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Print ISSN: 2338-6401 — Online ISSN: 2338-7335

Indonesian Journal of

VOL 3, N0 3
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi Indonesia

V OLUME 3, N O. 3, P AGE 121–182, July 2015

Daily Application of Evidence-Based Medicine

Research Articles

Husband's Support is a Main Factor Associated with
Contraceptive Practices

Female Sexual Function at Three Months Post-delivery in


Spontaneous Labor and Cesarean Section

Diagnostic Value of IGFBP-1 Rapid Test and Combined

IGFBP-1-AFP in Vaginal Fluid from Premature Rupture of
Amniotic Membranes

CC-Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Combined with

Growth Hormone in Mini-stimulation Protocol could
Improve Clinical Outcome in Poor Ovarian Responders


Endometrial Histology in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding with

Risk Factors


Pentoxifylline as a Therapy for Thin Endometrial Lining in



IIIB-IV Degree Perineal Rupture Repair Using Overlapping

and End-to-End Techniques with Pudendal Block


Accuracy of Intraoperative Frozen Section in Diagnosing

Malignancy of Ovarian Neoplasm

p53 Gene Codon 72 Polymorphisms among Cervical

Carcinoma Patients

Effect of Smoking on Advanced Stage Cervical Cancer

Patient Survival

Case Series
Pereira Suture: an Alternative Compression Suture to
JULY 2015

Treat Uterine Atony


Official publication of

Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology




Indones  J  Obstet  Gynecol
Majalah  Obstetri  dan  Ginekologi  Indonesia

Chief Editor Dr. dr. Junita Indarti, SpOG(K)

Vice Chief Editor Dr. dr. Dwiana Ocviyanti, SpOG(K)

Managing Editor Prof. dr. Med. Ali Baziad, SpOG(K) Dr. dr. Ali Sungkar, SpOG(K)
Prof. Dr. dr. Wachyu Hadisaputra, SpOG(K) Dr. Med. Damar Prasmusinto, SpOG(K)
Dr. dr. Noroyono Wibowo, SpOG(K) dr. Kanadi Sumapraja, SpOG(K), MSc
dr. Omo A Madjid, SpOG(K) dr. Herbert Situmorang, SpOG(K)
Dr. dr. Eka R Gunardi, SpOG(K) Dr. dr. Yuditya Purwosunu, SpOG(K)
dr. Andon Hestiantoro, SpOG(K)

Peer Reviewer this edition Prof. Dr. dr. Andrijono, SpOG(K) (Jakarta, Gynecologic Oncology)

Prof. dr. Ariawan Soejoenoes, SpOG(K) (Semarang, Social Obstetrics and Gynecology)
dr. Arietta Pusponegoro, SpOG(K) (Jakarta, Social Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Dr. dr. Budi Wiweko, SpOG(K) (Jakarta, Reproductive Immunoendocrinology)
Prof. Dr. Djamhoer Martaadisoebrata, SpOG(K) ( Bandung, Social Obstetrics and Gynecology)
Dr. dr. Fidel G Siregar, SpOG(K) (Medan, Reproductive Immunoendocrinology)
Dr. dr. Hariyono Winarto, SpOG(K) (Jakarta, Gynecology Oncology)
Dr. dr. Hendy Hendarto, SpOG(K) (Surabaya, Reproductive Immunoendocrinology)
dr. Heru Pradjatmo, SpOG(K) (Yogyakarta, Gynecology Oncology)
dr. Nuswil Bernolian, SpOG(K) (Palembang, Fetomaternal)
Dr. dr. Suskhan Djusad, SpOG(K) (Jakarta, Urogynecology)
dr. Gita Pratama, SpOG (Jakarta, Reproductive Immunoendocrinology)
Dr. dr. Sri Sulistyawati, SpOG(K) (Surakarta, Fetomaternal)
Dr. dr. Tatit Nurseta, SpOG(K) (Malang, Gynecology Oncology)
Dr. dr. Tono Djuwantono, SpOG(K), M.Kes (Bandung, Reproductive Immunoendocrinology)

International Peer Reviewer Prof. Togas Tulandi, MD, MHCM (Milton Leong Chair in Reproductive Medicine,
McGill University, Montreal Canada)
English Consultant dr. Ditha Adriana Loho

