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Marry at a Young Age

marriage is a complex process that involves physical, mind, mental, feeling and courage in
taking a different life

Marriage is something sacred in human life. Of course, before deciding to get married, there
are many considerations that couples need to think about. In modern times like today, not a
few who decide to get married at a relatively young age, in their early 20s even before the age
of 20 years.

Early marriage is a marriage performed by someone, whether male or female at the age of not
yet reaching actual maturity (ie over 16 years for women, and 19 years for men). This age is
often also known as adolescence.

Early marriage is a marriage performed by one partner who has an underage age that is usually
under 17 years of age. Both men or women if they are not old enough (17 years) if they are
married can be said to be an early marriage. In Indonesia, marriage is not yet old enough to
occur, not only in the village but also in the city

Nurhakhasanah (2012).

Early marriage is a marriage that is done legally by a man or woman who does not have
preparation and maturity, so it is feared that they will experience a number of large risks. This
big risk will even be an influence in terms of health during childbirth.

Riyadi (2009)

The definition of early age is a marriage bond that has not met the requirements of a marriage
according to the government. This age is considered still vulnerable to actual marriage, this is
based on a person's level of emotional stability.

Aimatun (2009)

According to him, marriage of young age or early age is a marriage that is done when they have
not reached 20 years of age, both men and women. So that this age is one of the obstacles for
himself, his family, and society to achieve good life stability.

Strengths Married at a Young Age

1. Ideal Physical Condition for a Woman to Have Children

For a woman, under the age of 30 is the ideal time to have children. This is because after
passing the age of 30 years, it is mentioned that the egg produced is not as bright as if you were
in your early 20s. For this reason, with excellent health conditions, women under 30 years are
physically more ready to experience pregnancy and safer during childbirth so that the health of
the woman and her baby is more secure.

2. The Age Gap Is Not Too Big Between Parents and Children

This one thing is often used as the main reason for someone to get married at a young age.
Often, they want an age gap that is not too large between children and parents. This allows you
as a parent to participate in child development intensely since childhood and can accompany
them until your old days. In addition, the problem of children's education is also the underlying
reason for this. There are some couples who have started to consider the future of their
children's education by calculating the age of retirement in order to save the cost of children's

3. Correcting Each Other Towards a More Adult Person

If you and your partner decide to get married at a young age, then both you and your partner
both have the opportunity to self-correct each other towards a more mature and mature
person. There is no household without the spices of conflict, it is a challenge for you and your
partner to learn to be responsible. If the conflict can be managed well at a young age, of course
it can be a plus so that the foundation of your marriage is getting stronger in the future.

4. Marrying Prevents Us from Adultery

Humans are created in pairs, have a unique role as social and personal beings. Humans have
ghorizah Nau ', which is the nature that makes humans as creatures who can love each other,
give love and continue descent. Surely we have felt love, fallen in love to make a flowery heart,
wherever it feels feels like the smell of flowers that are fragrant.

Islam allows us to love, but Allah gives us that feeling. But in the name of holy love many
couples deny adultery. Indeed love that starts from something that is forbidden by Allah will
not give happiness and blessing.

5. Women in their 20s have a healthy uterus and haven't thought much about the problem

High fertility rates are obtained by women in the 20-25 year age range. In that age the uterus
has optimism in the reproductive process. Getting married at a young age can also improve
quality in educating children. At a young age we still haven't experienced many things and can
learn how to care for children and educate them well like modern ways or by learning how to
educate children in Islam.

6. Marry Younger to Make a Romantic Household

Our young passion will be channeled in marriage. Young people are usually not too familiar and
in contact with the opposite sex. We usually mention dating after manikah. Which of course will
be more beautiful and blessed to live. Do not let the delay in marriage become romantic in the
household becomes an awkward or shy thing, do not want it when we want to combine love
with a partner suddenly remembered the former who had not paid off the debt first.

