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of the
and the Papal Mission of the XV/1th
and XVIIIth centuries


1 939

Fırst publıshed in ı-939
Copyrıght strıctly reserved


Ad piam memoriam
Fratrum multorum, qui expleto Domini praecepto
Carmelitarum matrici in missione
Discalceatorum ad terram ingratam, haud
vero infructuosam colendam tot aerumnas
perpessi sunt, ut nomina gestaque,
partim diuturno silentio tradita, partim
oblivione obruta, nunc tandem debita laude recepta,
adventuris Fratribus quasi Pharos
in perpetuum enitescant, haec humillime dicata est

cuM clarissimus auctor operis, cui titulus A Chronıcle of the Carmelıt'es ın Persia, and the Papal
Mission of the XVIIth and XVll/th Centuries illud approbationi nostrae subicere voluerit,
quippe cum in illo ex professo agatur de rebus ad, Histor.iam Missionum Ordinis Nostri
spectantibus, nos, qui illud a duobus censoribus ad id deputatis examinari fecimus,
praelaudatum opus non solum, quod, ,ad nos attinet, laeto animo approbamus, immo potius
gratulamur clarissimo auctori ad opus tam praeclare absolutum et omnibus numeris perfectum,
atque fidem facimus res ad historiam Missionıs nostrae Persicae in hoc opere spectantes
penitus respondere documentis authenticis, tam in Archivo nostro, quariı in Archivo S. Con­
gregationis de Propaganda Fide asservatis. Quapropter ex corde exoptamus, ut opus supra­
laudatum clarissimi auctoris prosperum successum sortiatur.
Datum Romae, ex Aedibus nostris Generalitiis, die 20 martii ı 938.
Fr. PETRUS THOMAS a Virgine Carmeli
Praepositus Generalis Ordinis Carmelitarum Discalceatorum
( Translation)
AS the distinguished author of the work entitled A Chronicle of the Carmelites in Persıa,
and the Papal Missıon of the XVlltk and XV/11th Centurıes has wished to submit it for our
approval, inasmuch as in it matters regarding the History of the Missions of Our Order
are specifically treated, We, who have had it examined by two censors specially deputed
for this purpose, not only gladly approve, in so far as pertains to us to do so, the above­
mentioned work, but moreover we congratulate the distinguished author on a work which in
every respect has been composed with such great perfection, and we testify that the matters
regarding the history of our Persian Mission in this work entirely correspond with the original
documents preserved whether in our Archives or in the Archives of the Sacr. Congregation
de Propaganda Fide, Wherefore we whole-heartedly wish every success to the work of the
distinguished author above commended.
Given at Rome, from the House of our Generalate, the 20th day of March 1938.
(sd.) Fr. PETER THOMAS of the Virgin of Carmel
Praepositus General of the Order of Discalced Carmelites

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Hıs Enıincncc C,ırdinal RAPHAEL CHARLES Ro�sr, O C D
(from thc Etrurian Provmcc of thc üreler)
Cardmal Protcctor of the üreler of Dıscalcecl Carmclitcs

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Hıs Eminence Cardınal ADEODATUS JoHN PrAZZA, O C.D.
( from the Veneti an Province of thc Ordcr) Cardina l Patriarclı of Yenice
Part 1


Scope of this chapter--other Religious Orders working in Asia before ı 600 3

Origin of the Carmelites-the 'Reform' of ı 582 and beginnings of the Discalced branch ex­
tended to Italy, ı 584-in spite of being damped the missionary spirit bursts into flame, the
Holy Land in view, but Pope Clement VIII calls on the Congregatıon of Italy to undertake
activities in Persia . 4

The Popes, Christendom and the Turkish menace-the gradual inroads of the Turks into
Europe from ı 359, and Christian resistance-Lepanto to ı 603 . ıo

The Popes and attempts to bring about Leagues against the Turks among the sovereigns of
Christendom-overtures of the Persians in ı 5 I 5 to the G:rand Master of Rhodes for joint action
against the Turks-the tangled situation in Europe by 1600 ı3

After Lepanto Pope S. Pius V urges Shah Tahmasp I to combine with Christian sovereıgns
against the Turks--letters to Don John of Austria regarding delegations to Persia-in 1579
Persia sends emissary to Portugal to invite Christian princes to move against the Turks­
'Instructions' for an envoy to Shah Muhammad Khudabandeh to urge military operations­
the Augustinian Fr. Simon of the Conception goes to the Shah, 1582, on the same errand
-correspondence between Clement VIII and 'Abbas I 19

The Safawi dynasty, how it arose, and its particular animus against the Ottoman sultans-the
wars between Persia and Turkey-Sultan Sulaiman the 'Lawgiver' or 'Magnificent' and
his campaigns against Persia of 1534 and ı 553-description of his progress to the war, and
the killing of his son Mustafa-methods of campaigning-Vincenzo degl' Alessandri's descrip­
tion of Shah Tahmasp's Court, government and land in 1574-Shah 'Isma'il II and his anti-
Turkish bias-war between the two empires in Shah Muhammad Khudabandeh's time. . 27


Obscure circumstances of his accession as a younger son-approximate date of his birth-his

early military operations in outlying provinces and recovery of territory 66

Particular dislike of'Abbas I for the Turks-his employınent ofthe brothers Sherley from 1599
-sends Anthony Sherley to Europe, ı 599-his proposals in name.ofthe Shah forjoint operations
against the Turks-the charter offered by Shah 'Abbas to the Christians-the 'Instructions'
of Sherley about the Confederacy, and offer to place all schismatics under obedience to the
Holy See, 1601-the Sultan suggests peace to 'Abbas I-dispatch in ı6ox ofthejesuit da Costa
and of Miranda to Persia by Pope Clement VIII, who urged attack on Turkish territory by the
Persian king-their eccentric conduct-dispatch from Goa of three Portuguese Augustinian
viii A Clıronicle of tlıe Carmelites in Persia
Hermits, 1603, to Isfahan-war between Persia and Turkey, 1604-7-conquest of the lower
Caucasus region by the Persians-temporary collapse in provinces of Asiatic Turkey by
rebellions--overrunning Armenia Major, 'Abbas I removes the Armenian population, and
founds for some ofthem a new Julfa outside Isfahan-indiscretions by the Augustinians awaken
the Shah's ill-will and suspicions-complaints of 'Abbas I against the Portuguese, in Hurmuz
especially . 69