Administrative Staff Frachma Della Siregar, Eko Subaktiansyah

Publisher Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology

First Published July 1st 1974

Legal Information Ministers Decision Republic of Indonesia No. 016/KHS/DIT.P/II.1a/74

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the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
(No.:212/P/2014, 3 Juli 2014)

Majalah Obstetri dan Ginekologi Indonesia (MOGI) is the official publication of the Association of Obstetrics and
Gynecology Indonesia since 1974. In 2010, the name is changed into Indonesian Journal Obstetrics and Gynecology
(INAJOG). Due to this fact, we announced that the ISSN number will be changed from ISSN 0303-7924 into 2338-6401,
and starting from July 2013 edition, the volume will be changed into Volume 1 No 3.

Printed by Tridasa Printer, Jakarta. Print ISSN 2338 – 6401  Online ISSN 2338 – 7335

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Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology will be pleased Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology menerima sum-
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Keywords (3 - 5 words) should be provided below the abstract. 4. Pendahuluan, menunjukkan latar belakang masalah, tata cara pe-
4. Introduction, comprises the problem’s background, its formulation nelitian, tujuan diadakannya penelitian, serta prospeknya di masa
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5. Method, containing clarification on used materials and scheme of 5. Metode, merupakan penjelasan tentang bahan yang digunakan dan
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6. Result, should be presented in logical sequence with minimum
number of tables and illustrations necessary for summarizing only 6. Hasil, disusun dalam urutan logis, jumlah tabel dan ilustrasi mini-
important observations. The vertical and horizontal line in the table mum dan hanya pada hasil penelitian yang sangat penting. Garis
should be made at the least to simplify the view. Mathematical vertikal dan horisontal dalam tabel harus dihilangkan. Persamaan
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should be cited in the text in consecutive order. Explain in footnotes berurutan. Jelaskan dalam catatan kaki semua singkatan tidak stan-
all non-standard abbreviations that are used. dar yang digunakan.
7. Discussion, explaining the meaning of the examination’s results, 7. Diskusi, menjelaskan makna hasil pembahasan, dengan cara bagai-
in what way the reported result can solve the problems, differences
and equalities with previous study and development possibilities. mana hasil dilaporkan dapat memecahkan masalah, perbedaan dan
This section should include the conclusion of the reported work kesamaan-kesamaan dengan studi sebelumnya dan kemungkinan
and suggestion for further studies if necessary. pembangunan. Bagian ini harus mencakup kesimpulan pembahasan
8. Conclusion, answer(s) to the research question, should be written tersebut dan saran untuk studi lebih lanjut jika diperlukan.
in brief and clear descriptive sentences. 8. Kesimpulan, merupakan jawaban atas pertanyaan penelitian. Di-