7. Beautiful Reaching Dreams Together

In order to achieve the common goal of Islam, it is permissible to make pre-marital conditions,
provided that they are in accordance with the Shari'a. Even according to Imam Syafii the best
agreement is a pre-marriage agreement. For example, the agreement is permitted by the
husband in taking education or continuing his wife's education which is delayed due to

Benefits of Getting Married at a Young Age

1 Being at the age of optimal reproduction

The age of 20 is the most optimal age for reproducing. If we wait around the age of 30 for a
career or other reasons, isn't it useless if we are "established" enough but we are no longer in
optimal time to reproduce?

2 Improve psychological conditions

When a marriage starts faster (age 18-25 years) it will have a better influence on the
development of a partner's psychological health. The conclusion was taken after conducting
research on 8,000 young couples.

3 Potential to produce more qualified offspring

Marriage done at a young age can help the relationship between children and parents. Usually
children will have faster intelligence, have good behavior, and be protected from depression.

4 Better in managing stress

Living together can help couples to become more independent and have a better sense of
responsibility. The new bride will look better in managing emotions and stress compared to her
unmarried colleagues.

5 Improve quality of life

Before marriage, generally someone does not pay too much attention to the condition of his
body and acts at will. But a study shows marriage can make someone less involved in risky
behaviors such as consuming alcohol, often going home late at night and also not taking care of
themselves. This is because there are people he must pay attention to besides himself. In
addition, if he already has children, he will generally be more healthy.

6 Distance between children and parents is not too far apart

Often we meet a child who is escorted by his parents who feel it is more appropriate to be his
grandfather or grandmother. In addition to the difficulty factor in adjusting opinions because of
the age difference that is too far (which means also the greater age difference), it is also
necessary to consider the problem of costs. Imagine what if our children were going to college
later and we were retired or were unable to work anymore? Isn't that actually going to make it
difficult for our children later?

7 Your Children Your Adults Are Young

If you get married at a young age, you will see your child is an adult with a age that is still less
than 40 years old with that age, so you will see your child grow up when you look young, I take


If you are married at the age of 22, while your wife is 19 years old and you get a child at the age
of you and your wife 23 years and 20 years, then when your child finishes high school you are
40 years old and your wife is 38 years or less from that because your child is smart and is quick
to go to school, and when he graduated from college you are still young and not ??

8 Long Life with Your Partner

With you getting married at a very young age, your family life with your beloved life partner will
be long-lived because each of you is still young and your happiness is likely to be felt for a long
time in the sense of a sign ".

Third: Can Plan Your Family's Future

Certainly each family has a plan and wishful thinking together, so you and your partner will
easily plan your family's future together and be able to make it happen, this is because you and
your partner have enough time to reach your dreams.

9 Long experience Asmara with a Spouse

young age and strong sexual needs make you and your partner feel your relationship with your
partner so much, because the young age makes you two, really feel that relationship, and when
your child is 10 years old, wife You still look young and beautiful, this makes you feel more
excited and enjoys your husband and wife's relationship.

10 Your child can help with family economy

when there is a 40-year-old affair, surely the first child has graduated from college and he will
definitely be looking for work and surely the family economy will increase, and your family will
not worry anymore about living in shortage and this will reduce poverty in the world "

positive impact

1. Avoiding promiscuity

One of the strongest reasons for getting married at a very young age is to avoid two people
from the risk of doing promiscuity that violates religious teachings and social norms. If this is
unavoidable and has a high risk of doing this, marriage is certainly the best choice. The positive
impact of early marriage in this case is to prevent someone from doing something that leads to

2. Legalizing Relationships

Dating is something that is forbidden in Islam because it leads to promiscuity and approaching
immorality. By getting married even at an early age, the positive impact of early marriage will
prevent the two people from sinning and immoral acts so that they can be halal close together
as husband and wife. In addition, getting married at an early age will also prevent someone
from sin and can enjoy togetherness calmly.

3. Happier

Research shows that the highest percentage of people who are aged 20-28 years are very
satisfied with their married life. Married couples in this age range generally do not have
excessive ambition or ego, or also factors that influence self-concept so that it is easier to
accept their spouses.

