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Best Practices in Data Warehousing

The Data Warehouse Institute (2007). Best Practices Hierarchical Data Files: Database systems that are
Awards 2007. organized in the shape of a pyramid with each row of
objects linked to objects directly beneath it. This ap-
proach has generally been superceded by relationship
database systems.
Knowledge Management: A concept where an
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information organization deliberately and comprehensively gathers,
Interchange. Serves a code for representing English organizes, and analyzes its knowledge, then shares it
characters as numbers with each letter assigned a internally and sometimes externally.
number from 0 to 127.
Legacy System: Typically, a database management
Data Warehousing: A compilation of data designed system in which an organization has invested consider-
to for decision support by executives, managers, analysts able time and money and resides on a mainframe or
and other key stakeholders in an organization. A data minicomputer.
warehouse contains a consistent picture of business
Outsourcing: Acquiring services or products from
conditions at a single point in time.
an outside supplier or manufacturer in order to cut costs
Database: A collection of facts, figures, and objects and/or procure outside expertise.
that is structured so that it can easily be accessed, or-
Performance Metrics: Key measurements of
ganized, managed, and updated.
system attributes that is used to determine the success
Enterprise Architecture: A business and per- of the process.
formance-based framework to support cross-agency
Pivot Tables: An interactive table found in most
collaboration, transformation, and organization-wide
spreadsheet programs that quickly combines and com-
pares typically large amounts of data. One can rotate
Extraction-Transformation-Loading (ETL): A its rows and columns to see different arrangements of
key transitional set of steps in migrating data from the the source data, and also display the details for areas
source systems to the database housing the data ware- of interest.
house. Extraction refers to drawing out the data from
Terabyte: A unit of memory or data storage capacity
the source system, transformation concerns converting
equal to roughly 1,000 gigabytes.
the data to the format of the warehouse and loading
involves storing the data into the warehouse. Total Cost of Ownership: Developed by Gartner
Group, an accounting method used by organizations
Geographic Information Systems: Map-based
seeking to identify their both direct and indirect sys-
tools used to gather, transform, manipulate, analyze,
tems costs.
and produce information related to the surface of the

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