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Apple INC

Student Name:

Task 1

Describe how and to what extent does Steve Jobs’ career illuminate the difference between
management and leadership; for this you need to write a Report on following

 Explain the link between strategic management and leadership

 Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decisions

 Evaluate how leadership styles can be adapted to different situations


Strategic management:
According to Neil Ritson, "Strategic management is the development of the resources of industry,
business, marketing, technology, and humanity, in pursuit of its purpose as the use of all resources,
setting policies that are administered by the executive director, guide the range and direction of the
enterprise. The company's business environment". (Neil Riston, 2008)
Desired objective
Development of resources
Strategic management is based on their mission information and looks for ways to achieve certain
goals by using their resources correctly.
In the words of Audrina, you will be a guide whenever you can manage the product approved by
your group. You and the rest of the group have the right to be determined to determine the strength
and performance of the findings and goals. The guide is called the part of the successful
administrator. Most of the time it works for strategic planning and management and success.
(Audrina Majella, 2008)
Leadership is a skill that people develop in experience as an example in
APPLE INC is a great trading agent after having gained experience and becomes the company's
manager and they have not set up a regular leader because it is the guide you will learn through the
experience and strategic management of the courses with the training.
Leadership is a bridge between strategic management and their .it because they are a subsidiary
management of their work with them
Management holds responsibility for persons and resources in the unit based on existing laws and
values set by the competent leader of the community in the community.
We can understand the relationship between strategic management and the leader by this model
that the effective leadership and management of success in one organization are two components
that go with unsuccessful management the good leader can validate for a long time as well as
effective management without a good helper.
When connecting with a great management and proper management, you can determine the
direction and ability to set resources in the way you want. Not only, you can accomplish your
project the way you think and the path you want to achieve.
1.2 Analyse the impact of management and leadership styles on strategic decision:
In the previous article, what is the relationship between managing and guiding, and today we show
that we have a job experience and how to work, how it can benefit both parties strategy. First I
begin with my job experience in APPLE INC how I look at these two words there.
1.2.1 APPLE INC leadership and Management
At this point it begins with my own experience, trying to record management and leadership, and
how it affects strategic decisions.
If no activities are assigned to groups or leaders, no administrator can manage everything. the
superintendent is the manager of all, and it is possible to know the controllers who do not want to
keep their eyes open to everyone .In this course all the people will see that their work is in
managing this time is clear who the leaders and policy makers and iwi working in groups and the
party's witness is the subscriber who manages the team's work with each other in the individual
Now it will describe with the examples that how leadership and management work together.
1.2.2 Example: For example This is the purpose of the APPLE INC so that clients will not be able
to sell in the real market in terms of buying and expanding their business now and we will talk
about individual goods where I work or the job that has been set up by the management of the
market in the year by using a limited amount of resources according to work, encouraging and
utilizing more than 20 years working in the business plan planned by management if 2o people
work to work briefly so they can get the needed sales now the quality of leadership this is to get
the job from these specialized groups of people in the meantime, this is the strongest attempt by
the leaders to use these two nations how the leader uses them to act work at a time.
1.2..3 Example 2: And it recognizes it with another model that is like APPLE INC where I used to
do its functionality organized by the operating system to cut them over very long hours and used
the same speed so much so they were still completely left their people call the duration, and the
difficult time for the cowboy to complete their job in the meantime there is no longer longer so
they have started working changes for Exp earlier in the museum, only two people were employed,
and they used to stay almost all night in the museum to break down the offer and more for things .
And they all ask on the shelf to return, and they give 10 to 15 minutes this way during the half-
hour work done in the warehouse and one has been released to break down it's a bit easier for a
store maker to finish because this is before we just go on a tourist tour around and chat that they
use right then, leaving no access for replenishes to waste waste time Give us a different job and
share when we think of doing it during that time, and if you can not do what it's like one else can
do it.
1.3 How leadership styles can be adopted to different situation
So, we see the things used by various organizations in different types of models. APPLE INC uses
the features of a subscriber to be compatible with social, social, and social backgrounds.
Examples of the difference in managing and managing these situations with different types of
skills to achieve their needs.
1.3.2 Lead me from the forefront: This is what the leader is doing in his career as a different
example of where I work with APPLE INC as our team's partner not yet in his youth , but he is
even better than we are. This is an example of the different types of leadership that the people
follow in the person who encouraged them.
1.3.3 Setting examples: Leadership is a model for others to take the course from a leader, for
example, if there is a breakdown on the market, or a plant there administered by the administrator,
or the subscriber, and others see if he is eating he's why why there are not many models like us,
and this is the kind of helper of the guide in the news more than the facts
1.3.4 Leadership and design characteristics: this is the kind of guide that is most effective, for
example, our administrator at APPLE INC is always a good time for us and discussing other
issues, where our resources are, we have not considered them. but some of the people I liked to
stay alone because he was asking for this would be the kind of donation method
1.3.5 Make sure that work is as strong as possible: this is the way we use this form as an example
for most of the APPLE INCs that I used to use in the retail office in cookies, oil and herbs, and at
least four hours in which other people work. It can be done within two hours. So my manager and
my assistant would like me to do this work as many people know the specific place.
1.3.6 Participative: This type of use used in the area where everyone is involved in making
decisions as a helper for success is the good example of this type of industry that everyone has the
opportunity to make
1.3.7 Situational: at this time the leader works as an example in the APPLE INC Manager who
knows that the product at that time runs most often to make sure he is using his own fund bring
other things to the back.
Here you have decided that a good helper is unsuccessful and has two major factors for another,
for example, to think that management is running but not the good leader any good strategy done
by operate until no one is able to take action because it is a good guide, but not a strategic
management that analyzes the company's assets and benefits more than ever. good of the guides.
Much of strategic management is more than subscriber, and it can be said that the subscriber's
pursuit follows the strategic plan set out for the company's owner

