are riddled with symbolism
and hidden dicks everywhere, I can also see that there are some good lessons
in those movies. The universe is full of half-truths. I was watching Frozen with
my daughters when at the end Elsa reveals the secret to controlling her powers
is love. Funny enough, I had discovered the same technique in energy work.

At first, when I began energy work I would concentrate for at least 5 minutes
and open my chakras (7 minutes) before I could feel the energy in my hands.
After discovering the “love” technique my energy in my hands was

The “love” technique goes like this: sit meditation style (or standing) and put
your hands in this position.
Now, focus on something that makes you feel love inside your heart, or in other
words – activates your heart chakra. This for me, is memories. Memories of my
kids making me happy, memories of great times, but what really works is a
memory of my husband and I making love. It brings the energy from my root,
to my heart, down into my hands immediately.

Focus on whatever creates the feeling for you. Then you can create “triggers”
that give you that feeling, like assigned memories. You can also experiment
with songs and music. Then you can trigger your energy anytime you need it
without needing to spend time getting it going. I have an Egyptian Traditional
Meditations Music playlist on youtube which gets my chakras opened and
energy flowing just as well as the frequency meditations I used to primarily use.
Music is an amazing tool, and it should be noted several ancient Egyptian sites
deemed “burial chambers “ as well as temples are actually set up for perfect
acoustics per room. Meaning, when certain frequencies were played (or sung)
in these rooms the harmonics would work with your chakra which was out of
balance and heal you. They could also use this for ritual/meditation purposes.

The same goes for light/color healing. And no, David Icke isn’t crazy with his
teal shirt conspiracy, it just helps with his throat chakra, which he probably
values highly because he’s always talking and doing work expressed through
communicating. This is why I make so many chakra orgone pendants, which
help keep all your chakras balanced.

This leads into our next chapter…



Chakra – meaning, “wheel” in ancient eastern Sanskrit. Chakras have been used
and referred to as far back as 4000 years ago in India, Egypt and Indus Valley
cultures. If you acknowledge the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean,
chakras are frequently referred to in those teachings. In fact, chakra work can
be referred to in every religion and ancient civilization I’ve ever investigated.
Anywhere you see this symbol, the caduceus, it is an ancient symbol of the
chakra system.
This is the symbol of the chakras, and the kundelini energy rising through. Just
like this:

Many ancient traditions as well as modern ones teach the kabbalistic system of
chakra mastery and ascension with this, the kabbalistic tree of life. Note, the
chakras are used as a map from malkuth to kether.
Newer philosophies by “breakers of their own matrix” have “discovered”
additional planes to the tree of life. They understand a “12 chakra system” and
are capable of projecting their consciousness to any point in space or time in
the universe and have “remembered” their true forms in space. They have
ascended past the starseed states and in these higher densities have the true
form of suns, stars and light. Their chakra tree looks like this:

If you are new to this work these claims may sound crazy but I assure you, I am
perfectly serious. To advance this much requires several lifetimes of spiritual
work, and are finishing out their “3d” learning here on Earth this lifetime, and
when their physical bodies die here, they consciously transfer their own
consciousness to another point, instead of being reincarnated. Of course, as a
disclaimer I should say if you have an accidental death this is not probable.

Now, putting together both aspects of this tree from 7-12 chakras, there is
much learning and evolving and moving on from old habits and pattern
breaking and literal matrix breaking to be done. The 12 th chakra attainment is
unification with "God/dess" itself. That is why I will never ever listen to any
religious, brainwashed zealot who tells me what I do and “all this new age
stuff” is some sort of devil worship to somehow get you away from God. It’s
not. Not in any way, and those statements prove ignorance. The chakra
ascension is the journey to return to prime creator and unity consciousness;
and your soul’s journey along the way is your own “Hero’s Journey” as the late,
great Joseph Campbell would say. It is an age long journey of the soul to learn
and grow and it is the very answer to the question “why do we even live
anyways?” Each person is on their own return to source and I try to remember
that in every person I deal with on any level. We are all on different levels of
understanding and should be respectful of that fact.

There are so many different levels of people on the planet today the worst
mistake you can make is assuming false beliefs about a person based on
prejudices like clothing, hair, tattoos and other outdated methods of thought.

Yea! deem not of change: ye shall be as ye are, & not other. Therefore the kings
of the earth shall be Kings for ever: the slaves shall serve. There is none that
shall be cast down or lifted up: all is ever as it was. Yet there are masked ones
my servants: it may be that yonder beggar is a King. A King may choose his
garment as he will: there is no certain test: but a beggar cannot hide his

“Do as thou will shall be the whole of the law”, be a king!

Now, whether you are beginning with the 7 chakras or expanding to the
12, (or something more advanced I’ve never heard of) the way you use
them is the same. Ground yourself, open your chakras and raise the
energy from your root upward. You can literally feel this energy.
Channeling this energy is essential to your energy work. Learning to take
in energy upon will, ground it out if you have too much, and channel it
through your hands to heal.

In India, the chakras have been used for 4000 years, at least.
Yogic/tantric texts also equivocate the term “chakra” to mean “vortex”
and rightfully so. Chakras are used in Hinduism and Buddhism. In both
practices yoga is a key practice for mastery over the nadis. This is done
through control of the breath (breath channels are called nadis). If
interested in the later tantra chapter, this is a necessary skill to develop.

"In Indian Vajrayana they attain to centralize kundelini in the third eye,
and crown and then rush the energy to the life force chakra (solar plexus
chakra) to realise the clear light of bliss and emptiness, and to attain
Buddhahood. The Vajrayana system states that the central channel
(avadhūtī) begins at the point of the third eye like of lord Shiva, curves
up to the crown of the head, and then goes straight down to the lower
body. There are two side channels, the rasanā and lalanā, which start at
their respective nostrils and then travel down to the lower body. The
apāna vāyu governs the lower terminations of the three channels. The
lower end of the central channel ends in the rectum. The lower end of
the lalanā ends in the urinary tract. The lower end of the rasanā channel
emits semen.
The side channels run parallel to the center channel, except at locations
such as the navel, heart, throat and crown (i.e. chakras) where the two
side channels twist around the central channel. At the navel, throat and
crown, there is a twofold knot caused by each side channel twisting once
around the central channel. At the heart wheel there is a sixfold knot,
where each side channel twists around three times. An important part of
completion stage practice involves loosening and undoing these knots.
Within the chakras exist the 'subtle drops'. The white drop exists in the
crown, the red drop exists in the navel, and at the heart exists the
indestructible red and white drop, which leaves the body at the time of
death. In addition, each chakra has a number of 'spokes' or 'petals',
which branch off into thousands of subtle channels running to every part
of the body, and each contains a Sanskrit syllable.
By focusing on a specific chakra (while often holding the breath) the
subtle winds enter the central channel. The chakra at which they enter is
important in order to realise specific practices. For example, focusing on
the subnavel area is important for the practice of tummo, or inner fire.
Meditating on the heart chakra is important for realising clear light.
Meditating on the throat chakra is important for lucid dreaming and the
practices of dream yoga. And meditating on the crown chakra is
important for consciousness projection, either to another world, or into
another body.
A result of energetic imbalance among the chakras is an almost
continuous feeling of dissatisfaction. When the heart chakra is agitated,
people lose touch with feelings and sensations, and that breeds the
sense of dissatisfaction. That leads to looking outside for fulfilment.
When people live in their heads, feelings are secondary; they are
interpretations of mental images that are fed back to the individual.
When awareness is focused on memories of past experiences and
mental verbalisations, the energy flow to the head chakra increases and
the energy flow to the heart chakra lessens. Without nurturing feelings of
the heart a subtle form of anxiety arises which results in the self reaching
out for experience. When the throat chakra settles and energy is
distributed evenly between the head and the heart chakras, one is able
to truly contact one's senses and touch real feelings."

"Chakras, according to the Himalayan 366666 Bönpo tradition, influence

the quality of experience, because movement of vayu cannot be
separated from experience. Each of the six major chakras is linked to
experiential qualities of one of the six realms of existence.
A modern teacher, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, uses a computer analogy:
main chakras are like hard drives. Each hard drive has many files. One
of the files is always open in each of the chakras, no matter how "closed"
that particular chakra may be. What is displayed by the file shapes
The tsa lung practices such as those embodied in Trul Khor lineages
open channels so lung (Lung is a Tibetan term cognate with vayu) may
move without obstruction. Yoga opens chakras and evokes positive
qualities associated with a particular chakra. In the hard drive analogy,
the screen is cleared and a file is called up that contains positive,
supportive qualities. A seed syllable (Sanskrit bija) is used both as a
password that evokes the positive quality and the armour that sustains
the quality.
Tantric practice is said to eventually transform all experience into bliss.
The practice aims to liberate from negative conditioning and leads to
control over perception and cognition.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaches a version of the Six Lokas sadhana
which works with the chakra system."

In Egypt: The preist/esshood was taught sekhem, chakra knowledge. They were
using the ancient sites as perfectly tuned chakra healing rooms, among other
things. The ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead describes how sekhem (already
defined as Egyptian energy healing) could be increased by control of the
breath. Same idea as yoga. In Egypt they also understood tantra and practiced a
sacred form of sex called “ankhing sexual energy”. The energy conduit that
ankhing creates leaves you charged, not depleted after sex. We will cover this
in the tantra chapter later on. Using the chakra meridians to ankh kundelini
energy they believed this would keep disease from occurring in the body and
believed it could keep them immortal. It should also be noted that honey was
found in the pyramids stored. Honey is one of the only foods I’m aware of
which can actually increase your ojas. It used to be believed that you had a
finite amount of ojas, recently it has been discovered that honey can actually
help your body produce more ojas. I personally, have tea with honey every day.

This idea of a “password” or trial to enter the “chakra vortex” is a constant

theme no matter which teaching you look to. The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
teach the “names” you must know to enter the vortices’. Imagine this part like
entering in your computer password for each chakra. Imagine there are
different passwords that work and inputting a correct password gives you
access to the hard drive. Each chakra has it’s own files and hard drive that are
accessible once the password is given. Whether you believe the password is
sounds or words it matters not, your belief is only required to unlock the
chakras (despite the arguments over the "right" way). Your brain and body is
more like a computer program, and you are the hacker.

This leads me to my maybe most important point in the book: as I said in my

last book; I am not here to say there is only one right way to “ascend”. Anyone
who tells you there is only one right way to this has become consumed by the
ego and you should not listen to them. People have been “ascending” all over
the world with different techniques since time began and there are numerous
ways to it. Your journey back to source will be yours alone and no one will have
a journey like yours. All our journeys are different. Everyone will find methods
that work for them when they are ready for them.

In the first six chapters we talked about basic technique for opening and
working with chakras; the very basis of energy work. We will now explore other
things you can do once you have mastered the basic and want to do more.


Thoughts are a very public thing, only some people aren’t aware yet. Thoughts
can be implanted very easily and also heard or read more often then any of us
want to admit. I find most people who have spent even minimal time opening
their third eye chakra can send and receive mental messages or thoughts.
Sometimes we will hear people's thoughts which are horrible and appalling. I
find its important to remember we all have thoughts which are hopefully
dismissed and that I wouldn’t like people judging me on mine. Sometimes you
don't know you are reading someone's thought till you both say the same thing
or the other person says what you just heard or were "thought sharing".
Thought sharing is using the collective consciousness to communicate and
share thoughts, like when you have those "jinx" moments. They happen A LOT
around a group of more activated people.

EXERCIZE 1 - Guess the color (or number game)

Now, I find that colors are far easier. You visualize them. The mind visualization
is really important. If you do numbers, see that number in your brain and start
out with numbers 1-9. You need at least two people. I do this with my 7 year
old and have been for a few years. I visualize a color, she tries to guess it. 30%
of the time she gets it first try, 30% 2nd try, 30% 3rd try and 10% more then
three tries. Then we switch and I try. I teach her to visualize the color, as if she's
thinking of many colors at once it's very hard, but two adults are easier. This
relies on two parts to understand: reception and projection. You want to
project the color to their 3rd eye, and you want them to be receptive too.

EXERCIZE 2 -Channel changing.

Channel changing is a very fun thing to practice as the results are immediate
and speak for themselves. It's nothing short of "these are not the droids you
are looking for". Mind control at it's best, however it only works on the weak
minded. And I am dead serious about that.
Next time you are driving down the road and you have a Sunday driver in front
of you, mentally project to the driver that he wants to pull off or turn. Send lots
of those thoughts. My husband and I have a game we play getting people to
become confused and turn off, ect when they are sucky drivers. It's really funny
to watch them get confused, and make a wrong turn and see them get back on
the road after. You can use your imagination with this technique.

Then after humans check out how you can assume control over electronics. My
husband and I also do stop-lights, etc. Once you realize what you can do, you
will be amazed. All you have to do is believe you can. It is the change in your
reality when you believe that makes something possible (or your disbelief that
will equal failure).

Shields/barriers/empathy -
Once you have opened your chakras, you can construct shields. You may be
asking yourself - Why on Earth would I want or need to put up shields? I will tell
you the two biggest reasons:
Which most people think of as a good thing, but in the beginning of my
activation it became VERY overwhelming. I took to hermit mode because being
around people became hard for me. I could FEEL their sadness, frustration,
anger, etc, and I wanted to help. I had to learn the hard way that NOT everyone
wants to help themself. That takes responsibility, and flat out; there's a BIG
group of people who would rather take pills, etc then assume that
responsibility. Being around these people drained me, and I finally learned to
put up shields which keep OUT people's emotions whom I don't want to take
2)Self protection/home protection.
To protect yourself from the above and expanding your talents to shielding an
entire house. Coating every wall. Why? Because you can use this shield to keep
out negative entities, not limited to negative frequencies and harmful
vibrations of any kind.

EXERCIZE 1- When you wake up in the morning, or now - visualize your yellow
chakra pouring a straight stream of light out of your body. It comes out and and
surrounds your entire body in golden yellow light. Your whole body is inside a
big bubble of golden yellow light. I recommend this in the morning when you
wake up.

EXCERSIZE 2- Home protection: Begin in the room you are in. Visualize every
wall around you, each face or surface in fact - coated completely in blue light
energy. You can send it through your hands or do straight visualization. Once
your room is done move to the rest of the home. Coat every wall with blue light
energy. Finally get every outer wall of the house. The roof. The floors. Extend
this to your grounds if you feel it important. I use this technique with a crystal
grid, either medicine wheel style, or metatron's cube style for optimum results.

Remote Viewing-

Remote viewing is a technique, recently made popular by certain end-time

prophesy whistle-blowers and Stargate project whistleblowers. THE MOST
IMPORTANT thing to keep in mind when remote viewing is that you CAN
remote view the future, BUT the future is NOT fixed. The future is based on
events to come, decisions and choices to be made OR not made, and the future
is ALWAYS changing, based on events happening or not, causing parallel reverse
realities from the opposite decision, the end is always the same. In the end we
all find our way back to Prime Creator, Source, Allah, God. Please keep in mind
you don't need to alarm the planet at the possibility of one catastrophic
viewing. The best thing you can do is always be prepared for EVERYTHING and
encourage others to do so. I do not fear catastrophic change, being prepared
for it with many contingency plans.

Excercise 1:

Lay on your bed or sit comfortably. Close your eyes. Empty your head of
thoughts and fill it with one desire. Start out with someone you want to remote
view. Your mom, friend, sister, whatever. See them where they are, what they
are wearing, doing, surrounded by. Make note of these things. Make sure the
person you try it on first has a strong personal and preferably psychic
connection to you. View them, and do this often. Then call and check if you
were right. The more you do it the better you will get. My husband was able to
find and sense his way to me in my car; at 2:30 in the morning less then 10
miles from the Canadian border, in the woods when I was more then four hours
away camping! He just got in his car and drove til he found me, sure that he

Connecting to Other Planets and Star Systems - for purpose of astral travel,
channeling, and for after you have activated your third eye.

Exercise 1: Take a good 10 minutes and open your chakras. Concentrate on your
crown. Where it goes when the energy flows out. Sure your energy is cycled in
your toroidal field, BUT, when you connect to the sun for it's light and
nourishment, is there not a strand from your crown connecting to it? These ties
can connect you to the Earth, to the sun, the moon, and other people, as well
as other star systems. Start with the star system you feel most connected to.
Send your strand/cord, tie; up to it. Connect with it. Close your eyes and feel
yourself, the energy flowing up connecting to it. The energy is a wormhole, just
as you would in an out of body experience, spin up through your crown, into
this wormhole you have created. Go through it till you come out. Do not try to
understand or figure out what you are seeing or where you are going. Your
mind will block you from success if its trying to rationalize and figure everything
out. You must control the mind, keep the thoughts away, and keep your
emotions in check as well, keep fear away. Only go forth with courage or not at
all. These things will block you.

Lucid dreaming, energy work, tests, astral sex -

Lucid dreaming-
If you have not seen my 'Get Activated' Series I will for the sake of new
practitioners explain some tried and true ways to lucid dream.
1.Dream Remembrance-
The foundation to all lucid dreaming is dream remembrance. If you are this far
you have begun to understand yourself from a physical, mental and emotional
perspective. Emotionally it must FEEL important to you to remember your
dreams. You must desire to remember them, the thought must pervade your
brain, and you must manifest this by setting yourself up for success physically. I
often meet people who "want" to lucid dream and remember their dreams, yet
take no precautions to assist themselves; therefore, the mind does not
"recognize" this as an important "program" and will not wake you up to
remember. You must use the YHVH formula as stated above several times, and
demonstrated in this paragraph. How do you take precautions? I would like to
emphasize, I began training myself to remember and lucid dream in 8th grade.
As a 13 year old my developing mind found it easy with the technique I will
teach you. With technology these days doing this should not be hard. I used a
karaoke machine and cassette tape, you could use a smartphone now haha!

Exercise 1:
Prepare your sleeping quarters. Buy or find a blank journal or notebook. Clip a
pen or pencil to it (possibly colored pencils for the morning if you feel like it).
Keep it within arms reach of you. I find playing my youtube playlist 'SLEEP'
helpful, it has many peaceful frequency tracks at different hertz to assist in my
sleep. You can try different things and see what works for you.
You want to record your own voice. I did a 20 minute recording on my karaoke
machine in 8th grade, Over and over for 20 minutes saying "I will remember my
dreams, I will wake up after I have a dream and write it down." I only had to
listen to it for about 1-2 weeks before I had made it a brain 'program' or habit.
And of course after I had a dream I would force myself to write down all the
detail I could remember. Within 10 minutes of your waking state these details
fade so its important to write them right down. Colored pencils were for
sketching cool things if you feel up to it.

Once you are remembering your dreams you have trained your physical body
and mind to work together on command and can then progress to lucid

2.Beginning lucid dreaming:

Prepare your sleeping quarters. Open your chakras. Relax your body. After your
chakras are flowing then empty your head for thoughts. Push all thoughts out
of your head, worries, bills, drama, everything. You must practice focusing your
brain on one sole thing. You will find at the beginning this is hard because
thought trains will try to pop up and distract you, breaking your concentration.
You must train your mind so it is not distracted and can dismiss thoughts, ideas,
and other unwanted information. Focus on projecting yourself somewhere.
Have you ever wanted to finish out a dream? Project yourself to what you
remember of the end of you dream, or the last thing you remember from it.
Relive it. Where it leaves off keep making decisions and finishing it out. You can
also project yourself anywhere you want to go, with anyone or anything you
want to be with or have. But be careful what you wish for. The astral realm is
shared and the law of attraction does apply here too. Your dreams are a
thought projection that manifest on the material world if you dream hard
enough and often enough. Also, it should be noted you CAN meet your friends
and lovers here. If you both agree to meet in a familiar place, and dream at the
same time, you can find each other there. The ability of success depends on
the level of connection of the people involved.