Organization and start, ı 604, of the Carmelite mission, and letters of the Pope recommending
them--obstruction and sufferings in Russia-survivors of the party reach Persian soil, 1607-
entertainment and honours showed them by Persian officials on the road to Isfahan-the
conflict between missionary humility and their status as envoys-the first meeting with Robert
Sherley-suspicions of 'Abbas I, and the audiences given to the Carmelites-their Superior
asks for Robert Sherley to be permitted to return to Europe, and himself leaves, 1608, for
Rome-the communications which passed between Isfahan and Rome-hazardous journey
ofFr. Paul Simon via Baghdad-Pope Paul V urges king ofSpain to action against the Turks,
sending Fr. Paul Simon as his delegate-Robert Sherley arrives in Rome and Spain-account
of Sherley, his Catholicism, and marriage, and journey to European Courts-his 'memorial'
to Pope Paul V, 1609, annotated by the Pope-proposed joint action against the Turks-
Sherley in England I 04

Description of Persia and habits of the people by Fr. Paul Simon-the Armenians and their
transplantation-Shah 'Abbas I's methods of dispatching business-appraisement of him and
his resources . • . . • . . • . . . . . . 155

Difficulties and needs for the new mission defined by Fr. John Thaddeus-unstable disposition
and character of 'Abbas I, and the Carmelites prepare to move to Hurmuz-pressure of the
Shah on the Armenians of Julfa, and his indecorous habits-his annoyance over the arbitrary
actions of the Portuguese offi.cers at Hurmuz-description of the journey of Frs. Redempt and
Benignus via Aleppo and Baghdad to Isfahan-impatience and indignation of 'Abbas I over
the failure of Christian sovereigns to take hostile action against the Turks expressed in audiences
given to the Carmelites-long narratives of the manner of these audiences-description by the
Fathers named of Isfahan and the Shah-Fr. Vincent goes to Rome, ı6ıo, in connection with
a foundation at Hurmuz-the Shah's remonstrance to the Pope-'Abbas I sends Fr. John
Thaddeus as his envoy to Europe via Muscovy-the Carmelite Religious is kept a prisoner or
hostage in Astrakhan for three years, finally released after threats from 'Abbas I . 163

The Syrian Mıchelangelo Coray, Tuscan envoy-more Carmelite recruits-Fr. Vincent

returns from Europe-he founds a hospice at Hurmuz, and goes to Goa, endeavouring to secure
a footing for the Carmelites there-Fr. Antonio da Gouvea (as Bishop of Cyrene) returns to
Persia, becomes involved in altercation with 'Abbas I over the consignments of silk for sale­
Armenians made to suffer by forced conversion to lslam-the Bishop of Cyrene escapes to the
coast-Frs. Redempt and Bartholomew visit the 'Katholikos' at Echmiadzin to deliver Papal
Brief-their reception-they go on to see the Uniat (Catholic) Armenians in Nakhchiwan
district-worsening of relations between Persians and Portuguese in Hurmuz-İmam Quli
Khan, the viceroy of Fars, attacks Portuguese fort at Ganıbrun-Frs. Leander and Louis Francis
deputed by him to Hurmuz to make demands 197

"Count' Robert Sherley returns to Isfahan, 1615, and is at once seni back by 'Abbas I to
Europe, accompanied by Fr. Redempt-itinerary between Isfahan and Hurmuz-Sherley well
received at Hurmuz, where he takes back Portuguese prisoners released by Persians-Sherley
and Fr. Redempt at Goa, negotiations with the viceroy-their voyage to Lisbon-Fr. Redempt
instructed by Spanish Court to return to Persia, ı6ıg, but dies-the Spanish ambassador, Don
Garcia de Silva, in Persia • • • • • • • • • . . . 214
Contents 1X

The- (English) East India Company, in its hostility to the Portuguese, makes terms with the
Persians-Fr. John Thaddeus and his line of procedure, his translations of the Gospels and
Psalms-the new convent premises of the Carmelites-renewal of war with the Turks, and
Fr. John Thaddeus follows the Shah to Ardabil-his views on relations with the schismatics­
Pietro della Valle in Persia, a friend ofthe Carmelites-Mr. George Strachan the Scot, their
teacher in Arabic-application from Luristan for missionaries to be sent there-reception of
Don Garda de Silva, ambassador from Philip III, at Qazwin-protest and complaint by king
ofSpain and Portugal over seizure ofBahrain, the pearl fishery, from his possession, and request
for its restitution-departure of the ambassador-matter ofthe sale ofthe silk 228

'Abbas I watches the ceremonies of the Armenian Epiphany, and blessing of the water of the
river-the Portuguese commanders at Hurmuz appeal for Fr. John Thaddeus' mediation with
the Shah-the latter becomes seriously ill, 16ı20-account of audience inJune ıfüu, when both
the Carmelite Fathers and the Agent and staff of the East India Company present, and the
Shah discusses differences of religious belief between Christians-' Abbas I, offended, turns on
the Armenians in the villages of the district to force their conversion to Islam-the Shah has his
second son, Khudabandeh Mirza, blinded and imprisoned-the tension at Hurmuz increases,
1621-'Abbas I shuns the Carmelites, makes compact with the English for joint capture of
Hurmuz from the Portuguese-Persians converted by the Carmelites seized on the road to
Hurmuz, two martyred there, three others taken back to Isfahan and there put to death­
the Carmelites confined to their convent for months-preliminary steps in Rome for recognition
of the martyrdoms 244

