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1. Components introduction
2. Creating data bound components
3. Nesting Components
4. Communication with child component using @Input
5. Communication with parent component using @Output
6. Using Template Variables to interact with child components
7. Styling Components
8. Angular CSS Encapsulation
9. Passing data into child components
10. Passing data out of a child components

Reusing Components
1. Content projection with ng-content - this is used to project the content in the template of the
2. Using ng-content with projection slot
3. Projecting and binding to component
4. @ContentChild and ngAfterContentInit
5. @ContentChildren and QueryLists
6. @ViewChild and ngAfterViewInit
7. @ViewChildren and QueryLists
8. @ViewChild and templare #refs
9. Platform agnostic renderer
10. Dynamic Component with ComponentFactoryResolver
11. Dynamic Component with @Input data
12. Dynamic Component with @Output subscription
13. Dynamic Component reordering
14. Passing context to dynamic template
15. Using ngTemplateOutlet
16. ViewEncapsulation

Components & Templates

1. Displaying Data
2. Template Syntax
3. User Input
4. Lifecycle Hooks
5. Component Interaction
6. Component Styles
7. Dynamic Components
8. Angular Elements
9. Attribute Directives
10. Structural Directives
11. Pipes
1. Creating Routing
2. Routing Parameters
3. Snapshot and observable approach
4. Optional Route Parameters
5. Query Parameters
6. Data using Route Resolver
7. Creating Child Routes
8. Secondary Routes
9. Route Guards

Routing Navigation & Animations

1. Introduction
2. Transition and Triggers
3. Complex Sequences
4. Reusable Animations
5. Route Transition Animations
1. HTTP services
2. Http Client
3. Post, Put, Delete , Get operation
4. Using Query string parameters
5. Integrating authentication with the server
6. Persisting authentication across page refresh

Dependency Injection
1. Angular Dependency Injection
2. Hierarchical Injectors
3. DI Providers
4. DI in Action
5. Navigate the Component Tree
1. Security
2. Internationalization (i18n)
3. Accessibility
4. Service Workers PWA
o Introduction
o Getting Started
o App Shell
o Service Worker Communication
o Service Worker in Production
o Service Worker Configuration
5. Server-side Rendering
1. Project File Structure
2. Workspace Configuration
3. npm Dependencies
4. TypeScript Configuration
5. Browser Support

Unit Testing Hands on

1. Karma setup and walkthrough
2. Testing pipes
3. Shallow testing pipes
4. Testing services with dependencies
5. Testing component methods
6. Testing @Input and @Output binding
7. Testing Component Template
8. Testing an Attribute directives

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