4. Easy to adapt

Couples who marry at an early age generally have a high tolerance for various changes. Changes
such as changes in residence, new environment, family of spouses, and various habits of their
partners, as well as the kinds of manners that apply in each family, can be dealt with well
without interference from various demands originating from the ego in a person.

5. Easy to control emotions

Marriage at an early age proves to be faster in maturing the people involved and making them
better able to control their emotions. This is certainly due to the calm obtained from the
presence of the spouse and his companion. The existence of a loyal partner will help someone
to control their partner and control their own emotions. Early marriage can be a way of
controlling emotions yourself by emitting emotions well.

6. Chasing Dreams Together

Couples who marry young in general still have high enthusiasm in pursuing their respective
ideals. Not only that, couples can even support each other and provide more tangible support
to their spouses. Besides that, it is also possible to get success along with the support of their
partners and how to strengthen mentally to pursue their dreams.

7. More Responsible

Housekeeping certainly has its own demands. Both husband and wife need to strive to be able
to fulfill their respective duties or roles in the household. This certainly can foster a higher
sense of responsibility since the beginning of marriage and make young people feel more
responsible and how to strengthen mentally.

8. Have Friends Share

Humans need friends to share in any age as social beings, including those who are still early
age. The existence of a husband and wife will be able to meet those needs, and become a
friend who is more stable in all things and who best understands his partner. The positive
impact of early marriage will make someone have a sharing friend who understands himself
and also mentally strengthens himself.

9. Control Yourself Better

Having a legitimate partner means that we also have someone who can remind us when we will
lose control. At an early age there will still be some things that are difficult to control by
oneself, and various incentives to be wild and challenge the rules. The existence of a partner
can certainly help to reduce this. For example, know how to deal with people who
underestimate us and how to overcome inferiority in association.

10. Have Energy to Raise Children

As it is known that raising children requires a lot of energy. Being a parent at a young age also
has many positive effects on early marriage in the form of energy that is still at a high level
when raising children. The young age is certainly identical to the high energy level and the
condition of the body that is still fit and healthy, so it can be enough capital to raise children.
11. More Enjoying Intimate Relationships

As is common for young people, the passion for love is still very high because of the condition
of the body that is still fit. By getting married early, there will be no barriers to having an
intimate relationship freely with a legitimate partner without having to feel afraid of violating
religious teachings and social norms so that couples who marry early can enjoy it more.

12. Become a Shared Adult

For most people who get married early, they will know just one partner for the rest of their
lives as one of a variety of human traits. They will know all the life stories of their partners,
characters, and how their partners respond to every life challenge. Couples who get married
early will develop together, from a young age to adulthood together and face various obstacles
to life together, how to change themselves to be better and become a way of becoming a
mature person together.

13. Doesn't involve a lot of the past

When a person is young, naturally he will have a lesser burden on the past than a person who is
mature. This experience will multiply as a person ages. For couples who marry young, they will
also bring less complexity related to the past into their marital relationship.

14. It's easier to adjust

Getting married at a young age means that you are still deciding the direction of life and also
how you will be the person you want to be, as well as how you will live your own life. That is
why there are no certain patterns of life and habits that are formed so deeply that it is difficult
to change to adjust to other people, and also become a way to eliminate unstable behavior.

15. Share a lot of shared memory

The positive impact of early marriage is that the married couple will have more shared
memories. Young age allows for opportunities to do things together so that they can create a
certain memory that is memorable and can be remembered in old age. Couples who marry at
an early age can be part of memories that also exist in the minds of their partners by doing
activities together.

16. There is a lower expectation

Because starting a household from an early age, of course, each of them does not have an
expectation that is too high for their lives and partners. The desired standard when still young is
certainly different from the standard we set when we are more mature. Our high expectations
for married life and partners can be the beginning of the destruction of households, so couples
who get married early can be more receptive to conditions that do not meet expectations

17. Higher fertility rate

The young age with a fit body condition is of course also at a good level of health, so couples
who get married early have a higher fertility rate than those who are more mature. Thus the
opportunity to get offspring will also be easier. The body's resistance is still good also allows the
risk of pregnancy failure or the risk of childbirth is not as big as when the age is too old, for
example over 35 years.

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