You can also use the techniques earlier in the book and have an out of body
experience, or visit your favorite star systems and catch up, check out parallell
realities where you made a different decision (can be quite a learning
experience), or when you start using the 12 chakra system you can utilize the
Akashic records in your sleep. Be sure to write everything down.

What does this have to do with energy work? The truth is that as above, so
below applies in so many ways. "He obeys the laws on the higher planes and
rules on his own plane." If we learn the laws of the astral plane and through
disciplined work merge the astral realm with our conscious material world, all
things are possible and we have raised ourselves to true higher conciousness.
At this point the "myths" of Saint Germain and Thoth as well as others who
were capable of materialization, and other "magical" sciences are explained
and obvious.

Recurring dreams & Tests:

Do you ever have dreams over and over? You don't know what they mean and
they plague your sleep. You may have mild recurring dreams at first and then as
time progresses they can get more intense. Do you find yourself making the
same decisions over and over resulting in the same dreams? Once you begin
lucid dreaming you can fix these recurring dreams, which are really what I
would call "tests". Much like in life, when you don't learn lessons you repeat
them over and over. Lucid dreaming gives you the ability to take control of
these dreams, and "pass the test".
I look at it a very interesting way. The initiations "secret" societies are set up
similar to the initiations you are guided through in the astral realm. I self
studied and journeyed myself through these tests for four years before I walked
into an Ordo Templi Orientis Lodge. I admire highly when someone says to me
that they are impressed I was able to "do it myself". In retrospect, I never did it
myself. Thoth was my guide, I met with him in my sleep and meditations,
among other "faceless" "masters". I have no idea how else to refer to them as. I
recognized Thoth, the others were a mystery to me. I have memories of sitting,
meditating, saying nothing, but being taught telepathically. Sitting for what
seemed like forever in a white space across from a person also in white who's
face I don't know and can't remember. Then for weeks after strange "tests" in
my sleep. I also owe some guidance to my mentors, namely Todd Drew, a
Mason, and amazingly open minded friend and mentor. I am privileged he
takes time to recommend me books and be involved in helping me, especially
when the most curious of curiosities are bouncing through my mind. Then
there were regular people like Todd, who always took the time to talk to me or
recommend books or plant seeds and make me think. I will forever be so
grateful to have been born in this one time with all these amazing people and
technological advances like the internet.

Societies initiations are designed to assist the initiate in the journey from the
rough ashlar to perfect, the soul from lead to gold and the man (or woman)
into a transformed version of themself. I think the most rewarding part is
learning to help others because you have helped yourself. After you've been
through hell, you can help others get through it as well. You have patience for it
because you see the struggle you went through, in them. You see your old
ignorance, in them. It seems like we all grow at our own rate and all you can do
is help those who ask, in honor of those who did the same for you. If your voice
gets big enough it can help so many people. (Or hurt them... the choice is
yours. May we all be careful with our words.)

This transition through initiations seems congruent with the astral journeys
tests. Your dreams (if you pay attention) will teach you loyalty, compassion,
beauty, love, courage, faith, truth, and justice, while conquering fear, jealousy,
chaos, lies, and darkness. I suspect this innate journey is in all of prime
creator's creations, may be as old as creation itself and it may be the basis for
the receiving of the kabbalah and sacred geometry, and every ascending
tradition stemming from it. The more tests you pass the more you learn, it
seems certain biblical figures had this understanding as well as other notable
people throughout history.

My testing dreams started as a teenager, as I quickly learned to remember my

dreams as well as begin to lucid dream.

I want to insert a note here however: The occurrence of MILABs (military

abductions) and TI's (targeted individuals), is a very real and largely ignored
though it plagues more people then most are willing to admit. As said in my
previous book, it bears importance to keep in mind the more successful you
get, the more targeted you may feel. I have had my fair share of astral
abductions and staged dream scenarios, enough to have spent years learning
they try to keep you discouraged so you do not make your way to freedom and
the truth. You are not their victim, you are their conqueror! I have met so many
of you on my journey, the scared, afraid people plagued by this who believe
they will ALWAYS be victims. I have seen people coat their house in metal to
keep out EMF's, unaware of the tool orgone can be for this plague on society,
and they refuse to believe in self defense teachings. I have spoken with other
people like myself who share a variety of successful ways to keep away the
"others" as well as astral abductions, etc. We learned to defeat them because
we never gave up. And here I find it important to reinsert this into this book,
although it is in my last one as well. Orgone works fantastic, when made
properly. The lesser key of Solomon holds secrets to self defense, and myself as
well as others from the Catholic and gnostic sectors are very successful with
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

From the Secret Rituals of the Men in Black by Allan Greenfield:

" TRW: The strangest thing is in figuring out why the UFOnauts abduct people,
and what stops them from doing so. Since magical ritual contacts them and
banishes them, we know either that they are magical beings, or magick is a
technology, or both. But when I started working with Reichian technologies the
Knights of Malta would give their fortunes to have, I noticed something most
strange. UFOs can be disintegrated by Reichian energies.

AHG: Well, that’s strange, but hardly new; Reich himself said he did that in the
TRW: Right. But consider what Reich worked with. He called it “Orgone Energy”
which was a direct outgrowth of his work with Freudian Psychotherapy. Up
through a certain point, he was an orthodox Freudian, until he discovered that
the very energies that Freud addressed in psychological terms were explainable
as a Universal Energy or Current, a kind of ‘orgasmic flux’ inherent in the
universe, which could be channeled, quantified and, apparently, used to shoot
down flying saucers.

Orgone Energy, it seems to me, is identical to the Love/Will current of Aleister

Crowley’s Book of The Law.

AHG: Wait a minute. Are you telling me that the energy behind human libido
destroys Ultraterrestrial craft?

TRW: “They drink our fear, like hungry ghosts. To drink instead our love is death
unto them and their kin.”

AHG: Who are you quoting?

TRW: That would be telling."


The first time I breathed underwater (something I continue to get tested on

from time to time), I did it in what I believe to be a staged dream scenario. All
in one dream, I had an orgy, there was a person going through "file folders" in
the back round, I got pregnant, had a blond haired blue eyed baby boy who I
was told was a mix of eight different fathers. I found myself escaping from them
(a constant in my dreams), I was running through a city. I met a girl covered in
tribal tattoos and paint, I paid her $100 to teach me to breath underwater. I
lived underwater for many years before I came back up. I looked very beautiful
when I came up. I hid under a bridge. I found my child who was in school. He
was in a three year old's body and I asked how he was doing. The teacher
instructed me to read a chart, which prompted me to ask how old he was. He
was nine years old in a three year old's body. He was very smart and resembled
my brother with short blond hair and blue eyes. The teacher said he was
incredibly smart and I should be very proud. I had this dream July 15th 2006,
when I was 17 years old.
I had a dream last year where I was tested on it again. For years I had been
having a dream of being at a familiar amusement park, up here in Maine
known as Old Orchard Beach. I was always there and I couldn’t figure out why.
At first I used to play games and enjoy it. Then one day, or one night rather, I
found myself wandering off from the park to the beach. I found my family
there, my kids, and everyone was having a nice time. I realized I didnt see my
youngest daughter, she was missing. I told my brother to watch my older
daughter while I went to find her. I walked up the beach back toward the park
and found a poolhouse. I thought she might be in there. I walked in and was
walking beside the pool when my earring fell out into the pool. I knew I'd have
to dive all the way to the bottom, and it was DEEP, and I wouldn’t have enough
time to make it up, but I just dove in anyways. It's like jump to cross the abyss,
there was no hesitation. I dove down and got it, but on the way up ran out of
air. I took a breath underwater only to remember, of course I can breath
underwater! I got to the surface and my family was in there celebrating, both
my kids were back and there was a giant cake we all ate. It was very strange.
My dreams are like that, if I forget something, I am tested to remember.

The second time I was pregnant (2011-2012) I found out in a dream. For the
first time I was in that powerless, paralyzed standing position as what I would
call "reptilian-like" beings tasted me and agreed that I was pregnant. Which
gives me a sick feeling to this day.
Some time around when I had that dream, I believe it was the same week, I
also had my scariest nightmare ever. I was being held down on the curb of a
street and "people" were basically holding me down to inject my downstairs
with a bunch of syringes and I have no idea what for. It was just terrifying and
messed up.

I feel that even in my staged dream scenarios I was able to learn a lot from
them. I don't consider myself a victim anymore and I don't believe all the
people interacting with us and influencing our dreams are the evil government
either. Some, for sure, you can see though the difference between a learning
experience and a terrifying astral abduction.

I now treat every dream experience as a test and try to pass them all. If an
unsavory being threatens me I have many ways to deal with it. I can banish it,
eviscerate it, or what I like to call "deconstruct" it. Deconstruction is
understanding how beings and entities are atomic and subatomic particles and
using reiki energy to scatter and deconstruct them. It depends what kind of a
mood I am in and level of threat.

Undoubtably, one of the most revered pleasures of lucid dreaming is the astral
sex. Any kind you want with anyone (or anything) you want. The thing about
astral sex is that it's one of the first things lucid dreamers experience. Once you
begin to learn how you can manifest in your dreams, you can unlock more
truths about the astral world in general. Your truth may not agree with my
truth at first for the reason I am about to explain. In life and the astral world
what you can do is limited to what you BELIEVE you can do. One of the things I
think wasn't talked about in the movie "Waking Life" is that everyone's dream
world seems to be based around their own beliefs of things that work and
don't and they believe it's true for everyone if it's true for them.

I want to be clear about this. I have heard gurus swear that you can't make a
firearm work in dreams, that clocks dont work, that you cant read papers, all
these things. Your astral world is based around what you BELIEVE you can do
and KNOW how to do. I expected I could fly and did. I simply thought "up" and
up I went. My husband and I can both use firearms and make them work just
fine in our astral world. We both however, possess the understanding of how
they work and break down. As stated in my above dream, I have certainly been
able to read in dreams since I was a teenager. I also would say things like
firearm training and other knowledge I use in my dreams has clearly been
established in my memory as conscious as well as unconscious, the complete
understanding, which gives me the ability to believe I can do these things,
where others report they cannot.

The same kind of argument continues with astral sex. It's a highly controversial
topic. I stated you can have sex with anyone or anything you want. I wasn’t
talking about dogs or farm animals either. I have had pleasant conversation
with many ladies and men who are single because they developed
relationships with the "others." Others includes but is not limited to succubi,
ET's, ODE's (other dimensional entities), Gods/demi-Gods, and all the other
terrestrials outside 3rd dimension. They are 100% consensual relationships.
Did she just write "Gods and demi-Gods, what?!"
Yes I did. Pan has a whole following of women who are highly devoted to their
relationship with him, and experience great pleasure from his being half man
and half horse. There are men and women who believe astral lovers and
succubi are the best partners they have ever had and prefer them to human
counterparts. There are "tulpamancers" which takes this to a more interesting
level. They actually manifest their own friends and lovers, but synonymous with
"golems, tulpas, and thought forms" they often develop a mind of their own
and have been known to become problems after they break free.

And if you are under the impression physicality is an issue you couldn't be more
wrong. At first consensual sex with an ODE is usually done in the astral realm.
After a while, your mental concentration can manifest them on the 3rd
dimensional plane. You can experience them physically after you have
established the connection. If you are familiar with MILABs and TI's you know
after astral abduction real physical signs of sexual intercourse were present on
the bodies of both males and females, including semen and female ejaculation
fluids. Their bodies experienced it on a physical level, and this is congruent with
Olympic athletes who train mentally and experience the physical symptoms of
elevated heart rate, sweat, etc.

Some people have posed the question of controversy "why would you want to
do such a thing? Aren't you guys just a bunch of lonely weirdos?" I would say
those in glass houses should not cast stones. Everyone feels lonely sometimes.
If you are single and you'd rather have promiscuous sex and risk contaminating
your body with diseases I would say the choice is up to you ;)

Another popular answer is one reason women worldwide have been doing it
for ages as depicted by art history paintings: to have children. Similar to a
moon child, a child between a an ODE and human is a hybrid.

Hybrids involve telegonic impregnation which is not heard of much anymore,

however, Eve Lorgan has done much research I support on this subject and I
would like to quote her now:

"It is my belief that the DNA coding itself is not the all-in-all of inherited traits
of an individual. There are other theories for inheritance factors which are
maternal and believed to be results of “imprinting” as opposed to physical
presence of genes. The concept of telegony, “the paternal impression
phenomenon”, was popular many years before the Darwinian theories took
hold in the 1800′s. ( It was
mostly referred to in animal husbandry, but also in ancient biblical scriptures
and even is mentioned in the Gospel of Phillip in the Nag Hammadi Library. The
reference has to do with when a woman has her first sexual encounter with a
man, she can be imprinted by her first lover in subsequent children regardless
of the father(s) she later has children from. Some scriptures such as the Gospel
of Philip even insinuated that even if a woman was thinking/fantasizing about a
particular man, she could possibly create this imprint in a child conceived
during this time. “…

Whomever the woman loves, to him those who are born are like; if her
husband, they are like her husband; if an adulterer, they are like the adulterer.
Often when a woman sleeps with her husband, but while her heart is with the
adulterer with whom she is accustomed to unite, she bears the one whom she
bears so that he is like the adulterer.”[5]

I first read about telegony from the Russian Ringing Cedar Series, in Rites of
Love, by Valadimire Megre (Ringing Cedars Press, 2008) Page 16). Anastasia is
the key character in this series, who is a female shaman from an ancient
Siberian Taiga lineage who maintained oral teachings from ancient times, and
did not intermix with modern society. In this book the author states that
telegony is real, yet most genetic scientists no longer give this theory any
validity. In fact, telegony is believed to be maternally inherited, such that a
woman can have a child who carries characteristics of her mother or even
grandmothers first “strongly impressed male/lover” regardless if they had
children from this genetic “impression”.

We know that mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited. We also have

suspected that in alien abduction research–especially that of Dr. Corrado
Malanga of Italy, that most abduction lineages follow the maternal line. Not
always but mostly. What I’m getting at, is that there must be some non nuclear
DNA factors of inheritance, or even telegonic factors of inheritance that the
aliens or even “milab controllers/scientists” are seeking, for specific qualities in
supersoldiers. Or for alien-human hybrids. In the Wiki pedia link on telegony
there is a reference to ancient Greek heros who were believed to be products
of telegony such as Theseus. Here is a quote from the wiki on the Greek heros:

“The concept of telegonic impregnation was expressed in Greek mythology in

the origins of Greek heroes.

Such double fatherhood, one father immortal, one mortal, was a familiar
feature of Greek heroes like Theseus, who had a human and a divine father,
doubly conceived in the same night. By the understanding of sex in antiquity,
the mix of semen gave Theseus a combination of divine as well as mortal
characteristics; this explained the hero’s more-than-human nature. Sometimes
in Greek myth the result could be twins, one born divine of a divine father, the
other human of a human sire: see Dioscuri. Of a supposed Parnassos, founder
of Delphi, Pausanias[3] observes, “Like the other heroes, as they are called, he
had two fathers; one they say was the god Poseidon, the human father being

Could telegonic impressions on a female abductee be an experimental cause

for some supersoldiers (later born) or alien human hybrid experiments? And
could these possible telegonic impressions have any thing to do with alien
orchestrated human bonding relationships? (Remember that in these “love
bites” the connection and impression of bonding is very powerful)."

You should take a minute to digest this information. I have criticized new age
books for not having a disclaimer on what doors you open when you read
information. You open yourself to a beautiful world full of dangerous new
possibilities. And you may not have been targeted before your awakening, but
can become targeted once you awaken and become their threat. Just because
you weren’t on the radar before doesn’t mean you'll always be ignored. Like I
said previously “Be these beings real or imaginary, the experience stands.”

I wrote all this in this section on astral sex because I want you to not just be an
"astral whore." Teenagers are thrown into the world of sex without knowing
the repercussions and I would never do the same to my students. You deserve
to know what's out there, and why you should be careful with your sex life,
astral and physical. If you haven’t read Eve Lorgan's "Love Bytes" I certainly
would do so, her other book "The Dark Side of Cupid" is amazing too. She
continues Dr. Karla Turner's work.

I find it romantic and secure to have sex inside my circle after the LBRP (lesser
banishing ritual of the pentagram). Though just performing is sufficient
protection. You will also find having orgone around and using voice commands
are mega effective. Use your orgone wand or orgone device like a crystal and
say "only beings of the HIGHEST light are allowed in my presence." There are
many ways of clearing yourself and your space. I personally still favor rhymes,
possibly an imprint from another lifetime.
"I banish thou from my mind, from this place, from this space, for all time."
Then you can follow it up with deconstruction technique.

So you can consider this your "astral safe-sex" course. I am not telling you this
to scare you out of it. Astral sex is amazing and I have certainly had lots of it.
Some people wonder if you can get a full orgasm through astral sex. I would
say, you don't get "just an orgasm" you get the orgasm fully, even if you are not
doing any sort of thing to yourself. You get an amazing orgasmic experience
like nothing of this physical world.

I'd love to add in here one of my favorite OBE astral sex experiences.
I open my chakras so I can feel the energy pulling up through the earth and into
me and through my crown. I spin out with the energy in my crown, shooting
straight up to where I thought was going to be the Pleiades but somehow I
ended up in another system. (Possibly my astrological timing was incorrect) I
know I was somewhere else this because this version of me was DIFFERENT.
Not even being a mermaid was as shocking as this. I entered my body at a
conveniently pleasurable time. This me was making love. I was startled when I
looked down at myself to see not only was I in a completely different body. I
was BLUE, my breasts were blue, it was the first time for me being in a
completely different colored body. Not Avatar blue but like powder blue, with
silvery bluish hair. My body was flawless and perfect in every way. I noticed
absolutely no hair on my body except my head. I mostly remember being
enamored with my new body, though the pleasure was great too. I woke up
with this impression about it: Sirius. My husband told me my dream sounded
like I was either having sex or eating ferociously. I told him all about it. He likes
to tease me about how I act while I am sleeping. He's told me he's heard me
speak different languages but I can't recall doing so in my sleep. Obviously I did
not create this scenario, I got there somehow accidentally. The chances of you
entering another body of yours at the exact moment it's having sex seemed
slim to me until I calculated how many hours I've already spent having sex,
since I've been with my husband 10 years now and I average 1-2 times a day.

Astral sex can be glorious and better then the physical sex humans are used to.
Think about how many humans spend their sexual encounters board, thinking
about other things like bills and random daily stuff. I can't imagine spending my
sex life like that. I definitely enjoy a mix of both worlds; astral and physical.
People who manifest astral lovers and develop a connection can manifest them
physically, and will tell you when they make love they can feel that being's
presence and weight pressing against them as well as in other ways.

