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Steps to Analyze Your Data  

Considering students for a supplemental tier plan 

Look at your MAP Data
● Is anyone ​below 25%?
● Are there students scoring below 40% that stand out to you?
● We need to think about those kids 26%-40% ...What we can do in the classroom to address
their needs?

Ask yourself...
● Is this a one time data point or is there a history?​ Do they continuously go up and down?
(Look at Student Progress report in MAP)

● Add any other data outside classroom observations. (Reading 3D, TRC, pre/post-tests…..)

Ask yourself
● Does this line up with the picture I am seeing in MAP?
● Do I need to create plans for more students?

Think about student’s performance in the classroom.

Ask yourself
● ​Do my observations of this student correlate with the above data?

Now we meet to decide... 

Core plus More

(Do they just need a little more Supplemental (Tier 2)
support in the classroom?)

Area of Need  Intervention Choices 

Guided Reading Edgenuity
Strategy Groups LLI
Phonemic Awareness
Fluency Practice FCCR Strategies (area of need)
Phonics, Spelling and Fluency
Word Work
Written Expression
Vocabulary & Comprehension
Math Fluency
Conferring in Math Edgenuity
Strategy Groups Kathy Richardson
Whole Numbers
Computational Fluency Dreambox

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