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Research Methodology and Pre-Project (BAA3922)



Unsatisfactory L Satisfactory H Outstanding U L S H O

1 2 3 4 5
INTRODUCTION Emotional; failed to Appropriate; claimed audience’s Stimulating; original;
(ATTENTION introduce self/subject; attention/highlighted main points. clear/well expanded;
STEP & vague list. prepared listeners fully.

SUPPORT Inadequate Adequate development; credible Comprehensive

(VISUAL & development/ facts/supported or illustrated ideas, development/ stimulating;
VERBAL) errors/sloppy; cited sources. well timed; skillfully
awkwardly used, used, incorporated
inadequate sources. sources throughout.

ORGANIZATION Vague; lacked Main ideas related to purpose/each Skillfully led

(LOGIC & balance/mechanical other/used some creative audience/creatively
TRANSITIONS) transitions throughout. transitions. related previous points to
new points.

CONCLUSION Incomplete; vague Reviewed highlights of main A synthesis; fostered

(SUMMARY & listed/abrupt; no sense points/ definite; appropriately tied retention of ideas/positive
CLOSURE) of finality. to subject. impact creative.

VERBAL Articulation problems; Not distracting; natural force, pitch, Exceptional articulation;
EXPRESSION incorrect rate, and emphasis;positive pronunciation, grammar,
grammar/pronunciation; precise word choice,
vocalized pauses; dynamic, spontaneous,
poorly worded; conversational; varied.
monotone; too
soft/loud; too slow/fast;
lacked confidence.
MOVEMENT Static movement, Varied movement, usually Purposeful movement,
pacing, distracting, purposeful. comfortable, confident,
hindered enhanced presentation.

GESTURES Mechanical gestures, Appropriate gestures, aided Gestures enhanced

mechanical, communication. presentation,
exaggerated, poorly spontaneous, natural.
timed, distracting,

EYE CONTACT Missing or partial eye Included most listeners; acceptable Direct eye contact;
contact; focused on reference to notes. random; rarely used
visual-aids or notes. notes, sought feedback.

TIME Exceed time allocated, Within time allocated Perfect on time

MANAGEMENT too short; half allocated

ATTIRE Casual attire UMP dress code Corporate attire : tie,

leather shoes, jacket,
INTRODUCTION Plain introduction Able to demonstrate the Presents a decent
without proper research significance of the study with connection between
question, objectives, appropriate objectives listed to research question,
scopes of study, and answer the research questions objectives, brief summary
research significance of method through scopes
of study, and research
significance precisely

LITERATURE Lack of literature Presents a well sequenced studies Clearly presents a

REVIEW studies (< 2 studies) that support the rationale of comprehensive literature
and also presents research questions studies ( > 5studies), a
deficient information on summary that pulls
how previous study together the latest finding
was done and able to demonstrate
how the study will enrich
the literature
METHODOLOGY Description of method Able to explain how the chosen Able to explain the
and data to be collected method used to gather data in order chosen method precisely
are missing to answer the research question and provide references to
others who have used
similar/related methods

FUTURE WORK Gantt chart is not Gantt chart is well presented yet Gantt chart is completely
presented requires more detail to provide provided until the end of
better understanding in the project period with decent
subsequent task. understanding in the
subsequent tasks


Signature : ____________________________

Examiner Name : ____________________________

PRESENTATION TIME: ________minutes TOTAL POINTS AWARDED ___________/ 70

U = unsatisfactory, L = Low satisfactory, S = satisfactory, H = high satisfactory, O = outstanding

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