Exercise 1:
Get. Naked.
Lay in bed...or you know, where ever, and close your eyes. Remember to focus
strictly on this one experience and do not let yourself get distracted.
Open your chakras.
Focus on your mind's eye. Visualize.
Bring yourself to your dream place of choice. Construct everything. Do you
want wine? Food? A nice bed or a beach under the stars? Perhaps you are like
me and just like to be in the stars weightless, moving like a rogue planet. Now,
imagine the person, or...people? I guess depending on your preference?
Imagine your scenario. If you have wine, drink, make conversation, have sex. If
you have foods, get creative. It's all limited to your imagination in this case.
If you close your eyes and really can't see ANYTHING still, your pineal gland is
calcified. It's not irreversible, but I would advise reading Energy Work by Robert
Bruce (to learn tactile imaging) and decalcifying your pineal gland by avoiding
fluoride in toothpaste, water, medications, and dental practices etc. There is
nothing like fluoride on Earth that neuters the brain so silently, and that is why
it is in everything slowly poisoning us. It's spiritual warfare.
Most importantly, meditate. Meditate working on your chakras, specifically
your third eye and you WILL see results. I promise. Ask, receive, believe.

Balls of Light:

Balls of light are easy to do if you tried the shields and barriers exercise. I put
the harder stuff first to make your life easier ;)
Most likely by now you have noticed when you reiki/do energy work you hands
heat up like they are on fire. This is a physical example of how this energy
manifests and is transferred. I also believe it is referred to by medieval
alchemists. Put your hands out like someone is going to dump a bag of skittles
in your hand. Feel the reiki flow and accumulate and heat up. Form it into a
ball. If you are doing this for a few years (or sooner depending on practice), you
begin to see the coloration in the balls. You can control its coloration. Watch it
get brighter and brighter. Bigger and bigger. All in your hands at your will.
Remember to reabsorb the energy after by putting your hands together. DO
NOT throw this energy at people with ill intent. The Vril Society were right
about more then a few things including what this energy can be used for. You
should ONLY and I mean ONLY use this energy for healing, helping and serving
mankind. To do the opposite is at your own risk. Look at what has happened
with people like Hitler when they tried.

With any digging you can find that Hitler was helped into power by the Thule
and Vril society, who weren’t totally crazy. I have spent the time reading some
popular Vril society books claimed to have been by Hitler’s bedside, and as
stated by the History Channel “were based entirely on “fiction.“ Sometimes the
truth is stranger than fiction. I ran into irrefutable evidence that Hitler most
assuredly did not commit suicide, but fled Germany with over 100 Nazi
Scientists and submarines, as well as noted Vril girl Maria Osrich and none of
the stated were ever seen again after stopping in South America where they
were documented in Argentina before leaving for Antarctica where they had
legally bought land.US Admiral Richard E Byrd was actually sent to destroy the
Nazi Antarctic base with military backup but fled the expedition and reported
his famous speech “That the third world war would be against an aerial enemy
who had the capacity to fly from pole to pole at will.” In fact Germany’s UFO
prototypes V-2, V-3 were short for Vril-2 and 3. Their desire was to create a
spacecraft which ran on Vril energy, the equivalent to Orgone/ether energy.
Hitler let this energy drive him mad, he wanted more and was willing to do
whatever it took to get it, including sacrificing people. This is where the
ultimate desire for power can lead people and why self-control and moral
integrity are most important teachings in the ascension process.
You can use these techniques as defensive bubbles to keep out other people's
energy, negativity, and other unwanted "gifts" if you stretch them to
encompass you. Just keep it running like a program in the back of your mind.

Past Life Regression:

The art of past life regression has many mediums.

There are literally enough ways to do past life regressions that people have
written whole books about them. For the sake of not writing a whole book on
it, I'm going to share my favorite experience and give three techniques for

My past life regression April 2014:

In the chapter of the facets of the tetragrammaton I describe how I I fell down
the chakra ladder and had to rebuild. The past life regression I had will
therefore be described here.

My husband Justin (Edward in the Starseed Conspiracy), is

my soul mate. Sometimes he pisses me off so much I
could tear his face off, but it's mainly because we are both
fire signs and I try to keep that in mind these days. Here's
what I can say about the perfect man Justin is, and why I
was a total idiot for ever leaving him.

Justin is and since we have had children together,

always been loyal to me. When we were apart he wasn't
with anyone else. He is the most loyal person I have ever
met. He loves me even after all my imperfections and fuck
ups. He has been with me for 10 years and knows my soul
maybe even better than I do. He tries really hard to make
me happy and does everything for me. He loves our kids
and is a good dad. Justin may be obsessed with things
that go "boom" but I am pretty sure that's just leftover
from our last lifetime. If you know Justin you know he's the
expert on rifles and all things that explode. He builds
weapons for fun and for work. Since he's a blacksmith, he
also makes real, quality swords, knives, karambits and
other pointy things which we sell at events we do. We can
read each other's mind about 40% of the time, which
makes things fun.

In the midst of my crisis, I experienced a "past life

regression" that changed my life. I took a few months to
think about it before admitting to myself, "You know, Cas,
it makes a bit of sense." That's the only reason it's in this
Chapter, and it's going to be an example in the Sanskara

If you know me, you may know of my interest in the

occult world. I've had it, literally forever. I don't remember
a life without magick. When I was a child magick was real
and it's as real today as it was then, just more understood.
My dream when I was a child though, was to be a singer,
funny enough.

So my regression goes like this.

I open my eyes and I am in a black room. The room

is lit by candles, black and red ones on tall metal standing
candelabras and other candle holders. There are drawings
on the walls and sketches. I'm sitting on a wooden alter,
like a big wooden coffee table. I'm naked, and my body is
different. It's taller and more lean then I am. There's a
complicated circle I do not recognize which I'm in the
middle of. It's drawn in red (blood, paint, not sure?), and
there are two men in the room, one referring to the man
performing the ceremony as Jack, who looks like and
sounds like Justin but with sexy hair and slimmer.

There are flowers and candles around me and

offering bowls and plates with food. And papers which I
now think were enochian tablet, specifically the air one. It
was like being in the middle of a feast. I'm holding out my
hands in a strange position. I notice my hair is not blond.
It's red and I feel something on my head, some sort of
crown. I can't see it. The man who keeps referring to Jack
is sitting, writing and murmuring, also wearing a robe,
saying something I cant seem to focus on. All I can hear
every now and then is Babalon and what I am pretty sure
were enochian calls coming from Jack. I remember
massive wind outside and all this knocking around us. Like
rapping on a door (Poe would describe) and exactly the
same as what I used to experience as a teenager when I
thought I was haunted. I recognized at some point an
invoking I have performed "Invocation of the Holy
Guardian Angel." It is all really strange because I was
conscious that I was a "walk-in" in this other life and at the
same time I have to believe the invocation was a success
because I distinctly remember sharing this body and
having the spirit and energy of her, Babalon, in me.

Then Jack seems ready, he comes over to me all dressed

in a black robe and he carries me to bed. We make
magnificent love. There's so very few things more lovely
then making love to someone chanting in other

Before my regression, I asked myself to know why I

had done all this stupid stuff and how could I fix it.
When I opened my eyes again, I was laying next to
Justin. I thought about it again, and I knew I had to rebuild
my planes. I had torn them all down, messed everything
up and now I had to rebuild. And it was going to be very
hard. I also asked myself, who was Jack? After my Crowley
studies, I knew it could only have been this one ritual
being performed; a ritual to invoke Babylon. But it
certainly wasn't Crowley doing it, and at the time I had no
idea who 'Jack' was. It wasn't til I started researching The
Babylon Workings online, instead of just my books that I
finally came across Jack Parsons. Then it all made a lot
more sense. I have seen so many other lives at this point
that I've lived with Justin as my husband. I've yet to see it
reverse though with him as the woman though I figure it'll
eventually happen. I have also seen lives where we didn't
end up together, ending up with people who worked
themselves into this lifetime to teach me about sanakaras
and help my soul move on.

One thing I can say for sure is I was reminded of

what we are capable of when Justin and I work together. I
realized I had a long road ahead but I was going to start
on it. It took a few months of intention and chakra work
before I could activate all my chakras without
encountering a major blockage. After that, I began to feel
the energy again. I wanted to connect with Justin again,
like we were, and I began healing him while we did our
tantra (a chapter for later). After a few months, he was
feeling better and so was I. I was on track to not only
getting my old "powers" back, but being better then I ever
was and more level headed.

The old saying goes, "that which doesn't kill you makes
As Georgia Lambert says "sometimes it's about
(falling) and clawing your way back up the chakra

I took her words to heart, and began my climb.

I went back to my pleiadian studies on blasting light

through my chakras while doing my chakra meditation
and clearing out sanskaras. This was successful. The more
I did it, the more blocks cleared out and slowly, my hands
were once again working like a charm. This took a few
months to return to my former state. Now that I am
recovered, I feel better then I ever did.

But what of the regression? As a hermetic student, it is my duty to explore BOTH sides
of this equation. Was it a mere glimpse into the Earth Library and my higher self/HGA
revealed it to me at my time of need, OR was it a real past life? To believe that like Edgar
Cayce, I accessed these universal Akashic records/living library or that it was another
past life is the question. I have come to some conclusions.

Marjorie Cameron never had kids, and I had my first at 18. Successors have always
been important to me. I think most people feel like they want to pass on their imprint.
Perhaps the reason I had kids young and it always felt important to me to do young was
because in my last life I never had kids. Also, is it possible with all the Babalon workings,
and invoking, starseeds beings born and my conception at the only Maine ley-line, that
her Spirit is in me, thus my link to the regression and my married name (after I married
Justin) adds up to 156 in basic gematria.
At the same time (though not contradictory) I feel that everyone who invokes
her has her spirit inside them. Thats the art of invoking. They live on in all who
invoke them. So I am not trying to say I am special, is what I am getting at. I just
sometimes feel like I was born into who I am. I was born with all these
characteristics that only could have played out to the person I am today. I am a
blond haired, multi colored eye changing, A- blood type born American though
my Grandmother came here from Sweden and had my mom. And if even one
variable had changed, like my gran not marrying an army man and coming here
to America, I'd be in Sweden right now, if I had been born at all and Justin and I
would have never met. His parents are from Minnesota and New Jersey and
decided to move to Maine. Are these coincidences, fate or a chemical reaction
playing out since the big bang?

It is my belief that sacred geometry and gematria help understand the matrixes
of life that the Kybalion tries to put in words so eloquently, and that regressions
tend to teach us slowly. These tools can help us understand why I am always
trying to find Justin and through impossible odds we do. It's not coincidence or
fate. I have a soul contract to being with him as my soul mate until I pass the
"Lovers Card" test, which can stands for choosing/learning that beyond
alchemical marriage/macrocosm unity is found within every
person/microcosm. This is one aspect of where my soul is on it's journey. Souls
work on a higher level to the self, and play a part in how and why everything
that seems "up to fate at extreme odds" can happen. Though as Eve Lorgan has
noted what she would refer to as ET's/alien intervention is synonymous with
gnostic teachings of archons. All these higher levels of being and existence play
a part into our world and indeed the thoughts that cross our mind and help us
make choices, like my grandmother's choice to leave Sweden and come here in
1972. It is the responsibility that I try to teach to learn to dismiss thoughts
(from negative entities) and act on the ones coming from the higher self/HGA.
Again, the tetragrammaton, YHVH formula teaches this, how to channel the
spirit effectively. Much repetitive study aids in learning this.

It is the ultimate goal in Thelema to achieve the knowledge and conversation

with the HGA/Holy Guardian Angel/Higher Self. The attainment is followed by
seeking to maintain the union/communication with the HGA. The crossing of
the abyss is the final step before this is attained and to cross, one must forsake
the ego in one breath without any hesitation. It is said that to do so with
hesitation you would be swallowed whole by your ego and thus become what
Thoth calls a "black brother." Black brothers do not experience the divine world
and thus go on to believe their ego IS God and other variations.

The basis for this is that the Abyss represents the 11th (hidden) sephira
(Da'ath). Da'ath represents the fall of man from a UNIFIED consciousness into
DUALITY between the EGO and the DIVINE. The demon Choranzon who
manifests during the third stage of the process is a manifestation of
consciousness and unconsciousness which probes the initiate to willing or
unwillingness to enter the divine. The meaning of Choronzon is to trap the
initiate in the world of illusion. It is the goal to become one with ALL through
the destruction of the earthly ego. Beyond Choronzon we are no longer our
self, and the ego will do anything at all to avoid taking the step into non-being.
That is why one must tame his ego at first, be in control of it, to later take the
step of abandoning it completely – or at least being able to cast it aside
temporarily, in the experience of entering Da'ath, the divine world and
becoming our TRUE HIGHER SELVES.

What does all this have to do with past life regression?

We were exploring as hermetic students whether my regression was my own,
or a spirit link, or Earth Library files or what. As you can imagine with all these
revelations along the way of obtaining knowledge and conversation with the
HGA, you gain all these new insights. One that has come to me is that souls are
no more permanent then bodies. Although my earthly ego comprises all that
has ever been of me whom I identify myself as, it is not my soul or spirit. What
if I were to tell you that souls come and go and move on through people and
bodies in life. A soul that has left it's body and been replaced with a different
soul is called a "walk-in" and millions of people who have suffered near death
experiences, physical/mental trauma and other traumatic incidents report this.
They wake up completely different people after comas and other experiences.
The soul voluntarily leaves and is replaced be another incoming soul. I actually
feel like I have been multiple people/souls throughout my life. Not many
people have the ability to read their journals from 10 years ago but I still have
mine. I really CANNOT identify at all with the person I was 10 years ago and
what I thought and wrote. I CAN see that my life has been a pursuit of magic,
but it seems like the body is just the medium for the spirit to work. It also
seems to me like I was a 100% different person after I almost died having my
second daughter. If the spirit is really carried in the blood, then perhaps it was
the 4 transfusions I had to have that did it for me, I can't be sure. I can say that
walk-in's are real and people change all the time, even though it seems some
people "stay the same." The ego remains after the soul leaves. Perhaps these
memories and regressions are part of the Living Library and at the same time
our souls are coming and going, on their journeys we are able to tap into them,
as our bodies are more like temporary store-houses for these spirits. The
body's work channeling the spirits uplifts mankind and spirit's work in the body
progresses the soul onward. Perhaps we are all at our certain place at our
certain time not by accident but because we are all petals in the infinite
unraveling of the flower of life. Interconnected and telling a story bigger then
you first see in the seed.

Before you start, prepare yourself and your space. Dimly lit rooms work better.
Make yourself comfortable. Light candles and/or incense, be seated or lay
down. Make sure you won't be interrupted. (For me this is AfTER all my kids are
asleep.) Open your chakras, concentrate energy in your third eye and streaming
through your crown. You may find smoking mugwart, etc to be beneficial.
Though I do understand some people feel these methods can be a "crutch" but
I don't judge anyone who uses them. DMT, Peyote and Marijuana, etc were
obviously all put here and created by no more accident then us and I don't feel
they are a crutch as long as you ascertain to continue without them as well. In
other words, don't use them all the time and they won't be a crutch. I have
found Mugwart to work very well in helping one achieve more lucid results,
you could smoke a few bowls of it. No more then 10 minutes before you start.
But like I said, DO NOT use regularly, mugwart is toxic in high amounts such as
daily usage. Also, one final word from me, stay away from synthetic manmade
drugs. The herbs and mushrooms on the Earth are here by design, not by man's
hand. I have seen adverse reactions to acid (as well as normal ones) but
personally I prefer mushrooms to acid. As stated in my Starseed Conspiracy
book, how to make mushroom tea so you don't get sick and have a clean
experience is my preferred method for the more "visionary seeking" students.
Recipe next in case you want to try this out.
Prepare Tea as Follows:

Depending on your tolerance put between 1/2 of an eighth to 1/8 of

mushrooms in a coffee filter. Twist it so the edges are at the top and you can
wrap thread around it with the mushrooms at the bottom to make a tea bag.
You can even crush the mushroom to steep faster. Cut off the excess paper at
the top but not too close to the wrapped thread. Make sure the thread is
wrapped a lot, and very tight.
Then boil water, which you can put a flavored tea bag in to make this taste
better. I like Bigelow Tea's blueberry, lemon and pom flavors. Once your tea is
boiled then you pour it in a cup no bigger then 8 ounces. Add the mushroom
tea bag and let it steep for 40 minutes. Yes, 40 minutes. Take a fork and press it
to the tea bag on the side of the cup periodically to drain the mushrooms and
check that its getting all squishy. DON’T press too hard or you can tear the filter.
You will see the chemicals making the water all weird looking and after it's
steeped for 40 minutes that's what you are going to drink. You can add sugar
about a tbsp for flavor. Then Chug and enjoy, and please make sure you don't
have to drive anywhere for about 8-12 hours or operate machinery.

Technique 1- The Question

The question works best when you empty your mind of other thoughts and
problems. You ask yourself one question as I demonstrated above "Why did I
do all this and how can I fix this" revealed to me my regression. I controlled my
brain into the emptiness, entered the almost-sleep state when this regression
You focus on this one question you have, and make a list. It could be "what was
my last past life." The point is you are asking your higher self a question to
receive the answer. Make sure you check all your muscle groups for relaxation.
Like I said it helps to be in the beginning dream state meditations are best in. I
find laying down is the only way I can do it. Some people obviously swear by
sitting, but I find laying down perfectly straight to work for me.

If you are able to keep your mind clear, an answer will manifest. It takes
patience. Keep your journal nearby to record your impressions when you first
wake from it, details can fade even in meditation.

Technique 2- The Guided Wormhole

If you havn't realized yet that you can manifest a wormhole at will to go where
ever you desire well, here it is. You start the same as the previous technique,
asking ONE question relating to your past life. To help establish the connection
visualize your wormhole but also keep focusing on your question. Enter and
continue through the wormhole, holding your question in mind. You must keep
going through it until you find yourself out. Be patient, and don't give up! If at
first you don't succeed; try, and try again!

Again, remember to keep your dream/meditations journal nearby to record

your first impressions when you come out and possibly coloring utensils
because I have sketched and colored and painted all my favorite experiences
for my Grimoire/Book of Shadows.

Technique 3- The gradual regression

This can be a challenging one, sometimes it helps to have a close friend or
sibling guide you through and back to help you not get stuck. If you memory is
very good though you can do it yourself.
Prepare yourself and your space as directed. Focus on opening your chakras.
Close your eyes and think of the events of this year of your life, slowly go back,
I find focusing on seasons can help when retracing. Retrace this years events
and continue back to last year. As you run through winter, fall, summer and
spring over and over through the years, you can get an overall glimpse of your
life. Keep going back to when you are a child. Really try with the first five years
of your life, remembering possibly your kindergarten, preschool, earliest
memories and after you get to the last one, a white light. This white light is a
tunnel, project yourself into it. Continue through. You should come out in your
last life, either as an old man or woman or sometime during your previous
incarnation. Results truly vary but I usually come out sometime mid-life, not
usually as a child.

Technique 4 (which is a bonus for those already having accessed the Akashic
There is a chakra above your head, the crown can assist in getting to, this
chakra contains access to the Akashic records. Roughly 6-8" above your head
and the color is debated. Some say pink, some say crystal, it's my opinion
everyone experiences color differently and that's why I see pink when my
husband sees purple and I see teal green when he sees blue. It is probably also
linked to our (under)development of the sacred hidden colors which are
perfectly demonstrated in the set up of the white house with the colored
rooms. Perhaps some of us can see them better then others, either by nature
or advancement. Anyways, focusing on activating this chakra by blasting your
crowns light up as I have been saying, like a chord to connect or a stream of
energy coming up from the ground and cycling through you up through your
crown. Blast this light up. Try to feel the chakra activating. Close yours eyes and
focus your energy on it. Create your wormhole to this chakra.
I can tell you my experience is a library. I have a huge gothic architecture style
library that is my records. I have always been a great record keeper. The books
contain knowledge and past lives and experiences. I have not read them all, but
I dont usually read them. Opening them actually literally brings me into the
experience stored. It is strange, and from the vast amount of research I have
done I can safely say do not expect the same. According to Linda Howe,
everyone experiences the records differently according to how they keep
records. I've kept all my life's journals except one I burnt to forget. And its no
surprise mine is a library. She says some people only get audio, some people
only get visual, and some people get both. I have both, but I have always
thought of my brain as storing information in video files like a computer, it goes
with my photographic/videographic memory.