9. Reference, should be arranged according to the Vancouver system. tuliskan dalam kalimat-kalimat deskriptif yang singkat dan jelas.
References must be identified in the text by the super script Arabic 9. Referensi, harus disusun menurut sistem Vancouver. Referensi harus
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tioned in the text. The reference list should appear at the end of
the articles in numeric sequence. perscript agar berturut-turut seperti yang disebutkan dalam teks.
Daftar referensi harus terlihat diakhir artikel dalam urutan numerik.
I. Research reports preparation guidelines
The text of research report should be devided into the following I. Pedoman penyusunan laporan penelitian
sections: title,  name  of  author(s), abstract, objective, method, Laporan penelitian harus ditulis dalam format sebagai berikut:
result that ended by conclusion, references. judul, nama penulis, abstrak, pendahuluan, tujuan, metode, ha­
II. Reviews article preparation guidelines sil yang diakhiri dengan kesimpulan, referensi.
The text of literature reviews should be devided into the following
sections: title, name  of  author(s), abstract, introduction, over­ II. Pedoman penyusunan tinjauan pustaka
view that ended by conclusion, references. Tinjauan pustaka harus dibagi menjadi bagian berikut: judul,  na­
III. Case reports preparation guidelines ma penulis, abstrak, pendahuluan, tinjauan yang diakhiri dengan
The text of case reports should be devided into the following sec- kesimpulan, referensi.
tions: title, name  of  author(s), abstract, introduction, case(s), III. Pedoman penyusunan laporan kasus
and case  management that completed with photograph/descrip- Laporan kasus harus dibagi menjadi bagian berikut: judul, nama
tive illustrations, discussion that ended by conclusion, refer­ penulis, abstrak, pendahuluan, kasus, dan manajemen  kasus
yang dilengkapi dengan foto/ilustrasi deskriptif, diskusi yang di-
Each article contains a maximum of three graphs. Colour or black akhiri dengan kesimpulan, referensi.
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All accepted manuscript and their accompanying illustration become artikel, memastikan keringkasan, kejelasan, dan konsistensi gaya sesuai
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the Publisher, the Editorial board, and their respective employees of pendapat atau pernyataan muncul pada naskah merupakan tanggung
the Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology accept no re- jawab kontributornya. Oleh karena itu, Penerbit, Dewan redaksi, dan
sponsibility or liability what so ever for the consequences of any such karyawan Indonesian  Journal  of  Obstetrics and Gynecology tidak
inaccurate or misleading data, opinion, or statement. Ethical clearance bertanggung jawab atau berkewajiban apapun atas konsekuensi dari
should be attached on research report and case report article. setiap data, pendapat, atau pernyataan yang tidak akurat atau menye-
Indones  J  Obstet  Gynecol
Majalah  Obstetri  dan  Ginekologi  Indonesia
Volume 3, Number 3, Page 121 – 182, July 2015
Junita  Indarti 122 Daily Application of Evidence­Based Medicine

