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Academic Task – 1

Mittal School of Business Name of the Faculty member: Dr. Megha Mehta

Course Code: MGN581 Course Title: Management and Organizational Behavior Dynamics

Class : MBA Term: One Section: Q1949

Max. Marks: 15 Date of Allotment: 07th August 2019 Date of Submission: 1st October 2019

S. Roll No Objectives of Topic Details Evaluation Expected outcomes

No Academic Parameters

1 Individual To provide a Each student will make 05 As per Rubric Students will be able
platform to minute presentation on a Content – 5marks to develop their
every student current topic. The topic of Communication – communication
5marks skills, level of
for presentation must be related
Confidence – 5marks confidence and
developing to the course. Student will content knowledge.
communicati be randomly chosen for the
on skill, presentation, so every
confidence student must come prepared
and an in every class for the
analytical presentation. If the student
bent of mind is not prepared for the
presentation, he/she will be
awarded “zero” marks out
of “fifteen” and no second
opportunity will be
provided. It is suggested
that students should
regularly read the
newspaper. The presentation
must add value to the whole
Subject: Rubrics for Class Presentation For all courses to be taught in All MBA Programs

Category 5 marks 4 marks 3 marks 2 marks 1 marks

Communication High Fluency, Speech Good Degree of Moderate Degree Low Degree of No Fluency,
flowed well. Fluency, Speech of Fluency, Speech Fluency, Speech Speech
Transitions were used. was organized. was somewhat appeared to have appeared to
organized. little have no
organization organization

Content High Quality, Every Good Quality, Moderate Low Quality, Lack Poor Quality,
major point was well Every major point Quality, Some of support or Points were
supported with several was supported with points examples was not supported.
relevant facts, statistics facts, statistics and were supported provided.
and or examples. or examples, but with facts and
the relevance of statistics of
some was questionable
questionable. relevance.
Confidence Highly Confident, Good level of Moderate degree Low Not confident,
Speaker Confidence, of Confidence, Confidence, Speaker rarely
consistently used Speaker Speaker Speaker used made eye contact
gestures, eye contact, usually used sometimes used few gestures, with the
tone of voice and a gestures, eye gestures , eye and made audience; Present
level of enthusiasm contact, tone of contact, tone of little eye ability did not
in a way that kept voice and a level voice and a contact with keep the attention
the attention of the of enthusiasm in a level of the audience of the Interviewer
audience way that kept the enthusiasm
attention of the in a way that
audience kept the
attention of the

Note: Each of the parameter of evaluation will carry 5 marks. Total marks=15

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