Task 2 (LO2: AC 2.1, 2.2)

In light of the Steve Job’s case study, you must show ability to apply management and leadership
theory to support organisational direction; for this you need to attempt Theoretical Review on

 Review the impact that selected theories of management and leadership have on organizational
 Create a leadership strategy that supports organisational direction

Task 2
Management and leadership theories in the organization:
The guide is the strength of the individual to help, to encourage and help others to benefit from
success and success. (House et al, 1999, pg184) There are many guiding concepts in different
organizations under different circumstances. These concepts are compiled in the form of Advisers
and Students, Publishing and Publishing, the World, and the Objective.
By contrasting the concepts in these areas it is easy to understand the type of concepts, the
concepts of the teacher, or the students, are based on a variety of ideas. Most of the ideas on the
guides are not linked to the students. Another way to explain the concepts is to know the
description used by a leader to work with the students following him when directed by the leader
to succeed in achieving the product by inspiration. World concepts are everywhere widely used,
where they are written or written when ideas are used in specific ways.
The guide is a process that leads leaders to a specific group of people to achieve a freelance
practice and develop skills with a wide range of leadership strategies that distinguish between
students and leaders. . According to Kendra Cherry, in 2004, there are many concepts used in the
“Great Man” Theories: An old concept of inherited power from forefathers.
Trait Theories: some qualities which they inherit make them the leader.
Contingency Theories: Is the selection of best method according to the situation.
Situational Theories: Leader choose the best strategy of action
Behavioural Theories: There are certain actions which make a leader effective
Participative Theories: Every member in the group participates to give his suggestions.
Management Theories: Are called as transactional theories which focus on group performance.
Relationship Theories: are called as transformational theories which focus both on group and
individual performance.
Most common theories used in the organization:
Behavioural theories:
According to behavioral behaviors more than words. A leader is not a leader because he has other
features but has an experience in teaching and monitoring. This concept reflects the behavior of the
leaders who differ from members of the team. The most important way to use in the process; such
as the behavior of the administrator and commenting, the student knows what his or her manager
thinks. An administrator model set up in 1964 illustrates the potential for managing the company's
To highlight the effectiveness of the behavior in the process, write to the student, in APPLE INC
when the employee comes to the end of the job knowing that the administrator or administrator
will not be able to the first time, but he will be able to watch the clock in the clock when he looks
at him when the person knows that the manager has noticed his problem, and then he may receive
the warning later him. Similarly, the employee will be sent to a member of the staff, but the
administrator will not encourage him to do so at all but what to do. As she continues to arrive on a
trip to the area, a member of the employee will be careful that his or her supervisor will focus on
him, and he must work on his or her job in a positive way. So it works to work and work according
to expectations.
Situational and contingency theories:
Herbert Spencer 1884 thought it was a time to bring people into thinking that where a leader
should work in a way that does not have a serious law and the urgency to address the issue, the
leader can using different types of subscribers in terms of example, if required determination of a
solid foundation, the master takes the autocratic form and determines the decision based on his or
her experience, if The reason is that he needs the opinions of employees who do not have a sense
of social status. promoted. It applies to a topic that is also considered relevant concepts. The leader
who deals with environmental issues, for example in APPLE INC, is the issue of group or
individual work, in the workplace where the work is disturbed, nor does the rest of the human race
promote other people to fill the space and work at the right time. And just as the director knows
that man is looking at tiredness and can not give his best over the use of the concept of behavior by
showing his favor to someone by letting him down , or try him.
Transformational leadership theory:
According to the conceptual changes people use to follow the most influential guides. A person
who is actively promoting and engaging in enthusiasm enables him to achieve great goals, which is
the great experience of acting under such leadership as he has followed you are learning to learn,
learn, and experience as a great leader. In the leadership guide the leader sets up a vision for
students and talks to them about the level and ability to work. This prevents the administrator from
controlling the team's strengths and trying to make it better. Depending on the concept of planning,
the leader has the right to lead his team and to know the direction of vision. It does not always
have a chance to go ahead, but if progress continues, it will not be worthwhile. The leader stands at
the center and is still there for help and signals from the past. Conventions and cultural festivals
are included in promoting employers for example, APPLE INC organizing areas and foods in
Christmas season, which should be modest and used to make payments to staff to promote them to
work for APPLE INC.
2.2 Leadership strategy to support organization direction:
In the light of these concepts, APPLE INC will designate different guiding concepts in different
contexts. This is a guiding strategy that supports the purpose of achieving the theme.
Chapter 5 and participation: in APPLE INC is a five-point forum that is known as the five teams
before the start of the service that the staff members are invited to include and submit all the
directors, team leaders, salesmen, and security members to gather together, and offer suggestions
on how to achieve the market and how to work effectively. time. This is a sample of the limited
concept involved in which the administrator will listen to everyone, and in the end he has the
power to make the final decision. The manager and the group now discusses with them this
information that will benefit their work.
Leadership and behavioral behavior in APPLE INC: The coach of the team representing the team,
and gives some signs to others by his behavior and his speech. When employers see that their
employer is doing their job, he is acting in a mental sense, as he encourages his behavior and the
effort to work as a person. work on him.
Management role and transactional theory in APPLE INC:
In the APPLE INC administrator works the report of the operation from the administrator and the
administrator of the reporting section from the group leader and group leader to keep track of
working individually. In this case, he alone is responsible for his or her individual work, if no one
does, and he is asked for that, if the case is good for anyone, he will be paid for it.
Senior management and Situational theory in APPLE INC:
This is a good idea that is fully implemented in APPLE INC by the executive director because they
determine the appearance of the model if a hot day and sellers begin to sell drinks from the store.
In just one case, both people use the task to drink the process to complete the task, but then
transforms the strategy and releases a person into the segment and takes it a person from another
area that does not have an extra drink. It is similar to the time when a person dies, the manager can
not do the job, and plans to try to convince the person and change his identity as a person by taking
the district administrator and group leaders to discuss how to work in different ways.
It is easy to conclude that there is no evidence that if leadership is successful today, tomorrow's
success should be achieved tomorrow the strategy phase will be achieved to achieve the level as if
it were not successful The successful leader in part of the business that has never been in the rest.
For example, the APPLE INC Manager of the trading sector is the best administrator of his time,
but if he is asked to include the sector he can not get the job from the employees because he does
not let him know the results of this section.