Research  Articles
Darrell  Fernando 123 Husband’s Support is a Main Factor Associated with Contraceptive Practices
Rachmat  Dediat Husband’s support is a main factor associated with contraceptive practice. The choice of contracep-
Jakarta tive method should be adjusted according to the ability and desire of patients to prevent failures
in family planning.
Suntoro 127 Female Sexual Function at Three Months Post­delivery in Spontaneous
I  Putu  G  Kayika Labor and Cesarean Section
Jakarta Spontaneous labor is statistically significant for sexual dysfunction at three months post-delivery,
especially for sexual encouragement and orgasm accession. Meanwhile, the variables with the age
of 30 years old or older of age were influential on sexual dysfunction, especially to the sexual sti-
muli variable.
Aryati 133 Diagnostic  Value  of  IGFBP­1  Rapid  Test  and  Combined  IGFBP­1­AFP  in
Lulut  Kusumawati Vaginal Fluid from Premature Rupture of Amniotic Membranes
Agus  Sulistyono Combined IGFBP-1-AFP rapid test has a better diagnostic value than IGFBP-1 rapid test alone.
Arie  A  Polim 140 CC­Human Menopausal Gonadotropin Combined with Growth Hormone in
Ivan  R  Sini Mini­stimulation Protocol could Improve Clinical Outcome in Poor Ovarian
Indra  NC  Anwar Responders
Caroline  Hutomo
CC-HMG regimen in mini-stimulation protocol is an effective option in poor responders.
Aryando  Pradana Additional GH in mini-stimulation program provided a higher number of top quality
Kurniawati embryos in women older than 40 years old, although there were no difference in clinical or
Erliana  Fani ongoing pregnancy rate.
Rudy  Hasan 146 Endometrial Histology in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding with Risk Factors
Eddy  Suparman There is a significant relationship between BMI and high fasting blood glucose with endometrial
Rudy  A  Lengkong hyperplasia.
Muharam  Natadisastra 151 Pentoxifylline as a Therapy for Thin Endometrial Lining in Infertility
Riyan  H  Kurniawan There was significant improvement of endometrial lining after pentoxifylline therapy.
Devi  M  Malik
Nuring  Pangastuti 154 IIIB­IV Degree Perineal Rupture Repair Using Overlapping and End­to­End
Junizaf Techniques with Pudendal Block Anesthesia
Ibnu  Pranoto There was no difference in the incidence of persistent sonographic anal sphincter defects, fecal
Budi  I  Santoso urgency, anal incontinence, and fecal incontinence, after IIIb-IV degree perineal rupture repair
Tyas  Priyatini using overlapping technique in comparison with end-to-end technique.
Yogyakarta, Jakarta
Tofan  W  Utami 161 Accuracy  of  Intraoperative  Frozen  Section  in  Diagnosing  Malignancy  of
Jasmine  Iskandar Ovarian Neoplasm
Gregorius  Tanamas We found that the accuracy of intraoperative frozen section in our facility is adequate to diagnose
Mona  Jamtani ovarian neoplasm and can be used to assist in determining the extent of surgical management.
Laila  Nuranna
Kartiwa  H  Nuryanto
Rustham  Basyar 165 p53 Gene Codon 72 Polymorphisms among Cervical Carcinoma Patients
Agustria  Z  Saleh Proline mutation to Arginine in gene p53 P72R is one of the risk factor for cervical carcinoma.
Irawan  Sastradinata
Bram  Pradipta 170 Effect of Smoking on Advanced Stage Cervical Cancer Patient Survival
Andrijono In our study, smoking habits do not aggravate survival rate of advanced stage cervical cancer
Ahmad  Fuady patients but further research must be done with more sample. Stage, and tumor size both by
Jakarta physical examination and ultrasound can be used as the prognostic factor.