The attack on Hurmuz, and its capture, 1622-loss of the Carmelite Residence there­
'Abbas I seizes Kandahar in the east, 1622-Baghdad captured by him from the Turks, 1623
-he begins again to force the Armenians round Isfahan to embrace Islam-financial difficulties
ofthe missionaries, their appeal to the Pope-the Brief of encouragement from Urban VIII, and
a special indulgence-the Carmelites open a hospice at Basra, sending Fr. Basil from Isfahan,
1623-the same year they found a Residence at Shiraz-the help of imam Quli Khan, the
viceroy, in this-recognition ofthe foundation at Goa by the Definitory General, 1624 • 266

Movements of' Abbas I, 1623-5, increasing disturbances in the country, the rising in Georgia­
in his absence the Carmelites arrested and taken before the Daruga, in error for the Augus­
tinians, 1626--arrival of the first Capuchin missionaries sent by Cardinal de Richelieu-Imam
Quli Khan makes an expedition against Basra-death of 'Abbas I-Fr. John Thaddeus'
account of him-Pope Urban VIIl's Brief to him arrived after his death-strictures of the
Agents of the East India Company on his cruelty-his infamous edict about property of
Christians, relatives ofapostates-death of Sir Robert Sherley, 1629, at Qazwin-vicissitudes
of his wife, Teresa, before and after his death in regard to her religion, and her retirement to
Rome-departure of Fr. John Thaddeus, x 628, for Rome-desire of Catholic Armenians for a
bishop-how Fr. John Thaddeus came to be chosen first Bishop of Isfahan-appointment of
Fr. Timothy Perez, a Calzed Carmelite, as his coadjutor, with title ofBaghdad, 1632-Urban
VIII notifies Shah Safi by Brief of the double appointment-death through an accident in
Catalonia of Bishop John Thaddeus, ı 633-the first printing-press in Arabic type brought by
Carmelites to Persıa 281


His accession and its celebrations-the Carmelites are received in audience-his friendliness
towards Christians-replies to Pope Urban VIIl's letter of 1624, and renews a1l privileges
accorded by his predecessors to the Carmelites-the Turks invade Persia, I 630-but are
repulsed, andShah Safi at Baghdad, 1631-Imam Quli Khan, the viceroy of Fars, again atttacks
Basra, but ıs put to death by the Shah-he had concluded convention with the Portuguese
pemıitting them to famı half the Customs of Kung-the Shah on an expedition in Georgia,
X A Chronicle of the Carmelites in Persia
I 634-his disposition, and doubtful ground for some charges made against him by modern
European historians-the Carmelites regard him as a better man, better disposed towards
Christıans than his grandfather-the favours given, and kindness shown by hım to Carmelites­
a Turkish army march�s into Greater Armeı::ia, 1?37-a great Turkısh force regains Baghdad
for the Ottoman Empıre, 1638-Fr. Melchıor kılled on frontıer of Muscovy, accompanying
a Polish envov

Car:ı:neiıtes become more intere�ted in work �mong the Armenians of Jl;llfa than among
_ _ _ , _
Persıans-the relatıons of Fr. Dımas wıth the Katholıkos Moses, who desıres reunıon with
Rome, and with the monks at Julfa-Fr. Dimas, much liked by Armenians, dies 1639-the
Fathers no longer having the liberal help of lmam Quli Khan, the Residence at Shiraz is shut
for some years through lack of funds-Carmelites endeavour to get Circassian colony in Fars
forcibly transplanted by Shah 'Abbas and made Muslim, to return to Christian Faith . '.

Basra-the Mandaeans, so-called Christians of S. John-description by Fr. Basil of their habits

and habitat-he suggests the king of Spain and Portugal should give them a location in
Portuguese controlled lands on the Arabıan shore of the Gulf-their numbers-interest of the
Roman Curia ın the matter, and instructions from the Congregation de Prop. Fide-project
to settle them at Dobba, but local Arabs rise and expel Portuguese, preventing execution of the
proposal-the viceroy of Goa still interested in a settlement, 1646-Fr. Ignatius' book on
Oiıgin, Customs, Rites and Errors qf the so-called Christıans of S. John-his list of their chief colonies
in the region, their rites and aversions-transplantation to Portuguese territory ceases with loss
of Masqat and Ceylan, 1649-57-Mandaeans in Persia forced to apostatıze by decree of
'Abbas II, 1657-their numbers estimated, 1660-Carmelites at Basra, 1679, decide that no
more shall be baptized in view of their failure to keep away from the pagan rites and beliefs­
orthodox Muslim opinion on the origin and tenets of Mandaeans

Bishop Timothy Perez succeeds as .Bishop of Isfahan, 1633, but will not go out to the East
and finally is given a suffragan bishopric in Spain-Fr. Dimas nominated, 1632, bishop o'f
Baghdad but refuses altogether-Madame Ricouart, 1637, in France offers capital sum for en­
dowment of bishopric ofBaghdad, provided occupant ofsee always Frenchman-the Carmelite
Fr. Bernard of S. Teresa appointed, 1638-and Apostolic Administrator ofdiocese ofisfahan­
he reaches Erivan, 1640-his conference wıth the 'Katholikos' at Echmiadzin-he goes to
the Catholic (Uniat) !'-rmen�a�s of Nak�chiwan-�is au?ienc� wıth Shah �afi, 1640-buys
a house and converts ıt for hıs cathedral, 1641--dıfficultıes wıth the Armenıans-he returns
to Europe, 1642, and avoids return to Persia-is part founder of seminary of 'Missions
Etrangeres de Paris' 340