Task 3 (LO3, LO4: 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2)

In light of the Steve Job’s case study, you must show ability assess leadership requirements and
plan the development of leadership skills; for this you need to document Material for planning the
recruitment and development of a leadership role by attempting following

 Use appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements

 Plan for the development of future situations requiring leadership

 Plan the development of leadership skills for a specific requirement

 Report on the usefulness of methods used to plan the development of leadership skills

3.1 current leadership requirements:
One of the leaders is leading the team in the right direction and encouraging them to achieve the
project. Students contribute to the importance of a good leader. In ancient times, the idea of kings
having some circumstances and experiences is a guide. However, at this point the leader needs to
be able to assess current and timely tasks. Leaders should look at the challenges as shown below.
These are internal and external challenges.
This is one of the challenges for managing the management of physical activity because members
of the body do not have physical control in any way. It works on computers. He uses strategic
strategies that focus on cost management and variation. Our guides learn about the experiences of
others. The best quality of virtual guide is to listen and understand, and your plan will be marked.
There are many virtual organizations around the globe, for example, Google is working around the
globe, and reports about the UK only about thirty people serving in the UK.
The guide should define how the world's value and how it works. In the context of the area, it has a
bearing on other areas, such as a flood in Pakistana, as a land of farming that carries fiber into the
world, at this time there is no salt , and has not been exported to import the thread. At this time
things are done elsewhere, so salt is much more expensive than done in the past.
The global change is higher than the top. It includes the breadth of the area, the transfer, and the
breakdown. So the guides should be able to clearly identify the business situation when they want
to expand and return. The theme of art is the key to knowing what is bad and what is right.
Responsibility for community management is the responsibility employed by employers or traders
because it is customary. For example, in the past year, Primark has been buying India since it is
appropriate for some parts that children use. And the UK people took responsibility for the sale of
goods from Primark and Primark to ask India if you did not resolve this issue we are not working
with you
The horrors of the world are simply a guide. The lack of food and water is the threat of the
environment, community violence, economic crisis, and so on. The guide should define anger
beforehand and look for the solution. The outcome of the difference is to remain in the mind of the
leader, and no decision is made to be based on people, people and religion. Analyze the timing of
the removal of the guide guides as the time to take and the timing of the installation and when the
renewal is required. Technology is very important today, because the company is able to work well
by investing in low-income investments, which can contribute to its global productivity. To trade
your world products and to provide services is just a matter in the current leadership development
3.2 plan for the development of future situation requiring leadership:
The future is the key role of managing the leader and his development. It looks like some changes
that contribute to the development of leadership. Leaders have more brand marks, and they need to
develop and develop new techniques to support the world. Practice should be done in accordance
with the aspirations and actions of the guide. As the modern technology is expanding today, it is
increasingly expanding its new challenges for the guide. So we need to guide the plan to deal with
problems and how much information we need to get new technology.
The environment and the effectiveness of the environment will be effective in the future. Leaders
have a strong ability to meet the legal challenges of secondary schools in the UK providing tertiary
law enforcement programs, and to pay some college money, which is a sign of the sign. In this
case university and university earn money, as this is their goal to generate income and expand their
business. In new photos the latest years are the biggest challenge, and the effective leadership of
the future. Because the environment is unique, it is possible to get involved outside of the business,
and to issue a reason that does not work well with the company.
The best guide today is that people are managed in emails and places as a book of E. There is a
great need to develop and implement the new guide in this field because It's not easy to manage
people online. The role of the leader is to understand the use of technology in good leadership