Case  Series 
Agung  B  Setiyono 177 Pereira Suture: an Alternative Compression Suture to Treat Uterine Atony
Alamsyah  Aziz Pereira suture is an alternative surgical procedure for the treatment of uterine atony after failed
Agus  Sulistyono conservative management.
Johanes  C  Mose
Bandung, Surabaya
Indones J
154 Pangastuti et al Obstet Gynecol

Research Article

IIIB-IV Degree Perineal Rupture Repair Using Overlapping and

End-to-End Techniques with Pudendal Block Anesthesia
Hasil Reparasi Robekan Perineum Derajat IIIB-IV Teknik Tumpang Tindih
dan Ujung ke Ujung dengan Anestesi Blok Pudendal

Nuring Pangastuti1, Junizaf2, Ibnu Pranoto1, Budi I Santoso2, Tyas Priyatini2

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
1Faculty of Medicine University of Gadjah Mada
Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital
2Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia

Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital


Abstract Abstrak

Objective: To compare the incidence of persistent sonographic anal Tujuan: Untuk membandingkan kejadian persistent sonographic anal
sphincter defect, fecal urgency, anal and fecal incontinence after IIIb- sphincter defect, urgensi fekal, inkontinensia anal maupun fekal, pasca-
IV degree perineal rupture repair using overlapping and end-to-end reparasi robekan perineum derajat IIIb-IV dengan teknik tumpang tin-
technique. dih dan ujung ke ujung.
Method: An open clinical trial with randomization was carried out in Metode: Dilakukan penelitian uji klinis terbuka dengan randomisasi
July 2010-April 2012. The population consisted of the patients who pada bulan Juli 2010-April 2012. Kriteria inklusi adalah pasien per-
underwent vaginal delivery in Dr. Sardjito Central General Hospital, salinan pervaginam di RSUP Dr. Sardjito, RSUD Kabupaten Sle-
Sleman District General Hospital, as well as Tegalrejo, Jetis and Mer- man, Puskesmas Tegalrejo, Jetis dan Mergangsan, Yogyakarta, yang
gangsan Community Health Centers who did no have complaints of
sebelumnya tidak memiliki keluhan urgensi fekal, inkontinensia anal,
fecal urgency, anal incontinence, and/or fecal incontinence, and suf-
fered IIIb-IV degree perineal rupture repaired within less than 24 dan/atau inkontinensia fekal, yang mengalami robekan perineum
hours of rupture. The exclusion criteria included conditions in which derajat IIIb-IV dengan reparasi kurang dari 24 jam sejak kejadian
patients could not undergo repair at the moment (shock, uncoopera- ruptur. Kriteria eksklusi adalah pasien yang tidak memungkinkan un-
tive patient). Fourty-eight research samples were divided into 2 tuk dilakukan reparasi saat itu (syok, tidak dapat bekerja sama). Em-
groups, 24 samples for each of the treatment group (overlapping re- pat puluh delapan sampel penelitian dibagi dalam dua kelompok,
pair) and the control group (end-to-end repair). Local anesthesia was masing-masing 24 sampel pada kelompok perlakuan (reparasi tum-
performed in a pudendal-block manner. pang tindih) dan kelompok kontrol (reparasi ujung ke ujung). Anestesi
Result: Success of the repair was assessed based on the presence of lokal dilakukan secara blok pudendal.
persistent sonographic anal sphincter defects in the 6-week evaluation Hasil: Keberhasilan reparasi dinilai dari gambaran persistent sonographic
after repair. Successful repair was higher in the overlapping group anal sphincter defect 6 minggu pascareparasi. Keberhasilan pada kelompok
than that of the end-to-end group (94.74% vs 81.25%, p=0.31). tumpang tindih lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok ujung ke ujung
Clinically and based on the Fecal Continence Scoring Scale (FCSS), (94,74% vs 81,25%, p=0,31). Secara klinis maupun berdasarkan FCSS
evaluation at weeks II and VI indicated successful repair in both (Fecal Continence Scoring Scale), evaluasi minggu kedua dan keenam
groups. menunjukkan keberhasilan reparasi di kedua kelompok.
Conclusion: There was no difference in the incidence of persistent
Kesimpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan kejadian persistent sonographic
sonographic anal sphincter defects, fecal urgency, anal incontinence,
and fecal incontinence, after IIIb-IV degree perineal rupture repair anal sphincter defect, urgensi fekal, inkontinensia anal maupun fekal pas-
using overlapping technique in comparison with end-to-end tech- careparasi robekan perineum derajat IIIb-IV dengan teknik tumpang
nique. tindih dan teknik ujung ke ujung.
[Indones J Obstet Gynecol 2015; 3: 154-160] [Maj Obstet Ginekol Indones 2015; 3: 154-160]
Keywords: end-to-end technique, III-IV degree perineal rupture, Kata kunci: robekan perineum obstetri, robekan perineum derajat III-
obstetric perineal rupture, overlapping technique IV, teknik tumpang tindih, teknik ujung ke ujung

