Sunteți pe pagina 1din 12


working with directories
------------------------ see the existing path

pwd make a new directory

mkdir <directory> remove a directory

rmdir <directory>
rm -rf <directory> go into the directory

cd <directory> come out of the directory

cd ..
cd ../..
cd - (previous location) see the contents of a directory
ls #only listing
ls -l #listing+properties
ls -Rx #heirarchy copy a directory

cp -rf <directory> <destination path>

working with files
-------------------- create a file

touch <file>
vi <file>
vim <file>
gvim <file> see a file

vi <file>
vim <file>
gvim <file>
gvim -O file1 file2 #opens both the files simultaneously
gvim -p file1 file2 #opens both the files simultaneously
in tabs
gvim -p * #to open all files in tabs rename a file

mv <file1> <file2> remove a file

rm <file>
rm -rf <file> copy a file

cp <file> <destination>
cp <source> <destination>
cp -rf <file/directory> <destination>
cp <source> . #copies from source to
current location move a file to another location
mv <file> <destination>

12.changing permission (read write executable) of a file

chmod [r][w][x] [r][w][x] [r][w][x] # first for user,second for
group,third for others
for example
chmod 751 <file> #7 means 111 5 means 101 1 means 001,that
means rwx for user r_x for group __x for others

12.a tarring and zipping

tar -cvf file.tar <Dir> #tarring

gzip file.tar #zipping
tar -cvzf file.tar.gz <Dir> #tarring and zipping together

12.b untarring and unzipping

gzip -d file_tar.gz #untarring

tar -xvf file_tar #unzipping
tar -xvzf fire.tar.gz #untarring and unzipping together
editing files

#escape mode delete whole line

dd copy whole line

10yy #copies 10 lines below the cursor paste
10p #paste 10 times delete a single letter

x open new lines

o replace a letter

<shift> r

:/word #Search word from top to bottom

:?word #Search word from bottom to top
:/jo[ha]n #Search john or joan
:/\< the #Search the, theatre or then
:/the\> #Search the or breathe
:/\<fred\>/ #Search fred but not alfred or frederick
:/fred\|joe #Search fred or joe
:/^\n\{3} #Find 3 empty lines
:bufdo /searchstr/ #Search in all open files

Syntax Pattern
a*bc abc aabc aaaaabc
a.c aac abc azc
abc .* xyz
a[b2m]c abc a2c amc
a[0-2b-d]c a0c a1c a2c ---- abc acc adc
a[^0-2]c a3c a4c axc
a\{3,\} 3 or more than 3 a
a\{3,5\} between 3 to 5 a's

20.searching and replacing

:%s/old/new/g #Replace all occurences of old by new

in file
:%s/old/new/gw #Replace all occurences with
:2,35s/old/new/g #Replace all occurences between
lines 2 and 35
:5,$s/old/new/g #Replace all occurences from line
5 to EOF
:%s/^/hello/g #Replace the begining of each line by
:%s/$/Harry/g #Replace the end of each line by Harry
:%s/$/\tHarry/g #Replaces with tab
:%s/onward/forward/gi #Replace onward by forward , case
:%s/ *$//g #Delete all white spaces
:g/string/d #Delete all lines containing string
:17,/foo/d #delete all lines from line 17 up to
:v/MPINV/d #Delete all lines which don't
contain sting
:s/Bill/Steve/ #Replace the first occurence of Bill
by Steve in current line
:s/Bill/Steve/g #Replace Bill by Steve in current
:%s/Bill/Steve/g #Replace Bill by Steve in all the file
:%s/w=\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)U /W=\1 /g #replace w=something with pattern
1 ,i.e. without U.
:%s/w=\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\). /W=\1 /g #replace with pattern1 anything ahead
the pattern (here it will be changing accuracy of decimal digits)
:%s/\r//g #Delete DOS carriage returns (^M)
:%s/\r/\r/g #Transform DOS carriage returns in
:%s#]\+>##g #Delete HTML tags but keeps text
:%s/^\(.*\)\n\1$/\1/ #Delete lines which appears twice
Ctrl+a #Increment number under the cursor
Ctrl+x #Decrement number under cursor

