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 Section: Government

Best Practices in Data Warehousing

Les Pang
University of Maryland University College, USA

INTRODUCTION • U.S. Coast Guard Executive Information Sys-

Data warehousing has been a successful approach for • U.S. Navy Type Commander’s Readiness Man-
supporting the important concept of knowledge manage- agement System
ment—one of the keys to organizational success at the
enterprise level. Based on successful implementations of
warehousing projects, a number of lessons learned and BACKGROUND
best practices were derived from these project experi-
ences. The scope was limited to projects funded and Data warehousing involves the consolidation of data
implemented by federal agencies, military institutions from various transactional data sources in order to
and organizations directly supporting them. support the strategic needs of an organization. This ap-
Projects and organizations reviewed include the proach links the various silos of data that is distributed
following: throughout an organization. By applying this approach,
an organization can gain significant competitive advan-
• Census 2000 Cost and Progress System tages through the new level of corporate knowledge.
• Defense Dental Standard System Various agencies in the Federal Government at-
• Defense Medical Logistics Support System Data tempted to implement a data warehousing strategy in
Warehouse Program order to achieve data interoperability. Many of these
• Department of Agriculture Rural Development agencies have achieved significant success in improv-
Data Warehouse ing internal decision processes as well as enhancing the
• Department of Defense (DoD) Computerized delivery of products and services to the citizen. This
Executive Information System chapter aims to identify the best practices that were
• Department of Energy, Lawrence Livermore implemented as part of the successful data warehous-
National Laboratory, Enterprise Reporting Work- ing projects within the federal sector.
• Department of Health and Human Services, Health
Care Financing Administration (HFCA) Teraplex MAIN THRUST
Integration Center
• Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Envi- Each best practice (indicated in boldface) and its ra-
rofacts Warehouse tionale are listed below. Following each practice is a
• Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Investiga- description of illustrative project or projects (indicated
tive Data Warehouse in italics), which support the practice.
• Federal Credit Union
• Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Compliance Data Ensure the Accuracy of the Source Data
Warehouse to Maintain the User’s Trust of the
• Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Data
Information in a Warehouse
• U.S. Army Operational Testing and Evaluation
The user of a data warehouse needs to be confident
that the data in a data warehouse is timely, precise, and
complete. Otherwise, a user that discovers suspect data
in warehouse will likely cease using it, thereby reduc-

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