Correspondence: Nuring Pangastuti, Blunyah Gede 214 RT 12/34, Sinduadi Mlati, Sleman, Yogyakarta. Telephone: 0274-587333 (ext:291),
0274-544003, 08122703752. Email:

conducted aid measures for vaginal delivery, more
Vaginal deliveries remain regarded as the most se- than 85% of women experience perineal trauma, and
cure and economical delivery procedures.1 In well- about 60-70% of them require repair. Some patients
Vol 3, No 3
July 2015 IIIB-IV degree perineal rupture 155

even experience III-to-IV degree perineal rupture. anal sphincter, which is further divided into IIIa
Research in Europe shows that as many as 0.5-3% (<50% of the external anal sphincter), IIIb (>50%
of III-IV degree perineal rupture can be encoun- of the thickness of the external anal sphincter), and
tered, while in the United States the incidence reach IIIc (when the rupture reaches the internal anal
6-9%, with some sources reporting it to be 20%.2-5 sphincter); and grade IV, which is the III-degree
The incidence varies due to differences in the system rupture accompanied with anal mucosa.3,7,16,19,20
used to measure the rupture degree, ignorance of
Obstetricians have recognized the end-to-end
both delivery helpers and delivery patients, as well
technique since a long time ago as traditional/stand-
as the assumption that perineal trauma and its ac-
companying problems are something normal as a ard techniques. The overlapping technique is more
consequence of vaginal deliveries.6 widely used by colorectal surgeons and in gyneco-
logy in cases of fecal incontinence. In general, the
The standard technique for III-IV degree perineal results of the repair depend highly on the diagnostic
rupture repair is external anal sphincter suturing us- accuracy, the selected repair technique, the thread
ing an end-to-end technique. In 1999, Sultan et al used, as well as post-repair treatment. Local anes-
introduced a new technique, namely an overlapping thesia (infiltration or pudendal block) can be used
technique, and reported a decrease in the incidence on almost all measures of perineal repair, although
of anal incontinence from 41% to around 8% in general or regional anesthesia produces better
patients undergoing an overlapping repair technique. sphincter relaxation.3,7,9,21-23 Evaluation on results of
Research by Fernando et al noted the incidence of repair is performed at weeks 1, 2, 6, and 3 months
fecal urgency to be 32% in end-to-end cases and after repair. Complaints to be evaluated are com-
3.7% in overlapping cases (p=0,02).7 plaints related to suturing, possibility of infection
Perineum is the outer door of the pelvis that is up to dehiscence, impaired urination, defecation and
divided into 2 triangles. The front triangle is called dyspareunia.5 Evaluation in the third month can be
the urogenital triangle, and the triangle located be- done using ultrasonography, anal manometry, elec-
hind the end of the anal canal is the anal triangle. tromyography, measurement of pudendal nerve ter-
The anal sphincter complex spans 3-4 cm in length minal latency time, and magnetic resonance imaging
and consists of external and internal anal sphincters. (MRI).21,24-27
’Loop concepts’ (upper, middle, and basal loops) Pudendal nerves are somatic nerves found in the
feature a single sphincter unit, which have different pelvic region that innervate the external genitalia in
structures and functions.8-11 The perineal body is a both men and women. These nerves originate from
three-dimensional central point between the uro- the sacral plexus, from the S2 to S4 ventral rami.
genital triangle and the anal triangle, consisting of The pudendal block anesthesia provides local anes-
the bulbospongiosus muscle fibers, superficial thesia to the perineal region and to approximately
transverse perineal muscle fibers and external anal
the lower third of the vagina. Complications include
sphincter muscles.8,11-13
allergic reactions, systemic toxic reactions, vaginal
Several risk factors for perineal rupture include wall lacerations, hematoma, infections and subglu-
prolonged second stage, precipitated parturition, a teal abscess, until fatal complications (convulsions
history of perineal rupture, large babies, malposi- to death).11,23,28-30 The anesthetic drug of lignocaine
tion, instrument-assisted delivery, short perineum, 1-2% either with or without adrenaline is diluted
and episiotomy, as well as infiltration of local anes- into 0.5%. The maximum dose is 4 mg/kg body
thetics.1,3,12,14-17 There are two types perineal rup- weight for lignocaine without adrenaline, and 7
ture due to obstetric anal sphincter injuries, overt mg/kg weight for lignocaine with adrenaline
and occult. The latter type usually occurs as a result (1:200.000).31 The pudendal-block anesthetic tech-
of the error determining the diagnosis, when the nique is a relatively inexpensive anesthetic tech-
III-IV degree perineal rupture is considered to be nique, is quite easy to perform and can be done in
II degree.18 all delivery-assisting places.
According to Sultan, there are classifications for In this study, we aim to compare the incidence
perineal trauma, namely grade I, which comprise of persistent sonographic anal sphincter defect, fecal
only the vaginal epithelium or perineal skin lacera- urgency, anal and fecal incontinence after IIIb-IV
tions; grade II, when only involving the perineal degree perineal rupture repair using overlapping and
muscles; grade III, which is rupture that reaches the end-to-end technique.
Indones J
156 Pangastuti et al Obstet Gynecol