Death of Shah Safi, when proceeding on campaign to recover Kandahar 350


The Vısitor General, Fr. Charles, goes to 'Qazwin for confirmation of the 'privileges' granted
h�'. the Shah's predecessors-paucity ?f deta�ls furnished by missionaries about the country in
_ _
thıs reıgn-the young Shah succeeds ın regaınıng Kandahar, struggle for that frontier position
continued-hostility to Turks wanes ın this reign-Brief from Pope Innocent X of 1646 urges
the young Shah to take action against the Turks-Fr. Ferdinand Gioerida, nephew of P. della
Valle's wife! its bearer-struggle in the Persian Gulf between Dutch and Portuguese, and of
the latter wıth the Arabs-the Arabs take Masqat by storm, December 1649, eclipse of Portu­
guese influence-the Dutch masters of trade in the region and in Ceylan by 1657-the
Carmelites at Basra lose their main financial support-attitude of the Dutch towards the
Car�elires-t�e Fathers act �t Basr� as tran�mit�ers of cor;espondence for �he European East
Indıa companıes-erroneous ımpressıon of hıstorıans as to Abbas II favourmg Christians and
Conterıts xı
his religious toleration-his Wazir oppresses Syrians and Armenians at Julfa, 1646-Shah
orders that all Jews and Mandaeans should become Muslims-pressure brought on the
Armenians-all Armenians compelled to evacuate cıty of Isfahan, and to live outside-enforce­
ment of'Abbas I's iniquitous decree regarding apostates from Christianity becoming sole heirs
of their relatives . 352

'Nationalist' movement in the Carmelite convent in Goa encouraged by Portuguese authori­

ties-Fr. John of Christ, appointed Apostolic Visitor and sent out from Portugal, makes
many changes and innovations-the Italıan Vicar Provincial sent away from Goa-Definitory
General in Rome protest, and commission ofthe Apostolic Vısitor revoked, 1646-missıon posts
in Persıa lose financial aid of Goa, and reduced to straits-most of preınıses at Shiraz sold-in
1656 the site of the Resıdence sold, another bought-the Bull of Pope Alexander VII, and
administrative and financıal control of the missions in Persia and their endowment taken over
by Sacr. Congregation de Prop. Fıde, 1656, to regret ofCarmelites-the Carmelite organization
in the Mission, and numbers at this tıme-changed relations with schismatıc Armenians, pro­
posals to brmg pressure on them through their compatriots in Europe-the Sarrati (Shariman)
family make a professıon of Catholic Faith, 1646-Fr. (afterwards Bishop) Piromallı, O.P.'s
forcible methods of combating Armenian schism in Julfa-Carmclite attempt to establish
a hospıce in Julfa, 1652-arrival of the füst Jesuıt Fathers, 1653-outbreak by schısmatics
against Latm mıssionanes, and Carmelites have to wiihdraw fromJulfa, 1654----correspondence
of Armenian patriarchs with Rome 367

Briefhistory ofprevious attitude of Chaldaeans round Urmieh to the Holy See-Fr. Dionysius
visıts their patriarch, and sends report to Rome-Fr. Fcrdinand Gioerida sent out, 1654, by the
Sacr. Cong. de Prop. Fide with letters to this Chaldaean patriarch, Mar Shimun, inviting his
submission, but is drowned on thc way-the patriarch writes to thc Pope-subsequent hıstory
ofthis branch-Fr. Dionysius also visits the other Chaldaean branch and patriarch, Mar Elias,
near Mausil, 1654-hıs report on them-intercst of the Sacr. Cong. de Prop. Fide in the
Kalmaks in NE. Persia-Fr. Dionysius' special work of baptizing moribund children of
Muslims, and questions raised regarding it-figures of such baptısms-nomination of Fr.
Dionysius as Bishop ofAgra rejected by him 382

Proposals to establish a Carmelite Residencc at Kung-activities of other Orders in this period

-the Capuchins, Jesuits-Bishop Bernard ofS. Teresa ofBaghdad's retirement in France, sale
ofepiscopal premises in Isfahan-appointment ofDom Placid du Chemın, O.S.B., as coadjutor
Bishop of Baghdad, ı 66 r-difficuities with hirrı 398

Inauguration of relations between Frcnch and Persıan Courts-a Polish ambassador-arrival

of the English Viscount Bellomont, a royalist emissary-John Chardın in Persia-interest of
'Abbas II in European painters, and painting-his death . 403


Ill health of the new king-his description in later life by Pere Sanson-his character and
supineness in governing-his chief Wazir, a bigot, persecutes Armenians-their entering
Isfahan city prohibited-the Shah has the chief Rabbi ofthe Jews and others publicly killed-
his profligacy at the expense of the Armenians 405

The 'Frank' or Uniat Armenians of Nakhchıwan, their previous history and numbers-the
decree of' Abbas I in favour of Armenian apostates, enforced in the district, does much harm­
Pope Clement X's Brief in favour of these Armenians-the Uniat Armenian archbishop
Xll A Chronicle of the Carmelites in Persia
Arakhiel finds his way to England, is furnished with a letter ofrecommendation by Charles II­
another Brief of Clement X to Shah Sulaiman regardmg Nakhchiwan-reply of Shah Sulaiman
-visit of Mgr Picquet to the dıstrict, and his report-Pope Clement requests the Shah to take
the district under his direct administration 410

