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Mauro Biglino, the interview

Electric Sheep Comics has the pleasure to interview Mauro Biglino, author and essayist
Piedmontese of numerous publications including the graphic novel series "Elohim" One

Mauro worked for the Edizioni San Paolo, the Italian Catholic publishing house of the
Vatican, contributing to the professional translations of the Old Testament. This collaboration
ceased after the publication of his first study "The book that will forever change our ideas
about the Bible," One Publishers. Topics covered in his works have raised heated
discussions among theologians and believers, resulting in heavy damage to the author's
claims. Biglino states as is evident in the lack of sacred texts and then in Hebrew, of the
terms that identify the concept of God, Creation and Eternity.

At the center of philological dispute is the term Elohim, considered by Catholic exegetes the
word used in the Old Testament to identify precisely the omniscient God. The Piedmontese
author considers it instead to be a word not translatable, undoubtedly plural - Elohim - and
attributable to a non-human race, the protagonist of the chronicles tell of the Old Testament
and able to genetically engineer the human being making "smart."

The reader who wants to deepen the studies of Mauro can read his latest book, "The Bible
does not speak of God", published by Mondadori.

The interview is curated by Roberto Napolitano. The illustrations were made by Riccardo
Iacono, loosely based on the responses of Mauro.
ESC - Hello Mauro, thank you for accepting our invitation. From science fiction lovers
we'd like to start this meeting with a question from "The Club of blacks widowers", an
anthology of short stories written by Asimov. In those stories, the protagonist, invited
his friends home to solve some mysteries. And to present them to the reader he
asked them: How do you justify your existence?

M. Biglino - As for me, with a little 'of irony, I would say that one day quicker than other
sperm reached the egg awaiting a sperm whatever he had no preferences, he accepted the
one that won the race , welcomed him, have done very well, they have worked ... and I was

If I have to think of a way, at this time I hope to be at least a little bit useful to those men and
women who want to think for themselves: men and women who do not have the need to
believe, but the desire to reflect.

ESC - You worked for many years for Edizioni San Paolo. Remember the time when
you felt the need to tell a wider audience the result of your research? Tell us how it all

M. Biglino - It all started with the professional translation of the Old Testament Hebrew
codices. And the San Paolo have published 17 books I translated literally, as envisaged
tasks that were entrusted to me. With the progress of work, over the years has come to me
to compose under the eyes more and more clear and coherent mosaic: a picture quite
different from what is traditionally told us. I started talking with the groups that I attended,
and in one of these there was also an editor; the latter introduced me to the publisher
unoeditori who, with great courage, decided to give me credit and publish my analysis. So
began this adventure that has upset their lives and which has no end to me.

ESC - Who are the Elohim? Where they came from? And if there is no evidence to
justify the two answers, what is your opinion?
M. Biglino - How can I summarize here the contents work in many books? I try adhering to
the biblical data. The elohim were technologically very advanced individuals; They were
structured in a military hierarchy; fabricated humans through genetic engineering, and have
divided the planet Earth by dividing it into spheres of influence.One of the Elohim, the name
Yahweh, is the protagonist of the biblical stories because he was awarded the people with
whom he established a sort of contract, an alliance based on mutual commitments.

The Bible is therefore the set of books that tells what has been done by these gentlemen
originally and what has he done in particular to them that was called Yahweh: a 'person of
flesh and blood that theological invention has transformed in God, in total complete
disregard of what is instead written in the biblical text.

Unfortunately, the Old Testament tells us nothing about the place of their origin as possible
and on this we have to rely on the texts of other people that speak clearly of those beings as
"children of the stars" from distant worlds.

I have no reason to doubt these claims since they are fully consistent with the rest of the

I understand that the answer is very concise and I apologize, but in an interview you can not
do otherwise: all the necessary details can be found in "The Bible does not speak of God"
(Mondadori) and "The Bible is not a book sacred "(Unoeditori)

ESC - There are findings come down to us that could confirm the presence of the
Elohim on our planet?

M. Biglino - There are so many that I have difficulty in choosing what to report. I would
recommend about it reading the book "Archaeological discoveries unauthorized" by Marco
Pizzuti, and "Our history occulted" by Jimm Marrs.

ESC - What could be a reason why the Elohim have ceased to show itself?

M. Biglino - In the text "The Bible is a sacred book" I dedicated an entire chapter to the
hypothetical reconstruction of how a religion can be sort of a concrete history as that of the
The Elohim are behind the strong powers
We say that these gentlemen may have understood, or decided, that for them it was much
better to govern through representatives which are mandated to power and control of the
humanity that they had manufactured themselves to solve their basic needs, those typical of
individuals in the flesh which were and are.