All I can say is, keep your journal handy to record your experience. The better
you file memories and information the more access you have to them. I can still
pull out weird random facts I learned in grade school. I don't learn and forget, I
learn and remember.

Telekinesis - push/pull
PK (Psychokinesis) or TK (Telekinesis) is more common than most people think
because PK and TK and often interpreted wrongly as a "haunting or
poltergeist," thanks to modern culture. I was even the victim of this thought for
many many years.

Recently I did a video demonstrating my newly developed PK abilities that I

have received a lot of feedback on. I have been taking monoatomic gold now
for about 3 months. I decided to try it because I have A- blood among other
annunaki traits, and I had studied PK phenomena which is usually chalked up to
“poltergeist” phenomena, and it certainly was for me up til recently.

I learned that all my life I had symptomatic PK signs but due to popular culture I
thought I was haunted for pretty much my whole life. My water turned on and
off especially when stressed or upset, knocking on my fridge even when I
moved several times, furniture rearranging itself at age 3. It had to a poltergeist
or ghost haunting me right?
That was until I started looking at hardcore research from investigators who
were tracking the phenomena for decades. They concluded (from ):

”Patterns and Metaphors of Poltergeist Activity: With the exception of rare

lengthy cases, poltergeist phenomena generally last from two to six weeks
(short term 1 week, long term about 18 months). Cases are nearly always
reported in homes, offices or workplaces – wherever a dynamic of human
interaction takes place. Poltergeist activity, with its connection to unresolved
stress, appears to be a rare form of stress relief. Instead of the stress releasing
itself in “normal” ways, the agent unconsciously “blows off steam” with the PK
activity. Patterns found in the disturbances are generally symbolic and can give
clues as to the identity of the agent and the nature aniclock.gif (37449 bytes)of
the unresolved stress. Often object and area focused activity occur whereby
the disturbances tend to stay with certain forms of objects or in certain
locations in the physical environment. The disturbances often appear as
metaphors to the causes of stress. For example, sexual tension may be released
through causing the bed to shake. Anger towards a certain person may be
released by the agent causing items belonging to the target person to break.
The rare outbreak of small fires may be associated with a general release of
anger, whereas water is more often associated with grief (as in tears not being
physically shed). More unusual cases involving guilt have resulted in the agent
actually giving him/herself a psychokinetic “self-beating” displayed by the
spontaneous manifestation of bruises or other marks of physical punishment.
Other very rare poltergeist cases have involved sightings of apparition-like
forms. These are not thought to be true apparitions (or ghosts – a
consciousness operating outside of or after the death of his or her physical
body). Rather, they are thought to be unconscious projections from the mind of
the agent that are “picked up” telepathically by people associated with the
agent (and of course, by the agent as well). These apparitional forms are often
not human in appearance (in contrast to ghosts), and may even look like an
archetypal “monster.” As frightening as they may appear, these mental
projections are harmless and are simply a reflection of the agent’s inner
psychological “monsters or demons.” As with the physical activity, they are
often a metaphor for the mental and emotional stress the agent is
experiencing. More subtle forms of poltergeist activity involve micro-effects
whereby the agent mentally, though unconsciously, affects the functioning of
technology (these are effects that occur throughout our lives). It is now known
that technology such as watches, computers, telephones, photocopiers, etc.
are apparently susceptible to PK. Similar to the large scale poltergeist effects,
these micro-effects appear to be a form of stress-relief or a reflection of the
mood of the agent, and the type of effect is often a clue as to the nature of the

Practical Problem Solving: Since poltergeist cases have psychological stress and
emotional dynamics at their core, investigations involve detailed observation of
the human interaction present in such cases. All family members or co-workers
are interviewed separately and en masse in order to assess the nature of the
disturbances and the emotional interplay. Many personal questions are asked,
and in some cases, medical information may be requested. Patterns in the
disturbances are noted and participants may be asked to re-enact scenes when
the disturbances occurred. Because the investigation may alter the emotional
dynamics, leading to difficulty in finding the agent, on some case the
investigator(s) may request an extended stay on the premises in hopes that the
dynamics return to their usual state. Throughout the study, “normal”
disturbances are separated from those that may be “paranormal.” Often the
participants believe the disturbances to be the result of a ghost or outside
entity. Because stressful emotional dynamics are at the core of such cases, this
“ghost” is used as a scapegoat for the occurrences and even for the events or
issues that are causing the stress in the first place. In addition, people are often
more sensitive to anything out of the ordinary in the environment during such
situations. In many cases, participants may misinterpret overlooked physical
occurrences with normal, though not obvious, normal explanations. Finally,
because there is often a ghostly scapegoat to blame, there may be a mixture of
real RSPK events with intentionally caused disturbances surreptitiously carried
out by the agent and/or other participants. A lot can be done in the name of
stress relief when there’s a ghost present to take the blame. In cases such as
this, the intentional disturbances are not generally an attempt to dupe the
investigator, but are rather directed at other members of the family or group as
a more “normal” form of stress relief. Such non-malicious fraud can make a
poltergeist investigation very challenging. At worst, such “mixed” cases may be
dismissed as normal when paranormal elements are actually present. The
stress inherent in a poltergeist case, as well as the stress caused by one, does
make counseling very important. Not only the agent, but all participants can
benefit from individual or group counseling. Poltergeist activity tends to stop
when the stress is identified, addressed or released, or when the stressful
situation itself is identified, altered or ended. Poltergeist activity also tends to
stop when the agent realizes he or she is responsible for the phenomena (and
especially if the agent accepts responsibility for it). One the activity has ceased,
follow-up therapeutic work may be crucial in order to help resolve the
underlying causes of the poltergeist outbreak. Finally, for the poltergeist agent,
there always exists the potential for learning to focus and apply this
psychokinetic ability in positive ways.”

Well, I knew that all I wanted was to control my output, not suppress it. So I
applied all my esoteric knowledge I had learned in the last 10 years and began
to try to “PUSH.”

AND finally…. I did it. Not by accident though. By applying the ancient
breathing method used by eastern taoists and many others- Ida and Pingala
breathing (swara yoga, many different names). With PK, the “exhale” breath is
a push, the “inhale” is a pull. I knew I was ready for this and practiced the
teachings fiercely. By believing I could do it I changed my reality to being able
to do it. I not only believed it, I EXPECTED it to happen, WILLED it to happen.
And that is the key.

"When the posture has been conquered, then this motion is to be broken and
controlled, and thus we come to pranayama; the controlling of the vital forces
of the body. Prana is not breath, though it is usually so translated. It is the sum
total of the cosmic energy. It is the energy that is in each body, and its most
apparent manifestation is the motion of the lungs. This motion is caused by
prana drawing in the breath, and is what we seek to control in pranayama. We
begin by controlling the breath, as the easiest way of getting control of the
prana." -Alice Bailey, The Light of the Soul.
There is ONE SINGLE REASON most known for any person not being able to do
it: FEAR.

If you have one shred of fear in your heart when you try this (and it happened
to me at first) the object will never move. If you remove the fear and replace it
with courage I guarantee this will never fail you.

I would also like to note that I spent a very LONG time suppressing my
emotions with Marijuana. Marijuana was my emotional crutch for a long time,
and I have noticed my PK abilities went crazy every time I was forced to "run
out" or go without smoking. This was because I was keeping myself calm and
my inner emotions suppressed through smoking weed. I know you will all hate
to hear this but if you plan on being serious about learning PK, you have to be
able to fully feel your emotions and for me, that means NOT smoking
marijuana. Marijuana is GREAT for LOTS of things but in my experience, not PK.
Any power which is channeled through emotions, for me is impeded when I

I say, try it and see if you agree or not :)

CHAPTER 7 - Symbols and seals in energy work.

Reiki level two consists of mostly your level 2 attunement and learning how to
send reiki over distance in other words reiki on a person/area not in front of
you; past, present or future. The symbols learned in reiki 2 are to assist in this.

We are going to focus on and learn these 4 primary reiki symbols and their
meanings. You will draw these on palms, in air, on clients, pictures or mentally.
Reiki symbols are basically Sanskrit derived Japanese forms that help improve
the flow of Life Force Energy.

1) POWER/FOCUS - Cho Ku Rei.

Seal on solar plexus after a healing, use it to clear a room prior to treatment.
Draw in four directions and on each chakra. Draw on your palms before

"Cho Ku Rei, which is considered one of the first symbols used in Usui Reiki
essentially means “Placing all the powers of the universe here”. The Reiki
power symbol basically works as a “switch” that helps to instantly increase
Reiki practitioner’s ability to channel the energies. The main purpose of using it
is to enhance the power of Reiki and draw the energy around and concentrate
it on the required purpose. The power symbol looks like a coil. The symbol can
be drawn in both counter and spiral clockwise directions. Some Reiki masters
draw it counter clockwise when applied in areas or places where there is excess
energy – but others believe that the Reiki energy always works for the highest
good and there is no need for us to try to influence it by telling it what to do." -

2)Mental/Emotional Healing- Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen.

Used for healing mental/emotional issues. With this symbol you can send
healing energy anytime, anywhere, past, present or future. For healing
traumas, deaths, sending energy to a crisis area, etc.
Distance is no barrier to Reiki, and this symbol, which means ‘having no
present, past or future’ is essentially used for absentee healing and to send
Reiki energy across time and space.

Heal the Past: Sending Reiki in the past helps heal “old wounds” that may be
affecting you in the present. It will not change the events, as past things cannot
be changed; but sending Reiki to the past helps reframe the experience as part
of learning process, and it helps heal the pain and move on with your life.
Enhance Future Conditions: Using the distance healing symbol for the future
helps in storing the Reiki energy like a battery to be accessed at a time when
you require it. Sending Reiki ahead of time for doctor’s appointments,
interviews, examinations, workshops, or traveling will help you adjust to the
unforeseen circumstances of the future and keep an open and optimistic
mindset. To Heal across Time and Space: The Reiki distance healing symbol’s
primary use is to send healing energy across a room, town, to different parts of
your country or just anywhere in the world. To heal people that are not
present. It is otherwise called the “absent healing” symbol sometimes.

3) Balance & Harmony - Sei Hei Ki.

Used for bringing balance and harmony to a client, area, etc. Mental/emotional
balance. You can visualize or use a picture sealing this. I find bringing the seal
into physicality, drawing on a picture on writing the intention on paper.
This symbol acts on a person’s conscious mind (the mental body) and
subconscious mind (emotional body), and is used primarily for emotional and
mental healing, clearing, purification, protection and balancing. Sometimes it’s
also called the Protection Symbol, because of the role it plays in providing

Most of our ailments are caused by mental and emotional imbalance in our
bodies. The use of the emotional healing symbol helps in bringing the problem
to the surface and liberates emotional and mental issues that cause the
problem. This symbol also aids in balancing the left and right side of the brain
and promotes peace and harmony. It can be used to draw gentle and subtle
energies required to ease the feelings of sorrow or suffering.

4)Positive influence/Great Bright Light -

Dai Koo Myo. This is a seal used on areas and clients in need of general positive
influence either mentally or emotionally. As you can imagine using these
together can be quite beneficial.

The Dai Ko Myo in Usui Reiki is known as the “Master” symbol. It is one of the
most powerful symbols in Reiki that can be used only by Reiki Masters. The
power of the Reiki Master symbol combines the power of the first three
symbols, Cho Ku Rei, Sei He Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. The Dai Ko Myo is the
symbol with the highest vibration and is therefore most transformative at the
spiritual level. Using this symbol helps enhance the healing of the soul as the
energies are sent to the more subtle layers of the aura and upper chakras.
When the spiritual soul is healed, the mental and physical get healed
automatically. The Dai Ko Myo symbol also helps heal our karma. Also known as
“all purpose healing” symbol and “empowerment” symbol, this Reiki symbol
represents all that is Reiki, including personal empowerment and love. Reiki
practitioners at all levels receive the master symbol from their Reiki teacher
during the attunement.

When the individual symbols of the Reiki mater symbol are translated, it
symbolizes the energy it carries. While “Dai” means great or big and “Ko”
means smooth or glossy, the word “Myo” means bright light. The symbol also
translated to evident or clear and is a verb for knowing or understanding. The
Dai Ko Myo basically means “Great Enlightenment” or “Bright Shining Light”.
This Reiki symbol represents inner knowledge, truth and enlightenment.

Lots of people like using stones, crystals or orgone with these symbols in them
for reiki healing.

In the addition of traditional reiki symbols which you should memorize, I'm
adding more on how you can use symbols in general in energy work. This is
where reiki meets the occult.
Other symbols to use and how to use them:

Antakarana by Yshatar –

"The building of the antakarana

is like laying a cable or bridge

between three great countries (personality, soul, monad)."

The antakarana is the thread that is usually spoken of that the disciple creates
through meditation, understanding, spiritual practices, and specific focalized
spiritual work to create the thread, and later cord of energy. The disciple does
receive help from the soul and later the monad in this process, however, the
first half of the work must be done by the disciple. This process reaches a total
completion at the fourth initiation when the soul body or causal body, which
stores all the virtue and good karma, burns up. Then the fire of the monad
pours down the antakarana to the soul , who has been the mediator between
the personality and monad, returns to the monad. The soul or higher self is no
longer needed and has merged back into the monad so all that is left is the soul
infused personality and the monad who is now the guide. It is also at this point
that the sutratma, consciousness cord, and the antakarana have merged
together, just as the monad, soul and personality have merged together. This
results in the immortality of the physical form. Just as God, Christ, and the Holy
Spirit are three minds that function as one, we are three minds, monad, soul,
and personality, that function as one. The microcosm is like the macrocosm.
Spirit and matter, Father and Mother have merged.

The antakarana has been the bridge of light or the lighted way, in which the
disciple has passed to the higher worlds. It is through this bridge and lighted
way that he has attained liberation and ascension. This integration has also
helped to bridge the Shamballa consciousness, Hierarchical consciousness, and
human consciousness. Shamballa consciousness relates to the monad and the
will aspect. Hierarchical consciousness relates to the soul and love aspect.
Human consciousness relates to the personality and the intelligence aspect.

The master, at achieving this integration, has also helped to build the planetary
antakarana. This is the antakarana for the entire earth and humanity as a
whole. Each soul extension on earth builds one thread of the planetary
antakarana, which makes this whole process easier for the ones that follow us.

The Vitruvian Man/Pentagram -

The pentagram has a long history with being used for protection and magick.
Cornelius Agrippa summarizes it, their use was to "fore-know all future things,
& command whole nature, have power over devils, and Angels, and do
miracles." Agrippa attributes Moses' feats of magic in part to his knowledge of
various pentacles.

Without getting into ritual usage I will say that engraving a pentagram into
crystals, boxes, pictures, skin (tattoos) and other means are effective ways of
using the pentagram in energy work. The hexagram I have tattooed on myself
(the star/seal of Thelema) serves as an added energy seal in my reiki work. I
have since added the seven pointed seal on the other side to increase energy
channeling in both my arms. I've had all sorts of funny people try to tell me my
tattoos are either satanic, evil, or a violation of my body. People believe all
sorts of things about tattoos and pentagrams/hexagrams, you just have to not
care and laugh when they try to convince you of their theories. These people
typically have no idea what these symbols are actually used for and their
opinions come from biased, misinformative internet articles about the
Illuminati. You just have to laugh and tell them to actually read Clavicula
Salomonis or the other books on the subject.

Metatron's Cube/Star of David -

This subject on the protectiveness of the star of David/Metatrons Cube is multi-
dimensional. One of the sacred aspects of sacred geometry is the sacred
secrets of three dimensional seals is of ancient Egypt. Our understanding of the
star tetrahedron is actually derived from them, (it is believed they learned it
from Atlantis teachings). In one dimension you have the star of David, in two
you have the Merkaba, and in three you have the star tetrahedron.

There is a 6th mystical shape, also found within Metatron’s cube. This is the
star tetrahedron, made up of 2 tetrahedrons. This powerful shape is also called
a Merkaba. It is basically a 3 dimensional Star of David. It contains within it the
geometry of the cube, the octahedron and the tetrahedron. The word
Merkaba, in ancient Egyptian, is translated as MER: rotating fields of light, KA:
spirit, and BA: soul and in Hebrew it means 'chariot'.

I use Metatron's cube in my orgone with crystal grids, and in circular seals I
make from black sun orgone. I use crystal merkabas in the tips of orgone
pyramids. The crystals like to be in perfect alignment and work better that way.
Sacred geometry gives intent to the orgone device, can be used as protection
(as a tattoo) or traced on mentally in energy work.

Metatron's Cube:

Metatron's Cube/Flower of life

Star Tetrahedron:

& thank you to Drunvalo Melchizedek these images shared publicly are from his
Eye of Ra - The Eye of Horus is an ancient Egyptian symbol of protection, royal
power and good health. It is also known as the eye of Ra. Ancient Egyptian and
Near Eastern sailors would frequently paint the symbol on the bow of their
vessel to ensure safe sea travel.

Using this in energy work would imply the same technique as above. Drawing
mentally, or physically on paper or a picture of the person in need.

Different parts of the Eye of Horus were thought to be used by the ancient
Egyptians to represent one divided by the first six powers of two:

The right side of the eye = 1/2

The pupil = 1/4

The eyebrow = 1/8

The left side of the eye = 1/16

The curved tail = 1/32

The teardrop = 1/64

The Rhind Mathematical Papyrus contains tables of 'Horus Eye Fractions'

From Reiki for dummies for comparison:

A symbol respresents an idea being conveyed. A complex symbol
represents MANY ideas being conveyed through one image. Feel free to
make your own symbols and charge them with thought and intention.

Chapter 8 - Samskaras
This chapter deserves to be a little lengthy. Samskaras tie into everything we
have learned about so far and you have heard them mentioned in this book.
What IS a sanskara?

"Before the soul can see, the harmony within must be attained, and fleshly
eyes be rendered blind to all illusion.

Before the soul can hear, the image (Man) has to become as deaf to roarings as
to whispers, to cries of bellowing elephants as to the silvery buzzing of the
golden fire-fly.

Before the soul can comprehend and may remember, she must unto the silent
speaker be united, just as the form to which the clay is modeled is first united
with the potter's mind.

For then the soul will hear, and will remember.

And then to the inner ear will speak the voice of the silence.”