The Turks again become mılitant in Europe and take Crete-Pope Innocent XI exhorts
Christian princes to ally, and sends envoys to Shah Sulaiman urging him to take the opportunity
and attack the Turks-after repulse of the Turks before Vienna, ı 683, 'privileges' accorded
by the Persian Court to the Carmelites-Pope Innocent XI's Brief of 1683 to Shah Sulaiman
against the Turks-and Shah Sulaiman's reply-a further Brief and reply regarding a building
at Shamakha-a Polish embassy ends indecorously-in the Persian Gulf-appearance of
French first in Indian waters, then in the Gulf, 1672-the Portuguese position, and their stake
in the port of Kung-vicissitudes of the mission at Basra-ceremonial at visits, and practice at
custom houses in Mesopotamia 419

Death in Paris of Bishop Bernard of Baghdad-Bishop du Chemin delays proceeding to his

post, his eccentricities-asks for the tıtle of patriarch, and the pallium-Fr. François Picquet
nominated to administer the diocese of Baghdad as Vicar Apostolic, r674-travels via
Nakhchiwan, where he arrived 1681-his letters, and reception by the Shah-applies for a
coadjutor and invites Pere Pidou de St. Olon to join him-Bishop Picquet takes up residence
at Hamadan, dies 1685-Fr. Pidou appointed bishop, 1687, his movements and financial
troubles-his consecration, 1694, as Bishop of Baghdad-request of 'Uniat' Armenians for
appointment ofa Bishop of Isfahan, and manner ofFr. Elias' selection-the Shariman family . 428

The Carmelite Mission, its distribution and numbers in thıs period-insufficiency of funds and
workers-attitude ofDefinitory General in Rome-debts ofthe mission posts-Christian trading
methods-receipts and expenditure from Cacurri endowment-burden of hospitality to
travellers at Basra-at Shiraz hard times suffered-visits of Carmelites to Gambrun (Bantlar
'Abbas) begin 1667-they stay with the agent of the French Royal Company-the Carmelite
mission in Malabar-inconveniences of system of election of Procurators, and of Prıors of
Isfahan-inactivity at the convent at Isfahan-exaggeration in reports of results (by other
missionaries) 439

Briefhistory of Christianity among the Armenians, and their varying attitude towards obedience
to Rome-gradual splitting ofecclesıastical government into several seats of Katholikos and patri­
archates-re-creation of Echmiadzin as main centre-their creed and differences of dogma­
Fr. Elias of S. Albert takes up vigorously reconciliation ofthe schismatics to the Holy See-his
letters about the way he managed to take up residence inJulfa-reaction of the schismatics to
progress made in teaching-Fr. Elias and the Shariman hauled before Muslim tribunal by
schismatics-chapel for the Armenian rite allotted by the Shariman, r68r, and another chapel
for the Latin rite, 1691, opened atJulfa-the Vartapet Stephen and other schismatics complain
to the Shah about proselytism by Fr. Elias, 1692-reinforced numbers ofCarmelites-narrative
by Fr. Elias ofthe resistance offered to his building a new church inJulfa, riotous behaviour­
bribery of the 'Queen-mother' and Muslim officials, and edict of expulsion of the Carroelites
from Julfa, r 694-retribution on those responsible 450


Strange circuınstances attending the selection or succession of Shah Sultan Husain, his bodily
imperfections, and habits-his uxoriousness, dominated by the Court eunuchs-extravagance
and the strict precautions to prevent men from approaching the Shah when he was on tour­
the date of the burning of the first Chihil Situn, and description of paintings in it-the Shah, a
devotee to Shiah tenets, led to order forced circumcision of Zoroastrians ( Gabrs) and seeks to
treat the Armenians similarly • • . . , . . . . . . 470
Contents xnı
Fr. Elias tries to obtain from the Court revocation of the order for the expulsion of the Carme­
lites fromJulfa, but outbidden by the schismatics-his suggestion for pressuıre to be brought on
the Armenians in Europe-outrageous conduct of the Vartapet Stephen-Fr. Elias has his con­
secration as bishop postponed to a more favourable time-Brief of complaint from Pope
Innocent, XIII, 1695, asking for the readmission of the Carmelites to Julfa, delivered by the
Portuguese envoy-Fr. Conra� brings_ from the �mpe�or and the ½ing of Polaı:d requests for
justice to be done to the Carmelıtes agamst Armenıan mısrepresentatıons-Fr. Elıas consecrated
-the Shah permits the return to Julfa, the triumphal re-entry-the Vartapet Stephen intrigues
and has the Katholikos Nahapiet of Echmiadzin deposed, himself appointed instead-the
fate of Stephen-the schismatics continue in J:ulfa and Georgia _
and elsewhere to treat the
Uniats ill-the case ofthe money ofJ. B. Tavernıer and the Sharıman-the latter transfer funds
to escape sequestration-apostasy of some of the fami!y-in Nakhchiwan _persecution by
schismatics causes sufferers to appeal to the Pope--the dıspatch of the Archbıshop of Ancyra
as Apostolic Visitor to P�rsia, his ant:cedents-the c�remonies on �is arrival-owing to a diplo­
matic dispute ofthe Persıan Court wıth the Muscovıte Agent specıal procedure adopted for the
presentation by the archbis�op ofletter� fr?m sovereig;ns-the_ banqu�t after h_is audience-the
Archbishöp ofAncyra bewaıls the exploıtatıon by Persıan officıals ofhıs travellmg allowances­
gifts brought for the Shah-his commission to treat with the Armenians, who, however, prove
obdurate, and the Shah's prohibition ofthe cursing of Pope S. Leo by them-the Archbishop
suggests pressure be brought on the Armenians in the Papal and other States-the Bishop of
Isfahan's recommendation to the Doge ofVenice on similar lines-list ofroyal decrees in favour
ofthe Christians obtained by the Archbishop-Pope Innocent XII's Briefto Shah Sultan H usain,
30-4-1695-Turkish military pressure in Europe-attitude of the Shah and his chief Wazir to
the urging by the Pope of common action against the Turks-the Czar's chief minister in
Moscow destroys the letters sent to Europe by the Persian Court-Basra and the Persian occu­
pation, 1697-1701-departure from Persia and death at Surat ofthe archbishop of Ancyra-
a Capuchin Religious sent to Persia from Rome as an Envoy, his reception at Isfahan . . 474

