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Best Practices in Data Warehousing

Make Warehouse Data Available to All vendor that could be used to restrict access to certain
knowledgeworkers (not Only to data, such as HIV test results, so that any confidential B
Managers) data would not be disclosed (Hamblen, 1998). Con-
siderations must be made in the architecting of a data
The early data warehouses were designed to support warehouse. One alternative is to use a roles-based ar-
upper management decision-making. However, over chitecture that allows access to sensitive data by only
time, organizations have realized the importance of authorized users and the encryption of data in the event
knowledge sharing and collaboration and its relevance of data interception.
to the success of the organizational mission. As a result,
upper management has become aware of the need to Perform Analysis During the Data
disseminate the functionality of the data warehouse Collection Process
throughout the organization.
IRS Compliance Data Warehouse supports a diver- Most data analyses involve completing data collection
sity of user types—economists, research analysts, and before analysis can begin. With data warehouses, a new
statisticians—all of whom are searching for ways to approach can be undertaken.
improve customer service, increase compliance with Census 2000 Cost and Progress System was built to
federal tax laws and increase productivity. It is not consolidate information from several computer systems.
just for upper management decision making anymore The data warehouse allowed users to perform analyses
(Kmonk, 1999). during the data collection process; something was pre-
viously not possible. The system allowed executives
Supply Data in a Format Readable by to take a more proactive management role. With this
Spreadsheets system, Census directors, regional offices, managers,
and congressional oversight committees have the abil-
Although online analytical tools such as those sup- ity to track the 2000 census, which never been done
ported by Cognos and Business Objects are useful for before (SAS, 2000).
data analysis, the spreadsheet is still the basic tool used
by most analysts. Leverage User Familiarity with Browsers
U.S. Army OPTEC wanted users to transfer data to Reduce Training Requirements
and work with information on applications that they
are familiar with. In OPTEC, they transfer the data into The interface of a Web browser is very familiar to most
a format readable by spreadsheets so that analysts can employees. Navigating through a learning management
really crunch the data. Specifically, pivot tables found system using a browser may be more user friendly than
in spreadsheets allows the analysts to manipulate the using the navigation system of a proprietary training
information to put meaning behind the data (Microsoft, software.
2000). U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural
Development, Office of Community Development,
Restrict or Encrypt Classified/Sensitive administers funding programs for the Rural Empow-
Data erment Zone Initiative. There was a need to tap into
legacy databases to provide accurate and timely rural
Depending on requirements, a data warehouse can funding information to top policy makers. Through
contain confidential information that should not be Web accessibility using an intranet system, there were
revealed to unauthorized users. If privacy is breached, dramatic improvements in financial reporting accuracy
the organization may become legally liable for damages and timely access to data. Prior to the intranet, questions
and suffer a negative reputation with the ensuing loss such as “What were the Rural Development investments
of customers’ trust and confidence. Financial conse- in 1997 for the Mississippi Delta region?” required
quences can result. weeks of laborious data gathering and analysis, yet
DoD Computerized Executive Information System yielded obsolete answers with only an 80 percent ac-
uses an online analytical processing tool from a popular curacy factor. Now, similar analysis takes only a few
minutes to perform, and the accuracy of the data is as

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