METHODS Persistent sonographic anal sphincter defects re-

fer to fixed pictures of ultrasonography in the forms
This study was an open clinical trial with computer of anal sphincter muscle defects after perineal rup-
randomization. Patients were divided into two ture repair, either with or without clinical com-
groups, the treatment group receiving overlapping plaints.25,26 Fecal urgency refers to the condition
perineal rupture repair, and the control group where patients feel like they would like to have a
receiving end-to-end repair. bowel movement and cannot hold it until they arrive
The population consisted of patients who under- at the toilet (less than 5 minutes).3,32 In this study,
went vaginal delivery with perineal rupture degrees anal incontinence is used in cases of flatus inconti-
IIIb, IIIc or IV, hospitalized in Dr. Sardjito Central nence in order to distinguish it from fecal inconti-
General Hospital, Sleman District General Hospitals, nence, which is defined as the inability to control
as well as Tegalrejo, Jetis and Mergangsan Commu- the discharge of liquid and solid feces.16,17,32
nity Health Centers in Yogyakarta. The inclusion cri-
Antibiotics were given prior to the repair action,
teria included patients without previous complaints
of fecal urgency, fecal or anal incontinence, with the that was 1 gram of Ampicillin intravenously, with
repair being performed within less than 24 hours of allergy testing performed beforehand. Patients with
the rupture, and the patients were willing to partici- allergies can take 1 gram of Cefotaxime. Oral anti-
pate in the study. The exclusion criteria included con- biotic Ampicillin caplets 500 mg/6 hours and Me-
ditions where the patients could not undergo repair tronidazole tablets 500 mg/8 hours were given for
at the moment (shock or uncooperative patient). The 5 days. Analgesics were given orally, specifically me-
study was conducted from July 2010 until April 2012. fenamic acid caplets 500 mg every 8 hours, or
ibuprofen tablets 100 mg every 12 hours for 5 days.
The independent variable consisted of perineal A spoon of laxantia syrup was given every 12 hours
rupture degrees IIIb, IIIc or IV repair using over-
for 7 days along with a high-fiber diet. Suppository
lapping and end-to-end techniques. The dependent
drug administration was not allowed.
variable was repair success defined as the absence of
persistent sonographic anal sphincter defects, fecal The Dauer catheter number 14F was installed for
urgency, anal incontinence, and fecal incontinence. 24 hours. Residual urine examination was performed
no later than 6 hours after the catheter had been
Repair was initiated with pudendal-block anes-
removed and the patient could urinate spontane-
thesia using lidocaine 1%.23,30 The rectal mucosa
ously. Perineal treatment was done by always main-
was sutured using interrupted sutures with poly-
taining cleanliness. The patient could be discharged
glactin 910 thread number 3-0, intraluminal knots,
from the hospital after they could urinate sponta-
followed by continued suturing of internal anal
neously without any complaint.
sphincter. Repair of the external anal sphincter was
performed using techniques determined based on Evaluation at weeks 1 and 2 after the repair was
computer randomization, including the overlapping made to assess any complaints, the condition of the
technique and end-to-end technique, with poly- repaired tissue, the ability of flatus and bowel move-
glactin 910 thread number 2-0. The end-to-end re- ment. Assessment was also carried out to fill the
pair technique is a suturing technique performed by Fecal Continence Scoring Scale.3 At week 6, evalua-
bringing the ends of the external anal sphincter on tion was performed using digital rectal examination
both sides to be united and to perform sutures at and ultrasonography. Pelvic floor muscle exercises
the ends of the muscles with sufficient thickness in a Kegel manner was introduced to patients at
(3-4 sutures). The overlapping repair technique is a week 1 after repair.
suturing technique that brings together the ends of
the external anal sphincter with mattress sutures re- Ultrasonography examination using a Voluson
sulting in a greater surface of inter-contacting tis- 730 pro 3D USG tool in a transperineal manner was
sues between the two ends of the muscles.9 Perineal performed to assess the presence of persistent
muscles were sutured interruptedly using the same sonographic anal sphincter defects. Abdominal
thread. Repair of the vaginal mucosa began at 1 cm probe that had been lubricated and covered with a
above the top of the rupture wounds, with unlocked special type of plastic was placed on the fourchette.
running sutures, and then the perineal skin was su- Assessment was made to determine the presence or
tured using continuous subcuticular suturing, using absence of defects in the internal and external anal
polyglactin 910 number 3-0. sphincter.
Vol 3, No 3
July 2015 IIIB-IV degree perineal rupture 157

Repair was considered successful if there were no ized to the repair group using an overlapping tech-
persistent sonographic anal sphincter defect pictures nique and 24 patients randomized to the repair
obtained in the evaluation at week 6 after repair. group using an end-to-end technique.
Repair was considered as failed if there were pictures
During the week 1 and 2 evaluation, all the pa-
of persistent sonographic anal sphincter defects,
and/or fecal urgency complaints, and/or anal incon- tients were considered to have successful repair of
tinence, and/or fecal incontinence obtained at week the perineal rupture. After 6 week evaluation, there
6 after repair, when dehiscence until the external were 5 patients who cannot be contacted in the
anal sphincter occurred, or when failure or compli- overlapping group, while in the end-to-end group
cations of anesthesia occurred. there were 8 patients who cannot be contacted for
follow-up. Therefore, we have 19 samples in the
overlapping group and 16 samples in the end-to-end
RESULTS group at 6 weeks post-repair. There was one sample
who had failed repair in the overlapping group,
Forty-eight research samples with IIIb-IV degree while three patients in the end-to-end group had
perineal rupture were recruited, 24 patients random- failed repair.