The unfulfilled promises of the Shariman brothers to provide an endowment fund for the
support of the Bishop of Isfahan, and his fınancial embarrassments in consequence--other
motives for ajourney ofBp. Elias to Rome-Fr. Conrad dispatched to Europe again-Bishop
Elias quits Isfahan, 14.10.1699-his protracted journey as far as Moscow, interview with
Prince Galitzin, chief minister of the Czar-he is 'confined' to his quarters, then sent via
Kiew-the rest of his negotiations in Poland, Austria and Venice-extracts from his address
to the Doge ofVenice-he reaches Rome, April ı 702-objectives of his visit, and his detailed
representation ofhis needs, financial and _other to the Pope and Sacr. Cong. de Prop. Fide­
Bishop Elias leaves Rome, 25.5.1705-Brief of Pope Clement XI to Shah Sultan Husain
requests protection for the Christians in Persia-and dispatch of further gifts-Bishop Elias
takes charge ofdiocese of Antwerp for a time, lands and dies at Bahia in Brazil on his return
voyage to Persia-the outcome of his activities among the Armenians . 499

Conditi'ons at the four Carmelite mission posts in this reign, irregularity of supply of funds­
accounts ofdisbursements from the Cacurri endowment fund-losses ofthe Carmelites through
the failure ofthe French East India Company-losses in numbers of the Religious, reduced to
two alone in 1716-fresh dispatch ofmissionaries from Italy, 1715-work at the several posts
described, the baptizing of moribund Muslims-the French envoy, M. Michel, x 708, obtains
,orders for repairs to the convent to be done at the expense of the Shah's treasury-consecration
at Hamadan of Fr. Peter of Alcantara-Mgr Maurice of S. Teresa, Vicar Apostolic for the
Mogul's dominions, in Persia, ı 7u-the position at Goa, and expulsion of the Carmelites from
the Portuguese dominions ( x 709)-their settlement on Bombay island-Mgr Maurice applies to
Rome for the separation of Bombay, as being English territory, from the jurisdiction of the
Archbishop of Goa, and put under the Carmelites-;--the oath required by the East India
Company to be taken by Mgr Maurice--to teach the Roman Catholic Faith in all its purity . 5t3
xıv A Chronicle of the Carmelites in Persia
Hostılity of the Armenian schismatics continues after the departure of Bishop Elias-in Tabriz,
in Tifüs-persecution of the Catholics and missionaries-the bastinadoing of the Katholikos
Alexander-orders obtained from the Shah to chastise the persecuting Armenians in Georgia­
intrigues of the Katholikos Alexander for the expulsion of the Latin missionaries-and in
Turkey he was a principal cause of the persecution of the Uniats-in I 70 I and ı 7 r 2 Capuchins
at Baghdad have to abandon their mission, destroyed by the Turks on schismatic misrepresen­
tation-bastinadoing ofthe Uniat notables inJulfa, 1713-death ofthe Katholikos Alexander,
the great persecutor-at Tabriz a Capuchin Religious killed in the assault of the city by the
Turkish army, and all Catholic Armenians put to the sword-the great earthquake in Tabriz­
expostulations from the Pope and Christian sovereigns produce, ı722, an order from the Shah
for the punishment ofthe patriarch, and rebuilding of premises destroyed . . . . 52 I

Bishop Pidou ofBaghdad, resident in Hamadan, comes to Isfahan, appeals to Rome for financial
aid and to be allowed to reside at Aleppo-he returns to Hamadan, 1696, summoned to Isfahan
by the Archbishop ofAncyra as Apostolic Visitor-asks for privileges to pontificate, ı 700, granted
for 3 years, and for a coadjutor, and for exchange ofdiocesan territory-Hamadan for Basra­
Bishop Elias' qualified assent, ı 702-Bıshop Pidou allowed to remain in Hamadan a further
three years, 1702-Mgr de Galiczen appointed coadjutor, 1707-narrative by Bishop Pidou of
the sending of M. Fabre, the envoy from France, and ofhis ownjourney to Tabriz in connection
with this, and the arrival of M. JY.fichel-arrival of Mgr de Galiczen in Persia-decrees said to
have been issued by the Court, at his instance, to protect the Catholics against schismatic
malice-he dies, ı 7 ı 2-Bishop Pidou appointed consul for France, returns to Isfahan and has
audience ofthe Shah-Persian discontent with the French East India company-Bishop Pidou,
an inmate ofthe Carmelite convent, becomes paralysed-Bishop de la Fleche appointed coadju­
tor but evades the journey to the East-death of Mgr Pidou, ı 717-list of his letters in the
archives of Propaganda Fide-letter ofking Louis Quatorze, 1714, to Pope Clement XI about
the missions in Persia-appointment of M. Gardanne as consul for France, ı7 ı5-incidents
attending his journey at Aleppo-his reception in Persia-a rising against the Shah in Isfahan
-relations of the French Court with the Persian Court at this time-the French Company­
manreuvres by the Seminaire at Paris to get Persia added to the jurisdiction of the French
bishops ofBaghdad-the Sacr. Cong. de Prop. Fide decides to appoint a Dominican as Vicar
Apostolic for the diocese of Isfahan-Fr. Barnabas Fedeli, O.P., of Milan-position of the
Dominicans inJulfa at this time, they are favoured by the Sacr. Congregation-the Dominican
buildings at Julfa-their archbishops in Nakhchiwan-Fr. Barnabas Fedeli's journey from
Yenice to ulfa, ı7 ıı-he is nominated Bishop oflsfahan, ı 7 ı6-his consecration-his defects
as a writer on contemporary events-Fr. D. M. Vadet appointed Bishop ofBaghdad to succeed
Mgr Pidou, 1718-becomes aJansenist and stopped from reaching the diocese-administration
of the premises at Hamadan of the Bishops of Baghdad handed over to the Carmelites, ı720-
expenditure on them-Fr. Joseph Mary ofJesus, appointed Vicar Apostolic for diocese of
Baghdad, 1721, arrives Basra, 1722-the French consul makes the Jesuit church in Julfa his
official chapel, and has a dispute with the Bishop over prayers for the king-further difficulties
of Bishop Fedeli with the Jesuits-he uses Fr. Krusinski as his messenger to the Persian Court
at Qazwin-description of the audience and banquet attended by Bishop Fedeli-'Itimad-ud­
Dauleh blinded by Shah Sultan Husain-the intrigues against the former-list of eıı::penses
of presenting the Pope's letters to the Shah-Shah Sultan Husain hands over replies for the
Pope and Emperor-the edicts obtained far repairs to the missions in Tifüs and Ganjeh-a letter
from Louis Quinze to the Shah in favour ofthe Catholics ofNakhchiwan-Fr.Jerome Francis
obtains in France endowment ofa fund for the upkeep of the Carmelite mission in Julfa-his
return to Persia as envoy from the Emperor-and entry into Isfahan described 530