:.,$s/abc/efg/g #
subtitute abc with efg from current line to last line
:g/set/s/black/white/g # where
set is found replace black with white
:%s/\(.*param.*=.*\) \(MIN.*\)/\1\ '\2\'/g
:/hello/!s/aaa/bb/ # unless
'hello' is found, replace 'aaa' with 'bb'
:g/MFPT1\/P1_[0-9]*/s/W=[0-9]*\.[0-9]* /W=2\.025 /g
:g/MFPT1\/P1_[0-9]*/s/W=[0-9]*\.[0-9]* /W=2\.025 /g # search
pattern MFPT1/P1..numbers ,replace W=..number to W=2
:g/MFPT1\/P1_[0-9]*/s/\<W=[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\> /W=2 /g
:%s/w=\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\)U /W=\1 /g # search
and replace w=something with pattern1 (patern inside small braces)
:%s/\(.*param.*=.*\) \(MIN.*\)/\1\ '\2\'/g
:%s/w=\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\). /W=\1 /g #to
reduce the accuracy of decimal points
:%s/W=\<[0-9]*.[0-9]*\>/&U/g #where W= is
found add U in the end
:g/hello/,/goodbye/d #delete all
lines between hello and goodbye
:g/^ *$/d #deletes all
lines which is blank or tab
:g/^ *$/di #deletes all
lines which is blank or tab
:23,/abd/d #from line 23
to first match of abd will get deleted
:g/FPT.\/P.IO.*DATFLOP\/QF_X/s/^/#/g #FPT3/P2IO[30]/
:g/C_EST/s/ [1-9]*.[0-9]*f $/ 1f/g
:g/vss vdd vss vss/d #searches these
pattern together and delets the line

:se nu #sets the number on lines
:se syn off
:w <File>
:x,y w <File>
:x,y d
:r <file>
:set wrap!
:set ignorecase #Ignore case in searches
:set smartcase #Ignore case in searches excepted if an
uppercase letter is used
:%s/\<./\u&/g #Sets first letter of each word to uppercase
:%s/\<./\l&/g #Sets first letter of each word to lowercase
:%s/.*/\u& #Sets first letter of each line to uppercase
:%s/.*/\l& #Sets first letter of each line to lowercase


sort -u FileName > file #<ascending/decending>

sort -n FileName #<numeric>
sort -k3 FileName #<field/column>; column
seperator is space


ctl+ v then release key and select column and row portion #Select
shift+ v then release key and selecting row using cursor #Row Select

24.Read/Write files

:1,10 w >outfile #Saves lines 1 to 10 in outfile

:1,10 w >> outfile #Appends lines 1 to 10 to outfile
:r infile #Insert the content of infile
:23r infile #Insert the content of infile under line 23

25.file explorer
:e . #Open integrated file explorer
:Sex #Split window and open integrated file
:browse e #Graphical file explorer
:ls #List buffers
:args #List files
:args *.php #Open file list
:grep expression *.php #Returns a list of .php files contening
:gf #Open file name under cursor

26.Interact with Unix

:!pwd #Execute the pwd unix command, then returns
to Vi
!!pwd #Execute the pwd unix command and insert
output in file
:sh #Temporary returns to Unix
$exit #Returns to Vi

:%!fmt #Align all lines
:!}fmt #Align all lines at the current position
:!!fmt #Align the next 5 lines

:tabnew #Creates a new tab
:gt #Show next tab
:tabfirst #Show first tab
:tablast #Show last tab
:tabm n(position) #Rearrange tabs
:tabdo %s/foo/bar/g #Execute a command in all tabs
:tab ball #Puts all open files in tabs

28.Window spliting
:sp #Split window above
:vs #Split window side
:e filename #Edit filename in current window
:split filename #Split the window and open filename
ctrl-w up arrow #Puts cursor in top window
ctrl-w ctrl-w #Puts cursor in next window
ctrl-w_ #Maximise current window
ctrl-w= #Gives the same size to all windows
10 ctrl-w+ #Add 10 lines to current window
:vsplit file #Split window vertically
:sview file #Same as :split in readonly mode
:hide #Close current window
:only #Close all windows, excepted current
:b 2 #Open #2 in this window include a file in another file

.include <file path>
gf <==>:bp #to shuttle between these two files

Ctrl+n Ctrl+p #(insert mode) Complete word
Ctrl+x Ctrl+l #Complete line
:set dictionary=dict #Define dict as a dictionnary
Ctrl+x Ctrl+k #Complete with dictionnary

mk #Marks current position as k
k #Moves cursor to mark k
dk #Delete all until mark k

:ab pr printf("This is a Demo Ver \n"); Define pr as abbreviation of
printf("This is a Demo Ver \n");