Vaginal parturient patients with IIIb-IV degree perineal rupture

(Dr Sardjito Central General Hospital/ Sleman District General Hospital/
Tegalrejo/Jetis/Mergangsan Community Health Centers- Yogyakarta)
48 samples

Perineal rupture repair


overlapping end-to-end
24 samples 24 samples

Evaluation Weeks 1 & 2

overlapping end-to-end
24 samples 24 samples

Succeed: Failed: Succeed: Failed:

24 samples 0 sample 24 samples 0 sample

Evaluation Week 6
overlapping end-to-end
19 samples 16 samples

Clinical appearance: Clinical appearance:

Succeed: Failed: Succeed: Failed:
19 samples 0 sample 16 samples 0 sample

Ultrasonography: Ultrasonography:
Succeed: Failed: Succeed: Failed:
18 samples 1 sample 13 samples 3 samples

Defect: 1 sample Defect: 3 samples

(SAE+SAI) (SAE+SAI:1, only SAE:2)
Indones J
158 Pangastuti et al Obstet Gynecol
Table 1. The Occurrence of Persistent Sonographic Anal Sphincter Defects at Evaluation Week 6
Internal anal sphincter defects
Repair Technique % RR (95%CI) p
Yes No
Overlapping 1 18 5.26 0.83 (0.05-14.48) 1.00
End-to-End 1 15 6.25

External anal sphincter defects

Repair Technique % RR (95%CI) p
Yes No
Overlapping 1 18 5.26 0.24 (0.02-2.58) 0.24
End-to-End 3 13 18.75

We can see from Table 1 that in the group who internal and external anal sphincter defect, and the
underwent overlapping repair, the sample who had other two patients only suffered external anal
persistent sonographic anal sphincter defect had in- sphincter defect. However, this difference was not
ternal and external anal sphincter defect. Out of the found to be significant statistically.
three samples who had failed repair, one sample had

Figure 1. Ultrasonography Pictures for Sample Number 29

Figure 2. Ultrasonography Pictures for Sample Number 44

Table 2. Success of Perineal Repair (Ultrasonography) at Evaluation Week 6

Repair Success
Repair Technique % RR (95%CI) p
Yes No
Overlapping 18 1 94.74 4.15 (0.39-44.57) 0.31
End-to-End 13 3 81.25
Vol 3, No 3
July 2015 IIIB-IV degree perineal rupture 159
Table 3. Success of Perineal Repair (Clinical) in Evaluation Weeks 2 and 6
Repair Technique Repair Success at Week 2 Repair Success at Week 6
Yes No % Yes No %
Overlapping 24 0 100 19 0 100
End-to-End 24 0 100 10 0 100

From Table 2 we can see that the success rates in Yogyakarta, especially in the area of Sleman Re-
of both repair techniques were high, with the over- gency.
lapping technique having 94.74% success rate, and
Based on the data presented, it remains necessary
the end-to-end technique had 81.25% success rate.
to conduct further research in Indonesia with more
Statistically, no significant difference was found be-
samples in order to generate maximum research
tween both groups (p=0.31). However, from Table
findings. The selection of either overlapping or end-
3 we can see that no clinical indication of failed re-
to-end repair technique should be adapted to the
pair was found in either groups at both the 2-week
perineal conditions and situations at the time the
and 6-week evaluation.
repair is performed since the success rates of both
techniques did not show a significant difference.
The research findings show that the samples in both
groups are homogeneous. The success of repair was In this study, there were no differences in the inci-
assessed based on the presence or absence of images dence of persistent sonographic anal sphincter de-
related to persistent sonographic anal sphincter de- fects after IIIb-IV degree perineal rupture repair
fect in the 6th week evaluation after repair. In this using an overlapping technique in comparison with
assessment, successful repair in the overlapping an end-to-end technique. Similarly, there were no
group reached 94.74%, higher than the end-to-end differences in terms of repair results in relation to
group (81.25%). However, it was not found to be the presence of fecal urgency, anal incontinence, and
significantly different (p=0.31). Some risk factors fecal incontinence.
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