The Afghan invasion of Persia-the policy ofthe Shahs in Georgi aand Armenia, and its evil
results-appointment of Gurji Khan as governor of Kandahar, the intrigues of Mir Wais,
Kalantar of Kandahar against him-the strange case of Israil Ori, the Armenian adventurer,
and the alarm it caused the Persian Court with regard to Russia-Mir Wais, successful in his
intrigues and back in Kandahar, has the Georgian commander and his force put to death­
Khusru Khan sent to replace Gurji Khan with a composite force of Georgians and Persians­
the desire of this Georgian chief to be recognized as a Catholic-he takes the Carmelite Fr.
Contents XV
Basil as his chaplain on his march to Kandahar-both are slain ın a rout of the besieging force
by the Kandaharis, r 7 I x-an account ofthe march on Isfahan of Mahmud, son of I\ı1ır Wais,
and the Afghans, from the narratives of F'r. du Cerceı:u and of the Carmelı�e Fr. Leander of
S. Cecilia combined-surrender of Isfahan and usurpatıon ofthe throne by Mır Mahmud, I 722
-events following the occupation of Isfahan-attempts of Shah Mahmud to master the rest of
Persia-he puts to death Safawi princes-Shah Mahmud assassmated, April r725-Mir Ashraf
succeeds as Shah-his campaigns agaınst the Turks-Fr. John Joseph at Hamadan moulds a
cannon for the Persians, is captured, made a slave and ransomed-more Turkish invasions,
and negotıations with Shah Ashraf-Shah Sultan Husain put to dcath, r 729-Hasan Quli, later
to become Nadir Shah, joins the Safawi prince Tahmasp and drives Shah Ashraf from Isfahan
to Shiraz and Kirman-Shah Ashraf killed in the desert of Baluchistan-the sıtuation of the
Carmelite and other missions in Julfa during and after the sıege, cut off for years from com­
munication with Baghdad, and Europe-their straıts through non-receipt of funds, famine
prices-their complaints ofabandonment by the Orders in Europe-the Carmelite Residence at
Shiraz collapses, massacres there and ill-treatment of the Carmelites-recrudescence of malıce
ofthe schismatics-attitude of the Afghan Shahs to the Armenians-at Hamadan also Aımenian
schismatics move the Turks to expel the Latin Missiorıaries-a letter from the French ambassa­
dor at Constantinople, ı 725, to the Carmelite Vicar Apostolic about Hamadan-in succession
to the latter, appointment ofFr. Emrnanuel ofS. Albert as pro-Vicar Apostolic for the diocese
of Baghdad, ı 728-grave straits of Bishop Fedeli of Isfahan, r 727-30 . 562


Dearth of letters from Religious working within Persia at this period-the enigma of these
eighteen years to the student of the missions-Shah Tahmasp and his operations against the
Turkish armies-his general, Tahrnasp Quli Khan, has him dcposed, r 730-proclamation ofthe
infant 'Abbas III-Tahmasp Quli Khan besieges Baghdad ineffectually-an account of the
Turco-Persian fighting-Tahmasp Quli Khan procecds to thc Caucasus-the Turks defeated,
peace made-Tahmasp Quli Khan's unsatisfactory relations with the European 'East India'
Companies-his attack on Basra fails partly through the assistance afforded by the English
Resident to the Turks-in r 736 Tahmasp Quli Khan bccomes Shah-his campaign against the
Lurs, and setting out to invest Kandahar, 1737-the killing ofShah Tahmasp II-Nadir Shah
invades India-the curious incident of the attack on his life-he has his son, Riza Quli, blinded
-the Capuchin Fr. Damian's letters of I 742 about Nadir Shah's health and the losses of his
troops in the operations in Daghistan 594