33.Text indent
:set autoindent #Turn on auto-indent
:set smartindent #Turn on intelligent auto-indent
:set shiftwidth=4 #Defines 4 spaces as indent size
ctrl-t, ctrl-d #Indent/un-indent in insert mode
>> #Indent
<< #Un-indent

34.Syntax highlighting
:syntax on #Turn on syntax highlighting
:syntax off #Turn off syntax highlighting
:set syntax=perl #Force syntax highlighting

35.Editing a File

:e[dit] #Edit the current file. This is useful to re-edit the

current file, when it has been changed outside of Vim.
:e[dit]! #Edit the current file always. Discard any changes to
the current buffer. This is useful if you want to start all over again.
:e[dit] {file} #Edit {file}.
:e[dit]! {file} #Edit {file} always. Discard any changes to the
current buffer.
:gf #Edit the file whose name is under or after the
cursor. Mnemonic: "goto file".


:set gfn? #get the font and copy it in .vimrc

gf ==>:bp ==>:e# #mapped to F1
:ls then #list all buffer
:buffer N #where N is buffer number
:% #matching if/while

#copy the below commands also inside your ~/.vimrc file, this will be useful
such that while using gf the file will be opened in new tab.

map <C-G> :echo expand('%:p')<ENTER>

map gf <c-w>gf

#--------------------------------------------------------on terminal commandline

+ shell scripting---------------------------------------------------------------

a. set autolist

sed -e'/MFPT1\/P1_[0-9]*/s/\<W=[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\> /W=2 /g'
#search MFPT1/P1..something replace W=something with W=2
sed '/Owner:/{s/yours/mine/g;s/your/my/g;s/you/me/g;}' file
sed -e '17,/foo/d'
#delete all lines from line 17 up to 'foo'

sed 's/foo/bar/4' file

#replaces only 4th instance in a line
sed 's/XXX/'$value'/'
#variable usage inside sed
sed -e 's/W=\<[0-9]*.[0-9]*\>/&U/g' CKT1
#"W=1.025 L=0.006" ==>W=1.025U L=0.006

sed -e '/hello/,/goodbye/d' file

#Address segment of line between hello to goodbye and deletes
sed -n '/hello/,/goodbye/p' file
#Address segment of line between hello to goodbye and prints
sed -e '1,2s/line/LINE/' file
#addressed by line number to perform action of replace
sed -e "1,3d" file
#addressed by line number to perform action delete
sed -n "1,3p" file #prints only
lines 1 to 3
sed -e 's/nasim/d ;s/asma/d' file
#delete the line where ever it finds nasim or asma
sed -e '/not/s/black/white/g' file
#addressed by patten to perform action of replace

sed -e '/^[[:space:]]*$/d' file

#deletes all lines which has spce or tab
sed -e '/^\s*$/d' file
#deletes all lines which has spce or tab
sed -e '/awk/\!s/nasim/ttt/g' file
#don't replace nasim to tt if awk is there in line
sed -e 's/\[/_/g;s/]//g'
#replaces A[10] to A_10
sed -n 's/'$1'/&/p' file
#passing variable in sed
sed -e '1,2s/line/LINE/' <FileName>
sed -e '1,2s/line/LINE/' -e '1,2s/tabis/abdullah/'-e
'5,6s/abdullah/tabis/' File #using many sed simultaneosly
cat File | sed -e '1,2s/line[0-9]*/LINE/'
echo 'a b c l=0.06 w=0.15' | sed -e 's/l=[0-9.]*/l=0.02/g'
#changing length
echo 'a b c l=0.06 w=0.15' | sed -e 's/l=\([0-9.]*\) /l={\1-0.02} /g'
#pattern1 -0.02 (decreasing length by 0.02)
echo 'a b c l=0.06 w=0.15' | sed -e 's/l=[0-9.]*/l=0.02/g'

echo 'a b c l=0.06 w=0.15' | sed -e 's/l=\([0-9.]*\) /l={\1-0.02} /g'

echo 'C123 node1 node2 12ff' | sed -e 's/^C\(.*\) \(.*\)/C\1 {\2*mpar}/g'

echo 'C123 node1 node2 12ff $X=123 $Y=234' | sed -e 's/^C\(.*\) \([0-
9]*\)ff /C\1 {\2ff*mpar} /g'
echo 'C123 node1 node2 12e-15 $X=123 $Y=234' | sed -e 's/^C\(.*\) \([0-
9e-]\{1,\}\) /C\1 {\2*mpar} /g'