This process of establishing the indirect control of forms seems to have developed - from the
VI-V century BC - at the same time in various parts of the world, namely those in which you
had formed great civilizations: the Middle East, India, China ...

It could have been so much a decision taken at the top, carefully planned and then applied
in different ways, meeting the socio-cultural characteristics of the various territories in which
it was realized.
for them it was much better to govern through
representatives which are mandated to power and
control of the humanity that they themselves were

ESC - I noticed that most of the criticism comes more from the "Faithful" than by
religious institutions.What are your relations with the institutions of the three great
"superpowers" religious?

M. Biglino - After having obviously lost the official translator job I've had no direct dealings
with the Catholic institution. I see that from time to time some theologian tries to contrastarmi
but does reinventing the old thesis that now no longer hold. The Jewish world is much more
varied because there are exegetes who are rebelling against my analysis, especially given
the way in which I speak of Yahweh, and at the same time there are represented groups of
direct study of Jewish rabbis who tell me to go ahead because it is time to disclose. I then
proceed calmly and with absolute autonomy on my way.

ESC - In more than one occasion you have said you want to organize your publisher
via a conference with representatives of different religions, do you think this meeting
will ever take place? What are the greatest strengths?

M. Biglino - Slowly maybe we're doing: when will it give ample notice.

The more resistance coming from the Catholic theology.

ESC - Complete this sentence: I think I can feel concluded my studies when ...

M. Biglino - I do not think they will never be considered concluded the studies, given the
vastness of the subject.

For example, in the book "The Bible does not speak of God," I have devoted dozens of
pages to a parallel analysis between the Old Testament and Greek texts: it yields that those
ancient texts tell the same stories and speak of the same individuals (Biblical Elohim, theoi
Greek) which have the same psycho-physical characteristics, the same material needs, the
same attitudes, the same attitudes, the same goals, the same technologies, the same
means by which they travel, even the same neurophysiological needs. It is a fascinating
work with unpredictable and therefore without a programmable term a priori.

ESC - Let's pretend ... I met the Biblical Elyon, what would you ask?
M. Biglino - To tell us all right from the start, because the ancient texts of the peoples of all
continents of the earth are too fragmentary, although consistent with each other in
substance. I think that humanity has the right to know the truth and this should tell the ones
who manufactured the sapiens and have then followed and influenced the development.
Elyon was the commander and, if I met him, I would draw his duty to tell us everything.

Mauro Biglino meets Elyon, the leader of the Elohim

Elyon was the commander and, if I met him, I would

draw his duty to tell us everything.

ESC - Let's pretend ... The world become aware that the Bible does not speak of God
and that man is the result of genetic engineering by "those guys" what would

M. Biglino - Knowing the facts, we could re-set life without being influenced by those who
for centuries improperly in power and controls our consciousness itself as holder of truth that
are the result of invention and on the basis of which we should live with hope in a future

We must know the rules of the game to be able to play freely.

Essentially would change the balance of power: the great and the powerful of the earth
would be significantly scaled down; equality among human beings would acquire a more
concrete dimension; the great religious rulers who call based on alleged divine rights would
be revealed for what they are in reality; the wars of religion would lose meaning and the
various 'think' religious cease to act as an alibi used as a cover to treat other interests
If there were no more religions

Essentially would change the balance of power: the

great and the powerful of the earth would be
significantly scaled down;equality among human
beings would acquire a more concrete dimension

ESC - Let's talk about graphic novels Elohim. You have chosen to tell the Old
Testament to take those licenses that otherwise may not have in an essay because
everything is documented. As a writer you could produce a fiction novel, why did you
choose the graphic art?

M. Biglino - For the truth is a proposal that was made to me and to which I was not thinking.
Now, however, I discovered that I enjoy a lot more communicating and spreading content
with a tool accessible to those not so familiar with books. The words reserve the texts of
course continue to write.

ESC - What inspired you to graphically characterize the Elohim of the graphic novel
as in the biblical texts, there are no descriptions?

M. Biglino - The creativity and also much of the same script are the work of designer
Riccardo Rontini, I deal with on a priority of biblical references and insights that I post at the
end of each volume. It 'a good thing because everyone has to do his job.

ESC - What are your future plans?

M. Biglino - I continue with the study and dissemination through various instruments: there
are proposals being evaluated and projects that are materializing both for Italy and for
The most immediate is a job that comes out on paper and in the recently published DVD.

A product that obviously contains unpublished themes one of which - very hard - they are
not even able to predict the consequences.

Mauro thank you for your support and sympathy. Do we do a big good luck for your next
steps and we hope to have you again guest in our website

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