Bishop Fedeli, O.P., of Isfahan starts on a visit ad limzrıa, but dies at Shiraz, 1731-selection in
Rome of Fr. D. Salvini, O.P., as Archbishop of Nakhchiwan, and of the Carmelite Fr. Philip
Mary as Bishop of Isfahan, ı 732-survey of thc Carmelites left in Persia, r 736-45, and the
members of the Catholic community-abandonment of the mission at Shiraz, ı 738-a mission
settlement at Bushire-the position at Bantlar 'Abbas-and at Hamadan repairs effected to the
premises, but in 1744 Bıshop Emmanuel proposes to cede these to the Carmelites ofisfahan-
work at Basra-exigencies of the I:<"rench consul, M. Martainville-Fr. Emmanuel in 1730
obtams French official protection for the missionaries at Baghdad, and buys a site for a chapel
and house there, r 731-the schismatıcs instigate the Pasha to arrest him and seize the house of
the missionaries-the king of France appoints Fr. Emmanuel consul for France-plague in
Mesopotamıa-Fr. Emmanuel promoted to be Bishop of Baghdad, I 742, and is consecrated at
Malta-Carmelite missionaries at Mardin, Mausil, Diarbakr, Kirkuk-the Sacr. Cong. de
Prop. Fide delegate Fr. Leander of S. Cccilia and other·Carmelites to Upper Mesopotamia,
1747, for work among the Chaldaeans in particular-in Nakhchiwan the Turkish forces slay a
number of Dominicans and ravage the district-Pope Clement XI writes to Nadir Shah in favour
ofthese Uniats-the community in Nakhchiwan send a representative to Nadır Shah's Court­
'farmans' issued but remain a dead letter as regards ill-treatment and extortion-part of the
population emigrate-Tabriz placed temporarily under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of
Nakhchiwan-but in r746 the latter with most of his flock migrate to Smyrna-cruelties and
oppression by tax-gatherers and soldiers in Nakhchiwan, so that few Catholics remain . . 6ıo
XVI A Chronicle ef the Carmelites in Persia
The Katholikos of the Armenians-animosity of Lazar against the Catholics, and revival in
Persia of violence by the schismatics-intrigues with the Persian Court-theBishop of Isfahan
sends delegates to appeal to the Shah for protection-narrative of the religious disputation in
the presence of Nadir Shah's son-translation of the Gospels into Persian ordered by Nadir
Shah, Bishop Phılip Mary's part in this-the Sacr. Cong. de Prop. Fide subsidize expenses of the
translation, etc.-Nadir Shah's notion about making an offi.cial religion-the scene when the
translators of the Gospels, Old Testament, Quran, presented the fruits of their labours to the
Shah described-Nadir Shah allows liberty ofcreed in Julfa-in Aleppo also revocation ofa
decree of expulsion against a Uniat bishop and others-punishment of the schismatic patriarch
-description of the sites of the Latin convents in Isfahan and Julfa by Fr. Leander-replies
to the questionnaires from the Sacr. Cong. on the missions, and on the schismatic churches at
Julfa and elsewhere-Bishop Philip Mary of Isfahan dies, ı 749 631

Nadir Shah reopens hostilities against the Turks-siege ofBasra and blockade ofBaghdad-an
armistice, but the Turkish Court at Constantinople decline to ratify peace-Nadir Shah lays
waste Nakhchiwan district and other border regions-he then marches to suppress a revolt
in Sistan-his arrival in Isfahan, r 745, and narrative of his cruel extortions from the inhabitants
-he has two Armenian gentlemen, two Zoroastrians and four Jews, after an eye put out from
each, burnt alive in the Maidan ofisfahan-he is assassinated, June 1747 646


The contested succession-triangular contest between Azad Khan Afghan, Muhammad Hasan
Khan Qajar, Karim Khan Zand-the Bakhtiari assault and sack Isfahan, I 75 r-risks of travel­
the Christians fly from the country-the Afghans in possession of Isfahan, ı 7 53, take up quarters
in the Augustinian convent-the mulcting of Latin missionaries in impositions-Hamadan
ruined and almost deserted-East India Company reports as to the contest for power between
the rival chieftains in S. Persia-the Safawi prince Isma'il made a puppet Shah-the Afghan
Azad Khan finally defeated, 1757-Karim Khan Zand left in possession of control over eight
provinces-a period of comparative quiet till ı 763-but the Catholic Armenians do not return
to Julfa-removal of the Factories of the European 'East India' Companies from Bantlar
'Abbas-report of Mgr Cornelius of S. Joseph on the political condition of Persia, 1765-
Karim Khan's character-Sulaiman K'ab-Mir Muhanna the pirate, who drove the Dutch
from Kharg, Island, ı 766, details described-discord between Karim Khan Zand and the
agents of the E:aglish 'East India' Company at Bushire leads to the latter withdrawing from
Bushire toBasra, r 767, and the Carmelite mission following them in ı 769-Karim Khan's policy
towards Europeans-the manner in which Mir Muhanna became prominent, and of his being
put to death at Basra, r769-a report of r 772 by Mgr Cornelius of S. Joseph on the political
sıtuation in, and division of Persia among several rulers-numbers of refugees from Persia still
abroad-Karim Khan's policy-a reason ascribed for the withdrawal of the English Company
to Basra-in his !ast years Karim Khan goes to war with the Turks-Basra is besieged, and then
looted and occupied by a Persian force, ı 777 . . . . . • . . ·. 656

The Afghans ravage Nakhchiwan, and destroy churches and convents, 1752-reports of
Archbishop Salvini on conditions in the archdiocese, I 753 and ı 758-only seven out of thirty•
five Dominicans surviving-majority of the Catholic inhabitants settle in Smyrna district-
resignation and death of Archbishop Salvini, his tomb in S. Sabina, Rome . 67 4

Fr. Sebastian of S. Margaret appointed Bishop of Isfahan, 1750, consecrated in Baghdad,

does not return to Persia, but granted permission to reside temporarily at Basra-his proposal
for an exchange of Hamadan for Basra-rejected by Bishop Emmanuel of Baghdad-protest
by the latter to the French ministers-Mgr Sebastian, and his brother, the Vicar General, at
Bushire for a few months, I 753, but return to Basra-his death, ı 7 55-inventory of his effects­
as his successor the Sacr. Cong. propose, and the Pope approves Fr. Cornelius of S. Joseph
-gifts of literary style in the latter-captured by a corsair, is landed in Sardinia and there

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