awk '{print $4}' file
#printing fourth feild
awk '{print $1,$2,$4}' file
#printing multiple feild
awk 'NR==3 {print $1,$2}' file
#prints Ist and IInd field of third row
awk 'NR==3,NR==6 {print $1,$2}' file
#from third row to sixth row
awk '{printf("%-30s %-20f %-10f\n", $1, $2, $3)}' File
#formatting the o/p
awk '{print s +=$4}' File
#cumulatively adding field 4
awk '/MAX_RD/ {print $0}' File
#Search Pattern then take action
awk '{if ($2 !=0 )printf("%2.2f%\n",($1-$2)/$2*100); else printf("0.0\
n")}' file #comparing then calculating percentage
awk '{for(i=1;i<=13;i++){printf("%-14s ",$i)};printf "\n"}'
#for loop inside awk command
awk '{ if ($5 == "PER" ) {printf ("%-1s %-1s \n",$1,$2) } else {print $0}}'
file #comparing field 5 and then taking action
awk '{ if (/^MP|C/) {print $1,$2,$3 }}' file
#prints lines begining with MP or C
awk '{ if ($2~/^ST/) {printf ("%s %s %s 1f\n",$1,$2,$3) } }' file
#prints lines having ST in IInd field
awk '{ if ($2~/ST/&& $6~/pmos/) {print $1,$2,$3} }' file
#prints lines having ST in IInd field and pmos in VIth field
awk '{split($7,arr,"="); print arr[2]}' file
#splits field 7 on delimiter '=' and stores in array



foreach cell (`cat cellList |grep -v "^[ ]*#"`)

better to use '' instead of "" if no shell variable is used
' ' is a file and ; is new line :sed '/two/ s/1/2/; /three/ s/1/3/; /^$/ d'

grep <pattern> file

#find the line containing word
grep -m 2 <pattern> file
#only first two matches
grep -w <pattern> file
#find the line containing only that word
grep -i <pattern> file
#i means case insensitive
grep -A 5 <pattern> file
#searchs and prints 5 lines coming after the pattern
grep -B 5 <pattern> file
#searchs and prints 5 lines coming before the pattern
grep -C 5 <pattern> file
#searchs and prints 5 lines before and after the pattern
grep -o <pattern> file
#show only the part of a line matching pattern
grep dec_eval1 ../DECODER_all/SPREG_decoder_cell_0c | grep ^C | awk
'{print s +=$4}'
grep ^C |sed -e 's/\*mpar\*Cfactor//g' |sed -e "s/'//g" |awk '{print
grep ^R mafprf.ctot | grep WLR_AFX | sort -k4
grep ^C SPICE.SPI_MODIF | grep -v ^X | grep blt | grep -v TBD | awk
'{print s +=$4}'
grep FPT2_RD\*\[0\] EM_IR_NASIM
#out Put---FPT2_RD0_CLK,FPT2_RD0_AR[21]
mafprf.ctot | grep WLR_AFX | sort -k4
ch|ha1latch|ha2latch|ha3latch|ha4latch|mhtopbotlatch|net42|net48" $file >$

------------------------------------ sed grep awk piped together
#piping | means
sending output of one command as input to other command

