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The Effect Of Implementing Digital Marketing On

Interest For Buying Online Goods

Nila Lukita
Departemen Manajemen, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Departemen Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


Abstract. This research was conducted to determine the effect of the application of
digital marketing on the interest in purchasing goods online through the website. This
research method is by using a descriptive method that displays several images with the
current situation. The results of this study are to find out the extent to which the role of
e-commerse plays an important role in online business. The conclusion that can be
drawn from this study is that what influences the interest in buying goods online is the
promotion, discount, price and product quality commonly seen in the form of photos
and quality service. The advice given is to always maintain what is considered good by

Keywords: e-commerce, digital marketing, purchasing, buying interest

1. Introduction
The biggest change in human interaction is the growth in the development of online social networks that
facilitate online social behavior significantly has changed the nature of human desires and their
interactions. Social relations in the real world are now migrating or immigrating to the virtual world of
cyberspace that brings people from all over the world into an online community. It is very possible for
individuals to share knowledge, promote a different product or culture to entertain one another [6]. From
consumer ratings, the use of information communication technology has many benefits, namely
convenience, efficiency, broader and more diverse product choices, richer and more participatory
information, competitive prices, reduced costs [5].
When people experience the desire to buy a product, without careful consideration why and for what
someone needs the product is called an exclusive purchase. Desire is endurable and finally consumers
feel out of control so they do not pay attention to the consequences of these behaviors. Impulsive
purchases are usually short and spontaneous. The character of impulsive purchases can be understood
that this is common in consumers who interact with the shopping environment [4].
Rapid technological developments make it easy for us in the field of business. People are more
comfortable shopping online without having to go to the location or to the market. Simply using mobile
phones and internet shopping can be done easily and with time efficiency. By shopping online
prospective buyers will be more comfortable in transacting because the seller obtained by the
prospective buyer will consider the service quality rating and will not worry about making payments
[8]. Each process of the stage of online buying always involves different and conflicting interests for
consumers and sellers or commercial Web [9]. To adapt E-commerce sites there must be a
recommendation system, which is a key way to automate the masses. It will become increasingly
important in the future, because modern business will focus on the long-term value of customers for
business [10].
Digital marketing according to Chaffey (2016: 14) is to obtain marketing goals must be applied from
the internet and digital technologies related to traditional communication methods [3]. According to
Coviello, Milley and Marcolin (2001: 26) Digital marketing is connecting dialogue between companies
and consumers who have been identified using the internet and the use of other interactive technologies
According to Kotler, Armstrong (2008) there are five marketing concepts, namely:
1. Production concepts, distribution efficiency, increased production, available and very affordable
products are things consumers want.
2. The product concept, organization or company must drain its energy to make sustainable product
improvements because consumers will love products that offer the best quality, performance and
3. The concept of sales, if the product is sold on a scale of sales and promotional efforts, large consumers
will be more interested in buying.
4. Marketing Concepts Philosophy, knowledge of the needs and desires of the target market and
providing the desired satisfaction better than competitors is the achievement of the goals of an
5. The concept of Social Insight Marketing, companies must make good marketing decisions by paying
attention to consumer desires, company requirements, long-term consumer interests, and the long-term
interests of the community as a marketing principle. [1]
According to Schiffman and Kanuk (2007: 25) external influences, awareness of needs, and product
introduction and evaluation of alternative products are factors that can stimulate consumer buying
interest, external influences consist of marketing efforts and socio-cultural factors [3].
Ferdinand (2002: 25-26) repurchasing interest can be identified through the following indicators:
1. Transactional interest: that is, a product that has been consumed by a person's tendency to always
2. Referential interest: i.e. by reference to the consumption experience, a person's tendency to refer to
the product he has bought, so that it is also bought by someone else.
3. Preferential interest: This preference can only be replaced if something happens with the product of
preference, which is the interest that describes the behavior of someone who always has a primary
preference for the product that has been consumed.
4. Explorative interest: this interest describes the behavior of someone who is always looking for
information about the product that he is interested in and looking for information to support the positive
traits of the products he offers [2].

2. Method

This research method is by descriptive method to find out things related to online business or e-
commerce by using previous e-commerce development research. So that it can analyze how much
influence the system of implementing digital marketing on buying interest.

3. Results and Discussion

To attract buyers, sellers display on the main page a choice of categories that consumers will be
interested in. For example, in the fashion field, the main display is the choice, namely "shop by category"
starting from t-shirts, shoes, pants, jeans etc. Then display payment methods with various choices, for
example using m-banking, deposit cash, through supermarkets, and can directly buy in the shop. By
showing the steps to pay. (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Main menu.
At this stage the main menu is displayed to make it easier for consumers to choose what categories of
goods are needed by consumers. There are several categories offered and some of the best selling
products. (Figure 2).
Figure2. Product Menu

After consumers choose one that is in the main menu, for example, consumers choose a collection pants,
there will be several pants offered as shown above. Some pants offered may be one of the choices of
consumers. (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Product Recommendation

At this stage the website will offer several products by adjusting the history of previous purchases.
(Figure 4).
Figure 4. Purchase Form.

Shown products that have been chosen by consumers, the product details delivered are very clear
starting from the material, size, and price. (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Form of Payment

At this stage the buyer fills out a form in which there is an email to send payment information through
one of the desired payments.

After filling out the form provided, the items will be sent according to the address given by the consumer,
but the money cannot be returned by replacing the goods with other items. A small portion of Herspot
is the most important. There are many who are satisfied with the services available.

4. Conclusion
The development of increasingly advanced technological changes makes all difficulties easy.
Especially in the business field, everyone can buy something they need by just staying at home
through gadgets / internet without having to waste time visiting a location that will waste time. With
the existence of a market place all that is difficult becomes easy, and it is more convenient to find
items that are sought, besides that it is also safe to transact.

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