Sanskaras or samskaras (Sanskrit: ससंस्कप्रार) has several context driven

meanings in Hinduism. One of these is "mental impression, recollection,
psychological imprint" and this meaning is the basis for its use in Hindu
philosophies, particularly in the development of its karma theory.[1][2]

According to various schools of Hindu philosophies, every action, intent or

preparation by an individual leaves a sanskara (impression, impact, imprint) in
the deeper structure of his or her mind.[2] These impressions then await
volitional fruition in that individual's future, in the form of hidden
expectations, circumstances or unconscious sense of self-worth. These
Sanskaras manifest as tendency, karmic impulse, subliminal impression,
habitual potency or innate dispositions.[2][3] The theory of Sanskara has also
been used, in ancient Indian texts, to develop explanations for how and why
human beings remember anything, and the impact these memories have on his
sense of suffering, happiness and contentness.[2][4]

Actions, studies, diligent preparation and inner resolutions trigger Sanskaras –

hidden impressions or dispositions – in the psyche of an individual, and these
influence how the individual acts, perceives self and the manner in which the
individual responds or accepts the karmic circumstances and the future.[4] Ian
Whicher explains that, in the philosophical theories of Hinduism, every karma
(action, intent) leaves a sanskara (impression, impact, imprint) in the deeper
structure of human mind.[2] This impression then awaits volitional fruition, in
the form of hidden expectations, circumstances or unconscious sense of self-
worth. It manifests as tendency, karmic impulse, subliminal impression,
habitual potency or innate dispositions.[2][7][8]
Sanskara is a significant concept across major schools of Hindu philosophy as
well as Buddhism and Jainism.[9] The Hindu schools differ in the details, but all
posit that sanskara are formed in every individual by a number of ways. This
includes perceptions (what one sees, hears, touches, tastes, smells), chitta
cognition (what one feels and thinks), willful actions, and also intentions before
and during the action.[9] Training and study, in these schools, is a form of
exposition, introspective realization and in many cases practice or repetition to
make the "impression, imprint" part of one's nature, where the practice
reinforces the dispositions (sanskara) and dispositions reinforce the practice, in
a circular feedback.[4] Scholars state that this aspect of Sanskara theory of
Hinduism is similar to that of David Hume's "impressions" theory.[9][10][11]
The Hindu schools rely on sanskara theory as one of the pillars for their
epistemology (pramana), wherein they explain how and why man's knows
anything, remembers anything, expects anything, feels fulfillment, feels
frustration, feels freedom and joy, or feels suffering and pain.[4] Sanskara are
the impressions and dispositions that develop and accumulate deep inside a
person, according to these schools, from perception, inference, choices,
preparation, practice, interaction with others, thoughts, intent, willful actions
and such karma. These manifest, state Hindu philosophies, as habits, behavior,
tendencies, psychological predispositions and dispositions.[4][9]

The schools of Indian philosophy differ on the specific mechanisms about how
sanskara operates at the subconscious level. For example, Buddhism considers
sanskara as "causal continua" while being consistent with its "there is no self,
no soul" premise, whereas the Vedic traditions within Hinduism consider
sanskara as "relational properties" (an impression, mark, impulse, tendency or
a form of psychological potential energy within) that rests inside the "self, soul"
of every person.[9] In Yoga, Vedanta and Nyaya schools of Hinduism, sanskara
constitute an affective and motivational field that contributes to the value
structure within the person. They subconsciously or consciously endorse the
basic inner drives that propel a human being in future action, future premises,
future thoughts or future judgments.[9][12] Das states that the Sanskara rites
of passage is a subset of actions in a human being's life, where going through
the rite within the traditions of Hinduism, affects the individual internally as
well as externally in how society perceives the person.[13] This occurs in the
form of impressions and imprint within, that is sanskara.

-Source Wiki

I have studied many different viewpoints on samkaras and any energy worker
who wants to truly help a client would do well to learn how to deal with
samskaras and how they are directly linked to chakra blockages.

Sometimes when you are working on a client you get to a certain chakra, for
most people I have worked with this occurs from solar plexus to heart chakra,
and you feel a blockage that makes you unable to move on. Most people are
familiar with the term "guarding your heart" and a chakra blockage here is
evidence of that. Think of Pink Floyd's "the Wall" to paint a perfect picture of
blockages. Heart blockages especially keep a person from being able to connect
at heart level to form relationships. Behind the blockage are "the bricks in the
wall" or instances of betrayals, being heartbroken in past relationships, and all
instances of having your heart hurt. Sometimes the samskaras from past lives
manifest in this life in a new experience, the experience gives the person a
chance to do it over and heal, though of course many people continue to
repeat past mistakes and it is hard to break the chain, but working through
samskaras can help you.

Another common blockage is in the throat. Throat blockages prevent one from
communicating. The person is unable to communicate, find words, is
uncomfortable talking and expressing themselves. These typically happen after
the person has either grown up in a home where they had no voice or later in
life experienced something that made them afraid/unable to communicate.
Stuttering and non-responsiveness can be evidence of a throat blockage.

When I was first "waking up" I had many many blockages to work through. My
medium Lauri worked with me on my solar plexus issues which stemmed from
my self-hate and body image. My heart chakra was beyond boarded up, and my
throat chakra was so blocked that my husband was getting REALLY mad at me
because he used to ask me a question and then yell at me for taking 10 minutes
to "find" a reply. I felt like I was constantly being criticized, even if it wasn’t true
and I just had become afraid to speak, especially because I was still developing
a filter between brain and mouth. The truth was, my criticalness of myself was
more of a problem then my blocked heart. I have convinced myself every time I
have been hurt, eventually to again, take the leap of faith that is love. My
whole awakening has been breaking through these blockages, and more than
just learning to open my heart for another, I have been learning to love myself,
which still needs work and I know that.
Love brings you out of the "protectiveness and sexuality" that is the first 2/3
chakras. Love connects you at the heart and opens you up. Love for the self
ables you to communicate and love for yourself allows you to know you are
smart enough to be successful at whatever you dream. Loving yourself makes
all the difference in the world.

I offer my journey through my chakra blockages to all you so you can know, you
are not alone, and you are NOT damned to therapy or medication to mask your
real issues for the rest of your life. I have certainly been through my share of
hell (See my book, the Starseed Conspiracy) but I would never give in and be a
shell hiding under meds and therapy the rest of my life. I will never be defeated
by the tests life has given me to make me grow. I can't give up, it's not in my
nature. BUT the amount of people taking fluoride pills, I mean Prozac, etc to
deal with their daily lives is ASTOUNDING.

At the same time, like I said, there's a whole culture of people who LIKE and
WANT to play the victim in their lives. They DO NOT want to help themselves,
are like energy vampires, and constantly drain everyone around them. They
play the pity party, blame others for their actions and consequences, and have
NO intentions of taking the responsibility for their lives, health or well-being.
Co-dependent people can very much be this way. Not all, but the severe cases
rely on others for happiness, comfort, support, company, ect. These people are
typically uncomfortable being alone, seek constant companionship, call others
to complain about their lives, and expect everyone around them to help them
all the time. They post or talk about how miserable they are and never take
advice or action to change. You can tell these people a mile away because you
feel drained after talking or being around them, or like you've been beating
your head against a wall.
I have a friend like this I have been working with for quite some time. He is new
to the New Age circle and writes a lot of melancholy posts. He constantly
complains about things, will not take advice or change anything. You can't
recommend him a book because if it has, or seems like it has any sort of
"religious" connotation, he is uncomfortable and put off by it and will not read
or be open minded to it.
As a certified reiki instructor, when I read him, I see major blockages in the
lower chakras. Particularly root/sacral. In this state, a person is at their most
blocked point, because they cannot even get out of the protection/sexual
chakras. This doesn't mean they are obsessed with sex either, it can be over-
focused on sex OR completly non interested, as well as general closed-
mindedness (inability to conquer mental fears) and leading to solar plexus
issues like general self worthlessness, low self esteem, and body issues. He is at
a point where he must discover for himself how to save himself.

You cannot help these people, indeed no one and nothing can. They must save
themselves and you can't do it for them.

Even if you are one of these people, you can make the change by consciously
wanting to. WILLING yourself to, wanting to, consciously changing your MIND.
It is most important to NOT victimize yourself.

The only time I have even referred to myself as a victim in the last few years is
when I talk about how I survived sexual abuse. Yes, I was a victim of sexual
abuse as a teenager, it led to many of my blockages and problems, which I had
to work through. The point is, I had been diagnosed with severe depression,
severe PTSD, and was sentenced to a life's worth of therapy and medications. I
was a victim, but I am not anymore, nor will I ever be again. You may be a
victim now, but taking control and dealing with samskaras, you can be in
control of your well-being again.

When you practice energy work for a few years you begin to see it, like I had
mentioned earlier, but you also, upon opening your third eye, see other people
in a whole new light. You can see auras and energy imbalances. You can see
where their blockages are. It gives a new level to the saying "Be kind, for
everyone you meet fights a hard battle." I try to be tolerant to others, and
follow the golden rule. I treat others however, with the respect they give me. If
you're an asshole to me, chances are you are going to get the same treatment.
If you treat me as an equal, I will do the same. The point still is, as I said in "the
Starseed Conspiracy" it's like putting on the glasses from "They Live" and
everyone is different. I have seen people overshadowed by "monsters" and
people so blocked when they state opinions which oppose common sense or
reason, I am not surprised. They are literally blocked from critical thinking.
Sometimes it happens as a result of the pineal gland getting calcified from
fluoridated products, which blocks critical thinking and causes blockages as well
as keeping people from processing samskaras. The good news is that you can
decalcify the pineal gland, which I have gone over.

When you are ready to clear these out (which is a prime technique in
crystallizing 12 strand DNA)I feel you should be prepared so I will tell you what
you are getting into. All this talk about samskaras and what does it mean to
clear them out?

Have you ever been trying to meditate and certain conversations or instances
and experiences play out in your head? It's like they are on repeat? When
undealt with these samskaras can work their way into your dream world. You
mind bringing them up is trying to help you work through the unresolved
experience. To spend an hour or two clearing out samskaras is WORK and it is
very relieving. You will cry, laugh and learn.

If you have been unable to move your kundelini energy up and cycle through
your crown, you have a blockage, or several. You should literally be able to feel
it like an orgasm rolling up through your body, if you can only move it to a
certain chakra, that is where your block is.

Technique - What's your blockage?

Move your kundelini energy up as far as you can, you may get nowhere at first
(indicating lower chakra blockages) or up to your heart, or throat. You may get
to your third eye and find all you have to work on is your 3rd eye and crown. If
you do, then continue to meditate and feel the energy pulsing and opening
your third eye. This can feel tingly, or like pressure, people have reported
different things, I got the tingley feeling with pulsing. At this point what you
learn and experience will open up new truths and light for you.
Don't focus too much on what chakra you are stuck on, feel the energy in that
chakra in that chakra filling up. This time let the first experience that comes
play out in your head. Think about why it bothers you. BE HONEST WITH
YOURSELF. Reflect on this experience til you make peace with it as a learning or
growing experience.
This will be incredible emotional, things you may have dismissed as minute may
come up to be resolved. Every person I have ever helped through a session has
cried, and I have cried doing my own. In fact, the art of "crying over someone"
or "something" is a way of making peace with a samskara.

When you are done with the first one, you can try again. Move the energy up.
You may have a different experience in the same chakra to clear out. You may
have several. Keep going til you can move it all the way up and cycle it through
your crown. Like I stated first, it can take hours to do all. If you'd rather, try and
do it a few times a week (like people do therapy) and just clear out one or two,
whatever you can manage.

Indeed, this is REAL therapy for the self. It costs nothing but your time.

Sometimes what you see in a past life is a reflection of where a samskara began
or continued, and you seeing it is so that you can identify it, and heal from it in
this life. These samskaras can manifest physically in this life again, and again in
the next if undealt with. Same people, different times until healed.

Sometimes these samskaras, impressions, are people "fated" into our lives we
have a deeper connection with. Soul mates and friends, brothers and sisters. I
have seen my husband in my past lives, and I've seen lives where one of us
screwed up and we ended up with different people. Throughout time and
space though we keep finding each other. My cousin has been my sister in
different lives and we continue to play an important role in each other's lives.

"So long as the roots (or samskaras) exist, their fruition will be birth, life, and
experiences resulting in pleasure or pain.

These seeds (or samskaras) produce pleasure or pain according as their

originating cause was good or evil.

These are the five wrong ideas or concepts which for aeons of time and
throughout many lives, prevent the sons of men from realizing that they are
sons of God. It is these concepts which lead men to identify themselves with
that which is lower and material, and to forget the divine realities. It is these
misconceptions which make a prodigal son of the divine Monad, and which
send him forth into the far country to eat of the husks of mortal existence. It is
these which must be overcome and eliminated before a man can "lift up his
eyes" and see again the vision of the Father and the Father's Home and so be
enabled to tread consciously the Path of return.

It might be pointed out that two of the hindrances, avidya(ignorance) and

sense of personality, relate to man, the synthesis upon the physical plane, that
desire has relation to his astral body or vehicle of feeling, and that hate and a
sense of attachment are products of the sense of egoism (the ahamkara
principle) which animate the mental body. Thus the threefold personality is the
field for the seeds and in the soil of the personal life in the three worlds do
these seeds propagate and flourish and grow up to obstruct and hinder the real
man. These seeds must be destroyed, and in their destruction three things

1. Karma is worked off,

2. Liberation is achieved,

3. The vision of the soul is perfected.

-The Light of the Soul, Alice Bailey

Once you have healed you samskaras, you can take charge using the "Law of
Attraction" to manifest your life the way you will, in harmony with the
body/mind/soul and fixing your karma.

Once you heal yourself, you can then go on to help others who seek to help
CHAPTER 9 - Neutrality
I am writing an entire chapter of this book devoted to the subject of neutrality,
because I am disappointed in the New Age movement's cult followers who run
blind toward the light forgoing rational judgment and reason.

Too often I come across one extreme or the other: the religious who believe
the New Age movement is a trap to get us all worshipping one religion under
the New World Order OR New Age people spouting nonsense that is received
by the masses who believe it and THEN think that everyone else who doesn’t
believe it is either wrong or satanic. Which is funny, because as a person who
has neutrally researched both sides, Satanists are completely obsessed and
devoted to the ego. The Satanic Bible is (from my own studies and
understanding) a teaching of how to be a Black Brother in full service to one's
self and Ego. These people don't know it, but when you run toward the light
WITHOUT ego teachings, you end up controlled by and driven by your ego,
therefore becoming what they claim to protest. Ego teachings are the MOST
important teachings ANY esoteric student SHOULD learn BEFORE running and
reaching for the light. Ego teachings help to learn motive and discernment, for
yourself and when you begin reading the wealth of material out there
available. Anyone who claims to have all the answers or all the "right" ones,
probably doesn't. Those who knew less have said more and those who have
known more have said less.

"Where the lips of Hermes are closed, what mortal may DARE to teach?"

MANY esoteric teachers have stated the IMPORTANCE of remaining neutral and
for good reason.

"8. Hate is aversion for any object of the senses. This sutra is the reverse of the
preceding one. The true yogi neither feels aversion or desire. He is balanced
between these pairs of opposites. Hate causes separation, whereas love
reveals the unity underlying all forms. Hate is the result of concentration upon
form and of a forgetfulness of that which every form (in more or less degree)
reveals; hate is the feeling of repulsion and leads to a withdrawal of the man
from the object hated; hate is the reverse of brotherhood and therefore is the
breaking of one of the basic laws of the solar system. Hate negates unity,
causes barriers to be built and produces those causes which lead to
crystallization, destruction and death. It is energy used to repudiate instead of
to synthesize and therefore runs counter to the law of evolution. Hate is really
the result of the sense of personality and of ignorance plus misapplied desire.
It is almost the culmination of the other three. It was the sense of personality
and of extreme ignorance coupled with desire for personal gain which
produced hatred of Abel in the heart of Cain and caused the first murder, or the
destruction of a brother's form. This should be carefully considered, for hate in
some degree, aversion to some extent, is present in every human heart. Only,
however, when it is entirely overcome by love or the sense of unity will death,
danger and fear pass out of the ken of the human family."

-The Light of the Soul, Alice Bailey 1927

"The Principle of Rhythm is well understood by modern science, and is

considered a universal law as applied to material things. But the Hermetists
carry the principle much further, and know that its manifestations and
influence extend to the mental activities of Man, and that it accounts for the
bewildering succession of moods, feelings and other annoying and perplexing
changes that we notice in ourselves. But the Hermetists by studying the
operations of this Principle have learned to escape some of its activities by

The Hermetic Masters long since discovered that while the Principle of Rhythm
was invariable, and ever in evidence in mental phenomena, still there were two
planes of its manifestation so far as mental phenomena are concerned. They
discovered that there were two general planes of Consciousness, the Lower
and the Higher, the understanding of which fact enabled them to rise to the
higher plane and thus escape the swing of the Rhythmic pendulum which
manifested on the lower plane. In other words, the swing of the pendulum
occurred on the Unconscious Plane, and the Consciousness was not affected.
This they call the Law of Neutralization. Its operations consist in the raising of
the Ego above the vibrations of the Unconscious Plane of mental activity, so
that the negative-swing of the pendulum is not manifested in consciousness,
and therefore they are not affected. It is akin to rising above a thing and letting
it pass beneath you. The Hermetic Master, or advanced student, polarizes
himself at the desired pole, and by a process akin to "refusing" to participate in
the backward swing, or, if you prefer, a "denial" of its influence over him, he
stands firm in his polarized position, and allows the mental pendulum to swing
back along the unconscious plane. All individuals who have attained any degree
of self-mastery, accomplish this, more or less unknowingly, and by refusing to
allow their moods and negative mental states to affect them, they apply the
Law of Neutralization. The Master, however, carries this to a much higher
degree of proficiency, and by the use of his Will he attains a degree of Poise
and Mental Firmness almost impossible for belief on the part of those who
allow themselves to be swung backward and forward by the mental pendulum
of moods and feelings.

The importance of this will be appreciated by any thinking person who realizes
what creatures of moods, feelings and emotion the majority of people are, and
how little mastery of themselves they manifest. If you will stop and consider a
moment, you will realize how much these swings of Rhythm have affected you
in your life-how a period of Enthusiasm has been invariably followed by an
opposite feeling and mood of Depression. Likewise, your moods and periods of
Courage have been succeeded by equal moods of Fear. And so it has ever been
with the majority of persons-tides of feeling have ever risen and fallen with
them, but they have never suspected the cause or reason of the mental
phenomena. An understanding of the workings of this Principle will give on the
key to the Mastery of these rhythmic swing of feeling, and will enable him to
know himself better and to avoid being carried away by these inflows and
outflows. The Will is superior to the conscious manifestation of this Principle,
although the Principle itself can never be destroyed. We may escape its effects,
but the Principle operates, nevertheless. The pendulum ever swings, although
we may escape being carried along with it."

Chapter 11, Rhythm, The Kybalion by Three Initiates

On the Ego and Neutrality:

You have heard me state that to cross the "abyss" one must cast away the ego.
As a proper hermetic student, it's now time to re-evaluate that question with
all the knowledge we have examined.

To quote a good friend and mentor of mine, Rev. Todd Drew from his
presentation "The Pelican and You Can Too" available to watch the full version
on youtube at his channel Aleph Garden:
"We always hear these gurus claiming to lose the ego, why do these people
have such big egos? These people have egos so big they are household names
which live on long after their passing." If you see the Buddha on the road, kill it;
for the Buddha is within you."
A deflated ego is just as much as a problem as an over-inflated one. An over-
inflated ego will intentionally demand that you remain dependent on them and
keep you small, a deflated ego will attach to the big ego and demand the big
pelican stay big while the small pelicans stay small, remaining small pelicans;
and often times will find themselves resenting the big ego, they cannot
understand why they are not as successful. This leads back to my original
question (a post from a friend's facebook) titled: Why haters hate. The key
then, is to find the middle way between the extremes of a deflated and
overinflated ego so that the next time we hear a guru say "lose the ego, kill the
ego" we may ask ourselves.... is it that they want *us* to let go of their ego?"