The following sections are shown in one section that responds to the variations in the context of
the guide, and the ability to implement the teacher in the future is to show return to the investment
(Kincaid & Gordick, 2003). This statement emphasizes the importance of investing and aiming to
lead to problems in managers' areas to achieve their goals in reflecting their return on their
Developments of leadership skills:
The development of a leader is business training. This is a process for improving performance and
performance. An organization is successful in developing effective communication skills through
the use of training courses and forums that are conducive to creating a leading environment. There
are variations in leadership and work concepts, as they are easy to say, but they are difficult to do.
Leaders are interested in the company. It really guides developing psychological, psychological
and human development. A good leader can attract his disciples by expressing their strength to
them. Some activities are very helpful in developing skills skills.
Basic learning is an important tool for improving leadership skills that affect the needs of the
profession. It helps create an environment that is very helpful in becoming a good leader through
training and developing teaching skills. But the leader is learning in the experience, but some are
significantly improving the ability of the guides and improving their skills. A good leader needs to
be able to look after the needs of the future, and keep track of the future needs of your mind to
work well. Leadership can be developed through formal training, development and self-help
Use training training when there is a tendency to develop for a specific period of time the model
has been undertaken by some of the workshops in workshops at training centers and universities
that show courses for developing skills skills. In training training, planning effective training,
learning and helping effectively develop self-confidence. Do activities that are very helpful in
developing skills.
Most of the signatures needed for effective guidance learned from experiences without training
courses (Davies 1984) are special features that provide an opportunity to develop and enhance the
leadership skills when working regularly. Training and guidance can be used to help the
administrator interpret their experiences and learn new skills. (Mans me sim 1981).
Exercise activities include a variety of activities, modes of work, training, counseling, and self-
development. These can be used by the employer and employers. Assessment practices, including
interviews, personal trials, and information, are used for the purpose of development. Job's
revolutionary movement is used to develop human skills by sending him to temporary
departments. Training is used to train young people from the main manager.
Self-help strategies are used to develop individual skills. These methods can be used to learn
formal training. It will develop a person by determining the vision and purpose of each one, as well
as the greater desire to learn by taking difficult steps. People learn from their mistakes and their
The evidence from a survey suggests that the idea of development is needed at a time when it is
effective to determine the plans for adjusting the management areas. (Friedman, 1986)
Report on the usefulness of the methods used to plan the development of leadership skills:
A good leadership requires good human qualities through they can achieve their targets. Training
is a an effective way to develop leadership skills. Different training courses are very effective in
developing skills. For example, APPLE INC has an opportunity for staff to train management
because people have been designated for the required job. It allows a person to get the student's
money and finances so that he can go to the university to learn himself, and to make some courses
a career manager. Different training courses have been incorporated into enhancing skills. Today
the broader usage is learning from the experience. Experience has been used to achieve the
influence of the leaders. When people receive feedback from others, they will learn more in the
feedback workshops, areas, changes in work, instruction, learning and outdoor learning activities.
The strength of the component and the use of guides depends on the type of development that is
being undertaken (for example, training, learning experience, personal study), and modifying
techniques (for example, support and support). the advisor, the learning environment), as well as
individual administrators, learners, and learners) (Hall & Seibert, 1992; McCall, 1992).
To develop the skills of the leader, one must think that he or she can know the people from their
behavior with them. Leaders should have the ability to learn in the experience so that they can
make the right decision at the right time. The leader wants to develop the truth so that he can
persuade people to achieve the purpose of managing.
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