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Unii 1A

one le6rns. it ceftainly mlde 0 change from all those bortng oui by yaur firn atThe Rcund House Office burldrng.
compurer lessons. in genero!, the slandatd of workmanshtp daes nct neet
I an so pleased that I had the chance to get'hands'on lhe specification lhat we agreed upcn at our pre'contractull
exlerience wtth conputers in a real i';orktng office cni meeting on jrd May.Tne plasiering on the ceilings has started
caming into coniact vlith tht public for the first time as q ta crctk and the paint on ihe t\/alls has started to flake. I was
member of staff was rathe{ o\fte inspiring. Dealing with people told at the time thot the ,,valls ,,voulC be spectally treated io
from outside ny inmediate group ot fnencis has always been 0ie.lent s|.tak 3 inir,q ircrf. ccctirt;nE.
diffictilt for me, but the exposure i had in your frrm has helped Furthermare, the lighring system is far f ram adequate and
rrle overccme even ihrs. Ihis is an added banus th7t ts helping fatls to meet ihE speci{ications for office work. The naturol
me in all my social contocts inside and outside schaol. lighting prorided by the undersized wintlows is below that
l,fiy experience is bound to stand me in good stead for my required by law and therefore the entire lighting issue has to
project vtork next academic yeor - I will certainly have a great be re-excmined.
deal of personal experience to dravv an. One af the most I a{sc feel tnat i nust brinq to your attentton the fact th1t

impcrllnt lspect vtill be of course that J 'tttll be abte ta descrtbe the highly poiished morbie floor tn the main reception area r
the worid as I see it. looking through the eyes of a tecfft raiher dangerously stipper.v and my canpany v,ttll be held responstbie
than thase of a rather shy individual. for any injuries occurring on lts pren,'lses. itleedless to say, in
Last bLtt nct !e0st, it vtas on added bonus actualiy being the event of such a situation v,te vtould seek legal advice and
Dlid for my vreek's v'tark. ! felt that my value as a persan and my take any necessary action to pratect adr tnterests.
cantribution hod been recagnised, lt makes such a difference to ln light of the above, I vtaitld be grateful if you vtould give
how you feel obout yourself. I am pasitive that some ,tlark rhe ttems I hove mentioned above your mast utgent attention
experience is better than none at alt, and l'm sure ihat my rn arder thar a practicai soiuion may be iaund rather than
praspects for the ftiture have been improved by my time'tith seeking a legal renedy,
you. Yau have been the sparkthat starts ihe fire, so ta speak. ;/,tith {egard to lny cutstanding payment, this will be
Ance agarn, many thanks. withheld until a satisfactary solutian to the 0bove- mentioned
problems hos been found and inplemented, Should there be a
Yours sincerely,
significant difference between the casts of correcting the
Dear tfrr Graham,
extsttng prablems, then vle 'iliil be forced to seek a r'evl
contrcctor ta complete the v'torkto staniard. Legal advice will
lv'tay I convey my most sincere apologies for ihe
be teken to recaver ihe maney already parted wit'n.
inconvenience you moy have been caused regard to your
'r,tith ln the e'tent o{ nc repiy being recei,ted within fi{teen days
new Tinytrod televisian. I feel it an obltgation to put yau in the
af the postmarx of the prcsent leiter, ! will assume that you
picture as to uthat has hoppened.
have abandoned the project and the abave-mentioned iegol
Due to circumstances beyand our control there has been a
cction will be enbarxed upan.
spate of delays in gaods being dispatched from our mcin
i''/any thonks for your cacperation in this matter.
worehouse in i$ilton Keynes.)bviously, with business being so
Yaurs faithfuliy,
brtsk these days distributtan is a ma jor problen the vvarld over.
Howevet { do sympathise with your posttion and l, myself
v'touid be feeiing c little less than pleased with the situation.
ln spite of the fact that it is nearly 3 days since you placed
Unit 10 - Our Planet, Our Home
your ortiet I have been ossured by the monager in Miltor',
Keynes rhat you can expect to take delivery cf yau frnytrcd 0t
the latesr on Frtday morning. ! see fram our ustomet rccords
that you are a frequent shopper ot Mixcns and as a specia! Vocabulary: the environrnent; recycling; environmental
vtay of expressing hovt much we value your custam, and by problems; ecology
way of compensation for yaur having being so understandtng, Reading: multiple choice; lexical close
we intend to supply you wtth c complimentary television/hi-fi Listening: listening for opinion. gist, detail. inference;
stand ot absolutely no extra cost to yowself . multiple matrhing; sentence completion; multiple choice
I ask you to bear with us jusr a couple of doys longer, and Speaking: sharing information; giving instructions;
should Friday be inconventent for you to take Celtvery, I am monologues
sure that the delivery department will arrange an alternattve Gramrnar: concession and comparison
date for you. Phrasal verbs: turn; wecr
Finally, should you have any rnore queries ot probiens Writing: review of writing tasks
about any aspect af Mixons' products or service please dial
FREEPHONE 08AC 67839 and an experienced product odviscr
will take your coll and advise you on the best product range, Ask Ss to discuss the implications of the title. and to
service contra*s ond much more.
speculate briefly about which specific topics the unit is likeiy
t0 cover.
Yours sincerely,

1 Elicit what environmental situation each photo shows, and

Dear Sit
help 5s to explain the iong-term effects of each problem.
I am turiting to inform yau that there are outstanding
prcb!ens vtith the rcnovatian work that vtas recentiy carried

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