cat File | grep -v ^$ #to

remove blank line
cat File | grep -v "cat\|dog" #to
grep either cat or dog Expression must be in "" 'NEW'
cat File | grep '\[[0-90-9]]
#will grep all like [10] [82] [34]
cat : | grep ^M
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M | awk '{print $4}'
#prints fourth field of lines starting with letter M
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M |grep SEN | awk '{print $4}'
#prints fourth field of lines starting with letter M and containing word
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M |grep -w SEN | awk '{print $3}'
#prints only fields containing word SEN
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M |grep -w SEN | awk '{print NF}'
#NF means number of fields
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M | awk '{print NF}'
#prints number of fields in rows starting with 'M'
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M | awk '{print $NF}' #
prints content of last field
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep -v SEN | awk '{print $NF}'
#-v means not containing word SEN
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep -v SEN
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep -v ^C
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^C
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^C | grep -w SEN #-w
means only that word
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^C | grep -w SEN | sed -e "s/f//g"
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^C | grep -w SEN | sed -e "s/f//g" | awk
'{print $4}'
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^C | grep -w SEN | sed -e "s/f//g" | awk
'{print $1,$2,$4}'
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^C | grep -w SEN | sed -e "s/f//g" | awk
'{print s+=$4}'
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^C | grep -w SEN | sed -e "s/f//g" | awk
'{print s+=$4}'
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^C | grep -w SEN | sed -e "s/f//g" | awk
'{print (sqrt(s+=$4)}' | tail -2 #tail -2 means last two lines
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^C | grep -w SEN | sed -e "s/f//g" | awk
'{print sqrt(s+=$4)}' | head -3|head -2 #only second last line
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M | awk '{printf("%-12s %-12s %-12s %-
12s %-12s", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)}' #field formatting (- right + left)
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M | awk '{printf("%-12s %-12s %-12s %-
12s %-12s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)}' #field formatting,12 spaces each
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M | awk '{printf("%-12s %-12s %-12s \n%-
12s %-12s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)}'
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M | awk '{printf("\ts %-12s %-12s \n%-
12s %-12s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)}'
cat 1phs130_IO_nbt.rcbc.sp | grep ^M | awk '{printf("\t%s %-12s %-12s \n%-
12s %-12s\n", $1, $2, $3, $4, $5)}'
grep <pattern> file |grep ^C |sed -e 's/\*mpar\*Cfactor//g' |sed -e
"s/'//g" |awk '{print s+=$4}'
cat sphs130_samp.rcbc.sp1 | sed -e '/^*/d' | tr "\n" " " | awk 'NR==1 {for
(i=1;i<=NF;i++) print $i}'|tr "\n" ":"| awk '{split($NR,arr,":"); print


a. command1 && command2 #executes command2 only if

command1 is succesful
b. command1 || command2 #executes command2 only if
command1 is unsuccesful
c. find ./verif -name "amd65gh": #can be found
directory or file
d. find . -name "mafpret.ckt.mod"

e. tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]" #translates lowercases into uppercases

f. tr "*" "#"
g. tr "\n" " " #translates a newline character with
h. tr -d "\n" #deletes newline character
i. $argv #argument passing in Shell
j. ls | tee file #prints on the terminal and
appends in the file too
scripting ......................................................................

41. #! /bin/csh -f #start the scripting

file with this

PID variable = $$
Status varible = $#

42.setting variable
@ abc =15 #setting variable for
set abc='hi how are you' #setting variable for

set outFile='/home/zia140/kalim/bitcellDC/snm/outFile'
cd $outFile

set metalWidth = `echo $<`

43.calling variables
echo hi how are you
echo '$abc'
printf hi how are you

45.while loop

@ i =1
while ($i <10)
echo $i
@ i +=1

while( $i< $col)

@ var = `expr $var + 1`

while (($block_2d[$i][0]=~ /^X_/) or ($block_2d[$i][0]=~ /^M/)){$i+=1;}

until ($netlist[$i]=~/WEN/){


if ( $Time == 013000 ) then

set abc = xcvqehjcv
echo $abc

if ( -f $name ) then #if file exists then print found
echo found
if ( -e $name ) then #if file/directory exists then
take action
if (! -e $name ) then #if file/directory dosen't exists
then take action

46.d.if else

if ($gds2top == $cell) then

set gds2_cellname = "$cell"
else if ($gds2top == $CELL) then
set gds2_cellname = "$CELL"
echo "$cell.sum contents does not match either $cell or $CELL"

47.foreach loop

foreach abc ( `ls` ) #runs ls and then assigns each

output to variable abc
echo $abc


foreach FoldLine (`cat ${Tran}.line`)


foreach abc (`ls *spf*`)
sed -e "s/\#[A-Za-z0-9]* / /g" -e "s/^R/\*\*R/g" -e "s/^r/\*\*r/g"
$abc >m
\rm $abc
mv m $abc

-------------------------- commond in perl

`cp -rf /home/zia140/shel/file`; #use the ``

49.Inserting a fileawk '{split($7,arr,"="); print arr[2]}'

:r[ead] [name] Insert the file [name] below the cursor.

:r[ead] !{cmd} Execute {cmd} and insert its standard output below the

vi ......................................................

NOTE: better to use '' instead of "" if no shell variable is

NOTE: pattern,pattern line,pattern line,line, pattern to line
are the addressing mode
2.0 Qualifiers; (any character once ore more => .)
(preceeding charcter none or more => *)
(preceeding charcter once or more => +)
(preceeding charcter once or nonw => ?)
(any thing any number of times => .*
) ( any thing any number of times => []*)
(\w , \
d , \s) (\w* , \d*, \s*)

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