I believe Todd has exposed a part of subject which deserves more attention and
explanation. My question to him after was, is this development of the
"balanced ego" synonymous with the "divine ego" which transcends the
"altered ego." The divine ego is one with "unity consciousness" and the altered
ego is one with duality.

Susan Shumsky describes the taming of the ego in her book "Ascension :
Connecting with the Immortal Beings and Masters of Light." What she calls
"The Beam" is equivalent to the energy strand technique I have included in the
previous chapters, except she connects to the center of the universe. She says,
"Even though a part of us wants to move toward God and be one with God, a
part of us does not. That is what we might call the ego or the mortal self with
it's primal human impulse. So I suggest you take short periods practicing "The
Beam." Choose to be done, or free of ego for just five minutes. Give yourself
permission to be less then perfect again in a few minutes. That makes your ego
feel safer and less afraid. By doing this enough times, your ego learns it is not
so bad on the other side. A habit of letting go begins to grow. You unclench
your fingers from your weakness and limitations, and are drawn to God's
presence, like a magnet. There is no more struggle - or at least a manageable

As a teenager, in my senior year I was exposed to my first teachings on the ego,

the id, and the superego. I'll admit much was over my 17 year old head but a
lot of it stuck enough to blossom the seeds into fruition later on. When I
became less afraid to explore the idea that having an ego was okay I brushed
up on my knowledge of the ego, id and super ego. For me, as Todd would say "a
veil was lifted" and my control over my mental processes because clearer and
easier. I suddenly identified when I was criticizing myself or others, trying to
inflate my ego, or deflate it. I saw myself in a new light and had a totally
different level of control over my mental plane. Furthermore, I was able to see
through the veils of why I did things that to me, had been previously
unexplained; but I was also being honest with myself and not blaming anyone
or anything else. Sometimes being honest with yourself is the most adult
growing experience you can have.

Please study Frued's work on the subject but a basic definition of each will be
listed now:

Id: The id (Latin for "it")[3] is the unorganized part of the personality structure
that contains a human's basic, instinctual drives. Id is the only component of
personality that is present from birth.[4] It is the source of our bodily needs,
wants, desires, and impulses, particularly our sexual and aggressive drives. The
id contains the libido, which is the primary source of instinctual force that is
unresponsive to the demands of reality.[5] The id acts according to the
"pleasure principle"—the psychic force that motivates the tendency to seek
immediate gratification of any impulse[6]—defined as seeking to avoid pain or
unpleasure (not 'displeasure') aroused by increases in instinctual tension.[7]
According to Freud the id is unconscious by definition.

Ego: The ego (Latin "I")[16] acts according to the reality principle; i.e. it seeks to
please the id's drive in realistic ways that will benefit in the long term rather
than bring grief.[17] At the same time, Freud concedes that as the ego
"attempts to mediate between id and reality, it is often obliged to cloak the
Ucs. [Unconscious] commands of the id with its own Pcs. [ Preconscious ]
rationalizations, to conceal the id's conflicts with reality, to profess ... to be
taking notice of reality even when the id has remained rigid and
unyielding."[18] The reality principle that operates the ego is a regulating
mechanism that enables the individual to delay gratifying immediate needs and
function effectively in the real world. An example would be to resist the urge to
grab other people's belongings, but instead to purchase those items.[19]

The ego is the organized part of the personality structure that includes
defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions.
Conscious awareness resides in the ego, although not all of the operations of
the ego are conscious. Originally, Freud used the word ego to mean a sense of
self, but later revised it to mean a set of psychic functions such as judgment,
tolerance, reality testing, control, planning, defense, synthesis of information,
intellectual functioning, and memory.[1] The ego separates out what is real. It
helps us to organize our thoughts and make sense of them and the world
around us.[1] "The ego is that part of the id which has been modified by the
direct influence of the external world. ... The ego represents what may be
called reason and common sense, in contrast to the id, which contains the
passions ... in its relation to the id it is like a man on horseback, who has to hold
in check the superior strength of the horse; with this difference, that the rider
tries to do so with his own strength, while the ego uses borrowed forces."[20]
Still worse, "it serves three severe masters ... the external world, the super-ego
and the id."[18] Its task is to find a balance between primitive drives and reality
while satisfying the id and super-ego. Its main concern is with the individual's
safety and allows some of the id's desires to be expressed, but only when
consequences of these actions are marginal. "Thus the ego, driven by the id,
confined by the super-ego, repulsed by reality, struggles ... [in] bringing about
harmony among the forces and influences working in and upon it," and readily
"breaks out in anxiety—realistic anxiety regarding the external world, moral
anxiety regarding the super-ego, and neurotic anxiety regarding the strength of
the passions in the id."[21] It has to do its best to suit all three, thus is
constantly feeling hemmed by the danger of causing discontent on two other
sides. It is said, however, that the ego seems to be more loyal to the id,
preferring to gloss over the finer details of reality to minimize conflicts while
pretending to have a regard for reality. But the super-ego is constantly watching
every one of the ego's moves and punishes it with feelings of guilt, anxiety, and

To overcome this the ego employs defense mechanisms. The defense

mechanisms are not done so directly or consciously. They lessen the tension by
covering up our impulses that are threatening.[22] Ego defense mechanisms
are often used by the ego when id behavior conflicts with reality and either
society's morals, norms, and taboos or the individual's expectations as a result
of the internalization of these morals, norms, and their taboos.

Denial, displacement, intellectualisation, fantasy, compensation, projection,

rationalization, reaction formation, regression, repression, and sublimation
were the defense mechanisms Freud identified. However, his daughter Anna
Freud clarified and identified the concepts of undoing, suppression,
dissociation, idealization, identification, introjection, inversion, somatisation,
splitting, and substitution.

"The ego is not sharply separated from the id; its lower portion merges into
it.... But the repressed merges into the id as well, and is merely a part of it. The
repressed is only cut off sharply from the ego by the resistances of repression;
it can communicate with the ego through the id." (Sigmund Freud, 1923)

In a diagram of the Structural and Topographical Models of Mind, the ego is

depicted to be half in the consciousness, while a quarter is in the preconscious
and the other quarter lies in the unconscious.

In modern English, ego has many meanings. It could mean one’s self-esteem;
an inflated sense of self-worth; the conscious-thinking self;[23] or in
philosophical terms, one’s self. Ego development is known as the development
of multiple processes, cognitive function, defenses, and interpersonal skills or
to early adolescence when ego processes are emerged

Super Ego: The superego (German: Über-Ich)[24] reflects the internalization of

cultural rules, mainly taught by parents applying their guidance and influence.
[25] Freud developed his concept of the super-ego from an earlier combination
of the ego ideal and the "special psychical agency which performs the task of
seeing that narcissistic satisfaction from the ego ideal is ensured ... what we call
our 'conscience'."[26] For him "the installation of the super-ego can be
described as a successful instance of identification with the parental agency,"
while as development proceeds "the super-ego also takes on the influence of
those who have stepped into the place of parents — educators, teachers,
people chosen as ideal models."[27]

The super-ego aims for perfection.[22] It forms the organized part of the
personality structure, mainly but not entirely unconscious, that includes the
individual's ego ideals, spiritual goals, and the psychic agency (commonly called
"conscience") that criticizes and prohibits his or her drives, fantasies, feelings,
and actions. "The Super-ego can be thought of as a type of conscience that
punishes misbehavior with feelings of guilt. For example, for having extra-
marital affairs."[28] Taken in this sense, the super-ego is the precedent for the
conceptualization of the inner critic as it appears in contemporary therapies
such as IFS and Voice Dialogue.

The super-ego works in contradiction to the id. The super-ego strives to act in a
socially appropriate manner, whereas the id just wants instant self-gratification.
The super-ego controls our sense of right and wrong and guilt. It helps us fit
into society by getting us to act in socially acceptable ways.[1]

The super-ego's demands often oppose the id’s, so the ego sometimes has a
hard time in reconciling the two.
^^^From Robert Monroe’s research, whose books and research would be well
worth everyone’s time to read.

With study and meditation upon these ideas and symbols perhaps your mental
plane will become easier as well.

As someone once said "It is one thing to feel that you are on the right path, it is
something completely different to assume yours is the ONLY path."

Therefore, I have in two different chapters shown you different ideas and
theories in the process of attaining unity consciousness.
I will certainly add I have met mediums and highly enlightened people who
have never walked the path of killing the ego, yet have attained this unity
consciousness through these various methods of energy work. Through chakra
work alone they are able to "self-initiate" if you will, and reach the divine ego
or recognizing how we are all connected as fractals of the original Bornless
One, and the only thing that separates us as Todd so eloquently put in his
presentation "is that the ego makes me, me, and you, you. It separates me
from you." If you practice putting it aside as Susan Shumsky teaches, you find
that through revelations, we are all connected in a way unknown to those
trapped in duality consciousness. Mediums can "connect with you" and read
you because they can put their own ego aside to do so. They have not killed it,
just cast it aside temporarily. The point being, we ALL meet in the middle and
unify, with chakra energy work in common as our technology. My 9th grade
teacher Mr. Willoughby taught us that the definition of technology is tools and
skills. Chakra energy work is the technology of ascension. Freemasonry, OTO,
Kabbalah, gnosticism, new age starseed work, the Vril society, Buddhism, all at
their core revolve around chakra work. Absolutely all magick and energy work
has chakra work at it's core. It is the most important aspect to learn as a
student of hermeticism, the occult, an energy worker, or new age student.

As a hermetic student, open to both sides, I will now elaborate on what we

learned about "crossing the abyss" and "Killing the ego" and how it relates to
the divine ego.

Todd's presentation also got me thinking about how perhaps what is meant by
"crossing the abyss and killing the ego" is through the development of the
divine ego.

In OTO we have a ritual called the Bornless Ritual. It is done to obtain

communication with one's Holy Guardian Angel/Higher Self. During the ritual
your must use the goetia and call up/summon all 72 demons and basically get
them under your command with their true names. Just like all truths are veiled
in lies and symbolism, this is not half as satanic as it sounds. Carl Jung himself
realized that the 72 demons actually associated with the parts of the brain, and
in the process of "mastering these demons" one was actually mastering ones
own psyche and inner demons. This is the truth behind why every person's
"crossing of the abyss" and monster stories, etc are different. No one's demons
are going to be the same. At the end of this exhausting ritual you finally obtain
communication with the HGA if you "cast off the ego." I believe what develops
here is actually the "divine ego, as opposed to the alter ego and further
explains the idea behind the "black brothers." To attempt the ritual without the
proper ego teachings would surely result in failure.

This leads us back to where I began this chapter. Sometimes, being blinded by
the light (and ignorant of our own darkness) is our biggest detriment. It is so
important to proceed with balance, neutrality, and open-mindedness of every
subject. Always investigate both sides of every question and equation.

In the end, it is your decision, path and will to choose where energy work leads
you. I can safely say it's taken me on a lifelong journey I plan to continue for the
rest of my life. I hope one day I can open a reiki clinic to heal as well as teach
with what I have learned. If I am really lucky, people might remember me as
the Joseph Campbell of Energy Work.

Wherever you do go, go with an open mind.

CHAPTER 10 - Tantra
If you skipped to this chapter: no cheating, seriously go read the rest of the
book first.

I feel inclined to start this off with a story. One of my favorite things to do is, as
Aliester Crowley wrote "partake in strange drugs" and perform tantric magick
with my husband for the night til the sun comes up. I maybe get a babysitter
and do this a few times a year. I stay away from certain things, like you'd NEVER
see me with a crackpipe or a needle, but I like mind-expanding drugs in a safe
environment. In comparison, I know people who get babysitters to go to the
bar more than my twice a year endeavors. Justin recently found an article
about how lsd was being approved for couples therapy, and I laughed, he
laughed, we both knew why.

On this occasion I had some lsd. I was a few hours into connecting deeply with
Justin. When I connect with someone, I am able to play with the chakra,
kundelini energy inside. I can feel it with my hands and create immense
pleasure at my will.

While Justin and I were apart, I slept with someone who said to me something I
probably won't ever forget. He said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!?!?!?!?!"
Just like that. He said he could feel me inside of him, what I was doing. But the
funny part was that after it happened, I felt SO guilty about betraying Justin
that it is what caused me to lose my "powers" temporarily, and why I had to
regain them. I know now that I punished myself. I took them away because I
felt like I didn't deserve them. I got them back when I did. Thanks superego.

This is the instance I got them back fully, and I think of it as my experience with

Justin and I were connected to each other I was playing with his energy. Lsd is
important because on LSD you can bring yourself and stay at the brink of your
orgasm for ... as long as you can, which for me is up to an hour (my personal
record). Why would you WANT to? I shall tell you. Because the longer you can
stay there, the more you will see and experience spiritually. I had probably
1000 orgasms before this one, and I literally saw this revelation in that space. It
was all of a sudden black. Nothingness at it's core. And out of that blackness
were the Pyramids, all illuminated. Suddenly, all these things were unveiling
themselves. I witnessed the Earth God pierce the Sky Goddess, where
physicality met nothingness and material kissed the immaterial. I shall never be
the same. What was within was without, as it was above, so it was below, as it
was in Heaven, so it was on Earth. Suddenly, my hands were on freaking fire,
just like they felt before I punished myself. I was most pleased to wake up and
realize that I wasn't just "high" and I really could still feel it, and still can. I
unlocked it again. The most amazing part was that after Justin and I climaxed,
he said "So were you at the pyramids too?" He then indicated that he had
similar revelations and we had taken the journey together even though we
didn't know it till after we finished. I literally felt like I understood in that
moment why they call it in French "the little death."
After I experienced duality, Justin and I had mushroom tea one night and I
experienced the triad, or holy trinity.

In the middle of a four hour LSD power session Justin pushed me to some
extreme limit. My body writhed in pleasure demanding attention to the
physical, my mind was trying to rationalize and my soul was giving me glimpses
I was trying to focus on. Justin was drinking me, and drinking me, and drinking
me, I separated myself from my body and blocked the rational mind to listen to
the soul. It was a fight for dominance and my soul won. I saw my future, and
was told to keep it a secret by my future self. Even to my husband. I knew my
future and what I must do, but I could never tell anyone, I mean no one would
believe me anyways. I was relieved though to see that the stress and suffering
and sacrifice and hard work I have gone through will amount to something
rewarding. Or in other words, it will not all be in vain and for not. My life will
not be wasted on this quest of mine.

The basics of tantra:

Some would start by saying there is White tantra and there is Black tantra. But I
am going to teach you neutral tantra (grey tantra) in the spirit of hermeticism.
My personal robe is not black or white, it's brown. Not because I study druid,
but because I wish you all to understand it is most important to me to be
neutral and balanced.

In The Perfect Matrimony by Samael Aun Weor he states:

The Perfect Matrimony, or The Door to Enter Into Initiation, is the first of
approximately seventy books written by Samael Aun Weor. It was first
published in 1950 then revised and amplified in 1961.

It describes the esoteric teachings of alchemy, tantra, kabbalah, the mysteries

of the Maya, Aztecs, ancient Egyptians, Tibetans, and Essenes, among others.
The sexual aspect of religion is stressed in every religion it covers, stating
bluntly that “the topic of this book is exclusively Sexual Magic.” Sexual magic is
explained as the synthesis of all religion. From the introduction of the 1960

Sexual magic is practiced in esoteric Christianity. Sexual magic is practiced in

Zen Buddhism. Sexual magic is practiced amongst the Initiated Yogis. Sexual
magic is practiced amongst the Muslim Sufis. Sexual magic was practiced in the
Initiatic Colleges of Troy, Egypt, Rome, Carthage, Eleusis. Sexual magic was
practiced by the mysterious Maya, Aztec, Inca, Druids, etc.

The author presents a wide selection of religion and mystery schools from
esoteric viewpoints, highlighting data traditionally thought to be unimportant,
or otherwise understood in an unrelated manner. The primary message is that
upright sexuality, exemplified through sexual magic, is the cornerstone upon
which all authentic religion, yoga and occultism is based.

The Perfect Matrimony is a discourse on how to transform the sexual energy

into its superior aspects via sexual transmutation. It states that there are three
types of Sexual Magic, or Tantra: Black, Grey, and White. Black Tantra involves
the ejaculation of semen, and Grey Tantra sometimes concludes with orgasm
or ejaculation, while White Tantra always opposes any loss of sexual energy
whatsoever, in other words, without orgasm or ejaculation.

Sexual magic is explained to be the same as maithuna, sexual yoga, urdhvareta


The Perfect Matrimony also states that Jesus was married and practiced sexual
yoga with his wife, mirrored in the new documentary "Sex, the Secret Gate to

Some regard White tantra as the only way, the key to cosmic consciousness, on
par with the belief building up or storing ojas/soma is a primary key to

Grey Tantra

To quote Susan Shumsky in her book: Ascension, Connecting with the Immortal
Masters and Beings of Light
"Secret Sexuality

Many spiritual systems profess that enlightenment and immortality cannot be

achieved without celibacy. Conserved reproductive fluids provide the internal
nourishment through which soma, the chemical lhat promises immortal life, is
produced in the pineal gland. Internal genital secretions nourish endocrine
glands and thereby conserve ojas and soma.

Taoist and Tantric sexual practices conserve and utilize the precious energy
within the genital fluids. The vital force energies that sustain life are ojas, tejas,
and prana. One particular type of prana is kundalini or shakti. The Taoist
equivalent is ching. By nurturing this energy, life is enriched and preserved. By
squandering it, health suffers and death results. Yogis believe kundalini energy
is coiled up like a serpent at the base of the spine. By awakening this energy,
raising it up the spine to the brain, enlightenment is attained.

The kundalini energy flows through the chakras, energy centers in your subtle
body related to the endocrine glands. The endocrine glands are fed by your
body’s central heating system, the sexual center. If that center is weak, your
entire system is weak. If that center is functioning optimally, the body can
survive indefinitely.

Taoist and Tantric techniques strengthen the sexual chakra. Their methods
conserve its precious fluids and also pump these nourishing fluids back into the
body, directing them to the endocrine glands. These techniques stimulate the
production of ojas and soma.

My only caution about Taoist and Tantric sexual practices is the following:
Because of the tradition of patriarchal oppression, many of these practices are
designed solely for the male to attain immortality, often at the expense of
young, ignorant, inexperienced girls, whose vitality ( shakti) is drained from
their bodies. The male is cautioned to never let semen leave his body, to
practice coitus reservatus, stopping short of ejaculation. Yet he is advised to
bring his partner to orgasm repeatedly. With his sperm held in check Building
an Immortal Body and his vital energy pumping back into his system
continually, he invigorates and rejuvenates his body. Also pumping the energy
and fluids of the female into his body at the time of her climax, he obtains her
vitality as well. Practitioners are advised to engage in this female-draining
activity a dozen or more times a day with several 14- to 19-year-old virgins.
Innocent females are victims of this crime against their health, driving them to
an early grave.

On the other hand, when both partners are fully knowledgeable and
experienced in Taoist or Tantric sexual practices, a mutually beneficial,
enriching, elevating relationship can grow. An exchange of energy can promote
the production of soma in both partners. Such spiritual growth is only possible
with mutual respect, love, honesty, commitment, and trust. When partners
recognize and worship each other as divine beings, there can be an exchange of
divine energy in both body and Spirit."

This is why I practice grey tantra, also because I happen to know that honey
replenishes ojas. So did the Egyptians and I am 100% sure that is why it was so
important to have in the tombs of pharaohs (yes honey was found inside!). I
would prescribe honey in your diet just as I would sex: every day at least once ;)

Ojas/soma is regarded as one secret to immortality as Susan points out. If you

want to live a long life with your partner, share fluids with him/her.
This sexual union in alchemy is known widely as the "chemical/Alchemical or
Divine/Hermetic Marriage/Wedding.

To quote Manly P Hall

"From an ethical standpoint, the young King and Queen resurrected at the
summit of the tower and ensouled by Divine Life represent the forces of
Intelligence and Love which must ultimately guide society. Intelligence and
Love are the two great ethical luminaries of the world and correspond to
enlightened spirit and regenerated body. The bridegroom is reality and the
bride the regenerated being who attains perfection by becoming one with
reality through a cosmic marriage wherein the mortal part attains immortality
by being united with its own immortal Source. In the Hermetic Marriage divine
and human consciousness are united in holy wedlock and he in whom this
sacred ceremony takes place is designated as "Knight of the Golden Stone"; he
thereby becomes a divine philosophic diamond composed of the quintessence
of his own sevenfold constitution. Such is the true interpretation of the mystical
process of becoming "a bride of the Lamb. The Lamb of God is signified by the
Golden Fleece that Jason was forced to win before he could assume his
kingship. The Flying Lion is illumined will, an absolute prerequisite to the
achievement of the Great Work. The episode of weighing the souls of men has
its parallel in the ceremony described in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The
walled city entered by C.R.C. represents the sanctuary of wisdom wherein
dwell the real rulers of the world--the initiated philosophers. He who masters
the seven worlds and is reunited with the Divine Source of his own nature
consummates the Hermetic Marriage."
How to

So now we have a history and basic understanding of tantra. Time to learn the

Reference this image:

Merge your chakras together connecting each one starting with the root and
working your way up. The effect is greater if you both do it, but if your partner
does not practice you can still blow their mind. Use the color chart, make sure
you connect each chakra by visualizing a strand, thread or vortex linking both of
you at each chakra in the appropriate color. If you begin making love and then
connect, you can literally feel each link happen like a knot tied between you

In Egypt, there was a sacred tantra technique called "ankhing" where when you
orgasm you loop the energy over your head and reabsorb it into your heart
chakra. In practice no energy is lost and both partners (if they practice) can
remain energized after sex instead of in need of a nap. Ankhing was considered
one of the secrets to immortality because it could keep you young.
I use this technique every time I make love. Energy is so beautiful when it is
shared, and it is delightful to feel the energy of your partner within you and
what you create together. One of my favorite things to do prior to sex and
connecting is to lay on Justin, and take in the glorious energy from his solar
plexus chakra as I return energy through my hands back into him. Energy
vampires suck your energy with no return, with me it is equivalent exchange.
That is what I wish to teach you.

Lillith is often demonized as being Adam's first wife who refused to submit and
lay under him. I find it interesting in buddhism we have the opposite view with
tantra. I once read a tantra quote that said "if the man is on top, he crushes
the woman and it is not as enjoyable, if the woman is on top she is able to
blossom like the lotus."

I am no artist but I created this in 2012 to show the technique and shared
energy field.
Connecting on this level is what gives a relationship a deeper connection, not
just in sex. I understand that our ability to read each other’s minds, find each
other by sensing, and journey together etherically ALL stems from our deep
connecting in tantra work.

Tantra is NOT something you do with just anyone, random people, or

someone you don't wish to have a lasting connection with. It is a highly
spiritual, magickal rite to be performed between people who love each other.
All else is a perversion and will not yield results.

When you get really good at energy work you can give someone an orgasm
without even touching them, as I demonstrate in my youtube video which got
33,000 views in the first 5 months.


Tantra however, is not just about the energy work, its about the positions too.

The Kama Sutra is namely the best book on figuring out which positions will be
best. I actually want to make my own Kama Sutra book (on the list of books to
write) but for now we will evaluate the regular kama sutra. The main goal is to
climax at the same time, and it helps if you learn which positions are best for
your situation. If you have a huge phallus, there can be more pain than
pleasure, therefore you'd want to look at positions which are better for bigger
men, on the flip side say you have a shorter penis. You will want the positions
that can help you hit the best spots even if you have a normal-small penis. In
my own experience guys with bigger packages don't usually know how to use
them without hurting, and guys with less intimidating packages can be more
pleasing for this reason. As a woman, there is a big difference between getting
pounded and screaming on the border of pain and pleasure, and hitting a
certain spot that makes your body go numb from pleasure. I'm not saying pain
and pleasure don't mix, just that knowing advantageous positions is beneficial
in achieving the synchronistic orgasm. It's like knowing when to play a certain

I call 69ing the human ouroboros because we're both devouring each other like
a snake eating it's tail. I suppose sometimes I take for granted that Justin is an
advantageous new age guy. When I first met Justin I was a virgin, and I was
scared of the idea of being gone down on. Since we've been together 10 years
now, I've come around and read so many books on the subject I can't deny him.
I know when Justin drinks my "drops from heaven" he's drinking my vitality,
immortality, and divine fluids. When I drink him it is the same. Sometimes we
get so wrapped up in our ouroboros we don't even make it to intercourse. He
loves to drink me and I love to drink him, equivalent exchange.

There are many tantric yoga positions for bonding, hitting spots and stimulating
energy. Of course it does pay to be experimental. Don't be afraid to try new
things, be wrong, make mistakes and learn and grow. If you go into the
experience as equals that makes everything a lot easier. I say that because
women tend to explore sex starting out from mostly standard viewpoints. As
Marya Hornbacher says in "Wasted", "Women (during the 80's) took sex like
dogs as if it was something we were just expected to do, never conceiving that
there should be anything in it for us, or that we had a say in it. And we
DEFINITELY didn't openly admit to enjoying it."

At least speaking from my own perspective, I was a virgin when I met my

husband when I was 15 (unless you actually count the oral sex between my
step father and I while I was being sexually abused. Therapists did, I didn't,
neither did the courts because he only got 11 months in prison for "gross
sexual misconduct" that went on between us for 2 1/2 years.) Anyways, I had
managed to hold off having sex with anyone until I met Justin, who's smell
(pheromones) and charm took less then two weeks to claim me.

I can remember my first time like it was yesterday but it was now ten years ago.

I went over to Justin's to hang out for maybe the third time. I wasn't his first so
I already had the complex going on that I didn't know anything or what I was
doing and that I was scared I wouldn't be any good. Justin lit many candles in
the room and incense. I can still smell it when I go to his moms house. He
kissed me and layed me down. He took off my cloths like he was unwrapping a
present. I layed there, naked and afraid as he put on a condom. I was SO tight
that he broke three trying to to get it in before we gave up on condoms and
and I can still remember my first thought as he began. I thought to myself, "Oh
my God, THIS is what I have been missing. THIS is amazing." I remember when I
came home my mom said I wasn't going back over to Justin's til I was on birth
control. I laughed and wondered how she could know just by looking at me.

I remember Justin and I experimenting early with s&m. I had realized Justin
could do pretty much anything to me and it felt amazing. He could bite me till I
bled, hit me, slap me, whip me, choke me, and I would scream in ecstasy. I still
like to experiment with how long Justin can asphyxiate me before me body
goes numb and gets unresponsive during sex. Maybe it's that I am an Aries, but
being playful is very important to me. I like to push my limits. I like to find
where pleasure ends and pain begins. After all according to the kybalion, pain
and pleasure would be exactly the same, yet different in degree.

On that note, one of the first things I begged Justin to do, since I had a piercing
kit with sterilized new needles, was beg Justin for a week to pierce my clit
hood. He finally agreed. I had sex the same day and it was glorious. I, in fact,
refused to take out my ring when I went in to give birth ( twice, it never tore or
ripped out contrary to their fears ), and can remember all of my teenage ob-
gyns being SO hilarious about it. Some had never seen one, some just wanted
to know how I had managed to get it done, they were more mortified my
boyfriend did it. I however, highly recommend it, you get an incredible amount
of stimulation during intercourse with it and it definitely helps in achieving an
orgasm. I have my nipples pierced too but I did them myself when I was 15. If
you can lose the fear of pain, piercings can be really, really beneficial. Especially
in tantric positions.

Through my sexual exploration I was able to venture into the world of tantra. I
have what you might call a "library" on tantra. This one chapter cannot possibly
cover everything so I recommend following your intuition and read books on
the subject you feel drawn to. With this chapter introduction you should be
able to suss out the books that will be beneficial to you, as opposed to my
process of ordering many books, reading through them only to discover you
aren't even in agreement with half of them because they revolve around
favoring one type of tantra or another. Hopefully, I have saved you some time
(and money).

Now I feel like it's time to share some of my favorite positions and name them.
I also have a positioning pillow I made from a bean bag which I squeezed into a
rectangular cover I made. I recommend buying or making one but the best
ones are pretty pricey to buy.
Here is mine:

The Human Ouroboros, Crongress of a Crow or 69:

The Varient Yawning Position (particularly good if your penis is not huge as it
allows deep penetration:
Position of the Wife of Indra (also good for small-normal size penis' because it
allows for maximum penetration):

The Mare's Position:

The Rising Position: Squeeze the knees together.

The Half Pressed Position and Pressed Position:


The Suspended Congress: One of my favorites and a great reason to strengthen
those arm muscles.
The Top (Lotus Blooming Position): you can bring the feet back and sit up more,
as well as placing feet on the chest for deeper penetration.
The Swing: Works awesome if the man’s knees are bent up to support her

The Pair of Tongs:

Elephant Posture: deep penetration.

The Congress of a Cow (which makes me feel like Nuit every time):
Kama's Wheel: Great for circulating energy.

The Placid Embrace:

Lotus Position:

The Position of Equals: This position is even better if the bottom person angles
their knees up to support the top person’s back and they can lay back.
The Snake Trap: Lay back and hold each other’s ankles.

Preparing the Bodies and Sacred Space:

Tantra is an art, and just as you prepare your art and station, you prepare
yourself and your space.

Your space:
In an ideal situation, you would have a seperate room for love making. It is
*clean*, with fresh linens, and good vibes or feng shui. It is a place of love,
where you don't fight, only make love. Candles, incense, and mood music are
appropriate. I have lots of music playlists on youtube I use for every time I
make love. If it's going to be an s&m night I put on Fields of the Nephilim or
Cradle of Filth, If it's a love making, spiritual night I put on Tears of Isis by Jeffry
Goodman which is an Egyptian music cd I love. You can experiment with
different kids of music. I had the most amazing night on LSD once, listening to
Ellie Golding's Halcyon Days album on repeat making love til the sun came up.
Ditto with Shakira, a long time ago haha. Experiment with all the senses in your
sacred space. Bring wine or choice of drinks and food. Candles and incense that
smell good. Women who are self-conscious delight in dimly lit rooms as oppsed
to brightly lit ones. Try out how sensual things can get when you are
blindfolded. Keep a "toy chest" just like when you were a child, but with grown
up toys. I found out through experimentation I am horribly horribly allergic to
silicone inside my body, and KY jelly, that stuff is BAD! I DO like the canna oil
based lube and flavored ones I have tried. I don't know what's in KY but it's the
devil! ;)

Your bodies:
First of all, it is my rule to have sex only when I am clean. I take my shower at
night, get clean and have sex. You can still shower in the morning. I usually
shower at night and wash my hair and body then shower in the morning and
just wash my body. Sometimes I reverse, it depends on whether or not my hair
needs washing after my night or not.

So basically, first step: be clean.

Second step: be kept. I mean, keep up on your body. Physically in every way.
You don't have to be a model, but love yourself enough to take care of yourself,
especially hygiene wise.
Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. You can grow your bush into a
thicket for all I care but don't expect me to get balls deep for an hour if there's
a thicket down there. Ew. On the same note, I've gone down on women, but I
prefer them to be if not shaved at least trimmed well, as does my husband. I
wouldn't expect Justin to devour me either if I had a giant bush, but personally
I shave. Criticize me all you want, I'm not trying to look like a 12 year old, I am
simply keeping myself clean and smooth because my husband is a cookie
monster, what of it?

Third Step: Start with opening your chakras, take seven minutes together and
open your chakras before you start.
Men can often just get hard and dive in, but for women, we usually need a
build up. Or, foreplay. This can be sensual massage, making out, kissing your
partner's body, oral sex or filacio...or something totally crazy I have never heard
of. It's up to you, but if you want to make a woman WANT you, to be dripping
wet for you, this build up is so necessary.

Tantric Healing:

The goal of the energy worker is to become a chakra surgeon.

When I say in tantra, I can play with the chakras, I mean I play them like a harp.
I play them into beautiful tune and harmony. Tantra can repair samskaras, heal
chakra blockages and imbalances, trigger kundalini activation and heal

Tantric healing is one of the most beautiful things to experience and give.
Giving is a powerful feeling. It is SO powerful to feel the energy in your hands
and be connecting with someone in such a deep way they can feel you inside
them. As a woman, that’s as close to being inside a man I am ever going to get.
It’s amazing knowing how you can affect another person.

In tantra even if your partner does not practice, he or she has the opportunity
to grow, discover, and experience how to use the subtle energies. It’s beautiful
when you partner picks up energy work and can give back to you in that way.
When me and Justin started I would do energy work on him but there wasn’t
much reciprocated. At this point Justin is more able to use energy work on me,
which is something I had wanted to experience and craved. It was the most
sensational experience when Justin began using it on me. Sure, I can move my
own energy, but it’s a tantric delight to feel someone inside you, moving energy
in you and having your body be completely helpless, left to writhe, shake,
vibrate, and squirm out of control with what is being done to you.

It is at these limits we are pushed to that we discover in each other what is

touched on in the neutrality chapter.
I never considered myself a medium until after I made contact with my HGA,
higher self. I considered myself just a channel up til then.

I made contact during tantra with Justin in the mind/body/soul fighting

experience. We were four hours into another mushroom tea night when things
began to get crazy. I had made contact, I could hear it, and my goal that night
was to become the master and maintain what we call in thelema, “constant
intercourse with the holy guardian angel.” In basic terms, I wanted to maintain
this contact I had experienced. I didn’t want to be a slave to my ego or my
body. I wanted to exist in my body, be able to set my ego aside to listen to my
soul, and maintain that contact. The ego can be a good friend but a lousy

It started with dissolution. Justin and I dissolved into each other until we were
not separate. At that point we did not speak, because we were hearing each
other telepathically. I remember hearing that I had passed through a veil my
ego had created which separated us. By putting aside my ego, I merged with
him, in the deepest sense and established a circle. We made a circle of energy
within us that knew no boundary. I heard Todd’s voice from his Pelican video in
my head repeating that the ego is what makes me, me and you, you. By putting
it aside there was no separation between us.

Samskaras were coming up like crazy, and I was having to deal with them. I
learned SO much about myself in that one night. I also heard Todd’s voice say
“the ego wants to keep the little pelicans little” and focused on why I was
hearing it. I realized that I had done that to Justin. Justin had recently become
very upset with me that in his words “He woke up one day and was so far
behind me he couldn’t catch up, and was upset I had stopped teaching him.”

I asked myself why I had done that, and discovered the truth, unafraid to be
honest with myself. I’ll give you a hint, it had to do with my own fears.

Remember when I revealed that me and Justin had separated and I had used
energy work on someone else? I felt SO guilty I punished myself and took my
own powers away.I was afraid to tell Justin I had used my energy work on
someone else, which was part of this guilt. I knew how it would hurt him to
know. I punished myself the only way I knew how. I focused on this truth and
memory, and found out why I had stopped teaching Justin and made peace
with it.

I was afraid because of what I had done, if I taught Justin he would share this
with someone else, as I had. My ego did not want to teach him because of this.
I realized my ego had been holding the reigns.

I felt bad, and knew what I had done. But there was further healing to be done.

My higher self talked to me and told me that there was nothing to fear in
sharing this beautiful energy. I am married to Justin, he is me and I am him.

Because of the ten years we had been together and cheated on each other, we
had BOTH developed such jealousy issues. When Justin’s girl-friends would hit
on him, even though he would dismiss them, I would threaten to chock the life
from them with their innards. I couldn’t stand the idea of Justin with anyone
else. I wanted to own him, make him my property, my trophy.

He had developed the same thing. He couldn’t stand other men looking at me,
would send crazy messages to my fans who sent me messages he deemed
inappropriate, or sometimes he would just delete the message and I’d never
see it. If I was an hour late coming home from somewhere, like one time I got
held up at wal-mart customer service for an hour, he actually came to town to
find me, and did. He was afraid I wasn’t coming home, or was out fucking
someone, ect. I felt like I had no freedom or trust. In truth, our fears and egos
were ruining our relationship.

I quickly recognized when my ego was controlling me through fears and

jealousy. I began to dismiss those thoughts. I realized when my ego was being
critical of my body, and dismissed those as well. I started recognizing the
voices, there was me, my higher self and my ego. Now when I talk to people I
let my higher self do the talking. She always knows the constructive thing to say
instead of allowing my judgmental ego to take over. The ego can be a good
voice for rational thinking, but it can also be judgmental, jealous, and

I let go of my fear that Justin might share this with someone. In fact, I’d feel
honored if he did at this point. I enjoy working on others and hope he finds the
same joy, even if it’s just in a non-sexual basic energy healing way. Justin has
helped me conquer my own sexual fears and things I thought I’d never do, I
hope I can do the same. I remember a time he made love to me on the night of
our handfasting and we were in an open living room full of people. He didn’t
have those jealousy issues then and I meditated on what caused them. Which
became obvious. Love and tantra is to be shared, not hoarded. I don’t want to
possess him, and I don’t want to be possessed. I want to be free in our
beautiful relationship of love and trust. I want him to know I will never leave,
no matter what. And he doesn’t need to possess me or chain me to him or
know where I am all the time for it to be true.

I’ll never be connected with anyone else the way I am him, I will never love
someone the way I do him, and there’s no chance of anyone filling his shoes
unless they’re a time lord with a police box. ;)

When we are afraid, the ego labels something bad. It takes courage to enter
the cave you fear, which is where the treasure lies.

On that note, my higher self wants to make something very, very clear.

Over the years when I have made videos on this material, I have got SO many
comments calling me the Illuminati, and an Illuminist. Or just saying “the
Illuminati got her too.” At first I was SO upset by these comments I wasn’t sure
how to respond. Upon communication with myself, I discovered the truth
about the “Illuminati” and society which MUST be made public.

In this world we have something called “free will.” Free will means you choose
your life and decisions and are responsible for them. Free will means what you
do today establishes your future. You can choose to sit down and watch TV or
read a book. You can sit in your house or go out and try something new. Each
decision can offer a chance to grow or stay in protection mode. Fear will keep
you in protection mode, afraid of going out and trying new things. Courage will
offer you a growing experience. I was a little afraid to go to OTO for the first
time, afraid I wasn’t smart enough to fit in or people wouldn’t like me. I went
anyways, and have grown in so many ways because of it. We all have choices.

People choose to believe that the atrocities happening in the world are the
result of a super rich 1%. I will not deny people like Bill Gates are doing
disgustingly evil things with their wealth, however, the 99% is a much bigger
force to be reckoned with. People post that the Illuminati are the problem
when if you look at it from both sides, it’s a complex issue which has MORE to
do with society being sick and filled with people who would rather pick up a
phone or a remote than a book.

They will displace their anger (as little pelicans resenting the big one) and
instead of seeing the problem in themselves, the ego (afraid) blames everyone
and everything else but itself.

There is war because a mass amount of people still volunteer to serve the
government, still fall for fear tactics to promote war, and still believe in such
patriotism as “supporting our troops.” Which may as well be synonymous with
support wars. I have yet to have any of these people explain to me how
bombing other countries, taking OTHER countries natural resources, setting up
a puppet government in these other countries and wasting BILLIONS of dollars
which SHOULD be invested in our own country and education system somehow
“is fighting for OUR freedom.” No, that is taking away others freedom and
forcing our tyranny down their throat at the barrel of a gun. “Support the
troops” and “protecting our freedom” are the same double speak propaganda
the government has been using since the dawn of centralized government.
People still fall for it, LOT’S of them.

When people attack me and call me an “Illuminist”, what they are really doing
is projecting their own self-hate for being still ignorant and a part of this
sickness. They become “targeted individuals” often, which ALSO wouldn’t exist
if people became illumined enough to dismiss and control their thoughts and
minds. Macrocosm and micro merge when you look at this from both sides.
The people are being forced into poverty through mandated healthcare, and
taxes. The people also believe the government should create jobs for the
people, ignoring the fact that they are relying on the government to provide a
job and a living for them. This is a true reason there has been NO revolution.
People are dependent on the government and won’t bite the hand that feeds.

I created my own job. I worked hard at it. I pulled all nighters and still do to get
my books and videos, and orgone done. That’s the secret of the 1%, they make
their success and the others still enslaved to the system resent the large pelican
for doing so. The resent comes from the ego, who will do anything to avoid
blaming itself and facing the truth. I can’t for the life of me understand why
people settle for a “job” instead of building a career. A job is a good place to
build from, and I started my business on the side working as an administrative
assistant. I grew my business and now I can reap the benefits of it, like
vacationing and doing what want when I want. I’m not a slave to a standard
“job” and I love the work I do. If you want to be successful, model success. I
studied how others became successful and learned from them. When you hate
someone for being successful, you don’t really hate them, you hate that you
aren’t as successful. It is my sincere hope that this book gives enough
information to manifest success in your life. I want every person on Earth to be
successful and follow their bliss; to travel and see the world, to never be
hungry, and to be free to follow the pursuit of happiness. Every human
deserves that regardless of race, color, creed or nationality.

“The democracy will cease to exist when we take away from those who would
work and give it to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

If the 99% became illuminated war would not be possible. The government
would NOT be able to rule with fear the way they do now. The police state,
executive orders, wars, GMO food monopoly, third world poverty, people going
hungry, and other sadness which pervades our world simply would not be this

I’ve heard people criticize others who make money on youtube. These people
profess that “getting a job is the right way to make money.” These people rarely
realize that there is no right or wrong way, that is only judgment and opinion
and ego. I have seen people on youtube get rich making videos to provide for
their families, to donate to certain charities or organizations, to pay for college,
to build houses for the homeless, or to give scholarships, I have seen people
who got rich on youtube do beautiful and wonderful things. I ask you, if you
were a millionaire, what kind of difference would you make? I know that I
would buy acres of land to start a free community garden for the struggling
families in my community where they could get free, organic healthy foods.

I would start an esoteric school and clinic with free tuition and pay teachers
and mentors to share the light, where people could come and be healed for
free, and learn for free, with the biggest library and garden on the planet.
You can’t give back to your community in such a huge way on a fixed income.
What if today you decided to follow your bliss? Leave behind fears of failure, or
embarrassment. “When you follow your bliss, doors will open where there
once only walls.” – Joseph Campbell

Is it just me or am I the only person in the universe with questions that plague
their brains and beg for answers? When I have questions, I go find the answers,
that’s how I have been able to write this book and give educated advice. My life
has been the pursuit of knowledge and happiness. All I wish is to share it with
the whole world and have you ALL revel in the perfect heaven this Golden Age
will be. All you have to do is join us in light and liberty. Don’t be afraid to seek
the answers to the questions you have inside. It’s all I have ever done.

When people call me an illuminist from here on out, I will NOT be insulted by
this. The illumined and the ignorant are exactly the same, separated only by
ego. The illumined represent potential realized, while the ignorant are
unrealized potential. They hate what they see in me because they don’t see it
in themselves, but I see it in them. It’s in every last one of us, we ALL have the
chakra system and we ALL have the potential and we are ALL connected with
no boundaries. To say that it is wrong or satanic or evil to use the energy inside
your own body is absolutely nothing but ignorance. Luckily, we are in the age of
enlightenment, and knowledge is prevailing at light speed.

If I am an Illuminist for knowing all this information, then by default I have

made you one too.

I began my quest convinced the Illuminati were the problem as well, and
meeting a very good friend along the way he told me in 2013,
“Once you know the Illuminati, you are the Illuminati.”

Welcome to the club.

Working on your partner:
Try visualizing that you are working from the root chakra up, holding each
chakra in your hand and feeling it’s energy, growing it’s energy. Push it up into
their next chakra, cycle the energy and bring it back down as you feel is
needed. Cycle/pull it through their crown as they climax and absorb the energy
into your heart chakra.

As a chakra surgeon you can feel where people’s blockages and imbalances are,
and it is your job to blast light and energy through these chakras and assist the
person verbally and mentally in getting through the experience. Sometimes
memories can come up that need to be cleared or worked through.
Compassion and kindness, non-judgment and understanding are the MOST
important tools to use during this time. Tantra can help conquer body issues
like low self-esteem, low self-confidence and self-consciousness.

Having a highly sexual relationship is beneficial to one’s health in SO many

ways, but also because it forces you to establish a relationship with your naked
body. A healthy sex life is a big motivator in eating healthy, being healthy, and
looking healthy. In this way, tantra has healed me in ways therapy never could.
When I was going to give birth to my second daughter I had to have an
emergency c-section. I was dying, my daughter’s oxygen had been cut off. To be
honest I remember falling asleep and waking up to a nightmare. Justin says I
signed the consent form but I have no memory of it. I never wanted to have
one, or the scar and whoever signed that paper was not a conscious me.

In fact, when I finally was able to get out of bed and into the shower in the
hospital I remember vividly standing naked and butchered in front of the giant
mirrors. I hyperventilated. I cried. And cried. And cried. And cried for an hour in
the shower. My body made me physically want to puke. I couldn’t believe it was
mine and felt VERY disassociated from it.

Justin anticipated the 6 weeks post-partum to be able to have me again and

when it came I didn’t want to have sex. At all. Ever again. Beaches were out of
the question, so were bikinis, and public half-nakedness in general. Although
my GMO free, organic lifestyle had me weighing less than I did in high school,
my body made me physically ill to look at.

I had sex with Justin as little as I could, with cloths on and in the dark. I couldn’t
even look at myself without tearing up and balling. I faked it a lot and tried to
not cry as Justin tried to make love to me.
I finally started reading books on sex-magick and then tantra. I wanted to use
the reiki I knew in this new way.
And I began to conquer my fears of myself. I started working out, doing Bikram
yoga. Doing diastasis exercises.

I got discouraged because I realized no matter how thin or toned I was going to
get, my stomach had been butchered in my opinion, and I would never look the
same. I actually thought about a tummy tuck for a day until I realized the scar
from that would be even worse looking.

As time went by, and I practiced what I learned on Justin, he grew to worship
me like a Goddess, and I grew to understand that he was the only person who
was going to see me naked anyway. He loved and worshiped my body, every
inch of it, and I couldn’t be really as bad as I thought I was. Justin always told
me he thought I had DID which is Dissociative Identity Disorder. It basically
means when I look in the mirror I literally see something different than what is
there. I’ll never see what he sees but I’m accepting and still perfecting my new
body, and no longer feel detached or disassociated from it. I grew to love sex,
and love to have it every single day of my life, and though I still cringe looking
at my form and see all the imperfections, I can see how tantra has been
responsible for my learning to accept and love and not give up on my body.

I always felt the saddest part of being human was experiencing the super-
human. I’ve seen myself in beautiful shapes and colors and perfect bodies. I’m
always sad when I come back to this. Perhaps at the very least I have shown
you my very most vulnerable, human side.

Sometimes my fans send me messages or leave comments and tell me that I

am a Goddess. I would say what you see in me is a reflection of you, and that
the only reason I was ever able to feel like a Goddess and have the confidence
to pursue my path is because Justin saw that in me; and he raised me to that
place. He saw something inside me and supported my dream of developing it,
he saw the divine light in me before I ever saw it in myself. He placed me on the
pedestal some of you see me on, but I will always be a student at the feet of
crystals, orgone, etc.

The making of magickal items calls for understanding the planes enough
to do your will and infuse energy and will into an object.

For Talisman making please see Clavicula Salomonis, an understanding of the

Key of Solomon is necessary is in forming a magickally charged item.

A basic understanding of planetary correspondences will be found here for

study in the making of magickal amulets, talismans and items. Learn the
planetary language.

Learning the planetary and zodiacal language is important in making magickal

items because “It is for this reason that thou wilt see in the following tables to
what planet and to what angel each day and hour is submitted, together with
the colors which belong unto them, the metals, herbs, plants, aquatic, aerial,
and terrestrial, animals and incense, which are proper to each of them, as also
in what quarter of the universe they are to be invoked.”

I always make orgone on full moons. Full moon energy is powerful, and I also
charge my orgone on full moons. Paying attention to the phases of the moon
and movements of the planets can aid in the power and effect of your magickal

In addition to natural magick, you want to infuse the item with your will. You
want to tell the item what to do. There are SO many ways to do this. People all
over the globe are furthering Dr. Emoto’s research in Japan by finding out the
power of words alone. Writing words and symbols on your magickal device tells
it what to do. You can use symbols, words or seals, either way you are letting
the device know what to do telepathically.

For instance, I just started experimenting with using goetic seals from clavicula
salomonis in my orgone. As of right now, I’m the only one experimenting with
orgone in this way. For my first one I used the 4 th pentacle of Jupiter. I have
started using enochian magick and am working on some with Enochian seals.
When I do energy work on someone, I visualize the power symbols in my
hands. I see them there in my mind and it tells my hands what exactly I want
them to do. I am manifesting my will mentally this way. When I make a physical
item like orgone and use power symbols, I am manifesting my will physically.
From spirit, to feeling, to thought to material. The beauty of orgone is it is
constantly attracting ether energy and purifying it, sending my psychic signal
into the universe. You can tell it mentally what to do, or writing words, or using
seals, but you are telepathically communicating with the universe. It’s the same
idea as the secret. The more you believe, the more manifested your will

4th pentacle of Jupiter orgone pyramid – personal

Another effective way of making a personal magickal device is to infuse it with
your own blood. There are obviously other recipes out there which are highly
effective like El.Rub which are incredibly powerful in orgone and magickal
devices. In my own personal orgone I always use my own blood. This doesn’t
have to be something that requires self-harm if you are a woman; women
bleed once a month anyways and most don’t realize there are magickal things
you can do with that stuff. Most women don’t find their period magickal but I
encourage liberation about it. It helps to find a man who’s open minded about
it too. The stigma toward a woman on her period has GOT to go. In my occult
studies and pleiadian studies the consensus has been the same: menstrual
blood is a sacred fluid and a man should feel lucky for a woman to share herself
with him at that time.

In tantra you are developing a DEEP connection with your partner. This
connection should make you feel comfortable enough around your partner to
be yourself, naked and unafraid. I love Justin because I can be myself with him
in every way. Justin knows me inside and out and I don’t have to hide myself
from him in any way. I like to shower with him, and wash him, and be human
with him.

The more energy and meaning you put into your device the better it will work.

Hold your hands over your device or hold it, tell it what you want it to do,
mentally, verbally, whatever. Feel your energy flowing through your hands and
into the object. Charge it up with your energy.

Remember that a symbol or a word is just a veil. To someone who doesn’t

know the language or meaning or the word or symbol it is just an idea or
representation of something being conveyed. You can use google translate to
find an equivalent word in another language but most of the time your
meaning gets lost in translation. A word tries to convey an idea, so does a
symbol or seal. They are physical marks which convey information. The word or
symbol is just the physical representation of a mental idea. The mental idea is
what we see behind the veil. Behind the veil is our telepathic WILL. We make
our will physical by assigning letters, numbers and symbols to convey meaning
and information. When you apply this to energy you understand that you are
therefore really communicating with the universe by creating an item that
contains energy. You are telling the universe exactly what you want. The more
you understand how the universe works and communicates the better your
work works.

Spells work because words are energy infused with WILL.

Infusing sexual energy

Have you ever wondered why ritual sex was had in ancient temples? Or
wondered what’s the deal with all the tantric sex reliefs in temple walls of
India? The ancients understood subtle energies like kundelini. They knew the
power of “holy” or “spiritual” people having sex in groups at the temple would
charge it with a massive amount of sexual energy. That energy can be
channeled, or used to heal, or whatever your will desires.

Some people wouldn’t feel comfortable in a room having sex with their partner
and other couples around them. Some people do. I wouldn’t walk around in
public topless, but at me and Justin’s handfasting he did make love to me in the
middle of a living room with about 25 people/adults coming in and out of the
house. This happened during the afterparty of the handfasting. I just
remember we were totally drunk and wanted each other, everyone else was
drunk and didn’t mind that Justin just needed to throw me down right there. If
I ever get famous it’ll probably be the one leaked video anyone ever tries to
blackmail me with because I know there’s a copy of that incident on someone’s
camera…. Regardless, we consecrated our handfasting with a very public
display of affection.

People still have tantra parties today and I dare say it’s getting more
mainstream. People are at this point in history being more honest with
themselves about their true desires. Couples watch porn together. We have
religions where men can have multiple wives, why can a woman not have
multiple husbands? With things like tantra, people are rediscovering the beauty
in sex and desire. In time, gay marriage won’t be the biggest threat to religion,
people accepting their desires instead of labeling them sins will be. Gay people
should be able to marry who they want, straight people should be able to
marry who they want, and in my opinion, if we accept men having multiple
wives in the name of religion, it’s only time before polygamy is normal too on
both sides of the equation.

“From Oxo, the 15th Aethyr:

Lo! I gather up every spirit that is pure, and weave him into my vesture
of flame. I lick up the lives of men, and their souls sparkle from mine
eyes. I am the mighty sorceress, the lust of the spirit. And by my dancing
I gather for my mother Nuit the heads of all them that are baptized in the
waters of life. I am the lust of the spirit that eateth up the soul of man. I
have prepared a feast for the adepts, and they that partake thereof shall
see God.

From Loe, the 12th Aethyr:

This is the Mystery of Babylon, the Mother of Abominations and this is

the mystery of her adulteries, for she hath yielded up herself to
everything that liveth, and hath become a partaker in its mystery. And
because she hath made herself the servant of each, therefore is she
mistress of all. Not yet canst thou comprehend her glory.
Beautiful art thou, O Babalon, and desirable, for thou hast given thyself
to everything that liveth, and thy weakness hath subdued their strength.
For in that union thou didst understand. Therefore art thou called
Understanding, O Babylon, Lady of the Night.

This is that which is written, "O my God, in one last rapture let me attain
to the union with the many." For she is Love, and her love is one, and she
hath divided the one love into infinite loves, and each love is one, and
equal to The One, and therefore is she passed "from the assembly and the
law and the enlightenment unto the anarchy of solitude and darkness. For
ever thus must she veil the brilliance of Her Self." O Babylon, Babylon,
thou mighty Mother, that ridest upon the crown d beast, let me be
drunken upon the wine of thy fornications; let thy kisses wanton me unto
death, that even I, thy cup-bearer, may understand.

From Zip, the 9th Aethyr:

This is the daughter of Babalon the Beautiful, that she hath borne unto
the Father of All. And unto all hath she borne her. This is the Daughter of
the King. This is the Virgin of Eternity. This is she that the Holy One hath
wrested from the Giant Time, and the prize of them that have overcome
Space. This is she that is set upon the Throne of Understanding. Holy,
Holy, Holy is her name, not to be spoken among men. For Kor they have
called her, and Malkuth, and Betulah, and Persephone.

And the poets have feigned songs about her, and the prophets have
spoken vain things, and the young men have dreamed vain dreams; but
this is she, that immaculate, the name of whose name may not be spoken.
Thought cannot pierce the glory that defendeth her, for thought is smitten
dead before her presence. Memory is blank, and in the most ancient
books of Magick are neither words to conjure her, nor adorations to
praise her. Will bends like a reed in the temptests that sweep the borders
of her kingdom, and imagination cannot figure so much as one petal of
the lilies whereon she standeth in the lake of crystal, in the sea of glass.

This is she that hath bedecked her hair with seven stars, the seven breaths
of God that move and thrill its excellence. And she hath tired her hair
with seven combs, whereupon are written the seven secret names of God
that are not known even of the Angels, or of the Archangels, or of the
Leader of the armies of the Lord.
Holy, Holy, Holy art thou, and blessed be Thy name for ever, unto whom
the Aeons are but the pulsings of thy blood.”

In the meantime, to charge an item or space with energy you could wear the
item during sex, keep it by the bed or under the bed or dedicate a certain space
and consecrate it appropriately.. Some people like to do a dedication to the
device and then have sex to consecrate it. Direct the energy into the device
while you make love and climax. You can send it with your hands or do it
telepathically, whichever you have mastered. Start with your hands and work
up to telepathy.

When you begin mastering the art of telepathy chances are you will begin to
get dream training. This goes back to the dream testing we covered in earlier
chapters. The first time I met my medium she told me “Thoth is with you
always.” She didn’t know my affinity with Thoth but it touched my heart
because he trains me in my sleep. We are often sitting in nothingness. He never
speaks and neither do I. It’s 100% telepathic. We stare at each other and
communicate no words spoken.

Some people have said to me over the years, the most legit initiation is self-
initiation. This is what mine has been like; meeting with masters in my sleep
and never, ever being alone.

I wrote this song, and wish to end my book with it. I am still writing the piano
music. Subscribe to my youtube channel to see my performances.
New Age (Track 2)
(Verse 1)
The old system is breaking down.
Who will rise? A king un-crowned.
Expose the truth, expose the lies.
Help the people realize.

(Verse 2)
We're over-due for a revolution,
We must unify for dissolution.
We expose the illusions,
for the sake of evolution.

(Verse 3)
There's a red pill you must take,
from slumber you shall awake.
When we no longer feed the state,
we will enter the cosmic gates.

Yes I see the signs,
but these are not the end of times.
We're living in the new Aeon,
It's a beautiful new dawn.

(Verse 4)
The secrets were never suppressed.
They've always been inside us.
Illuminate your sacred tree.
As I say so mote it be!

(Verse 5)
Seek and you shall find,
if you devote the time.
Control and focus your mind,
left and right can align.

Yes I see the signs,
but these are not the end of times.
We're living in the new Aeon,
It's a beautiful new dawn.

(Verse 6)
Nothing is impossible,
All is one and one is All.
Kings among the humans ascend,
The Archons shall fall!

The old age is gone,

I choose to face the dawn.
Will you face the dawn?

I hope this book brings the glory of the stars into your heart. Thank you for
taking this journey with me. If you found this book helpful, please share it with
someone else. The most rewarding adventure is to be the spark in someone
else’s life; to watch them grow and blossom and ignite.

-Casondra Starseed

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